HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-06, Page 7-
11 t • ff Pauvtiavgs, hiss GrarYk, Miss Liviwg_ Livingston; stall petper de,sign, Miss
Q} ��f e g (�r'A� Go LIC �y l (ton; ,Piece: art ,world, MIs Livings- ILimnlgsiion,.Mtss M,C]Call"I '
Letters t7 to thfJ � EOto §" Y 1. ILII " ! k . I' Long Mrs O, Jervis; colleeiioat titaiber FL'OW'ERS
Blyth, P am I
. stets n„ b!eedrug oi- prof udin+r piles color, Miss G!ralit,'Miss Livingston, 1. Salle Uouquet, Mrs, Jollin Galbraitb,
gi>. quidkly and. don't came, back, if'. P F a 10 FLORAIL-EXtHIBITS R. J. hoover, cut fi:o�iaers,'$:_J. Hooly-..:..
ou t e ill ' renroue the cause. bad =h, er, Mrs, Alegi. Sitew'art, Pa'ivaes, �$iss '
. ALL HONOR TO MIR. BENNETT ',) - As'tcrs, 10 bloonns, Mrs Jac. Vt rl t
• ^y blood circulation in the lower bowe"I _ � tVLd'Cal;tu.nt, M'rs. L, Cow Lhiii tlox,
I 1'o tile' Edlitoi the se.ufoltlh Newns; h .�, Iierib lfcEkoY; asters, 4 calors; Alias g ; v ,
and heniornho{dal vents causes Pi
les R. J. IToo,ver, �iYs:' Brat161econtb o:
Set;--IWiliat is the use cP senkUurg Iby malnrng the affected Parts weak, Mice Gillesipie, Mrs. Jivo. 'Wrigh,i; i
flabby, alnlos't dead, 8alvts and sup- HIO'RSFi'S 11 1R. & P., ,Proctor; Northern ,.Silly, Herlb ,da -lias Mrs, John Wright, Miss Gill- isbo!cks, R. J. lPoov.dr, Mrs. ' Brkinbl�e
delegate, to Oshawa to a{pao<tcil the fta y, h
E.il b cause Diol' an internal lrO Nlrs. J. B, ,Orr' 'R, ''12, 7 Sa com'b' petuniais Mrs. J; Zral;b'taiitlh,
parlianitenitarians oil a-lly suib'jec't wvheri; posiitor±cs 1 e 3 tAgticultural� [Brood inane and foal, YIdL Y, J : esiple, tgia'dioli, Wn1. Logan; srteet
.14lcene that'sfimulates the cineole n niv Earl Catd•eir, ,R, and R, _ FMrs. L. C'ou hlin; dt-anbhnits R.
the people have iit in :t'lleir Dawn Paw'er' .• to b ood ,linos, ,Bollger, loal, horse -or snare; IT. IG ee t „ P;eas, Jame Lodkie, O. Turnbull; zin g J.
uo,!i and delves out the inil re l to RiliSon Ru'ss'eit, Wesl'e'y • 1FDo'omer• �ladidlus'si ike'Ed, Br ails
,to 'a certal±i e teltit to r• -i- hit matters, can actually correct the cause of Piles., tBolge'r; iAlerani'der !MIdD'on'ald; gelairt'g '1' o -r' ias, James L'ackie, Will. ,Logan; roses, P Y
g a Y ,,
r rd discovered a real' a' it iElnve: Ha'- :Keic'htiie, Mrs. J. tB. Orr; goilden rus- lRoy Roland; verbenas, Dir.,J. Grieve,
It would sold help a great deal bo i)ngrro ye ]h. J. S. Leola t ,or i lily, L. years, fl2oy 'lo r, t Wm-. Logan, Jvs,cp'hine Wdodicack; nJ.
ri 1 e raised'. After lresctilb- ,. sett Mrs, J. B,10rr ,A ,Scll'mid!t; .seek- Mlas R. J, Hio,aver; white asters, A,
kine 1i (uchason:G Posner of 'tete barrier cite to P Y _ 1 trigs, .geldlimg o'r lfilly, .1. Year, iRoy a J (table bdqudt, Miss 'Girllesipfie; Elmer J
ing it for 1,400 Patients with success m i no-funtlhcr, R. -& R. Procttor, 'Mrs, J. ;Armstron Mrs. J. Rutherford; pink'
iby. tdweriwg 'tine price on every c'oltn- Tloil'(, Gray lDdos„ team, Roy tToll, Jgas!tings; co!44dctiron avnulals; Mrs. �
over 900 cases, he na' neck it . HlEM-. B. Oirr, Wa lin Mss, ,Fred Oster, A.
ImoFdi1 . live bu. s. Farm comnt'o'di!ti;c',st ..ha Abeah'ant.and druggists Johnt'.WDi'ghlt;,maare or :gelding. atvy _, g ,. - staters, Mrs. J. Galbraith, R. J: Hoow-
Y Y RIOIIID. Chas, gg, 'Solhn' Wright; dol. perennials, Wm.:
.• fire sell HI MiR101I'D' Tablets i', i'I k Roy Toll, (Sidhhividtt; Bien 'Davis, ins; Fred O+sten, Mrs. rl 't' 'sna 'dao ones er; sail asters, Mrs, L. Cotv�hlin, Marls.
are aw:ay]be1O1� zero prices at the pie_ everywhere E age, scveepslba e, aY slogan, M � glh , p g
with uaran•tee they will end. your , y ,Heel MdFlro'y; ,B'lenhdiin Tip!pia; H. ± bets. J. Rutherford; +m'auve or purple asters,.
sent titrve so the (turlucr is sial ill, a ,pyo-, g. �-tvd!�e. Thos, IE. Morgan, iRiple„ _ „ tM'rs. Birunsdan, Mrs.. Wright; -pals ,
2'tie misery or money ba $• _ a'iiil 112dFilroy, A; Stclm sett; Talnian S'wdelt, : illes ne. T• C, Wii'l's'on, Mrs. J. R LtherEo'rd';
mltio . to Ove aiv ar,d to tlhe ,wheels df IlllelaMy :D awgiiit, Brood. mane Mrs: Brixiadan, 'Muss Alice Gl p
m ,m'are fYlrs, F. Osie:r, 'Earl 'Cald'we'll; sno1w, „ , , : n Mrs. Fred r ollluotion ,of asters, R. J Htoogver,,; Mrs
industry.i,Some of bile agrictillbural nn- ma dntl'u hlteu nvanr:y, p'a2tnculatrly lost- •foal, Gtiaty Bros„ foal, ,horse o (Pak Plagbs-l$egonla ea, 1t
y g a r Dino ''Earl CaldlwO 'Wesfiey Kechnl'; On-
pldrnenit collipirties hiaJve rcdtided tlanm n , Gray geld. ar filly, yea s. J � IOlslter, Mrs. J. J. Robertson; Uegonia, J: GaPbrai'fh; g'1'a'diio'li dLspl'aY, R,, J:.
bowers of your ;LilUeral c'angdldalte, M. tarso- Earl Oaldiwell H;etib MldElr'oy;,
air' 'i hn ry, 10,. er ee It a'iud all o' on all' ` Wri' 'ht tGtra Biro's., gell'd'ing or dilly, ,tuberous, Mrs. Jidlin• Wright; ibegdilli. Hooiver Mrs. J, Gatbraitrh; salvia, Mrs
act e Y 1 p l,t s ICoildlinig: Kintlily, bear in rrlrinld :thtat.i 3 y
star (box„ J. B. IT!i•enuay; Earl' Ca'ld'1ve14; Int Mr R• Hanrril'to!n, L. M. MtdFadzon; p,er-
tilebts in arroans. In d'o'ltug sa<t'h'ey' have ib:oth i r:''Goldtirn and Mr Rieder aYe; 11 Iydar, Gray )Bn+o s„ 'Mrs.' •Pored O colllectian, Mrs:. Sdhn Wrtg , s
1 YI g .. . , , i ' n , 'wieaLMhy, J. S. Tterrnay, Mrs. J. B. a. i Ali e eitni 'l pthilga:, Mrs: J, Galfbra'ith, R. J.
hruade a g'Nar't .'iii ince riglhgt d!irdction, ;orf no iinl 'o'rta�nlde Dir �ii1 any way, ,c'o'n,: )Ellman 1Hasibmgs, .team, Jahn Br ce, ,Fred Oster, falialge plants, Miss is
, r A ;' H in' s• muare (Orr. -Canada, Red, Mrs. J, B. Orr, Earl h' Wright; house 1Hovver, coxcdrnib, Dr. J. Grieve, Mrs.
IJatb'orers.are ]n thle s.'ime bloalt as the ,tiepted wi!bh .ate fir frieuld!slhip o'r poi-'IJlohlu Wtiglhrt, Elmer I asst ig , 1Gelldsipre, Mrs. Jan W g ,
,. _ .. dri•n, i aI a ,swee �sltakes John !C'al'dlwell; colvient, Mrs. J. B. Orr, Mrs , loo Mrs. John. Wright (L, Cou!gih'Dirr; sweet .p:eas,`. Mrs.: A.
fernier, There is ndt,eniowglh enrp+loY ,itlics. I did htea'r Mr; Go'Uctivng at itlis roc gill g anY g , P J plant in b m, 1 &
!m'ont' for a➢1 df Illi, Ualb'orers and, th'e're , • (6mttdei N. Canter; Alexander, Mins. +N, tGa?tar. fmrs Iire�i 'O'ster; hanging 'hasket; !Slte`want, Mns.• Jinto: Rubherfar'd; ua's-
mgde,trong 'hletre in' t'ou'r rusk last rveelc t i Blrciod' ,m'ar.e- anid crab's, 'M'rs. R, B. (Snell, .O, Tlurtlbwll
should be a Sdhedtuile of x^ages. Tthere laded Ibenv pian-. arbitsaur as T h+ave s'ai.d (General Pt npose. i RVhrs, John Wri'gilit, Miss Gi1les;ile; durtiwms, R. J. Hoover, Jahn Stpeir;
g p "foal Iota-rente' dlin'siton' IFaat,lh'omse ar f&S!an'; wi'ruter pears, :Herib MctElydy, novelty •bl'do'm Elmer Hastings, Miss
Tries, Mrs, J. Galbraith, Mrs, L. W.i1-
tire some ,pebiple, exatuilple, tdaichers, , n Ibelfore I ,wi.ltl sta I w'as nlot at alt sur-
tdwngs whblm'the fanmens a-nd'lab'o'rers Y 1 trvare, ! .Wim. Decker, IC'banenoe IJaltns- iFran'k Metcalf, fall pears, herb Mc- IGiitle'spie. Trams; marigolds, Mrs. R. J. Hoover,
'.(must sw. 'prised at several of his remarks o11 ! Frank Mebca'1F• named 'pl!u'mts, This. MidFad'zen; daihlias,- Mrs.. L.
pip'odt, rocei'tbEn!g saNatri'es tip to •tool,• gelding or (filly, 2 'yeses, IMms. IF.Elroy,
lvaribais odcaskonis. I may slay as.. aEarl ICaldw6III; tomattaes, 'Mrs, N. Car IGow hili Miss MdGallu+m. zinmiais, R.
$4,000:a year, Why Biot use the `broard 101slter,.•Arthur Edgar; geldinlg or 'filly, Dairy Act Amended. g' '" ,
spe'adhr+iill of l he is a se'cdrneing, 1N11 Il : ealr iAdthur IEdl ac lClardne Jolhws ter, 'Mrs. Ivaibel Jdhnvsbon; grapz's, tH.
' on them before it is tab late, IE ifrdd,� the onlry dhfferenee being, 'inlet Y ' g IAnnoU+n'eegme-int is made by Hon. J. Hb'dvie'r, -Mrs. J. G!aillbra'ifh; :snalp-
all> do!m�modi'ltiies we'ne :prioe'd• With!un t t ik_ lton; 'team' of mare's .or geldings, Win.' McElroy; MtdInitdsh Red, Mrs, J. B. Mille, mias
L K(en•ned'y, Minister of gdnagons, R. J. Hdaver, Mrs. J. Ruttlh
{S%r Wilufred lendw what he was a Celford
!Nbe reach of the purichasin ower df fDecke'r 'at+ud' 2nd sweerpsltakzs; Win. 10'rr, 'diad ' 'y IZ -4Art, Agriculture, N}rat with a view to aiding ge'mnmum wli'lte, R. J. Hoover,
-t e irpg abae Mr. Galdn'mg says t) g enemy S g g A. Armistooni
' :�R11ie farmer it wau�Ud glue •ilh'e ddpres- tDddker, - , pe�i'al 'No. �-fA'nthur Edigar; NO. Idle ,packe'tibabk df.'th'e Ontt'azsi'o Eamme'r, J ' g; red geda'n'iwm, R.: J.
ti -me we Felt a' Canservia, govern -
such :a j'ar uhat it would' slNart the : IRoadislbems.-ISIi'ttgle 'driver, Currie & 25�R, & R. 'Prodtbr, the regulations a, plying under the H!boroei, Mrs, Rutfherlfacd; any other menu we get a ddprxsslon. Wel'1,,tharve g' I p
Wheels oaf ind'usltr relviolivin . Keep' ITervitt, iWin.gtham; U'dh'n IB !]a'dy Judges: T D.eahotm, A. W. P' 'Dairy Produlcts Act have"been so geran,iu,m•, R. J. Fioaver, O'lEver-Hem .
y g ,we got . it only in Ontario, or dice's iib
,away from the gdvernlm'ent and act on @ to the roviinice of driver, Currie t&'Tervibt !a'n'd Lnd; mare ISmitbh; B!lyith. •amend,dd as to place no curb on the ingwaY; 'bvlb'enous blegonia, Thlo's, Mtc-
aplp Y p Qao st es DAIRY PRODUCTS Fa'dzen, Mrs. R. Tltodri son; rex be-
`Ibh'e afbave.,adkritce. Pt i5 net the •business a,nd• Ifo'al, iJahln 'Raearns; corona adud .geld- ices Which crealmerids m'ay pay in P
Canada as a wlhble Iiia also states pT'
olF the gave'rrdmenit to s'dt the prices of i • ing, 2 years, Ailex, IM1dDb'n'ald; �Jlhner' ILO lbs. d'ai'ry outlier in crocks lfulturN for pro'dulceds' cream. The 'gokuia, R. J. Hb'orveY, Mrs: H. 'Mc
that Mr. Bannatlt has not any sautnon tTlayl'or, Mrs. J. J. Robertson•; dairy Niclltol• beislt b'egon'ia, L. MldFadmen, l•
any odmtmo:dity. A11 thry can db is to; for it, Well, we ilio wish' Mr. Gdldiml Hastings, fanner is bound to 'b'enrdfit from any11
email laws arnd malke treaties, withan. g 1', ICbara Smith; ferns, Mos. R. Tlilonilti
and auy one else of Mr. Kings card 5lpectals:-aNto. 1 John iWrsglMt; 'N!o: Ibu'tlter in pnlrnts, Won. Taylor Mau• ,in sealsddt prices nesullbing slam sbiCf
Wile Brciitsh Empire and also wiltlt udh- ry k •thi '3, Roy Toll; (No. d, U'dlin rBrulce; No. A, Wa'ite'r W. Jeffrey; dairy tbufter in lco•mp'otlibion between the creamerfds. ''h, Mrs. R. J. Mt1Lau'chlun,, petted
iglaer nations Far exidham' e of comm' 'do,lyeo or ,t stop hollidepression,
ng bac a tRo' 'Talc; Nb. 12, IGray 1Blros. colli, 1VVIn1. T'a'ydtor, RolGlt; Witghtmran, lambs, Mrs. R. Thoirl son, Mrs. R. .
g salutfon far ,the deprdss'iorn', anis deme y The loonier has had' 4'ittle incentive in p p' J.
:ties. It 'would' the ,very adivi'stable when CATTLE 'swe'elistakels, Wm. Taylor. s e-cial grade tRi0herford,; fiwadiI4 Mira, J. Garno
• iout and tell us, 11gWri; it is goring to the peat to pmainit p
the deipressitan flaps its wings arild dis- - (Pune tared- t(aruy Ibheed) -t�L ldh yaw, IJvd!ge: Mrs. N. A..Mdl ileo; A'1'vin` cream an'd, to m'tiintbatn his bu'itdintgs anon, R. J. Mrs,
. Mehta, Mrs, R:
hake a far better man inion Mr. Gbild
rapipeans that we s'hlou'ld i.nlvarfabty Utas, ID, ILiitible & (Son, ,Thais. ,H. 'Tay-, 160,11, P DUtCTS •a'nd equipment to the striidt letter of IThbmpsD Mr', R. J. MCL'augh'lul..
mn'g, ar avast pddple in thewo;rld uad'ay;
brave no 'truck ,or trade with extrav]a )for '& !Sion; 2 year o,lld' ;heifer, Jlats:. D. APIARY RU the law, but the chwnlge in regulaltib'rt's Ce cilDi awl S COMarellt Scott,
for that matlter; to glue asolutio'n to >
gan,ce and another, pditvt would be nto't, r i tL'itltle & iSlon, 'Thos. H. Taynbor & lSan; NLaple syrup, Gl a'y 'Bras Mrs. Is'ab- offers eAtra ind'u'cement to which it is fPenicil drawioug, Ma'rgaref Scott, Is-
'ta try •a keep• u with the would
See i this vatat question. If 'Mr. Kingg and 1 I ear .old 'he'ifer, J. ID. IlJitltlle ,an'd �tl'd, el John :hen's eggs, Mrs. Oliver albel M1dTarvislh Wm. 5'bd 'hensan; de
Y p IIMr. Gdl'ding kaould' only read the i y licit he should prompNly respond. The p
• ,what our railway officials did' when (heifer calf, 'Th'o!s. IH.; IT'aylor, ',U.1 JD. 1J'er'v'its', M'rls• Dlonald Fowler; dressed inaidimum a'cidmt for special de sign for siclhool crest, Mtargarel S'colb,
book of teach. 8-I1% in the Bible, the Y 8 Virginia Plum, Isalbel Mia7lavish; poste .
tinoney `was p'Lentifut'They buift'.hio!tels (Little; Ib'ullil, one yealr ian'd under ,two, dhicketvs, Mrs. W. Jeffrey, Fred! Tall 'crea'm is not more than .3% at the
wilt soon fiord oust 'where to get the
lfnonrt roast to coast, cos+ti,ntg htwhl(lirdd+s � •. t the J' D. ,T.i'tltle, L. (S. '`Parr; +bull c'aitF, `•T. !Sr. S;ptereila4 No. 311, Mrs. Russell Rich- time of being graded at the creamery ter, Bill 'S'tdp!hen'son, Bruce Moore,
,of millions orf dollars. At the present isolation: It says, here 'referri'ng o H.'Tay�lor; atgdd' Ibu'll, 10estridher IBrds, mian'd; No. 19, Fired Toll ,Sr. IHaalety Rutledge; wood toys, Frank
ter days. And -there shall ,be no where it is 4o be made into .butter
time they are a burden in' place df an rz for man or 'b'easts." Naw, try anis Walter 'S. IMclGoawa'n; 'Nerd, tbull aiid DOMIFJ9TLC SICIENCE and the fat content shall not be less Rutledge, Hartley Rutledge, Ed. Bey-
. brea'dt,, Mrs, J. J. Rdbertsan, ans; hemmed towel, Mai+garet S'catt,
asset. It was ,not the hu'snness of the two Ildmlanes, J. !D. Little. than 28, per cent,
make work for the country if you can, , ,
' bffciaits of the railway co'nupany to Q!ersey.-1Mi9idh -cow, W!m. Ttay^lor �Lrs, N. Canter; tbrmvn bread, Mrs. X. H. M'dNroho7; dal•1'S saveatar, Elizla-
Again Mr. Goldi'nig say's he wants is
rcevert over to lousier hdtets. Their and Gond; 2 year •Dile heifer, iW'm, .Tay- Carter, Mors.. W Jeffrey; nuf'r boons W�>dY Crop Report. beth Backer, Jeaneitte Kling,
business was to attend -to -'the railway. ,know edfo wh,dustnih tariff has atcycdtlilgllli'slh- tor; I ,year old iheifer, Won, (Taylor, MIms. N. Canter, Mrs. F.:��rtz t
ed for iardu'stny. Weil, iri a large c'iby I !From Peel, Mid�dlesee . and • other
. Grris Work under 143.-1E. Hastings
I The officials of our .gavenn±went at 1Judige: A. Paul, 'St. Mad;ys. Uirs, 'Russlell Ridhman'd, Mrs. N: Car- ,couovbies came reports of a heavy in- Vire "a Plum, 'hordikerchleffs; +bultton
in Ontario, Dale menc'luanh purchased ter tea biscuits, Fred Toll Sr. 'Mrs. 'hales, E. Hastings, EI, McNichol;
Ith'at time, it 'seems, entry sat 'b'alck or GRAiDFiS Ifesitation of apple maggot. Only four
about $40,'0611;00 in •lmerdhiawdise eacah lain becoming, Margaret Sleott; 'darn-
lle9'C a'sdeep al the switch and ,gave tine ;Mi'idh tddw, Mrs. IF ,O'ster, L.. 5, TT. Carter; :baron ninlffins, Mrs: It. Rich- out of fi'Fty-tseven onchardts .in'speotdd p g'
irk officials .full swi'a to the year alone from a slhtoe faldbory in To-. Tari; 2 ylear old -llleitfer, ;Wallt'er S. !'Kc- imcivd,.Antlhur Edga'r;vaittl l cookies, idg,. Virginia Plum, Margaret Scott;
ra rvay g in Peel were found to be free from id,
a bm ort I can assure the 'canto for 1'5. years. Two years ago h'e rGowan, Rdbit; Wliglhibman;. 2 year lora Mrs. I. • Joihnston, Mns, W, Jeffrey; + patrching, E. Hlastings, Mar'gare't Srobt,
treasury rep r e Ipuzdiased $60;OOD °Fro•m 13;5.IA, ante ariby`of farmers Nave delayed
The nvaj
pedpie of the Dominion of Canada t steer, IGraiy 1Bro's., Jlatnes IH'effroa; 'd date cookies, 'Elmer "Haslting!s, Mrs. I. fall wthe'a't seed'i'ng for filar Of Hess- 'beA dressed dDrl'l, El'ixalbdt'h Backer,
drolp!Ped �ttms Gantacilan accou
rut, This lE, Hastin s, knitjted s!daef, Wilmta
that .the financial affairs dE the 'D'o'or- r � � ,I , with Year rgUd' lre'ilfer, 4V!aNter IS. ,M!dGdwan Jo{nnsltan• li'glhll; layer cake, Mrs,
I radeically ,closed ti the latvt vvb ion Fly norm Atmore goner culpas_ g
'l be ca ,all h'and'led .b the p P A ankl' 2nk1; IU gear old 'sheer, IW'atter i5. Carter, A•dthwr,Edgar; dadkd'ayer cake, tion is becoming more general. Pas- (Lowery; Eta Henderson; block of a
Won runt p y Y the exception a6 alb;ov't 100 men: 290
,wise .and' jud!itcial da'Palbilitbies• of our \TdGawan' and aad• 'heifer calf, U: D..Mrs: Fred"Oislter, Mrs. N. Canter; atug, tune conditions, We's'tern and 5,auibh- quilt, Tsalbel M1oTa'vislh, Jothn Spier.
When Premier ,Bien- 'want out of work. Today, on adcohrnit 'Little, IL, IS. 'Parr; steer calf, J. ' lD, el cake, N. Carter, Mrs. -R. R ohilrontd, 1.
present. Premier. WI a o,f the raise in' tariff, tllvis mendhaji# is ern Ontario are• excellent and livestock
mebt. attended the Drit'rsih conlferenice s ILubele, Millie lBarr; (fat steer, arvy sponge cake, Mrs. N. Canker, ,Mrs. F. in general are keeping tip' well iii - 'Eaton Sp'e'cial, baby -beef, O. Turn
(back busying ,frolm the 'Toronto firm'bull & Souls; , Brewers Assdciation,
tsltorbly after ,he was e'ldded, at Uh'at breed, Tamil's 33any l and Thai slat Oster; ear's fruit deice, Mills.Mds, 1t W flesh. Kla'rv'estirug operations are pr all
Imay add tlhe A'meri'can firm h•ahie I mooing barley, Levi Parr, O. Turn-
ttime England could n:at see eye to eye., cow' or •heiifiea any tlrreed, `Tinos: H. Jeffrey, Mrs. N. Carter; light 'fruit ty well advanced, in. all d'stri'cts,.eorn
olpeali dli tip a- fatdtory in 'Montreail to , " cake, Mrs.. N. Carter, `Fred Toll..Sr.; ' Ibu'll & Sions, Jn'o Bowman; Simtpso'n
, "to the pleading o�f our Canad'iant. Pre- Taylor, IGi'ay 1Bros. olid buckwheat being .the lash crams to'
compeite wirbh this, SHiEEP Sldatcth shbrbbreatd; :Mris. N. Canter; E•1- ICo., Mrs. W. Sintcdair, Mrs. W. Mc-
mi�e tiVhen he menitiondd prdferenicds . ERPIERIEINCEtD, be taken off. The corn crap in „ the'
nein the used 'that w5rd' `'noon- ILci,cester-Algae ram, E. Save'14; all Bruer HarsNings; leets,'rs. Jas. Cum- Elven; Jerkin's specla7, best calf, O.
t other seotions, E. Gatti and'vend, mugs; Mrs. N. Carter; 4iplie pie, Mrs, eastern cou'n'ties is reported as very ,Turnbuli '& Suns; Alex. Rate special;
(bag" towards ,him; but he has fiver `NO REMUNERATION ood and there should be no shaiitage
,come all o' position by the a's,toulad'in'g IS'hrdpsih+iredlowli ,A+ge,d ram, IWm. II: Sahnstdtr, i\4'rs. Jas. Cummrrog; le- g daaF bread; Levi Parrj Maderi'te" ape -
Pp i off Seed this winner.;
v rshm'ents 'he rocu're'd for the oss; s5hearliaug -ram, ram 1a'mlb, a'cte'd •mon pie) Mns. N. Carter, Wm, 'Tay- idiots, apple. pie, J. Iu. i -ns, ', Mrs. H.
Editor The Sea,Forth News.
>accan p t A Sir,-Fo'r the in!tbdmitron of lane el- ,e ICamplbell; brad ,mnffin5, Mrs.. H.
' eo I at the Imperial'I+Sco'ndluiic..co'n- , . ,ewe, ,Wm. -Ross •and ; 2nd; s'h•e'arlGug .tor; pu,mmkin, pie. 3ilrs. ,iQ. Canter, F. ,.�
I ' ei h actors of ,S'out'h Huro{r ,would you erne, 'Win. ,Ross, 'Orville IMdG'awan; 'Tall S'r.; salads, \,Crs. I. Johnston, W, t 'Catmpbetl; reckattion, Margaret Weisis,
fenenlce at Orttawa. I cpytgratwlate b e p I , i i and mil: 1Logan; meat pie, Mrs; Ar. Carter, Mrs. BOtUSSF1US FALL FAIR
i.i' ii of Canada on ,please permit rmte a little ,spsce-i'n your ewe lalinib, Win. Ross a h ,\2ac Fisher, Fi'anualt Rtrs'sell; S; F.
,peoiple of th'e Domil to +vatvablep'aper:`Mauy friends bayte ap- i ?b nl. i1Lo's's ante ?ad. Odiwer Jervis; baked' beasts, Mrs, N, (Catutinued from Page 3)
glaving Premier B,enateSt rutting llh'e de ,Soci al No, -11a% Davison special, dressed chickens, Mrs
,t pnoached' orae in,re'gard to. the tatted L tpxfords-IA1ged ram, IW. IM., Henry 'Carter: Miss L. Grant, �1is's Liiviill�ns•to.n•; art
stinies of Cautadla., He proved himself s leo Solme ' sa an \'Ins. W. Dick- Wi Jefferies; collection ci baking,
„ •urate a Fenn^ 'week lego. Y, and Lmidy sfh'e'anling conn, W: NL IH'eat- Pnesemed cit J mal life, &Liss Livingston, ,Miss Grant; 'Mars. Jane Thbanp'sbta special, .Miss
a'f the ecanom c. conrfdrence to possess m`H'otw much d'id' you.ge't to write than
'i' a litre ry, Milne Barr;' -ram lamb, W. h'I, son, Mrs. N. Carter; preserved straw- 'portrait,. Miss Grand,. Miss Livingston, n4'dCallu'm; Bavtk of I�r'ova. 5;catia spa-
rcfualifrcaltions df a very high ca feitter?" R certainly did'mat receive
1'i h tit Ili:e II3,en'ry an'd 2nd; aged ewe, W. 'M:, (berry, Mrs, N. Canter Mrs, W. J tial•, regi's!tered beef cattle, H. Johann,
,an the successlful aacomp al ands an tihilnt did, not expect anything and : ,Dicks'on; e'served pineapples, Mrs. Crayon Dra:wing-Miss Grant, \2rs,
, In erial ColvEere.nice, y P Y (He'n'ry .and )2nd; 'srve'arinng ewe, ,W. 1I. Pr Brlmibleco,mb; peat and ink sketch, Oestricki,er; three horses, Society ape-
m'btai'ned at ,the vp sbi'il feel, that thus elcot-ion, is enhiretliv
name will o dawn Henry, 'Earl •( Ttd1we11; evve .lani;b, �W. N. Canter, Virs. R. •Slhattr ; b.acl cur- 'Mos.' Bnimthleeamtb,. Miss Granit; Pen- ci'a'b; Hugh Smith, F, Tall:
iPremtet Bennebts g , un'nebeisivary-I am ple'a'sed'.thtatt ' my I ranit's, Kra. R. Richmond, .Mrs. Jas.
in ,htistony as the most diis�tingwitshed : , , ' M. Henry and t2nid; �mar7cet tamp, � . cit sketch, Mrs. J. Rutherford, Miss TROT OR PACAE
±Pcoigressive friends •have also; taken M Henrynd 2nd. Coming; rasloberry yam, Mrs. R. Rich -,Grant; ',coll'ection am'abeu•r photos, 1S ,ralh T'id'e OH, C. B'aldwid 11.1 1
;premier i't has, been- Canad'a'is'pnitfiibege tlika't view of the si'tuaittioni by shorunin'g' Y
won laurels net only PIGS mend, Mrs. W, J. D'i'dkson; apple jelly, g 1 auichlan; col. !Peter MldGregar.QA, W. Ghitbie'3 3-2
.to hate, be has vo g Anna Grattan OR C. TnLillatb)
their resipeJct for 'the tote Thomas Me- Miss Inv m' Stan, C. �IdI o
but...for 'the. Pedpild of ;. !Yorksthire-lAiged Itaoar, James ,Cory- E'ar1 CaUdlwel'1,.;h[t-s. bT. Carteraran� 'a hand P'einrta'd dhrna, Mrs. J. Galbraith; ' _( 5 3
For himself, B. Neslbi'tt 6 2
�Irldail, who eras a true fr+tend of the 'an Sam Allton; .b'ro'od saw, ,Sam.. AI-'•ma,nntialaite, Mns. R. Ridhmond, \2rs: Vanni Buy (I ) 4
ICawadia. Miss Granit; hand paaimted tea stet, Mrs. Y
tend u�ttural cause. The is eleaion• pre- ,tion. :James Cowan; 'boar littdr•ed in \. Carter; cannzd applies, Mrs: W. d IGallbra+ith, Miss Grant; hand painted Nellie Gold (J, Bailer) 5 6 dr
M. 30011.OILCIILLN• tend to be sorry hat "thus eleGbion was canned
• h , , , d9!3iH, lJatm�e's Cowan, Slam Alton; sole, ll.i,ckson, Mrs, Jas. Gu.mimg; ,wase A'Ins. Galbraith, "'Liss Grant;'. ,5owtlhern Slcdtt (Q. ,B�anlnerma'n 4 4, 5
Dublin, Ottt.> Sept. 3Dt . neicessikoted'by the cleabh'of Mr. l2tc-
li'ttered in ;laJ.311, , ames 'Cowan, $sin cherries, Mrs, Dickson, Mrs. h Tolh'n� Illiabi Mile Running, Ralce-
J bt+rrilt work an e•oo'd Mrs. Brumtlile-
M'illan`yet their action would indicate IAlton, 1 'tan; cau+ued peaches, Arthur Edgar, cola), Mr's. McUauclhrtan, hand palri't- lStpthinx Grattan ...............i 1
'TARIFF A'ID,S SHOE INDUSTRY tihtat ial their; hearts they are not sin- ed''boar :Sa'm �\,lion, \ors. J!as1 Cunning; ca'irned Pears; NIrs• 1. aUU.rai,t'h a4ra. Byi'm- `McQuarrie ..,: .. .:...........4 3 .
ISea•farrth, 'Oust., Sept. 306h; dere. ITanvwoNUh-(Ng ed china, Mrs. G
' bro'od saw, Saint ,AiUton and '2i,ndt; boar; R. Richmond, Mrs. Jas, Curring; rasp= :bleLoinli hand pain -ted china, can- (Starters: Messrs. J. H. Galbraith. J.
'Edi'tor. Tuve Selikoeth Newts. CON ECIOART, li,titerod in ;1'9331, also sow; Sail' !.Alton ,berri.eis, Anbhivr Ed'ga'r', Mrs, L Jahn ,venitianal, Mrs. Galbraith, Mliss Grant; D. 117-arwick.
'Stir,�Al3dwlrog ane a few •liners in -- and '2nd; stop; canned ',ptuan's, IiVlm N. Carter, . 1Sidhool Dri'l'l-iS. S. No, 7, Morris,
your first class convillins, I would like To Investigate Barley blecom{b,
s Y S ecial A'o..1:6 arttves Coltr<in. caninled ilea, Mrs. X. Camter,12'rs. R. 'cup anti saulcer, Mrs. Brintl
p J P M.rs. Galbraith; reed wank FernerY, NLiss Viola Mdledd
'Eo pass on to your. readers, 'both Ln�b-, Value'as Poultry Feed... ROO'T'S: Gbaw; canned coria, Mrs. W. J. Dicta , is B. Bow,
than kiohmbntd'• canned tama- 'Mrs. W. Somers; reed work work Horse Shoe Pi;tchrng,
,eral and Cdtvserv'a'tive, a few lines A report from Winnipeg states that Collection of t ardeni ptroduce, Mrs. om,'NGrs, R. .
g basket, Mrs. W. S'o'mers, Dr. Grieve; 'Cr. Bow; 2nd, Chas. Ellett• R. Cock -
ti the National Research Council has r
v, Carter, 1Mrs. W. J. ,,Dicksoil; early bees; R. ,& R. Protc+tor, �I•rs. D•ici on; y, Nirs. �'bdKelv.ey, tela,
made a granit of one t'housatvd dollars p ,canned 'b!ealn's, itis. Garner, At} e read work tra Miss well; i'rd, L, Brawn, T. T
l essor M. C, Hcrn'e'r, o.1 the lalteilpotatoes Gry Bros; Mrs!, -R. B. IShraw, canned` rhubarb, Miss ��
Nlanrbdba Agricultural College, in his 'S'nelil; field carrots, !A, ;Sehimndt, Mrs. iditlespie, Mrs, 'R. ,Rii,cthnvo[1!cl; salad_ �
MCIIlI1�S i Iinves,ti abion ba d:ebermtn'e' the value , dre'ss'ing, Mrs. J. J• Rdberitsol, M.rs. _
g D, iFawnlex, garden ]carro!ts, J'olrn ,Barr,
�hlropraCtor qlf banl'ey as a food for pou,litry, Vile ,Atlthur E'digar; field ,tumnlps, David l0ariter, renisih, Mrs. R. Shaw, IR, & R. ! Ism a a
• study is part of the effort that is be- ,Giwyn, Arthur . 'Edgar_; table, beets 'Pnodtor; s,wcet pickles, Mrs. N. Car-
(')t LVinghain, will beat the
Cnmmercial Hotel, Seaforth ung made to learn vheJtheg, or not; im ,�q,ns. J,as.'Ctunviiving, A:i;Sldh'mi•dh,'swg tee; saaur piicldes, \'Gk's, Carter; must
•' Monday, 'Wednesday' and .ported corn can be displaced by Call- ar beeats, Jiohn i irlsenvuce Milne tard pick lies R.(& R. Proctor, Earl
i Friday Afternoons adman ,grown barley, as -a'l'ive stock Bare; man,gdids, Jo'111r I'a#rse'rvrce, Caldwell; to
ttlite caisup, R. & R. Hi"h Class
feed. Pro Tiernan hopics to g 9 .
et NL;rs.iR. $,,Sliieli; Pie'puon,pkinl, +Jolts P,r.d;tor; raaPlberry viaragar, Joseplhi.ue
g y IW'ooidoock, Mrs. A', Carter.
tesutbs indicaltin that can be Barr ,Wesley Kechntiie; .Puilllp dil )Mrs.
f),vea-es of all kinds success tiseid ,s'atisgfiactiarily in all. Poultry ra- R`. &. Ss)'eld John .Blair;; squ'as'h, ,A. Judge: \irs: ]ROY •�'['c'Diolild, ]Brig-
tu)ly treated. I,tiorns,'in what form it should' be fed', gldlrnvi,di, IMns: R. B. S1111 ,rani an+ions, den. We can give you prompt and satisfactory service at a moderate
Elecrtricity used. and wtlla't co4rsb!iatafians' s'ho'uld be ' g, r • crvis ' p following lines.. of printing;-
1 •., tt Letterhead
'\'I I''a. Jas. Ctdnvmtu, Mrs, 1�.'.Carter ; AiR'.0 WORK ice m the
y t , Diclasoll, I L inting ILLS, Oliver J
miiade, els-own onions, ilea. W. J. Oi' pa Cards Blotters
.-w-�rv-r.•-.•v'-`�'- .James iLotkie; pickling anions, Leath- Miss LuciUl•c: Grant; 'all Patntln8 Erdt Envelopes Tickets Booklets
�t11 I ___ y teams• .nature, hiss Levungstorl Miss Grant; P
erla.nd & BentNld n,111* e field' ` Statements. Sale Bills Business Cards
�► DOLLAR'S WART' \rlan 6'Renifbt, Diavivd'Gtvyn ditron Livingston, Bill -heads• Dodgers Visiting Cards
H R c hlie ova I wetter Grant; watee color ally sulbject, Private Cheques Menus Wedding Station .
• Dod er
li this coI on and mail it with$1for a. six weeks' trial subscription to Mr,. A. 'Carter; Wesley Ke h Was C Forms ery '
C P P musk Miss Cran't, ' \trss Liwutgs'ton, Water Circulars Factory
+ Ite:rnreio116, (Mrs. R. B. .Snell; 'Society 'Stationery Invitations:
THE CHRISTIAN SiCIENCE MONITOR m;el'otis: '\4rs R. B., iSuell; calb+b'tge, ,cod'or s'tLll 4'i=E,e �,Iiss Lrt nig+s'ton, 14iss Tags
» Ta¢ OFieIeRIJN 8pI8NQE PIIaWaxrxa goon 1 ri ,ht, A:' Sc,ltntid't'; "ed 'Granit; crayon, Miss ;I,ivulgs'ton, IR. A. The News has an up-to-date commercial printing plant and we .
Published y Yirs;. John W g
Eostoll, Nnlagaahasetts,,U. B..A. N. :Ca•rter,,'A. S]ch'tuid,t; - t.
orad rrom its sod anem9wrrtere,c all)bage, \,Cts x+u�ss; paste'1, Miss ,I:'i'vin Ss't9'11, �I'rs., Q. m,E equipped to. turnout all classes of job work. Give us a call:'
Ih 16 ou a•Intlntl .chs dally�gotid news of .EUA ohildxen•9 tntorests, sports, ornate:. ',' T. " ad er 'A. ' sd', is 'l[iss Ga•ant; Mists Liv ' . .
' . , no well os .aepartalwts devoted to women a R J 1 '
' ` luoaticn rodfa, eto. You will be glad 'to welaome. Into Nop1Ir home so ,Cawl'tll O,wcr, dMrs. i"+ C t,,, 1 CCVls, p , ,Y speed, SCCently
. anshae, e r ad Inhibition' And don't miss ahubS, oar Dog. N:,. Carter; .field '
tearless ah ,advocate d ,peace R P iStclh ttliclt; CClery,.. �'[rs Ilil�'S:tOn ;, ,Pell lite 111k; Miss 'LnVlilt��t0'n, We have 'a new au
press With great
I a the Sundial Dna the.othor tontutea: p g, 11 done, with speed, and at mod -
stop Mass. Dorn; lArNhur'F�cl'gat;'flint corn; A. 12iss :Gz°atut; old ant, JOsophine Wood- vnstalied to produce prmtm we
THE C)xnle?rAN 9msrtos Momxort, HacR Bag Bratton, ao Eratl Cast.
Please send ma a six weaks'trtel,ouUscrtrtlon.',I enoitise'one dollar ($1). i5c:hmtidrt,1tG•s. Jiothat bV'ri',girt. cdch; Mrs. James CwmvtG; haul Pasini-:
�' J n.esFRUlTptva Grautuirlha'nd Pvtuted' ehlma,oit, bliss
tidge J y Mics L'.vtn
(Nome; ol:asp pranE) _ - realis,tic,
�Q� Win'tet 'apples -+Earl CalcUwell. Niro Miss Granit, Miss Linn Vj i Band I UmTHIL 7� STN
o �/ (Address) ,
, ?.j T. B.' Ort, 'baltdwin, .Fart CaI¢1w'ett,Ip, ilei M•rss Li'v
atwdttd dh'ina
, ,ay <atnte) J B. Ort'; I�irogs, TIelb'XUcElroy, i9ntgsibon, win -1. Lolgall; 1-0$leiction I
(Tap n) MICS,