HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-06, Page 5TIiURSD'AY, OCTOBER 6, 1932
'Ouue'.o'f the ghost ,outstanding events of this important day is the
Thanksgiving Dinner, Youe Superior Store is stocked.with an abtinld-
ance of .good things to ,eat and drink ,that will help to make your
dinner the .success that it should he. These well chosen slpeciale are
outstanding values and give further strength to the Superior Chain.
Store slogan--
'Items for Oct. 6th, 7th, 8th, 11th and 1,2th.
CAMPBELL S TOMATO SOUP ........ , , :,. 2 tins 15'ci
PURE LAIRID per lb, 10 C
PUMPKIN, Large No. 214 tins
2 tins 25c
7'.s Wk. 214's
•18.az, 15c; n6 oz
2 lbs. 25c
4'. & G. White ,Niapltha Soap 5 •tars 19c
Fry's 'Cocoa., %'•s per tin 23c
Dlurhlam Conn, 'Starch ............ . ....... . .. , .... , per pkg. 9c
Ivory 'Glees Starch 13c
4 ekes 23c
Glerriff's Luslhus Jelly Powders ' 3 pkgs. 25c
Perrin's .Matto Cream Biecui,ts per lb. 25c
Royal York Coffee %'s 25c; re.,'.. 49c
Oxo Cubes, ' Smail...... 13c; large 25c
Pure Clover 'Honey MA's 39c
iB'avril, 1 oz 23c; 2 oz . ..39c
'Olark's Spaghetti large tin 10e
Cascade Brand Fancy .Fink ,Salmon, Ire tine 25c
New Cleaned' Currants her 'lb. 15c
Crown Jars, smash ....per dozen 99c; medium'....1per dozen $L14
, llarge... per. dozen .$1.55
Cereal Blend "the perfect balanced' 'breakfast fo'o'd" per pkg. 255c.
'Qfaur 'vitamines—nine min'era'ls)
1F1eis'hmtagi s Yeast per cake 4c
St. Croix Czetide Soap 8 cakes 25c
Lynn Valley Aslparagus Cuttings, 2'6 per tin 21c
,Brunswick Sardines per tin, Sc
!Lily Chscken Hladdie pekta n 14c
Grape4Nuts Flakes 1' g -
Fly Coils 6 for 1Dc
,Oxydol , large pkg. 23c
Perowax, 1's 2 okgs. 25c
Certo per bottle 29c
Alit... each 25c
120ng Handled
Catla'nders ..
Long andled Ducat Pans .. .... ... . oath 18e1 lb. 25.c
Crisco with Free mixing spoon or strainer e1 tin 25c
Creamed Mushrooms, very fin
e ..••••.. •' .pVSS Js Phone
Man'y1i wars Toelet;S'o'a)
Miss N.Pryce
,Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
Confidence .
and a
Dependable Reputatlen
Good Quality
Pleaseus by giving us your cream
patronage :and we will try to please
• yott by our services . and highes`
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
The Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Motor or Horse Equipment
. W. J. WA r.KER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license,
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Mi's's Patrick s'p'ent the week end
wiith, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Patrick,
The school Will be closed Tlhuesday
and Friday of this week for the teach-
ers' comvenitiait which will be held at
M'r, Wm. Armstrong o'f Belgrave is
spending a few' day's with his brother,
Mr. John Armstrong.
• Mr. ` and Mrs. Kenny Blenniett wed
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon LliLeakLeakand itilh•:
;and •Mrs, Foster Bennett spent Phurs
„iIay evening with Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
We were sorry to `hear. that Mir.
Harvey 'B'olton had his eye injured'in
6te fao'tball game on Teesdley. He ac-
eid'enttaliy,•recei'ved a kick just above
the eye while rusbi ag the Egm'omdvid'le
goal. Cosgraltulatioit's to Walton
on winning the first game of the finals
by 2-1, They hied the -hest of the
Ramie. We w'is'h them luck again on
S'aturd'ay... •
Mr. William Elcoat and Jean, also
3It s H'azieil Elcoat, B A., o'f Tntlo,
are met -idling Thanksgiving with Dr,
and lits. Gla'nfieitd.
Mr. Arthur M'c'Gavht and. son. Ed-
mond oit Reading, Penin.; were here
'on Tuesid!ay •oli l'as't feel which.
the occas'ionoa£ the 86'th birthday of
the fornier's nn,olher, Mrs. Henry Mc-
tDr. Jaime's Gray of 'Toronto is visit-
din„• his imepihelwis,Mesars.'Jiames and
IRlobert Carndchlan, Tuckerslinith,
tMtiss • Maude Laidlaw; went to To-
ronto on Tues'd'ay to spend a couple
elf weeks,
Mr.•'Arthur Broadfoat of Nloose,
(Paw, Slask„ arrived on Sunday on an
e dtereled visiit, .accompanied by Mies
IBnoad'foot who has been at Port
Neilson for a few weelks.
Mr. H. M. Jatckson. of T,oronito was
a visitor in town on Tuesday.
'Attending the . funeralk of the late
Mrs. Wi llli'am: MaCul'iooh an. Tuesday
were Mr. -and Mrs, R. E. MdKay,
Detbrait; Mr. 'Beret Sege, a inephew,
Mr. and Miry. Alex, 'Gordon and Mr,
and Mos. Jeffrey, Sltraitford. .
Mrs. W. W. Cowan is spending a
few weeks In. Stratford,
The many friends olE Mrs. John
Miasma will be pleased' to know; she
has recovered' sufficienitly from her re-
cent- operation to return from To-
ronto. A'ccolmipamlied .by • her sister,
Mrs. 'Garden, she is expected home
learn Wesitern. hosplltai on Thumsday.
'Mrs. McCallum of Preston wa's
visiting her daughter,il6.rs. Roy 'An-
derson' reecntiy:
Mm. 'Alex. Falwell oiE the Police'
(Force 'Klatehener, bles. been' spending
'two weeks et the home of his par -
eras, Mr, and Mee. John Powell, in,
Mr. and Mrs. V. Miller, Of Palan-
ets'ton, were guests on Wedneedlay Of
IMr. Marshall Smith, Huron street.
Monday, Ootober 10, is T'hanks-
givin'g Day.
Mr. and. Mrs. J. D. Ainslie aE,Lealtnn-
ingiton have 'been the guests of their
niece, Mrs. J. B. Teerm'an for a few
days returning home on Wedeesd'ay.
Mr Richard Tait of Dearborn,
Mich, and Miss Helen McMann of
Eloise, Minh., spent Sunday with
friends here. ,
iMr. and Mrs. W. J. Terniblyn •'Wf
Toronto and Mrs. Taurblyn of Lon-
d'esboro were guests df Mr. and Mrs.
J. B. Tyertna'n .on Sunday,
Mrs. Harold Large and'fam4liy of
Stratford have beets visiting for a
week •*ith her father, Mr. Joseph
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ainsllie of Lea-
mington `spent: Wednesclay'with. Mrr
and Mrs, Tyumen.
Dr, and Mms. Leroy Hiles of IJon-
don and Miss Pearl Hiles of Hamil-
ton were guests et the home of their
cousin, Mrs. Norman Canter, Huron
Road, oh ;Saturday.
tMr, and Mrs. N. Carter and Joyce
visited relatives at Kirldtoar an Tues-
day and Wed'nesd'ay of this week.
Mr. Isaac Languitroth• of 'Forest
spent a few days this week catling
onold acquainlbances.
Mrs. Geo, Wade of 'Stratford is
visiting friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bickerton- df
Woodstock spent Sunday with 'Mr,
and Mrs. Wes, Nott, Huron Road
1Mms, A. Greig of Preston and- her
niather, Mrs: Harris of Brussels, and
Mrs. Roy Sellars of Wihtlghann, were
guests' Saturday of Mr. and Mrs, R.
H. Sproat and• friend's in Egttvanel-
'Mrs. E. C. Chamberlain and (laugh-,
tee Helen are spending the week with
Clifford friends.
The .Presbyterian Church' will hold
their aniniversary services on Sundae
'Nov.' 13. It is ewp'ected.the Rev. ,Stuart
Parket of Tat:onito will be the speaker
'The centre section of Huron Pres-
byterial of the W.M.IS, will meet at
Caven Church, VViinthroip, on October
1'lEt'h, when Miss Patterson, returned
•missionary fitlm India•, is the speaker.
David Keir, ni lifelong res'iidenit of
,the Milverton comulunity, plaissed aw-
ay very suddenly at his home fh'ere.on
T'hursd'ay afternoon, Mr. Kerr w'as
around' tolwn in the aftenndon, and on
'returning home about 5 p.m. com-
p'laiined of fee'lin'g cold He salt down
h' arid' immedilatdl collapsed
orrac air, Y
'wind died. The deceased was a son of
dile lalte'3Ir. and Mfrs, Colin Kerr, who
'c'ame front. Gall'alahidlls, Seethed, and
setble'd in E74Sloe to'wn'ship, w'h'ere the
late Mr. Kerr Twos born 77 years ago.
Ftertyffilve years ago he was married
to Miss Pane Fatr;and they settled on
e farm•, on Con. 1, Monntingtlon, where
they • lived 'united fiive years ago when
they • retired to 35ilveetpn. 'There sir-
viva besides his wife, three dau'ghters
and two stone: one son 'J'ames pre.de-
oeesed' il,ien three- years ago. Surviving
are: Mrs.' W, Shannon, Seaforth, Mr's.
T. A.• L. Dc'heity. Torcllto; Miss Ma-
her, et hohme Sidney Nenr, Morning
ton, and Wiliilami at home. There are
also two sisters and four brothers.
Mrs. G. Gropp and James, Webb'.
Seek., Mee. W. J. Armstrong, Strat-
ford; John and George, Milverton, and
Charles, Brunner.
,''ant andeFor Sale Ads, 3 tinnes, 50c
s''r1he Iiun it Amateur Athletiic Assb-
olation field its annual field meet on
Friday afternoon in the' agricultural
park, Seaforth, under ideal weather
conditions, A record crowd attended
and 1175 contestants took part, Gorier -
Collegiate won the McMillan tro-
phy by scoring 144 points. .Seaforth
'Collegiate canto second with 1113 pts.;
and was awarded the Medd Cusp The
junior boycluanupidn was J. O'Brien,
IGoderic'h; the intenried'ia'te spy chain -
pion, A.'Smith, Gaderidh, and the
senior hoy ehatnlpion, " D, S'iFbs, Sea -
forth. "Dhe junior girl • champion, L.
Note, Seaforth, and the senior girl
ehamlpion, R. Pickett, Clinton. The
'Col. Rain'ee 'trolplh'y ,aor the School
winning the most poiivts in intermed—
iate •boys' events, was Won by Goder-
i'dh Oo'llegia'te. • Silver tried:al ' anld
shields were presented to all chtann
iplons,, the medals to be kept by the
ihlatntp'ions and the 'shields to be re-
talilned' by 'their reslpect'ive s'ch'ools far
one year. Alt the conclusion of the
meet, W. J. Duman, 'S'eatam-tlr, gave
enc address , .,complimenting the con
t,esfanits' and .officials He then intro-
dulced Mr, Mied'd', M,!PJP. for S'oultlh
Huron, who presented all the cusps,
medals and shields. Mr. Medld .p'resenit-
e.'d each of the six Schools taking part
with pictures of the fathers of con-
The details olf the events are as fol-
lows, QM) standing for Mhtchelli (c)
Clinton, QH) Rens'all, (IG) ,Goderich,
(IS) Seafaetih, (IE) Exeter.
1100 yd's. Junior—O'Brien. (G), Mc-
Donald QG), Cunningham (C).
lHlackey QE), Pa5s:more ('H), Rennie
(S). Senior, 'Sills (S), Hlaibkirk - (!S),
Cook QC). ,
1 0 Y1dis.-10',B'rien QG), MldDonald
,(G), Cunningham (C). Toter., Hock-
ey (IE), Plassitndre (IH), Nlorttluy(G).
Sen., Stills (IS), Odok QC), H'ab'krk
440 Yids. --Hinter. Smith (G), Craig
(G), Howe QM). Sen. Sills QS), Er-
rington (G), Jlolhntslton (IG).
'880 Yds.—Tue. Nli'cholls'an (S), me_
(Deemed QG), Fisher (G). Instar., Pales -
more OH), L'a!Rlacque (1G), McInnes
(C). Sen., Errin'gtoh (IG), Crawford
(G), Hlalbkirk' OS).
13.I1i'le—lIniter. 'I1aRolciqu'e QG), Sher -
ria CE), Christie (M). Sen., Craweo'rd
•(IG), Young (M), Ernio'818on (.G).
!Run, B.roadJump—Jun., O'Brien
(IG), Kjerb!aslhfon (M), Consitt (IS).
Inter., Smith (G), MloSlpadden (S),
Palssm'ore (IH). Sen., Tyndall (5),
Page OG), Cook (IC).
(Running High Jump :Jun. Gaudier
(C), O'Brien. (G), Cousint (IS). 'Inter.,
Bell OE), Wilkins (G), Mieni ('5).
Sen., J•olnts'to'ne (IG), Cook ('C), Tem -
dell QS).
Bole, Steep' and Jump.—gun. '07Brien
(G). I(erbashion QM), Howey (E).
Sn'ter., Hleckey'(E), Rennie (IS) Pass-
more OH). Sen., Page (IG), Tyndall
(!S), Silts (IS).
'Po'le Vetter—Tun. Hovey (C), Bar-
ton (IG), Ru'tledge QS). Inter., Rennie
(5), Craig (G), 'Christie (131). Sem,
Johu'stota (G), Page. (G), McInnes
IShot Put—Jun. Kerbaslh'Don' ('M);
lPelpper (C), Doak (G). I'niter„ Enn'lth
(iG), Rennie 05), •Hillen (S). Sen.,
Cools ('C), Hanson (M), Finlayson
'Excellent for 'Croupy - C'hildren.—
When a child lis suffering with croup
ft is 'a good plan oto use Dr. 'Thomas'
IFJdlectric Oil. IIt redluces the inflam-
mation and loosens the phltegm giv-
ing 'speedy relief.;'to the 'little sufferer,
I't is equally reliable 'for sore throat
an'd cheslt, earache rheumatic pa'in's.
cuts, !bruises and sprains. Dr. Them:
as' Eelectrie'O;il is regarded by many
thousands as an indispensable of the
'family Medicine chest.
IHigh grade, stylish and most up-to-
date glasses, rim :or rimless. Your
choice of shell,., .white or pink` gold-
ful.led, with lenses complete for only
t:b'S0. IImvrsli'bbe Ili -hotel's with choice
of •flame complete for only '$112.00.
YeCDo'wgoldefillied with ,fiat spherical
lenses, otu'ie 540'0.. 'These prices include
a thorough wean -dilation by our vel'
known 'end painstaking 'specialist, Mr.
Ho'gheon, otvcr 20 years taming to
Seaforth. The best optical work to :be
obtained end Tet these extraordinary
low prices. Two days ,only, Tuesday
and 'Wednnesda'y,.'October 111 and 12th
Don't 'miss 'this chance and come ear-
ly. Beattit s Flair, ,Seaforth. '- ,
Relay—Tun.,Goderich, Clinton, Sea -
forth; Initer., Goderich, Se1asorth,
'Clinton;. Sen., Seaforth, Goderich.
Girls' Events
50 yd's., Jun. L. Nett, (iS),, Grassi'ck
(G), Sniale QM) last two equal.
1715 yds. --Gen,, Deer (G), Bebtger
(IH), Ruston (M).
Hoo, Step and Jutnp--Jon., Nott,
Lynn (iC), J'dhisaton 0G). Sen., Pick-
ett OC), Bolton OS), Davis (M).
IStandlnlg Broad Jump Jun. Nott
(S), Johnston (G), Wessman (M).
Sen., G'andier (IC), Dbtwis (M), Deer
IRunlni'ng High Jump, Jut, Nott (5),
Chaff .OS), ''Sbnate (M). Sen., Ruston
(M), Gaudier (IC), Pickett (C).
(Basketball 'Throw—Jett, ;Lyon (C),
Nott (S), Parrott OM). Sen., Pickett
(C). ,Tyndall (G), Gassman (M).
'Target Throw—gun., McLeod` (G),
Tasker QC), Caildlwelll (;E);. Senn. Ball
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
youAll claims' p romffaP .tly toLand satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
D. Sutherland
Toe .i ts
cleaned and Pressed
hllinter;Goats, 1.50
Minor, Repairs Included.
Men's Suits, Ladies' Suits or Dresses
Cleaned and Pressed
Try us for your New
Topcoats from 20.00 to 30.00
Suits from 22.50 to '35.00 - "
Guaranteed lit.and,satisfaetion
Octobers to. 15th
EE Rants
With every suit: at 22.50, 25.00, 30.00,, 35.00. Every suit
made to your special measure, tailored as only
8,R1 DF@RU
can tailor. - Good cloths and trimming. Let your next
suit be a BRADFORD. Sold only by
Cleaners and Dyers
(C)JHerbent (IM), Nlivens (iG).
,Running Brdad—gun., Nott • QS'),
(Lyon QC), Tyndall QC).
Sen., Rusfien CM), Davis (>M), Pick-
ett (C).
'Soft Ball Throw, -Jun. Hort (S),
Lyon (IC), Parrott (M). Sen., Pickett
'(:C), Gail (M), Haut OS).
1Re1ay,-Jun. Seaforth Clinton, Go-
denidh. .Sen,, Mitchell, Seaforth, Cliat-
IThe Mitchell High School Board
trophy was atfa:rded to Clinton Col-
'Communion services will be .held
en Sunday alt 11 olclock. Preparatory
service at 8 p.m. on Friday.
Miss Mary Gilineur and Mrs. Janet
Roes received word last week of the
passing of their brother, Mr. James
1G'llmour, of Vancouver, who left hie
home in Stanley over SO years ago,
and also word of the passing of their
sister, Miss Jean. Gilmour, Woolsley,
Sask, ,Miss Gilmour was matron of an
IIndiato Soh'ool in Crowstand, Sask.,
for a long term of years, .until her
heailth flaked. She was a great sufferer
lbut bore her afflictions tvi!tih Christ-
ian resignation. She is survived by
$ brathems and two sisters Mes. Mary
(Gilmour of Stanley, and Mrs. Janet
1Ross of Bru'cefield. •
Mr. and Mrs. James Moodie visit-
ed friends in Goderich this week.
Miss Doris .Mutat returned' to her
,home in the village bhis week after
,spending the past three months with
'firiendls in• Comber.
,Mics. (Rev.) )iH,amiiton of Gode-
rich spent the week -'end at the
'Manse. Her many Brecelfteld friends
were pleased to see her • looking so
well. •
'Rev. W. A. Bremner, who had >
appoainitecl by the ,Hurons Presbytery as
a delegate to the 'General Council of
the United church, which met in
Ha'mi'lton last week and this week,
has been attending its session's. Rev.
Mir. Conner' of Kippen condudted-the
:Morning service, and the eveipi'ng ser-
vice was withdrawn.
The Central Business College in
Stratford has arranged to give
night classes in Seaforth, on
Monday evenings, starting Wed-
nesday, October 12.
Mail return card' herewith for
full information.
Schools in London, Stratford,
Woodstock Mitchell.
Central Busine'ss .Coliege,
Stratford, Ontario.
Dear Sirs:
Please send information re
your Se'alEdrth Night 'Glasses 'to:
Name ,. .. •...... .............
Mr. Lance Norris of Toronto visited
with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. , John
Norris last week,
Mrs. S. Green, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
Mises Lucy IJalee, o'f' Lansing, Mich..
Mr. Jahn Lake, of Petots'ky, and Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Vigis, cff Mason, Miche
spent the week end wit their nettle:
Mr. John McNaugliltotn,
Mr. and Mrs,: Jae. D'aymtan have
moved . into the Mr, Ennetisole Smith's
house in ate village, We welcome
at Forester's Hall
October 7th
'Stews nes five 'Piece Orcihesitdia
will furnish the music.
Admission 215c. •
nnoved on to 31 r. Jas. D'aymbn's farin."
Mr. Robert M'ciNwughibotn of London
spent the week end with has parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John MgNaugheon.
'IMr, John Holmes of Winnipeg,
Man., who .leas beenvisiting friends
around S feel or,Ult visited his uncle Mr.
, i
globe, 1'I,dN•aughtati and faintly an
Sunday fast.
ISch'dola• close on T•hnmsday and Fri-
day while the tea'che'rs attend the conn-
venbions-a't Goderich and Brussels.
illus sixty -hats anniversary of St.
Andrew's United' Church will be held
on Sunday, O'ctolber 16th. Services will
be held, at 111 sem. and 7:60 p.m. Rev.
IE4'wlood Lawson, B.D. of Mount For-
eslt will he the guest s'p'eaker. There
will be special music for the e'c-
A. Thanksgiving service will be held
on Sunday at 111 a.m.
The W. IM. S.' tne't alt the 'home of
Mrs, Hiugb M't Mu'rtrie on W'edlneee
day, October 5
1T3e Gated M'iss'ion Band' meets on
Satued'ay ill the Sunday school audii-
totiunn at•260 pen.
A number of .ladies from Klippen
them to our midst,, attended the sectional meeting, of
•Office over I{eating's Drug Store Mr. anti Mrst•'11ue5rsonS'm'ivh, haveHuron Presbyterial on T'hunsdaq.