HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, O'CTOB'ER 6, 1932 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers, s American ori Iforceestt ales 1930,ees ? Do you believe policy of trade restr&ctions in under which oar., oils !lave been almost cutin tate exp the have and of agricultural pro- ducts has fallen 1rom $368,000,000 to $19000010 a��r cuitural community re th as y24. such questions 'these is alnto-t ter- rain to be negative Moreover, they haveFairto do with vital, everyday af- pnessug for an answer on clic- tan .day as on every other day. They Placed the on Government day. on the defensive. The campaign was made notable by the number of pro- minent speakers enlisted by both aides. Five Cabinet 'Ministers sup- ported Mr, r1, H'. Rader. Four form- er `Cabinet Mmfatens, including •Right Hon. Mackenzie King, spoke for Mr. 1Gotdintg. Platform men of lesser emi- nence were :there for !bath. From the pas arty standpoint the by-election tv &sla rgy constdened important, a though it is oat clear that the Lib -b^— era's were in doubt at any time. Soave elentvent 'aF uncanta'imk however, en- Yt 'ter ed into it by reason of She personal popularity of the tate, Thomas Mrc-. ,Millan with voters of all persuasions. There was ark unknown quinti! inhere nevertheless, registered itself lai'nn•r in the heavy one-sided verdI t. plainly That the agreements reached. at the Ottawa Oonferen'ce were not an issue 15 a matter far gratification. The :Gabe urged from the !beginn+ing that they should not enter into the con- test. ,Mr. King and other Liberal speakers abated that they could not be a an issue, and it is the belief of The iGlabe that the Prime Minister had no' desire to see them the football of the carnpargn. Alithough some speakers in- !iodated the conerenoe, chiefly "in- directly, the assurance of the Lilberal Leader that a verdict was not sought on this point leaves the country clear, It cannot be said •truthful'1y in Can oda, in Great Britain, or in any ohhier a Dominion, that the conclusions of the conference were challanged. Thus an example ;has been set which should prove helpful in .discussions -at .least will not he ,prejudicial -when the ag- reernents come up for consideration, The election was •fought on broad lines of partyjoyous policy, with the effect of The depression undeniably ' against the Government, and under the cir- of cumstances the unusually large ,major- ity cannot be disregarded as affirming agricultural opinion. Tit ¢ tilt 135 L7, '3U 5 , 1 6 96 41 7 .... , 48 7 8 , . , . , 59 126 — Majority for Go 529 505 Goderich Tp. 1 : 59 6'12' 3 56 79 3 60 109 4 36 75 5 •- • • • • • • • 75 5 6 at 50 TRY a ,• i 11 es p 1I Cleaners & DI �VITTi, YOUR NEXT 'O Phen8:196W,We call and v. J. Gillespie, P. �t and eome in and see our new and used cars— - WALTON. I Mrs. J. Maori . returned, to her Boma m Stevensville a few weeks with her sisteralter spending and broth- ee, Thos Johmoton' and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs, G. Ma/Taggart andldTp- Miss Annie Jdhaston motored to Ste- vensville and Burlln,gton. Mrs. T. aTs tsdn- of Loudon return- ed home after .spending a £env weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett. Mr. John. Smillie has returned home alter visiting- with his brother and eisrter-in-Lary at Embro. ,Mrs- W. 'W. Hoy attended the golden wedding anniversary of her boasins, Mr, and Mrs, Fortas last Monday afternoon.. . Mr. and ;Mrs. J. 1'IdGtregar of Wiagli'a e spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy, ,Mr, and Mrs. R. Marks and family spent Sunday at the •lake in their new camping home. Agent for C�`hrysler, p c Plymouth De Soto, JOHN GALLOh AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERxEST GAS and OILS All Repairs •and Labor Cash. united in marry s'dn+ of ylx ge to i�Pat4h ray, and Mrs. Jbi rap, 'bath orf MtdI{iUlgp: 'Rev, Father O'IDrolwski s Mass. Tthe piedra ibridle _colt church wearing a gown: o georgette and hitt and slipp stockings to matoh. She .c shower b'autqutet of tvhi'te r m-afdenhatir fern. Miisls There sister of the bride was b' (rocked in green georgette and slippers and stolckings: and' stile divvied a boWquot ted' pink roses. Stephen Min ther of the bridelgroam, was mtyn. Al9ter the wedding •t party motored to 'Mitchell, sumptuous wedding break senved to .the immediate re the bride and bridegnaotn. Mas Ryan will resnd'e ah b gbe a.t 1s £aTtn in irSr4ithlb{p. be at home to their friend's ter; — 337 476 Majoritty for Rader 37169. Clinton, 41 .. ltll! 14i 60 3a .... ..... 50 717 3b 4 a, - 69 h5'3 Majority for !Rader 1198. Hallett. Il 15'8 50 2 ' • 66 68 3 83 s14 4 464 X12 a 34 30 6 99 'S1 7 91 56 — 6711 380 Majority for Ociillag 1, - McKillop. 11 117 41 2 21+11 69 3 168 75 4 13'4 90 - 6871 275 }Majority for Golding -x412. Seaforth 11 •PQ11 9,6 2 136 77 3 1 411 4 9'2 61 5 ..;. ...ilii^. 68 65 6 108 - - 704 ' 357 . Majority for +Golding -342: ° [31 esti O n The London Free Press says:, Y� (The South Huron B •Election. -By. Smith Huron' .has remained true to its In'beral traditions. Ln the by-e]e°tion.S'outh held ori -Monday, W. H. Golding; sup- porter of Rt Han,• Ma•cleenzie Ring, 'was e'l'ected. by a •large' :majority. over Louis H. Rader, Conservative stand- and bearer. Mr. Goldin rolled up an enormous majority in his'home•to}vn of Seaforbh, where 1te is veryMr. popular. >FPowever, 'the, general trend' through- out the whole 'riding was againy't the candidate. !These are difficult -days for govern- mints. In :hard times there is a tend- ency to vote against the "ins" and this way very apparent in -South Huron..was le is a repetition of what happened recently in _Maine, where the rock- ribbed Republtean state voted Dem9- critic Cammoriity prices today are' lowp the farmer is in, a bad plight, and tt is perhaps human nature to hit the ftrst'liead.tvhich appears: - 'The Liberal panty made a super- human effort to carrythe riding g^ A whole battalion of speakers and or- goofier was rushed into the constitu- enc}: Everybody tram Rt. Hon. Mac- kenzze King down to the water.'b'oy tea; called •into service. How much in- fluence the ;pamphlet issued at the last minute, entitled `The.Shadavv of the Unseen Hand"- had upon the electors it is hard to •say. It was a slanderous roorback. T.he unfortunate feature of the re- suit of the election i; than it veli! be interpreted by the opponents oe the Imperial Economic Conference' agree- mint in England that the farmers of Canada are indifferent as to the value• °t the ,Enlist market, 78 will put heart into the free traders of the old land who are figrhting against the trade preferences which have 'been granted to Canadian agriculture. The Free Press does not believe that the electors o8 South Huron are their hearts against this agreement, nor can we imagine they condone the Beauharnols scandal or the C. N. R. extravagance. It was not a vote Far Mr. King, liut a vote of protest against the conditions of today., This the sixth by-election held since the Bennett Government came into 'Power. The others •were East Hami1- tan, Three Rivers, Athatbaska, Royal, and Ma'rsson'euve. East Hanna ton was wan' by Labor Brom the Con- servatrves. The Con'senraidves .cap- tured Three Rivers and Athabaska from the Liberals. Royal and "Mals soneuve remained as they stood be- tore' the Conservatives carrying. Roy- ah an the Liberals M'aisson'euve, Thus of the six by-elections the Con'- servattves have carried three Liberals two, and Labor one, but the net gainStephen. for the Government has been two seats, Not a bad record for these days,eighteen • a i i i i �/ C O m m e n t IThe ;4fail and Empire says: ;Liberals Retain This'Seat In creased Majority. - The result in Huron is disappointing to :the Conservatives -even though thereon- stituency •is naturally ,Liberal in corn- plexion, 111 has never returned a Gan- senaatice candidate, though in the'war time election of 19117 it sent a Union- ist to Parliament. In 1921 it elected Progressive by 44. Than doughty tib- eral, Thomas McMillan, won the 'seat by 253 •in 1'925, by 1,153 in- 1926, and by 349 in 1930, His d'ea'th precipitated Monday's poli. Early in the campaign the Govern- ment candidate, Mr. Louis H. Rader, opposed by three other condi-, dates, including g (1) Mr. William H: (;old'in y �) g, ex -Mayor of Seaforth, tr Progressive, and (3) a _National far- mer, whatever that may signify. But someone got busy behind the scene and the Progressive and the National farmer Bra Aped out. cLocal •considerations •peculiar to the •constituency •played their part, +but the depression was the main• factor in the contest. The farmers of South Huron are •. suffering from the law price probably- commodities and theyrobabl - de not yet'begia to realize enhat was done for ,them at the irn Aerial conference. has not yet been brought home their can'sciousness that the agree- •mentis signed at Ottawa a five seeks ago• give than tare preferences for g •their produce in the United Kingdom g -have opened for them new markets for their wheat, fruit, live.catblesdairy produce, pork:products and other farm stuffs, which should put a great deal of money in their pockets, ; ;If, as ere. believe, these preferences prove highly fieneficial to Canada's fanners everywhere, they will learn fom experience and South Huron may vote' differently another day. In the strengthparties meantime the of the arties remains unchanged in the House S ,Common's. BLYTH, ,Mr. and Mrs. Abe. Vint .of Stratford were visitors vett the letter's Sather, Mr. Wm. Mautry. Mr. and Mrs. John Garniss and family of Lucknow were visitors with. the farmer's 'brother, Mr. George Gar Hiss on Friday., ' Mrs.' A. Fawcett spent same_ days with! her Mother; '!Yrs. Liverlmore, London • Mr, Harry Cade of Gh tha'm visited hid sister, firs. Charles ,Grasby • : and Mrs.. C. L. 'Burnside of Brad'ford•' visited' the latter's nether on Sunday, also Mr. and Mrs, L. O. •iGovernment ]'Ciller and son, Goderich,..' The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute' will tie held' in Memorial Hall on Thursday; October 6th at 2'30. Rev. Arthurc'Pickering of the Canadian Institute for the Blind, Toronto, is expected to be present and give an address "on the prevention blindness. Topic -A on Visit With Jack Miner, to be taken byMrs. Lome Scrimgeour, Music in charge •of Mrs. F. Oster. Reading - Mrs. A. M. Caldou h. Roll 'Call - Name df g Canadian Bird. Hostesses - Mrs, AI- berta Bender, Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mrs: Wm. Jenkins, Mrs. E. Taylor. Visitors are welcome. Judging of the 'Schaal Parade re- stated as 'follows: 1st, No. 8 Hallett taught byMiss Lda ,Sta6ker; 2nd, taMugi's and Wearanosh, taught by ;Miss Eliza 'Godkin; 3rd, room 2, Blyth, taught by 'Miss McNair, In the •Public 'Speaking Contest there were four contestants, :Annie Philips, Ruth Hilborn, Margaret Vin- cent, Helen Shaw, Miss •Hilbarn tak- rug the First pose. She spoke on the life of i aird 'Strath.cona. p 'In the Story 'Telling contest there were two contestants, Phyllis Bray and Gordon iGroos. The spelling match was most interesting. Four schools each entered two contestants, Ros-'Thuell of room 3,,Blyth, won the match. List of winner; at Blyth fall fair on page 7,in TUCKERSMITH Kirk-Falconratlt Mr. artd drew Kirk accompanied+by iii -taw and daughter, Mr. an D. B•e2c'ra£t of Wisid , le $Sept, .29th to attend the w Mr. and. Mrs. Kirk's son, K1irk, BA., attorney "and' df Birmingham, to Miss Falconrath, of Detroit. The was solemnized at 6 o'c10 .evening by the Rev. Mr. Presbyterian Ohurah, Detroi tame of the bride's sister an to -law, Mr. ands M'rs.. jacks licit. A goodly number of f relatives were present to w ceremony. The bride' Mk. and Mrs. Wm, Falco tW'fscansin, were present, groom's brdther, Gtr, Na Kirk, of Pena. i,.nia R. Wayne, Indiana, A sump! 3 ver was servted by the char ess. The wedding gifts we ous and costly. After a tri ,ekes, the happy couple v home to their friends one 1 Birmingham, 'Mich., where g fink ractices iaw. We join p' many friends in wishing .t coapte a lang,and praaperou 1930 SUMMARY • '' McMillan. Trewarbha. Tuckersntfth .. 658 348 'Usborne 403: 484• Exeter .. 349 • 626 Stephen .. • 731' 642 IHay .. .. 776 -1.55 Hensel( .. .. 221 195 Stanley .. 4- - a'77 lGoderich,Tp... 314 Clinton .. 490 6 IHuAett .. . . 63.5 }i;4 McKillop .. . ^ 536 401 .. .. `aeafar h 6 `'1 to THE VOTE. ' Unofficial figures for federal by- election following the .death of late g T. McMillan, in S. Huron riding. Oct. 3, 1932. !Golding.- Rader.34 Tuckersmith. - 1 144 611 1 119 51 3 '113 29 4 _ .. • 13S 35 5 1115 58 6 tag' '35 — Maj. far 1I�3I :acv s�9 STANLEY. Mrs. 31adza, who a• visiting la 'Gode^ich, =e:urced %at week and .- at p be home o Mr. and ars. Present a ,George Ca=npbeil. Miss Annie La.d^uaw of B:ytfr s vis- king with her sister, Mrs. W. Tough. Miss Maribel Ca --vie left last week to visit relatives and friends at Hyde 'Park, Komoka and Thornda:e. Mr. "'and -Mrs. 'Garnet: Lenover of !Wi'ndsor, are the guests of Rev. E. la.. rated Mrs. P.oulter at the parsonage this week. 'Mr: and Mrs. Paul Jahn and son spending of !Flint are s endin the week with lfr. John's sister, \frs. Thos. 'Robmson'`and other irfends in this 'vfciuity. Mr. John A. Arms'+trong and family spent 'Sunday ss^ith `Mr. and Mrs. 'Bert 'MOKay, of Brucefield, • IThe Y. IP. Society of Goihen and unday with malt Blake listened on S • delight •to an imspi:'ng oldies iven g by Miss •Delight 1lutch of Goderich, School '!Report -'The tfollawing is the ,report of 'No. 114, Stanley, *or Sap- temberr IS•r. SV: -!Audrey 'Gaohrane 79, Her old Janes 69, Aubrey' Farquhar 68.r Sr. 'I+II-Mary Farquhar 67, ,;Kath- leen' ones'63, George'011tltan 57.'by YSired 'Jr, Ilia -Marian !Kerslake 611, :foieePihi 1S vitzer 91. iSr. III, -Ernie' Talbot '57, 'Dan Switt-. zer 55, 'Willie IWEtcomtbe J'r. IQ. -!Lois Rad -well 66, Jean Speir 55, 'Kenneth 'McKenzie 42. J. -Mildred !Jones.. Pr -'Donny 'McKenzie, 'Main !Ker- slake. Tr. Pr, -!Batty: 15wutzer No. an toll .16, average attendance 16.95, Philippa Perefold, Teacher: PP AUCTION SALL On Wednesday,. October commencing at; 1 p,1n. •at:Mo Varna, three miles west of J. on Number 4, concrete high . under cover, in case of rain Pure -Bred• Dual Pur os P horns, registered, of good t did blood, lines and credits production. Roan Lanier 220806, served' Apri'1 117lth, D t,N+o, 220609, served June 119 Comet Na. ,23'3121713, serve Mat. Paitsy Lou, Roan Het Roan Lancaster; Sire, Ly caster: Also one Red Grade ea calf' by slide, ardt''one Ro served' May 114th. Pure4b'r shire Sheep, old pedigr'ee'd, •my founrdwtion breeding ew' the best imported bleed;` at with show records Which ni and bred t%, my show ram charge. Ewe' Iambs, ram to one fourc yearend eho'w -ra n rtati Daunt lysed. Sows. ---Well bred, s'e'leca ba regular breeders, litters of -months old in. exec cation, one saw winning fi and a •S'pecial ;51 five fa'tr+s ea ng . Glory No weaning pigs aE ext Sty. Hooses, -!Heavy draft; olvenon team cif, shin rtuai and e nt g Id g 6 nears old 'an t• zna and in good. Poultry. -Laying hens, ait,d lav White Wyandotte p•u'lil lmpdemearts. - !!inure sere rake, haydaader, Deering ma ,h avestter, walking plow, midi cubtivator. Idotrse Furntitt estate of Mrs. Agnes Moffat condition, as follows: -Willi as gdod as new; bag rack, h, Sofia'walnut. parlor suite, lar •rockers; £; Ailey bablos; oak table, solid wal'nu't exteasi dtimi'nlg morn chairs, walnut . mission.library table, !carte weed, white enatn�etl and bra • s,pr;ings; aaitd mattresses, was.li stand's, bevel aate min tains; drape's a and curtain r and carpets, dA'slves, •picattre etc. Graig -,Pure alfalfa, hay and cutting. Straw, tnangels imps: House doors and glaze sash, ti'le •and b,'iak. George: Auct , Lloyd A'MoffwfE, Phot 747 269 of for Golding�473, Usborne, l ., -. 54 set 2 ,.. ., 72 45 •3 .... , .. , '105 23 " 4 93 37' . o :........ 67 78 34 43 : 7 51 36 476 356" Maority for Golding -1'20. Exeter. .1 76 179 9 ....,145 ,1'95 3 846 ,135 "' ' 4 . 37 54 404 533 Majority far Rader -!1129., • 1i ,' 53 ?100 1 31 _ 47 of 3 ,..',....,129 58 4 146 716 5 .,.......,.'96 417 6 , 99 1,43 : 7 . 84 • Olt 8 - 67; 61' 9 1119 80 ELIMVILLE. Mrs, King and daughter of Forest visited the former's sister, Mrs. 'Wes Horne, Oast week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephens and6 children of Woodham visited at theDonald home of Mr: Stephens' brother last Sunday, •NIB., Mr. and Mrs. Mex. Jahns and chil-dominates. drcen df Lucan visited at bhe home of the formers mother, 1Irs. J. Jahns, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Murch of Lon- don visited in the village last Sunday. Mrs, Miners of Rivers, Manitoba Mrs. Hugh Ray and son' from Por- g tage la Prairie visited at the home aE lair. and Mrs. R. Johns last week. Mr. Walter Jahns returned to Ith- ata to resume his studies at Cor Welt University last week. • Miss 'Cathryn Peters returned. to Western Untiversity in London last week, Mr. and Mr. Wm Mote anal Baugh -also ter of Landon visite! at the ho me of itis Heywood Sr., Las! Saturday. The Toronto Star says: The result of the election in South Huron is what one had every reasdh to expect from a constituency that has been •represented by a .L'cberal and one in which the farm vote pre- The majority in rhe last eLecbion of =so papular a member as the late Thos.. M�eMillan has been in- creased in ,this case from under 4911 tO above 1,500.- The Toronto Globe says: •No Doubt in Huron fact that Huron South is normally a Lihera: riding rel'ie.ves Yhe--verdlct orf the electorate in yesterdays by-election of sensationalism. The emp:h:asis the .verdict is -another matter. Ths'ma- jori•ty given, the Liberal candidate far eiucereas that accorded in the 1926 gen- eral elections when Hon. genies Robb, as Minister of 'Falange, stumped the eounttry in behalf of his tariff policy and lower taxes. Mr. Thomas 'Me- rMillan,.bhe Liberal candidate, thew re- •ceived 1';153 more votes than his op- ,ponent: Iu the previous year this ma- leaky was 250, and in 1930 it was '349. The apparent interpretation' of the :huge majority: Moaday is that Tatman South is not an savor -of ,th'e policy of the: present administration. It was +drinking in •terms of Hon.. James !Robb. It is an emphatic in�timatio'n p that the famming community seeks substantial reductiop."in tariffs. Mr. . -H. .Golding the victorious con- to tan'!, 'built his. campaitgn around debts; tariffs and taxation, "Haw," 'he as ked .in one of his ^adveetise,menits; •'. , has an in•oreased tariff on, agricud- 'lural ••'•itn,p'Iements, fertilizers,; motor cars, boots and shoes, wearing ap- pared, etc„ benefited the ,Earner 9: Dto you ap;p:rove of the 'increased ' !malas and other testi-tenon• which have fort- et up the price of gasoline ba a; point29 Qrtn+ to seven cents a'bows•the level of The Toronto Telegram says: South Huron' Remains, in Liberal Column.-iNever since the riding was created in 19'14 has South Huron re- turned a Gonsers+ative member to O'atawa, Again, the mos+t fillip- sive campaign it has :known, it takes its place in the Liberal column, witch a majority 359 larger than the largest previously ob'twined. 'Witham H. Gilding, the member- elect, is an outstanding citizen of Sea- ,forth, where he was elected mayor, and was given nine consecutive ac- cl'amation's. His apparent; Louis H. 'Rader, was equally well known , as 'Warden' of 'lisiron County, but had_ frankly stated that he did not intend a make any campaign vpeeches, That the result slhould have given happiest IR�t, Han. W. L. M. King the happnes moment• he has known since bhe. de- scent. 18. his party into the Valley of Humiliation is signi'fican't of the state .to which the Liberal party hes been reduced. The result is eat so much a reflection on Benuuett poiitcies as ,, in- d>;aSeat that they still grow Grits "4 .n So hth ITufon' '3 CROMARTY. Messrs. Alex:. MaKell'ar, Jahn,S'cbtt, and Robert 'McCauley visited friends to Milverton on ;Sunday. Frank Beater of S'ea- 'air. and Mrs.major!• forth spent Sunday with M+r, and• Mrs \4alcolm. Latnand. Rev. Mr. Rogers is ill in Pittsburg hcsptai: blr. and Mrs, George. Wallace an fairly visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott an Su❑ day, last. — Hyo 633dtspositian, kCajorty for Golding -!'911: Hay 1 69 43 2 36 16 - 3 .... , ........ 69 4 1717: 75 5 '85 '43 6 98 123 7 5'4 . 00 • a g '1119 3111, - : v 882 44,3 Majority for !Golding -440. Haase/. 1 111.G 9_a ' 2 1... 75 _ ng i1i67; Eor Galling -73r ! Staple y 1 62 43 • 2 80 q0?en DUBLIN. ,Mr. and Mrs, R, Maidens and fain- ily of London, spent Sunday the guests df their friendU;. Mr. and Mts. Alex. Darling. g. 'Ma. Both Murray left for up north on Friday. Kramer � vearint Mr. Albedt Kramer is v g a, pilieasault'smide.II•f's a boy, Miss ,Hattie Page of Orangeville, tatted an same aE her old fneads aur- Ing the weep antra Murray.Ryan.-A very prettty wed- ding was solem•n:ized in Si: Patrick's Church, Dublin, on Tuesday, 4th, at 9 oclock, vel M1ary Ryan daughter, of Mr. Hse'ry •' Ras , was Brio ; Misery, but Dr. J. Asthma g D. Kellogg's tAyt h•ma 'Remedy will re- miser watt welcome relief. ) the y lace Inhaled as smoke or vapor it reaches r innermo•st recesses of the ;bronchial very passages and' seethes them pa g tctlon asses ,and easy breathing Restriction, P ;. swell how returns, 11 you knew asMajority helpou as' do this remedy would Y grateful users, there thouyaads of grateOctober e ' would be'a packabe In your home to, night, 'Try t• RDER deliver ,'w Mar- tin Mar- crag 'high cred the f peach errs ' and ! arried a ses and sa Ryan, nidesma!ka ansl, hart to m+altch. orf +rythlite nray,•bro- grclamis he bridal where . a/y faint was G' latt'ves' of Mr. and he britdle- They wSll is IV1ove!m'- • Mr;:. Att- their son - t Et Friday, Ming of Oliver H. cauntsel'ior, 0liene E. marriage ck Friday Borrie of it,` at. the d bro:thtea- on aF De - ends and fitness the s parents, nrat'h, of also the Nor M. ralut R., Fort uatis dint ming hose - re namer- lp 'up the •!11 be alt t. l'a'th, at,. 1Ir. O. H. with their he ' h'app'y s life. • the b'2th, flat Farm, Brucelfield, way. Sale, e S'hnrt- 'pe, splen- ttle milk. aster No. b•1ly Lorne th Village d' August' ler; Dam, mere Lan- wi'th. half an Grade, ed' S'hrop rn'cluditug Pis . rich in, td many ay be left wil'hout ills;' and m df im- Yar1c h re tali type, 116 pigs, Ment con- ve'. Firsts laist fwhl. 128526, atnail ,qua•1- grey Per- i;tY,; mare d a well- Fa:aria:a AIL condition. bred to its. Farm oder, side veer, bean ing plow, are of the Moffatt t n' 'goad as am piano aII settee, ge leather extension q'n table, sidebaard, r couch, ss beds, dressers, rors,, cur - ods, rugs, s, stoves, let and and. tar - window d window fuller, prietor,