HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-06, Page 3THURSDAY, OCTO'B'ER 6, 1932
er; 1iandkerehielfs, Rorke, Mrs N. W.
Woods;,•becl jae1 et, Nims. 0. Jervis;
Mrs. J.`Ad'dision; sweater: coat,' Berth.
Nee'b, Mr -s. I- ovv ve; fancy apron, E,
E. A'[erner, Mrs, D. Fowler; ,ladies'
!halrlldthag, J. W. Mennen} Miss Liv'ing's
stop; ladies'. dress, 1J, W, MernCr,
iFtiss; borne dy'ein'g, wdvo'he garment,'
Miss Livungs'tond II, Desjardiue.
Men's Wear.--4S!ports shirt, Fuss;
pydama,s, J, W. tlienter, Mrs, N.
Carter; pniliaver ,siw eater, Mrs. Fowl
,er, Mrs. Irowrie! mutts, Mrs, Howrie',
113. Des'janti ne; socks, heavy, • 0. Bats
(tier, Dr. Grie!ve;' sacks, ,fine, ,Mrs.
IHawrie, Mrs. Folwler;: 'han'dkerclviefs,
.Mrs. Metcalf, Mils. H'owrie.
•Mis;ceTlaneous. Work. Heifrnmecl
patch, !Mrs, J. Addison., Dr. Grieve;
'flet croidh'e't, Heiib. Ne'eb, ,Mrs..Me't-
loal!f; tatting, Mrs, D. 'Dewier, Het•'b
;Neeb; ' fancy knitting in colttoit, Mrs.
(Howrie, Dr.'Grieve; drawn 't'hre'ad
work, Mes.'Flowler, M'i'ss Livingston;
lhem'sltitehin!g, ,Mrs Ho'wri,e,' H. E.
(Rorke; cut work, Herb Ne b, H. A.
Fuss; tapestry, Mrs. N, W. Woods,
Miss Livingston; petite pla'in't picture,
'wool, Mrs. Rolls, Mns Ho'wrie; cross.
Stitcrh, Mrs. Meticah!f, Miss •Livinigstou
inislh crochet, Mrs. Metcalf, Miss Liv-
ingston; sampler, Mree Metcalf, ' Mies
,Livingston; d'arnin'g on worn. sox, Dr.
[Grieve, H. E. Rorke; ribbon in'ovel-
jti•e's, R. 8. Redd, H. E. Rorke; 'assort-
Imbnt df work done by lady over 70,
0. Battler, > ' • ,
!Horne Mtenu!factiirds. - ;Bedspread,
'colored, J. W. Elliott, Hel!ep+ Touglh;.
(beds!pread, tufted' in candlewick, 0.
'Battler; bedspread applique, l4Prs.
reverie, Mi's's Livingston; quilt, c'ot-
ton, Milne Rader, Wm, Dekker; quilt,
;patched, Dr, lGrieve,Milne Rader;
comforiter, fancy, Wm, Decker, Mrs.
N: L. Caeter;,comforter, 'goose down,
,Mrs. N. L. Carter, Ed. Foster; oroch-.
•et afghan, 'Miss Livingston; Dr.
IGnieive; hearth rug, Miss ,Livingston,
'Milne Rader; :hearth rug, hooked, Mrs.
iHowrie; rag mat, H. E. Rorke,. Mrs.
1N'. W. Woods; labor."saving device,
Mrs. Fowlerift H. Des'andine; home
painted ' article kr kitchen, Miss Liv-
ingston, Mrs. RossY crochet malt, 'Flo-
renree.Pollock, Helen Tough.
'B'est essay,' Veronica Wilds, •-b''ay
Murray; drawing, perspective, Elean-
for Rathwetl, Margaret Middleton;
,drawing, still life, Wanda Cluff, Jul.
'ere Stephenson; apron, _Eleanor Rath -
well; bird house, Keith Stirling; toll,
'woods, Jack 'Murray, 'Eleanor Rath-
'w'elll; dressed doll, Lorna Westlake,
'Kathleen Middleton; mounted plc -
tures, .Margaret Middleton; a, drawing
'flow'ers, etc., Win'ni•fred Battler, Wan-
da Cluff,
(let Charles Surerus, and T. H. Mey-
ers, Zurich; 2nd Cla'r'e' Surerus and D.
Mleyers, Zurich; 3rd Austin and M.
McDbu'gall, Zurich,
'Fine arts, F, Pritchard ,Godenich;
ladies' work, Mrs. Will Grieve, C9'l-
borne'Tp., Miss Susie No!b'le, Gloder-
ich; grain and seeds,' John Saikeid,
tGoderich, L. Williams, 'Z'us'dch; fruit,
R. S. Smythe, .Clinton, C. McPhail,
IGoderich; ,flowers, Miss ,Fiotence Cun-
ningham, Clinton; v'egetab'les, Wm.
(Bailie, .G'oderioh; doimetstie science,
rMi'ss Jennie Bumke, . God'eri'ch ; H.
Bartliff, Clinton; dairy and m•anu-
!faotunes, Ross Scott, B'rucelfield, Jas.
'Connolly, Goderich.
DUNLOP Tires, reinforced by Cable
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the tire.designing experience of the.
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Seaforth, Ont,
Ir�tr%-• �t U
Low evening rates
on ' station -to -sta-
tion calls begin
7.00 p.m. Still
lower night rates
at 8.30 p.m.
-we're both
feeling' fine"
jot Thompson and his wife were
glad when Gwen finished Business
College and got a good position in
the city. Blit Gwen was the last of
the family and the house was pretty
lonely. .
Then they, found they could call her
on Long Distance telephone for as
little as 30 cents. So now, every Fri-
day evening, Gwen waits for their call
and the weekly talks make them all
feel better.
Long' Distance is easy to use, depend-
able, and surprisingly inexpensive. '
Brussels Fall Fair
tAgriculturad,-Brood mare, T. Bol-
ger, A. Taylor, Jahn Speir; horse or.
mare colt, T. Bolger, A. Taylor, john
ISpeir; two year old fil'ly or ge'ldin'g,
IF. Duncan, F. Toll, Roy Cunningham;
'on'e year old' filly or gelding, A. Tay-
lor, Roy Cun'ningth'am; span • of agri-
cultural horses, F. 'Toll, - E. Hastings;
;miar•e or gelding, any age, F. Tol'l'.
(Heavy( Duaq,givt.-1Brood •mare, Lou
LA.'nms'trong, Atex. .Corrigan; 'horse,
colt or 'mare colt, Alex. Corrigan,
L. Armstrong; 'two year old filly or
ge'ldi'ng, Hugh, Smith, E. Hastings;
yearling filly or 'gelding, L. Aran -
Wong; heavy 'di'aflt team, 'Wm. Ire-
land; mare orgelding, any age, Wm:
Ireland. '
iRoadsteng.-•iBrood mare, E. Rotw-
Cliffe, Abe Bishop; .'ruse or mare colt,
E. Rawcliffe, A. Jaeldl.•in; two year old
fi'll'y or .geld'int!g, E. H'astin:gs, Alex.
Dunbar; one year .old .filly or gelding,
IE, R'entwicic, •Clifford, .amid 2nd; buggy
'Norse, W. J. Roberts, F. A. Carrie,
E. Roast -dam. ..
Gentlemen's 'road' rape, half mile,'
W. J. Rolbents, F. A. Carrie, E. Ross -
'Bull, 'bw!o years old and over, Oes-
tridher Bios,, 0. Tu'rn'bell & . Sons;
'bull, -orae year old, 'Levu Parr, M. H.
'Taylor, Henry Johann; .bulli calf, sen
ior, Oe'striicher Bnos. 1 and 3rd; 0;
'Turnbull ' & Sons tad. Bull calif, jun-
ior, Oestrilrh'er B1to!s, and 2nd; H. M.
Taylor 3rd. Brest male any age,' Oen-
Itriich'e'r. Biros.; rail'dh co'w, Henry
Jlohamd, John 'Slpeir and r 3rd. Btific'h
cow under 4 ,years, Oestriciter Bra's.
'M. H. 'Taylor, O. Tu'rn'bull & ' Sion'
two year old ;heifer, Oos'brio'her Bros.,:
!M. H. 'Taylor; one year ofd' •heifer,
Henry Johann and 2nd, Oes'tricher
(Bros 3rd; heifer calf, senior, M. H.
(Taylor, Henry Jloth'ahn, O. ;Turnbull
& S'outse heifer calf, 0. Turnbull &
Sons and 2nd, John Spelt- 3rd. .
Herd of Slhordharns,, Odstricher
(Bros., O. , Turnbull & Son's \i. .H.
1Tay . tor. IBe'st fem'a'le,. any age, M. H.
Taylor. 3 minab'is get,' Of one sire,
0(es'•tricher - Bros„ H. Johann.
Grade Cattle.
'Miiih low; dairy strain, Levi Parr,
!Donald M1cllC'inmlon, W. Yioill'l and
ISolnls; nvitc6 low, beef strain, Levi
(Parr and 2'n'd, and 3rd; two year old
heifer, (Geo. Menzies, 'Levi Purr , and
sdale; clel, J. Ti es dale and grid;
ptil J R. 'nightie' !dale and 2nd.
Rocks, A.tO.!V.--•e, Nerine & Clerkci,
O'Brien, & Kocheins, Zurich; +It, 3.
RI'1"insdale, Nerine & Clarke; cltl, W
J, Miller;, Nerine & Clarke; pill., Ner-
ine & Clarke, O'+Briet & Kochenis.
.Cc'ohiss-c, ancl li, Nerine & Clarke,'
:T, C. Willson ekl, 'Ncrine & Clarke;
J. R.-Tinsd,'le, Nerine & Clarke,
IDorkings-c,.M. A. Fraser, O'Brien
'&JKochemlls; h, T. C. Wilsons, O'Brien
&. Kochein!s; cid, J. R. Tuned+ale,
A. Fraser; pul., 'O'Brien & .K'oc'henps,
M. A. Fraser.
!Games -c and !Is,,;Lai'bhtwai'te & Sons,
lGodercich; pul., Dou'gldat.'
IOepi+ngtoins-c, T, , C. Wilier,' and
2n1,d; 'h, T. C. Willson, J. R. Tin:v.1. le;
clel and p,ul, W. 5. Miller,' J. iR. Tins -
dale, '
IMinoncas-c, O'Brien' & K'och'em's,
Nerine, & Clarke; ,h, Nerine & •Clarke,
•00B'rien ,& Ko..dheuns; ckl, and gaol:,
1Lait'hwaite (Si ,Sion!s O'Brien & Ko'ch-
e iris,
White Wya'ndlobt'e's---:e, W. J. Mil-
ler, Neriine &• Cla:rtce;:'h.r. Nerine &
Clarke,' J': R. Tin'sud'el;•• okl., W.J. Mil -
;her and 21i'd; put., W. J.. M,ild•e.r, Nerine
& Clarice, ,
iWya'ndlolttes, any - other, variety -c,
T. C. Whsion, M. A. Fraser; 11,. W. '3.
'H'i'tler, T. C. Wilson; ckl. T. C. Wil -
S0,1; W.•'5. Miller; pw'!, • Nerine • &
'Clarke, T. C Wilsron..
'Rhode Island Reds -c, Nerine &
Clarke and, 2+nd; h, Douglas, J. R.
' :r
Truvsd'ale; dkl, Neninne & Clarke, W. J;
Miller; pul., Nerine & Clarke, W. J.
Miller. -
'W!hi!te Leghernls,-'c Nerine'& Clark,
J. R. `Tinsdale; h, Nerine & Clarke
and Znd; del, J. IR. Tinlsdate, Nerine &
,Clarke; put Nterine & Clarke, J. R.
Brown Legh'or'ns-.c, Nerine &
C'l'ark, O'Brien .& 'Cachous; h, J. R.
Tinsdale, T. C. Wilson; ckl., J. R,
Tin'sd'ale, T. C. Wilson; clot, J. R.
Tinsdale, Laith'wailte & Sons; pu'l., J,
IR, Tinsdale, Laith'waite. & Sons.
Leghorn, any lather v'arie'ty -'c, J.
R. Tinsdale, M. A, Fraser; h, J. R.
Tinsdale,T. -C. Wilson; ckl. Ronald
M'dLean, Newton, Ont., M. A. Fras-
er; put, M. A. Fraser, J. R. Tinsdale.
Anlconas-c, Nerine & Clarke and
12nd; th, O'Brien '& Koclvenna Nerine
& Clarke; ti;loI, Nerine & Clarke, J.
R. Tins'date; ,put, Nerine •& Clarke, -M.
A. Fraser,
.I31am'burgs-=c, Nerine & Clarke, O'
Brien & Kolahems; h, M. A. Fraser,
IO1B'rien & Kochenns; ckl., Nerine &
!Clarke, O'Brien & Keleher -as, put, J.
eC. Wilson.
R. Tmsd'a1 , T.s
IH'ond'attls c, Laithwatite & Sons,
(Ned Rutledge; h, Ned Rutledge, IJai-
tthw*site & San's; ckl., M. A. Fraser;
Ned' Rutledge; pull., Ned Rutledge and
(Ban'tam's, clean: -c, Douglas, Nerine
& Clarke; h, C. Dlatubroo'ke, W. ' J.
Muller; ckl., W. J. Miller, Douglas;
put, W. J. Miller, Douglas:
(Bantams, booted! -c, M: A. Fraser,
O. Turnbull & Sons; Is, :0. Turnlbu7d
I& Sons, M. A. Fraser; ck1., 0. Turn-
Ibau17' & Sons, Nerine & Clarice; pul.,
Nerine & Clarke, M. A. Praiser.
(In pairs, old and young--Turkeys--
oung-•(Turkeys-ol'd, Clarence Clarke, you'n'g, Clarence
Clarke' and 2rtd.
'Geese -old, Ronald M:dLsan and 2,
Young, Ronald M'c;Leas. and 2nd.
IDwcks--101d, 'Douglas, Abe Bish'o'p;
young, Douglas, Nerine '& Clarke.
Pair P'igeon's-Nerine & Clarke,
'Collection Pigeons, M. A. Fraser, C.
Danlbeooke. -
Judge: A. E. Doan, Dh'orndale.
White Fall Wheat, 1 bus., Andrew
Schmidt, A. Turnlbuil & Sons, .Cl'ar-
enoe Clarke; Red fa+l wheat, bus., An-
drew Sldhmridt, Mrs. Britm!blecohnb'e,
Alma; A. Edgar; sipniit!g wheat, 1 buns.,
(A'nd'rew Schmidt; 6 -rowed b'a'rley, L.
Parr, Andrew Schmidt, C. McLau'ah-
:lin; 2 -rowed barley, Clarence Clarke,
(White oats, Andrew Slc'h'mid't, D,
1Bonho, J,' C. Proctor small peas, T.
IB'urdheil; timothy seed, C. M+c'L'auoh-
tin; s&ea'f wheat, 'An'drew Schmidt, O.
Turnbull & 'Sons.; sheaf oats, 5nio.
'Bowman, 0. Turnlb'uli & S'ans,
(Judge, F, G. Puller.
MdIntos'h.-Mrs. R. J. McLaughlin,
Laitliwaite, God eri'cili; Baldwins, Tom
'Qam!plbeill', Mrs. R. J. AI!dLangihiin;
Farneus.e,' LaJt'hwai'te, Tom Campbell,
King of Tomlpkin's, La'thtwai'te, • Oran
Russell; Northern Spies, D. Boribe,
'Mrs. R, Thompson; R. I. Green+in'gs,
IT.; Campbell, N'el'son Cowan; Allwood.
(Golden Russets, T. Camp'b'ell; Oran
'Russell; Blenheim Pippins, Oran Res-
sell, Lailthlwaiie; TlaPman Sweets, A.
(Bishop, T, C. Willson; Ontario,, 'Toni
Camipbell, Onan R'u'ssell; ,We'aldlty,, N.
Cowan, Lai'thwalte• Alexander, Oran
(Russ'el'l; iiaiithlwailte; Rybstoin Pippins,
Rand R. 'Praetor, D,' Barber r Coivesits,
iD. Borlho, Andrew Schmidt. Rokb'ore
1Russets, Oran ''R'ussell, D. Borho;
(Can'ad'a Reds, Tom Cantnpib.ell, D. Tior-
h0; Cayuga Red'streaks, Nelson Covi'-
an, D. B'ouho; Fa:lawater, Nelson Co -
Wan john Spear, Gravenstein s D
(Denbo, ,'John Stpeir; Maiden's Btus'h,
ID. l3io'dh'o, John Slpear; P'e'ewauke'e,
C, Willson, A. Bishop; Wag+ner's, Lai-
bhiwa!ite,.;Mrs. R. J. MicUanghlie; c.ealb,
Thos. AbelFadz'essy Andrew Schmidt;
3rd; one year .old heifer; Levi Parr,
'Donald MlcKinn'on, G. Menzies; one
Pear o1'd •steer, J'ohln' B'owm'an, S. Me -
Lanai -din, 3. Bowman;' steer call, sen-
ior, Levi iPanr, and 2nd, O. 'Turnbull &
'San 3rd;,,steer calf junior," 0. Turn-
brill & Son, Levi Pars' and 'ird; ,'heifer
baif, senior, Levi Parr and. 2n'd, 0.
Turnbull & S:on 3rd; heifer calf,' jun-
ior, Donald McKinm'on, R. Davidson,
(Levi Parr; fat steer, 0. N. - Walker
and 2nd and and.
'Ju'd'ge• -M. •0. Wiegman, Waterloo,
ILeices'ters,-Aged 1Ram, E. Snell,
John L. Cowan; sheaniin'g ram, John
IL. Cowan, E. Snell; ram lamb, J.
Cowan, E. Snell; ewe, two shears and
over, 'J. Cowan, E. Snell; ' s!hearling
ewe, J. Cowan, E. 'Snell; erne -iamb; J,
(Cowan, E. Snell; p'e'n. E. Snell, J.
'Osdford Down's. --'Alb classes. E.
IS;'el] and 2nid.
IDorset Horns. - Aged' Ram, P. E.
Dearing, C. Dianlhraoke,t she!arling
tam, P. E. Dearing and 2nd; ram
lamb, P, E. Dearing ' and 2nd; ewe,
two shears and sever, P. E. Dearing,
IC. D'aplbrooke; s'h'eafllnlg ewe,, ',P. E.
'Dearing 'anid Znd; ewe ;lamb, C.',Dan-
Ibro'oke and 2nd; pen, P. E. Die'aring,
C,: Danib'rloo'ke. •
1S'h'ropshired+awnls.- Aged ram, R.
iD, Hunter & Son, J, K. Tit -mulatto;
ahe!arling ram, R. D. Hu'n'ter & Song
J. K. 'Thompson; ram Jlantib, R, D.
(Hunter & S'o'n, J. K. Thomisom'; . ewe,
two shears and over, J. K. 'Thomson,
IR. D. Hunter & Son;- shearbintg ewe,
i3..'K. Tih'omfbon and 2nd; : ewe 'la'm'b,
iJ. K. 'Dhums.on, R. D. Hunter & Sons.
[Judge, R. H. H'andin'g, Th'onnd!ale.
Boar, one year and over, N. Wade,
D. Douglas & Son; 'boar under one
year, James Cowan,: D, Douglas &
Son, N. (Wade; sow, one year and
over, D. Douglas & Sots, 0. Turnbull,
James Cowan; sow un'd'er one yearn,
ID. Douglas & Son, N. Wade, James
Cowan; pen, D. ,Douglas, & Sens, N.
Wade, James Cowan; best pair bacon
hlo!gs, John. S. Cowan, N. Wade.
judge: 'R. H. Harding. '
B'e eh'm'as-'C, M. A. Fraser,
ford Nerine & Clarke, Palmerston; '11,
'Nerine & Clarke, T. C. Wiison; viii,
Nerine & ;Clarke, M. A. Praiser;. psi,,
M. A. Bracer; J. R. Misdate, Guelph,
(Barred Raeld.•-t, W. J. 14L 1'ter, Ne -
rine & Clarke; h, W. J. Miller, J. R.
collectia;l of winter apples, Tom
ICansplbell, D. Boi'ho;' co'heat jon .fall
a'pp'les, Nelson Cowan, Torn Carni-
+bell; fail pears, Lanth'waite, •Cla'reiice
„Clarke; winter pears, Oran ' Russell, D.
Borh'o, g'u'ms, Dooal'd MdRae, Mrs.
Brintlbl'e'cotnbe; collection of plums, D.
Bortle; grape's, R. Davison, D. B'or-
F.ar1'y potatoes' -Andrew, Schmidt,
1L. Cpughlin; late po'tatoes, Andrew
(Schmidt, 5. K. 'Thomson, O. Turnbull
& Sons; swede tttrntips, L. Coughlin,
:Paul R. Proctor; .turnips,, any other,
L. Coughlin, 'Clara Smith-, White "field•
'carrots, L. Oo•u!gh'lite R. Dlavld'son;
long table c'arrolts, J, C. Proctor, Ew-
erept Hoover; 'early Morn carrots, Ev-
erett Holover, R. J. Hoover;• tang red
beets, Nel'son Cowan, W. E. Brown,
blood :turnips, Clarence' Clarke, ..J
(Agar; p'a'r'sn'ips, 0. Turnibt'll & ,Sons,
Remy Roland; winter radislhes, And-
rew 'S'ch'midt, Nelson. Cowan; sugar
mangold's, 2, Coughlin, E•veretlt HIo'o-
ver•; marigold wurzels,, :long red, R. 5,
iH'oolver, Andrew' Slclanidlt; long yell-
ow .m'a'n'golds,: W. S. Scott, George
Campbell; yellow globe marigolds, R.
Hoover; Peter -Stewart; red globe
marigolds, mo n'um'ber .on first prize,
Andrew Schmidt.
'Onions frown seed, red, Mrs. ` L.
'Coughlin, yellow onions' from seedy
Mrs, Btrhm'bie'co'mlbe, Dr. J. Gni-e've;
onions on ns fratn sets, D. B'onho T. Burch-
unch-ell; onion sets, Dr. J., Grieve, Miss T.
MdCatlalm pickling onions, Miis,
Mrs, Beinfb'leco'm!h , Dr. 5. Grie've;
pdtato onions, Mrs. T. Walker, To'm
Mclradzen; corn, yellow. Canada, T.
C. Wilson; 'w'hi'beSint corn, T. C. Wil-
son; yellow dent corn, A. Edgar, A.
Taylor, table corm D. Boshoy -Mrs.
1Brimyb'tecos nbe; collection of corn, T.
C. Wilsen, A. Edgar; curled savoy, D.
IIloilo., W. S, Sta+tlt; 3 heads, drudn--
'heard cabib'a'ge, Andrew Schmidt, T.
Campbell; •Oirhear-t cabbage, Andrew
Sdhmidt, Mrs, L. Coughlin; red' pick-
ling cabbage, Mrs, R. Thompson, An-
drew Schmidt ; cauliflower, Andrew
'Schmidt, Mrs, Brim'blecombe; yellow
field pumpkin, Clarence Clarke, D.
IBorho; pie pumpkin, Mrs. Brintble-
cembe, Miis. R. Tthom'psom; squash,
Fred Buechel], W. S. Scott; large to-
matoes, And're'w Schmidt, Mrs. • R.
1Thom+p:som; Cherry tomatoes, ,Mrs. L.
'Coughlin, T. C. Wilson; butter 'be'a'n's,
black, R. J. Heaver, James Perrie &
1Sons; white beans, Clarence Clarke,
T, C. Wilson; any other variety r beans, but-
ter '
toD. B!arho Ja'neserrr Perrie
(Sons; small whine bean's; R. and R.
(Proctor, Levi Parr; citrons, Dr. J.
'Griew&, Thos. M!c!Fadzcn; welter•melon,
Dr. .Grieve, Clarence Clarke; musk-
melons, Dr. Grieve, D. Bonito; pick-
linng tuaumibers, George Campbell,
Arthur Edgar; table cucumbers, Dr,
'Grieve, Ne'ls'on Colwan; ripe. cucum-
bers, Roxy Roland, Mrs. L. Coughlin;
Celery, Dr. Grieve; sunflower, Everett
Hoover, M;rs. L. Coughlin; colle'cti'on
garden grodv'ce, Ps't prize, no number,
2nd prize, Andrew S'chnsisjt.
'5 i'b's. crock 'butter, Donald ivLcXin-
non, J. C. Proctor, R. & R. Proctor;
5 lb's.' 'table 'bu'tter prints, John Fras-
er, Donald M'dlGnnon, W. Taylor; 5
lbs. b'u'tter in rolls, Mrs. W. Jeffries,
Mfrs, F. Storey, ,Mils. D. McKinnon,
[judge of ladies' work, Mrs. E. J.
Ellis, Orangeville.
ray, Roy Cunnietghana; raspberry jet-
ly, Mrs. A. Murray, T. C. tkilscars>
voluted corn, D. B+or'in+a, E. 'Hoover;
canned bean's, Et. Bryeins, George:
Cam'pbell; canned tonnivtoes, George:
Ca'mp'bell, Ed, Bryans; canned effIciee
cn, Roy Cunningham, Mrs v\'ax. flttr
ray; dressed meat, no first award, 2talr.
Mrs, :MIJLauglt'li!n; hu,niena•ade • eeage
Mrs, J. Carno'el an, Ed,-Bryans; call-•
ection of foods, Mrs. W. Kerr. Ed..
IHonvemede white bread Ed. 13ryatrs;.-
Mrs. W. Jefferies; brown bread, Mrs:-'
James 'Carn'odhan, Levi Parr; currant.
bread, Ed, Bryan's, Mrs. Alex. Mar ---
ray,' buns; Mns. F. Storey, Mr . Atex..
(Murray; tea biscuits, Mrs. F. Storey
Mrs. W. So•m•ers; Clark fruit cake , Jos..
5, 12 Bryan's; light fruit calve,,..
E. Hastings, Willi'a'm Somers; ligg&b.
layer cake, J. H. Bryan's, 13, Hastissgse
dark Payer cake, J. C. Proctor, C. Mc-.
Lentil -lin; sponge cake, Mrs. R. Do's
id.on, Mrs, R. T'hompo'o'n; angel calm..
terns. John. Ga'1'b'raith, Levi Parr; oat--,
meal .co'okie's, firs. Brimbie!comb, Mira..
J. C. Proctor; cookies,. Mrs. A. Sar -
age, Mrs, L. Williams; doeaghnnts; R...
IN•idh'ol, Mos, W. Sinlclair; scones, Msme.
A. Murray, Ed, Bryan's; silt loaf, Mks,.
'MicCaiium; drop cakes, Clara Srisft6
Mrs. W. Sotneiis; meflitt's, Mary Imo]=--
en Kerr, Lou Ecifmier; short hreade..
Jn'h'n,Bolwmau, E H'as'tings; apple pie,,
Clara Smildh, E. Hastings; paun'p&t`w'
pie, Al. J. Arms!tronvg, Oliver Turnbull!
Sons; lemon pie, E. Htatslbings, J. C.:
Prlo'oto•r raisin pie, Roy CtvmniegIatrq;-
Mfrs. W. Kerr; salad, Bruit, T. C-: Wil-
son, Lehi Park; vegetable salla,. Mrs
Bri•mlbleicolrnlb, Levi Parr; tarts, Mrs. --
P. Storey, A. Edgar; candy Mrs- KL
IStor'ey, A. Murray c'ol'lection of e'a e- -
dy, Tom Campbell, variety of baking
fnolm one d'ougih, Ed. B'r'yans,. //Drs. J�
ICerno'dhan,_2nd prize, '
/Avow WORK
tCallaution ladies' fancy work, \Mrs::•
'Somers, Mrs. George Muldoon,. r1Mrs.-
;Briuttlb'becolmb; doi'lection •elf five' arti-
cles ,far gifts, Mrs. R. J., M'cLaarchlirs„
Mrs. J. A. Hone; embroidered five o'-
-clock table cloth, Airs: W. Somers,
iufrs. L. Williams ; filet •crochet lunch_ :
cloth, Mrs. George Muldoon, Mrs; -A:... -
G. Savage; embroidered tray: c ot:4-i;r:
linen, Mrs. R. J. MdLanchiin; AUCse 'EL'
Nichol; fancy knitting -fit cottony, Mrs;.
B'rinvblecoim'b, Mrs. Savage; crochet.
work in ,cotton, Mrs. Brim'blecomiI;...
Mrs. Savage; crochet work ide cvnai;.... 1
'Mrs, R. Hamilton, Mrs, D. Fowler;-' •
child's fancy dress, Mrs. R. J. 3ri:e-
lLauclrlan, Mrs. A. Savage; lad's' fan-
M Brunn:
cy apron, lits. D ]'owde r,
bleco'm!b; tatting Mrs. Savage; hated-•. •
made handkerchief, Mrs. A. S'tocvaztd .
ins. R. J. MclLauchlan; linen' i;entrree
C. ATdLau'c'h'lan, Mrs. Briiwbltiooasibre
em(beoidlered centre • p'ie'ce ih Efier e,
'Mrs. R. J. McLauchlan, 't'in's. Tti1" Sr--
mers; em!broi•dsred centre piece, MM.
W. Sinclair, Mrs. W. Somers; exolla..
talbde set, \Irs. George Muldoon,' Mise
BrisafblJoonele; embroidered a'ppl'e nee
Mrs. A. S'arvauge, Mrs. Beim'ildlectsmbee
entib, haedanger, Mrs, Savage; Miss,=-
Brintlbldconnbe; emb, cross stritclr;:,,
Mrs, Brimblecomb, Mrs. 9.. L"aneee
orb. Frenchor solid, Mrs. A. Savage,
Mrs. Brim!biec'onfb; cut work, Mrs...
'George Muldoon, Mrs. Brimlhlccom� -
kitchen apron, Mrs. L. W iTiams 3d3
iAE Cdeitc, n, leu nrdry bag Mrs.
Nichol; Mrs. R. J. M.OLanohfan;•'errib-
tea co's'y, Mrs. R. J. M'clLau'chian; 1dr e
IBrim'blscomnb; Italian • henastitchfug.
firs. R. J., McLauchlan, Mr§.
i ih'osnp's'dn; pillow eases, Mrs. A Sa-
vage, Mrs, F. Storey; lamp • s1§acle :,
Mrs. B'riunblecomib, Mrs. L. 'GT'v11•iarn .
'fancy cloth, Mrs.. R. J. McLauefilirs;.
'Mrs: A. Savage; bridge cloth; Alt's...
John .Rutherford, .Mrs. W il'liarn Sarr3-
•era wlaai pil'ioiw, Mrs. R. 'Thom'psbrr,
Mrs.- R. j.;'MclLauchian; cross Stitch. •
sofa pillow, Mrs, W. Somers; em'b.e
sofa pillow, ,Mrs. Brinable'coanb,' Mie -,
W. Jeffries; quitted sofa pillow-, Mate -
George Muldoon, Mrs. D: F'n:n lore •`
vanity Dillow, Mrs, J ,:C. Hone,1irs...
L,,1}ri11'iams; table runner, .firs. J. &.:.:
Hone, Mrs. D. Fowler; work bog. Miese
D; Fowler, Mrs, Briinlble'coim!be ii tiny•
'bonnet, Mrs. J. A. Hone, Mrs. D.
'Fowler; bath towels, firs. H. MoNi-
dh'ol, Mrs. McKelvey; fancy teeseeis. -.
rMes,' L. Williams, 17iT, H. 'Anderson;;
pillow cases; Mrs. Brinnib'leconvh,, Iters --
D. Fowler; nigh'tdresls, Mrs A. Sav-
age, Mrs. Bririabie'eo'm:be; bed, set, Mrs
W, H. Anderson, George Mwld+asozss' ,
lady's scarf,Mrs. Brianib'lecnnv'l ea.Meee
A. S'av'age; :b.uff;et set, Altrs; D.. Wil
Ban's, Mrs. Brianbdecoumb; Buffett wee.
c'ol'ored, Mrs. A. Savage, Mrs F.
To'eti•er; infan't's pillow, Arius. Brlsuble •-
tcounib, Mrs. D. Fowler; ,gttes-t taw'els.'
Mrs. D. Fowler, Mrs. ' L. Wid'bid'msce . -
•Ch'air set, W, $, .Annderison, Mrs: 'Sr.
(Somers. FINE A'RTBIL -
011 Paiu'ting--•'Le dsoape- ' W.' I"
Steweant,• Miss M. Livin;gsiton; marite;.
Miss Li'vinag'sitan, Mr's, Br-i'mb'leccrtetb' '
flowers, Miss Livingston, Miss' L.,
'Granit; fruit, Dr. Jr- Grieve, Miss 'Liv- '.
in'gstion; animal life,Alis's. Livingseetz,
Dr. Grieve; p'ortrai't, Miss L. •Gfarretel.
'Miss Livingston.,
Water Cololc--Landu!calpe,
'Grant Mies Li,vin'gs!ton; marittr, Ai~sa
L. Grant, Mrs, W. Somers; ffowera.
Miss L. Quaint, M'i'ss ,Lia'ingstosr felt
'('Oo'ntinire!d' on P'a'ge• 7J ''•
Quilt, fandy, Mrs, H. McNichol, C.
.MdLauchlin; crocihet quilt, Dr. Grieve
Mrs. A. S'ava'ge; knitted, quilt, Dr.
Grieve, Nelson Cowan; .patchwork
quilt, W. H. Andensblu, R. J. Hoover;
log cabin qu'in't, Dr, Grieve, Mrs. Mc-
Kelvey. aplpiiique , qu.dlt, ;firs. J. A.
.H'one, Mrs. W. Jeffries; knotted and
'tufted quilt, Miss McCallum, Ed. Bry-
an's; fancy beidlsp'read', Mrs. W'al'ter
(Jefferies, Nelson Cowan; fancy coin.
'tarter, Mrs. H. MdNiidlnel, Mrs. W.
Owners; comforter, practical, Mrs, L
Williams, Mrs. W', H. A•nderaon;
hooked mat, Mrs. W. Jeffries, Mrs. 5,
A. HI'one; most useful `` article, Mrs,
Bniinble'cormlbe, Airs. L. Williams;
'braided mat, Mrs. W. Jeffries, ;Mrs. T.
'Walker; w'oolle'n mitts, Mrs. H. :Mc-
Nichol, ' 'Mrs. L. Cop•ghlin; working
shirt, Miss' : McCallum, Mrs, W. II.
Anderson; pair df socks, wool, Oliver
Hemingway, Mrs. H. AI'clNichioi; la-
bor salving device, Mrs. Brian'b'lecoimbe
Mrs. D. Fowler; pair of socks, Mrs.
iD, Plo'wtler, Mrs. J. A I:Ion'e; maple
sugar Andrew Schmidt; maple syrup,
Perrie .8z Sons, Clarence Clarke; bon •
ey in comb, Oran Russell, Clarence
Clarke; strained honey, Clarence
(Clarke, A. Bishop; dark preserved
'fruit, 'Mrs. James Garnoichan, A. Ed-
gar; ,li'g'ht preserved fruit, A, Edgar,
D. Borth(); ' tomato catsup, R. & R.
Proc't'or, Clarence Smith; sweet cuc-
umber pickles,' J'atuves Perrie & Sons,
&les. R. J. McLaughlin; mustard
pickles, R. & R. Proctor,' A. Edgar;
!Ohiui sauce, R. & R. Proctor, Cara
Smith; ' pe'ac'hes and pears, Dr. 'Grieve,
Ed. Bry'ans; ra'tptbehry and strawber-
ries, A. Edgar, Mrs: Alex „Murray;
rhubarlb and cherry, Mrs. Levi Eek -
Mier; orange tniaernatadie; Mrs, R.
'Hatnilyon, R. J, McLaughlin; apple
icily, Mins. W. S'o!lners, Mrs. R.
'Thompson; grape jelly, Mrs. A. Mur