HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-10-06, Page 2E TWO THE SEAfORTH NEWS. r+sq,Wrv. THURSDAY; OCTOBER 6, 1932 Outstanding Value -Always TEA "'Fresh from the Gardens" BAYFIELD FAIR H'O'RSES. \General 'Purpose -={Brood .mare a'c- ,:eompani,edby .foal -E. F. Merner, J. ' Gelinas & SlondEoal-!W, G. (Ross, !')'ohm Love. Gelding or fi'l'ly 3 years a'1B- Wm. Decker and and. Gelding or fully 2, years old -R, Pepper & Son. .Gelding g or 611y 11 year ol'd-,R, Pepiper. .& Sod(, Tea'nr-W'm, Decker. Pendleton-MI:tree year old -Harold IPen'hale, Wan. Decker. 'Two year old -la W. Hyde, 'Piercy JOhnslban..Foal -- ID. W. 'Hy'd'e, Jack 'Armstrong. Agricultural (Broad mare accam- --+Iictnned' by foal-'J'ahn Rathwefl, IR. ,'Greig. Foal -Chas. Stephenson, Har- - very Turner. 'Gelding or filly 3 years .old -!Percy Jahnstoot. Gelding or filly :2 years old -Garnet Taylor, Elmer Webster. 'Gelding or 'filly 1 year old j. Gelinas and and. Team - Percy Johnston, Nelson Keys & 'Son. Heavy Draught - Brood mare- ac- • companiod by .fool -Miss Bro'wnett, 'Ro'b't. Webster. 'Fowl -!Miss B'row'nett, -.Fred Middleton. Geldingor filly 3 years oldR., Webster .and Son and Bnld. Gelding or filly 2 years old -1R.' Vbster & San, .Manson Bras. Geld- ing or 'fil'ly 1 year old -Nelson Keys. Tears -Miss Bro'w•nebt,` R. Webster & Son. Ro'ad'sters. -,Foal - Garnet 'Taylor. Gelding or filly 2 years old -Nielson Keys & Son. IGe4di'ng or filly 1 year old-M'ansan Bros. Single roadster- '.0 Frrfo4gie, Wilford 'McLean. Carriage -Brand mare accompanied 'by foal - R. 'Greig, Garnet Taylor. (idol -'R. 'Greig, J. Gelinas. One year mI'd-+Ed. Walper. Manson IBros. Two year old -Manson Bros. !Single carriage horse -C. FrylolgIe, E. 3. Willert. (Best gentleman's au'bfrt-C. Fry- sog'1e, IE. J. 'Willert. !Lady driver -IE. J, Willert. Best heavy horse on grounds-Miss -Brownett, R. Webster & Son. Langley's Special -(Harvey Turner, J'o'hn 'Laveifi Elmer 'Webster, 'John IRath'well. J. W. Herner's ISpecial, gen. pur- - pose mare apd' foal -J. Gelinas & Som. Best colt •an 'halter by boys 115 or ander-IJ. Gelinas & 'Son, tJack Arm- strong, R. Greig. (Boys 116 years or under, dniv'in!g single horse -1E. 3. 'Willett, R. Greig. CATTLE. Grade Cattle. 'l'Iidoh cow -+Jas. R. Sterling, Miss lBrownebt. Heifer, two; years old -!Miss 'lBrownett and 2md, Heifer, one • year •o'ld' - Alf. Warner, Miss Brawnett. lEieifer calf 0. Batler, M. Brown. 'Steer calf -'R. Peplper & Son, W. G. 'Ross. !Steer, two years old -R. Pepper (Buff Oiipingtons-IPulle't-•Jahn Ko - I& Son, Miss Brownett.Sfteer, one year chews and 2nd.'tHen-'Jahn Kochems ••d1dR. Pepper & Son. and 2nd, Cock-0.1B'attler, Cockerel- iDunha'm,-1He'iiler, one year Kochems and i2nd, Weeper. 'Heifer calf; R. Pepper. Bu'lI iSil'ver Grey Dorkings -'Pu'lle't-3, den. 'Ewe lain'b Geo, Penha'e ,and 2nd. Oxfords. (Ram, 'two sehars or aver - D. D. 'B'el'l, IS'bearling ,ram -ID. D. (Bell Ram 1am'b-1D, ID. (Bell land 2nd. Ewe hav- ing ,raised' la'm'bs -D. D. :B'el'l and'' and. IShearling 'e'we=,D. 'D. ;B'e'll and 2•nd, Ewe la'mlb'-D. D. (BdII and End. 'Shropshires. Ram, two ishe'ars or over '- ID. W. Hy'd'e, ,Sltna'tford; R. ID, (Hunter i& (San, iShearl'in'g ,ram -a. D. (Hunter I& San, W. G. ROSS; (Ram 'lamb -IR. ID, Hunter, D. 'W. (Hyde. Ewe'having' raised damlbs i'n ;11932 - D. W. (Hyde rand 2nd. Shearling ,ewe - !Hyde 'enld. 2nd'. Ewe la'nxlb-iHyde, 'IW, IG. (Roles. Wether lamb ID, IW.•Hyde, IR. D. iHuniter. - Darsets., (Ram, two shears or .aver - IP. 'E. ID:earing. Shearling ram-!Deari'ng''end 2nd. Ram lamb -Dearing and 2nd. Ewe, .having .raised lambs 'in 119132'- 1Dearing and 2nd!Sheax4ing ',ewe - Dearing and 2nd. Ewe lamb - Dear- ing and 2nd., PIGS. IBerleshire..- Aged boar - Thos. (Snowden, !Brood saw 'having litter in 1932-,'Tihas. !Snowden, IS'ow littered' In 1931-J11hos, 'Snowden and 2nd. Boar 'tittered it 193(1'-ITlhos.'S'n!owden and 2n,d, Yorkshire -'Aged lb.oar-Sam Alton, Broad saw•=ISam IA'lton, Elmer Web - Sten 'Boar 'littered in 119312 - (Sam Al- ton and 2nd. Saw littered in '1932 - iS'ain Alton and 'ands Red (Pigs, -Aged (boar -!Sam 'Alton, T. !Snowden. Brood sow, having lit- tered in •1932 -;Salm IA'Iton, 'T.' Snaw- den. !Boar littered in ;1I 932-Sa'nt A'l- ton. and Z'nd,IS'ow l'i'ttered in '1932 - Sam'Alton and 2nd. (Best 'pair !bacon !hogs any breed - Percy 'Johnston, ]W:m. Sparks. POULTRY.' 'Plymouth (Barred (Rocks -'Pullet, 'Geo, Iibtle, 'Wm. 'Stephenson. Hen - Nelsan Keys & (San and 2nd. Cock - ,O. Settler, !Nelson Keys •& Ston. ,Cockerel - IGeo. 'Little Jack Arm- strong. 'Plynvouth, (Rocks, ;White -Pullet, O'Brien and 2nd. Hien-IL, •0",Brien,, H. Truemner. 'Lack - L. O'Brien, Thos, 'Snowden. ''Cockerel - L. 0' - Brien and and. l Plymouth Racks, any :other variety -(Pullet -L, IOiBrien and 2'ntd. Cock- erel -IL. '01Rrien and 2nd. '-cal'f, R. Pepper.: '11•Iere'fords-Ovfiil'ch caw. -!Fred H. 'Carbert, !Staffs; T. J. 'Lyons. Heifer, one year old -IT. Lyons and 2nd. Heifer calf IT. J. .Lyons and 2nd. F. .H. Corbett and, '2nd. Jersey. - (Milch cow, (Harold Pen - :hale and and. (Holstein -Mitch •cow -Win. Sparks rand '2nd, IHeaier one year old - Wm. Sparks and i2nd, ';Heifer calf -'Wxn. Sparks and 2nd. IEatoa's' special -(Heifer calf over 6 mos, and under one year, shown by boy over 110 and under 11$-10. !Battler. SHEEP. Leicester. (Ram, two sihcars or over ---R, Pep- per & (Son, 'Alf . Warner. ,Shearling ram -'R, .Pepper '& (Son. Ram lamb- 'R. Pcpp'ar i&'Sons and 2nd, 'Ewe having raised lambs in 1932-A. 'Warner, ID. D. Bell '& Sons, 'Shakespeare. 'Sihear- "liu'g'.ewe--IA. !Warner, R. Pepper, .Erne lam b-R.,,4Pepper. Lincolns. Ram, twohear or over - Ghos. Snowden and 3id, 'Shearlin� ram. - Geo. l5enhale, Thos. :Snowden. Ram lamb -Geo, Penhale, Thos. Snowden. Ewe having raised lambs in 19312 Geo;, IPen'haic, Thos. Snowden. Shear - 'brig ewe -Geo. Ponh'ale,'Thos. !Snow-, ser, 3, IKechem's. Hcn-J. Kocheins,lM,ici'dleton,'6 ears sweet corn, J. Tur- ner, 12, Q. 'W'iillert 6 ears any', other variety, 1-I. 'Deajard•irie, Mrs. N. Carter, Bus, field beans, 0. Battler, Milne Rader.: Bus, bucl.wheat, • Milne Rader, H,. Desjardine. i'ruem'u'er. 'Oock-,I octans, 0. .Bat- tler' Coc1eere1T-lIoche ins, 'Truemner, Anrl'atusians-Pu9lel 'arid cockerel - O. Bistiler. ISilrcr' Ilaiirbengs-;,Bullet, hen and cockerel -IL, 'O'Brien crud 21-'d. Cocic -IL.;O'Brien,. ,Black •Haiu'burgs - All classes, 0 13albtler 1's't, (Bantams; any variety. d'uhlet ;and cockerel -L. 'O'Brien, (Hen and rode L, O'Brien, MTS. ILeywood. Any, other' variety fowl-Pu'lilets Cart Diehl, L. O'Brien. Hen -L. 0' - Brien, Carl Diehl. 'Cock and cockerel -L. O'Brien, and, Carl Diehl. Kochems and 2nd. Hen --J. 11<b,chnms. and 2nd. Cock -J. Kachens. 'Cockerel. -J. Kachems. IBnawn iLeg'horns - IPu'd'let, IL. 0' - Brien, 0. (Battler. IE•Ien'- L. 'O'Brien and 2nd. Cock -L. O'Brien. Cackerel -'O. Battler, Z. 'O'Brien. !W'hi'te Leghonnls-Pullet, G. Little, L, •O'B•rien. Hen -Miss: •Brownett and 2nd. cock - Miss 'Bnownett, L. O'- Brien. Cockerel -Miss YBro'wme'tt, Mac, Heywood.' Airy •other variety ILegh'orns.-Pul- let-Mrs. 'Heywood, Go'ckerel-1L. O'- Brien, Mrs. IH,eywo'od, (Rhode .Island 'Reds -Pullet -J. Ko- chems and 2nd. (Hen --!J; Kodhem's and 2nd. Cock-nKaohems and 'and. Cock- erel---Kochems and and. IAnconas - •Pullet, iL. O'Brien. and 2nd, Hen -+L. O1.Brien, !Harold Ten - hale. Cock L. O'Brien. Cockerel -,L. O'Brien and 2nd, Casip,i,ees-Ails classes -IL. O'Brien and 2nd Jersey Black ,Gia'n'ts-PullebJ. Koch - ems and 2n'd, Hen -IH. Truemner and 2nd Cock .- H. ITrue'nxner, K,o!chems, Cocksre,l-IH. Truemner and 2nd. 'Guinea's - Pu llet 'Plias, Snowden, Hen-lHarold •Penhale, 'Thos. Snow- den, Cock - Harold Penihale, Koch - ems. Cockerel -'!T. $atuwclen. ,B•lack, Spanish'Pullet ;and Gockerel•'-J. Ko chants diad 12n'd, Hien and cock-- 1 Kochems. 'Black Minlorc'arsi-l'Plullet H Truem-' Ducks. 'Muscovy ducks, old - lDr. Grieve, (H'arold' Penlha'le. ,Mus.00lvy clucks, young -Dr. 'Grieve, !Bert ,Dunn. 'Pen'kin ducks, old - ID W. Hyde, Thos. Snowdleen. 'Pekin ducks, young, Hyde, 'Snowden. Rouen ducks, young-IT..(Snowden. Geese.--IToulause 'geese, old, Sam Alton( Frank 'Weeks. Toulouse ,geese, young, 'Sa'm Alton, Frank Weekes, Aiuy i other variety geese, old -ID.. W Hyde, !H. Truemner. A.' O. V'. geese, young, !RAI. IBi'ai'r, D. W. Hyde. •-'Turkeys.-IBranze turkeys, ,old aA'lf, Warner, H. Truemner. Branze turk- eys, young -'H. Truemner, Alf. War- ner. Pair Pigeons -'fns. Heywood, A. Warner. , DAIRY PRODUCTS, 'Butter. -1O Ib. salt 'butter, R, S. (Reid, J. E. Pollack. '5 lb. butter in one pound ,b'la les, Mrs. N,• L. Carter, R. S.'Reicl.'5 1'b. crock butter, Mrs. N. L. Carter, R. S. (Reid; 1' lb. 'fancy print butter, R. S. Reid, Mrs. .N, L. Carter. 'Cotta'ge cheese, 'Ro'se Snowden, Jas. Ster:ling. Half 'ham, home cured and smoked, Rose Snowden, H. Desj'ar- dine. 3 15. ,home -coned bacon, smoked, H. Desjard:in , 'Ro'se ,Snowden. 2 'lib. home -rendered lard Thos. Snawd'en, jWim, 'Sparks. Pair dressed 'chickens, Alf. Warner, Jas' ;S'terl'ing, Eggs,-iH•Lea'viest dozen hen's eggs, white shell --'O. Battler, E. F. Merner. Iieaviesit eggs, brawn 's'hell, R. S. (Reid, H. 'Desjardine.,. IEest display or bee products, J. E. Pollo:ck,.Pau1 Cleave. Quart of strain- ed ;honey, Paul C'lea've, I. E. Pollock. 'Qu'art maple sirup, 0. Babbler, Milne 'Rader. ' 'One 'lb.; home-made fudge, 0. [Babbler, Wm. ,Decker. DO'MEISrr1c SCIENCE. !Bread. Loaf ,home -(made white (bread, Mrs. N. W. Wands, Mrs. J. Addison, Loaf home-made : graham bread, •M•ns. N. .L. Carter, N. W. Wloads. Loaf Boston brown bread - Mrs. N. W. Woods, Mrs. Metcalfe. Loaf nut bread tirade frogm baking powder with fruit, Mrs.N. IL. Canter, Mrs. J. IW. 'Elliott, • iSix graham muffins, Mrs, N. L. Car- ter, Mrs, J. W. Elliott. Layer cake, light, Mrs. N. Z.,. Carter, Mrs. Munro. 'Tarts, 2 varieties, Mrs. 'Elliott, Mrs. IR. S. Reid. ,Salad vegetables, vegetables, Mrs. Metcalfe, Mrs. Carter. Scotch short bread, El- sner Webster, Fred Middleton.. Layer cake, dark, Wm. Stephen- son, Ed. Foster. Fruit cake, H. IDes- ajrdine. ,Six buns, E. F. Merrier, Mrs. '. W. Elliott. 'Six tea !biscuits from baking palwder, E. 'F.Merrier, 'Mrs. 'J. Addison. Six gi'ner hermits, .Mrs. Car- ter, ,Miss Helen Tough. Plate cookies, 'M'rs. Elliott, Mrs. 'Carter, Six plain muffins, John Turner, Ed. Foster. Six scones, Mrs. j. 'Addison, 'Helen Tough. ,Meat loaf, Mrs, N. W. Woods, Mrs. Elliott. Apple pie -Mrs. Elliott, .1, E. IRorkc..Leman,pie-.Mrs, N. W. Woods, Elmer Webster. 'Plain .balced beans, .Mrs. Metcalf, 'E'd. Easter, Pound cake, Mrs, Carter, .Mrs. 'Ho'wrie. Most suitable and appetising cold lunidh,for one. person -'H. Desjardine, IH. E. 'Rorke, Mrs. 3, Addison, Canned Goods. 'Pickles, pint, Mrs. Carter, H. Des- jardine. 3 jelly and 3 marmalade, in glasses, H. Desjardine; 'Fred Middle- ton, ,Catsu'ps and meat sauces, bottles, H. Deslard•ine, Mrs, Carter. Canned fruits, :pints, Mrs. Carter, Alf. Warn- er. Canned vegetables, pints, Mrs. Carter, Alf. 'Warner. 'Canned meats, Mrs. Carter, H. Desjerdine, 'Can. Flour special, Mrs. Carter, Mrs.'Tnentblay, IMrsi Faster. GRAIN AND SEEDS. Wiheat,-1B•us. .white winter wheat, Truemner, M. Brown. Bus. red winter wheat, Milne Rader, H. A. Fuss. Bus. sgniag wheat, Milne Rader, lis Truenmer, Teas. -(Bus. large white peas-J'oihn (Turner, H. Dejar dine. Bus. seal'! white peas, H. Dcsjar•sine, .Milne Rad- er, IBus,,,il#arley, 0. ,B•aitler, H. Truett - ter. Bus, white outs, Jas. Sterling; 13. A. Fuss. Half bus. red clovzr seed, Jas. 'Sterling, M. Brown. Half bus sweet clover seed, A. Warner; T. Snowden. Half bus. timothy seed, .'H, IDesj'ar'.dine, Milne Rader.6 cars yellow; corn, Mrs. Iiieywoold, 0. 'Battler. 6 ears dent corn,. Jas. .Sterling, Fred FRUIT. 3 .bunicli'e's gr•aipes, 1 var., i14drs. Met- calf, •Mrs. N. W. Wo&ls, Colllsotion of grapes, Mr's, .Me'tcalli, IPeadhes, .Mrs. Sloan ,Smith, H. Truemner. Plums, J. (Sterling, ietiss 13rownebt. Prunes, Wm. 'Sparks, Miss 'Browuett, Yellow crabs J.'Turner, A. Warner. Red crabs, Ben Rothwell, Jas.' Steri- (Bartlett,- !Mrs,' S. Smr.th, Ro'bt. Blair. Flemish Beau'ty j. Sterling. A. 0. V. pears, Ben Raeh'well, 5. Sterling. Apples. 'Collection of apples, fall and winter, Mors. S. ,Smit'h, 5. Sterling. Winter ap- ples, 'four vari., 5. Ster'lin'g, Mrs. S. Suni'fh. •Box o'f nor'bhern spies, Mrs, Smith, Sterling. Fall apples, four vat., Sterling, .Mrs. Smith. Tasman; s'cneets,; Mics Smith, Sibert nig.:MclI,nitosh Reds, Mi+s. ,Smith, Fred Mid'd'latom. Bald- wins, 'Mrs. Smith, Sterling. 'M•ann ap- ples, Sterling, Mrs,' Smith. Northern' spies, .Mils, :Smith, F. Middleton. King' of '1h'om'p'kin's, Mfrs, Smith, Miss (Brownout. Greenangi, Mrs. Smith, (S'terlin'g. Ribs'ton Pilplpkes,` .Sterling, Ed. F'os'ter. 20 -ounce pippins, Sterl- ing, Jahn Turner. Wagners, Middle- ton, Sterling. Golden Russets, Miss IB,rownebt, Sterling. ,Blenheim pippins; Mrs. Sloan Smith, F. Middleton. Snow's- Middleton, Delsjardine. On- tario's, .Mrs. Smith, .'Miss Brownest. Wolfe River, Middleton 'F. Keegan. Best llxas'ket of fruit,,, Mrs. ,Metcalf, Sterling. VEGETABLES. Potatoes. Early Cobbler, R. Snowden, H. D:esyardine; early pota- toes, any other variety, Milne Rader, 3drs. N. L. 'Garter. Green Mountain', (Milne Rader, H. D'esjardine; late po- tatoes, any other variety, J. - Turner, H. Truemner., Marigolds, long red. P'a'ul Cleve, 'Miss ,Brownett; .mari'gold's, yell a'tl' glolbe, R. Snio'wd'en, H. Truemner; in- termediate mangolds, Miss 'Brawnett, E. J. Willert. Field carrots, E.. J. Willert, .Mrs. D. Fowler; table carrots, long, Rolbt. Blair, F. Barker; table carrots, ,short, F. Barker, Mrs. 3. H. McLeod. T'ab'le beets, 'long, Mrs,' Carter, H'aro'ld Pennate; table turnip beets, F. 'Barker, Fred Middleton. Parsnips, Paul Cleve, 0. Batter. Field turnips, Paul Cleve, E. 3. Wil- lett. Suggar beets, Paul Cleve, Miss Bnownctt. W'in'ter radish, A. Warner, O. B'at4'ler,Salsify, Mrs, Tremblay, Turner;''calblbage, :Root, Blair, Mrs, N. L. Carter; cau'lltlower, Mrrs, Car- ter, E. J. Willert; White celery, Mrs, N. W, Woods, Mrs..` Carter; musk- melons, Truemner, Sterling; water- ntelo'ns, John Ebue, E. J. Willett; cit- rons, Geo. Little, 0. Battler. (Best pumpkin for table use, 'Bert Dunn, Mrs,': D. ,Fowler; best . squash for table use, Mrs. Carter, Mrs, Met- calf; largest largesit pumpkin ,for feed, Truer- uer, F. Barker; langeist squash, Mrs. Heywo'od., Truemner. (Onions. -Half peck .large English potato anions, Wm. Decker, Truem- ner lige white onions, I' . Barker; ; large red 'onions, F, Barker, •Mrs. Car- ter; largeyellow onions, F. .Barker, 'Mrs. 10cywo'od.' !Red T•d at'oe!s, A, Warner, Mas, 'Carter; .yelbasie 't'o'matoes, 0, Battler, Jas Sterling; largest tomatoes, Herb. 'Neeb, ' 0. B'nitbier, - Gherkin's, 0, Bait; tier, ' 'Etat-ter Webrelterr. Cucu dbers, Ed. 'Foster, 'Thos. Snowden,. Peach tomo- (toes, Mrs. J. H. Ml,Leod, R.;Snoiwde,n. :Largest head of sunflower, R. Blair, Wm, Sparks coll., garden herbs, Mrs. Metcalf;' Mr, Carter; !peppers Dr. Grieve, Mrs N. W. Woods: Vege- table narrow, Geo, Little, F. Barker; green hu!bibard squas'i , Mrs. ,I-ley- Iw'ood, A. 'Warner; yellow hubba'rd squash; "'Barker, Mrs. 'Carter. Egg plant, Mrs. Carter. PLAINTS AND FLOWERS. (Bouquet, large, Mrs Metcalf Mts. 'N. W. Wood's; 'bouquet, small M'rs. Woods, 01. ,E. ,Rorke; r'ol'l. sy'lvia„s F. 'B'ar'ker, Rorke; dahlias, large, Mrs. ilieywo'od; F. Barker; da4r'lias, s'ma'll, Mns. J. $, McLelod, Alf, Warner; ifusidhian, Banker, Mrs. MdLeod; pan- sies, ,B'arker, Mrs. Tremblay; ,tuberous (be'goni'as, IF. (Barker, 'Mrs: 'N. W. 'Woo'd's; fi'b'rous related begonias, Mrs,. iM'cLead; fern's and foliage 'begonias, 'Mrs. MoLeod;'geraniu'ms, Mrs. Mc- Leod., Ed, Fioster;. asters, Mrs, N. W. IWbods, M'rs, Metcalf; peltun'ias, F. (Baamker, Mrs, H'eylwaod; 'house' plants,: twits. J. H. M'oLeoel; coleus, Barker, Warner; glaxinii'a', M'rs.' M'c!Leod.; an- nual's, F. Barker, Mrs. Metcalf; dos - mos, Ben. Rath'well, .Mrs. 'Heywood; zinnias, Mrs. Mefioalf, Mrs.- N. W. 1W!oods; verbenas, F. Barker, Mrs. iH'eywaod; gladi'aulus, Mrs. Heywood, !Mrs. Metcalf. ` FINE ARiTkS. !Lan'd'seaipe, old, Mrs. Metcalf, Miss Livings'tod; still life y oil, Miss Liv- ingston, Dr. Grieved 'l'andsc'ape, water color, E. F. Merrier, Miss Livingston; fruit, wooer ,coi'or, Mrs. Metcalf; Miss Livingston; flowers, water color, !Miss Livingston, Mrs. Metcalf; pen' and and ink drawing, Miss Livingston, H. IA. Fuss; drawing, crayon or lead - point, Mrs. Metcalf, MIS. 0. Jervis; 'water calor painting on silk or satin, Mrs. Jervis, Mrs. Howrie; hand paint- ed china, Miss Livingston; Mrs. Met- calf; stenciling on fabric, Mrs. Fuss, Miss' Livingston; fruit and' hewers in oil, .Miss !Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; pen- cil s'ketclh, Miss Livingston. MANUFACTURES. :Twisted yarn, R. Snowden, HIerb. Neeb; woollen yarn, ten knots or over, Milne Rader, R. Snowden; soft soap, Mrs. N. L. Canter, Miss Brawneit hard' soap, Fred' Middleton, R. Snolw- den; corn 'hu'sk dolor mat, Milne Rad - e r; h'om'e -''made •furniture, M i s s B,rglwnett, Mrs. N. W. Woods. LADIES' WtYRK. Living Roo'm Acceslsorie's: Table centrepiece, Miss Livingston, Iierlb Neelb; table runner, ,Mrs. Metcalf, ,Jean Downie; cushion, . em'broi'dery, Mrs. D. Fowler, H, A. Fuss; cush'io'n, any other kind, Mrs, Metcalf, E'd. (Faster; lamp shade, Miss Livingston, Dining Raolm 'Accessories.. -Mono - .gram, Miss Livingston, H. A. Fuss; tea cloth, cut work, E. F. Merner, Services We Gan Render In the time of need PROTECTION is yo sr .best 'friend. Life Insurance -To ,protect y'pur LOVED ONES, Auto Insurance - To protect yon against LIAi31LIT'Y to PUBLIC and their PROPERTY. Fire Insurance To protect your HOME and its CONTENTS. I Sickness and Accident Insurance- To protect your INCOME Asey of the above lines ,we can give you in strong andreliable companies. If interested, cal'' or write, E. C. CHAMBERLAIN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 334 , Seaforth, Ont. When you haw, a HORSE or COW YOU WANT REMOVED, Phone promptly to WILLIAM. STONE SONS, LIMITED. Phone 22 - Ingersoll • Phone 215 W - Stratford Mrs. N. W. Wioodlsy tea cloth; eros,. (Mrs. ,R. Club, Y Jean Downey; : 'tea cl'ot'h, Mac. Woods, Mrs. Howrie;.. tray ,cloth,, emlb.,'•M'iss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; centrepiece, J. W. Merner, H. A. Fuss; luncheon set, Miss Liiv- in!gsfo'n, Mrs. Howrie; buffiet ,set, Mrs. Howrie, H. E. Rorke; 'buffet semi, ' Mrs. Munro, Jean Downie; tea cosy, Miss Livingston, J. W. Merner. 'Gollored Linen!s.-!Bridge set, emb., iMrs. D. Fowler, J. W. ,Merner; cross snitch bridge set, Mrs. Howie; bridge set, applique, jean Downie, H, A. IFuss; buffet set, emb., Mrs. Fowler; (Je'a'n Downie. (Bed Room Accessories. - Hem- stitched sheet, Miss Livingston, Mrs. lHawri'e; 'pil'l'ow cases with monogram, IMrs's I.'ivnngston, H. A. Fuss; pillow cases, emb„ E. F. Merner, Mrs. 1Hlawrie; pi'l'low cases, lace trimmed, E. F. Merner, Ed. Foster; curtains, dace trimmed, ,Mrs. D. Fowler, Miss !Livingston; towels, emb., E. F. Mer-' mer, Mos. J. Addison; towels, crochet" 'trimmed, IlIer!b. Neelb, Miss (Living- ston; dressing table set, emb,, E. F. IMerner, Ed. Faster; fancy bed lamp 'shade, lbins,,.20. W. Woods; em). tea bowers, E. F. 'Merner, Mrs. J. '' Ad- ddson. Children's Wear, -(Child's dress,' J. W. Merner, Mrs. Fowler; dhi'ld'c 'play dress,. Mrs. 0. Jervis, .Herb Neelb; baby's jacket and !banelt, crochet, Mists iLiivingston, Betio, Neelb; bob's jacket and bonnet, knit, 3..W. Mender, H. E. Rorke; baby's ;bootees, knit, Mrs. D. Fowler, H. E. Rorke; baby's bootees, croquet, J. W. Merner, H. E. Rorke; 'smocked dress for ch'il'd, J. W. Meru er, H. A. Fuss; 'baby's petticoat, IRarke; ba!by's. rompers, Miss Living- ston. -: e Ladies' Wear, -:Apron, Miss Liv- ingston, Rorke; dress, house work, Miss' Livingston, J. W. Merner; ladies' underwear, dobbon, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; d'adies' under.we'ar, silk, H. A. Fuss; smocic, J. W. Merrier, Fuss; collar and cuff set, Fuss, mem- Count Check We r ook Are Selling Quality Books Books' are Well Made, Carbon is Clean and Copies Readily. All styles, Carbon 'Leaf and Black Back. Prices as Low as You ' Can Get Anywhere. Get our Quotation on Your Next Order. The Seaforth SEAFORTH, .ONTARIO. News