The Seaforth News, 1932-09-29, Page 8PAGE EIGHT
THURSDAY, SEPT. ?9, -193r
a enation Meeting. - A n
tion meeting to nominate candidates
took place in theHensa'li Town Hall
on Monday afternoon. between 12 and
2 o'clock, with returning officer David!
MeoNlaughton of Bayfield in charge..
Wm, H. Golding ,of Seaforth, niach-
in±'st, was ' nominated in the Liberal
iinterestst with 9S names on his nomin-
ation pa'pers. j. Wesley Beattie of Sea -
forth is his financial agent.
Louis II. Rader .olf' Hay township,
fanner, was nominated in the. Con-
servative interest with 150 names on
his nomination papers. Geo, H. Elliott.
of Clinton is his financial agent. At
2 o'clock the hall was crowded to the
.do'ons and hundreds could not get in
The candidates decided to hold the
meeting outside and it was some time
Ib.efiore the large crowd could be mov-
ed to the street., Dr. Shaw, president
Of the Liberal Association of South
Huron, introduced the Liberal speak-
ers and Col. Combe o'f Clinton intro-
•dueced the Conserv'altive speakers.
,Louis Reader, C'on'servative candi-
date, was the first speaker. Mr. Geo.
Spotter M1P, of Winlghem, support-
ed him in the second address.
G!dlding, the Liberal candidate,
then gave his address, and was fol-
lowed 'by the Hon. Donald, Suther-
land, minister ,of n'ation'al defence, ,on
behalf of Mr. Rader.
• 'Mr. Fred Sanderson, M.P. of South
iPerth, then spoke on -behalf df
(Golding and was followed by M.
1Spottan 'iei 1'5• minutes'' reply.
API the . speakers received a good
bearing and the crowd stood' in the
rain daring the Whole of Mr. Spot -
ton's ,reply, and were -intense* in-
The 'ca'mpa'ign is now on its final
week and will be lively, both sides
putting forth . every effort to win and
QM an -my of speakers and workers will
be in the riding.
Muer. Black, the Progressive candi-
date, withdrew from the contest some
tar' ago and Mr.W.Cooper, er
,Nationalist candidate, withdrew
the Contest Saturday evening.
The election will take ,place an
uM'on'd'ay, Oct. 3rd. Polls open at 8 a.m.
and close 6 p.m.
Mr. Mackenzie • King,. the Liberal
Exeter o
leader, spoke at
day afternoon and in Seaforth skating
rink in the evening.
Tlhe Hon. Rohl. Weir, Dominion
minister of agriculture, will speak in.
Mr. Rader's interest at Clinton on
Thursd'a'y night; at both Hensal1l and
,Zurich on Friday evening and at Bay -
;field on Saturday evening. A great
many meetings are being arranged by
both parties during the week.
The Mission Bland of the United
Chunch held a rally meeting in the
-'basement of the church on Friday af-
!ternoon, in charge of the president,
Ruth Coles, A reading was given by
Alex, Filsbie, followed' by a solo by
Mrs. Maude H!ed'den instrumental,
Miss Irene Deuglass, reading, 'Alias
,Ellis and a solo by Minnie Sangster,
and followed by a dainty lunch.
(Rev. 1'1. B. Parker has been able
to return home after his recent opera-
tion for appendicitis at Seaforth. His
•many friends are glad to see him get-
ting along so nicely
(Services in dur ,local churches were
well attended on Sunday. Rally Day
was observed in the United Church
and the Carmel Presbyterial Church.
At the United Church a children's
choir of some 35 voices lead the sing-
ing at the morning services, and Rev.
Arthur Sinclair occupied the pulpit.
In the evening Rev. Mr. Pointer of
Varna had charge of the services,
At the Carmel Presbyterian Ohunch
a children's choir lead the singing. Mr.
Peter Moir assisted in the morning.
Miss Margaret McLaren returned
to Toronto this week where she is at-
tending university.
Mr. Ray Pfaff of Stratford visited
over the week -end at his home here.
Miss Jean Bont'hroni of London
spent 'the week -end at her home.
Mr, and -Mrs. G. M. Drysd;ale, Mrs
W. A. McILaren and Mr. Harry How-
ard left on Sunday for Beualbeaux,
Sask., where they will visit with :Lits
MidLarens and Mr. Drysdale's broth -
sr, who is seriously illi
The Arnold Circle of the Carmel
Church held a meeting at the 'home
of Mrs. Lloyd Hudson on Tuesday
Miss Muriel Carlile of Landon spent
the week -end at her home here.
,Mrs. J. W. Bonthron has returned
home after a pleasant visit with
friends in Kitchener,
Sunday visitors at rhe home of Mr.
and Mrs. Robt. Higgins were Mr. and
Mrs, A. J. Sweitzer and family of
Beach o'. Pines, :Miss Lois Colby of
Detrai't and Mr. and Mrs. Orville
l3eaver of Exeter.
'The Welfare Youth Club of the; St.
Paul's Anglican Church held their
regular meeting on Monday evening.
After the opening exercises the Scrip-
ture lesson was read by Beryl Pfaff,
An interesting feature of rhie evening
was a debate "Why Modern Mach-
inery is a Benefit to Civilization."
Those taking the affirmative side were
5alhn Bean and Irene Daters; on the
negative side Mrs. Roy`M'dLaren and
!Ray Bell. The judges were Rev.
Yloung; Roy McLaren and Blanche
(Mustard. The affirmative side won.
mh:e m'ee'ting closed with the Mizpah
Ibenedication, followed by con'tes'ts and
R. Doan.
'White 'Wyandottes Cock, Neil
mp Camp-
hen, P, Doan, Neil C'annp
bell; cockerel and pullet Nei] Camp -
'Rain and depression did not imar ,the bell and 2nd.
Zuiibh fair on iT'uesday of this week, Silver Lace Wyandottes--Coekerel
either hie point of exhibits or finances. and pullet, James MlcDotiald,
Receipts' in the afternoon went about (Rhode Island ,Reds-aCook, Jas. Mc -
$60 be'hind', 'but this was store ;than Donald, F. Kiochsems; hen, F. IKech-
made up by the capacity lions; at ,the ems and' 2nd; cockerel, F. Koc'hents
play and dance in the evening. , The and 2nd; pullet, R Doan, James Mc -
prize winners were: 'Donald.• .
gorses ,Caniip,ines-Ail classes, Lloyd 0' -
'General Purpose -Brood ; mare and (Brien and 2+nd.
foal Elmer IResltemeyser, Melvin Atilconas'-Cock and cockerel, Lloyd
•Badwm; foal, +Melvin ,Brawn, (Sam 101Brien;• 'ben .and pnll!ett,' Lloyd O -
II-Iendrick; 1 year .old gelding or ,(filly, (Brien and 2nd,
Sam Hendrick, 'George Recker; 2 yr. 'B'l'ack Spanish -Cook and hen, F.
old, Sam Hendrick, O. 'Koehler; 3 yr. Kochems; ,cockerel and pullet, F, Ko -
old, Jnie. iA'ihnestrom'g, 10. Koehler; chems and 2nd.
spait o+r
mares t geldings. in harn'ests, (Bantams, any variety, Cock and
W. !Decker and 2nd. (hen, •Halberer Biros., J. McDonald;
_Agricultural.-IB!lood mare and teal. cockerel and pullet, Halberen, Bras
(Wm. N'ort'hoott 'J'no, ,Anmstrontg, foal, ILliovid 01Bri'en.'
!Cecil (Rau, Wm. INartheoltt; 1 yr. •aldd, (Collection of ,pigeon;, ,Ella Hey
!J 'Gelsinas and 2nd; 2 yr, old, ,Sian; .wood, Harvey OI'ausius.
Hendril-t- Wm.Bowden; 3 yr, old, Pekin China Ducks -Old' duck, R.
A. Ethermgron, ;Span ,mares or geld- ;Doan, Thos, M, Snolwdien, young, T.
flings in ,hamnpfls add ,wagon,. N. Keys M. Snowden and 2nd. ;Rouen Ducks
'& San, ;Geo. IBeeker. old, R. D. Hunter & Son, N. Candpi-
(H,eav'y O!rauglh!t--(Brood mane . and hell; young, R, Doan, R. D. Hunter
foal, Milt. Russell, S. Oestricher; foal, & Son. Deeks; any variety-lJdlyn
Russell, S. Oestricher; '1 yr. 'odd, 'Grieve, James McDonald. Doan,H.
N. Keys '& Son; 2 yr. sold, nManson (Geese -Young -and olid; R. +
IB+roos,; 3 yr. old, Mat Tanney span ITrueeminer. Toulouse 'Geetse-IY'ouatlg
'nares 'or (geldings in. harness, E. 'Wil- and old, R. Doan, A. H. Warner.
ledt. ITurkeys-IOid, Too. Wein, A. 'H.
;Roadisiter-Brood mare and foal, E i\Viarsner,, young, 1=I. Truemner, A. H.
II}lais't; 1 yr. old, E Hoist, J IGelinals 'Wlarner. Wfrid' +geese, Haberer Bros.,
+& Son; 2 y'r. old, Wes 'MdGuire,.ell' . wild ducks,•"R. Doan, Haberer ;Bros.
Key's & ',Son:; 3 yr, o'i'd',.iThos. +Me ; '01B. ries ;Special, Mrs, E. Dsarl'inig,
Adams, Dr. 'Campbe'll; span mare; .or I]aird Ba•es .Special, 1 and 2, H, 'True -
geldings in haruess, Wes. McGuire mites Y'
A. Ethenington; single no'aas'ter,: `Rab't. U,umsdr. Farmer Class -Ella He
MlcLae'en :Philip Masse & San; lad)! woad, 0. Battler, Allan. Armstrong,,
driver, Mrs. G. 'Da'ters, iE..Willer't. J•no. Weir. '
'Carriage--IB'rood mare and foal,. •S. Judge: A. E. Dolan, Th'orredate
!Hend!rilok; 1 yr. old, E. Wallper, (Mary Grain, and Seeds
son Bros.; 2 yr. old, iN. Keys & :San. lWihvte Fail Wheat, Melvin Brown,^
!Single carriage horse in •harness, E. a. ',Truemner; bushel red fall wheat,
(Willert, Ed. 'Wa!lper.Best brood mate Milne 'Rader, ,.11. Truemner; bushel
and foal, gen. purp'dse or agri'cultu'ral, spring wheat, 11. Truemner, Maine
Wm. Northcott. 'Beat •colt, M. 'Russ (Rader; 6 -rowed barley, Jacob Battler,
H. Trcue
• bushel white oats,
sell, Narthcott,
Judge: O. 'Lounslbenry: Sterling, ing MelinBrown, bus
tel lame
Cattle .peas, J P. Turner, IH, Diesjar'dine
Registered Dar'ham-+Caw, (Wm. .bushel small peas, H. Deslardipe, ,M.
O'estrrclrer; yearling heifer, Wm. Oes'•'Rader; bus'h'el rye, H. Truemner, J'a-
tricher, A.'Eth'erington; 2 year .oal'd''cob Battler; bushel buckw'h'eat, Milne
'hei'fer, also 'bull calf, ;heifer calf, year IR'aderH. Desiiardine; red clover
n True
Brown, H
ill calf, 'Gest
moher iB,ros seed,'Melvin
b I
;Beef 'Type Grades -Milk caw, F a7sike clover seed,Melvin .
Haberer and 2nd,2 year old heifer, sweet clover seed AIH. Warner, T MI
F. Haberer and 2nd 1 year ,olid 'heifer, ISnowd' n; timothy seed, Milne Rader,
A. Etherin'gbon; heifer calf, ,0. 'Batt- IH. D'eslard'in'e; small .whsite field' beans
ler, 'Alb. Etherington; 2 year old .steer, Milne Rader, Jacob Battler; best coll.
F. 'Haberer; 1 yr. old steer. 'F. 'Hob ]gra'i'n in head's, H. Cfausius, Milne Ra-
erer and 2nd; steer calf, Fred Haberer, der; alfalfa seed Milne Rader; Mas -
,tat cow, F :Haberer and 2nd. sey-'Harris Special-liilnie Rader.
:Holstein -Milk cow, (Wim. Sparks, Horticultural Products
:A. E: Oestricher; 'heifer, 2 yrs., Harry Call. of apples, James Sterling; fall
•Clausius, A. :E. Oestrieher; heifer, 1 apples, J'ames' Sterling, F. Triebtier;
yr., SVm, Sparks and 2nd; heifer calf, 'Winter apples, James ,Sterling, F. 'Trie-
under 1 year, Wm. Sparks and 2nd. ,bner; King o'f Tompkins, James Sterl-
Jersey-M'ilk cow--'E'd. 'Haberer; H. Desjardine; snow apples, !H.
heifer, 1 yr. old, ,Ed: Haber; a O. Batt- (D,esjard'ine, Jacob Battler; Northern;
ler; heifer calf, Ed. (Haberer.. (Spies, James Stirling, J. P; Turner;
Herd Registered Durham--Wnllianr Baldwins, James Stirling, Wm, D'ou
Oestricher.gall; R.S. Greenings, James Ste.rlin;g,
Sheep F. Triebner. Spitzenherg E. Willert;
ILineolns-Shearling ram, 3. F. Lin- 'Canada • Reds, James Sterling, H.
den, Geo. Penhale, aged ram, Thos. Truemner; Ri'bson Pippin, Thos. M.
\I. .Snowden and 2nd; sheeting ewe,.ISuolwden, F. Triebner; Golden' Rus -
Geo. Penhale, T. M. .$ndwden; ram sets, J. Stirling, E. Willent; Ben Davis,
lamb, J. F. Linden, Geo. Penh'a'le; ewe J. P. Turner, .E Willert; Wa'gners,
lamb,` J. 8'. Linden, 'Geo, 'Penlhaie; ewe, Stirling, Turner; Mantis, Stirling,
G. Penhale, T. M. Snowden. Tmielb'uer; Wolf River, Sterling, Trish -
Oxford (Downs all classes, 'Wm. ner; Alexanders, Mrs. C. Sims, Mrs•
Henry and 2nd. 'W. H. Smith; Maiden's Blush, Ster-
Shroips'hire Dawns-IShearling sant, ling, Tridliner; :Bilenehenim Pippin, Stir-
aged ram, R. D. Hunter and! Son; o!th- ling, 'Turner; Pewraukee Tridbnler,
er classes, R. D. Rutter and .Son and iStirling, Colverts, Turner, Stirling;
2nd. 20oz. Pippin, 'Turner, Stirling, Taint -
Leicester Sheep, --Aged ram and an Sweet, Stirling, Turner; Russet
s•hearlinfi ewe, A, H. Warner, 'Nhitsp apples, Stirling; fall pears, Stirling;
'Maese & Son; ram _lamb, A. H. War- winter pears, J. Battler, R. Geiger;
ser, F. Haberer; ewe 1•aitib, IP. Masse fall and winter, pears, Stirling, Battler,
& San and 2n:d; ewe, having raised Bartlett pear, 'H. H. N•eeb, 5tirlfn!g,
iamb this year, A. H. Warner, P. Flemish Beauty, Stirling; peaches,
.Masse &.San; fat s,heep,'R. D. 'Hunter Theo MLcA•dam!s, Ed, Walper.
& Son, Manson Bros. (Prunes, H, Truemner, crab apples,
Hogs ;Sterling, A. H. Warner; yellow crab
Yorks1h.ire-Saw, H. ICiausius and apples, Turner, Warner grapes,' E.
2nd; spring boar, ,Manson Bros.; 'Walper, Myrtle W'dber; collection of
spring .saw,'IJames Sterling and 2nd; grapes, P. Haberer, plums, ,Stirling,
'Tamworth. 'Aged sow, T. M. Snow- collection of plums, Stirling.
den, Manson Bros.; aged boar, T. M. /judges: Arthur Weber, Peter J.
Snowden, Manson Bros; spring boar, ,Haberer:
'Manson Biros. and 2nd; spring sow, Garden Vegetables
(Manson Bros. and 2nd. World's Wonder potatoes, Milnse
,Sch,ilb.e & San Special -A. .Ether— Rader, H. Desjardine; doaley, H, D'es-
in'gton• Bank Of •Montreal Special. jarsdine, P. H'abener; New York, 0.
0. Battler. 'Koehler, Milne Rader; late potatoes,
T. Eaton Co. ;Special-Wm.'Spark J. P. Turner, Desjard'in•e; early pota-
Stade & Weido Special -Wm. ,Henry .toes, 3. P. Turner, Milne Rader; Gr.
Jr. Market 'Lamb, .Allan Armstrong, Mountai n, Milne Rader, Dledllardine
IJ, Gelines & Sons and 3rd, T. M. Irish Cdbibler; Milne Rader, William
Snowden, 4th. Dougall; flint earn, Ella Heywood,
(Bacon Hogs -T. '14.'Males, (Bert A. E. Oestricher, dent 'corn, A. E.
'Dunn, J. Gentles, 3rdand 4th. IOestricher, H. Warner; sweet
Baby Beef -O. Battler, Alt Mellott. corn,; E. eller•t, Yellow Bantam, E.
Judge, A. K'atns. '‘Wi1'lent; red onion's, J. Battler, yellow
Poultry • onions, Elba Heywood, H. Desj'ardine,
Ha'mlburg,s-'Cock, Lee 'O'Brien, R. dutch setts, Mrs, Lydia Pfiile, E. Wil -
Doan; lien, 0. Battler, L. O'Brien; cl. lent; Spanish onions, Ella Heywood,
and pullet, L'eel0lBrien, 0. ,Battler. Jelin Grieve; field -carrots, E. Willert,
(Barred Plyntouth "Rocks - Cock, IF. Tridb•iner, garden carrots, J Batt -
hen, Neil Cam'p'bell; cl..and pullet, N. ler; P. Kochems & Son; Swede tur-
Ca'itvpbell, R. Doan. nips, ' E. Willert, Wm. Dougall; red
;White Plyuuouth Racks-l0ack, 'T. manegolds, E. Willert, E. F. Mern'er;
M. 'Snowden, H. Truemner; hen, H. intermediate mangol'ds, H. Truemner,
Truemner, 'R. 'Doan; .cl. and pullet, E. Wil.lent, sugar been marigolds,. E.
(LloydOIB'rien and 2nd. F. Koohems Oxford cab -
Light Bra'hmas•-•Cock, Jas MdUp t ;hale; Id, tal'per, J. Battler; Drum -
aid, hen, R. Doan, Jas. tvMdDdiaald; ''hbad• Babb ge, •Feel. Haberer, 'W'illert.
pu'll'et, Jas. M'dDonald. !Blue cablbage,, 3, P. Turner, J.
,!Dark Bralvinos--(Hen, R. 'Doan. Grieve, B'llack SIpanish'radish, J Bat -
Black eMinorcesCeck, 'R. Doan, tier, F. Kiochems;r wlhite 'radi.sih, J.
IF. Ko'ch•em's & Son; then, R. ;Dean, •H.' IB'abtler, F. K'odhemss; cauliltlower, F.
Tru emit er; cockerel,' IH. Truemner Willert, J. Grieve; garden beans, Ed.
and 2nd, pullet, R. Doan, H. Truem- 'W'allper, Kolcheres; yellow pumpkin,
tier. 111. Truemner, Ella Heywood; main -
White Mieoreas-C'oc'k, ,Lloyd 0'- moth pumpkin, J. Battler. citron, J.
'Brien and 2nd; then, . R. Dean,. '.Lloyd Battler, Grieve; Hubbard squash, Ella
101Brien; cockerel, Lloyd 01Brlen and IHey'wood, A. H. Warner; mammoth
2nd; ouliet, R. Doan, ,Lloyd 01Brien. sq•u'ash,T• M. Snowden.; 3 .blo'o'd' beets,
R. C. M'inorcas-,Cock, Jas. MdD'on- ,E. Heywood, Truemner, 3 root beets,
ald. E. Heytb'ood, J. Battler watermelons,
S.CW Le'ghorns'--,Cook, :Ella Heb'- 0. Koehler, E. Willert; mus'kaneloms,
wood, ,Hen;' Jan. Went, Ella Hey''Truemner, Grieve; red tomatoes, Des-'
wood;' cockerel and pullet, 'Jas. Mc- iardine, H. H. Nab; yellow tomatoes,
Donald. T. Battler, Turner; coll. garden vege-
R.'C.W. Leghorns - Cockerel and tables, J. Battler anda2•n•d.
'pullet, Lloyd' 'O'Brien, O. 'Battler. . Dairy and Other Products
IS:C, Brown •Leghiorn•sCock, Jas. 25 lbs. winter 'butter, H. H. Neeb,
McDonald, Lloyd O1Br'ien; .cockerel, E. Walper; 5 lbs. butter, R. Geiger,
Jas. ,McDonald;, pullet, Jas. MdDon- ,1vfyrtle Welber; butter. print's,. W. De-
als, Lloyd O'Brien. t cker, R. Geiger; ohsesese, •.ped.' Haberer,
Any other v'arie'ty -!Cloak and hen, Ed. Wolper, honey in comb, Ed. Hath
cockerel, Jas. McD'onald', R. ;Duan; erer, Haberer Bross.; honey, , extracted,
pullet, F. K'o'chems, Jas. MicD'onald'. gatherer Bross., Ed. Haberer; honey
(Black +Jersey :Giants-Colck, H. di0phay, Ed. Haberer; inap'le syrup, J.
Truennnner, F. Kodhems,'ihen, .H. True- Battler Milne Rader, 'h'en's eggs, J.
inner' and, 2nd, cockerel and pullet, 'F. Battler H Dlesyard'ine;' dress'ed• chick-
lKuohems and Zed. • ens, Mel Smith, R Geiger; hand
(Buff Orpinlgtons=Goldk, Janne MC- soap, J. Battler H. Dlfae)ardine,
Donald, 0, Battler; hen, F. Kooh'ems, • J'ud'ge' J. W. O'rtw'eim.
R. Dealt; cockerel and pullet, IF. Ko- Domestic Science, Bating
ohms, R. Doan; cockerel and pullet
IBl !White bread, Ed. Wallper, Ella H'ey
Keddhem'e and and. wood; tut broad, E. Heywood; raisin!
' k 0 gips •
-a0 k d e l E H d tea 'hist is E
Heywood, Dr. McKienon; ' sulgar'
co'oleies, E. Heywood, Ed. FLebeeer
ginger cookies!- E. H'eyiwobd, P. Nab-
erer; fried cakes, P. illaberer, loaf'
cake, A F. Hess, Ed. Wolper; 'dark
layer cake, P. Halbeeer, Mrs. W. H.
Smith; light layer cake, P. Haberer;
(Thos. Johnson; cherry pie, E. Hey-
P. Ha'berei canned r!ltubaa
'Annie Johnson, P. Haberer; canned
raspberries, Annie Johnston, T, Halb-
eier; ;canned strawberr ises, Dr. Mc-
Kinnon, Thos. Johnston:; canned cher-
ries, Annie Johnson, E; J. Darters;,
canned pears, Annie Johnson, F. C.
Kla'iblfleisch, preserved citron, P. Hab-
erer, T. Johnson; plu'm's, P. Halberer,
E. J. Daters; peaches, A. Johnson, . P.
eHialhe'rer, •
!Currant jam, A. H. Warner, Miss
M. Young; berry jam, H. A. Fuss, A.
H. Warner; other native fruit' jam,
Miss M. Young Fm•ss; ,grape jelly,
Young, Dr. MdKinnnon, red currant
IJel1y, D'esj'ardline, Dieting, mixed vin-
egar pickles, A. J'ohn'son, D'arlin'g;
mustard pickles, Johnson, Mies. E.
(Lawson; catsup Ed, Wallper, D'es'jar-
dd e; pickled red cabbage, Mrs. L.
!Ph'ile, R. Geiger; canned tomatoes,
Desljatdisie, W. Decker; can'ne'd' conn,
(Warner, W. Decker. collection canned
fruits, • A. Johnson,
'Jud'ges: F. 7. O''Dlwy'er, D'olll'ie 'Ha-
gan. Ladies' Work
;Quilt, pieced .co'tto'n, P. Halberer,
,Mrs.- E. Darling; fancy quilt, R. F.
!Stade, W. Dekker; comforter, R. F.
(Stade, Mrs, M. Tiernan; bedsp're'ad•,
U. Grieve Mrs. E. Darling; fancy bed-
spread, Mrs. E. Darling, J. Grieve;
(house dress, Mrs, W. H. Smith, Mrs.
C. Sims; sleeping garment, Wes. Mer-
ner, A. E. Oestricher; child's dress,
;Wes Merner, F. C. Kalblffeisch; bed
sheet, Mrs. ,E. Darling, Mrs. W. H.
{Smith; kitchen apron, Mrs. ' W. H
ISmith, W. Decker; ladies' smock, H.
A Fuss; Wes. Merrier; dust cap, Mrs,
E. Lawson, T. Jo'hn'son; knit or ere -
(abet sweater, Mrs. C. Sims, H. A.
(Fuss; wool socks, Mrs. E. Lawson, J.
Mrs. E Dar-
' -
darning. in sock
F C. Kalb
da � ,
Seidel' J Grieve; mending table linen,
T. Johnson, Ida Routledge; braided
floor mat, Mrs. L. Penile, J. Grieve;
floor mat, other, Dlesjardine, Mrs. W.
H. Smith; hone laundry white shirt,
A. Johnston, Haberer Bros.
h 1. Deters
Lace Irish crochet, (Lace, J.
Mrs.E.Darling, filet crochet, Mrs. E.
,Lawson Darling knitted' lace, John
Grieve, Lawson; tatting, Mrs. Mervyn
Tiernan, Miss M. Young; French em-
broidery, Lawson, H. A. Fuss; eyele
embroidery, Young, Wes Merner;
Roman cut embroidery, E. F Merrier
ffda Roultledge; Ftaitan relief embroid-
ery, H. •A. Fuss, Thos. Johnson; Bul-
garian embroidery, Mrs. Ed.• Lawson
Mrs. E. Darling; french knot enm„
'Mrs. E. Darling, Mrs. C. Sims; cross
stitch embroidery, A. E. Oestricher
Mrs, M. Tiernan; Italian hemstitching
Routledge, Tiernan; modern bead-
ing, Fuss, Mhos.'Jlohnsen, hand hem-
stitch, ;Mss M. Young,, H. A. Fuss.
Dining room turn ishings-iLun+c'h
set, Darling, L'awsan, table doyleys,
Darling, Young; table mats, Mrs. L
,Shiite, Mrs. E. Darling; table cloth,
Darling, F'us's;, tray cloth, Mrs. Ed.
(Lawson; service tray, Airs. Lydia
P,hile, H. A. Fuss; centre piece, white,
'Mrs. E. Darling, A. E. Oestricher;
buffet set, Mrs. La'w.son, Mrs. Darl-
(Bed Room Furnishings - Pillow:
ssli'ps, emb.,. Mrs. Darian'g, F. C. Kalb-
Ifieisch, pillow slips, other handiwork,
'Ales. Darling, Mrs. Lawson; fancy
sheets, Mrs: Darling, Mrs. Phile• emtb.
,towels, Mrs. Darling, E. F. AI•erner;
guest towels,) Mrs, ,Darling, Mrs. E.
(Lawson;: bath towel, Mrs. Darling,
'H..H. Neeb; dresser gunner; Id'a Rout-
ledge, Mrs. Darling; cuntaima,, hand
trimmed, Zlh'os. Jw'hns'ten, H. A. Fuss;
vanity set, F. C..Kalb'fleisch, Mrs. E.
Darling; ,,bedroom set, Mrs. Tiernan,
E. F. Merner; boudoir cushion, Miss
M. Young, Mrs. C. Sin's• laundry
:bag, Mrs. W. H. Smi't'h, Mss. E. Dar-
ling; night robe, Miss M. Y'ou'ng,.
Mrs. W. H. Smith; step-ins, H. A.
((Continued on Page 4)
Rev. R. R. Canner conducted the
service on Sunday afternoon: in the
1-I1ilfs'green Church after the h'olid'ay
season, his text' being, ""Building the
Oh'uroh t'
Vers. Troyer returned to her home
after spending .a few days at the home
of Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Johnston,
Mrs. D. Nichol of Hensel visited
on : Sunday at, the home of Mr: W.
Jarrett and Annie.
A number in= this vicinity were
itt Hensel]: on Monday attending- the
1Mr. Joe Hagan of Hermit visited
et the home of Mr, and Mars, D. F.
IA member are . taking in the Isocal
Fall Fairs.
Want and For Sale Ads,, 3,' tim'e's, '50c
Friday & Saturday Cash Bargaiiis
Lux Soap
4 cakes ,ca
2 Pounds Salada
Tea for ... �90 c
All Manitoba Flour 99
Stove Pipes C
each i�+
Palm Olive Soap
4 for......,. , .. 25,c
Maxwell House
Coffee, . poundloo
Magic Baking
Powder . pound4C
Fresh Putty, best qual-
ity` pound6IM
'Men's and
I�d ;Boy's' Shoes at 'tow 'prices.
�I 1'�iGl�I
tresses, quilts, land oilier articles.
;Term's, cash.
!Mrs. Brunner, Prop.;T. B'rdwn,
With Sam'pie Package -110 !lbs. mild
or strong leaf tobacco, $2;50; 20 lbs.
or $4.00; 50 lbs. far ac.00; {100 lbs. for
$'14.00. Pure' uesnel, 3 lbs, for $2.00.
Agents wanted. Shipped anywhere. G.
Dubois, '24 Henderson , St„ Ottawa,
"W A
ail. wanted to learn neareellisg_
IFee:'$1.5..Give ad'dres's and p'ho'ne nuke-,
ler to Box 127, The Seaforth •;rows.
In Township .of McKillop, the, saetts
half of lot 20, on 12111 :concession aGldlCillop, comtprising -50 acres. 'G
sugar 'bush and 'never .'fai'ling waters
Apply ,to Mrs. Alec. H. 'Ross, VW
ton, R.R. 2.
• LO!SrT
On the fair grounds in Seaforth a
brawn leather purse, cont'ainin'g a two
do'llaq bill and $1.1!5 in change. Finder
please leave it at the ,post office and
receive reward. CON EOKLARIT.
Reliable girl or, woman for, genera
housework, must be'fond of children.
Apply stating experience and 'wages.
or Saturday 1' - 2 p.m, to MRS: E. C.
BOSWIELL, Seaforth, 39.
between Seaforth and Strait -
ford, truck li'cen'se plate No. 56940'0.
;hinder please notify W.. M. SPROAT,
phone 2 on 136. 39
Solid brick re•eidsence, close to Main
et, All modern conveniences; Garage.
!immediate pos'ses'si'on. Apply MESS
DOL1LY CARLIN, or phone 16,
Seaforth.'' 40.
Of Farm Property, lot 113, con. 4,
(Township of Tuckdrsmith, (.1% miles
south; of Egmondiville and third' farm
west), on S'aturd'ay, Oetob•er 1st, at 2
p.m., at the Commercial Hotel, Sea;
forth. 100 acre farm on which are
erected choice buildings. It is known
as' one of
the best farms' in Tucker -
smith, but is likely to he sold at a
sacrifice. RIME 'CIAIRNIOICIHIAN, Prop.,
T. Brown, Auctioneer.
'Of Household Effeets. There will
be offered foe sale by public auction
at the residence of Mrs. Brunner,
'North Sltreet, Egrreondvi'lhe, west of
the c'hsurdh, on. Friday, (Sept, $Otis,
.alt 1:30 pm.12 b'ed'room semis, couch, side-'b'dard,
dinning ,roam table, 4 doz. 'dining
roots chairs, sewing machine (Sing-
er),!ditchers table, kitchen, chairs, coal
Oil stove 2 burner, coal, oil helaiter,
;'sundry stave (l2. hole), blinds, mat-
rpm s ac an tem; barns, eywo'a ,•
There Do You Sian
On This Election?
1'. ,Why in a period of hard times
was it necessary for the present gov-
ernment to .spend, in 1932, the stun
of '$56,000,000 more than the previous
government spent in 1930?
2, Are you in favor of the ex-
travagant policy which in the last
two 'years of the Bennett Govern-
ment, has added '$200,000,000 to the.
national debt?
3, Why, under the ,Bennett govern-
ment, have we had steady increases
of taxation, while under the previous
government every budget brought re-
duotions ?
4. 1Hs sv ,has an increased tariff on
agricultural implements, fertili z e ,
rotor cars, boots and' shoe's, wearing
apparel, etc., benefited the farmers?
5 Do you approve of the increas-
ed tariffs and other restrictions which
;have ;forced up the price of gasoline
to a point 5 to 7 cents above the level
off ,American prices?
'6, Do you believe in the policy of
trade restriction in force since 1930
tinder which our ' exports have , • been
almost cut in two and the ex'port of
agricultural products has fallen from
$368,000,000 to $x198,000,0001
J. 'In view of the decline in the
export of farm products, do you net
:feel that Mr. Bennett's "blasting pol-
icy" h'as been a failure and that other
means must be employed to secure
markets for the farmer?
e8. Why should it now require a
aunt :equivalent to over 75 per cent
of our total &'ports of Canadian pro-
ducts to pay the expenses of the
F'ede'ral Govern'mgn't, when less than
half that amount (34,7 per cent) was
required in 1930 ?.
9. Do you approve of the action
of the Bennett Government in in -
Creasing the sales tax from 1 per
cent to six ;per cent, when Mr.
'Bennett himself, in nes, opposed the
sales tax and .referred• to it as the
poor man's' income tax.
110.. (W'ha't remedy has Mr, Bennett'
`far unem'pio.yinent in view' of the falot
that the remedieshe has tried have
only made matters worse and the un-
emplioyment situation is naw worse
than it ever was before ?
On all t'hes'e questions my own posi-
is absolutely ,clear. The price of
farm products during the last two
ye'ars has been almost cant in two -
hhe price of mlantnfactured ,products
remains high -held up by the tariffs
imposed 'by the 'present government.
There is no remedy save one -'the
present exces's'ive tariff rate must be
cut sharply. A vote for the present
government is a vote to irecreasee the
cost of the commodities you 'bon it
is g v'ot'e to lower your awn standard
of living.
An the interest of Canada, in the
i'nterest df South Huron, I asic you
to vote for me as a supporter of low -
et tariff's on manufactured1prodnalcts
and wider markets for the farnner.
W: 11. Golding
Opposition Candidate in South Huron
This ad'vertisemen't in'sertted' by the
Liberal Association of South Harron.