HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-29, Page 511HURSDIAY, 'SEPT. 29, 1932, t S THE "EXTRAS" MAKE THE DIFFERENCE !I Superior Stores' prices'will meet the strongest competition. This has been proven by regular customers, but price is only one reason for their great popularity. 'Consider some of the extras you receive as a. patron—free delivery service; special attention to your 'phone orders; merchandise of known quality and personal attention from the store .owner to ensure your comelete sabislfaetion. Shopping at Superior ,Stores is a plettislamt•and prolfitable habit. Rentemiber our slogan-- WE llogan—WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending ,Oct. 5th. CROWN BRAND CORN. SYRUP 0 A ..,..;., 2PEP .:., ..,. ............ . large pkg. 17 c PANSH'INE,"THIE PERFECT' CLEANISIEIR'1,,.,, ..3 for 25 c AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RADSINS ICHIOICOILArlE MARSH,MADLOW BISCUITS 2 lbs CROfSSE & IBI)ACKWE?LLS PORK & BEANS tins Aylmer Specials For The Big Contest—;Save The Labels tAylmer Tomato or Pea Soup 3 tints 25c " Chicken & Rice Soup 2 tins 23c " Vegetable and other varieties 2 tins 19c " Catsup, 112 oz:2 bottles 27c " Pork & Bean's, large seize 2 tins 25c " 'Tomatoes, 2's squat 2 tins 19c 21bs.27c. 29c 19c. New Pruni Jam, Red, 40 oz ITmpont Licorice Alfsonts Paris Pate "makes delicious sandwiches" Kraft Loaf Cheese Family Blend Coffee Royal York Tea, "worthy of the name"' Zebra Liquid Stove Polish Lux Tbiret Soap IBueltiegham'New. Crop Rine Cut' Tobacco Snowflake, Ammonia .. , . Muslin Brillo "cleans and polishes in one operation" ITEMS FOR CANINI'NG AND PSICK'DLNG— Crown Jars, small, per dozen, .99C;' medium, per dozen'. , $1.'14 Best quality rubber rings 4 dozen 25c Heavy Zino Rings per dozen 23d (Glass Jar Tops per dozen 23c Pure Spices and reliable Vinegar Certo per jar 25c per lb. 23c per tin 14c per lb, 26c l's 39c 34 lib, 23c per bottle 1'5c per calke 8c 10c, 15c, 20c . pkgs. 2 pkgs. 115c per tin 23c 2 pkgs. 25c per bottle 29c Sage, Savory and 'Poultry Dressing 'Water Glass Egg Preserver ,Pure Umberto Olive Oil Post Bran Flakes Beaver Brand Blueberries, 2's +SFin, furniture cream for highly polished' surfaces: per tin 10c 2 tins 25c 3 oz. bottle 20c 2 pkgs. 25c per tin 15c per tin 35c Ross J. Sproat. Rhone 8 Miss NPryce Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence and a Dependable Reputation Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and higher` market- prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The Seaforth. Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. 1 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. 'WP r.KER, holder of 'Go- vern•ment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. / Night or day phone 67. GODERI CH TOWNSHIP P Tli'epupl?Qis sof S. S. No. 18 were sad- ly di'saplpo,:nited :last 'Thursday ,even- ing: 'They. had ' ,planned a lc; arm roast at the! lake but it had to be nositpoueid on account Of the rain. A number Ifrolm the neighborhood took in the 'big 'Flair in IGodlerich, and ,the saying is "Dt was lbigger and bet- ter than ever." Mr. and Mrs. Alfred !Warner seem' to have ,won' •q•uite• a number of prizes in Goderich and also in rSe'afanth on Friday. 'Mrs. ;Both bIclIlwalin met with rather e painful' accident one day .this %reek,,: While %getting dislhes Ifrom a cupboard; two p'la'tes lenocked together and the chips Of glass entered her eye. The doctor took two small +pieces Of glass t andeye s '.e (from her eye 'arrd herWas very gore for a day or so. )Mr. :Wilmer (Harrison, ;Miss, IAu'd- zey and .Miss ID+ora .Harrison 't>'isited• at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs; It J.: !Nlidllwain ort Sunday. NORTH McKILLOP. IMr. and., Mrs,. Cecil E. Murray of Tuckeramith were Sunday visitors at The home of Mr. and "Mrs. Edward C. 'Regele, also called On Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Leeming. Mr. and Mrs. William Boyd' spent Sunday, with the, laltter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Miller of Grey twp. Mr.- and MLrs:.Jloselph Thornton, also little Shirley ' Regele, spent Mtandey afternoon.in Brussels visiting the for- mer's' brother, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Thornton. IMr, and Mrs. Rolbert Campbell and ;Stanley of Grey visited at Mr. and Mrs, Edw. C. Regeleis Sunday after - 11000 . Mrs. T. Schaeffer and Miss Vera K•i:vtner of 'Waterloo areisitin m - v g u derhb ei r parental roof 0o for orate days. Mr. John Crozier called or w Jacob 'Thornton Sunday evening. Mr: and' Mts.. W'iill!arn Simpson mad .daughter Joy were' Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Leonard Leeming, EXTRA OPTICAL OFFER 'High ,grade, stylish and .most up-to- date .glasses, rim or rimless. Your choice of shell, white', or pink gold-. filed; wiith 'lenses complete for only 116.150. Iativisilble• .bi-lbooarls with choice of frame complete for only $112,00. Yellow gold-filled wi,tib flat sptheri'oal len'se's, an'ly .$4'00' These prices include a thorough examination by our well known and painstaking specialist, Mr. Il3ugb:son, over 20 years corniuig to iSealorth. Thebest best opt'Eca11 aeric to be obtained -and at these extta&rd'iieary dlowr prices. Tl vo' days only, Tuesday and Wednesday, October 11 and 113th.. Don't miss this,,cltanee and come ear- ly. Beattie's Fair, S&'Werth. THE SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS. iVIrS. 3. R. McCrea of New Lis'k- calyd,' visited Mr. and Mrs. R. .yl, IMo'deia:nd last, week. Mt-. Donis Purcell left' on Monday to attend Assumption College Slant with. Mr. and Mrs. Hlaro'id•. Coates, wllto` hiave spent the summer with MTS. R. C iC oates nt Gown, legit on ' Thursday Ifot Mlo+ntrea] Mr. Coates has been ap poliniteld operating. manager Of Can- adian Alirways Lumiit1ed. Mr, 'W, L. W, arson and Master Jini Woodley of 'Toronto ,spent Sunday with �r James Wa' tson; The 68th anniverslary of their wed- ding will be celebrated by Mr, and Mrs Charles Hrohlbein•, esteemed re- sidents OF Seaforth, on Sunday next, October 2nd, alt their Mime near the high slcihbod. 1Mrls. Margaret Sloan Young oif Vic- toria B.C., is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mary ' Donnance, and other friends. Rev. ' W. P. Lane, ,Mr. F. 5. Sarauge and. Mr. A. L. Porteouls attended the meeting on Mon'd'ay of the Presbytery of Huron in North street United 'Church, G'oderlc'h. Mr. and Mlns. Dlorrlgan and children and Mrs. Dorriganis Mother, Mrs, (Letitia Tasker of Windsor, spent the. (week -end with Mrs. Taslker's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry MicG!avin, and sister, Mrs Ralph Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. James Pevildt and baby June, Miss Anderson, Mr. Cal- lender and Mrs. Jones, all Of Guellplh, spent the week -end' in town and were guests Of Miss Margaret H'enry. 'Mr. and Mrs. JIohmn +MldIntosh of 'Clinton, Mrs. Sorel and two children, of Fort William, spent 'Thursday last with Mr. and Mrs. Dian. Shanahan, Mrs., MidInitosh is Mr. Shanalh!an's sister and Mos. Sorel •his niece. M'r, .and Mrs. D. ,Shanahan and Mrs. Leo Fortune attended the funeral of MMrs. Slh'am'ahian's dou'sin, the late Mrs. Cassidy, in Detroit. 11he lady bowlers are planning a euchre to be held in the near future. +Mr, Bernard Clarke, of La'sa'idette, Ontario, is spending his holidays with Mr. and Mrs. J'osep'h Carlin, Huron Road East. ' 'Mr, R. Holmes of the Toronto Police force and Mr. Jack HoImes, war veteran of 'Winnipeg, who is con- valesleing ! after being gassed, are guests of Miss Henry and their aunt, Mrs. Mii'i'ler, in Egniondlville. The Blames boys' father and mother .were residents of this county, and their many friends were glad to see thorn. 'Mr. Rulssel'1 Mimes Of God'erich is spending a few days in town. Mr, and Mrs.' Colin Campbell of Perth were guests on Tuelsdlay of the Misses Brine. Mrs. Vivian of New York, who has been visiting Mrs. W. W. Cowan the past couple of months, returned' this week to New York. Mr. George Parke is attending the Westervelt College in Lond'o•n. Mr, and Mrs, Ernest Keys of Ste- phen were guests on ,Saturday of Mrs, W. L Keys. Mr, and Mrs. Lawrie of Brussels were guests on Sunday of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Porteous. 'i_14r. and Mrs. Grattan of New York, Mr, and Mrs. Smith and the latter's eis'er, Miss Margaret Shaw, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and son, Toronto, Mr. Wm McCracken and two daughters of Brussels were visitors over the week end with Mr, J. M. Robertson' and Miss Rdbetitson. IA J'ewis'h from has purchased the stock of the Thomson Mean's Near. Mr. Will Pollard, returned' to teach at Woodville this week having suffic- iently recovered from an operation for apipe'ndic:i'ti's he underwent just before school Opened. Mr. and Mrs. J•ame's Dunlop an:d little Lois have returned home after spending a few days in Hamilton and Grimsby, IRev. Canon and 'Mrs. Aippleyard and their son Dr. Alpplleyard of tWindsor, were in town on Friday and mot the parodhial committee of St. Thointfas' Church, STANLEY. Coleman,Stephenson,—On Saturday. September 214th, a quiet but pretty wedding took plaice at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'Charles' Sltepheuson Varna, when their only daughter, IGlad'ys• Kathleen, became the bride of Ur. Lorne ' Webster Coleman younger ,son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman, Varna, at high moan. Miiss ,Edith McBride. cousin of the bride. played the wedding music, and, to the strains Of Lahengrin's Bridal Chorus. the bride and •groolin took their pItv'ces before a 'beautiifulflower-laden ever- green aroh from the centre oif which hung a whiter bell. The bride who en- tered the drawing room on the aril of her father looked charming ?n a gown Of eggshell crepe roma trim- med with french suede lace and cam- rie d a m'.. tamed bouquet, Eggshell hose and silk faile pumps completed her odstunte. Miss Blanche Taylor,' friend of the bride, was •bridesanla'id, being gowned in figure blue chiffon and also carried a nixed 'bouquet. Mr. Clan - once 'Siteip'hen,so:n, brother of the bride was best man. Rev. R. R.. Conner. pastor of Hdllsgreen.Unilted Church, performed) the marriage ceremony. During the signing of the register, 'Miss Edith McBride 'played a 'Pleasing piano solo. After host§. Of congratula- tions the bridal couple led the way to a prettily decorated dining roam. Int the centre or the, table where individ- ual Favours olf pink and, white crepe nos'elbnd's were placed on a crimpled 'pick crepe 'border the three storied 'wedlduig cake. was placed aibove which hong a whine bell fnont wh+ielh' stream- ers radiated to the various pants of the roam, 1 The bridegroom's ;gift to the bride was a handsome floor lamp, to the bridesmaid silver salt and pep - ors, to the beat man -a tie o+an and to. the pia'nis't a silver d'is'h. Tlhe waiters icr the weddingwere Miss Enema 'McBride and. Miss Ann MclNaughton, tmniedsalteiyi atter the sun-1p_tti°Us wedding. dinner Mr. and.; Mrs.' Cole- PAGE FIVE ote f or Rad er and' Conf id epee in the Empire; In one of my last appeals to the electors of South Huron before polling day, Monday, October 3, I urge that you cast your votes for me because I uphold the Government of Rt. Hon. R. 8. Bennett, that negotiated the Imperial Conference agreements, Eif such material benefit to South Huron and the rest of Canada. This is the first test of public opinion in the Empire since the Conference concluded. For that reason, if the Government candi• date is defeated, it will be stated in Great Britain that Canada has turned down the Imperial trade agreements; that she is opposed to the Conference. If, on the other hand, you elect me as your representative, the forces working in Great Britain and throughout the Empire for increased trade and prosperity will be cheered and heartened. Conference results have already increased prices for apples and other farm products. If you want the good work to continue. vote for the Government, whose splendid work has made it possible. 1 have had twelve years' service in municipal life in South Huron. This year I am Warden of Huron county. If elected, I will devote myself to the interests of every person, regardless of political affiliations, as 1 have in the past. Yours respectfully, Louis H. Rader. xI Mark Your Ballot Thus RADER, Louis H., fanner urian leilt on a motor trip through the !States. The bnide those for her travel- ling costume a smart dress of wine georgette with . velvet trimming, hat and shoes to match and coat of sand with fur trimmings, carrying gloves and' handbag in a correspon'dsnig Concert & Dance Will he held in STAFFA HALL Friday, Sept, 30 8:15 P.M. Under auspices of Staffa School Fair, ADMIISSIiON 25 CENTS. loto Insuraoco Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152 Sufherlan� GENERAL INSURANCE .,_ REAL ESTATE,.CONVEYa ANC/NG, ETC. Office over Keaiing's Drug Store • shade. On their return they will re- HILLSGREEN. side on the groom's fine farm on the Para- Line• - HULLETT. 1Cunn&ngham Adams.—ITh'e home a Mr. Henry Adants and the late Mns Adams, of Hallett township, was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding on Tuesday morning, September 201th alt eleven o'clock, when has daughter .Margaret Ellen, became the bride o' )John Guy R. Cunningham, son of Mr and Mrs. Walter Cunningham, Of Hu- lett. The ceremony was performed by IRev. J. W. Johnson of Crediton, for- merl'y. of Lantlesib:'or,o United Church, The bride was golwne'd in coral crepe wassail blue trimming and hand em- broidered; her shoulder bouquet was Of pink roses avid larkspur. She was attended by her cousin, Miss's Eliza- beth Mains, as bridesmaid and her niece, Norma Dexter, as ring -bearer. Miss Mains wore black transparent velvet trimmed with Haller • lace. Shoulder IS a bouquet q dt was of pink and white roses. 2lhe ring bearer was prettily dresed in coral crepe, carrying a bas,kelt of pink and white asters. w 1 its asters. Miss Lillian Adams, slater of the bride played so'fitiy Lolvengrin's wedding march. She ware wrassau blue georg- ette. lace trimun'i•ngs, s'houl'der bouquet of rosebuds and fern. The hnitlegro'oun was supported by John L. ' Adams, rather of • the bride. The house was rattily decorated with autumn flow- rs. During the ceremony the bridal arty stood before a batik Of vari-co'1 red Revelers anid fern. Atter the cere ony and comngratu'lat?ops, dinner was erved by the bride's three sisters and Ater -in i?alw. The bride was the re- upient of many beautiful gifts. Later e bridal i a polity lett amid s'ho'wers of onfetti and good wishes for London. iagara Falls and other points, rIie ride's travelling costume was brown ape 'and velvet brown coat, hat and 4 Cher accessories. On their return their ill reside on the, groom's farm neat Aatburn. W.M.S-The regular monthly meet Mg of the 'Wbanen's Missionary Sot iety was held on 'Friday afternoon f September 16th at the hone of Mos •' Troyer with Mrs, Robert Stephe'n'sbn , presiding. The meeting opened' with i hynnt 249. The Scripture lesson was I read responsively from St. Matlfhew L2ath chapter. Mrs. J. Cochrane then f led in prayer. Hymn 1443 was then • 1 sung, The secretary and treasurer re- ports were read and adidpted, The roll was then called answered by the let- ter R. The offering was then taken. Mrs. (Rev.) Coroner gave an item on She wort. of Muss M, M. Phai'ltEorpe. The study was then taken by Mrs, R. Conslitt. Hymn 3176 was sung. The meeting c'lorse'd by all repe'atinig She La'rd's prayer. The Society,,presented Mfrs, Troyer with a lovely purse as a reine'm�brance. Wedding hells are ringing in this vicinity. . Y n', : IAnntvers•arservices ' Ywere co.nd ' - ttct ed in the HIilllhgureent ch'urdh on ,Sun- day, Rev. J. W. Herbert of Holmes" sidle wa's, the guest speaker Of. the day„ and delivered inspiring sermons. T -he Kipper chair, with their leader, Mrs. J. B. McLean, gave special music for the Occasion: A dutt was given in the morning 'by. Misses Jela'n 1 vison and Eldnle Coc!hrauue entitled, "The Old Rugged Cross," and in'• the evening Misses Mary and Flora nee T?toniip'sort Sang, "Alfiter." We wish to thank the £hoir for their• kindness. ,Rev. R. Keith and Mrs. Love of Kintore, bri'dlal.couple, and Mr. and liv[tis. Mianuel and son Of London, vis- ited at. the home of Ur. and Mrs. Wit. Love. ' l ItlMisls Gladys Stepheuls,on entertained a number of girl friends one after- n'obai. IM'isls' Mary Hagan returned ',to at her .duties`:in London after Spending aA g sever- al weeks with. her sister; Miss ]dolly ;Mrs, R. Love is visiting' with 'her Solt, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Lo-vo e 0 to s, s, c th .N b or 0 w