HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-29, Page 4SAGE FOUR
THURSDAY, SEPT. 29, 1032.
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.
Mr, George Kirkby and his friend,
Mr. ",Ivor Sharpe of Corbett, visited
at the parental 'hone of the former
over the 'week -end.
[Rally Day _service ,i s 'Duff's United
Church next !Sunday, The singing will
lb,e led by !e Children's choir.
Mrs. IFI. B. Kirkby .is spending a
few days in London with her sister,
Mrs. W. IT, 'Grieve.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Nicholson
,mind family visited Mr. and Mrs. C.
Conley Sun day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Granby, Mr. and
Mrs. Thos. Graslby, also Ms. John
"Nesbit attended the Thanksgiving
service in the Anglican Church at
Auburn on Sunday marring and, spe'n't
-*the afternoon with the 'latter's broth
er, Mt. Alfred Nesbit, near Auburn,
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Fear, Mary
and Malbel, visited Mr. and Mrs. R.
Fear near ;Clinton on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kelly, ,th• Line,
Monis, spent Sunday with the lattitet's
.si'slter, Mrs. C. 5n:etlli'ng.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. IMdClure Of Me-
Kfl11op spent bhe week -end with Mr,
tan'd.Mrs. Jahn McNichol.
Mr. and Mrs, Chas, Nicholson, Gor-
don and Velma, visited Mr. and MTs.
',Chas, Snelling on .Sunday.
Miss Louise Mills spent last week
visiting her Friend, Miss Mae Albenhant
in London,
,Mir. and Mrs. Wm. Griffith and Mr.
*Norman Griffith of Londesboro visit-
ed' hast Sunday at the home of Mr.
'and Mrs. Joseph Yungblut.
and Mss. Halls of Atwood visit-
ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter
-Lindsay on Sunday last,
(Miss Elva Wheatley of Toronto
spent the week -end at the •home of
her plarenits, Mr. and Mrs. George
,Mrs. Will Logan and daughter
'Kathleen Of Blyth, spent a few d'ay's
with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stephenson.
:M -r. and Mrs, George Wheatley and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Britton visite:d
Mr. Wad•ter Broadfoot on Sunday.
The Thankoffening meeting of the
-WiM,S, will be held at the home of
-Mr. and Mrs. Peter Lindsay on
1Dhursd'ay, Odt. 6. Mrs. Will Thomp-
son will address the meeting. All
members and adherents of the church
are invited.
Arrangements are being made for
the anniversary services "and fowl sup-
per of Constance Church for Oct. 23
and 25. A play by the YR., "The
'Country Schoolmarm," and Blyth
orchestra will be an the program,
Rev. Mr. Gardiner and Mr. Charles
Dexter attended the Huron Presby-
tery at Goderich Monday, Mr, Dex-
ter being a delegate.
Owing to the continuous wet wea-
ther bean harvesters are becoming
Miss Clark of Cincinnati, Ohio, who
has been the guest of Miss Logan for
a few weeks, left \Vednesd'ay morning
for her southern home.
M•rs, G. H. Beatty and little daugh-
ter have returned after ,pend'in'g a
few days with rela'ti'ves and friends
in Auburn and Ripley.
Mr, C.s..
Toilet. ton
of Flint, Mich., is
the guest of Mr. A. Robinson.
;The Ladies' ,Aid and IW. M. S. will
meet on Wednesday afternoon, Oc-
tober 5th at the home of Mrs. Ro
bet t Dodds. Final arrangements wilt
be made •for the tweeting of the cen-
tral section of Huron Presbytery at
Winthrop in October. Also plans for
the thankoffering meeting in Novem-
ber will be diiscussed. All the lad'ies
are requested to be present.
Mrs. Hog -an of Toronto, who has
'been visiting Mrs. Jas. Chesney, has
returned home.
Mr. Webster McNaughton of Tuck-
•ersmith, has left far Queen's Univer-
sity, Kingston.
Miss, Rossie Patrick visited with
Mrs. Ross Chapman on Sunday last.
:Miss Ann McNaughton attended
•the Coleman -(Stephenson wedding on
'aturci-ay last.
1fr. Fred Eckert made .a business
trip to Toronto this week.
Two political meetings, have been
held in our school this week. 889
'held in our school during the past
week. The first was on behalf of Mr.
.Golding and was well attended. The
second was on Tuesday evening on
behallf of Mr. Rader and was also well
The late rains have stopped the
buckwheat harvesting,
Report of hog s'hi'pments for month
ending August 371sT, 1932.
IHeusall—Total hogs 324, select ba -
'con 101, bacon 1170. butchers 45, heav-
ies 1, extra heavies 1, lights and feed-
ers 1.
Exeter—Total hogs 86, select b -icon
25, b'acon 48, butchers ]1, heavies I,
extra heavies nal, lights and feeders 1,
(Walton --Total hogs 257, select ba-
con 82, bacon 1160, butchers 12.
Truck del—.Total hogs 112,E select
bacon' 4, bacon 7, .bu'tohera 1.
Huron County Locals—(Total hogs
2644, select bacon 735, bacon 1'$15, but-
, °hers 209, heavies 14, lights and feed-
, ers 26.
Huron Cousty-Total hogs 7044,.
select bacon 2074, bacon 4085, b itch-
ers 690, heavies 36, extra' heavies 2,
tights and feeders 61.
Come in and see our
new and used
ent for
� ehrysler,
Soto, Plymouth
N r
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
+ler Esther (!locking, ,Lloyd Crawford;
Russets — ,Doris D:ticking, Beatrice
Harburn Clarence 'Tuffin Dorothy
Tuffin, Tont Cooper; Snows---)Mitdred
Elliott, - ion!' !Cooper; Greenings —
'Bruce Balfour; Kings --Spencer Jef-
fery, - Esther I -locking, Lloyd M'ililer,
Elsie McNichol, Hazel Laing; Alex-
anders—Dorothy Tuffin, James 'West-
lake, ICennie Burns; Tallman Sweets—
'B,ruee Balfour, Lloyd Miller, games
Westlake, Spencer Jeffery, Alvin
1Colle.fall pears, Clarence Tuffin,
'Spencer Jeffery, Wilma ,Dinnin, Roy
Ross, Tom Williams; co'1L of apples,
Jahn Chalppell, Lorne ;Elliott.
(Flowers—�.PIniks—lS. Jeffery, Alvin
Cole, Robert ,Carbert, D. Dow, G.
Parsons; asters — IS. Jeffery, Keith
s , Isabel Drake, D. Dow, Al
lene Col'quhonn; mixed asters, Isabel
Drake, S. !Jeffery, K. Colqu'ho.un
dA11ene Colqu'lnoun, jack Currie; zin-
nias, . N. IBults'on, S. Jeffery, Beatrice
Harburn, Lloyd, Midler, D. Smote;
calemld'u'las, Robert Carbert, S. Jeffery,
Alvin Cote William Butson, Hazel
Laing; s'allpiglos'is, Robert Carbert,
!S'pen'cer ?Jeffery; french marigolds, S.
Jeffery, H. M'cIP'hess'on, Allene Co'!-
guhpuin, Robert: 'Carbert, John -C'ha'p-
pell; coreopsis,; Robert Carbert; cos-
mos, 'Bill Bastin, n, Sp'ehcer Jeffery,
Doris Single, Arthur +Bariber, Eldon
Barber; a'frican marigold, D. Smale,
!Arthur Barbour, R, Siistale, R. Car-
lbert, Eldon ,B'arlber; phlox, Spencer
Jeffery, Dorothy Diaw, Keith Par-
sons, Gordon Parson's, R. 'Carbert;
verbena, S. Jeffery; sweet peas,
S;penlcer Jeffery, John Chaplpell, Jack
(Currie, Keith Parsons, !Robert Car
bent; dahlias, Didion Allen, Marjorie
Scott, S. Jeffery, Arlene 'Colqutoun,
H. Dow; gl'adlioai, Erla' Treffiry, Ross
,Hlouighton, Eldon Aden; Jean Mc-
IDlona'l'd, S. Jeffery gaitl'ard'ia, Robert
'Carbert, Lloyd Meller; b'ouque't wild
flolwers, ,Hugh Doing, 1S. Jeffery, D.
Dow, Tom M'cIiver, Keith Parsons,
Poultry—IW.. Leghorn pullet, Tom
IWdiiams; pr. w. Legharns, Toni Wil-
liam; b. Rocks, cockerel, S. Jeffery,
Eldon Allen, Wen. Butson, 'Root. Car-
bert; b. Rock .pull•et, Tom 'Williams,
S. Jeffery, Ross Coleman, Roiblt. Car -
bent, Eldon Allen; pr. b. Rocks. IR.
Cambers, Harold Kle'in!feld,t, Hugh J.
IDioig, Mac McKellar; w 'Wyandotte
cockerel, Paul' S. Rogers, Harold
IKieinfe'1'dlt, ,Philip James; w. Wyan-
dotte pullet, 'Paul S. Rogers, Harold
Kleinfeldit, Philip James; w. Wyan-
dotte, pair, Harold Kleinfeldt, Paul
c Rogers.; pr. of u'tili'ty fowl, Cliff
Fawcett, Louis Mcbver, Harold"Klein-
`eldt, ,Duncan McMillan; pr. geese,
Beatrice !Harburn. Roger!Venner,
James 'Westlake, Billy Morris, Toni
Cooper; pr. ducks, Wilma Hamilton,
5. Jeffery, Tom 1TdIver, Carmen Mc-
Pherson, Benson Stoneman.
Livestock. ---!Heavy colt, Zoe Drake;
.Mrs, James Moon' a Stevensr I
vis'i'ted friends in this vici'n'ity at WW1
tan last week, making her i ea'dquar
ters at the Mime of her sister, Mrs
IS!imon MdVittie,
'Mr. and Mrs. Charles Piarsons, Misr
;Almy Parsons and Mrs. Gordon Jen
kins visited on Sunday at the hon
:of Mr. and _Mrs. McNlaib in Grey.
Quite a number from this neigh
'borhaod took in the ,Se'alforth Fair las
.Mr. and Mrs. Bert Allan entertained
IMr, Geo. Elliott and Mr. Cantelon a
Clinton and Mr. Rader o'f Hay Town-
ship last Friday for tea.
•Maxine Purdy; ;coll. leaves, 'Robert
'Carbert, IAnlene Colquhoun, .Harry
e Burns; straplb'oak of scenes, J
- Chappell, 'Robert Carbert, 'Agnes ,Mo'hc-
IMtrlban, 'H'ugh T. Doig, Laura- Dinnin;
toll. ,weeds, ,Rlobert Carbert, 'Wnl9'ra'm
Butson, Donal'd'a •Gray, Roy, Rays;
s martin 'colony, (Robert Carbert, Harry
Dinnin, Toni Cooper.
e Writing. — Class 4-4Beatrice Har-
hurn, Anna Jlordan, Pearl Rasa, Ail-
_ one ICodq'ulhoun, Harold' •MsPherson.
(Cla's+s 5 — ,E1!sie .MdNifdhiol,. ,Is'abel'le
,Templeman, 'Ross ;Houghton, 'Erma.
!Gray, Thomas Cooper. Class 3 --glean
Venner, 1Laura ID'inn'in, Harvey Drown,
f M. Gray. D. Dow. 'Class I2 -1S' nicer
Teffiery, ,Gladys Dow, Esther Hock-
ing, Christina M'd'Dbuga'll, Eileen
Crawford. 'Class II'—Anna 'Kay, Llay,d
!Miller, Mary ISlcott, Marron Rlielhl,
Morris. (Primer --.Marian. ,Ohri's-
tie, Agnes Hocking, 'Hazel Hamilton,
;Murray Dalrymple.
Art-lFilfith class — Gladys M'i'ller,
Erma Gray, Blanche 'Harrison, Isa-
belle Tenfp'letn'an, Tam Cooper,',Class
g --!Ida (Drawn, ;Jean 'Miller, Anent
lCoiqu'h'oun, Madeline 'Wla'Ikom, Bea-
trice 'Harburn. Cla'ss3 Jean Venner,
Laura Dinnin, Robert Carbert, Arn-
old Harris, Stanley • 'Watson. Class 2—
IRoss Slmaie, Spencer Jeffery, P.''Ross,
'Tam W'illia'm !(fourth and fifth). Class
1 --Marian 'Riehl, Doris ,Sm'o'te, Leona
'Fawcett, Evelyn Tuffin. •
(Roots and Potatoes—Margot-Os ---
Jean Venner, Spencer !Jeffery, 'Jack
'Currie, Frank Miller; turnips, Ross
tamale; Wilfred ISc'abt, !James West-
lake, Louis Mdlver, Alex. 1'I'illeir, po-
tatoes, lInish Cobbler, Robert Carbert,
'Cliff Fawcett, Thomas Cooper, James
;Westlake, reran Venner; Green: Moun-
ba'in=John Chappell, 'Robert !Gar'bert,
IB'eatrice ;Harburn, (James Westlake,
,Spencer Jeffery; Daoleys — IKen•ni'e
lawns, Harry ,Burns, Theresa 'Ryan,
Kathleen Coiquhoun, Robert Carbert.
'Grain and Vegetables —'Fall wheat,
'Raym'ond Miller Marion Riehl, Nor-
man DO,Nr, Wilma Tarns Harold
Kleinfeldt banter oats, Bill Hlrburo,
.Freda Harburn 'Robert Carbert, /Thos.
'Morris, Roy IRo»; barley, Alvin Cole,
Freda 411,arburn, Lorne Elliott,. Eldon
Allen, Robert .Colbert; fall wheat,
Beatrice Harburn, Jno, Chappell; bar-
ley, •O.A.C. 211, Robert Carbert. Ban-
ner oats, sheaf, Robert Oarbert, Bea-
trice I-la/burn, Elden Allen, Kathleen
Fawcett; carrots, Erla Treffery, Elsie.
3,leN'i.hot, Benson ,Stoneman, Robert
!Camb,ert, Spencer 'Jeffery; onions, Ro-
bert Carbert, Mildred Elliott, Spen-
cer' Jeffery Hugh J Doi, Jean Ven-
ner; beets Margaret Treffry, Robert
Carbert, Margaret Templeman Alvin
Cole, Alonzo ,Harburn; turnips, Lloyd
?Miller, Eldon ,Allen, K'a'thleen Col-
ulaoun Roy Rbss tomatoes oes Rossi
Kathleen Colquhoun, Erla
Treffry, Gladys Miller, Alvin Cole:
culcum'bens Robert Carbert Beatrice
Harburn, John Temple -man, Mary M,
Ryan, Margaret 'Templeman; sweet
torn, Robert Carbert, Spencer Jef-
fery, Eldon Alien, Eldon Barber, Ross
S'm'ote. pumpkin, Benison Stoneman
(Margaret 'Scott, Freda' ,H'atiburn, Bill
Harburn, ;Ernie IHIar'burn; ca'bba'ge
Rhea Ross, Roger Venner, Beatrice
Harburn, Jean Venner, Mildred El-
liott; citron, James Westlake, Roger
Venner, Alleve Cotquhoun, 'Elsie Me -
Nichol, Lorne .Elliott; squash, Robert
fCarbent, James Westlake.
Sewing — KIKinit wash cloth, Freda
Rayburn, Hel''en McINaulgh'ton; patolt-
intg, Mary Hamilton, Erle' Treffry
Mae MoNau'gh'ton, Rhea Ross, Freda
auburn; best dressed. ' doll, ,Laura
'Dinnin, Beatrice Harburn, Re'ss'c
Coleman; quilt block, Beatrice Har-
burn, Freda Harburn, Mildred Elliott,
ILawra Dinnin,' Anna Wil limns ; fancy
'apron, Freda Harburn; Beatrice ,Har-
burn, Jean (Burns, Zoe 'Drake, 'Isa-
belle Gray; darned sock, Freda Har-
burn; emth, tea towel', Pauline Colo u -
holm, Beatrice Hlarbu'rn, Wilma Ha-
•ntikon, Freda Harburn, Chris Hy
McDougall; fan'.cy work bag, Freda
!Harburn notched grain hag, R--oben'
Canblvrt, Thomas Cooper, Wilfred
Scott, Tom M'cIlver, Louis M'cI'ver'
endo, ,pillow' ca. e, Sea+rice Harburn
Agnes Miller, Freda Harburn.
'Cooking. — 'Fancy 'cookies, .Isalbel
Drake, Jean Burns, Marion Scott,
iLoren'e Harburn, ° Freda Harburn.
'chocolate Calle, Tean. Bu'rn's, Mildred
Elliott, 'Leslie Harburn, Wilma Ha-
milton, Hazel Dow: layer cake. Isa-
bel'Drake, Erla Treffrv, Mary Tian -ill -
ton, Arthur Barbour, Leona Fawcett''
Iran muffins, Fru! Iron It on. 1•f�r•
Scott, Lorene Harhurn, Erla Treffry,
Messrs. Leo Watt, Wm. Murray
and Charles Parson and Mrs. Chas.
Parsons and, Mrs. Kelbland MlcVdttie
spent one day last week at the Strat-
ford Fair, also visiting at the home of
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Jenkins of that
Mr. Lawson of Goderich' and Miss
'Lily Knox of Clinton ca'lve'd on Sun-
day at the home of the Latter% broth-
er, Mr. and Mns.'Thos. Knox.
Mr, and Mrs. I. Rapson spent Sun-
day afternoon• at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Robert Beattie and Wednesday
evening of last week at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Les'l'ie Knox.
Mrs. Gordon Jenkins of Stratford
and her sister, Mist Army Pa'rs'ons, at-
tended the Alt Home .he Clinton ia'sit
Friday night. The former spent the
weekend at the 'hotne of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parson's, cele-
brating her 20th birthday on Saturday
and returned home to Stratford with
her hanslband the beginning of the
...Miss Kathleen Beacom is at pres-
ent staying with her sister, Mrs. Jo-
seph Lyon near Lon'desbono, •
sir,' and Mrs. Bert Alien entertain-
ed Loudon friend's on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Mustard and
family left fo'r Florida last week.
Mr. 11. Ross is having a new 'house
'built on the site of the one buried
down a few weeks ago. D. Harrison
cvf Goderich has the contract and is
rushing the work. Weston Bros. did
the cement work for the foundation.
A cottage is being built for Wm.
;Robinson by Weston Brothers on a
lot next to W. Cotton's cottage.
IThe semi-annual meeting of the
Deanery of Huron is to be held in
Ba}lfield on Thursday, October Gth.
Preparations are beingmade for a
large attendance of clergymen and
delegates. Through the kindness of
the Presbyterians an
s the morningg service
of the WAA will be held in Knox
Church at 10 ant and dinner served'
in the basement T'he Chapter meets
in Trinity Church at 1.0 a.m, and a
joint service in this church at 2 p.ni.
All Anglican churches of Huron
'County are in this dle'anery.
'Mrs. '1', B. Mullen of Detroit, who
has spent the summer with Mrs. M.
Ferguson, was called home Fridays
owing to the sudden illness of her
Dr. and Mrs. Newton -Brady re-
turned 'home Sunday from a motor
trip to Toronto and Wiliiam'sburg.
The doctor studied Dr. Locke's meth-
od of treating anthriis.
On Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
George Fisher of Waterloo left for
their home atter spending a fortnight
with Mr. Fisher's aunt, Mrs, F. A.
Rev, and :Mrs. Paull returned Sat-
urday after a v'aca'tion spent at Lon-
don and Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pye and sons
Of Windsor are spending a short time
wibih .1'Ir. and` -Mrs, C. Widcombe.
Mrs. F. M'oKenzie and sister, Miss
Retell McMillan, of Toronto, are this
reek at the MldMdiran cottage.
Several attended the nomination
t .H'ensn''tl Monday. Among others
were H. Talbot, J. Pease, James Reid,
W'm. J. Stinson, H. Weston and A.
An interesting and well attended
leasing •in the interest of the Lilh-
ral candidate, Mr. W. H. Golding,
as herd in, the Town Hall Saturday
veiling. Addresses of interest were
lade by the candidalte, Hon. Nelson
arliatn,tt and. Mr. Grey Lewis
Thomson was chairman.
.Miss A. MicfIn!tyre of S'trathroy who
pent bhe summer with Mrs. Pear -
on, letf for home Wedn'e'sday. 'Fr
Mr. E. Patella, teller in the Bank ,Biu
of Commerce, was at his home in ,Iq.
Ohesley over the week -end. qti
Mr, Gilmour and Miss Christie of lb,
Sarnia were guests at G. Little's over ;Sa
ed'a H'aruurn; plain cooking•. Jean
rns, Isa'b lla Templeman, 13eatr'ce'
arburn, Marian S'calt, Pauline 'Cal-
houn; 'school lunch. Beatrice Har-
ris, Hugh J. Doig, Rhea Ross, Ross
raras, Freda Haibu'rn.'
Canning — Knit telly. R'ss r'n''e-
are, Agnes Miller, Beatrice Harburn,
e Drake, Jean Burns: pickled ':u-
n'be• s, rcan Rn rn;,, Fla 'Tr. if,.
abrice Harburn, Isabella Temple-
r, Spencer Jeffery: cl,nned beets,
lrlarlys Miller. (He Ha,I 'Ling pea,'
os's, 'Bleatrice +rbuut,' Isabella
'+tnleman• cani'd corn. Sr+ -11C h•
ffery, Isabella Templeman, Freda
rbutii; canned peas, Isabella .Tem-
m'an, Reta McIver, Agnes. S'Iilier.
Fruits-4A'p!pdes. Spies. Agnes Ho;k-
g, Arthur ,Barbour, Marion `'R'ieluf,
in' Chappell, Baa#bice Harb+irn;
lldtwitn;s'—IL]!oyd' Mulder, Eldon 13ar-
'School Fair,—The'Staffa. school fair
.4 as 'held on bMon lev afternoon' with
good ',welaiher urmtil 'after the -event
y"over Prizewinners were:
Manual Training. -- 'Poultry feed tIb
'4o'oer. 'Robert Carib ert.:'Ern ie H'ar-Irr'e
brr,t, 'folhn{ .Chatoell miniature nate, ITe
Wilfred 'Scott, Robert Carbert, FIer Ha
MCP-hers-on; till. knots,(Beat'=ice pie'
TIanb-,•n. Eldon Alleti. Robert Car -1
tett, Ernie ,Harburn, Tobe' Chancel: 'inl,
,0'1, bisects, !Beatrice 73a'rbur, Robert rich
Laura .D'inm,iti, reran Venner, Ba
Iig'nt colt, Carmen McPherson; train-
ed Colt, Zoe Drake, 'Carmen McPher-
son; - dairy calf, Robert Carbert; beef
calf, jean Wrilghit, Robert Carbert,
Percy Wright, Doris Docking; pr. of
pigs, !Clarence ,Tuffin, Anna •Hlam'il'ton,
IRoibert • Culbert, Nonfnan. Dow, S.
Jeffery; bacon hog, John Templeman,
Margaret Te'm'pleran;t Hazel H,annrl-
ton, Mary Hamilton, Niorm'an . Dow;
market Iamib,`Pdm Cooper, Anna Ea-
milton, Wilnta'Hamiiton, special,' best'pet, RolbertCarbert,. Ross Sarara,,
Wilier MdDo.eiald, Mary Cottle,
'Mary M. Ryan; Batik of Commerce
'Culp for best calf, beef type, Jean
Wright. Apple naming contest, Allen
Austin, Lloyd Crawford, 'Tom Coop-
er, Willie Harburn, Clarence Tuffin.
Tom McIver, 1 S S'S. No 4 1
speaking on the history of that school
section; was awarded ;first prize in the
public speaking contest: He rs the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McIver. .
IS.S.No. 2 with Miss Margaret
Sm'ith..'a's teacher won the Strathgqona
exercises competition. S. S. No. 7/with
'Miss Patrick as teacher, won second
!plaice and ,third went 'to, S. S. 'N'o, 4
with ;Miss Barbara Simpson as teach-
aer.nd ,TS. h'e S. 5. other two sch'ools were S. 5.i3
!Officers of the association ase: T.
Scott, pres.; Earl Vipond, vice-pres.;
,Miss ' Barbara Simpson, - sec.; Miss
'Margaret Smith, trews.
(Continued from Plage 8)
(Fuss, Mrs. E. Darting; collar and cuff
set, II. A. Fuss, Wes. Merner; hand-
kerchiefs, Thos. Jiohnson, H. A. Fuss;
wrist bag, H. A. Fuss, Mrs. W. H.
Smi'th; negligee jacket, Mrs. Darning,
Thos. Johnston; ;aches' slip, Mrs. Dar-
ling, H. A. Fuss; scarf, Muss, Jolhns
•ton, dressing gown, Mrs. Darling, Mrs
C. Sims:
ICh'i'bdlrend's Wer.—!Bonnet, Mrs, E.
D'arlin'g, E. F. Merner; jacket and
bootees, Wes. Menner, Mrs. Darling;
bib, H. A. Fuss; crib cover, Mrs. E.
Darling, H. A. Fuss; carriage set, H.
A. Fuss, Mrs. W. H. Smith; child's
fancy dress, F. C. Kaib'8eislch, E. J.
Dated's; play dress and bloomers, W.
IMMrs. ern'eSirMns. C. Sims; child's costume
Living Raoul . Furni's'hings—Centre•
piece, Mrs. Lawson, R. Geiger; table
runner, Mrs. Lawson, Mrs. Sims; em,
sofa=,pillow, Mrs, W. H. Smith. Mrs.
E. Darling; solfa pillow, Mrs. Tiernan,
!Mrs. Lawson; lamp shade, A. F„ Hess,
!Mrs. Tiernan.
(Miscellaneous—;Single piece needle-
work, Miss Young, Mrs. Lawson; doth
needlework, Mrs. Phile, Mrs. M. Tre-
'man. Dr. ,O'Dwyer Special, H. A.
Judge: Mrs. D. A. Fowler, Dun-
Gillesp ies
Cleaners & Dyers
Phone 196w. We call and deliver
V. J. Gillespie, Prop. `
rt Work
!Oil paintingAiands'oape, M. A. Folli
ick, A. E. Oeslbritdber; marine' view,
(Oesltrildher, Grieve; water cu,llors, J.
;Grieve, Oestneher; water colons floiw-';,
ers, Rollick and 2nd; ,water calors an,
rm'als, Grieve, ,H, A. Floss; pastel, 11.
A. Fuss, E. J, Dater's; crayon, Mtyntle
iWeiber, H. A. Fuss; pencil. drawing,
Myrtle Weber, H. A. Fuss; con'vea-
bionad design, Grieve, Foltick• basket-
asketry, ,Fuss, Mrs C. Sims; wood carving,
Mrs. ,Fuss; a'm'ateur photo, Fol-
licle, Dalters; single piece ant work, M.
Weber, Grieve; malplte leaf drawing,
;Floss, T. Johnson,' collection meths,
A. F. Hleels, Dr. .MoKin•non„ septi,
Grieve, Fo'll'ick.,
Floral Exhibits
'Cwt Flowers—rAislt'ers, white, Mel.
/Smith, Theo. MdAd'ars collection of
asters, R. Geiger, Mins: L. 'Mile; W'i1- 411)
Cams special, Ed, W,aliper• caldtus dale- •I
Ira's; E'd. Wiatper, T. McAldlams; deic-
orartive dahlias, Ma's, E. Darling, Dr.
MIdICtn'nlon; Williams special, R. Gei-
ger; gl'ad'ioi, Dr. MIcK'inn'on, Waiper;
cold. gladioli, Annie Johnson, T. M+c-
A'dams; roses, R. Geiger, Ed. 'Wolper;
zinnias, H. Des''jardine, Ed. Haberer;
collection -of annua'l's, Mel 'Smith, W.
'Decker, collection of perennials, Ed.
Haberer, Mrs Sims.; table bouquet,
Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mel. Smith.
(Potted Plants --!Rex begonia, Mrs.
W. H. Smith, P. Haberer; flowering
begonia, Mel Smith, Ed. Wainer; co-
leus, Dr. M'dKinnon, W. Deldher; fern,
A. Johnson, A. H. Warner; geranium,
Dr, McKinnon, W. Decker; = double
geranium, A. H. Warner, H. 'Desjar-
den'e; fusch'ia's, A. Johnson, R. Geiger.
den.b'le .fusdhia, E. J. D'aters, A. H.
!Warner; house plant collection, Dr.
Children's Department .
Co'llection garden vegetables, Dr.
Mldl{innot special, A. F. Hess; colt
'mou'nted' weeds, Harvey Clausius. A.
IF. Hess, weed' seeds, A. F. Hess-, Dr.
'McKin'n'on, dressed doll, E. F. Klopp;
bind house, H. Clausius, Jar. Sterling,
writing, under 10 years, T. H. Meyers;
W. Decker; writing, over 10 years, T.
H. Myers, Ed. Waiper; art, over 10
years, Edt. Waiper, John Grimm.v
5•udge, Mrs. D. A. Fowler.
Cardno's Hall, Seaforth
at 8 p. m.
HON. ROBERT WEIR, M.P,,Ministerof
and Charles W. Bell, M.P., Hamilton
Mark Your Ballot Thus: ' RADER, Louis H. Farmer emir
Ladies Especially Invited. Everybody Welcome
COL. H. B. COIMBE, President God Save the King;..
Tlris advertisement inserted by the SouthHuron ROBT. HIGG'INS, Secretary, ,
Conservative Association