HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-29, Page 3THURSDAY, SEPT, 29, 1932,
Brood, mane with foallby her side-
d). Foth'ering'hant '& Son, 'Seaforth; J.
Gdlih'as, ,Ziunich. (Foal of 19'32 -Win,'
/ ILivinlgstou, 'D, IPoth'eringham & Son,
'Arnold Hugill, ' Filly or !gelding, three
years old -Fred, (Roney and 2nd.
ly or 'gel'd'ing, 'two years, olid -Alex,
'Wright, iBrueelfielid ,' 'Stteuwart 114i•c-
'Ewan,'Clinton, :'Elgin Nott.'IFillly or
'ge'I'dlplg, one year lald-11),. Fathering=
'ham & ;Sons Chris. `'1O'IBrien,''Clin!ton;
J 'Gelinas, Zurich. ISiweensltake's' --
Alex. Wright, IBrucefield..
Heavy Draught.
[Brood mare 'with; 'foal by` her si'd'e-
V.,LJ;ames 1D, B'lacl.,; Seaforth W. S.
• 'Broadlfoott. F,oa1 of 1932 -(Stewart Mc-
' (Ewan, IOlin'tan, (J'a'mes D. !Black,'Sea-
Borth; IW IS, IB'roadlfoot, ''F'illy or geld -
ling, years'o'ld--)ldhn lSlce4t, !Filly or
gelding; 1 year Dula -William Urqu-
hart, 'Mitchell,, Robert + Wright, iD.,
IFotherinlgham '& !Som. 'Sweepstakes-
f1V411rvrn UYq!tl'h'art, •Miitdhe-ll.
'Murdoch 'best' 3 ,foal's from
' 1Favonite Algain4A,';& 1J, IBraad'foot,
SSltewart McRwan, 10l'in'bon, ID.'iFother-
bighani & :Song, . t
and, end -''FIolw-ard Wright. Bull ,calf --
/Howard Wright, O'Neill Bros, . Fred
H. ICa'rb'er't, S'taffa. ,
Judlge-W, A. Douglas, iCaled!onia.,
'R'am; two years old'' or Diver -'R, D.
I-IlunFter &• 'S'on, (Exeter; John K.
Thomson, ,Stratford, and 3rd. Ram,
one year old and under2-R, D. Hun-
ter '& 'Sons, John' K. !Thomson and
3rd. Ram lamb, under one year -'R, D,
H'un'ter & . Sion and ' end, John K.
Th'onnson. Ewe, 'hav'i'n'g lambed m
111932-4Jahn K. Thom'sbn, R. ID, Hunt-
er & Son, J'3!hn. K. !Thomson. Shear -
ling ewe-Joh* K. !Thomson and 2nd;
F. D. Hunter & Son, Ewe 1'anib--0-Ino.
K. Tholin'psan, 'Stratford; R. D. Him-,
ted & Son, Orval MiGolwan,
BiIyibh. `.IWelther' lamb -1R. D, !Hunter
& Son, John K. Thom'sonm
(Rain, two years old ,and aver -John
03. I{e'nmec1y, Ilderton and end, 'Wes.
Nett, 'Rana` one year old -Jahn' B.
Kennedy, Tldertan, anld 2nd; John K.
Thomson, 'gain lantlb, under one year
--John B. Kennedy and end, john K.
Thomson. 'Ewe having lambed t ed in. '19132
r "' Roadsters. _ tc 1Jolltn 'B, 'Neltdd'dl)r d!.14 I3nd, Jo'I;a I
B'ran'd 'mare w'ith foal lby her side- 'Thlo'nasan. Slaearlimig . ewe --john' B.
E. Renwick, Clifford; Tubb Bros.,Kennel and' end
Kennedy John K. 'Tlroinson,
Mitchell, Alvin Dale. (Foal rolf 11932 Ewe lamb JWin' IBC Kennedy and
E. 'Renwick, 'CliffordAndrew Jack- end, John K. Thom'som. Wether lamb
IBrusse'ls; Tubb Bros., `M'ific'h'eU.,'-Tains 'B: Kennedy, W. M. Henry,
Carriage.. 1Betgrave, Ep'hriam,'Snell, Clinton.
Broad mare ,with feal by 'her°s•id'e- Lincolns,
Wes. Nott, Foal of 193I2 -Wes. ;Nutt. 'Ram, two .years cold or over-'Wiil-
Harness, :•lour Goddar'dt Den[te]d. T'h'os. M.
!Agricultural "team -Fred Roney, E. Sno'wd'on, Zurich and 3rd, 'Ram, one
Willert, Hensel]; Heavy Draught year old and Under two -Wm. God -
'team! " -: R. Graham, Gorrie, d'ard, 'George 'Peudhale, 'Exelter; T. M.
IGeneral Purpose team - William Snowden. 'Ram lamb, under one year
!Decker, Zurich and 2nd, !George -Wm. Goddard, George-Penhale, T.
'Lowry.' Roadster horse -R. MCLar- M. 'Snowden. Shearl•in'g ewe -Wm.
en, 1Hensall; 'S. J. Miller, Milverton; Goddard, George Pen'hale, T. 1'I.
E. B. Webber, 'Kitchener, Carriage Snowden, Ewe, lamb -'-Wm. 't odddrd,
horse -'S, J. Miller, Milverton, E. 'B, and 2nd, T, : M. (Snowden (Wether
Webber, Kitc'hener;''H. 'Yotim, Lis- lamb -{Wim, Goddard and 3rd. end
'bowel. Best lady driver and outfit -E, T. M. Snowden. Ewe having lamibed
>73. Webber, Kitchener, S. J. Miller, in 1932, Wm. Goddard, 1'. M. Snow-
tMilvenbon; 'Ch'arl'ie Workman, Mitch- den, George. Penhaie.
Leicester. •
Ram, two years old and over-Eph_
riam 'Snell; ,Rey'Pe;uper & Son, 'Rant.
one year old and under two-Ephriam
Smell, Roy Pepper & San. )Ram lamb,
under one year-EphriamSneli and
2nd, Roy 'Pepper -& Son. Ewe, having
lambed in 1932-'Ephriam .Snell and
end, IRoy 'Pepper '& San. !Sh'earling
ewe-Ephriam ,Snell and 2nd, Roy
Pepper & San, !Ewe lamb- Ephriam
'Snell and 3rd; end Roy Pepper,. and
Son. Wether iamb ---:Rory "Pepper &
'Son,,,Ephra'm :Snell.
Dorset Horned;
;Ram, two years old or over -+P. • E.
Dearing, 'Exeter; iOha'rles IDanbrook,
Atwood; 'Orval McGawvan, Blyth,.
Ram, one year ad and und'er'bwo-P,
E, Dearing and 2nd, 'Ohas. Diabrook
Atwood.. Ram lamib, under once year -
3, E. 'Dearing .ani] end, ,Ch•as, :Dan-
bro'ok. (Ewe, 'havimg'lam'be'd 'fn 11932
P. E, Dearing, Chas. ,Danlbroak and
3rd. IS'hearling awe --'P. E. !Dearing
and 2n'•d,, Orval 'Mc1Go'wan;
Ewe lanib-thus: Da:Arook, 1'. E.
Dearing, ,'Orval- flvhcOowan; ''Wether
lamb -Chas. Dhnibrook arra ' end and
Ram, two 'years ol'd or, over - W.
M. Henry, B'tgrwve and 2n11, •''S. J.
Pym and' ;Sans, 'Centralia. Ram, one
year ,old and under two -1W, ;M.
Henry, B'elgrave and 2nd.'Rant.lam'b,
under ole yerar, W." 1ff, 'Henry .and
:3rd -end S. T, Pym &'S'an.,Ewe, haw -
log' lambed in '19132-W.',I-11.,.Henry
and 3rd'; Zuad. S. 3. ,'Pym
S'heari'ng ewe'' -;S. J. `Pym & Soh and
3rd; 2nd W. 111; !Henry. 'Ewe lani+b`
W. M. !Henry and end,, 'S. CJ, ;Pyin '&
Son. Wether iamb -S. 3. Pym.' and
Judge -j. IM. lGa rdhou se:
'Best cow-lOestrieher Bros., ,Credi-
ton; A. W'. Barrett,' Parkhill; Kerr
IBros., 'Henfryn,
(Helfer, two years 'old -A. W. Bar-
rett, 'Parkhill;
ar-rett,'Parkhill; lO'es'tricher Bros., Cred-
itor, and 3rd. "Heifer, one year o1'd,
A. W. (Barrett, ,Parkh•ill; Roy Pepper
!& Son, Seaforth; 10e's'tricher ]Bros,
'Senior ;heifer ,calf, calved' - after
:Sept. 1, 19311-1Kerr Bros., Henlfryn,
Wilbur Turnbull, Brussels. ,
ISenior 'bull calf, ;calved `after 'Sept.
1,'1'9311-A, W. Barrett, 'Parkhill; Oes-
Itrioher Bros,, Cred'i'to,n,'Kerr Bros.
'Junior heifer calf, calved after Jan:1,.
1932 -Roy Pepper '& Son, !Seaforth;
'A. W. !Barrett, !Parkhill; ;Wilbur
Turnbull, ;Brussels. :Junior i ii calf,
calved after) Jan. 1,1932-A. W. Bar-
rett, 'Parkhill; IRoy 'Pepp'er &. Sons,
:Seaforth;. •0estnicher !Bros., 'Creditor.
Bull, , one year old=Oeabricher :Bros.
IBu11, 'two .years or over- Oeatricher
:Bros., 'Crediton; A. W. 'Barrett, Park-
hill; Kerr Bros.
!Herd, consisting of 4 !females and
!bull (all beef breeds eligible to herd
(prize)-O1Neill Biros., ' IDen'field; ,A.
W. Barrett; IOestri'c'her Bros.
Cow, 'three years old or over - A, &
J. 'Brda'd'foot„IN. Carter, Illei'fer, two.
years old -A, & J Broadlfoot and end
;and 3rd. Heifer calf, calved since last
1S,eptem'ber--IO'lNeiil Bros., Denfield;
IRoy 'Pepper & Sons; Jacob' Battler,
',Zurich. "Steer calf, calved since last
September -O'Neill (Bros,; 'Denlfieid;
'Roy (Pepper i& .San. ”
IB'u,tc'her's'Cat tile -Steer -'or heifer
over 11 year. old -Roy 'Pepper & Son,
O'Neill Bros, Balby !beef, 11 year and
under -Andrew ;Park, Mitchell; 'O'-
Neill Bras., Holwadd Wright, Cniim-
tarty, Roy lPelp'per '& 'Son,
Jersey --(Bull any age -Baden Pow-
ell, Ed. B,arne t, Elton. ,Goudie,
(Best: caw-IB'ald•en Powell and 3rd;'
add Ed. Ba'r'ren: ,
Yonksli'ire-lB•oar, over.'1 year -:Al-
free H. Warner, B'aylfield; Ames
Cowan, (West Mon'kton; Wdlbur''Turn-
',bu'll, B'rus'sels, Boar littered since
Sept., '1J3'1 -Wilbur Turnbull, Ja;ntes
'Gowan and 3rd..Sciw, one year old. or
over-,Wnllbur Turnbull, Tames' Cowan
!Heifer, two years. old -:Baden; (Pow and '3rd Sow littered since Sept. •193'1
ell, Ed. Barnett and 3rd.. Wilibur Turnbull,, Jantes r Cowan;
'Heifer, onear old -'Baden Powell jams, Slti'riing, Baylfield,
(Elton .Goodie. 'Helfer calf -Fred H. ' 1Berksh'ire-Boar, over one; ,year -=E:
,Oarbert, :S!taffa; Elton +Go'udie. (Ball W. tTernor, Stratford, and' end;
calf -]Baden ;Powell; Snowden. Boar,; li:tt.ere!s surae+ Sept,,
'Eaton 'Speci,al;=.lJJ,red II: Carbert;; 11933.1--E. W. Vernor, !Stratford 'and
t5'tafl'a, : , end, 'T. M. Snowden. Saw, one year or.
,Hols'tein-1-Ielfer, two years old'- over --E, W. Vern'or and end, 'T. 'M.
Mrs. James Carter. Snowden: 'S'ow littered, since Sept.
Hereford, 19311-E, W. Vertior and end, - T',
!Bull, any age - IR nvarcl Wright,. Sno'wdet,
Cram:arty; O'Neill`illros. and 2nd, Tat-Tat-M./north - 'B
Tat-M./north aver a year
Best cow-illoW'ard 'Wright and2nd. ID;ouglas & Sign, 'Mitchell] and' R: -
'Heifer, two' year's old -O'Neill 'M'anison Bros., Zurich; boor Tittered
III'oward"Wri,gh't and, 3rd. Heifer, one, s'in'ce Sept, 193'11 -Douglas Son -and
year old --101Neill : (Bros., ;Howard' 2nicl; Ma'n's'on1 `E'r'os., Zurich, Sow, one
Wright. IH''eifer calf-1Q%Neill )Bros, year or- over -'Douglas & Son and
end.. Saw, littered since Sep t•; 1931'- C Wilson: Pullet -T. ,C Wi'lson and
Douglas. & Son and 2nd; Manson end.
Bros_ ' IA,IO:V. •Leighorn'e Co'c'k - IM..A.
IB,acon H'og's='Fair bacon type hogs Fraser, T, C, 'Wi'is'oh: Hen -M. A.
over +ISO lib,-iDougl!as &' Son,, James Fraser, T. C. Wilson, Pullet -•M. A.
St'ylin'g, .Baylfield . Pen Of four shoats, Fraser, Leatherland & Bentley; cock -
75 to 100 :pounds -Wilbur Turnbull, ere] -M. A. Fraser, Leathenl'a'nd &
James Cowan, W!est'!Mon'kton.' (Bentley'
Judge,, ,Sheep and 'Pigs. -Mr. Biir- .;Black ;Jasvas-+CookJT, C. 'Wilson.
genri'an. ]Hen -.Wilson and '2nd,
POULTRY. 'Black+Giants -4-Cask - Hilton-
,truenner, Zurich; Tubb B'ros., Mit-
Brahma's-Cook - M. A. P'raser
cheil. Cockerel -Douglas & Son, John
S!tratiford; T. C. Wils'on, ,Bl'tiewale, 'Koc'hem's. Pullet - Dougl:as & Son,
Hen -T, C. Willson and 2nd Cockerel Tublb B,-o's, Hen--3Ziillton 'iTruemn!er;
-IM, A. Fraser, T. C. Wilson. Pullet Tu!b!b Bros.
=T. C. 'Wilson, M. A. Fraser,.. Gane B'antfams-Cock , M, A. Fras-
'Barred Rocks -Cock-Jacob Bat-
tler, 131en-'T. C Wil'so'n, and 2nd.
Cockerel = Arnold Hugill, Pullet -
Arnlold Magill, Jonathan Hvghll.
White Rocks - !Cock, Lloyd O'-
Brien, H'i'lton T'ruemner, Zurich. Hen
-ILlbyd' 01Brien;' ' Leatherland &
!Bentley, Auburn. 'Cockerel -]Lloyd 0'
(Brien. and end, 'Pu'll'et -Lloyd O'Brien,
Mrs. B. Brunadion, Londe'sboro,
Buff Racks-(Cockerel=1L1'oy,d O'-•
:Brien, Pullet -]Lloyd O'Brien.
Any :other variety `Cochin-ICock-
G; lW'l op, 'B'i'uevale and 2nd, Hen
C. Wti^$sal' and 2nd, J:r
'Silver Grey 11,orkin'gns-106ck--+:John
lKoohents, Ztlrlt!h, M. A„'Fraser, Hen
-Ijtohtt I{nlepeins and end. ICo'ckerel-
'Fra'ser, John 'Kochems. 'Pullet
-�]aliti Eodhem's and 2nd,
Black breasted Red Games-ICac•k-
L'aithwa'ite & Sons Hen.. --Roy But-
son, Stratford Lai'thwaite & Sons.
Pullet -]Roy Butson, Douglas & Son,
A10.V. Game-4Hen--1R:oy` Butson,
Laithwaite & Sons. Pullet -Roy But-
'Langshans-Cock-M,'- A. Fraser.
Hen -M. A. Fraser, Cockerel -M, A.
Fraser, Pullet -M, A. Fraser.
!Spangled 'Eaunlb'urgs-Cock- Lloyd
O'Brien, Leatherland & Bentley; Au-
burn.' Hen -M. A. Fraser, T. IC, W'il-
son: Cockerel-RJoyd• C./Brien, Lea'th-
erlancl & Bentley. Pullet-IL1o'yd O'-
Brien and 2nd.
IH'oudans -` Cock M. A. Fraser,
Laiithwaite & Son. Hen• -,M, A. Fres-
res-et, Laiblvwai'te & Son, 'Cockerel -
ILarthedaiite &'Son, M, A. ;Fraser. 'Pul-
let -La'3'rhwaite''& Son, M. A. Fraser,.
iFelan'ds-Gook--'M, A. Fraser, Hen
X1331, A. Fraser, Cockerel -Leather -
land, & B'entdey, M. A. Fraser. 'Pullet
-_ Lealth'erl'and '& Bentley and 2nd.
• IB'u'fi Orpingtons - 'Goc'k-Douglras
& Son, Mitchell, Jacob Battler, 'Zur-
ic'h: Hen -Douglas & 'Son, •Jahn Ko
ohms, Zurich. Cockerel - M. A.
Fraser, Douglas &'Son. Pullet -M. A.
Fraser; Do'u'g'la's & Son.
A. 0. V. O•dpin!gton's-1C'o;ck-T. C.
Wilson, •B'luevale and 2nd, Hen- T.
C. Wi'l'son and 2nd.
Black Spanish--(Hen--T. C. Wi1scin,
Bauevale; John IQochems, Zurich.
Cockerel John Kiaoh:ems and end.
Ptillet-,J!oihn Kochems and 2nd.
And!alu.slans-]Cock-+M:. A. Fraser,
Hen -M. A. Fraser. Cockerel. M, A.
Fraser, 'Jamb Battler, ,Zurich. Pullet -
A. Praiser,, Jacob 'Battler, Zuricih.
Mi'nortcas-Cock -'Lloyd .01Brien,
7 ib Bata, H -D
Tacolb ler. en u�gbas & Son,
Hilton 'Truemner,t Zurich. Cockerel -
Hilton Truernner, Dou'gl'as '& ,. Son.
$'uilef-IH11'toes •Trueiarner and 2nd.
.(White Wy'atidblbtes•L-Cock-iDou'g-
las & Son. Han'-1Douglbs l&'So.ns, Lea-
therland & Bem.tley, Au'hunn. Cockerel
--117aulgl'as & Son. Pull'e't -Douglas &
Silver. Laced Wy'and'o'ttes-Cock -
K A. Fraseg, Hen -(Fraser. Cockerel
Fraser. !Pullet -]Fraser,
!Buff "Wy'an'd'olttes.Co'cleere'.,='Arn-
aid Pul'iet-IArnd1'd: Hugill.
A O. V. Wyaiiidottes=]Cock,. T, C,
Wilson. Hen -1T,
C Wii'aon 'and 2nd.
Coc'ker'el -'T. C. Wilson, Lanth'wa to &'
Sans, P'sn telt-+T: C. 'Wilson, 'Leith=
wai:te &-S:oiss;
iRed ,Gaps.-Pullet-Leatherland &
Bentley, Auburn.
lAn!conas-Conk-,boughs & Son,
1\l. A. -Fraser. Hen -Douglas & San,
1MI, A. 'Fraser.. Cockerel--'-Llo"yd. 0'
Brien;, Daug!1'as & Son. Puget -Roy
Btntson" and 2nd.
'Rhode 'Island Rleds-::Go'ck-lD'oulg-
las Sr, Son, John. Kachein's. Hen'
(Dou'gla's &'Son and, end. 'Cockerel-
Douga!as & Soli, M. A,. Fraser: Pitl-
lct-Dou'gl'as•&;Son, M. A. Fraser.
•Cam'pinea-Cock -ID!ou'gla's & Son
and,'end. 'Hen--IDou'glas & Son and
end'. Cockerel -Dou'gla's' &•'Son and
end. Pullet-4Dlouglas; & Son and end,
, .1White'L„'gliorns-'Coco.-Roy Bat-
son, Strafford, Douglas .ami Son, Hen
-May ''Butson, Dou'glas & Sen. Go'ck-
erel-IRoy. Butson, Douglas 'n .San.
(Pu'lle't-lDongl'as & Slon 'and 2nd:
iBirownl. ,'I;le'gh!orius-Cock=Doirgllas
7& San; 'Uaithwaite & Son's; Hen's-
er, Laithwai'te & Sons. Hen -Douglas
& Son, Charles Danib'roak, Cockerel
Fraser, D'o!ugllas & Son. Pullet -
Douglas & S'o'n, Fraser.
Cochin Bantam's ='Cock - M. A.
Fraser, Lloyd O'Brien. Hen --O'Brien,
'Fraser, Cockerel.'- 1OlB'rien, Fraser.
1"ul'let'-Lloyd'; OlBrieu and 2nd.
A. 0. V. Bantams -Cock -Charles
D'anbro'ak, M. A. Fraser, Hen -M. A.
Fraser, Ma's. D'an!brook, Cockerel
Wilbur Turnbull, M. A. Fraser. Pul-
let -M, A. Fraser, Wilbur Turnbull.
Pekin bucks-aOld drake, old, chsc+k,
young drake 'and young duck-Doug-
4as & Son and 2ntd in all classes::
,Rouen Du'c'ks- Young drake and
young duck, .T. M. Smo'wd'en.
Flemish Beauty -James 'Stirlin'g an
end. Duchess of Agouline-.'Slcill ings
James D. B•liac'k, Seaforth. Beurr
Clairgeau-'Mrs, G. A Glenna, hi,ppen
ILatthwate, Clap'p'•s Favorite -N, Ca'r
ter,' Jacob -Battler,. Zurich. Belle Lu
emotive -Skillings, N. Carter. .•Sheld-
on --,N. Carter, Mrs. J. Barr. Louis
Bonne de Jersey -P, Barker, Goder-
idit; N. ,'Canter. Bartlett -J. Sbinljtt'g,
N. Carter. Seckel -F. Banker, 3. S'tas1-
B!eure d' 'Anjou -F. Barlcer,,.Ja-
c'olb Battler:
Early Crawford = H. Truemuer,.
Skilltv'gs. 'Crawnfar`d-IStir'ling, Ski d-
ings: Plate' of any other variety=Skil-
lings, H. Truemnerr
d ('Tyerman; canned cherries, Mrs, J.
B. Tyerman, Mrs. W. J. Dickson;,:
e canned pears, Dr. Harburn, N, Cart-
; er; canned strawberries, N. Carter,.
- Mrs. Robt. Allan; canned plums, N.
-'Carter, H. Desjard'ine; canned ,pe'ac'hes
Alfred Warner, N. Garter;' collection
of three j'elI'ies, Mrs. W. J. Dickson,
N. Carter, soup mixture,' Mrs. A L.
Porteous; canned chicken,' Mrs. J, B.
,Tyerman, N. Carter; canned sausage„.
T. J. Willert, N. Carter; canned ,beef;,
N. 'Carter; vinegar pickles, Mrs. James•
Carte, H, Desjardine; mu'st'ard pick-•
les, N. Carter;' tomato 'catsup, Mrs.,
J, . B. Tyerman, ;Mrs, Jaane's Carter;
cold'. meat relish, Mrs. J. B. •Tyerman,.
Mrs. A. L. Porteous; red pepper jelly,
Dr. Haelburn,_ Mrs. J. B. Tyterman;
collection canned vegetables, -Affred'
Warner, ,N. Carter; jam or m'arma-•
lade, 4 varietie's, Mrs. A.'L. Porteous,`
'Mrs. J, B. Tyerman.
'Butter crack, N. Carter, Mrs. J•as;
'Magill; butter, in prints, Mrs; Wm,.
'Taylor, Blyth; N. Carter; butter,.
in pats,' Mrs. Wm:. Taylor, Mrs. Jas..
Iiugill; honey fn eonsh, Wm. Hartry; :
extracted honey, and Honey display,-.
Wm. Hantry; hen's eggs., Mi -s. C. H.'_
Holland, Mrs. Janes Carter,; brown.e
hen's eggs, Mrs. Rolbt. Allen;
Oliver Jervis; dressed chicken, Mrs.--
ilt"rs.James Carter; 5 lb. rolls butter, N.
Carter, 3llrs..F; S'torey._ -
White bread, Mrs. F. Storey, Mrs.
A. L. Porteous, N, Carter; brown
bread; N. Carter, Mrs, F. Storey..
Mrs. A. L. Poeteo'us; muffins, :]sirs: -
C. H. H'olland; Mrs. James Carter;
children's lunch, Mrs. T. 0. Flynn;'
Stratford; tea bis'cuits,,. lIrs, Wes
Free, N. Carter; fancy yeast buns,
Mrs. F. Storey, Jean Scott; plain
cookies, Mrs. T. 0. Flynn, Mrs. Oli-
ver Jervis; sixo tarts, N. Carter Mrs.
Wes Free; dropped cookies,' N. Car=
ter, Mrs. D.. MacFarlane, Walton; an-
gel cake, not iced, Jean Scott, Mrs.
J. B. Tyernnan; Parker rolls, Jean
Scott, ' N, Carter; best decorated cake,
Mrs. D.:M'aclFarlane, Mrs. James Car --
ter; sponge cake, Jean Scott, lfrss J .
B. Tyerman; dark fruit cake, N. Car- •-
ter, Mrs. Wes Free; light :layer ca'k'e,'.
N. Carter,' Mrs. Jane's Carter; dark --
layer cake, jean Scott, Mrs. D. Mac-
Farlane; apple pie, Mrs. James • Hteg-f
ill, Mrs.' F. Storey; pumpkin pre, Mi's-,
J. B. Tyerman, Mrs, Wes, Free; lemon
!Golden Drop -(Skillings. Washing
tan-Iskrl'lim'gs, Monarch-Laithwaite
& Son, Stirling, bmperial Gage -Skil-
dings. •'Duane's Purple - Skil'1'ings,
Lombards - •Laith'wai'te, Stirling.
Bradshaw, Skillings. Rene Cl., Skil-
lings, Stirling. German Prune -4H.
IT•ruemner, Jean Scott, Plate of any
other variety -Jacob Battler. Skil.
'Plate of .Moore's Early-,Lai!thwaite,
kS'tirliti'g. N'iaga'ra - ILaith'waite, Skil-
rings, Concord- S,killin'gs, Laithwaiie,
Delaware -Skillings, 'La'ethwaite. Wil
den-4LaBthwaite. 'Lindlley-;Skillin'gs,
Muscovy Ducks --Old drake and Salem ISkilllln'gs, Weldon =.LA'rnold
ug -
old duck -Douglas & (Som, John Hart. ,Hugill, Skild'irngs. Plate of any other
Young drake' ,and young duck=Doug-• variety - il;a'igrapes , Skillings. Best'
la's & Son. 1 ol'lettion 'af grapes-ISkillings,
(In'd'ian Runner Ducks -Old drake, Murray.
L'aithwa'iite & Sans, Old duck-La'ith_ Judge -J. M. Cardivo,
reaite & Son's, ` ROOTS AND VEGETABLES
IA. 0. V., =Ducks -]Ail classes
Douglas & Son and end. ]Irish Cobbler early potatoes, N.
Geese. • . .Carter, Arnold Hugill any 'other ear -
Bremen Geese -Old 'gan'der and old ly` vatrety, Jonathan Hugill, N. Car-
- Douglas &' Son, Hilton iter; Green Mountain late potatoes,
iTruenuter, Zurich. Yo'unlg goose and Arnold Hugill, J. A. (Murray; any oth-
young gander -:Douglas & Son. er late variety, Thomas Ferguson,
(Toulouse , Geese -Old goose and Elton Goudie; winter' .cabbage, Mrs,
old gander --Douglas & Sons, Mrs. W. J. Dickson, F. Barker; savoy cab
F'rahik Storey, IS'eaforth, Young gag- bage, J. A. Murray, Janes Rivers;
der and, young goose-1Dou'glias &'
red cabbage, N. Garter, F. Baricar;.
Son, Jonathan Hugill. fall' cabbage, N. Carter, James Rivers;
IA. O: V. Geese -1A11' classes-Jobn any. other. cabbage, N. Canter, F. Bar -
Hart, Wes. Nott, ker; cauliflowers, John Grieve, N.
Turkeys, Carter]' celery, N. Carter, Mrs, J. B.
Cock.. and hen -• Hilton Truernner, Tyer'm'au; table parsnips, N. 'Carter,
Alfred H. Warner, Bayfield. Cock- F. Barker; table carrots, stump rooter]
enc] and, Pullet-;A'lfred H. Warner 3• A. Murray, Jonathan Hugill; long
and 2nd.. ,table carrots, N. Carter, T. Ferguson;
A. O. V. Turkeys -]Cock, hen .,and any other table carrots, Reta Camp-
cockere'F-lDb4tglas & 'Son bell, F. Barker; long blood beets-, N.
Utility Pens.
!Plymoauth Rocks, p.en-Douglas &
Leghorans -' A.V. pen, . Doug-
ias & San, Lloyd O',Brien.
(Rhode. Is:laand (Re'd's; pens - Jrahn
iAn'conas, A.V., pen -]Lloyd O'Brien.
1M'inorcas, A. 'V., ,pen -Jahn Kac
Canter, Jacob Battler; turnip .blood
beets, James Rivers, T. Ferguson;
red tomatoes, Mrs. A. L. Porteous,
Jacob Battler; pink tomatoes, N. Car-
ter; collection tomatoes, Mrs. 'W. J.
Dickson,• N. Carter; sweet table corn,
Jonathan Hugill, E. J. Willent field
corn, Jonathan Hugill, H. Trimmer;
la_ •collection Of corn, Jacob Battler; fod-
der corn, V. Terryberry; onion's from
seed, F. Barker, Jahn Grieve; onions
from Dutch sets, Mrs. R, Allan,
'Brucedeld; ;H. Desjardine; red'. on}
fan's, F. Barker; white or yellow on-
- ions, F. Barker, Mrs. W. J. Dickson;
nq onion set, Mrs, W J. Dickson, T. J.
es Willert;- pickling on'i'on's, John Grieve,
Mrs, W..J. Dickso'n muskmelons, H.
ipl'1. 'Truenner,' T. J. Willert; wlatermel-
g, ons, T. J. Willem,;• lames Stirlim'g;
s'tri'ped citrons, J•acdb Battler, N. Gar-
- ter; C'altilfornia citrons, Mrs. - W. J.
' Dickson; ,vegetable n'iarro'w, N. Cart -
g' '.er, Alfred H. Warner, Bayfield; mam-
a moth squash, F. Barker; table squash,
'�_ F. Barker;: Jacolb Battler; Hubbard
sq'u'ash, John Grieve, Alfred' Warner;
,pumpkin's for pies, F. Barker,. Alfred
& Warner; winter rad'is'h, N, Carter,
• Jonathan Hngiil; ripe cucumbers,
James Rivers, N. ,Canter; table cucum-
hbegs, N. Carter, J• A. Murray pick-
ling cucumbers, J. A, Murray, T. J,
Willert; butter beans, 'Mrs:,'Robt. A1'-
laii, J'acolb Battler; white beans, Mrs..
s W. J. Dickson, Jacob Battler; sugar
niangoi'ds, Arnold Hugill, J. Wesley
e''B•eattie; long red man'golds, J. Wesley
s' 'Beattie, H. 'Truenrner• intermediate
d mangolds, J. W. Beattie, T. J. Wil-
iert; Swled'e. turnips, Wn.:-Beatty,
Seaforth; Mrs. Frank Storey; any
' other variety turnips, Chas, D'aini'age,
' H. Truemner; • white sugar beets for
factory, Elton Goodie; red or orange
field carrots, F. Btarker; white or yel-
low carrots, T, j. Willemt; sweet'pep-
pers, John Grieve, N. Carter; hot pep-
' pers,' James Stirling, Jahn 'Grieve
s' largest s,q}nash, H. Tru emu er, J. A.
' .Murray; largest Pu'mp'kin, H. Truesn-
ner, J, A. Murray; collection of gar-
den, pro'ducts, N. Carter, F. Barker
Indigo: F. J. Kerslake,
!Collection 'o'f apples, le varieties
Slaith'waite & San; James S'ti'lt
BFaylfield. Six !rained varieties wiint
apples - Laitlawa'i'te & Sons; Jam
Stirling. Four named varieties fall.
p'ie's-ajlame3 Stirling, Arnold Hu'g
'Plate of Blaid'wins James :Stirlin
Arnold 'Hug'''h King o'f Th'omp'kins
Lai'tlncvaite & Son, James Stirling
Northern Spies - •Jlantes 'Stirin
Lloyd L. :Skillings, St, George, . Fall
water=tJaines "Stirling, H;i'ltatt Truer
n'et, Golden. Russett -j. Stirling; E
gin Nott. Westfield (Seek -no -further•
Lai:thwaste '&:Son, J. Stirling. Wea
thy -'Lloyd' 'S!kildi.ngs, Lat.thwaite
Stan, • PeIW'att'kee . James 'Stirlin
Lloyd; Skfllin!gs. Ontarte LFloyd- Ski
Hugs, -James Stirling. Wiagne'r-e Stir
ing Latthwali'te. Roxboro Russets
Lki'th'waite. Gravenstein-'Lloyd Skil
lings. Duchess of Oldenburg -Jame
'Stirling, Laith!wai'te & Son, 'Spitzer
burg -E. J.'Wi'llert, Hensel!. Fameus
or Sn,oiw apple - Lloyd S'kitlin'g
Lai!th'waite .Col:ert 'H. 'Truenuner
FI, Des3'ardine, Zurich. Mann�ILloy
6killim!gs, M'rs, J. T. Hugill, B'len
helm Orange Stinlin'g, Skillings
Ma'ide'n B,lmsh - :Mrs.. J. T. Hugill
Jat'rvss; Slbinliug, B'ayfie'ld. 12 crab
apiple's, red -(Skillings, Stirling. 112
crab appl'e's, Yellow ---Jonathan Hugill
Stirling. Rhode Island Green'in'g
Mrs. J. Barr, ,Go.derich; :Skillings, Rib
sto'n. P'ip'pins -'Mrs, J, ,B'a'r, Slki'ili'vg
Blenheim Pippin-'Laith'waite, Mrs. J
Barr, Pall Pbplpnn-iJ. Slttrling: Cran-
berry Pippin' -Mrs. J. Barr, J. Stir]
:nig. St. Lawie!ntce-IN, Carter. Skil-
lings. McIntosh Red - LaithWai!te,
Sknllin'gs. Tatman ;Sweet-Ski'lliiags,
jurehu; ISxott.
Pears. '
Four varieties of W'i'nter Pears -
Mrs. J. Barr Skillings, 4 var. Fall
Douglas :E Son and 2nd. Cockerel --;T, Pears -Mrs. 7. Bart Stirling. Plate of
• .ICnsnnreid rhub'ar'b, Mrs. W. j. ,Dick-
son, Alfred Warner canned raspber-
ries,Mrs. James Carter, Mrs, J. B.
pie, N. Carter, :Mrs, F. Storey; meat.
loaf, Mrs. J. B. Tyerman, N. Carter.
candy, Mrs, H. Rorke, Clinton; Vel-
ma Hsist; meat pie, Mrs. A. L. Par-
teous, Mrs. Oliver Jervis; salad, Mrs.
Wes. Free, Mrs. A. L. Parteous; ma---
caroons, Mrs. Oliver Jervis, 'M1"sc R.”.
!Allen; cup cakes, Jean Scott, J. • W;,',
Beattie; fruit cake, Mrs. James Car==
ter, Mrs. We's. Free; collection sand:
wiehes, Mrs. Wes, Free, N. Carter:-
Judge: Helen M. r\IeKeroher,
Quilt, applique, Mrs. Howrie, Mrs.
D. :Munro, Brucefidd; bedspread, Ja-
cob Battler; quilt, best quilting, Reta
Ceniplbell, Dublin; Adeline Tyerman;
pieced cotton quilt, Mrs, James Fin-
layson; Mrs. • Sam. C41dun'ore; gniIt;'
orazy patchwork, Mrs. S. Trewartha,;
Mrs. Oliver Jervis; white bedspread„'
/Mrs. H. Hym'men, Kitchener, Miss
M. Livin'gstou, B':y-th; colored bed-"
spread, Mabel Pet'h'ick, . Miss Living-
ston; cro'ch'et or knit Afghan in color-
ed wool,'Miss Livingston. Mrs. Flynn;.
apron, 'serviceable work aprons, ,Mrs;.''
A. L Porteous;, Miss Livingston;
men's pyjnnriras, N. Carter, Miss Liv-
ingston; house dress, Miss Living
s'ton, Mrs. D. M'aelFarlane; floor mat;,
Mrs. W. J. Dickson„ Miss Living-.
s•ton; floor stat, hooked, rags, Miss.
Livingston, Mrs. H. Rorke; floor not,
hooked, yarn, Fme,d H. Carbert, Mrs..
Sash Cudni'ore; crochet nra:t, John
Grieve, Mrs,'D. Munro; illustrailed
hooked floor mat, H. D'es'jar.dine....
lAlplplique, Miss Livingston, M:rsi
Hymmen; Roman cut work, Mrs -
Hyun'nleit,� Mrs. Sam..Cudmoa'e; e
Mrs. Hynanmen Miss Sela-
Miss Livingston; sa-
tin stitch, Miss'Livingtston, Miss Flor-
ence Beattie; cross.' stitch, Miss
iugstlon, Mrs, Flynn; French knots;
Mrs, Hyat'men, Miss Lnvings!ton:-taip-
esttry, petite point or .gross point, hiss
Livingston, Mrs. H'owrie; Lazy Daisy
'stitch, Mrs: Hryinnwen, Mildred Cud- `.
more; Italians drawn work, Mrs, Hynr••
men, Miss Lnvings!t'on tatting, Miss
Livingston, mfrs. H. R;orke; beacdt
work, Mns. Sans Ciidm!ore.
Dining Room-"' Furnishings.
ILu 1' g
ncheott se't; ea7nbroider; r'
:Liv to
Livingston, Mrs.'Tljymtneu;,;.tea -cloth-