HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-29, Page 1Ilorgive anvd :forget hwIi.y, the
'would Ibe lonely,.
"Illte garden a w'ilderness left 'to
If the-flotv'ers tbut renremiber'cl the
wb rld
chiihlirng winds curly,
And the fields :gave no te'rdurG for
fear of the storm,
—Charles I5w'ain.
'WHOLE ISER'IES,, V OL. 54, 'No. 39.
Phone 84.
at all hours 1
Prices Reasonable
Confectionery and Restaurant
Not Once
IHlave we had a complaint of
truckles spoiling tvhen our vinegar
was used. Already' this 'season we
.rave heard. of pickles spoiling
when' other vinegar was used, We
our good XXX Vinegar at
same price as others are charging
dor XX Vinegar.
GAIR, XXX Quality, A O c
Over Inupenial Glallon'"!
Speciale -'3 for 25c.
PLFf41.&t L,L COFFEE hasadvanced
to 3!5c. While our present stook
lasts we sell I'�p A
r_4, for
iii Y
OAKES.-Two specials coming. A
''Qh'o,cclaite Marshmlaiow and an
assorted' cream 'filled' Sandwich,
Perrin's usually 25c at 2 lbs'..35c
GINGER.—lest Jamaica. Ginger
per lb. 60c
GINGER, special, per 1'b., 35c.
5 'abs. 25c
CONCORD GRAPES per basket 25c
'Eggs •b'ought for cash or trade.
Creann for S'eafonth Creamery at sante
price as at the 'Creamery.
'The Peppy Pals Mission Band en-
joyed a very pleasant hike last .Sa't-
urday afternoon. The crowd met at
1tJi1j an Richardsonn's home and hiked
'from these out to Amex. , Wlallaee^s.
The afternoon was spent in playing
several games. The refreshments were
served on the veranda and everyone
did them' full justice. A vote of
thanks was. ten'd'ered ,,Mrs. Wallace
and ,the, Peppy Pal's finked back to
their 'homes, a tired :but happy loft.
;Annivers'ary services ' will be 'held in
Cavan .Church, Winthrop, on Sunday
next, O'c't, 2nd at 111 and 7:30, with.
'Rev. G. W. Oliver off SIt. And'rew's
(United Chluunc'h, Blyth as special
preacher at bosh services. 112•u'ste bay,
the Ca'v'an choir:
iH+uren Presbytery of the United
(Chetah of Canada in (s'es'sion' alt Gode-
rich on. Monday, placed its staniip off
approval on a1nelw method' df finance,
'patibilcul'arly adapted to rural districts,
by which church members may con-
tribute a farm an,infal,'bno'od of chick-
ens eggs, Y> grain, rain etc in lieu of
asl c h a their contribution; or any
part. of it, to the m'vssioifary fund. 'A
number of delegates, bath ministerial
and day, exlpre'ased the opinion their
nhuni h would be unable to sulbeserib'e
their allo'c'ation to the missionary and
rruarnnitenlanlce fund this year. However,
- the amlonnts we're unchanged, the fig-
ures being left as they ane in the nat-
ure of an obe'jelotiye. The 'presbytery
condemned the habit :cif some churches
in anrangrn!g pastoral supply without
consulting or conferring with The pals-•
toral relation's canvmittee. The chief
speakers of Mille day were Dr. J. Bruce
Minter, .presi'd'•ne of • the conference,
London; Rev. S. J. Mathers,'Grand
Bend, and Rev. Dr. Ono, ftaalternal
delegate for eh'e Methodist Church, of
Japan, to bhe g_en,eral council the Un-
ited Church 'of Canada,
North Side United , Church.—Pastor,
Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A.
Sunday; Oct 'Ud—
all a.in.—Public Worship. Subject,
"The Right P'atth. 2nd message tram•
2,30 p.m.-4Ralihy Day services. Sae -
dal program.
7 p.m.—Public Warship. Sulbjeet,
`,Building the City.,,
Mr.' and Mrs. WGII'a'am 'Canter' of
Hubfebt, announce the engagement of
bhedr, daughter, Irene Elizabeth, • to
'D'onald Ma'c1K'enade Of 'Luckn'o'w, sen
of Mr. Donald and the late Mrs. Mac-
Kenzie, bh.e merrdage to take plate
early in. October.
.Mr. Dennis Andrews, of Buffalo
writing to renew his s•u+bscrip'tion to
The News, says in part:
`°I aim always dbo'king for the old
'home town news and when ou
friends come here to visit es. iron
Seeforth we have all .the news ahead
of them, This 'is Friday night and the
(first think I ask when I come home
front work, is for the Sat oath News
We are getting along wonderfully, de-
pression or no d'epressi'on. I am work-
ing five days a week so we are Pulling
through. I have a boy going to school
now in the eighth grade. He is a Bali-
'fallo Times paper carrier, as you will
see by .the Buffalo Tames ,picture I am
sending you. He was one out of a
thousand carrier boys thalt won the
trip to 'Cleveland on the Buffalo &
'Cleveland boat. We were dawn to see
him off and, the Buffalo Times had
busses to take them- to the ate races
in Alcron when they landed in \Cleve-
land. We were 'very proud oif him and
hope he will continue. Wislhing the
ISeafonbh Newts success tor the cam,
ye'ar for it is a regular newsy pa-
per. I hope you punt in a gooks: mem-
ber in the vacancy in your parlia-
(Brussels football team has entered
a protest on ,Saturday afternoon's sud-
den death game with Walton, ordered
played by the Huron Football Assoc-
iation committee. Walton and Brus-
sels have now played four or five
g'am'es in the semitfinals af the Steph-
enson Cup to decide which team will
play Egm'and'vflle in the finals. Every
game since ' the first one has been pro-
This last protest is ons technicali-
ties only. Ian the previous protest Brus-
sels was found to have played an un-
registered man. The Ass'ociati'on exe-
cutive meets on Wednesday' evening
to decide what action will be taken.
'Rev. Canon Edward' A!pplieyeard, M.
'A., MC., L.Th,,. has resigned ,the in-
Ou'nnbency of the 'Ohunc'h of .the As-
,c'eft'sion, j'Uindsloer, to become rector of
Se. Thomas Anglican Church, Sea -
forth, accordlimig to word received' on
Wednesday by Mr. H. Edge ' warden
of the church. Cannlon and Mrs. Apple -
•yard are eadpelcited the l'a'tter pant of
Canon Aplp'leyard is an outstanding
clergyman olf the diocese, and he
has had chaarge of some of 'tate largest
parishes, . ,includh'ng. Owen Sound,
Woodstock and Windsor. He is a
member of the synod executive.
The September meeting of the Bar-
bara ICirleman Auxiliary was held
Tuesday evening in the school room
of First Presbyterian March with a
' n Th Douglas
sPdend d attendance. a Blas
group were in charge. Mins. M. A.
Reid presided. The mee'tin'g was op
.caned by singing a hymn, "IBreat'he on
Me." Mrs. W. R. Planit followed with
prayer. The minutes of bhe last meet-
ing were read by the secretary, Mrs,
(Earle Befit. The Scripture lesson was
read .,by Mrs. Robert Alberhart. The
ibus'iness' part was conducted by the
pre'siden't, .Miss Belle Campbell A
very pleasing duct, r I,
m a Pilgrim,"
was rendered by Mrs. J. E. D'aleiy
and Mrs. Ernest Ge'd'dss, accompanied
by Mrs. J. E. K,eatinlg. The Glad Tid-
ings prayer.: was given by Mrs. H. E.
lSnvith, The topic was taken by Miss
Pearl P'a'ttenslon. With the singing of a
hymn and; repeating .the .Lord's prayer
.uteieoli, the meeting was 'brought to
a close.
ISeafonth Pan Fair on Thu rsdlay and
Sri day last was an unnqualilfied suc-
cess. The weather was 'kind', rain the
night before clearing alway into a fine
'afternoon on Friday, when a record
crowd was in attendance. The entry
in all classes was large, "both indoors
Land-osetdoaors. The list of prize win-
ners is on page three of this issue;
'Me ' sports program ofliicials were:
Starter, and announcer, Mayor Daly;
clerk off committee, Dr. F. H'arb-urn;
Judges' slc'ho'al drill, Messrs. Ballan-
tyne, Weed'mark, MacMillan' sport: and
race judges, Jlas, Doig, J. W. Beattie,
Ross MadGregor.
(Best appearnn,g school- in parade,
Tat, Egmon+dlville 2nd, Seaforth Sep-
arate .Sldh'aol; 3rd, MleKrllep• ..o. 6;
4th, Seafwith pulbinc echo al.
IBloys' Foot Races''—i8 yrs and and
er, Douglas Stirling, Jane Elliott; 10
yrs. and under, Geo. Wigg, Grant
Stinting; 12 years and' under, Allister
Wigg, Stewart Wigg; 14 years and
under, Roy Mann, Harold Nicholson.
!Girl's Fodt Races -l8 years and• un-
der, Hazel An'denson, Edna Ashton;'
10 years and un'd'er, Clara Ketalar
Mary Woods; 12 years and under, Al-
ice Hudson, Margaret Nigh; 14 years
and under, L. Nott • Alice Hludlson.
lB'oys' B,icylcle Races, -% nvile—l2
years and under, J. McNabb, Chas.
Lane; 15 years and under, F Grieve,
J. Sherwood.
Two Mile Repay Horse Race—dislt,
Colborne Township (Edgar Blake,
Clinton R.P. 2; Walter McManus and
Ford Clank, Goderich R.R., Aaron
Tucker, Godericis R.R. 4)t 2nd, Nott,
3rd, Tuckersmi'th Township.
IPs,,,,ting Ralce, a-'mule=l, L. Noltt;
iS!ate,rday ,fig'hlt will see the c'lose of
(the speaking campaign in the 'South
Huron by-ele!ctiost. The Oonservaltive
progriam for the baianlce of the week
is:'Thu rsday night, at Clinton• town
hall, Hon. R.olbertt Weir Minister of
'Agriculture, George Spolbton, M, IP.,
and Mrs, Hlow'ard Rallis', Friday
night meetings will be field at He'n-
sadl and Zurich, addressedby Hon.
Mr, Weir, Slamuel Golbie'l, M. 1P,, of
'Qoim(pton, Que,, and Geo. Slpottlo'n, M.
IP.; Saturday evening, Hon. Mr. Weir
and C. W. Bell, M.•'P. of Hamilton,
will address the final Conservative
rattly in Cardn'o's Hall,, Seaforth. The
.Governtm'enit candidate, Mr. Louis H.
(Ruder, wilt sneak at each meeting.
,'The Liberal meetings scfiedulled
are: T'huns.dlay, Hon. W. D. Euler and
Mttchell, F. Heplburn in Crediton;
'F'rid'ay, Hon. 'Ernest Lapointe in
Drysdale at 2 p.m. and Clinton town
hall, 8 p.m.; Saturday, Hon. W. D.
Euler and uncan Marshall, in Zur-
ich. The Liberal eandd4ate, Mr. W.
H. Golding, will speak at each of the
alblorve meetings. Also on Saturday
nightt a meeting will be held in the
Skating ilii
Seafbrth a dr
d d by
IMitahef4 Hepburn; R. J. Deachnian
and Dr. Donnelley, M.P. Mr. Golding
will not be present at this meeting.
Voting 'commences at 8 o'clock
'Mondiay morning, O'etolber 3rd, and
oonbinues ualtid six o''clolckin the of
termoen Thenames on the ballot 'will
be William H. Golding, Machinist;
Louis H. Rader, Farmer.
fain Wesley Beattie of :Se'afotibh is
'Mir. Goldin'g's Official agent; George
H. Elliott of Clinton is Mr. Rader's
end, J. !Cudmore (IG. W. N'obt, own- o'Aftciai a'genit.
er)' 3rd„ Douglas Fagan, 4th, Donald IThe Returning Obfioer is. D. H. Mc -
Mansoni: Naughton, Bayfield, and his secretary
is Robt. Higgins of H'ens'all.
(Horseback Potato Race—Aaron Fi- ;The polling booth's in Seaifterth will
Mer, Edgar Blake, Den Dale, Walter be:' No!1'=at John Pinkney's res•i•d-
MCalf R , "Ice' Godernch Street; No. 2—Dun-
lop's Race ---Lorne Carter, John Car- Garage, Mann street north; No.
ter; •3—Queen's Sample Room; No. 4—
Farmers' Tso.t-.Ernest Little, Sea- ,Carnegie Library; No. 5—at John
forth; Geo. T. 'Dale, Seaforth; Carman;Regier's Office, pain Street; No. 6—
Moon, Londeaboro; A. Co'ahrane,
Hensel!. . at W. E. Clhapm'an's residence, jar
Boys' Fowl Club, 1932—Allister yr;Tihestretownns'hip polling b.00Aths re-
1Broadfoot, Sewforth• Stewart M'e:Ew- main raoticall the same as usual. Clinton; Clifford Smith, Kippen, p y
Thos. Leiper; Londeaboro; Frank
Doyle, Du'b'lin.; James D. Black, Sea- HOME AND SCHOOL.
forth; Arnold Hi'gi'Il, Seaforth; Claud The Hume and School' Association
IGelinas, Zurich; Alex. McMiehael wilt hold their regular monthly meet
Seaforth. :ng on Monday evening, October 3rd
at eight .o'clock in the public school.
HELP WANTED FOR A Miss Bell of the collegiate staff will
CRI'PPLED CHILD give a talk an England and Switzer-
land, where . she spent her suninner
The Seaforth Lions Club are 'mak-vacation. There will be no collection,
ing a house to.:house canvass scatting bat the ntesulbers are asked to pay
tickets for the big drawing to be held their fees. Names are still needed for
in the Palace Ri`n'k in connection the Built Mrs. Moore is making for
the association, so it is hopie
with their annual Hallowe'en Frolicd'
By purchasing these tickets costing throw who,attend the meeting axed'.
only 25c or 5 for $1:00, you have a have not given their names and; ten
c'h'ance to win one of ten v1arteable
cents will d:o so that evening.
prizes. The winner of the first prize,
will he given a new T•tuder Vs Ford SUCCESSS'FUL FO'W'L SUPPER.
sedan. Other prizes are: Solid wahnult tOn Tuesday last the ladies of St.
dinner wagon, Tip Tolp sunt of clothes, Thomas' Anglieat Church held a most
electric rangette, kodak, two ten diol- succesaful'fo:wl supper in ,the ,parish
lar gold pieces and three five dollar hall. In spite of the inclement weather,
gold pieces. With th'e exception of the a goodly number were served salt the
major prize, these prizes were all tables which looked' lovely, decorated.
donated- by memlbers of the Lions with autumn flowers and coloured
Club. The Lions to date have spent oandles. During the supper, music was
$1,200 on crippled. children's work, beautifully rendered by Mrs. W. C.
correctingdeformed limbs, hospitaliz- Sproat and Miss Winnie Kruse. The
abion, giving x-ray treatments, re- proceeds of the evening amounlbed
moving tonsils and adenoids, supply- to $70,
ing eye glasses. In addition, they have
spent $400 in Christmas cheer for ,MR. MACKENZIE KING
needy tlhfld.ren. / AT SEAFORTH.
This is the only appeal the Lions
are making. To give to this cause is
a real work of Ghrfstian charity. Speech Not Spectacular — No Refer-
Every cent of the money you en- encu to Beauharnois.
trust to •bhe Lions is spent for the
purpose it is given. When the can- 'The Liberal campaign reached its
vasser comes, apply the good old climax on Wednesd'ay with the' visit
golden rule and .bey Lions tickets and of Rt. Hon. Mackenzie King to Ex -
help the crippled child.eter in the afternoon and ISea'font'h in
the evening.
.A POPULAR WINNER. At six 'o'clock a banquet at the
'Leola Madeline Nott, the thirteen -
Hotel was attended by ehe
year-old d'awghlter oil 14x. and Mrs. visitors and a number of local sup -
Wes. Mott, Hugon Road, last, year P,otiters.
'won first in p'racsically every running
ITlue H''ghlanders' Bland led the par -
horse ,race entered at the neighboring ode tp-bhe skabin'g rink an'd played
and loc'a'l fairs, an'd is coming 'ba'ck `The Mapite Leaf wnheo illi. K hg en
s'tronlgly again this year. On Friday 'tered. Decorations adlorned the, rink
at Sealonth she won first. At Goderioh and' se'a'ting was arranlged on lank
'fair last.' week Miles. Nobt also ' won resiting on bundles of shingles ,brought
(first, The Steel said: "Attractions yes- from Mr, RI MicM'iillan's yard.
terdlay afternoon protvided a great af- The central hada cif the rink was
Iternoon's sport and the craved.went nicely filled..
moire im•mentsely pleased. Mies Leola 'Mayor Daily we'llcio•med ilackenzie
'Madeline Nlolbf, 113-yearold Seeeenth King and visitors on beihallf of the
gml, riding 'Baby Maine," a new
Seafoeth. Mr. Daly presided
Mount, repeated her victory of a yearover; the meeting.ago in the half mile open running °I have been on the Utilities eomi-
eace a'gains't five male jockeys: She ntiieeion with Ms. Golding for 12
years," d'ec'lared
gdt a big taint from the gallery," 'lared Mr. Daly, 'and
'The Signal; "There wane six 'entries tell you his word is a d'.... sight
Eor the running race, in wake aeis's better than many a signature."
Leola Nett, of Seaforth, 'repeated' her IA hush fell over the crowd, flolll'olw
perfo,rnnamlce of last year by winning ed by a roar o.f laughter.
both treats an Baby Mine. The game Mr. Daly urged the electors to be
aviation.try sure to rote---. they voted was
little lady was given an
.the 'gra'nd'stand; Second' • and third their'awn business.;
Mr. r. Golding, Was called upon, his
address ,being essentially the same as
at the nomitation .meeting on Mon
money was divided by Geo. W. N
and Fordyce Cl'a'rk . Time for
each of the hall mile heats was given
as 53 seconds."
Direct ,froom their summer en-
gagemennts alt IBayfle•l'd and
Fri.; Sept. 30th
Prize of :$3 'far hol'd'er df 'Lu'cky
Door Number.
'G'ents-50c, • 'Ladies -25c.
'The last time Mackenzie King caane
toHuron rot Cbrnity
was at the Northh
Huron by-election
five years ago, sup-
planting Archie Hislop, who w'a's de-
teated in that election. The meeting
was in Gloderic'h rink. Mr. King did
not me kid glio'ves; ill suapplort was
aloft foiithacont'in,g, he pointed ou'tl dns-
asltrous;-results hung oven' Goderich s
'head, and also over the head of Nbitth
Huron. "Neveithelless, the North. IHlur-
onites ,braved Mr. King's displeasure
and elected
I -
efed 'Gebr e Spotter'. There
5 6
g P
Fore, Connservatives vieiw the Lilberal
leader's visit on the present oceas'ion
ars a good omeh.
Mr. King told the audience if his
,candidate was: Molt supported, they
cauk? take the con seQuer; ees. He
launched into an attack an an electron
circtflrsr issued on behalf .of Mr. Rader Berson, MP.; Hiott, James Nlaaa'lleod'm,
devoting' mu'cth oif his speech to this and HO's. 3. C. El!llfgRt, MOO.
Our Gift to You
For the remainder of this year we
.lave at interesting Diamond proposi
tion. With every Diamond of $25.00
and upward which we sell we will give
absolutely free a Wedding Ring of the
'newes't design in 14k Solid Gold and
Of standard weight.
The Diamond will he our'regular high
quality and value.
The Wedding Ring, 14k Solid Gold,
the color you wish and the new de-
sign. Int is •absolnttely free.—'Our Gift
to You.
Buy your diamond in our Diamond
(Roam, Alhsolute privacy.
"Fred. S. Savauge
Gift Goods and Fine China
Shone 194. 'Evening Appointments
Res, 10. at your convenience.
Seaforth and Exeter Garden Club
Members Exhibit at Local Fairs.
was required 't'o p'lan't according to a
definite ,plain. Balch club member was
also required to •keep 'garden 'notes
and. nnake an exhibit of 'fresh vege-
tables at the local, Fall 'Fair. The gar-
dens were judged in July and 60%,
was allowed •for the garden score, 29%
IDuring'the ;past summer two .Boys' for the garden notes and. 20% for thea
Home ;Garden Club Contests were exhibit of ,fresh vegetables.
conducted by .the Huron. lamed." of The Seaforth ,Club members ea-.
the (Ontario 'Dept. of 'Agricu'lture, one hi'bited at the Seaforth Fair and the.
in the ISealforbh distriot with 116 mann Exeter members et the ;Exeter Faill
hers, and 'the +other in fhe Exeter dis- Fair. Both Agricultural (Societies 'versa
trict with ,135 .conte'stan'ts. generously donated $1'5:00 to'ward's
The club members were 'boys 'be- prize money for the contestants.
tween the ages 'of 12 land 20 land each The following is a list of. the prize.
boy twos supplied' With seed which he winners in.'the two''Clubst
Seaforth Home Garden Club.
Garden Garden Notes Exhibit Total Stand- Prize.
score 60% 20% 20% ing - won
Linnes K'rogmau ....55 117 • 19 911st ` $5.004
Gordon Elliott 5'5 1'S 17 817 2nd' 4.00
2 tdn'k ,Moylan 5b 1115 a2 86 iFtee •four -
day trip to Royal ;Winter IFanr.
David Shannon' ,.154 115 1116 89 3rd $3.00
iWiillie' Pap,ple :19P
15 1a 84 4thb 2.00
Kelso Adams 513 116 114 tom' 5Ieh1 1.00. •
+Winner of 'Special Prize-sTree four-day 'trip to Royal 'Winter
Fair—Frank Moylan, R. R. No. '5,'Sealforth,"Ont.
Exeter Home Garden Club.
'Garden Garden. Notes Exhibit Total Stand- Prize -
score 60% 120% 20% ing won
Fred iEl'terinbon '95 1117 16 68 1st $5,00
Orlando Battler 54 116 1117 87 12nel 4.00
William Stanlake 50 '18 118 '86 '.Free four--
day trip to Royal ‘Winter Fair
Reese Mills 5'4 '117
13 84 3rd $3.00'"
Russell Passmore 53 116 34 83 4th; 2.00'
H'ar'old A. Clarke ...491 • '1'S (IIS' 79- 5'th 1,00a
Winner olf ISpeoial Prize -Free four-day ,trip to (Royal Winter
Fair�William Stanlake, R. R. No, II, Exeter, 'Ont.
The free dour -day: trip to the 1932 whalers of this very worth while'
Royal (Winter Fair was awarded to
the club members in each clttb who
had 'bite highest aggregate scone, Who
lived on the farm, and was between'.
the ages of '116 and 20 on Novetnlber,
Ilst, 11932. !Frank Moylan ie the 'Sea-
tonllh 'Club and ;William 'Stanlake it
the Exeter . Club were 'the 'fortunate
prize.: 'Only four iboys ' from each
County .are being awarded a t're'e trip
to the ,Royal this year and the other •
two Huron .County winnerls whl bei
'selected from among the . Winglnamia
(Calf Club ;and the 'Dungann'on Grain r
Club mennlbers.
circul'a'r. When someone asked about
reductions in salaries, Mr. King
said salaries had• been reduced 10%
Eby Mr. Bennett, and went into the
oai;lwlay question.
Mr. KIi•ng, who taunts Mr. Bennett
as being a strong ti't'an, defended the
(Liberal ap'poietment of Sir Henry
0,0 a
'Thornton a solar of 114 0 0
17 oar alt Y
e a "ration main" was
year, bacons g
needed bo operate the CIN IR.
When the C. N.R. wlas mentioned.
the ated'ie'n'ce sant up esapectan'tly, eviel-
enitly under :the mspress'ilon that Beiau-
harnbis would be mentioned by the
Lillie rail deader. Nio reference was
Mr. Kling did net dislapprbve of the
'Co'nferenee—'he Refit the rntlpreasib'n
that the people of Canada had turned
'him -milt of power before he had time
to accomplish ,anything along' this
Id nae.
Mr, , King is an adroit speaker' and,
deals with his subject in Masterly
Tashi on.
IONhe'rs who sitloke were F. G. Sam
Under auspices of the Catholic
(Women's League of St, James'
Will be held on,
Oct. 5,
From 5:30 to 7:30 P. M.
Adnnissiou 40c.