HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-22, Page 7THU(RISDDA,Y,,'SEEPTIDMBER 22 1932
ever any 'trust hi' 'the Iiord, and peas events cm bulbs, IMenure is bestrdug
contf'ounded?"=,Eccl ii. '10, , in the 'fell previous .bo planting, TheA 5; Thine 'hand shalt'' find out ,all gr'o'und should be dug over a'gatn just
TREASURY, thine' enemies;' thy right hand `sha'll before plaiting• the corms.
Ihud'o'e •thosie'that IlT te-thee..' lPlaiutmg. (flhe cor+ins [(belies)- ;niay.
Se')'tenvber 215ith: "The .same night luand.of afiowiah is be ;iplaubed lacy, time en May., or early
l 1his June., Flowering .carims should' not be
g orio•us in power to save p�aplel g
'Wihet tack I ;yet? Matt:.; xix, 20, ;.Yet an'dIto deserve dt' • •' less than once and a half inches in di-
iladkest thou one :thing. L'uiee ';viii•. the 'Gentiles, ' rs to :crush 'to. convert aineter. Plant 'the corms frdm three
Geptbles, 'arid crush the Jews;
22, One thing is need;fun Luke x.42. tobhefaiithful toheaven' ad
eiea'i't to four incites deep 'and iab•oub six
; ,•u
This one 'thing teedlful, is, to 'naive ca's't •do'wn thet i • i'vehes apart. Tihey may be.set either
unbehevmg.to :bell, nel-,':.,
Cdtrisrt; .but ,he >;mus't 'fur'st serve and the[' ins 'there' any tnea'son against the in rows about two feet or three feet
treat us wiith tf' his '`grace, before 'we can Ileing?•olf Sieaveti• which. !l' ' aipart or in' gro.ulps i' convnient•' for sha_. trot b.e , ,
draw,strenlgbh front h'im,Ibo serve hien dlragged forth into the light, made stalauug and:'•IcuFtivilting, 'The email
"again, We must ,accatint'hlim- oor Po'od ntlani,fest, judged, and condemned. Let 'earintels f (sm'all b'ul'bs) should be
• 'and+ 'hunger for:nem, before ,we;can thy, hand, O 'Lord,.'b'e upon'our sills eolamted about tufo 'inches deep with
feed• upon him, ,or Ido :anything 'for to d'es'troy thein; but upon u's' to save bhe old corm's, or seiparately.
hem; .A:nd, as Christ is the Au'tho'r of es. 'Cutting' Blooms. -Cut • those with
faith, he gives .'i't' inorease ou't 'of his 9 ; .Tlhole,s'hal;t make 'then ass a fier" fairly, long stems when two or three
fullness;' arid, faith, beiti'g 'somewhat
oven[ in the 'time df thine anger; the !ofr the bio'Obom flowers haver Opened,;
strengthened, :begins to (Mork Dor 'Mini, :Loi-cl Shall siwlalli'oar them 'up in. his and put in...Water as soon ,a'Cut. If
,ehotigih +it'1be b'u't fa'intl'y, 'Yet, 'we •be..wrath, and the [fire shall deto'u'r theut, about half ani inch of the sten[ is ,cut
'came Christians; and.remain in a '"The time of God's anger" often off every day or 'two, the spikes will
,state of salvation, .not'by what :faith'beginii' ,in this 'li'fe,' especially tow'a'rd continue ,in 'flolwer for a' long' tithe of
wlodks, but b'yiw•hat it 'receives. For the close of it, w'Iten an 'evil 'cons,ei ter being cut: The load 'spikes of flow-
' though a 'feebl'e, faith w1814 ,perform epee within, like flaine leonlfiiied in an:ens . not 'cit off :should be'cut 'when
feeble :Works, it' can receive a !whole "oven," •torme'ntls the sinner, vs a pre- .they are through flowering before the
d Perfect ,Ohris't; which is the one hide to 'punishments (future •and stn- :seed' forms on them.
thing needful known, which The "wrath" pf God is ISto'ring for .Winter,—iGbad'iol'i corms
' Dear Saviour, let thy ch'eering', sm'il'e. [preparing to !inifl'ic't 'on the incorrigible should be dug, and :stared aver win -
My fainting soul renew; land impenitent. 'Let u's'so m.edi'tate on ter. pig the :corms before severe
Then 'shall the 'heav'efly 'Canaan yield this sad scene, that eve Inlay have no Ifnasts, about the :middle of O'ctolber.
'A sweet, though, distant view. pant in .it. :Cut off the tops a few 'inches above
40. Their fruit shalt thou destroy the ground, dig the comes, and put.
The P'salm's-1Psalm XXII. :from the earth, and. [their seed from them' in a slhed ar 'room away from
b, !For thou 'hast made him most ,among the c'hil'diren df men. the frost for about two weeks to dry,
[blessed: tlhou hast 'nrad:e 'him 'e:eeeed- day is :calming, lwtiren alt the 'fruits then put the'm in a coal fairly .dry
[nig glad with ,thy,counteroanee. of sin, brought forth by 'sinners in room'or cellar, .where they will not
Gh'rist, 'lby his d'e'ath and paslsion, their words, and their 'wnitings, and (freeze, nbeimlp'erature about 40 deg. F.
dravinig rem'dved the''curse, became the 'their notions, shall be "d.estroyed;„ an 'very 'dlam'p ,ce'lla'rs tihey mray be
'fountain :orf .all blessings to his peop'l'e, yea; the tree itself, which had.oro- Ihwnlg up in nbaekelts; or tied in bunches
fin time :and eternity; ,being himself {Heed them, shall be rooted up, acidtree hung u'p 'to the jo'i.'sits. 'B.efore
the bl;ess'ing promised to Abraham, 'cast in't'o• 'the fire. "The seed" and',pos- .:planting the large corms :for the next
and the 'dblj'ect 'af the patriarchal ben- ,terity of the 'wicked, if they eontihue season's bloom, remove the remains
ediefions, iThe joy edmmvnicated to in the way Of their forefathers, will be of tops and the olid corm, at the •bot
the :hum'an'ity of our Lord• (from the punished. like them. 'Let parents con- tdm.
''u+ivine nature, shlall be shed' abroad.on eider, that upon their p.rinlc'iples and The small corms (or corrnels).
all his saints, .when admitted to view 'prac'ticernray depend the salvation or should also be 'romeved. The small
the countenance of God in the face des'tructron OS Imultitu'des alter thein, at is from the conmels should 'be
of Jesus'Chnist." Then they shall en- ill• lFbr they intended evil against dug and stored' during winter much
'ter into "the joy ,of their ,Lord." thee: they imagined a mischievous de_ 'in the same way as' far the Lange flow -
7. `For the King 'trusteth in the vice, wh'i'ch they are .not able to Der -
[loran 'erilng corms. Save cornets (email
(Lord, and through the bulbs) :from the best varieties. It will
g mercy of the
take three or 'for
in -
Most :Methene shall not be moved. :Vengeance came upon 'these for in- 'four to gnaw
The 'thro'ne o'f Christ, as .man, was tended m'alice against 'Christ. They, 'flowering chins from the srnalt cor-
erected and established by his trust 'l'ike ,Jdse'pIh's brethren, "thought evil mels' to flower well.
•and' confidence in the Father, during again's't hit(;" bu't'°°thee -were notable IThe following are a taw of the
his 'to ,perform it; if or :God meant it unto many varieties grown t'h'at will (rake
humiliation and passion. Faith in
' Gad, +bheneifare, is the way that lead': good, to 'bring to pass, as it is this a• good 'collecti'on for an am'ateur's
,eth 'to 'honour and stability. "Look.atd'a'y, to save niudh people alive."
Gen. -garden:=
the ;generations o'f old, and see: did ' i. 20. So let all the ,designs orf .ungodly, Afterglow, America, Augusta, Blue
men, 0 'Lard, through bhp pdwer of Ulay, 'Cardinal, 'Contrast, Dawn, Ro-
bringing good out of evil, turn to ad-
:White, Kunderd'i Glory, Prin-
vantage, and let all men be convincedceps, Pesc'o, Pan!anta, La Luna, Mrs.
that no weapon :formed against :thee F'nank• Pendleton, Niagara, Sulphur
DI H. McInnes can prosper. ,King, 'S'chreben,,5'cri'bo,'Wine Falcon-
chiropractorTH•E GARDEN !Co'llection's o'f hybrid Gladioli will
Of Wingham, will be at the 'Culture of Gladioli.—Location.—An Dire( give good results and are cheap -
Commercial Hotel, Seaforthap'en, sunny position suits 'them best. ar than named varieties if a large
Monday, Wednesday and' he 'Soil— They prefer ,a 'deep, well number are required. This la's't does
Friday Afternoons drained, fairly rich, loamy soil, but
not include many df the quite new:
will do well in almost any good' gar- varieties. Fairly good collection's can
Aden soil. Do not d•ig in fresh strawy be bought •nea'soauabdy. It' pays to buy
il'eenses of all kinds success good vauieties for a start, as they can
fully treated. 'manure at 'planting time. If any 'ma -be increased rapidly from the small
uture is used, it should be �well rotted, Y stall
Electricity used. ands',hoitll'd' be dug ,in so as not to 'cormels.
conte in direct contact with them INote-2WL^en cutting .lower spikes
for decorative purposes do• not cut
the stent too how down. Leave two or
three leaves below where they are cut
to ass'is't the corm to grow and devel-
op. Cutting off a:11thefoliage prevents
the corns frown developing.
S3Z One Way
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Published by -Canadians primarllvfor
Canadians, with sympathies world vi1($sr
humanity wide.
Many who have been in the habit' or
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rl mental tonic its every col-
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our subscription to 11 will help Lo-
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rower, 'r
Seib either, 1906,
Sudden Death.
IA very sudden' and A
death' occurred here on Sunday morn-
ing, iwItett Mr. George Whitely, a
well known and, highly respected' re-
sident of Seafarth passed away at
his residence on John street. He had
:been complaining`
afor some Hine with
a pain ,in his chest and had on Satur-
day gone to the doctor for treatment
but did not consider the -ailment of
a serious nature. He Was about • as
usual on Sunday manning and wars
sitting talking to 'hie youngest Slim three ear
:Palmer when he com'pla'ined of the Mrs. y s'
pain be'in'g very bad and suddenly- James Bell and sister: Miss
suddenly 'Ceara Still -lore, bath of, Stratford are
fell to the floor. His' dlaugh er who
was in the ad'gi.n'DnI vtsitin'g rela'bi•ves and friends in Mtn•
J g 'room hurried w Keeto) at present,
'his s'i'de to
a)s'sis't hnn: bu't in a few
seconds he had breathed!Robert Beotherston, a former resi-
nas last. A dent of M'dKli'lbop, but• v ha has •been
doctor was emit for :and son d ea h was
blob It, was found that his 'death in Dakota for ten years, is back on a
was visit.
due to the 'bu'rsting of an ' aneurism
'Which, had formedonthe large ,artery Blyth.
[leading to the heart. The late Mr,
Whitely had been a resident of :Sea- Moser & San, of Blyth, have dis-
forth for the past 40 years, having 'posed of thair , hardware 'busines's to
lived here since he Was '18 years old,M:Pherson Bros. o•f Lob -Mon, Mr.
He was widely known, 'being a lover lM'aser has been' in business in Blyth
of horses and' in his younger • da'y's ,tor the past 3y years.
took a great interest in speeding con- Ebtrill Clarence H'enmanel, the 3 -
leets. He was married 30 years' ago Year-old -son' of.. Mr. and Mrs. . Fred
to IEliza'beth Carmichael, daughter of 6'Ilagg'itt of Myth, died very suiddeinly
the late Rdb'ent (Carmichael, who -with on.Tuesday .of last week, from cholena
a family of two sops and one laugh morbus after only an hours illness.
ter survive and for whom many sin- Geo. W. Turvey of ,Morris is home
ceire expressions of symlpafhy have 'from a brig to the West. He tgo'k up
been extended in their deep affliction: 4180 acres of [Land ninety miles irdm
The deceased was a member df the, ISaskatdon, toveeship 3[2, range 17.
[Chosen F'riend's, Royial. A'danwm and 'T'he landis good and prospects very
the Masons, the la's't mentioned had favora'b'le for both crop and new rail
ch'argei,o'•f the funeral which was held ways.
on Tuesday .:from his late re'siden'ce Janies Duncan, '4th" line, Morris, re -
on John -street -to interment in theceutly disposed df a -three-year-fold
Maitlandblank cemetery. Those front 'heavy draught gelding 'to 'flames Ar-
a distance who attended the Ifumeeai chi'ba'ld, horse buyer, Seaforth, for the
were his son Chester' and. Miss Leon smug sum of $21.0. Charles Turvey, 1st
and of":New York, Mr. aud Mrs. line, sola a spring filly for $95 to a
George Metzger of Emporium, Penn- Mr. 'S'iitips of Wawan'ash. H. Bone
Sylvania, and Mr. 'George Beattie orf 'refused $110 for a fi•liy four ,m'o'uths
Toronto. old.
Purchases Driver.
Painful Piles
Go Quick—No Cutting—No Salves
Itehipg, bleeding or protruding piles
go quickly and don't come back, if
Youreally remove the cause. Bad
blood circulation in the lower bowel
and hentorlhoidai veins causes piles
:by (raking the affected parts weak,
flabby, almost dead. Salves and sup-
positories fail because only an internal
medicine that stimulates the circula-
tion and drives out the impure blood
can actually correct the cause of, piles.
Dr. J. S, Leonardt discovered a real
internal Pile remedy. After prescrib-
ing it for 1,000 patients w'ithvsuccess in
over 900 cases, he named it HIE'M-
RIOIIID. Chas. Aiberhart and druggists
everywhere sell HIEIMJRO'ID Tablets
with guarantee they will end .your
Pile misery or money hack.
Mr. James Watson has purchased
a very 'fine driver from Mr. Reuben Arrangements have :been practically
'Graham of Clinton, paying .up'ward's •cdmlpleted with regard to Ithe 'funeral
of $200 for it. of Sir (Gilbert IParker, lCanad'ian.lborn
Hlensall, novelist, which mill be 'he'ld •rt.Belle-
ville either :September 24 or 26, ac -
Mrs. John MdAllister df Mensal: re- co'rd'ing to [Col. :Pon'toit of [Belleville,
ce'i•ved a letter from her daughter, IThe :Loud' Mishap of Ontario, Rt.
'Mrs '4V. C. Kyle of Strome, Alberta, :Rev. 'J'ohn Lyons, farmer rector of
dated August 151th, in which wide the !St Th'oanas' 'Ohurc'h et'Belleville, will
sad intelligence of the death of her officiate at bhe 'funeral, which will be
third son Roy on the 113110, together held at St. Thames' (Church. A repre-
witth that of a young neighbor lad; senta•tive.from 'beth the Dominion
both having been the result of suf.- and Ontario Governments will attend
:Donation front natural gas ina we'll as well as the :Grand Master of 'M'a-
Iwluiclt was being dug. Mr. wtu C. sons, [•Pon iG. Howard Fe rgusou,
:Kyle and family, late of Kippen, On- High 'Commissioner of Canada to
tario, having only recently proved on IBritain, and many other prominent
to their new homestead fro'in near persons.
IWetaskiwlin, Alberta. On the hone_ IThe service will the choral, and Su-
perintendent near Strome, Roy and anoth-
Aerin'tend'en't IFettetlly o8 the Ontario
young bran named David S'tep'h- IS'choal for the Deaf twill !lead the en-
enson Were engaged ,in digging a well tire sehoal to pay tribute to Sir Gil -
for ?Ir. Kyle. They were clown about beet, who was formerly a teacher
136 feet, Mr. Stephenson having been 'there.
drawn ,in the well and Roy at the The remains will be 'deposited in the
windlass, About eleven o'dlo'ck the (Belleville 'Mausoleum, where the body
young man in the well comiplaipe-d
Of Lady :Porker rests:
about a shortage in his breath, but Tse IAngyll Light [Infantry will at -
did not 'suspect gas. He carnent and tend in force, and the Bay of Quints
Lc] t.
in Lodge, '
a short time 'Toronto, e felt Netter. He at- g o, of which Sir Gilbert
trilbu'ted the Malady to a drink of was a life tnentber, will attend.
•butterm'i'lk which he had taken. Mr, \':arty tCatfetdiaus ,an,d others prom -
Stephenson ate a lse'anty dinner and inept in literary and theatrical circles
was let down intb the well. He had ware present a't 'the hneial service'
scarcely walked around the bottom of •for :Sir IGiI'bert 'P'arker, (celebrated Ca-
it once, when, Roy, who was at the '(radia'( novelists, Who died IS'e:ptember
windlass, noticed that something was 16, held at Si Martins -'in -the -Fields,
I'wnong as he' could not speak,: Roy im- 'Trafial'gar rSlq,trare, London, ;England,
me Fiat 1 ran into ' - on ISe to
d e rat n o he house and sum- miter ll_.
1 t Ids n th
nuoned his brothers, Albert and Fred, INo relatives were present and. on
and his father, who cane immediately
he coffin were
only three wreaths.
to 'his assisttance. Roy very counage- 'Among those attending were Lieut.
ou'sly proposed going` down with a Col. G. P. :Vanier, representing Hon,
lasso rape to bring tip his friend, but, lG. H. :Ferguson; (Loud 'Greenwood,
he had only gone about half way :Lord' tBcaveribrook, Lord Buu'ham,
dolwn when he called. up that the
well was full o'f gas. 'Those at the top
itnlnedately' began to pull at bhe
'wind'lass 'but before they had Made
six or seven turps Roy let go first
one handandthen bhe other from the
rape and tumbled out of the bucket
into the well below beside his com-
rade. Before the horror stricken
friends could procure grappling iro'ns
and get them out, they were 'both
dead. vfu'oh synt.path;y is feltfor the
w ily it not S6YYJBOut+ :bereaved friends, more especially as
y they were, web known in this vicinity,
lit months, . 26weeks, only $2. i t r. and Mrs. 'Kyle were former resi-
t .valve " 52 ' 3,50 I dents of ,Seaforth and latterly of
.', 1,115 co any address in Canada,.Nfld., lStatvley, taear. 'IClpp'en,,
Ix incites, Great Britain and Ireland, I
.age extra to TJ, S., 50 eta, to other. Inc. ,
. , countries, MOO extra.' - Constance.
Any duty that may be imposed by any
i,o country will be assessed upon the I I3'Irs, J. D. H'inichley'left for- .St.
__ _ 'Tli'onsas recently 10 pay a visit with
:OWN DOUGALL & SON 'friends there.
1', O. BOX 3070, MONTREAL I Molder Adams has .purchased, Mr.
7en61emen,J.:.W'ilsoo's lartn, town Lite, MaK1il_
1031 lop. `(1his is a first class farm in' every
Please send vee WORLD WIDE for
twelve months $9,50 resep'ect.
al: months . 200 post pWe
.came 50 McKillop.
Street. , 1 ` 'There has not been. much fall wheat
qpr n pA•;••••�•„• sown. here this season, as it has not
,been a satisfactory crop for the last
She Harry Brittain, 1S'lr:Frank ',Bea-
Sae,; Sir Arthur •Pinero and Rt (iI3on
Ant'ery, [fonmer.'secretary 'fat
Louisiana has 'become a world cep: -
el: -ire' for iris plants of 'great variety�,y
More than half the farms iii the
!Uii'ited States are 'equipped " with•
'Send us the names ,of your visitors,
Maintainiee bi'r position among
world nations as a producer of
minerals, Canada led the world in
the production of nickel and 'as-
bestos' in 1931, carte second in
gold, platinum metals and cobalt.
third In silver and fourth in re-
fined zinc.
Mystery cruises, so popular out.
of New, York, Southampton and
Montreal, have come to the Paci-
fic Coast, being ushered in there
by the trim little coastal liner'
"Princess Patricia," of the Cana-
dian Pacific service, which took
the first.of these cruises recently.,
The ship had a full sailing list.
The Canadian Open Golf Cham-
pionship, third of the ace contests
figuring yearly in the Royal and
Ancient game, will be staged, on
the course of the Royal York
Hotel, Toronto, next year, word
to that effect having been -receiv-
ed by the secretary of the links
from the Royal Canadian Golf
Seventy-seven per,: cent, of
wheat and 63 per cent. of oats
and barley in the three western
provinces were harvested by Sep-
tember 3, according to the report
issued on that date from the gen-
eral agricultural department, Can-
'adian Pacific Railway, Winnipeg.
This result was reached in spite
of the halt in harvesting opera-
tions due to heavy rains in wide
sections of the Prairie Provinces.
All records for the story of the
"big one that got away" were
broken recently when• a well-
known fisherman hooked a beaver
in Vermillion Lakes and played it
for five minutes after which the
tradition was fulfilled with loss
of fly and leader. The hero of
the exploit was S. C. Bennett, of
Toronto, a guest at the Banff
Springs Hotel.
Canadians got a thrill recently
when Captain J. A. Mollison, in-
trepid trans-Atlantic solo flyer,
spoke over the air, which he has
conquered, from the Mayfair
Lounge of the Canadian Pacific
liner Empress of Britain. Cap-
tain Mollison was heard on 34
radio stations from Halifax to
Victoria over a.network arranged
by the Canadian Pacific Depart-
ment of Communications. Loud
speakers distributed the broadcast
to 60,000 visitors at the big ex-
hibition at Toronto. 366
Though the "Princess Royal,"
veteran of the Canadian Pacific
Railway B. C. Coast steamship.
fleet has been scrapped and is
now in the limbo of departed
ships, her forecastle bell remains
on the air at Ocean Falls, B.C.,
where it has been installed at the
Ocean Falls United Church mis-
sion, which ministers to the spiri-
tual welfare of Japanese.children.
Official and unofficial delegates
to the Imperial Economic Confer-
ence went sightseeing from Aug-
ust 12th to the 14th. Two tours
from Ottawa were arranged, both
leaving the capital in special Can-
adian Pacific trains late Friday
night, August 12. Shawinigan
Falls and Three Rivers were vis-
ited by 'one party, while the other
members were
down the
St. Lawrence from Kingston to
Montreal and spending Saturday
evening in the metropolis. None
of the United Ii ngdom, Canadian,
Australian, New Zealand or New-
foundland or Trish government
ministers 'were able to absent
themselves from Conference de-
liberations, but their delegations
were well -represented. Minis-
ters enjoying the trips were Iron.
C. Haven^ti
and Icon. A. P. J.
] oerie, South lfriaa, and Hon.
W. Moffatt, Southern Ttbndesia,
The Ca.nad'an';Government was
represented by lion. Arthur Sanve
ltd Foilleintiriee Dupre, with the
r'''• "'ne'er: ('arty, olid Tion. Al -
,1•a4 fl re elefIll ati f :'inn.. H. A.,
,• •:n 'r. 'bit the other party.
Hi II tti
ss Printing
We can give you prompt and satisfactory service at a moderate
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Letterheads Cards Blotters
Envelopes Tickets Booklets
Statements. Sale Bills Business Cards
Bill -heads. Dodgers Visiting Cards
Private Cheques Menus Wedding Station
Circulars Factory Forms ery
Tags Society Stationery Invitations
The News has an up-to-date commercial printing plant and we
are equipped to turn out all classes of job work. Give us a call.
We have a new automatic ' press with great speed, recently
installed to produce printing, well done, with speed, and at mod.
erate cost.