HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-22, Page 5THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 1932 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE FOLLOW THE ROAD TO Economy and Satisfaction SHOP AT SUPERIOR CHAIN STORES WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items forSepteniber 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 26th, 27th, 28th. FRY'S COCOA Ye's per tin 15 `., "sa�}e the labels and get a cash prize" LIFEBUOYSOAP .... 2 cakes 13c HILLCREST SHORTENING per Ib. 1 1 c Unicorn Fancy Red Cohoe Salmon 25c ws,..,....14c; , 1's:,.,., McCormick's Fancy Jersey Cream Soda Biscuits 15c Ige. • pkg: ° BULK SOAP CHIPS 3 lbs. 25c King Oscar Sardines per tin 15c'' Crosse & Blackwell's. Little Chip' Marmalade with Silver Spoon FREE 25c Premium Tea with FREE vases, cups & saucers, plates, creams & sugars per ib. 54c Comfort Soap 4 bars 19c Royal York Coffee % Ib. 25c; 1 lb.... ,49c Superior Stores' Tea, lead packages l's 39c Green Giant Peas,:Tall, 2's each 19c Del Maiz Corn, Golden Sweet, 2's tall 2 tin 29c Crown Jars, ..small, per doz:..99c; medium. per Boz $1.14 Superior Baking Powder .8 oz...15c; 16 oz. ....23c Swansdown Flour ........... . . per pkg. 31c Kellogg's Rice Krispies 2 pkgs. 25c Libby's Tomato Juice 2 tins 19c Hillcrest Extracts 3 bottles 25c Campfire Marshmallows 1 Ib. 30c Eggo Ready Mixed Cake Flour and tin 25c Pumpkin, 2 4's 2 tins 25c Tuna Fish 4's....19c; Ws:...29c Dunbar Shrimps, the finest per tin 19c Rubber Jar Rings, heavy -4 dozen 25c Ready Cut Macaroni 2 lbs. 15c Cardinal Molasses PA's 10c Salt, plain or iodized pelt pkg. 9c Tooth picks per box 5c New Pack Lobsters, very special % lb. tin 25c Lavoline 2 pkgS.. 19c, and 1 pkg. Bath Salts FREE REG. VALUE $1.20 Heavy Galvanized Utility Tub WITH ALL THIS 5 Cakes P. & G. NA'PTHA 2 Cakes Gold Soap 2 Cakes Calay Toilet Soap 1 Large pkg. Chipso or Oxydol 1 Utility Tub 87c Ross J. Sproat Rhone 8 NPryce Miss Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence e and a Dependable Reputation The Seaforth . Creamery Always Good Qualfty Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services., and higher` market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait, C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL ' SERVICE UNDERTAKING' —and -- EMBALMING. Motor or Horse Bqutpment N J. WI!'',KER, holder of Go- t ernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished; Night or day phone 67. NORTH McKILLOP. IMr, and Mrs. Joseph Dennis were visiting with Mr. and 2Lrs. William 'Road . Sunday after noon. \lr, and Mr's. .Leotttard Leeming, !Ross aad Norma, spent Sund!ay with the hitter's paretics, Mr. anti Mrs. lbllilliam ,Miballet! of 'Ca+rlingford. Mrs. Bella Boyd' and song Paha epen's 'Su:nday with her Mather, Mrs.. Kate Leeiniing Sr. Mr. and -Mrs, Wil'li'am -Boyd' visited at the home of J'ok'n Dennis' Sala:lay. evening, IW'f11iam Leeming, Edward ant Bessie ' Dlav'idsfoti and Mr, anal' Mrs. IJidhm Leem'iing sp'enft a day la'st week alt London. Mr. Jlo:hrj_ IHu'ldeie, has returned h'oane from London after visit'in'g his sons. STANLEY. L nedver'sary services will\ be held in the Goshen United Church next Sun- tiay, Sept. 25, at -111' a.m. and' 7 pm. The 'pastor, Rev. E. A. 'Po'ulter, w'i'll have charge e'f the morning s'erv'ice and Rev. A, Sin'c'la'ir of Henha'I.1 will be the speaker for the evening. Spec- ial music is being prepared by the choir: Mrs. Wilson Armstrong has re- turned homeafter spending a week with her tlaugh,tens in L'anclan, \'Ir, Bert Radiation 'h'as moved into ;the is txse belangiag to Mr, Orval M'dClin'c'hey, Mr, Bert Dunn, of Tgronto," has 'been visiting friends in this vicinity. The Y,IP,IS, of Blake and Goshen are holding a Weiner roast ori' the beach at Drysdale on Friday ,evening. Lois 'marl' 'Marjorie sperlit'Smiday event- ', lAs a venuticide as excellent prepar- ing ' With Mr. ;and' Mrs, Etlw:ard. C. anon isM filter Graves'• Wlorm Ester- ktunator 'i:lltFlh$6`)%5ftvetl the lives of. nt i[2el�cll'e. countless children ' • f TOWN TOPICS •,, <;g, g; Mr. and. Mrs, Micha'ei Barry, and family, Mr, and Mrs. John Cayne of Stt. IOalu'fnlb'an visited at the ho•nne of Mr, James; Purcell last Slunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Mex. Wla1lace on `, Sunday ia'st nvene` Mr, John 'Du'tolt of Camber,, IMr. and Mrs. 'Orville Blake • and in - fain t d'augh'ter B'erai!ce JoYice of Col- bonnie' Tp„ Mir, an'd Mrs, Norman 'Waddler, Mr. and Mrs, S'tan'ley Dutat, i tWo`sons Alvin aa'd Lours and 'daugh- ter Irene, all of Bruicdfidid Mr. Rus- sell Wallace, of ,Egtmond`v'tl'lle. 1) . W, +Gemnfell and his student as- sistant of Stratfgrd, s+pen't 'Sunday with •Mr, Gem'mell's s'is'ters iln. Eg- mondlville. Miss Anne Grace remains seriously ill. Mrs. Wi'litam McNDichael and her stslte'r, Mrs. D+uttdan of Woodstock slpent; a doupae` of weeks in Flint, Mich., and calked at Sarnia for Mrs, Kn'iglhat, who is staying with them for a siit, IMIiv'i'slse's Vera ,and Donna Mole we're.in Brussels Sunday thegue&lts'. of Mr. F. F. Davison. (Rev, and Mrs. G. A. M'dLean't of. 'Toronto were guests over the week- end of Mr. and' fMbs, Wm. Kneoh,teL Mrs. E. E. Seeord of Meaforl is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kne'ch'tel. Mi'ss .Al'i'ce' Knedhtel of—Kitchener spent the ,week -tend at her home in lEgmondlsd1Ie, 'Mfrs, R'ussel'l Sproat and Mists Wlil'm'a Seip were Lon'd'on vi'si'tors. Mr. Ge'or'ge Alberheot Sr. slpeinit sev- eral days in London with his family. Messrs. Syllvester Alllen, 'lames IRaiain and Js'hn Abell spent Thursday in London. +Mules Ds'ab& Stpnoa't, daugihlter" of Mr. and Mrs. William M. S!pinoat, is recovering in the hosp'i'tal, fo''lowing an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Wifl15am M'CIn'tos'h, John St., returned 'Sa'turday after a Week's visas in Iingers'dll and London. Mr, W. R. 'S'tnilhe, N.' Main St., is quite ?Il'at the ho'sp'ital. Mrs. IR, Peck has returned home after visiting a fortn'igh't with Mrs. James Boyce of Brucefield. and Mrs. Gondola Hays and Mr. Wan, Weiger and Miss Jessie Tucker of Detroit "spent ,Sunday with their friends, Mists Julian Kenny,. who 'hats been visiting her brothers and s'is'ters the past fdw months, has re- turned to her home in London; Ont. IMrs, M, Desltoura has returned to iNorthtf1le, M'ieh, to join the staff of nurses in the saniatarium' after spend- ing her holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mas. C. Eckert. Mr, Earl ;Gillespie leaves on Thies - day to attend Viictoria 'College, Tor- onto, Toronto University, specializing in Chemistry. ,Misses Margaret Ross and Eleanor 'Evans will attend University College, 'Toronto University, this year, Mr. and Mrs, (George Hlills. and Mrs, William McCloyand Fairy were visiting relatives in St. Marys on Sunday. Mr. Joseph Atkinson, E'gnt'ndvi'lle, took quite ill on 'liondny, but his ,many friends are glad to know he is somewdhat iireprlovie'd, Mr. Atkinson celebrated his &8th birthday in Au- gust, 'Miss Nora Hodgins spent a day or two in town' before returlting to To- ronto after.a visit at Bruce Beach. Miss Nora Stewart of Durham spent the week-en'd at her home. ;Mrs. C. Brunner of Egmond:ville is selling her furniture en. Sept. 30th, 'which she has' s't'ored in part of her hfause since !selling her ,residence to Mr. Sant Sm'i'th a year ago. Mrs. Bmu'nner intends going to 'T'oront'o to her dlauaghiter, and is at present staying With, Mrs. Calder, Sr., James Street. 1\Ir, and Mas, Henry' Stewart have left on a trap to the Mertimet, Mrs. George Love of Toronto is. visiting her parent's and her 'brother. Tames Scott, Who since last Friday has been albite to get about with the aid of crultehes after having the plas- ter cast removed' from his leg. Mr, and Mrs, Reg. 'Sloan and little son and Mrs. Sloan Sr, of Toronto were week -end; guests of Mr, and Mrs, 'R. F. Jones. • 'Mrs. Agnes Mdl•uviislh went to Ac - tail on Tuesday to attend the funeral of a, friend, Mrs. Gaureron, anid Mrs. 'C, A. ; Corrie are moving shortly into the \i'c'Len•nan Apts„ Victoria Street. iRev, Canon Appley,ard of Win:lsar 'who it is .understood, Will fill th.e vacancy itt St. Th'o'mas' Anglican 'Church, will meet the con'gregati'onal canintitte'e bilis week. 1rr. Francis Devereaux leaves on Monday • to attend' Western Univer- sity, 'London, ,14'is's Margaret Watson will attend Ill/extern. University this year, 'M'r. and Mr's. William Devereaux spent several days in Detroit, owing to the death` of the 'latter's niece. Irs. Cassidy. 1Mr. anal Mr's. J. M. McMillan: were 1 Detroit on Saturday attending the uneral 'of. the 'Gate Mfrs, Cassidy Perrnanent Waves $2.9. Regular $6.50 fortwo weeks only. Lucille Jones BEAUTY SALON MITCHELL. Open Evenings. Atone 78. Mr. and Mrs. F, G. Neelin have re- turned; from Toronito where they 'spent a week or so. 'vlr. Don.. Aberhart and a friend fndrn Lan:Ion spent several days at .D'on's honi•e in MdKillap, Mr, and Mrs. Elton! Urnbac'h oIf (Toron't'o ware guests of _lir, and Mrs. Will. Plant for the week -end. BIRTHDAY PARTY. rat very! sueces'sful birthday party was held in the school roam of Forst Presbyterian 'Church, Tues'd'ay even- in'g, which was very we'll' attended The opening number was an ad'd'ress given by Mists S. I. -i leLean, told in s'bory form, from the time of the or- ganiaation of the Auxiliary, which wap th'ir'ty gears a'gto, up to the ,pre- sent year. Dt was enc'ouragin'g to hear 'of the growth of this; missionary 'branch of the chu'rc'h. This proved very interesting as 'Miss McLean has a splendid' way of 'holding the in- terest of both old, and young. Mists Mary Walker in a very charming way introduced the folliowin'g n:umbers•: The Ladies' Quartette, Mrs. John E. Daley, Mrs. W. .A, Wright, Mists Pearl Patterson, Miss Harriet Mur- ray; two o Idtble tots, Mariam Sclater and Lois Wright; a reading lay Miss Vera Hudson; mid' -'Victorian ladies, Mrs. Mae Dorrance, 'Mrs, Robert Smith, Mrs. Harry Charters, Mrs. Ray Anderson, Mrs. John Goven- to'ck. The maids in this num'b'er, Mar- garet McLeod, Alma Elliott„ Piano duet, Misses \Largaret and Jessie iSnsith. Four little maid's, Rtrth An- thersdn, Theimla Dolntage, Fergus Bell, Isabel McKellar. Solo, Mr. James S'c'ott. Reading, Mist Vera Hudson, Mammy and 'piccaninnies, 'Miss Pearl iPabters'on, Margaret Han- ley, Merle Keating, Oiban McTavish anti Alastair Wigg. Reading, Miss Vera H'uds'on. Pot'iralilt of a colonial belle, taken by Mit. ODr) Munn and Mrs. Earle Bell. lairs. Milne Rennie, Mrs. J. E. Keating and lits. Roy An- derson acted as accom'pani'sts. With the singing of God Save The, King, this enj'oya'ble evening was :brought to 'a close. Concert 8 Dance Wall ble 'held in STAFFA HALL Friday, Sept. 30 8:15 P.M. Under auspices of Staffa School Fair. ADMISSION 25 CENTS. Autolnsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW . Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to ;see us before placing your insurapce and at the .new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. ` Phone, write or call -Night. and Day Service Phone 152 and GENERAL INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store WINTHROP. IW'ith deepest regret we Learned of the cleiath of Mas, (Or.) Burrows. We extend our 'heartfelt synvp'athy to (those that are left to mourn the loss of a loving wife and motlrec.• Mr. Gordon AfelDowell of Brussels. spent Sunday with Mr, Jahn A. Mont- gomery, ont-gomery, Mr. and Mrs. Baxter' of Ben'niilter alnd .1Ir. and Mrs, A. Dodds of Lis- towel spent Sunday. with Mr, and Mrs. R. Campbell. A very ,heavy electric, hath, rain and. wind storm passed over the burg last Saturday. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Miss Alva Elliott and Miss Irene Woods are home fr. amniton I 1' C far the, wee! end," Mr, Geo. MdIliwain, Miss' Kings- well and, Mr, N. MtacAdam spent 'Sun- day in the neighborhood, Miss' Annabelle Leitch, yo'un'gest dau'ghiter of IMr. and' Mrs. A. ILeltch, met with a painful aadi'd'en't one dray ;this' week while ou't niditng an the, bicycle wail her s'ister. They over- turned the wheel and Annabelle had her shin badly 'cult. The doctor ,was Balled and three stitches were re- quired to close the w'oun'd bust it is 'healing nicely mow. Mr. and 'Mils, R. J. :MeRwa'in spent (Sunday vi'sitiang relatives near Ciir,- to'n. Messrs. Charges and Fred Wallis ;telak anthe big fair in London on 'Thursday, as did a number of other folks from around here. tames Hhrrison's threshing mach= ine has been busy In this neighbor- hood this week again. HULLETT. • 1Raithby-Young—An attractive au- tumn .wedding took place at noon on (Thursday, S'eptetmlber 15th when Edna Mae, eldest daughter of Mr. and ,Mrs Samuel Yo.uttg, 2nd concession of (West 'Wawanosh, was united in mar- riage to (Glenn Hadden 'Raithby, son o'i Mr. and Mrs. James. ,Raithby, •Ck. verdale Farm, 113th concession, 'Hul- 1ett. Dr. W. 4, Mortimer, pastor ort Knox United Church, Auburn, offici- ated, The ceremony took place at the home of the bride, which was +beau'ti- fully decorated with asters and gladi- olas,entwined with evergreens. The bride; who was given in ;marriage by her 'father, carried a bouquet of roses and car:niations and looked• charming in a costume of white georgette with lace and white kid shoes with hat 10 match. Following the' ceremony a sumptuous wed'din'g' breakfast was ser- ved, after which Mr. and Mrs. Raith- by loft by motor to spend their honey- moon in the vicinity of North B'a'y. The bridegroom's gift to the bride was a cheat of silver and' to the organ- ist, Miss Lillian ,P'lunket, a silver compact. LONDESBORO. Miss Belle Nott is spending this week in Seafo,rtlt the guest of her sis- ter, Mrs. Stewart. ;Nnirse Moore is a guest at the iio'nie of Mr. J. W. .A'rms'trong, Mr. and Mrs. LhwrenceMelville of •Lon'd'on Motored up to, see their aunt, Mirs. Wadwick, who is very low at the ho'me of her brother, ,Mr. J. D. Melville, of the vil'Ua'ge. , NLre. Ainsley of :Leamington is visit- ing her sisters, (Mrs, T'am'blyn and Mrs. Elsley. Miss W!innlie C'amp'bell has returned home to Westfield' after v'is'iting with friends here. A ple'asa'nt time was slpent at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mc- Crea in Monday evening,' the guests gathering 'at five o'clo'ck dinner, it be- ing their s'i'lver anniversary. Some thirty-ifive ,gues'ts in all were present; atter-dinner speeches were given.. by older fni'encls. The eventing alas pleat- aritly spent by music and caner:salbion ending up in dancing. The gifts were costly and nunrerou's, tniositly in silver- Ware. We wish fhla't Mr. and Mrs. M'c- 'Crea inlay Ibe spared to c'ele'brate many more'h!ap,py occasions. BRUCEFIELD. • Miss Isabel Tucker of Wed'lesley Hospital Toronto, visited Tier Glass - mate, Miss Hazel Haugh, last week. iRev. W. Bremner a'ttend'ed the op- ening o'f' Emmanuel College. Mr. 'Geo, Mutito-has accepted a po- sition with the new' b'alcer ix Bruce ;field. Mr. Jint ;Ketche:n of Draycott hers been renewing acquaintances in and around Brarlield, Tile Misses Gladys IRolhentson, thJin- nie McMath and Jean Mustard of To-, roo'fo, were recent, ,visitors' 'at the 'home of Mr, C. 1i'a'ugh. Rally day will be -observed' next 'Sunday, Sept, 25Th, at the inorn.ing service. A special invitation is extend- ed to all the, children and parents of the congregation, The anniversary services will be held on Sunday, Oc- tober 30th,. '.Mrs. YeIldwlees o'f . B;ohv:manville was the guest of her sister} Mrs., A. T. ',Scott, last week. Mrs. Cole of Toronto, who has been visiting friends in the village and vic- inity for the past few weeks,. returned to her home this week, Mr. Jini ICetc'hen of Drayton, visit- ed fr'iends in the village last week. 'The quarterly birthd'ay party of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Miss Edith 13owey on Wedne'sd'ay, Sept. 14 with the president, Mrs. Rev. W. A. Brenner; in the chair, who conducted the devotional exercises. The toll tea,' on stewardship was responded to. by 03 mcni,bers and there •w'erc 11 1 ors. Mrs, G Ilaugh, temperance sec- retary, read encouraging notes on tem- perance in far away Japan. Mrs. W. 'Stevens read' an iuitenes;ting poen en- titled the Brewer's Mansion, Mrs. Jno, 'Watson read the devotional leatie't and Mrs. C. Haugh fled in special prayer for missions, Mrs. Alton Johnston ;sang a solo ent'i'tled, '•'W'hen they ring the golden hells for you and rte." which .was much. appreciated. Mrs. Neil McGregor, deader of Group No, 8, then took charge of the meeting and gave an interesting talk on infor- or'a'tion received from the annual 're - pont of the W.MIS., calling an Mrs. IT. B. ,B'aird, who read s'everal interest- ing letters from .the annual report, also an 'extract from a private letter from Nurse Margaret Mustard of Gypsum- vale, .giving an interesting account of her work and said; the building of the ,new church wast progressing favor- ably. The meeting cl'ose'd with the singing of a hymn and prayer by Mrs. J Addison, after which the meeting closed; and lunch was .served and a so- cial hour spent. Mr. and, Mrs. E;rntst Wells, •M7. and'Mrs. Ant 'Knowles motored from Toronto and spent the week en'd wtildh Mr. and Mrs'. Jas. . Boyce, Landon Road, IMr, Perce Wlhea'tley and Miss MiB-. Bred Cook, 'Toronto, spent 'Sunday with the former's uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boyce. KIPPEN. (Rally day service will be observed in the Sunday school next Sunday morning, Septem'b'er 25th at 10 arm. 'The church service will be held at 11 a:m. The sixty-fourth anniversary of St. Andrew's United Church will he held on. Sunday, O:ctob'er lath. Services at i4 a.m. and 7.30 p.m„ conducted by Reverend Elwood Lawson, BD., of Mount Forest, Mr I ,ohn J C Doig and; his friend, Mr. Francis +E:dwards, LLB., of De- troit, visited during the week with the former's parents, als!c Mr. and airs. A.. M. Doig, and son John and his friend, also of Detroit, visited at the D,aig home during the week. Mrs. An'dre'w Bel'l returned home after spending very pleasant week visiting 'her daugh'ter, Miss Eltta 'Bell, of Loudon. Mr. Rolbert \•:1cNaughton of Lon: don spent the week -end at his home in Tu'ckersmith. Misses Phyllis and Eileen Warner o'f Strathro"y who have been visiting at the hone of their aunt, ,Mrs. Thos. Daym'an. for several weeks, have re- turned 'home. .Mrs, Robert Elgie has been visiting friends in Detroit, for the last few weeks, Taylor-Dinsdale,- :Om Friday after- noon, ;Septemiber Path, the home of Rev. and, Mrs. J'dhn Hart, St. Marys, Ontario, was the scene of a very pretty wedding - when Miss Helen Alice Dinsdale, Reg. N., of Stra,tfard, Ontario daughter of—Mr, and Mrs. Robert Misdate of Xipppen, was married to Mr. J. Edward Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs, James Taylor of Stratford. (The bnide was lovely in a beige and silver trimmed gown of imported ,Persian green silver fleck, with hat o'f stare niatexi'aX, brown gloves, brown snake -akin shoes and matching accessories. She car- ried a bouquet of :Talisman rases and wore a beautifully -carved silver b'race- let, the ,gift of the groom. (Her travel- ling coat ,was o'f En+gl'ish silver sheen; with brawn trimmings. Only the im- mediate relatives and friends of the bride and groom were :present, Rev. 1Pohn 'Hart performing the marriage cerem'otty. iA.0 unique featttr+a of the occasion was the fact that Mr. ,Hart, a very ad'o're friend of . the bride's 'family, ktad ntarried'lbhe bride's parents and: also citrisltened'> ,the -bride, while iaainister in charge of the Kipper 'Cir- cuit. The (rouse was beautifully dee- forated 'with rose's and ferns and, after lthe cenemto'ny, Mrs. (E -Part graciouslly entertained those present with a very deligihtfud Iunlch. 'Upon returning to thehare of the brid'e's parents at I(ippen, a very Idaiuty wedding supper was s'ervect, the dining 'win being tastefully decorated, in auttinttt colars with asters and ''Ms. Leo Neuss'on dahlias. 'Tile happy •couple are spend- ing uheir' isoyeynnaon in the Georgian Ra} clistrict, the bride travelling in a tailored suit of Scotch tweed in green and brown tones, with Daisy beret and red fax fur.Mi. and \I:''s: Taylor will stake their future home in Sti-it-, ford, and; the many friends, extend their trent wishes.: