HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-15, Page 7THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1932 THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE SEVEN, THE GOLDEN, TRE ASTTRY• Selpitennbei, 1B, Watch and may; let us 'be going. 14at,t xx vie ell, 46. ,Ronienab et- ,Lot!s wife, Luke' uvit 32. 'This is the way, waiI!c ye in it. fsaiah xxx 21. • dee be kept from self ri;gnite'o,usnes's • rt one hand,' and from false l'i'berty` on the other, is .to be' led •uu the right' Christian, Way. !But hove I find; dill's way? 'Blessed Jesus'! thou art the 4V;ay: Teach me t'h'en to walk in thy , strength, to live in thy faith, to gaze much !Upon ,thee, to cleave firmly surto thee, ,and abide ever in thee; 's'o' shall II 'exp'erience the 1iverty 011 thy gospel, which yields no li'cens'e for sin, brut ,brings joyful , deliverance from its polwer-. . For, ,when daily, ltea'rt rests on !thee, ;it cannot resit in the !flesh,, and 'seek to/ fulfil its lusts; but, being de- lighted with thy !beauty and glorious clove,' it !ceases 't0 wander 'froen thee, ;alnld' S 'become watchful, fervent, .aln'd ,devoted: ' IW'iien my _forgetful sbAui renews 'The savour .'oE thy grace; !My heart presumes' I 'oann'at lose The relislh all my days. (Brut, ere one fleeting hour is: p'afs't, ' The fleveeinlg wio'nld etnploys Selnre sensual !batt to seize my taste; And to pollute ney joy's. Then..'I repent, and vex'` my soul, What lI s'hlo:uld'•leave thee see; Where 'will those wlil'd affections roll, That 'let a 'Salvia= go? Show m'y'foregtfulfeet the way That leads to joys olnl high; ' There knowledge ,grows without decay ]And love shall never die. The ' Psalms—iPsatm XXI. upon al', The Iling .Shall joy tin' thy strength, '0 Lord,: and in thy salvation ' hoiw greatly shall :he rejoice! The joy !of Christ himself, after his: victory, is in the strength' and salva- tion of 'Jehovah, manifested fhere'by, Such ought to he the joy of his !dis dives, when God hath enabled theins to m'p vanquish their enemies, either •teor- ' t1 . ,vat r th 01 or spiriitiva1; es Which Meter case, as they are called 1 ln;gs, and mid to reign .with Ghristt, ao they are ie 'duty hound to a olei6olssfedlge that they '.reign 'by ET'iln—"Hie, that glbrietl),f' whatever the occa'sionu 'be, "let hits glory in the 2. Lord: Thou hast given hilisa his heat tis d-csire, and hast not wiIbhold.en Blie request of !Lis lips. 11'he desire of Christ's heart was his oa"ti resurrection and exaltation„ far the benefi:tof his chaifich1 and 'lbw' he ever liveth to make "re'eettes't with hisliips ' for' the convers'i'on atedsalva,tlon of sinners.Stich desires will' be grault- ed, 'and such requests 'will never be iwlith'lleiden.'Let us-be'cer(ifu4.,to f'ra'me ours after that .all -beef of di - 13. For Emu preventest'him with the bless'in'gs of'the divine goodness, than the .Father was by give therm; andhis ,disposition is the.'same toward all adlopte'tt sociis, ICh rise, as king ;'anld priest, weare'th a et'owln oif glory, rep- seseuted''ley the purest end most res- pilendent Of metals-gold...He is.pleals- ed' to esteem his 'saints, excelling in d'lfferettt virtues, as the rubies, the sap'ph'ires', and the esn'eraidls, wisi'ch grace and adorn • that crown,' Who would not. be ainb'iei'oans of obtaining .a place 'th'ere n'! '4: He asked dile 'of thee, and thou gavest'11'him, even' length of days Bor ever,anid ever, ' (The life; asked by'!Christ, was not a ;cafterma'nlce in 'bilis valley 'oif teensy but that, new and, eternal 111e con'seq'uent upon a resurrection !from the dead. For thus' his petition was granted in "Length: •of days for ever and ever." Hiedied no. more; d'e'ath had silo. "mere ddminson Over hint," . Whase disciples 'then are they, that wish only to 'have' their days prolonged upon the earth, lfbdgebful of the. life which is hid with Christ in -God Ibis glbtry is great in thy. salvation, honour end majesty hast ,th'au laid upon hien, {What tongue can express' the "glory honour and, majesty," with' which 't e IGiing of R'ig'hteousness and peace was invested, upon his ascension; .when he took possession of the throne .prepar- ed ' for him, and received the homage of heaven and earth! The sacred im- agery in St. John's Revelation sets. thein before our eyes in 'suich la manner tat no one can read the description, lose heart will; not ,burin within h'i'm,. arough inpatient des'i're to behold em, D. 'H1 IMclnnes chiropractor Of Witigham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success- fully treated. Electricity used. If Miller's Worm Powders needed the support of t'es'timonials they coeld be got by the thousands from moth- l ers who khow 'the great virtue •of this I excellent medicine. But the powders will speak for themselves and in such a way that there can be no question. l of them: They act speedily and thor- 1 oughly, and the child to wham they are administered will show improve- ment from the•first dose. PIM rods ONLY *11=U O n. a Wa 1 I$'6.5 0 ROUND TRIP /- between BUFFALO and CLEVELAND Autos, any size,earriod for mnlye3.75 ),— - i ($4.75 July tat to Sops. lark inclusive) dWhy drive when you can put your car aboard for less than the cost of oil and gas? More restful... cheaper... and saves a day. Steamers each way, every night, leaving at 9:00 P.M., May 15th to November lot. Cleveland -Pt. Stanley, Canada, Division July 1st to Sept. 5th incl. on Friday, Satur- day and Sunday only' $.00 one way;. $5.00 Rd. Trip. Any car only $3.75. Ask your Loral Twill or Ticket Agent by • new C6,B:LinePalder, ivrlpdingFreeArito Map apt details on our 411 Expense Drips- THE CLEVELAND' ANIS BUFFALO TIRANSIT COMPANY Port Stanley, Canada • Buffalo, N.Y., -.-:'.-.T�--.-r'.-..�-�'n'.v-�'V-.-.-�-.-V"I-, 'V...�.�r_-v-_- P A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail it with 11 for a six weeks' trial subscrip01on 10 THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR' Published by Tae OnnssTrsN Scl0Nea Pcotranrmo SO0InTY' .Boston, Masdachusetts, r7. 8. A. In It you will find the dally good news of the world from. Its 800 special'writers. as well as departments devoted to women's and children's interests, sports, musts. finance, education, radio. etc You will be glad to welcome luta your borne 80 fearless an advocate of peace and prohibition. And don't' miss Snobs, Our.Dog, and the Sundial and the tither features,' Tne 0stnrerreN Simms Mormon, Back Bay Station, Boston Mass. w " Please 'send me a six weeks' trial subscription. I enclose one. dollar .ISI): J _ (Neale, Sionar print) c 4. .. (Town) - (State) (Address), NO MORE PILES. How to End Painful Piles Without Salves or Cutting It -takes only one 'bottle of Dr, J. S. Leo nhardt's prescription ITEM- Romp T 1M-R10mIID to prove how easy it is to end itching, bleeding or protruding piles. This internal remedy acts quickly' even .in olil, stu'b'born cases. I-IIEM !R101TID succeeds because^it<heals and' restores the affected ,parts and drives out the thick impure bloodin the low- er bowel—the cause of ;piles. Only an internal medicinecan do this, that's why salves . and suppositories fail. Chas, Aberhart; and druggists every- where sell I-IE'M-!HOLD Talblets with guarantee of money back if they do. not 'end all Pile misery.. THE GARDEN. As a first step tdward the acquisi- tion of charm the.senall garden slhoald be free of any 'strajght lines, Second dy, it should he c'ontained within!, .a definite ,boundary.' Gently undulating edgings will overcome the directness o'f straighit paths and the sharp out- lines o'f square borders. A tall growthof s'hrubs or vines • will unify the garden andprovide a background for the flowers. A h'ed'ge of privet, ,or trellises of roses or grapeviines are-in- exlpens'ive ,and a' quick. means of at- taining 'privacy. Tall dahlias and an, nuat vines' will help out until the Permanent sulbjsats attain effective size. I't is only fa'niliarity that pre- vents many of us from. appreciating the 'extremely decorative character of the conerr'bn' grape. The leaves Of soift green, silvery 'beneath and decorative hi ou'tline, and the graceful tendriled' 'branche's compote the beauty of the vine. 'Trellises, of grapevines offer yin;-. tereslting ,possibilities, too. If the vines are 'trainedhigh the lower parts of trellis may .be used for some flower- ing mine. such as the large -flowering clerna'tis, C'lem'atis-monitana, an, early, flowering sort, bears anemone -like blooms of rose -flushed wihite. Halls and other honeysuckles are free - growing vines for. screens. H'all's var- iety,'Lonicera 'h'alliana, leafs; out very early in the spring`' and carries its foli- age well into the new' year. 'Large groupings of one species , or color are not adtvis'able'for the small garden. Such masses tend to reduce the ap'paren't size of the border; while eh,e predlamiiination of one color we'l'l lessen the effect of smelled qu'atitities of other colors. Straight rows and squares of plants are also to he avoided, IiI each species is planted in a drift; checkenboard effects are ab- sent and the mass effect is improved. IEor the small garden six large speci- nlens of':'a species to a'herder should he sufficient to give effect, An un- sightly (bare spot will, result when a 'Targe group of one species is out of !bloom. The different (chide . 'shotil'd 'be grouped according to season, so that the flowers or good foliage of one will screen the fading of another. Plants with dependable foliage, such as Iteuchera, astilbe, and funkial may - occupy front positrons in the border. 'Such plants as tite onietital poppy and the old -tine !b'leed'itig'heeet, l,sth of which d'ie away soon after flowering,' should be placed so that their; ripen- ing foliage will be con'cea'led, • Canada's Weekly Reviews ' Reflects the current thought of both hemispheres it weeks out and Would Was to lett mat week obin+-Iging scones nom the world's great publications, mating tor , treader horizons, trier panspeotives and user sympathies. Informing-Inspiring—Entertaining It will keep you abr'ea'st, week by week, with the great facts and staratie: movements of the tune. Printed Orem,. Thursday, World Wide brings to tis. readers the best thought on the -, latest surprises ,oe this most surprLring Published by Canadians primarily for Canadians, with sympabhtes world wir*. humanity wide. Many who, have been an the habit of'� taking American reviews, have recently 'dlscoverect that World W)de, at about 'raw/ the price, is twice as interesting. A mental ` tonic—its every col- umn is a live -wire' contact with • Your subscription to le will help to-' art] the employment of -more Can- ,n various key industries, giving :Item an increased earning and -spend• ,10 power r.. jd cls it 'not serve your bis mouths, 26, weeks, only 52.. f'seelve 52'. ," .3;50. :'oat wild to cans • address In Canada, Nfld.,. W Indies, Great Britain and Ireland r,06.500 extra. to. U. 8.,'.50 eta, to other for h conn isles, 57.00 a. ext5 Any duty: that; may .F 6Imposed by any n :de country will'. be assessed upon the u:me giber therein,_ — — R?IiN DOUGALL & SON P. 0. 130X 3070, MONTREAL ]entlemen, - 1991 Please send rse WOI1LD WIDE .for twelve months *1.50 alt months 2.50 post pSd same 15 sr tun.. ...-• UUNTING WIDE VARIETY OF 816' AND SMALL GAME' HUNTING GROUNDS EASILY REACHED MA 1 URI•NG' recent years there has been an excep'tio'nal in- crease in the ; number of people df this. 'country who :ditty the .sport of hunting :and many thousan'd's go afielld yearly, with rifle or s:h'atgun. No oth- er section of the woeld can offer to the sportsman the same favourable oonditigns as prevail in Canada with ibs immense areas of virgin territory within rapid and 'contfortab'1'a -mean's of access, Vast Hunting Areas This country possesses over 1,000;- 000 square miles of forest, which s,heil- i tens . game •animals .ranging tram the timid rabbit to the 'huge and danger- ous: grizzly bear. Mlanse,caribou, elk, deer, bigh'arn sheep, mountain goat, timber wolf and bear are plentiful and may Ibe hunted during o'p'en seasons :af generous length. Wild • Fowl Abundant The numerous lakes and pondsof northern Can'ad'a are the breeding places cef the 'm'a'in waterfowl popula- tion of the Almericas cont'in'ent, con- sequently ducks, ,geese a'nd' other wa- tenfowl are pl'en'tiful, in normal years. The ruffled grouse or partridge is' the mast important upland 'bird. and is common to every province, whine woodcock, prairie chicken,, Hungarian p'aiitridge and ptarmigan provide good sp'ont, in certain districts: Hunting Grounds'Easy of Access SEASONS OF GENEROUS LENGTH !Alccessibllity is an oultstending fea- ture of match o'f Canada's .h•unting ter- ritory.'The country is well served by roads, 'rails and steamboat lines, aver wh'ic'h th'e. sports'm'an may travel in comfort to the `going in" .point. Areas previously inacceseiblle may also now be reached' by.airp,lane in a few hours'flight, Detraining or `going in" points are numerous throughout game areas add' at these twill be found reliable out- fitters and qualified gu'ides, who are. prepared to Look after the eportsim'on's every need and guidance while in the hunting territory, I.n several of .the provinces it is compulsory for the !hunter to be ac'compa'nied by a guide b,ut, even in those provinces where it is .not co'mlpui'sory, it is often advis- able to engage guides. These men, be- ing familiar with the .territory un which they operate, are . able to add greatly to the enjoyment and success of the trip. Conservation of Game In 'Canada a practical forst of co'n'- senvation .is !Bound in ,the setting asidie of tracts of pub'li'c lands, as game ^re serves, and in the rigid protection o'E game in its exltelnsive ,nation'al andprovincial parks. In these areas the game multiplies rapidly, under pro- tection, and spread's over into the sur- rounding country. This favottrable condition, coupled with sound protec- tive legis'latio'n regulating 'the open seasons, bag li'm'bs, issuing ,of licenses, etc., assures continuance of a sup'elly of ganne animals and 'birds in thrlir native habitat, 'Canad'a is elms able to offer the hunter exceptional opportun- ities for sport in season. Hunting with Kamera `To the .camerahunter and :the Iltu- dentt of vend life, the Canadian Prov- inces offer unusual' opportunities for dnterestinlg experi:endws and records. (There ,is no closed season on game, to the camera-lhunter and, throughout !the year, he will filed favourable con- ditions to study the .habits of game animas and 'bi'rd'sand to photograph them in their natural surroundings, Game Laws of the Provinces, The game laws olE the 'different pro- vinces are drafted by the provincial' Governments with a view to meeting local conditions; consequently there is no un'if'orm )go-inc law for the Domin- ion as a whole. As the 'game laws are subject to revision from year to year persons contemplating a hunting trip are advised to obtain copies of the 'current game laws and regulations of the province in which they intend to hunt. IThe Natio-nal Development Bureau of the Departm'en't .of the Interior at Ottawa will .gladly supply information on hunting in Canada by either com- plying with requests, or referring s'ane to other sources from which to particulars desired may be obtained, Color is just as important in -, the small' garden as in the large, and more d'ili'i;cu.lt to' handle, 'S'in'ce the gardener ,will want, a variety of plants, they must be carefully arranged so that clashing colors will be separated, 1P1anits with white, cream colored, huff yellow,' blue, and lavender flowers, and those with gray foliage, will act as pacifiers in the garden. Two- col- or and other very simple color schemes should be avoided. Where there are several gardens, it might he interesting to devote certain gardens bo ,certain colors, But in the one and only 's'mal'l garden such simplicity of color usually results 15 0' monotony, and limits one's choice of plants. IIn starting a new garden One' can, by proper 'buying, make a' small bud get go` a• 'Bong way; Such rampant spreaders as coreopsis, gahiard'ia, hol- lyhock, hardy aster, anehemis, and sweat William, are easily grown from seed, Thlou'gh less' raaopant, hardy pinks, delph'iniu'm, hardy candytuft, and certain campanulas are also ,quite easily raised from.":seed, Thus, the greater part of the budget will re- main. for such rues irises, hardly phlox, peoules,' lilies •and various emelt a bttl'hs. When the garden is being pl'an- 1 NEW CANAL IN CANADA ONE 0.F THE WORLD'S •.GREATE'ST The new Weiland canal, which was officia'll'y opened early 'this month, is the first link in the Great Lakes -St, Lawrence deep waterway, and is the fourth canal to 'be built in the last one hundredyears 'con'nec'ting lakes Erie and Ontario, The new Welland, ranks with the Panama as one of the world's greatest canals, indeed in s'olne'-, respects ex- ceeds the Panama While the locks of the latter are a little longer and wider, the total li'ft:u!p and down .between the two oceans is only 85 :feet, covered by three locks each way, whereas the lilt in the new Welland canal is 3125 feet, covered by seven Pocks oiE 4(6% •feet each, andan eigth grand lock 1,360 feet long, or 300',feet 'longer than the longest, Panama !leek. These replace twenityefive locks in the old .canal The S.S. Lemoyne was the first boat to pass through the lanai at its offi- cial .ope'n'ing, and a statistician !present reckoned that she carried the World's greateslt cargo of .grain, "She has al- ready .carried 51711,886 bushels 'of wheat t one load," he said, "aavd the cargo would make- .12;3'50,000 two -pound paves of bread. If you laid those naves end to end, they would reach ,350 miles, or the dis'tan'ce from 'the spot where the ;`wheat'Ivas p'Irodsce'd net it will he wise to leave spaces foe the gro'win.g of annuals. These cheer- ful plants add freshness during late sumene,r and autumn, and will provide quantities of flowers for cutting: In the entail; garden'. one can rarely af- ford to cut the flowers 'of,perennials, --Herbaceous perennials may be put to splendid u'se lit augmenting the plantings of shrubs around the home, no natter where such should be. The border will always appear to the 'hest ad vantage when so placed that it has s. background. For this reason it s'ho'al he so p!i'anted"that it serve's as a boundary, to the property or to a driveway flanked .with trees or shrubs. A southerly or sotrtdierwest erely aspect is the. hest for the bor- der and the po'sition shriek' be fairly drained. Thetallest' subjects-.s'hould be :massed along the 'rear of the border and those of lesser height to- ward the front. There should be a general grading in size' downwards from the rear. It is difficult to mace a very pleasing border its much less than levee feet M width, one telt feet in width will be better. It is. ,usually Possible to'. allow this :width . where the "lawn is' at all extensive, 'SScfid us the name's oif your: visitors, 2 Services We Can. Render In the time of need PROTECTION is your best friend. Life Insurance ' -To protect your LOVED ONES, Auto Insurance— To protect you against LIABILITY to PUBLIC and their PROPERTY, Fire Insurance— To protect your HOME and its CONTENTS. Sickness and Accident Insurance— To ur Any of the alboveelin s� weI an�giv you in strong and reliable companies. If 'interested, can or write, E. C. CHAPIBEt LAIN INSURANCE AGENCY Phone 334 Seaforth, Ont. to ,the ' Atlantic. It would take 210 farms of '130 acres to grow the cargo and 286 60 -ton railroad cars, or a train 2% miles long to carry it. Seven average canal -size freighters would he required to carry the :cargo, which is enough to supply Canadian require- ments tor a day ansi a half. It would take .50 men, w'orkin'g with shovels 10 hours,.a day, 12 days eo' unload the ship. ,Diner: "'What's this leathery stuff?" 1Waiter: "That is fillet of sole, sir," Diner: , "'Weil, take it away and see if you ,can't get the a nicepiece of upper with the'bulttons off. High Class Printing We can give you prompt and satisfactory service at a price in the following ,lines of printing:— Letterheads Envelopes Statements, Bill -heads, Private Cheques Circulars Tags Cards Tickets Sale Bills Dodgers Menus Factory Forms ery Society Stationery moderate Blotters Booklets Business Ca -ds Visiting Cards Wedding Statior, The News has an up-to-datecommercial printing plant and are equipped to turn out all classes of job work. Give us a call, We have a new automatic- press with great speed, recently installed to produce 'printing, welldone, with speed, and at mod- erate cost. we THE ,$E7IFOkTH DEWS 1