HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-15, Page 6C PAGESIX. `'Ht SEA,FORTH'NEWS. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15; 1932 Xevenge Mysterious octOtrt-i Doyle things ,`nay conte. out • ;Windt d'ye iiowev'%i-, ?that your 'fear's w'ould„ wan- suiijde, hint. ,It was malty ' When I think of him, Mr. 'vest ?" •ish if you s'uw 'Rant 'Singh. He is thel',sh:ohi'ted but my nanie and assiircd', `lhhY said 1 "Iant very`' much,'veiy persunifieation of wisdom aand,itnent ,that'( was alone that I could interested ,in lim. What a igagniti- 'benevolen'ce, IHe was, sh'o'cked •at t�beljtrevail Upon them do approach. Once cent lead and bearing he has for 'a idea of bur k'ill'ing a sheep, -dr` even a assured of my identity the general Young man: 1 suppose he - cannot be. 1fis,li for his benc'Ii.t—said lbe would ra- ran ea;ger'ly toward ire atidgreeted .ane inure ti00 .thirty," , :they die ;,tlh!an thane ,a and in taking with the utin,o'st cordialiity. "Fait} said the mate. ' ,the, life of animal. "This 'is ,truly kind df you, West," "Sixty, i1 she' is a day," remarked IL is very 'toolislh of me to be so he said "It is only at such /times as Captain Meadows. `,'Why, I . have ne!nous," said my sister, biia"ely• these that one can judge :who is "a heard hint talk quite familiarly 31 .the "But you ..1110 at 'promise ate 000 thing, fnien!d and 'Who not. 3t would molt be 'first Afghan war, Fbe was a main (Jack. You 'will go up to !Clloom!ber in fair to yop to' ask you to come inside t len and that is close on fort ears Oli morning, and If 'on can see• n l y y e or g, } any or to stay any tiaije, but I am none ago," of them you must ,tell them of :thesetheless very glad to see you ' !'Wonderlul.l3' 1 ejaculated. Iris strange neighbors of iota. They are I haves been) anxious about you slain is as smooth and his eyes are ,better able to judge .than we are whe- all," 'I said; for it is some little time " a're clear as'ntine are, He is the su- Ither their :presence has any sig-niiftc- since 'I have seen or heard front 'any ,perior one of the three no doubt": ance or not" of you, !Haw have you all been keep - '.°The inferior," said the captain"All right, little one," I answered, !nig?" `con'fideivtlg. "'That is why be. does all ,as we went indoors. "You have been '"Why, as iw!elil as could be expect - the talking for •them. Their minds ane ,overexcited by a1'1 these wild • doings, ed. ,B,u't we will be better to-ntiorpdrvp .toe ' elevated t4 'deecetlld to mere and you, need ,a sound ,nighlt's real. to —we will be different mea, to -morrow, worldly chatter,' : co!nvp'osyou. I'll ,do what ,you sing- eh, ,corporal?" • "They. are. the strangest pieces • of gest, however, and, our friends shall • Y4o, sir," said the corporal, rais- )flthea. i and jetsam that ever were judge for themselves Whether 'these ing !hiss hand to ,his forehead in a mil- thre:wnupon this coast," 'I'pemarked. p'o:or devils should' be sent 'about itery'salute. '"'We'll ,be, right as' the "My father will be mightily interest, their business .or .nlot. " beak to -morrow." ' ed• in thein.'. , I made the promise'to allay My "The' conponal and II are •a Little "Indeed; I think the less you halve sisiter's ,atp!preibensions, !bust . in the disturbed in 'our minds '-'ju's't' a'ow,", last week. S am mull mistaken to do with them the better for your," bright .sunlight of: morning it appear-- the' general •expi•aim+ed, "]but I have (Continued from )n if this young said the mate, "If 1 do eonem'ai>d my ed little less than absurd to imagine no d'oub't that all wild come right. Alf- ak gentleman's father is not Mr, John assn ship I'll premise you.,th'at ,I that ,our Poor .vegetarian scastaways ter•all, there is nothing higher ,than ITheae' was a high sand dune some Hunter West, whose .name is kn'o'yntu never carry live 'sb,ck off' that, sort `could ,Nave any si:nlister .intend+ons, or Froyidle,d'ce, and we are x41 in its Tittle distance along the coast, and and honored ,b'y, The pundits of India." an board }otf'lner. -Brut here we _are all ,that their advent could have any ef, -hand's: And ho•w have•yau been,,�h?" Micas the summit of this 'bhe figure My father is, indeed, a wel'hknawn ab,oazd and the anchor tripped; so we feat smolt ;the tenants of ICloom+ber, S; "We. +Nave .been very busy 'for an.e vias standing which had attracted the &a,nscrit scholar,' d answered, fn as- must bid ' 'wios ,anxious ,myself, however, to see thin mates attention'. The captaid threw tonish'ient, you good -by.' Y' g;" siafd J. I sulpgdse you • have "The The walgionette had just ' finished 'whether ,i could'see ,anything of the heard nothing of the great ship- up 'his . hands in astonishment as his presemce of inch a man;' o'b- loading'w when.we arrived' and, the H'eathersbonns, so 'after ,breakfast ,I wreck?" eyes rested upon it, "By the, eternal," served 'the 'stranger; slowly, "changes chief lace's on eibher side of Ude 'walked- up to the Hall. In !their stein- "Not a .word" the general answered a wil'dernnss into a city. One .'great P8 he shouted, "ft's Ram (Singh himself l driver, had been reserved for my twro !ion ft 'was i'mpass!ib'le for .them to listlessly,' iLet us overhaul himl"'Taking to his mind fs surely a higher indication orf cottipanions wino s eedil' s rant into 'have learned anybhinig of the recent "I thought the noise of the ' wi•n;d, civilization than are. incalculable lea- m y prang heeGs in his excitement he raced along them`. Wtith a chorus orf, lite events. S •fella, 'therefore, that •even if would prevent your hearing the 'sig- the !beach, followed by the mate and goes of bricks and mortar. Ylour 'fa- good f Wits whirled away cheersrn the I should meet the. general Inc could anal ,guns. ISthe came ashore in the myself, as well as by one- or two of Cher is 'hardly a's probound as Sir .Wdl hardly regard melas an intruder hay. the night before. last—a great ° road, while any father, .Esther, and I the fishermen who had observed the Ilam Jones, or as universal as 'the Basi- ,While !I ,`had so Much news to!come bank front 'India." stood upon the lawn and waved our presence of the stranger.' The fatter, on Von hammer Purgstall, lout he ,hands to them until they. disappeared 'inunicate.' , "From India!" ,elj!acula'ted the gen- p.erceiving our, approach, !came dawn conrbieses :many of the virtues of each. ;behind the Cladmtber woods, en route The 'plate had 'the same dreary and eral: from his post of observation and You may ,tell him, however, 'from me melan,oholy appearance which always `"Yes. Her craw were saved, fort - that. he is mistaken in the analogy for the Wltgtwwh boll vanished railway station, walked quietly in our direction, with crew had characterized it. Looking through he-,nnataly, and have all been sent on to his head sunk upon his breast, like which he has traced ,between the Sa- Barka and now from our little w"cilli the only tween the thick iron bars Of the main Glasgow," one who is absorbed in thought. moyede and Tamulic word roots.", gateway there was nothing` to be seen "All sent ail" cried the :general, "Irrelic of either being the Heaps o, I could not help contrasting our you have determined to honor debris upon the (beach, which were to of •any of the occupants. ,One of - the with a face as `bloodless as a corpse. • hurried and tumultuous advance with our neighborhood 'by'a short stay,"be there until bhe arrival of an agent great Scotch firs had been blown "All except .three rather strangethe gravity and dignity of this lonely said I, you will offend ens 'father from Lloyd's.' down in the gale, and itis long rud- characters who claim to 'be 'Budd Oriental, nor was the matter mend- very much if you do not put up with him. He representsdy rural: 'lay right 'across 'the grass- •hishs.:They have decided to remain ed when Inc'raised a pair of steady,'a i the, the laird here, and - CHAPTER XIII. grown avenue; .but no atteni!pt had for a few days upon the coast." thoughtful dark eyes and inclined his s lairds privilege, according rremove it, Everything The'. words were hardly out of any ,teen made to head in a graceful, sweeping salute- to .our Scottish custom, to entertain In Which I See that Which Has about the -property had the same' •alr mouth when 'the general dropped up - tion, It seemed to me that we were all strangers of repute who visit his Been Seen byFew. of desolation and neglect, with the on his knees with his long 'thin 'arms• like a pack of sch,00lboys in the ,pre- parish." lry sense of •hospitality Solitary exception o:f the massive and 'extended to heaven. "Thy will he serice of a master. The stranger's Prompted me to deliver this inn*ita- impenetrable fencing, which At dinner that eveningI mention- present- done!" he cried in a 'crackling voice, ,broad, unruffled brow, his clear, tion, though I could feel the mate ed as unbroken and 'forntiidable an"Thyblessed 'will be donel" I.coukt twitching atm ed to my father the episode of the searching gaze, firm set yet sensitivey sleeve as if to warn' three Buddists and found, as I had obstacle as ever' to the would-be see through the crack ,that Corporal mouth and clean cut, resolute express nae that the offer was, for some rex- son, an objectionable expected, that he was very much fn- trespasser Rufus Smith's face h'ad turned to a sloe, all combined to form -the most jectionable one. His fears terested' by my _acco,mit of them. I walked round 'this' •barrier"as far sickly yellow shade, .and, that he iw,as imposing and noble presence which ware, however, unnecessary, for bhe as our old tr sifi•n stranger signified When, however,,' he heard of the high trysting place without wiping the perspiration from his I have ever known. I could not have o grilled by a shake of the manner in which Ram Singh had finding any flaw ,through, which brow, ' imagined that such imperturbable head that it was 'impossible for him could get a glimpse of (the house, fdr "It's like my ':uokl he said,, "A8 to acre t ' spoken of him, ,and the dispinguiyhed it•.erected the ,femce had been ted witheach calm and at the same 'time such a pposition which he had assigned himter all these years to come just when conscioasiteSs of latent strength could 'ri Y friends and I are very much g philologists, he became so rail overlapping the'last, so as to . se -snug have been expressed by any human obliged to you," he said, "but we have among cure absolute Privacy for .those In- I have got a billet excited that it was all we could do p y "Never mind, my ;lad," the general face. He was dressed in a brown vel- our ow -n reasons for remaining where to side, Alt the old spot, however, where said, rising, and .squaring his should - face. are, The hut which we occupy prevent him from setting off then veteen coat, loose dark trousers, withpy is I had had the mtt�moralil!e interview ens like a m'an 'wiho braces himself deserted andand there to make his acquaintance: ,with the general -on 'the occasion'When for an effort, `"Be it what it may, we'll a shirt which was cut low M the col- Partly ruined, but we (Esther and I were relieved and glad lar, so as to show the muscular brown Easterners have trained ourselves to when we at last succeeded in ab- meek, surprised Inc ;with- hisdaughter, I face''`t as`IBritish soldiers should. D'ye - meek, and he still wore the red 'fez do without most of those hhings which found 'that .the two loose nails had remember at Cbidliamrwallah, .when w''hich'I had noticed the night before. are looked upon es necessaries in stracting his boots and maneuvering { Europe, :believing him to his ,bedroom, for the exciting been refixed in •such a manner that you had to rim from your guns do I observed with a feeling of surprise, P g firn?iy in that wise events of the last twenty-four hours, there wase gap sof 'two inches at. our square, the Sikh horse +came axiom that a man is rich, rat 3n pro - as we approached 'him, that none of more 'between them, 'Through this I thundering down on our bayonets ? •'these garments showed the slightest Portion to what he has, but in propor- had been too mueih for his weak frame and delicate nerves, had a view df ,the ]rouse and a 'pari We didn't flin,cl then, and we won't indication of the rough treatment tion to what he can dispense with. A of the lawn in front of it, and though flinch' now. Bt seems to me that •I ;feel they must have received during their good fisherman. supplies us with (',was sitting at the open porch in wearer's submersion and struggle to bread and with herbs, we have clean the gloaming, funning over in. my. g outside better than "I have done for years: It I could see no sins of life mind the unexpected eventsor at any di 'the ,windows, I' settled was the uncertainty that was killing dry straw for our couches, what .could p which dawn with the intention o'f. stidlein the shore- had occurred so rapidly—the gale, the man wish for'more?"g me," "So you are none the worse forwreck, the rescue, and the strange to my post until I hada chance of "Aird, the 'infernal jingle - jangle," your ducking,"he said in a• pleasant, But you must feel the cold at character of the castalwa -- , speaking to one :or other of fie in- said the cthat's 'Well, c well all musical voice, looking from the cap- night, coming straight from the trop- sister carne quietly overto my 'matine Indeed, the ,raid; dead aspecst together that's some consolation." tain to the mate, "I hope that all your c., remarked the captain. and of the 'house 'had'strudr such a chill Perla put her hand in mine."Good-by, West, said the 'general. 'poor sailors have found pleasant guar- Ps our bodies are cold same- Don't you think, Jack," she said in into my heart that II determined to 'Be a good husband to Gabriel, and ters." times. 14Ve have not noticed it. We her low sweet voice, "that ,we are scale the fence at whatever risk of in- give my poor wife a home. I don't "VJe are all safe," the captain an re x11 three spent many years in forgetting our friends over atcurring the generals displeasure ma- think she .will trouble' you long. Good - the "But we had given you up Upper Himalayas on the border ,ber? Hasn't all this excitement ilei ,than return'without news of the of the region of eternal snow, so we byl God Qibess you!" for lost—you and your two friends. Hea'therstoiies•"Look 'here; general," T said, per- lf•ndeed, I was just making arrange- per - are not very sensitive to inconheni- pinrirheads?"aiid their danger out of Happily {here was no meed of this emp'toril breaking off a •_.piece of, ments for your burial with Mr. West e»'cis of that sort," eutreme a rpedieiit, for T had not been • 'Out of our hearts, but never out wood to snake' communication more here." ' At least," said I, "you must allow of our heaths,' said I, laughin, there ball an hour before I hoard the easy, "this soot of thing has been The stranger looked at me and meatorreo'�d you over some fish and "However, you are right,little g harsh sound of el opening lock, an'd: going on long. What .are these one, smiled. "We wont give Mr. West We from our larder, for our attention has certainly me door. To m surpriserpged from' theahints-and tooinallusions little inatvien,spea e • that trouble for a little time yet," Inc are not Christians, he ins Y been main door.. To my be was rt is time we had Iritic lain Speak- ' distracted from them. I Skald walk dressed in a •.military uniform—and a P P vetnarked; "my friends and lI :came veered, "but 'Buddhists of the higher up lar file morning atid.see if I can,ug, What is you fear? Out with ashore all. safe, and we; have 'Fou,nd school. We do not recognize that see anything that not the; um'iforiit in ordinary ,use it! Are you in dread of these Hine maul has a moral right to sla an ox }^ g •of them. By the way, .in •thel$ritish a!rmy,, !The red coat wax loos ? Ifyou, are I ant able, shelter in a hut a mile or so down yto morrow is the' fateful ;5th of O;c- or a fi-sh far the gros's use of his •liber -one moree, dn• my the coast. It is lonely down there, but hod dayand strangely cat and stained with ,the •father's authority; to have than` ars. we have everything winch we can de- y He has not put life into them; well with us" ' all will be bean el. The trousers had originallyeSresited as ro ,nes" and va •abonds." sire." and has assuredly no from been white, but h'ad now faded to a No, n!o that ,would never do" Inc "We start for Glasgow this after- the Almighty to take mandate from them ' y sister, gloomily, linty Yellow, With .a red slash ac "'Or ill," said m ° „ answered, shakfn•g head. "You will 'Why, across „ Y, what a little croaker ai noon;" said the captain; "I shall be ave ngder most pressing need, ,We to he sure! I cried. "Wli you are his ,client and a. stood d he livlean` about. the_d his ell `business very glad if you will come with us, could net, therefore, useat in the ding 'from his side Inclie stood the livingn S'0010lay enough. Lhlondauth knows where your -,gift if world is coming over soil?". - 7f you .have not been in 'England be- you were, to send it:" "1 feel' nervous and low-spirited," example 'of a bygone hype -the !J'ahn to his .hand upon the papebs'bear- bare yon may find it awkward travel- Rut, sir,' I remonstrated, "if in she answered, ow sp.irited;" He .was officer of 'forty years ago. ingIn the matter. You drawnng closer to my He was fal7o!wed by the ex- coli co,n5u)t ing alone.,, thischangeableand inhospitable cls side and shivering. I feel as if well clad him about itatterorrow." "'We are very much indebted to irate you ,refuse all :nourfshinsg fob,d great some 'Gorpors'Suith,' now well clad "But, surel " T cried, "if your Vitality peril were hanging over the andY,i e , the peril you for your 'thoughtfulness," ..Ram Y will 'fa'il you _sort will heads' of tli'ose we ,love. Why I prosperous, who ,limped along. is B in-Insistent.atj cried,u'," may. ` be Singh answered; `'but we will not d0e! these serene e me,ii; Y should hes'ide h,is master, the two pacing up done to. anent It.; If you would' ` hut We shall die then;" he aniswered: the coast?''g wish to stay upon and down the lawn absorl?ed in con tell me what take advantage of your kind offer. you `fear 1 should. know Since nature has driven us here' we .with a bright srndle "Anel n'onv " r. versahiou. I observed .flat from time how to act. tarn Meadows, Cap- W hat, the ' Bud`d'hists?" I said to time one or other of ,th ,r intend to have a look about us before owns, I must bid you adieu, lightly."'Oh, these fellows have em would "My dear friend, he said, "there we leave." thanking you for your kindness dui- aimed feast days eon- Pause and glance furtively all a`bou't is nothing to be Banc so calm your - "Aa "you like," the .captain said, ing' the voyage, and yPv, .to'o,y aped reli.gi,ous rites them, as though ., y good -s guarding keenly; self and let things take 'their course, of all sorts. 7lhey have- some very against a Surprise.' shrugging his shoulders. 9I' don't own 'before will command a ship of your, flood reason for statin_, , It has been folly an my part to she? 'think you are likely to find very much own (before dh,is year is out. I trust, 4 You may be II sho,uwi have pre'Ferred coee,lut ter' mysclff ,behdnsd mere `barrier of to interest ,van in this hole of a Mr.West that 1 may Sce yoq a aiaa,i "Don't a „ Ga'{ing with the general ling,' but wood and stone, terrible Net i before I leave this pant o#.the cg. -+ a•n, awe-struck _ you think," said, Es,titer, in s;ince,,these was no dissociating it s, that place" our we struck whir es, "g 'him .i action was terrible to nix, ,and I "V,ery possibly not," Ram Singh tr}'• Fareu•7eidl" He raised his retr strange, that A that it is very .from his 'companion; 'I beat loudly felt, that to .d'o''am badn "h w fez, inclined his'noble head all they should arrive here on the fencing with m sstiok y }" g, a ever''fu- answered with an. amused smile.with thethe wayfrom y to at- tile, i'n' the ;nature of au stately India just at the tract atteaitiori. They :both :bio wa precaution, "You remember Milton's liner. y grace which characterized all Present moment? Have you n • .. ed s better than passive' resignation his action's, and' strode away in Ibe sexed that fire y u not .gath- round -!n a mottaret, ,anal I ,cgn.ld see ','My' h,utnlhtle frieii•d here and 'I " have general's fears .are i❑ Ifnonl their gestures' that•'t;lie The mind is its own place and in lis actio front which he had come some way conneleted i i Y were placed- ourselves in . a politica, , in ibse'r. "Let me conigrattilte you, Mr. ,Haw- 'thio Indicans?". w th, India ail, disturbed and alarmed, t filen elevated whic'h, I trust, no poor fellow will rims," said th captain my stileksab.ove. the (barrier ao show ever diad hints'elf again, We can only Can make a hell of heaven, a e ca Iain to the mate as The, Indians?" , them healon of held,' we walked homeward. 'Y mlade me thoughtful. thom. Iwt erers the s'oemd" proceeded recommend tourse;lyes to Mac ' unfail- co,maitaixl your own Ship: the "Why,rno'w that 'y:our mention, it"' 1 'the general began. as do year," an walk in my g en ` goodness olf the Almighty, and P'days„° °`F ih'ave'.sorne `via ni yrs bracing with. ,the air of ,a `trust What 'we have cilli ', I daresay we •cans end; a few shvercd, here comfortably.enmu h, Indeed ',I No such i p'ness4on l g e "n t ed in g the ma! 'that the m: stery, as nvan ,wh:o is ,brtvcim,g Ihuatrse9,{ for an:'11 b world may''1`es5eti,otur atonement to answered, y cos; effort, but the direr caught h in tlnip:k you mus!t:be wrong,.in consider- with' a pleased simile atpo,n has :in 11 doted 'wiltit Sonneincident which, g mi; thy bhe wotlil bo co'an,e. $ „ ; ung this ito be a 'barbarous sidelocality. ”"!!y face, °(still tli ah°g- cu•rree 'in th! ch o'c" the wrist ymeat'Jeaue ere s no saywng how at country. lI ant sure and 'endeavored to' alis- you now, for °I :have many papers .to PROFESSIONAL' CARDS Medical D -R. H. HUGIH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon, Late of London Hos= pital,' London England Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear,' nose and throat, Office and 'reat- dence behind Dominion Bank, Office Phone No, 5; Residence Phone ".104. DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth. Officeand residence, Goderich street, east of the United Church, Coroner for the County of Huron, Telephone Nd. 46, DR. C. MACISIAY.—C, Mack. y, honor graduate of, Trinity Univers,* and gold medallist of Trinity Medical College; member of the College od Physicians and Surgeons of : Ontario. DR. F. J. R. I10'R/S!TIER—Eye, Ear Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medi- cine,,, University . of; ,Toronto - 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield'. Eye, and Golden Square throat hospi- tals, London, England. At Comm- ercial Hotel, Seaforth, 3rd Monday is each month, from • 11 .a.m. to 3 p.m. • DR. W. C. StPROAT,—Graduate od Faculty of Medicine, University p'f Western Ontario, 'London. Member of College of Physicians and .Sur- geons of Ontario. Office in rear .of Aberhart's drug store, Seafoods Phone 90. ' Hours 1.30-4 p.m., 7.30 -9 p.m. Other .hours by appointment, Dental DIR. ' J. A. MLT'N'N, Successor is Dr. R. R. Ross, graduate of North- western University, Chicago, M. Li- centiate Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, Toronto. Office over Sills' hardware, Main- St., Seaforth, Phone 151. DR. F. J. BECHELY, graduate Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Toronto. Office over W. R. Smith's grocery; Main St., Seaforth. Phones, office 185W, residence 185J. Auctioneer. GEORGE ELLIOTT, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Huron Arrangements can. be made for Sale Date at The Seaforth News, Chargee moderate and satisfaction guranteed. WATSON AND R131D'b REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY (Succssprs to James 'Watson)' MAUN S'T,, SiEAF,ORTH, ONT. All kinds 'of Insurance risks effect- ed at lowest rates in First -Close Companies. THE McKILLOP Mutual fire Insurance Coe FIA3RM AND ISOLATED TOWN, PROIPE'RiTY, 0 N L Y, INSURED Officers — John ilennewies, Brod- hagen, ,President; Jas. Connolly, 'God•. erich, Vice -Pres.; D. F. McGregor, Seaforth No. 4, Sec.-Treas. Directors—'Geo. R. McCartney, Seas forth No: 3; Alex. Broadfoot, Sea - forth No. 3; James Evans, eSeaforth No. '5; IRobt. Ferris, 'Blyth 'No. 1; Jas. Sholdice, Walton No. 4; Jahn Pepper,. Brucefield; William . Knox, Landes, borough. Agents -..Jas. Watt, 'Myth Na. 1; W, E: Hinckley, :Seaforth; J. A. Murray Seaforth No. 3; W. J. Yeo, Clinton Vo, ,3; R. G. iJarmuth, Bornholm, 'Auditors Jas. Kerr, ;Seaforth; Thos. Moylan, Seaforth No. 5. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to by app'licatiore to any of the above named officers ad dressed to their ee'spective post offices. destroy and much to arrange.'. Good' !by H'e pushed his hand.:through ,the hole which II had made and grasp- ed, 'mine in a solemn farewell, ; a'fter',' whiich. he • walked back to the. Hall 'with a firm .and decided 'step, still fol- lowed by the crippled cor'poral. (To be Continued). The Mane, Helene, after taking her first shorse- back ride,, told her grandmother': "1 did,n't need a 'bridle, The horse wore ; a fur on its neck `for me. to hold? to."