HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-15, Page 4'PAGE POUR
Snowdon Bros., Publishers.`
Mr, J. Mowbray of Detroit is holl-
diaying with kris aunts, Miss M. Mow-
bray and Mrs. W. 'Claris.
:Wesley klaclewell and j, 1'faw'brav
motored to Rochester aid Bnfealo tor'
the week end.
Mr. anti Mrs. Basil Wilson and son
]Donald ane holidaying at her parents,
R. W. Hoy's.
'Mr. wird Mrs. 1'C.'IJacomb of De-
troit are holidaying with her mother,
'Mrs. C. Drager.
,3vLiss Gertrude Miller' spent Sunday
iaf ei•noon with Mrs. Ennis.
Constable G. Hiayward Of the RIC.
'Moun'ted Police Farce, Windsor,
'spent Sunday at the home of J'osep'h
Cart er. "
"Miss Edith " Ennis df Kitchener
spent a few days at hier home the last
of the week.
Mrs. Slaiotd'ece and daughter, Miss
Vera Altree, are visiting Mr, and, Mr.s.
...Hugh Fulton.
Mills Ileaura iy aianing and Miss Ed-
'ith'Ennis of Kitchener spent the. week
-end with their parents.
'De. and 'Mrs. F. C. Neal of Peter-
' labro,
eter-'1b'oro, who 'have been visiting the 'for-
mer's mother, Mrs. W. Neal, 'Nave re-
:-turned home.
H. S'haniaton, and W. J..Hiuenphrie's
-spent Saturday in 'Chatham.
Mr. and Mrs. Tremeer and Elva of
t'Brucefieid spent .Sunday with Mr. and
'Mrs. L. Cunvmings,
Mr. and Mrs. IIJaJCo'mlbe of 'Detroit
are 'spending ,their holidayswi'bh the
latteir% mother, Mrs. C. Drager,
Miss Roth 'Manning has gone to
visit friends in !Kitchener.
IA combined meeting of the W:M,S.,
W.A."and Baby Band was held at the
home of Mrs. Robert Wfghtmen on
Tuesday, (September 6th. The presi-
edent of the W A, Mrs. J. W. Mills,
'•nled the devotional exercises and the
meeting was brought to a close by
• the use of hymn 347. _`bars. W. H. Ly-
on had charge of the program of the
WM.'S. Mrs, (Rev.) Buell offered
prayer. Mrs, E. Bender read the
Scripture lesson from the 10th chap-
ter of Mark. The Superintendent of
the Baby Band, Mrs. E. Pollard, gave
her report, stating 12 life member-
-ships and 111 annual members were
enrolled, also reading the poem, 'The
Beautiful Gift." Hymn 4110 was then
sung. Temperance secretary, Mrs. W.
1lesk, gave a reading, followed by a
solo entitled, "Aar Oil d -'Fashion ed
Meeting in an Old Fashioned Place."
by :Mrs. N, Sanderson. Mrs. A. Col-
clough dealt with the study book,
"Korea, Land of the Dawn," 6th chap.
"Youth and the New Day," they need
the Light of the. Knowledge of God
as reflected in the face of Jesus Christ:
•,1rs, H. McElroy and Mrs. R. D.
Philp led in prayer. The president
then took the chair and conducted
the business part of the meeting,. Roll
..call was answered by 'the name of a
home m'ission'ary; in the absence of
the secretary, Mrs. S. G. Leslie acted
• in place and was instructed to send
an invitation to Westfield Auxiliary
to meet with us in October, the visit-
ors to have charge of the program.
Hymn, There Is Work to Do for Je-
sus," was then sung. Mrs. A. Slater
closed with prayer. Group No, 9 serv-
ed a leu -cent tea. ,'irs, D. F•loody,
Mrs, A. B. Carr, Mrs, J. Ferguson,
Mrs. H. C Johnston, Mrs. B. Taylor,
The Late Mrs. J. Tunny,—Death
claimed one of our residents in the
person of Mary Ann Ball, widow of
the late Jas. Tunney. Althouigh she
had been in failing health for some
months, it was not expected that
death was so near, until a few days
previous, The late Mrs. Tunney was
'born in Goderich township 66 years.
ago, residing there until 'll&&& when
•she married Jas. Tunney of Westfield,
residing on the farm now owned by
:Wafter Cook until after the death of
'her husband last November when she
'moved to Blyth. To this union was
born a fancily of three daughters,
Mrs. Margaret Harrington, 'Blyth;
Mrs, W. J. Kechnie, East Wiawanosh;
and Mrs. Wailiber Cook, Westfield, be-
sides her immediate 'fainly left to
mourn her d•etni'se are two sisters,.
Mrs. Jackson, of Manitdba, Mks..
Willard, of Sioux Falls, S. Dakota;.
two brothers,' Harry Ball, Truelon,
Mian„ James Dail:, Victoria, BIC., also
mine grandchildren. Mos. Tenney was
member of the United Church, also
a member of the Women's Missionary
Society. The funeral was held front
her late residence, Queen street, the
service being .condlueted 'by Rev. Dr.
Morbirn'ore rof Westfield Church. as-
sisted by Rev. G. Oliver of '.St. And
rew's United Church, Blyth, followed
by interment in Ball's cemetery. The of the four schtools in the territory Sunday, at 111 arm. and 7 P.m.pailibearcrs were cousins of the de- covered hy. the socir.ty were judged 'M'is's„H'eien Tough returned to her
ceased, Geo. IH. Rail, 'Amos Ball, Wil- and awards given as follows: Best
home last .week after spending a few
lion Ball, Ephriant Ball,J ohn E. Bali kept school grounds, 1st S, S. No. 2
lTuckersmithMiss Jean, McKenzie, dlays visiting at the home of Mr, and
and Nelson Bald. ,Mrs, Aitchison of Roxboro.
M. s's Hazel Potts of London spend teacher; 2nd, S.S. No, 3, Tuc'ker•smieh, , ,Mr, Jahn McQueen returned' to his.
Miss Mary M,UNaugh•ton, teacher,
the week end with her parents, J. W.1 ,home ie Flint last week with his ner
and -igrs, Pette. Best display of cut flowers—S.S. No.
Visitors at the home of Mrs. H. M I3t Tuckersmith; 2nd, S. S. No. 2, phew, Mr, 5. H. Neil and'. VC's. 0.
Cu'cic rsm-th:> Marked' improvement
Neil and their dau;hter Acarian, af-
Paltersoat were - Mr. and Mrs. William. p, ter spending the 'past' three months
Woods, Walliar, Mr. and mrs. Wih1µ'as noted in grounds of the'.' other
with 1nie'n'ds in the village and pie n -
eorne in and see our
new and used cars
Agent for ehrysler,
All Repairs and Labor Cash.
Bairn Patterson, Chicago; Nils.. E. 'two schools, although they did: not
'Blarsotta, Mils, A, G'al'e, and b'a'by Nen- 'find :a place in the prize list, In the
son of Toronto, explants' exhibit .of and 'cut 1 fl'ow'ers• by.
Retesell Armstrong of London ,vis- non-rnentb•era: the foll'owi'ng received
special mention — (House plants, Mrs,
A, T. iSkott; ',Snapdragon, :Mrs, Jamie -
eon; dahlias, Mrs. Dawson and Miss
(Jean Mundo'ch; .table `bosrquet, Miss
M. Marks. ,Mr. William Hart -1.y of
ISeaforbh very ably discharged' the
duties of judge. Prize list, 1932 —
House plant, in bloom—Mrs. •Rdbert
'Allain, Miss Mary M'dNavghlton, M's.
Hugh Berry.IFodiage .Plant -Mrs, D.
.Fotleeringh'am, Mrs, R. Allan, 'Mrs,
(Wm. McKenzie. Collection cif An-
nual Pth'lox--Mrs. R. A''ian, Mrs. W.
A. Bremner, Mrs. D. • Foeheringham.
'Odltl'ecthton Snapdragon —'Mrs, D. Flo-
theringhla'm,' Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. D.
'Rouatt. Collection of Dla'hlias' —'Mrs.
IR. Adan, Mrs. Wm. • MciKenz'ie.
Named Dahlias—Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs.
J. Ad'dis'on. Named Dahlia — Mrs, R.
Adnan, Mrs. Janet Ross. Display of
Gladio'li—Mrs, R. Allan, Mrs. J. Ad-
dison, Wallace Haugh. . ,Six Gladioli-
'Mrs. R. Alcan, Mrs, A. McQueen,
Mrs. J. ,Addison. One ,Spike •Glad'iolus,
named --Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. J. Ad-
dison. Collection of six annuals—Mrs.
R. Aslan, .Mrs. D. Fotheringham, Miss
M. McNaughton. Cdlle'ation of six
perennials — Mrs, R. Allan Miss 3,1.
MciNaughton, Collection of sweet
peas—Mrs. W. A. Bremner, Mrs. R.
Allan, Collection of Asters—Mrs. D.
F'otheringham, Mrs. R. Alan. Six
Asters—Mrs. D, ,Fotheringhem, Mrs.
Bruce Berry, Mrs. R. Allan. Collection
of Pansies—Mrs. R. Allan, Mrs. Hugh
'Berry, Miss M MdNaught6n Dis-
play of Begonias: Mrs R. Allan Mrs.
B. Berry. One Begonia—Mie R. Al-
len, firs. W''nt, McKenzie, _ 1lrs, B.
Berry. One Gloxinia—Mrs. •D, Rem-
elt. Table Bouquet—'Mrs, H. Berry,
Mrs. R. Aldan, Mrs. A. McQueen,
Display of Roses — Mrs. R. Allan,
-Mrs. W. A. Bremner, Mrs. B. Berry.
Six Zinnias --Mrs. W .A. Bremner,
Mrs, T. B. Baird,': Airs. R. Allan. An-
nual Larkspur Bouquet—'Mrs, R. Al-
lan, Mrs. J. Addison. One vase of any
Annual. or. Perennial .nof in above
list -Mrs. R Allan, Miss M. Mc-
Navglttot, Mrs. D. Fotheringh'am.
'Best novelty in cut flowers, or a pet-
ted plant—Mrs. A. McQueen Mrs, R.
Allan, Mrs D F'o her inghsana Spec-
ial — Three spikes Gladioli — Mrs.
Bruce Berry, Mrs. Wan. Douglas,
Mrs. 1Iti,gh A•ikenhead. One spike
Gladioli — Mrs, B. Berry, Mrs. H.
Aikenhead, Mrs. Wm:'Mc'KCenzie.
ited his mother, Mrs. Martin Arm-
strong, on Sunday.
Mrs, John Garniss and`soa Cecil of
Luc'know, were visitors with His bro-
ther, George G'arniss.
IMr. and Mrs. Herb Th'om'as of
iGuelp'h, were visitors with the lattter'ls
aunt, Mrs, E. Livingstone.
The loillldwlin'g lilt Blylth on. Mon-
day to attend Skr ltfond normial: Hazel
(Richard's, Velma Craig, Mary Lock-
hart, Annie Barr and Kenneth Cow-
:Mr, Harvey Craig of Grey town-
ship visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Craig, on Sunday.
/Mrs, R. W. Bristol deft on Thursday
Of last week to visit her :cousin, Miss'
Ward, Clinton, 'before' returning to
her. home at Waslhangton,
Mr. and Mrs. A. G'obd'hew and fam-
ily and Mrs, D. Brooks, returned to
ISltratford 'Sunday after being at their
Mr. and. Mrs. Milton Bossenbury
and grandson of Sarnia were visiting
Mrs. P. Weston last week.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Fisher of Wat-
erloo, are vielting Mrs. F. A. Ed-
Mr. G. A. Peddie, studenit pastor of
Knox Presbyterian Church for the
past three years, has gone to spend a
holiday at his home in Toronto before
entering Knox College.
Rev. M. B. Parker of Hensel( is to
conduct evening service in Trinity
'Church on Sundlay.
Miss Jessie Metcalf, who has spent
the summer holidays et her home and
Miss Millar, who was her guest for a
couple of weeks, 'returned to Detroit
Miss Mildred Cameron, RIN of
Detroit, is visiting hier sister, Miss
E. Cameron.
Dr. G. A. Ramsey has been spend-
ing a week here with Mrs, Ramsey,
who with her son, Allen, were in Mrs.
Scotchmer's cottage, "B'linkb'onnie,”
for the sunnier, all returned' to Lon-
don Monday.
Mn, and Mrs. James P. Ferguson of
'London spent the week end with Mrs.
Margaret Ferguson.
Mr. and Mrs., Victor Burt and fam-
ily spent the week end with Mr. and
Mrs, Fred. Baker. Mrs. Baker return-
ed with them.
'For the lair night concert the Agri-
culture! Society has engaged the Fa-
vorite Four entertainers who will be
assisted by Willie Bell, Scottish coin-
edian. Willie Bell has been heard here
before and was well liked. Th.e Favor-
ite Four are well thought of where
they have performed and give a good
program. Do not miss this and be at
the town hall, Thursday evening, 29th,
'Two handsome special prizes, the '$50
silver tea set, offered by the Eckert
Co,, of Toronto,; and a silver casserole
by the T. Eaton Co,, ane an display fin
;F. A. Edwards' store window. Send to.
the secretary, A. E. Erwin, for a prize
list and show segue/thing.
'Atten'tion has been drawn to an
item in this column recently concern-
ing Mrs. E. A. Featherstone, which
was, of course, quite, erroneous awing.,
to a mispelied• word.
Annual Flower Show.—'The' annual
flower show of the Brucdfield Horti-
cultural Society eras held in .the school
room of the United. Church on Tues-
day, Sept. 6th.. The" exhi'bit of flowers
was one of the best
in recent years,
many entries appearing in almost ev-
ery class. As usual the display of glad'-
iloi and dahlias attracted most at-
tention, great care having been taken
in their selection and arra'ngemen't.
For the third year the school grounds
The regular monthly meeting of the
Bruceifteld UJFIW!O. was held art the
home of Mrs. Hugh MelLaohlen, on
August l+&fh, with our president pre-
siding. The meeting was opened with
singing followed by the creed in uni-
son, The roll call was answered by
"Effects of Intemperance.'! Mrs. Mc-
Lachlan had charge of the program
and to whom much credit is due; pi-
ano selectioa by Miss Luff; mouth or-
gan selections ; by Mrs. Mdl:ad-Ilan;
piano selection by Miss 'Medley; a
couple .of dialogue's by Miss Smith,
Miss Luff and Miss .Medley; solo by.
Miss Jean Murdoch; reading by Miss
Sntieh; >topic, "Tempera nce in All
Things," was ably taken by Mrs. Mc-
Lachlan and :Mrs. Haugh. ' The 'bulle-
tin questions were given and answered
by conveners, The reeling was
brought to a chose by singling our
closing song. A joint meeting of the
IJ.F.O. anil' U.P.W.;O. will be held at
the home of Ma•. 'Sam Thompson on.
Thursday, September 22nd at S p.m.
Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Clifton to
'take the topic, "Living a Life is more
than Making a Living," roll call, t6A
(Word Hard to Spell." The hostess'
then served a dainty lunch, A hearty
vote of thanks was then tendered the
hostess for her hospitality.
1Dav'ine.,services will theheld in the
United Church` at the usual time next
'14rs, D. Bird of Science Hill is vis-
itingat the ho'ane of' Mr. and Mrs. L.
"Forrest this week.
Rev, A. E. Alain of Invermay,
Sask.,' visited at the home of Mr. and
'Mrs. 'Janes McQueen this week Mr.
Allen is a delegalte to the General
'Council of the United- Church which
meets in lI'ainalton this year.
'Mrs. Alex. Mustard, Mr J, B. Mus-
tard and Family, have returned to
their home in the village alter spend -
'Mg the past two nt'ots lis at their cot-
tage at Inver Matron.
'Mrs. 11D'r.) Artnsirdnlg o'f Tara call-
ed on friends in the village last week.
Our new baker, Mr. and Mrs.
Groom, of Newbury, moved into the
Walker House in our village last
week. We wish them every sttccess.
eared Mrs, Jiames Boyce of
,Brucelfield entertained' a number Of
their son's boiy friends, before return-
ing to their studies at the Western
University, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tucker and
Miss Mgdialene Hicks of London were
week end visitors with Mr. and .Mrs.
James Boyce.
,Mrs. R'ich'ard Peek af, Sie'afarth was
a guest at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs.
IJam'es Boyce.
Mrs. Ellen 'Artttlsltron•g, m'obh•er_ of
Mrs. Jlanaes Bby'ce, arid. her +nephew,
Mr. Percy Wheatley •and Mies Mild-
red Cook of Toronto were week end
visitors with Mr. and' Mrs.' James
Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert Fowler of
'the Huron Road, called .on their
friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyce.
The Flower Show. -The annual flo-
wer show •whileh was held' on August
30th was a decided success. Althangh
the day was one of the sultriest days
of the summer the display was wond-
erful and the atterid'ance was all :that
could' be desired. Bellow is a list of
the prize w'inner's: Exhibit of annuals,
lst, Mr. and Mrs. A. Monteith, 2nd
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ivison; exhibit of
perennials, Let, Mrs. J. D. Stewart;
2nd, Mr. and Mrs. Monteith; 3rd, Mrs.
A. E. Thomson.. Exhibit of giadioh,
ten trained, lst, Mr, and 'Mrs. A, Mon-
teith; and, Miss Jennie Chesney. Glad.
spike, any color, named, 1st, Winnie
Stewart 21a4,, Jennie•C'hdbhey. 4 glad.
spikes daff4ditt, nathed; list, Winri'ie
Stewart; 2nd, Mr, and Mrs A. Mon-
teith; 3rd, J. Chesney, Collection '03
dahlias, named list, Jenan'e Chesney;
2114,Mr, and "Mrs. A. Monteith. Three
dahlias, named, lot, Mr. and Mrs. A.
'Monteith; 2nd, Mr. and Mire W. tvli-
san. Collection of. roses, lst, Mr. W.
iFrenuh; 2nd, Mrs, Jas. McDonald;
13:rd, Mr. and' Mrs. W. Collec-
tion of asters, 1st, Mr. and Mrs. A.
,Mondteiith; 2Ited, Mrs. Jas. McDonald,
!Exhibit of sweet peas, Mr. W. Ivisoat.
!Snapdragon, Mr. and Mas. A. Mlon-
gbeitli; Marigolds, let, Mr. and Mrs. A,
!Monteith; 2nd1, Mrs. Jas, McDonald.
Exlhtibiit of zinnias, lst, Mr. and Mrs.
A,..M+oralteiith; 2nd, Mr. and.Mles, W.
Ivisan, Novelty House Plant, Ld't, Mrs.
Pa's, Mustard; 2nd, Miss's M. R, W'ivite-
iman. Specials given by the. Society—
collection of gladioli, Mrs. J. Earle
Sproat; colleotion of dahlias, Mrs. J,
iEarle Siproalt, Stpeciall men'ti'on was
made of a huge bouquet of gladioli
displaiyed by Mrs, Edea Heywood, Ex-
eter, and was highly reeommenided by
Mr. Hkantry, the -judge. The Society'
.procures their glad., bulbs from Mn.
Mr, Roy Butt spent a few days in
IT'ononto last week.
Mr. and Mrs, Emerson Mitchell and
Son Albert of Windsor visited' at the
home of Mr. and' Mrs. E+mersbn Kyle
the past week.
Mr Em'ers'on Kyle, bah had hits
house and general store re -decorated,
adds much to the dmprovement of our
'Mir. James MdClymbn't has returned
home from visiting with, his daughter,
Mrs. Verne Terryberry. •
Mr. and Mrs. Emmerson Mitchell
and Albert of Windsor spent Wast
last week with Mr. and Mrs. William
The service in St. Andrews United
Church will be withdrawn! on Sunday,
September loth, ow'in'g to the Hills
green anniversary. Services at 11 a.m.
and 7,30 p.m., conducted by the Rev.
j. W. Herbert of 'H'almesvilde. The
Cleaners Dy'ers
Phone 196w. We call and delve
"V. 5. Gillespie, Prop.
music will he furnished by the Klippen
choir. •
'The sixty-fifth anniversary of Si,
,Aisidrew's United Church, K'iippen, will'
he held o'n Sunday, October i6'th. Re-
verend Elwood ,Lawson, B.ID., of Mt,
Forest, will be the guest speaker. Tha
services will be heldait 111 ani. and
7.30 p,m,,
Rev. R. R. and Mrs. Conner have
rdtsrned from their holidays.
IThe September meeting . of the
T'uckersmitih Ladies' 'Club was held, at
the ]tome of Miss Sadie Ball. Si te u.
members and file:vislitort were ,
rent. The roll coin Was anstwered vy
hints on home sewing. Readiings were
'given by Mrs. H. J;ollns,'Mts. G. Mc-
Gregor and. Mrs. F. 'Walters. Insltrum-
enbais .were playedb iy Miss Reta Fear
and Mrs. E. Griot: The • progr'a'm
cib'sed with oomenunuty" singing and•
the rem'ain'der of the afternoon waa
sPenit in sewing. The Grend'mothers''
meeting ,will be held in °etcher et the
home df, Mr. and Mr$. Howard Johns.
lDhe roil call is to be a•ns'wered by
Something we Have to be thankful for.
'Mrs. William Gruihmett of the 7tth
concessionsuffered a stroke' on Tues
day and is recovering; slowly.
A semiafrnal glair -off game will be
held at Clinton on Friday night be-
tween 'Seaforth and Goderich, because
the game at Goiderioh was called on
account of darkness..
Want and For Sale ,Ad's. 1 time, Sc.2
All Roads Lead to
Cardno's Hall, Seaforth, on
I Tuesday; Sepiember20
at 8 p.m.Be there to hear
H n.
H. ii• Stevens,.M.P.
Minister' of Trade and Commerce in Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett'o
and Mrs. Howard Fallis of Peterboro
One of the ablest speakers and most capable men in Canadian public life, Mr. Stevens
will speak in support of
ouis N. Rader
Government Candidate for House of Commons, in South Huron
and stand behind Imperial Conference
Agreements that mean money in the
Votefor Rpockets of farmers, merchants and
workers of Huron County.
Ladies Especially Invited.
Cola, H. B, Combe, President.'
Everybody welcome.
God Save the King,
Robe. Higgins, ,Secretary.
This 'advertisemea>t inserted 'by' the South Huron Conservative Association