HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-08, Page 8HENSALL. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parlmer of Windsor spent the holiday with the lormer's parents, Mr, and -Mrs. T. W. Parlmer. Mr. and Mrs. Alex: McMurtrie• of ITiorouto visited over the holiday with !his mother here. Miss Isoibell Murray of Detroit vis- 'ited the first pant of the, 'week with ,her sister, Miss Hannah Murray. Mr, Lester Fisher of Wind SOT spent the week end with his parents, Mrs. Lou Simpson and family Of Detroit spent the week end with ,rel-. aitives here. Mr, and Mrs. Win. McLean of Ha- milton spent the week end with the laitber's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Paso—Imre. Mr. Richard Blatchford 'celebrated his 84th 'birthday- recently at the home of .his daughter, Mrs. Charles Oinks, Fifty y'ea'rs ago he was engag-' ed' in .blacks'mithiiag here and later !vent to•Dakdta for several years, re- tiring later to Henlsall where he still ,resides, Mr. Blatchford is quite smart (for his years and his many friends 'wish • hia n many more. (Labor Day p'a'ssed quietly in the village. 'Quite a number off our citi- zens spent the holiday alt the various summer resorts. - iHensall` defeated Waubuno on Sat- urday at Wau'burro in a score ;of 4' and 3 i the second round of.the O.B.A1A. gilay.offs. The weather was quite un - (favorable, the first two innings being played in the rain. Quite a number from here attended the game. (Rev. and Mrs. Young of Nairn spent the :holiday with their son, Rev. W. A. Young. IM'r. and Mrs. L. Seamon of Kitch- ener visited a with over the week end w t. Mr. and Mrs. C. Seamon_, Mrs. T. C. Joynt and children and Mrs. Robert Banthron have returned gnome after a pleasant visit with friends in Bayfield. Mr. Thos. Lang of Exeter visited friends in town on Sunday. ' 'Mrs. Thos. Hudson is visiting with her daughter, Mrs. Earl Mitchell of Us'borne. IMr. and Mrs. Bert .Glenn and fam- ily of Toronto spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Delos Huntley and Mr. and Mrs. Walker Carlile spent ' the weak end, camping at Turnbull's grove. Mr. John Steacy of Detroit is spending the holidays with relatives here, Miss Jennie Taylor is visiting for a couple of days with her sister, Mrs. IRex. Dick of • the London. Road. IMr, and Mrs. Chas. 'Cooper have moved' this week to ]Mark Dougall's ihouse on the 'Landon Road. Mr. 'Bert Wren and mother moved this week into the house recently va- cated by Mr. Chas. Cooper. Mr. Wm. iBlackwell of 'Michiganis visiting relatives here. Quite a number from, here attended ,the funeral of the late Mrs. (Gordon 'Flynn of 'London at Exeter 'Monday. iHarvest'Home •services will be held in the 1Cartnel :Preslbyterian 'Church on Sunday night. Services in our focal churches were we'll attended on 'Sunday last. At the United Church IRev. Arthur ;Sinclair had charge •af the services. Very plea- ding solos were rendered Iby''Mr. ISam !Rennie in the morning and' Mr. W. O. (Goodwin.in the evening At'the Car- mel Presbyterian Church 'Rev. W. IA. Young occupied the pulpit. , TOWN TOPICS' TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO September, 1906. ^'Messrs, Town & Case have opened the evaporator and are -ready for an- other season's 'work. iThe Grand Trunk station is bung re -shingled, this week. Another im ; provemen't would be a nice coat of'. paint. Cromarty. IMr. 'John A. Norris of Cromarty has sold his farm to Mr, F, L Hamilton for the stem of ,$6,600. Mr.' Norris leaves On September 7th for the West, Where he purposes taking his family in the spring. Hullett. The crops in Old Ontario will beat the West all hollow this season. For. instance, Mr. Lonnie Tyndale .wild a't least have 700 bushels off 22 acres. He has a thirteen acre ,field which hever- ily 'believ'es will yield 40 bushels to the acre. lit is a mixture of Michigan Ali -fiber and Dawson Golden Chaff,' Varna. 1Mrs. 'Second, who has been a resid- ent of this village for the, past forty years, died last' weak at the home of her nephew, Mr. J. J. Ward. The de- THE SEAFORTH NEWS. In 99th Year. Mfrs. Levy sit, who makes her home with her son, Mr, W. J1 Levy, Mitch- ell, itch -ell, was very illlast week, but ^ has rallied again, Mrs. Levy is in her 99Th year and is 'Mitclroll's oldest \resident, having lived there for over sixty years. Perth County Items. The; contract for the new Sit. Marys posit office building has been awarded to Ms. Robert Cameron: o'£ A'1monte, at the contract price of ,$22,000 and with the ,price of the site added $2,300, will total` $214,1300, leaving a 'balange of 015,700 otst of the $30,000 appropriat- ed by the Dominion Government. -{Man Hiles, the .young son of M. M. Hiles of Atwood, met with a rather severe accident the, other day. By same means be gat Mold of some powder, and applied a match to it, with the result that the lad's face and hair got a great.blackening and fburn- in(g, and his sight also was affected for a time, Accidents. Wednesday afternoon of last week a serious accident occurred on the Gue'ilph and Gnderich railway con- struction a short distance east .of Car- low, in which Tobias Fisher and 'En- gineer William's were `seriously ,in- jured. Something went wrong with the track and. the car and dankey.en- ceased who was 76 years aid, for a gine rolled down the bank' and the number of years with her late hns- two men were caught between -the car and engine. Besid'eis the cuts they received they were considerably scalded by the .es'capin'g steam, William Klea, On of Mr. August ,Klee of Logan, met with a 'b'ad ac- cident a few days ago. He wars help- ing to unload hay by means of a hay fork. The pulley rape gave way and the fork came ,d'owlnti just miss- inlg the young man's body. He put up his hands to save himself and one of the prongs entered the palm of his right hand and passed up 'the fleshy part of the arm, the point coning through the skin a few inches below the ebbe*. =On Saturday last white Mr, Will L'ash'brook of Mitchell was doing some 'p'lumbing and cutting a lead pipe, a knife which he was using slip- ped and cut an ugly gash in the fleshy part of his left arm, which .re- quired the assistance of 'a doctor to dress it. Although very painful it is thought that nothing serious will follow. ,band conducted a shop in. the village. Bayfield. Work is now .going on at the liar - boor where the Government will this season exppend, $800. The foreman is Mr. Murdock Ross than 'whom .none of our citizens have a greater interest in keeping the harbor in good s1fapie. (The' work on the -new Mdthadist "Church 'is beang pushed along rapidly and it, will probably be ready for the opening services in October. It is a neat structure and. will be a credit alike to the congregation and to the village. The seating capacity will be 200. Mr. and Mrs, Jblhn Frazer are ex- pected home this week from Sco'tl'and. Brucefield. Mr. Murray of .near Hlillsgree;n, has ,been engaged on the Grand • Trunk section here.. Mr. C. Wilson, wide and family have taken up their abode in Mr. John Swann's brick house and intend re- maining in the village for some length of time. Mr. -J. H. Herbert, owner of the Duncan .McTavish farm on the Mill road, has gone to Long Beach, Calif., where he p'urp'oses remaining for sev- eral month's. Constance. Mr. Richard Hoth!atn, who lives one and a quarter miles east of here had a very successful auction sale on Mon- day last One three-year-old filly sold as high as $-x25.00, other stock equably as well. 'Labor Day Union Picnic. The Seaforth Presbyterian.' and 'Me'thodis't Sabbath schools held a • most successful union Picnic in Mr. James Beattie's grove on Labor Day. 'Tlte weather conditions were perfect and as this was the only attraction in town for the day, a large crowd of adherents from both churches and their friends were present and all were unanimous in voting that it was one of the most enjoyable afternoons that they had spent for some time. Everything was arranged and carried out in perfect order and the best 'of good fellowship prevailed. The re- freshments were in abundance and all thoroughly enjoyed the good things, which had been provided for the ac- casion, when lunch time came. A go'od' ,program of sports, etc. Was carried out during the afternoon .un' der the supervision of Messrs. James Robb and Wan. Edmond's, assisted .by Messrs. Bert Archibald and Norman Henderson. The winner of each event was presented with a ' prize of same description as a souvenir .of the pic- nic. A'l'together it was a most enjoy- able affair and no doubt all would he willing to make it an annual treat. 'Tlhe following is a list of the winners of the various contests: 50 yd. boys i fifteen and over—'O. Robb 1st A. S'c'ott 2nd 'W._Elliot 3rd, 50 yd. boys twelve and under—'A. Reid ,Ist, L Seale 2etd, B, Hart 3rd. 50 yd. girl's 1'5 and over—A. Scott 1st, G..Stag- dil.l 2nd, Q, Smith 3rd. 50 yd. 3 leg, boys 15 and • ower—!R, Stott, C. 'Forbes 'let, A. Scott 0. Robb 2nd, E. 'MacLean Nelally 3rd. 30 yd. small girls—C. GO 1st, S. Doherty 2n(1, ,S. Robertson 3rd. 50 yd. girls 12 and under -IE. Hoag hat, H. Richardson 2nd, E. 'S•togdill 3rd, Boy's obsltacle open:—IF. Larkin, 1st, B. Hart 2n!d, 3. (Adam's 3rd. Girls, apple—A. Scott, '1st, M. Scott 2nd, G. Stogdill 3rd. 'Sack, hays—IA. 'Reid list, F. 'Larkin 2nd, B. Hart 3rd. 3 leg, girls — A. Scott G. Sto'gdiil 1st, E. Holmes $. 5'tbgd'i11 2nd, F. Laidlatw ,M. Cowan 3rd, Infant girls—T, Pethnck 1st, 112. (Pinkney 2n'd, B. Larkin 3rd, Infant boys --IR. H•oim'an 1st, S. Hart 2nd, H. Barnett 3rd, Thread the needle—'M. Cowan list, A. Smith 'Ln'd, N. Pe'thick ..,S,co•bt tie, 3rd, WINTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard and Betty and Jack and :Mr, John 'Arm- strong spent the week end in London nvihth relatives. Mr. and IMre Elton Ha0st' and son 'Billie spent the holidays with Mrs.. Wolin Hoist, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph- Dolmage treated !their (friends to a corn roast Monday night. Mr. iArohie .Campbell of Toronto spent a few days' with his'' Mather, iMrs. Ca'mp'bell. • ,Mrs. Joseph (Little spent the week t ,Mr. and Mrs, iareas h her , ' end w t parents, Geddes of .Belgrave, Miss Margaret 'Montgomery is vis- iting her aunt, Mrs. (Reid of Wing - ;ham. . !Mrs. George Little returned home on Monday after spending a few m'ont'hs in Ireland. IMr. Harold ISmialld'on 'anti family of Walton, iMr. and Mrs. Holster Ben- nett and Mona and IMr. John Bullard spent (Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. (Eaton. `iMr, and ,Mrs. Adam Do'dds.of Lis- towel spent the holiday with friend's. . Roe Sprains, and Bruises.—'There is nothing ,better for sprains and con- tusians than Dr. Thomas' Dclectric Oii, It will reduce the swelling that follows a sprain, will coon the in- flamed flesh and draw the pain, III will take ;the ache out df a 'bruis'e by coy p(tera cti•ng the inlflammation. A trial will convince any who 'Id'oaalbt its power. THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 1932. ,Aileenlhead, Mr. and Mrs.' Ma'iness, Mr. and Mrs. W. II, Robinson and 1} m , ifai Dr, Tillman and fanny, Mr. and Mrs Nolan, Dr. and Mrs S. W. 'lhonras Mr. and Mrs, C. R'. Will, (London; Mr, and Mrs Perry, Wind- sor; Mr, and Mrs, I -I, Southam, To- ronto, and oitiers. Mrs, D. McDonald, Ma-, B. "Mc- Donald of Sarnia were guests of Mrs. A. Newton -(Brady over the .week-,. end. Ir. Sidney Castle of Stratford ° was home over Sunday, Mr: Weir Erwo'od and Miss 1 Elva (Elwood visited their mother, Mrs. J. Castle, over Sunday. • Miss Cecil McLeod has returned home from a visit in. 'Toledo. (School re -opened Thursday with the same teachers, Miss Kirkc and rMiss Margaret.Ferguson,. in charge. ,. iMr; and Mrs. Liib'sltaff and Mr. Dreiger of Toledo were ,guests of Mrs. Adelaide McLeod last week. The Fair Directors are busy get- ting ready for the annual lair to be held' September 28th and 29Th. Get your exhibit ready. BAYFIELD. Miss (Ruth Houston and Miss Webb Of London spent the week -end • with Mr. and Mrs. S. Houston. ' (Miss,. Dolly Ross of Phi'la'delphia' and Mfrs. Hassett of Buffalo spent the week -end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Ross, who, since • their home was destroyed by fire, have been staying • with Mrs. S. Houston. Mrs. Turner, Miss 'Doris Turner and Mrs. Hawkins Of London, vvltb were guests of Mrs, Percy Weston, returned home Monday, Mrs. Lumsdenand daughters of Detroit who had 'Bellevue" cottage for the season, left for home S•unr- d`ay. 'Miss Elva Dewar and Mr. David Dewar left Monday to resume their teaching duties at Toronto. Miss Agnes Kerr of M'im'ico, who has been visiting' Mrs. F. Baker, re- turned home- Sunday. iMliss Mina Procter Of Toronto vis- ited her aunt, Mrs. 'George King over the week -end. Mrs. D. Prentice of Toronto was with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Stinson over the holiday. There will be no .service in Trinity Church Sunday. On the foilolwinig Sunday, the 160h, ,Rev, Mr. Parker of, Hensalil will conduct service in the evening. Mr. G, Peddie, who has been at his h'om'e in Toronto for a week, re- turned Monday. (Miss Amt Dewar has gone to In- verhuron for -a few holidays, Mrs, R. F. Gairdner and daughter Betty, have gone to Toronto for a Visit. Mr. Donald M. Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. .. Donald Cameron lir. and Miss 'Irene Burton of Detroit were guests of Miss E, Cameron over the week- ehd. .Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Neelin left on Thursday to visit in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon were at the Rectory over the week -end. KIPPEN. Mr. and Mrs. Evans, who have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 'Dayman for the past couple of weeks, refugened to their home in London on, Saturday l'as't. (Miss Ann. MdNaughtonhas left to commence duties as teacher of S.S. No. 4, ,South, Shanley tawnlsh'ip. We wish her every succuss. Mrs. James Dayman, who, has been spending a few days' ;with her daugh- ter, 'Mrs. Robert Green of London, has returned home. IMr. Joseph Daylm'att and daughter Miss Beatrice, spent a few enjoyable days last week. in Toronto.. Miss Pearl 'Harris of C'hisel'hurst spent a few days last week with her aunt, Mrs. J•nseph Dayman. Mr. and Mrs. 'H+alntberg' and two: daughters of Sault Ste. Marie spent last Saturday with Miss Mary Mc- Naughton of 'Tuckersanith. Ur. Harry Norris spent the week end in. Detroit, Judge John A. Currie and wife and son Jack of Port Huron, Mich,, spent the week -end . visiting their friends, •Mr. and Mrs. W. Mi ctLaren lDoig, • Mr. John C. Doig 'L)LiB. of De- troit, and his friend, Mr. Anthony Renwick, shipping clerk for Fisher !Bros. of Detroit, spent the week -end visiting the farmer's parents. (Mrs. M. A. McDonald of Usborne is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. H. • Rev. and Mrs,' Paull left Monday to visit in London and lbzonito. 'Mr. and Mrs, R. Clarke of Cleve - lend, Mrs, Eric Yorke and Beverley Toronto, and Mrs: V. Bart and fam- ily of London, spent the past week With Mr, and Mrs.' F. Baker, IA's has been' the custom for years past Blaylfidbd Civac Holiday will be observed on Thursday, September 115, ;Several cabtagers have left for their homes, Arnan:g them Mr, and "Mrs. IFlinou't, Flint, Mr, R. W. Bristol, and Mos, Charles Molnhersead :of ,Wash ington; Rev and Mrs. Lang:)Ford, Mr. and Mrs, Bricker and sena, Kit- chener; Ming, Jenkins, Mr. and Mrs, Green. ITh'e service in St. Andrew's United Ohu'rch will be conducted by Rev. W. A. Bremner of Bruiceifield' on Sunday, Septennlber 'ltlgth at 1'1 am. The Hilhsgreen anniversary will be held on Sunday, September l81h, ser- vices at 111 a.m. and 7.30 p.'n. Rev. J. W. Herbert of Hola negsville will be the guest speaker. Music furnished by Kippen c'ho'ir. IFnlbon—At Streeitsvilie, on Sunday, 'Septem'ber 4, 11932, in his 87th year, Joseph Fulton, beloved father of jos= eiph and W. G. Fulton and; Mrs, R. A. Lundy. Funeral from his late resiid- ence, Sitreetsvgil'le, on Wednesday, September 7, at 2,x30 p. m. Interment in Trinity Church Cemetery. +Mir. and Mrs. W. J. McLean of Kirkland Lake .spent a few days re- cen'tly with K!ip!pen friends. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Love of Lan sing, Mich,, spent the week -end , with their parents in the village. Messrs. Harry Norris and ,- Bo't Bllgie spent a few days in .Detroit and took fit the boat races while there, Which were _very interesting, the ciatin, Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Foster of Wind- sor spent the week -end with Mr. ant Mrs. CJla's. McDbnatd and Milen friendls. Harvesting is con'c'luded in these parts and t'hre'shing is the' .ord'er of the day., `Mr. John McKlay has left for hili Norte in` Saginaw, Mich., • after pleasant visit• with his sisters in th:e village,• The different candidates are mak• in; g personal calls through r ugln the riding with a smile and a hearty Nand shake iMr. and Ivl'rs. W. E. Butt and Mr and nobs, 'Thos. Butt spent the week• end with friends in Flint, Mich. DUBLIN c Miss Nellie Ryan of 'Toronto seen the week -lend with .her mblther, M•rs Pat. Ryan. 'Mr, Charles McGrath of Kansa ICiity, son of the tate Hugh MCGrat oif Hibbert, visited atthe homes of his uncles,' Messrs.\ Pat and Jack Me 'Granth of Dublin. it is 30 years sing 'his last visit here, 'Mr. Joseph' M'dOonnell of Chico' is "visiting at the ;h'oime of his par eats, Mir. and Mrs. Dave MldGontneld. Much sy'm(palthy is extended to M' and Mrs, Joseglh Jordan in the los +nt their fine !barn by fire last Friday 'about three -nai es south of Duiblin; Al ,of this year's crap, two horses, on eolw,' all the hens, and vainabl'e 'int ipllemenits, including a ,tractor, we'd ode 23cr for_ N LAG FRE'S'H PICNIC HAM @ ............... .... ...... .. lOc BACK BACON @ ., 23c PALM OLI•VE SOAP......... ... . ..... ,... ..... 4 cakes 25c MAN. FLOUR .. ..........per cwt $2.10 • We,do not want eggs overr7 days old. .. . A W. J SEE- • Regent Theatre The New Show at;our expense F�E E On any order for Cleaning or Dyeing over $1.00, left in our office on September 9th and 10th, we. will give 'ON'E TICKET FREE n • Oiliespie's' eleaners� and Dyers Seaforth - - r - Phone 156 , consumed • .in the 'blaze. Spontaneous MUSIC cont'bustion is 'believed' bo have caused Anne G. Govenlook, Teacher of the fire. The blaze was ' disc'overed lPiano, !Organ and Theory. Pupils pre - about five o'clock, Mr. Jordan ;, w,as pared for Toronto Conservatory of absent from home, attending .a thresh- Music Examinations. Studio N. Main ing at the time, but neiglhlbors quick- St.,iphone 1103.' 37 ly assembled and succeeded in saving the house. The loss, which ,will be • heavy, is believed to be partly covered FOR SALE by insurance. itiwo New Idea Spreaders for sale. IMr, Jack McGrath 3 . went to These; will be sold at Bargain Prices. Clandtboye on Monday to teach Apply to R. S, HIAIYIS, •Seaforth, Ort. school. ' • 37 Me.and Mrs. Joe. Williams " of Detroit visited their many friend's around Dublin on Wednesday last. REAT. BRIAR PIPE With Sample Package -40 lbs. mild AUCTION SALE . or strong leaf tobacco, $2.50; 20 lbs. Of House and Lot in the Vil'lage of for $4.00;' S0 lbs. for $8.00; 1100 lbs. for Dtt'bdin, also Household Furniture, on ;$14.00. Pure Quesnei, 3 !lbs. for $2.00. Friday, •Se'pte'miber 16th, cotmmencin'g Agents wanted. Shipped anywhere. G. at 2 o'clorek. On the lot is a'snx-room Dubois, '2 lHen'derson St.,- Ottawa, frame dwelling, barn, garage and hen Ont. ' house. Soft water in, house, House hold Effects. -1 bedroom suite, 2 FARM FOR SALE rocking chairs, 2 verandah chairs, 6 • dining room chairs, 3 ,bedroom sets, In Township of McKillop, the south 1 Wlhirlpaol wash'in'g machine, 1 New `half o'f lot 20, on 12th concession of Century washing machine with MnKilllop, comprising 50 acres. Good wringer, 1' quarter -cut: oak 'library sugar bush and never failing water. table, 1 round dining room •exitension Apply '10 M•rs' Alex. H. '.Ross, Wal- talbl'e, 'goad as new; 2 fail -leaf tables. ton, R.R. 2, Terms on Furniture—Cash. "Terms on house and lot made 'known day' of SEAFORTH MARKETS. sale, MRS. MARY FLYNN, Prop.; T. Brown, Auctioneer, 37. Bran, per 'cw't. - $19 WANTED Shorts, pet cwt $21 Middlings, per cwt. .. , ...525 Wonsan wants washing 'to do at ,Butter, per lib. 18c home. Apply at News Office. 3!8. Wheat, per bus. ••45'c (Eggs, .per doz. 9c -13c -19c NOTICE. ' 'ice New Oats, .,per bus. . , . .' 22c Ratepayers of the Tdwnship of New. Potatoes,, per bag dOs Tuckersmith who wish to draw gravel Hogs, per cwt. .,.. '$4.'8545:3`. from Allen's pit, communicate with JOHN EARLE, at once. Phone num- ber Nana andsFor Sale ,Ads. 1'time, 35c 143e5, 56 I 6 n ` i J• Been Obtainable for Some Time on Has Bonds of Strictly Gilt -Edge Quality t Most investors' have,adopted a waiting attitude; unaware of the certainty that lower interest rates must prevail in the 'future. , s Nevertheles'st the courageous .few who do not move with h the crowd, but calmly investigate and appraise on their Town initiative, are now quietly adding to their holdings issues which combine security and income to a degree rarely ob- tainable. 'Bonds in the gilt -edge division will be recommended on Chico., r' request, / '.�IST &CO. Limited E,A.SIEG R , investmestt Bankers s• New Bank of Toronto LONDON, Building,.Ontario "Sound Investment Counsel" e Tel: Metcalfe 31370.1. , e,