HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-08, Page 1,Wiorkl and pure slumber's shall wait on thy pillow— (W'ork! thou shalt ride oder care's coming billolw— 'Lie not dniwn wearied, 'ne'ath woe's eaforth HURON COUNTY'"S LEADINGNEWSPAPER weeping wi1lo•w, But work with a': stout heart and resolute will 1 Work for some' hope -she it ever so lowly— 'World for all labor is noble and holy! WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 36. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,THURSDAY, SEPT. 8, 1932 Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS' Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME (MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Friday and Saturday Spec-iaIs 20 lbs. Sugar for . $1.00 or 100 lbs. sugar for $5.00' 'with the purchase :of groiceries to the value of $1.00. .5 lbs. WESTO'N'S SODA BISCUITS in handsome tin 1.49 IBread'b'ox for •w 1BENSDORP COCOA.— Regular 50c per c for This superior .Cocoa is from Hol- land, an ASC 'Crosse & BIa l we'1i!s Relish 35c A new Dutch Oven valued at 1.50 $1.85 BOTH FOR 93c. IC. & B. say this is a bargain if ever there was one. 5c HAND BRUSHES, two for....5c SPECIAL FDR TFiRESHINGS, etc. —'Fray Bentos Corned Beef. 6 Db. cans , '°4" Ready cooked; no bones, no waste and A'W'AY B'E- ,IJOIW OOSIT. EGGS.-IB'ought for cash or lc per dozen more in trade. 1-'-CIRDAM—,Bought for Seaforth Crea- mery at Creamery prices. CLASS DAIRY BUTTER Bought at any time. • ' F. D. HUTCHISON PHONE 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE O HNY: E. L. BOX PP43 CONISTANIOE. !Mrs, Mary Sltewlart of Sea'fortlh spent a few days,with her d'aughter•, Mrs. Roy Lawson, IConstanc•e United Church intend !holding the anniversary and WWI sup- : Iger October ..3rd and 25'th. 'Holiday visitors et the ho'm'e,o'f .Mr. 1WIm. Moore and his mother Mi's. Moore were: Mr. Jack Moore, Mists Mary Moore, Mr, Adell and Mr. and Mrs. Horn, ail of 'Toronto, and Mr, s>l r !Robert Moore of 'Stratford. Mrs. W. Willson Sr. and Mr. and Mrs. Will Millson of Cleveland visited' alt the home of Mir. and Mrs. Peter !Lindsay over the week=end. Mr, and MTS. Lea Stephenson visit- ed Mr, and Mrs. Justin" Sinclair,over the '11oldd'ay. Miss Blanche Wheatley returned to Toronto to resume her duties as (teacher on Monday. 'M'r, Bill Dale and sister Mrs, Bram; ie of. Toron't'o spent a yfew days with (their parents, ,Mr, and Mics James t.` ;',tyv f 7 CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. The Pastor expects to be in his pul- pit newt Lord's Day. 6S4. at 10 a.tn, l!1 5.n'—+Pulbl'ic Worship Subject, Wary So Fearful " 7 p.m.—(Public Worship. Sulb'jedt, "Why Go to 'Church?" WILL HOLD FOWL SUPPER The Women's Guild of St. Thomas' !Church, Sealfoeth, intend holding ,a Pawl supper on 'Tuesday, September 27th. ` HOME AND SCHO.O,L A meeting of the •Home and S'chool Association will be held at 4 aclo:ck, Monday, September 12th, at the pub- lic school ' PENNY BANK. The Penny Bank report shows that in the .Seaforth bracn'h, the total amount on deposit at end of June, !1932: $116713.26. tComp'arative figures' of a year ago: $117113:56. BOWLING The Ladies' .Bowling Club 'held the third of a series of local 'tournaments on Tuesday" afternoon, whish. was much enjoyed, although the weather was slightly showery at times. The p.rizes 'were donated by ,Mrs. H. J. 'Gibson and won by Mrs. H. Noice, 1st, with two wins, plus 141 and Mrs. C. Corrie, 2nd, with two wins plus lR. IJEAVPNG FOR ENGLAND Mr. Arnold Turnbull' is spending a 'few days this week with his mother, Mrs. G. T. Turnbull, and sister, Miss Mabel Turnbull, before leaving for England to assume his duties as sec- retary for Great Britain' of t'he, Dm - pedal Life Assurance Co., with offices at London, England. He will sail on the S.S. Duchess' of Richmond on September 16th from Montreal WOMEN'S IN'STITUTE. ;The Women's Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting on, Wed- nesday, ISepltemlber 114th at 2[30' at the home of Miss Thelma Elgie. The roll call will be a verse 'of poetry or a poem. The topic will be the relation of bhe home to the school, to be taken by Mrs. E. tB, Goudie. A demonstra- tion of flowers 'for table setting will he given by Helen McKercher. Each member is requested' to bring her flowers. Every'bbdy welcome. RETURN'S FROM WEST. Mr, Thomas Staples of, town has returned from an 'enboyable trip by motor to Manitoba and Saskatchewan, aceoampan,ied by his niece, Mrs. Mit- chell, and her husband; Mr. W'il'liam Mitchell, principal of Beantsville •Cal legiake, and the latter's father, Mr, Mitc'hell, Sr., also of B'eantsville ((lin- coin county). Crops in the West will yield well and althoughit is five years since he last was out there, Mr. (Staples th'i'nks conditions are much improved this year. The panty visited friends and relatives in the Killarney 'district in M'ani'toba, .where two :b:di- thers and a sister live, Raberta,ait,de ''Isaiah. ;and Mrs, Wi'lli'am Dfay. At the Patter's place they found thlat ".over, day's threshing had yi ldedr ;300 tbu.slhels and there•.ttMertcl3 'e rt.."° tm e a� ore days' threshing tq•;com'pleter3 'People in Manito'b`11Yit11lhave fine farms; (fine ' ham8s pan+d dilt sf rhe'' says, 'but bhe# [b'a'rns are nlgt.'.a}suall as larfge thoe`''ereoted yin. Ontario,. as he' •reps are (tin ` itis the se,14d" ,Mr. ibajtleis hews,;five etas �liioWing :.' w v bhe poetionsx of, 1111fehrigany' hTyiidls {' 's app; .tatid',,tjte ail d" n;1Vt e7s1t`'thro . ' �� h g eel WILLIAM BLACK WITHDRAWS Mr. W'illia,tn 9Black, ;elf Tuckersiui'th,. h as announced his withdrawal as Pro- greasi've candidate in the ,South Huron (by-election. :At a •meeting of his ex- ecuitive Friday evening IMr. Black tendered' his •wibadx'aw'al, which was accepted. NEW LEGAL FIRM The announcement is made by Mr. R. S. Hays, Barrister, at Seaforth, of :the formation of a new legal firm to t ake over the practice conducted by Hays for (the ,past forty years. lThe new firm is Hays &' .Meir, in ?which Mr. Hays has been joined by iMr. H.'G.`Meir of Winds'or. Mr. !Meir is a lawyer of wide exper- ience having been connected with the Canadian Manufacturers' Association, 'Toronto, fora number of yeaais, sullb- sequen.tly practising at Ge'orgetown, Ontario, and for the past four years a't 'Windsor. As a member of 'Messrs. (Furlong, Furlong, Awrey, S!t.. Aub'tn & Meir, Mr. Meir has been .City ,Slol- dci'tor for the city of East Win'dsbr, devoting particular attention to Cor poration and Mtlnicipall law. At a re- cent meeting of the City Council at 'Ease .Windsor, the following resolu- tion was unanimously passed: "Resolved that the City Clerk be instructed to write a letter to Mr. Meir expressing the .appreciation df the Council for the very capable and 'expeditious manner in which Mr. Meir has handled the legal bu'sines's of the city of East Windsor `•since his connection with 1'ies'srs. • Furlong & Company; to express regret at his leaving the firm and the Border 'Cities' and to wish 'him good health and ev- ery success in his new venture." Mr. Meir moved from Windsor .to Seaforth on September 1st, and is now living in Mrs. L. T.,,DeLacey's residence on John street. HON, DR. MANION TO SPEAK AT EXETER N'EXT WEEK • The opening gun in the South Hur- on by-election campaign will be fired by the .Government forces on Thurs- day, September, 1'S, at Exeter, when Hon. Dr, R. J. Manion, minister of railways and canals in R't. Hon, R. B. Be.nnett's Govern'men't; will be the speaker. Dr. Manion will speak at a mass meeting in Exeter at 8 p.m. in the interests of Louis H. Rader, Conserv- ative candidate, warden of Huron county, well known fanner and mem- ber of the 'Ontario agricul'tu'ral coun•- ail. As this is the first big meeting of the by-election campaign, keen and widespread in'teres't has been mani- fest, and arrangements are being; made to 'handle a record crowd which is expected to hear' Dr. Manion's im- portant message. (The minister of railways was .press liaison officer at the Imperial Eco- namic Conference recentlyconcluded at Ottawa, and was closely in touch with all aspects of that, momentons gathering. He will deal with the ag- [cements concluded there. whereby the farmers of S'owth Huron and the rest of Canada will ` find wider mar- kets for their products and will reap 'm'any material benefits. This will be the first time that a cabinet minister has entered the riding during' the present campaign, and the .first time the people will have had an opportun- ity, of hearing first hand what hap- pened at the Ottawa conference. Mr, Racier also will outline 'h'is at-, titude to the questions of the ' day, Everylbody is welcdme and the ladies are especially invited to attend. ancl. hear the discussion of prolblemsl o!f vital interest to then, +fi Dancing Take pride, in the accoin- pl:shlnteints Oa your children, Have, them 1patrghlt [d'an'cing by'11`thoilohglhhy don, pe'tent ,•'.ri1S'bructo}'11 with/ 'sixr.. years' exp erienc'e. z ft:•b 8" i;x IDancnng,gives health, ,grace, t '`prossdi olid an open' tiod'r to F!tlhg best oyf society, ,.t • (Classes will be ang'ani-zed et' "1/0 g+a esx, rfitafilk..'Satt, Sept. 'loth C,9,�:ne' ea,rlybani . take +Taidlv3•titaig o't 11 Qciai 5prices in first students. • ilwlhlidh 04 r.1..:yI.D.,l, ,lltJ,11i,7. H ttia'ti M. FPNNLGAIN Ex p'u!plil •05 Lleondiolp, Miir7i!S'te:nilbeng and 4hot,• orregt, Toronto, r.!taM1.A.:V" a,y Sat.10 a,m. t;Aa A.,.I8t }IT 51 Ci'Si ti.12 JOHNSON-BOYES. On Saturday, September 3rd a quiet but pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. ,and Mrs, Edward Boycs, IBrucefield, when their eldest daugh- ter Eva Jane, (became .tire. •bride of IMr. Wilbert L. Johnson, youngest Son of Mr, and Mrs. Edward Johnson, IGoderich,at high noon, Mrs. Prank Flo!wier, sister of the bride, played the 'wedding music and to the strains of ILo'hengrin's Bridal Chorus the bridle and groom took their places 'before a (bank of 'ghadilolus and ferns. The [bride who . was given in marriage by •+her father looked charming in her gown of salmon color georgette' and .carried a 'bouquet of roses, snap- dragons and baby's breath. White horse and white kid slippers com- pleted her costume. Mrs. Wilmer Reid, sister olf the bride, was brides- maid and was gowned in figured blue georgette and carried a bouquet of sna'pdra:gons, baby's bre'atlh and dein, Mr. Bert Bolyes, .brother olf the bride, was best ratan. Rev. W. A. (Bremner of Bruceleld United Church 'performed taw marriage armory, 'During the signing of the register,, Mr. Frank Fowler gave a pleasing 'violin solo Until ' After hosts of congratulations the bride led the way Ito the dining room where "d'ecoreti-ons were carried out in pink and, White, where a..wedddng dinner was served. The bridegro'om's gift to the bride 'was a cabinet o!f.silver, to the bride's= maid silver salt and $eppers, to the best man a tie pin, to the pianist a white gold brooch, and to the so'lois't a walnut snn'oldint!g stand. The waiters for the wedding were Miss Jean Murdoch, Miss 'Donna (Welsh, Miss Myrtle Armstrong and Miss Norma W'els'h. Immmediately af- ter the wedding dinner Mr. and MTs. Johnson left on' a motor trip. The bride chose for her travelling costume a smart dress of nigger brown silk_ crepe with white trimmings, and coat of bllack with sand fur trimmings, close fitting hat and brown hose and brown kid slippers, and She carried a brown hand hag.: On their return Mr. and Mrs. John son will reside in Goderich. • CAT'HOLI'C WOMEN'S LEAGUE. $ very successful meeting of the IC.IWJL. was held recently in -the par- ish hall with the president, Mrs. Jas. (Devereaux, 'pres'id'ing. This being the first sneering sifter vacation .matters were discussed for future activities. It. was decided`, to hold a chicken sup- per on October 5th and a bazaar in 'November.' lOn September •6th the League hon- ored the oldest member of the Soci- ety, Mrs. William Fortune, . an the occasion of her ninetieth birthday by presenting her with a basket o,f fruit. Mrs. James Devereaux and Mrs! James Cleary were appointed 'dele- gates to the Diocesan Convention in !London, Oct. 118th to 20th. SIR GIfLB'ERT PARKER WAS SEAIFORTH OLD BOY. Was A Resident of ,Seaforth For Five Years. Sir Gilbert Parker, who ;died in (England an Tuesday, September '6, was a Seaforth old ',bay. Sir Gitiiest died in his 70th year after a heart attack, He had gained fame in the fields of literature and statesmanship, and was the'autho-r of sdch best sell- ers as "The Seats Of the Mighty" and "The Liaise: •That Had No Turing." He had been working steadily in his 'Lo'ndo'n •fllat in Whitehall 'Court t iiitil !Sunday, 'when it was necessary for nurses to attend him. Born in Cam- den East, Ontario,' Nov. 23, 1'360, he 'attended the Ottawa Normal School, and obtained :a second-class teacher's certificate at the age of 1i7. After an interval of teaching he attended Trin- ity College for -two years;'and then taught at the Ontarip_I1is4i'tulte,for ;the de'alf and' 'drinib; at 'Belleville. L'a'ter' he was ordained a deacon in ,K•in,gs'ton, I'n! `1'885 ,Young Parker left Canada :for a tour' of Australia, on the•comp] etron of 'Which `he 'became assodate ed'iitor. of fhe,Sydney He0aid, In ,this positiron he' was able to travel extensively ,'iii Australia; and throtig+h the Slou;th Sea Islands; ' With the ambition to take: nip authorship seriotis,ly Parker left, Australia iii l099 aipd-. se)+tled in Enlg-; laind, which 'he ;made• his home ever_ since. Tiheyear 11895, was the brigli;tT' tilt' and in'osit important of his, entire, life. In it he pu'blis'hed hys first .novel and, 'by general consenit, his. best; and in; the same year he Married • .Miss 1! ,• Community Sale Days Friday and Saturday Will Be MoneyMaking Days for You at This Store 0 Every arcticle of merchandise will be specially reduced in price for these two days. It to be a FESTIVAL OF BARGAINS AT SAVAUG E'S Gift Shop JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, CHINA Phone 194. Res. 10, Arty Van Tine, a wealthy woman from New York. From that point un- til the end, there was a -continual. flow of fiction from has desk, varied in style, amazingly• varidd geographical- ly and•including a wide range of moods and themes. The following is the letter, reprint; ed from the files' of The News wliich was written in 1924 at the time 431 the re -union: - 24 Portman Square; W.I. . r London, Englai#d; TUCKERSMITH.. '@th Judy, '1924x. . Mr. and: Mrs. Ray Carito;ch'ap of My Dear Mr. Mayor, lDetroit and Mr. ,and Mrs, Jack' Gor- I have received .twice fro.rn Sea nth dots of !M�.illop agent Sunday with the pndgrainnne of the, Stea'forth 01d OsIr. and,Mrs. Cecil O'ke. Boys' Reunion •and this ,year ii' i to , IMr. and, Mrs. Russell !Coleman and take ,place in ,thie .first week of Au ,ust. tMiss Dorothy and .Hazel spent ' Sun- I am an'•old Seaforth boy,' for I ivied day with frien'd's in London. there five years, -I think, 'a -bout 'the Miss ;Ruth Carn'ochair'Spe'nit'several time it was madeinto a village anddays with her aunt in Toronto. - had a reeve. My, memory is a good Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman spent one .end I' recall the' school -hose 'Sunday With friends in Hensall. and R'oliect Moody, who, was st tioir ' 'master and closely related' to an of . t HULLE,TT. the Strickland sisters, who wroth - .1APr tty fall S�edd'iug ;was sioletvt, Roughing It iii'khe B'us'h:" I rcall ]zed at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. the Chu•rc-h of 'England where Rtesf Frank Wood, Huilett, on •Thntrsdiay, P.: Ii, 5'tatrr. was rector aitd the front 6'epaeiivber ls,t at eleven o'glock•:when street and the salt works, . and 1 the their on'l'y daughter '14'ary Louisa, fact that. very ,many of the citizens was `'u'n'ited in marriage:' to William were of S,cotcfi descent, wird tha 1 Edmund 1lanting, younger, stmt of wore a Scotch cap, got, I thiniki at JM.; '1t n,r. arid- a 'Bonthron's store. 'That was all in ithe JosephrsMarganeaiutiii'gNlan, Htiiletvtgt, Theblue brlidete late sixties—a very lodg time .a o enterers the living roonnr on the arm god, somehow the place remains ! in of her'father, to the strains of Lohen- any mind` with Many happy feeli cgs, grin's wedding - march, played by II scarce knotty wiry. Th.o'se were {rise' Mrs. Eiew•in Wood, rioter-i,n-law of days *hen 'they used to burn wood the. bride,, and took her place beneath in the locomotives an the railway an arch if pink and white streamers line, and when. I sang in the choir i1 and wedding bells, banked with ferns. Here 1 ant -iii my father's IThe bride wore a wedding gown of old home in London and .here I have lnwhite georgette with customary veil ,beep since the late eighties. But I1 and orange blossoms and carried love' Canada, and I send my kreetin'gs 1'briarc'liff 'roses. • anti ` baby's Breath. to Seaforth. May, it "live long and lite groo!nt',s niece, Miss Pilugbiss prosper" •'as Rip Van Winkle used to ['M'anning, dressed in pale blue taffeta, friends in Goderich. Miss Cook has resuined her duty in our school. " IRev. and Mrs. Deihl of Tliamesville visited with friends and acquaintances in this `.v.iciiii'tyitIa¢t rvesk: Miss Sheardawn of Goderich is the guest of Miss ,Frances Mossop. Mr, G. H. Beatty is"busy siding his `house. Mrs.: M'cAsh af London visited n;'ith. ter son last week, say. , .. With kindest regards to all Seaforth Old Bogs„ 1, remain, CILIBERT,. PARKER, luti Hon Sir Gilbert Parker Bt. D•C.iL., LL.D., Litt, D. VARNA. vliss . jean ,Mossop has 'returned biome after spending a :couple ! of months •in Windsor-. :Misses Gladys and Ernhl B:t Y ea ty'of IIJonsdon spent the, holiday at their home here. Nor. Biolb W4ods'returned to his home ,in Listowel after spending some time with Mr. F. Weekes. Rtu;al. Dean Paull: is holidaying, Consequently' there : will be no service was flower girl and carried' the ring in- a pretty bas'ket of sweet peas:and baby's breath.anid strewed rose petals in the path ef'i'the bride,. The groonn's 5151 to the bride was a rope of pearl's,, to the ,flower, girl, a manicure sob "aird-(t:8 the pianist'', a fern stand, 'The ceremony was performed by R'eV. J. W. Johnson ,of C•reditom , for- merly of I,br,tleslboro,r Atter " t le cere- mony the gueslts numbering about 30 sat ,dow'lu to .tl e ::�t*adding dinner, served by four' gir�"� friends'' of the bride. The bridle travelled' in a navy,'•; !blue georgette, dress and'. navy c'o'at and "Mack felt hat with accessories to` match, arch. The bridal couple left amid tsho'wers or confetti for Niagara Falls. in St Inn's Chnirch. for two: weeks, and St. Llalwrence river. On their re - St 11ur they Miss Frances, Masson is aisitin 'epill fr�snde du ;the�i o'oni's �}t'ar i'; Gli�t'>at cbtn'. `Hittile�t `` 1 1