HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-09-01, Page 5THURSDAY,' SEPTEMBER 1, 1932' THE SEAFORT51 NEWS. PAGE FIVE. pE: sTOREs LABOR. DAY Monday is Labor's great holiday. The •day on which the whole nation does homage to her working men and women. Make sure your larder is . well stocked. To provide for this holiday Superior Stores offer you. a most attractive range of fine goods at prices that make them. "Values Beyond Question.' IRementlber our slogan WE.ISELL THE BEST FOR LESS. items' for September -1st, -2nd, 3rd, 6th and 7th. ORANGE MARNilA21AAE. ..... 40 oz.., 22 c 'MAXI.WELIL HIOUSR ICC/EPEE CARDINAL FANICY BLUE 'ROSE RICE Edict. SOAP CHIPS MIJRFEPS .:. _.. , .,.. AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS Ps 41c 25c 13 lbs 3 lbs. 25 c per Pkg. lOc . 2 1'b. 27c Ivory Soap, medium No..0.2 Oakes 1'5c 'New Aiylmer Pitted (Cherries ('s'geti. .15c Swansdown Four per pkg, 31c Hillcrest Shortening, I's 2 'I!b. 23c 1Beelliive Brand 'Corn 1S'yrtup 2's'.. .17c; 5's.... 35c Paarshi.ne "For ,cleaning pots and' panes" 3 tins25c Shoe'Polish, all colors MdCormlek's Thip Arrowroot, speoial per 1b. 25c 2 in 1!,paste per tin 12c 1Whvz Pry Fume, . , . , .. ,S az, .....35c; '116 oz..... 60c IPrenSium !Tea, I's, with ,cusp's and saucers, ,creates vases sugars and ,plattes +PRIBE ...,....., , .. per `lib. 54c Superior Baling'Po'wder............13 oz, 15c; ..1t6'az. ..23c !Fork end ,Beans 2''sgt :.., . .. .. 3 tins.21c" 'Cento "sure jellper !bottle 29c Leealand iSwee't Pickles, ,small our family k 39c ar 39c IBucPini,gtea'm Pipe Tobacco, new crop .. ..,......per pkg. 1CrOwn liars, small(.... 99c per dozen; medium:... $1.14 h per ib. 13c• {Salted Peanuts, ,fres "Stuperio•r,Stores sell only pure spices" (Cocoa, loose IN'o. 1' Loose Ready Cut Macaroni' Cow 1Brand Soda 8'bz „.,..5c; IParowax, l's Candied Ginger Son Ami, cake or powdered Brutrsveicl'c Sardtines' per lb. 18c 2 lb. 15c 16 ,OZ• ..,. , , • 9c 2 pkgs. 2Sc l 'ib. 19c '14c •' per tin 5c Ross J.,Sproat Phone8 Mass N.Pryce yn 1 Rhe ?? Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates Confidence and a Qependallle Reputation The Seaforth Creamery 18 YEARS Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please yy �you by our services and htghes" market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING . . —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WP, Y,KER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. ST. COLUMBAN. Mrs. John Gallagher and son James ,a'f ',Toronto vistaed ail the home of :Mir, 'chair Delaney last week. of 'Toronto and friends • Miss Evelyn Eagan '•Toronto spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. 'Wilfred Maloney, Mr. V. 7. ILane wears a smile this week. It's a girl. side :St. Coilumlban and Eginondv ,playeel a tie game one. goal each on Saturday evening at the recreation S' forth Mir, erect Mrs. Jahn Krauskopf of Detroit are visiting friends here. MANLEY, ,Mr. and Mrs. Lottis ,Ball from De - 'trait and Mr. and Mrs. C Eckert and 'Mrs. C., P. Sills and Master -^.konald, of Seafarth, were 'visitors in our burg last Sunday,. Mr. +Stephen Eckert and family and Mr. Staples from Timmins, ave at pre - Gout spend'in'g their holidays with Mk, and Mrs. Pete Eckert. lH,arvesbitg operations have been seriously 'hampered by the late rains and with .continued warm weather there will he considerable damage. as .Want 5l1d For Sale Ads, .3 tines, 50c ,the grain is sprouting in the stook. WALTON. Miss Tena McCallum left Mon'd'ay Ear Ryland to com'men'ce her duties as teacher. 'Rev. and Mrs. W. °J. Maines of Cor- ,uunta called on. friends in the village. 'Mr. and Mrs, Eli McLaughlin add .Son Wilfred, of foto, and Mr. Bergum visited their relatives, IM1r, and Mrs, 'I'o'n. Young. Mr. sed .Mas. J. W. Morrison of Toronto spent the week end at her paren'ts, Mr. and Mrs. W. 'W. Hoy. - BORN. iJ101DIDS.--In Scott Memorial Hospi- tal, Seaforth, an Thursday, August 12,5tth, '11932, to ;Mr. and Mrs. Wait. T. IDlodds, a daughter ('Dorothy Mae). BAKEIt.—In Scott Memorial Hoapi- tat on Sunday, August 2S, 19!312, to 'M'r, and Mrs. Albert Baker,. of Seaforth,a son. DIED. RAfr'ITtEuN1BU,RY,-0.n Sunday, Aug- ust 2Btlt, 193i2, at his late reside ice iBrwedfield, William Henry, 'beloved ,husband of :Charlotte Marks- in his 84th year. DIED'. LAIDLAMU. — At Blyth, on Sunday, August '29 10312,' Dungan, dearly beloved husband of Margaret 'O.de:L Funeral was held from •his late home, on Wednesday, August TOWN TOPICS Mr. Stewart Geddes has returned home'alfiter spending several'iveeks at Beigrave at the home of his ,uncle, Mr: Alex. Porterfield. 1Mr• and Mrs• Wm: J. Fiitdaysoti re- turn to Toronto this week -enc(, where Mr. •Fenliayson will resume his duties on the te'achi•ng staff. On Sunday, September, '4th, an 98th birthday will be observed in Sea- fouth by Mr, Sidney Jacobs, Ord st., who has Lived in Egu'tondville and Sea•fortih sitnee he was sixteen, and his many friends are glad to see him able to be about town as usual Mr. Merrill Dunlop and his mother, Mrs. IA, 'W. Dunlop who have . been s'pemtding the palst week in Jacksos, 'Mich„ returned home Sunday. IMr, and Mrs. Charlie Clark of Ayti- ancr visited his mother,Mrs. , R. L. Clark, .over Sttn'day, Mr. and Mrs. Jhlhn Fell of Gode'r- ich called on friendshere on Wednes- day. ,Mr. Percy ,Hoag left fon H'agers- ville on Wednesday to resume his. duties as principal. !'Mrs. Joos. Aiken and diau'glhlter,' Mrs,. 'Gdalh'am olf W idliaarusvi•Ule, N.Y.;' are spending a week .with Mr. and Mrs. A. Ponteous. Mrs. iAi'ken is •a sister of Mr. Porteous; Mrs. W. Burns of Detroit called oq' 'friend's here during the week, 'Mr. and Mts. Louis Beall and 'fam- ily of Detroit arrived here on Satur- day, accompanied by MTs. C. Eckert and her graneldau,ghiter, Mils Nellie IDeslbura, who have ' been Spend'in'g their vacation the past month in•• De - trait and .Chicago. Mr. Walter Hoegy of Kalainaao'o, Mich., is a holidlay visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hoegy,- Ms-. Jim Gillespie and son ,Neil of Toronto are spending a few -days with ibis parents, ,Mr. and Mrs. Neil Gilles- pre. Mr. and Mrs. 5. T. Bette and fam- ily of .Stratford. spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ed -ward Mole. 'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. G. Oliver and family of Winnipeg, _ Who have been visiting for several. weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eber- Ihatrt and the tormer's niiother, Mrs, RVfIUiam Oliver, have left by !rotor nor their home. Mr. Oliver is on the staff of the Daniel MadIntyre Cotleg- fate in 'Winnipeg. Miss Jessie Finlayson left on Wed- nesday for her school at B'elgrave. Mr. and. Mrs. 'David Mole and son M'axweil, Of Rochester, N. Y., who for the past two weeks have been visiting relatives at Southampton, Kincardini'e, Dungannon and Seaforth, retturned home on Saturday, Mr. Norman• Pike and his father, of Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs, Ed- ward Mole this week. Mr. and Mrs, F. S. Rivers and daughter Patsy of North Bay spent the week with, the former's !mother, 'Mrs. Albert Rivers. Miss Margaret ,Leitch and Mr. Art IB'orelan'd of Detroit, who have been visiting at the former's parents' at B'aylfiel:'d, visited at the home of Mr. David Leitch in Egniondviille. ,Mr. and nMlns, Wm. Fowler of Leam- ington, Miss Mary Hays: and. Miss ,Agnes Fowler ,of 'Toronto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays for a few clays last week. They carte to see 'Mrs. Fowler -'s sister, Mrs. Jahn •31111 - son, who, her many friends will re- gret to know, is still seri'ous'ly ill. •Mr. W. R. Reid of Kirkland Lake is spend'in'g a few days at the hone of his mother and family on Victoria 'Set, Mr. .Lloyd Hloggerth has returned from a week's venation. iTlte Misses Margaret and Bessie Grieve have returned from a motor trip to Tem.agami, Ndw Ontario. 'Little Ruth Anderson, dratughter. of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Anderson, spent three weeks"vacation at Preston and Allwood. 1MIrs. Tiluo'ihas Whitlock of Union- ville; the ;1l'iChngan, and her daughter and son in-law, Mr, and Mrs. 131ake•ly, of I,[idlam,d, Mich„ aunt and cousin of' ,the Messrs, John and George Abel, spent a_few days here. The late Mfr. Whitlock and Mrs Whitlock were „ Former Seaforth residents and it was thirty-three years ,ago since they left. \1rs. Whitlock oras formerly from Welton. Mrs, John Pi vkiiey, Goderich has returned from a three week visit, with friends at, Lucknow., Kmcarcline. IHolyraod, Westfield and Auburn, 'Tack and Phyllis Philavey of Ham- ilton left Saturday for home after vis- iting their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pin'ku'ey 1\9iss P'hy'1lig had a l'i'ttle ,friend w-ith her, Nancy 'Thompson. who wsus also a guest at the Niamey homte for several weeks.. fMr. William Edgar of town intends to go to the (West next Week. A petition was circulated by the Business Men's Association this week asking that the council provide further street lighting facilities on 2Mlaitt street. ;Clue petition was taken around by Mr. F. S, Savattge and Mr. Charles (Ste watt, 'Miss Mildred Johnstone left this Week for her school at'Wasdtago. Luci 1 le Jones geautY Specialist .. Mitchell Invites every woman of Seaforth and vicinity to take advantage of this Special Offer. $5.00 Permanent Wave, including 'finger wave, for Open evenings. 2.00. Phone 78 for appointment W. Jackson left on Tuesday to resume his feaahin'g' duties in Mer- rtc'kpill'e. : Rev. Jp'mes Mdliroy leas rented .Mr Adam' Hays' house an E. William St., lately occupied by MIr. Carrie. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Richards and Mrs..Rlohords' mother, Mrs. Fred Ro- binson and leer grand daughter; Betty !Robinson, .of Lennox are., Detroit, paid a short visit here Saturday, re- turning to London 'Saturday evening and lett for their home in Detroit on 1Satnuday, iMr, James Sproat, who has been seriously i'il, is progressing favorably., Mr. Russel Holmes has taken a po- sition. in Go'deriah and Orville is work- ing in Calgary. IMr. and Mrs. 'Parker and daughter Mary spent the week end at Mrs. C. B. Anderson's, Roxboro. Miss Virg- inia Anderson accompanied them when they returned. Mr. and (Mrs. W. IE. !Sandford at- tended the funeral of the latter's sis- ter, Mrs. J. H. C. Walton, at Palmer- ston,; last week. Mrs, T. F. Black and sari of Port 'Alt/Nicoll are visiting Mrs. James Niaeon, MIr. Richard Honey of St. Cath- arines, Dr. S. W. Honey, St. Joseph, Mich„ Dr, E. A. Honey, Kalamazoo, Mich., and Rev. George Roney. of Toronto, spent Sunday ,at the home Mr, and Mrs. R. E, Bright, and on Monday attended the funeral of the tate William Honey at Mitchell. Mfrs. R. E. Bright was in Mitchell on Monday attending the funeral of her uncle, the late 'William 'Honey. Colvttvban's goal teas a "fltulce" goal. Ilion, Mr. Atkinson, minister of ag- Brussels has protested the \\na(talr rioulture of British Colmbia, is ex- gate on Monday nigh'ton the ground pecten here the latter part of this of a fall tante game nat beinrg played, week to visit Isis father, Mr. Joseph and a shortage an their tear!. mer in Egmondville, IMr. Stanley R. Blair of Mount Brydges spent the week -end with his. friend, Mr. Gibson White, Miss Ernestine White returned Monday to Grace Hospital, Toronto, after a m'ont'thts holiday with her Mother, Mrs. M. White. We understand Mr. W. C. Barber has purchased the red brick residence 'bel'onging to the William Wilson Es- tate, on Jarvis street. Mrs. J. R. Haibkirk and Mrs. Flerlt were in Bea ieville for several days. Miss Mary Flett returned with them alter spending the summer in Beams ville. Mir. and Mrs. Teck and son and daughter of Saginaw, Mich., spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Golding, Misr. Will Brine went to Windsor on Wednesday to spend a few days. Miss H. I. Graham is visiting with friends in Stanley. Many friends of Mr. John Mc Dowell Sr., McKillop, are pleased to know he is recovering and suf fered' no complications from the chest injuries he received last week when kicked by a horse. Miss Anna Edmunds left this week to enter tra'ini'ng in Woodstock Gen- eral Hospital. (Other Dotal Ptetns-Page Two) FOOTBALL. Egmandville defeated St. Columban on Wednesday night by a score of 2-.1. Don Dale scored Egm'ondville's first and Glen Smith their second. Bt. Atkinson, Egmondivi•lle. Mr. Atkinson has been, in Toronto this week attend- ing a conference of all provincial min- isters of agriculture and Hon. Robt. Weir of Ottawa. Mr. \Villiam McNay spent a few days this week at Rondeau Park, Lake Erie, before resuming teaching at Duert, Kent County, (Mr. Will Pollard,, who. underwent SOFTBALL. The soft hall tournament at Clin- ton on Wednesday afternoon, were as follows: .1st round—Clinton. 1:1 Grand Bend 12 (11 innings). • 2nd round.- iGoderich 6, Seaforth 5. 'Play off-Gode'rich defeated Grand !Bend by 1, in the final games, thus an operation for appendicitis in the swi'rnning the ECelestone Cup.. laospi:tal on Friday evening is making) "Jn the Goderioh-Seaforth game the good' recovery but will be unable to scorers were Warnick, \IVestbrooke McDonald and Matheson for the win- ners and "McGregor, Cudmore„ Ren- nie arid Muir' for Searfonth- Score by.•in:ninigs: IGadeniala 2,30 010 000 —6 Seaforth . 002 1100 .002 —5 Line-up: 'Gaderich--+Robin5oa 2b, J. Shear - clown ss, Matheson 311), 'Stoddart lf, Shcardown c; Phelan 2b; Warnick rf; Westtbrooke lib; McDonald p. Seaforth—Muir 3b; Mcauley ss; S. Rennie 36; E. Rennie c; Wright lb; Hart rf; Burgess Id; McGregor cf; 'Cudmore p, resume teaching at Woodville for a month. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Grassje of Vancouver are,spending several weeks to town -visiting their friends.. The Misses Cresswell returned Sat- urday after a week's visit in Toronto, 1'fiss Jean Scott is visiting Miss Florence Fowler at B•luevale. Mrs. Hodigin's and son Jack and daughter Bernice, of Toronto, are guests of. Mrs. L. T. DeLecey. 2liss Mary Reid, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Reid, will atte'n'd Ha- milton Normal School this year, " 'Miss Bessie Grieve left this week for Chatham to resume_ teaching, ac- companied to Windsor by her nephew 9Folmany, 'Grieve, who spent the sum Aulalnsurancc Let us_ protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates Its worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and WINTHROP. Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Chambers of •Bentniller were visitors with Mrs. Sol. Shannon on Sunday.' Go Tuesday afternoon, September 6th tr he Ladies' I , dt s Aid and \� +MLS. of Cavell 'Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Calvin Millen. 1Mr. Hiram Blanchard' has returned to his hosne in 'S'turgeon. Falls after spending a feew days with his brother,. and sister. Mr. Melvin Blanchard and Mrs.. Samuel IPefhiick. 'Mr. and Mrs. Andy 'Coutts ofal- ton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ;Percy ,Little• .Miss Irene Bolton is visiting with at the new low non -tariff rates friends in 'Toronto. you cannot afford to take chances. n !School re -opened to -day (lihttrs- AIt claims promptly and,.satisfac- day. We welcome our new teacher, torily paid. 'Miss laatrick. Miss Minnie tW'heatley spent a few clays with her cousin, 11158 Sian eh Wheatley,of Constance. , 'Miss 'Ferne Wheatley has been en- gaged to teach near Hensel!. Congra- tulations, on'gratolations, . ;Ferre. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service Phone 152 - A. D. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE - REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Eeeiing's, Drug Store CONSTANCE. • .Mr. and blas. Frank Riley and Mrs. IGeorge Riley 'spent Sunday With Mr. Tli iasud 1'Irs. George Cook of +G'oderich township: uMtiiss Jean Wakefield re'tursred home IS:tiuday after spending a few- days in ,Clinton with friends. Ur. and Mrs. 'Rolbert Grimoldby, Mr. Ben., Riley .and IMrs. John ,Mann - and datt-,h'ter spent four days in Tor- onto last,:wee!c visiting friends,Miss Olive Grimolldby, who has spent the last five weeks in Toronto, returned home with thein, The many friends of MIr. and MDrs. Jatnes McFarlane synupatlize with them in their recent bereavement, ,the death of their infant daughter. - The Constance United Church in- tend to hold' their anniversary oat 'Sunday, October 23rd, and the fow1 su-pper will be an the following Tues- day, October 25th. ,Miss Marjorie Toll of -Auburn, is Ithe guest of her cousins, Misses Ethel and Ella Dexter. Miss •Elvera Churchill of Toronto and Mrs. D Churchill of Clinton vis- ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John :'. Ferguson Thursday last. Miss Phyllis Medd spent last week in Exeter visiting Mrs. John Medd and Mr. and Mfrs: George Layton Mr. and Mrs. John Ferguson ' at- tended the Wiggins :and Ferguson picnic held in Goderi'ch last week The Misses Enmla Leech and,!' abel and Hazel Jamuesbn spent a few days• at the home Of Mr. and Mrs,', Ed. Godkin, 26clK fllap: Miss Helen Britton returned ' on Sunday after spending a few,' day's .camping With her sister, Miss MRdred. !Britton at Peacock Point on Lake !Erie. (Ted Cleave and Lorne Canter; ipe'nIE. a few days at the home of bit,• and Mrs. RAW Ferguson- Mr. Rosa .McGregor had his eoiisilts • removed in Scott Memorial Hospital on Faidlay last. -" Mr. and Mrs. Walter M,onfi'eld,an;d Norman, and Grace visitede,' at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Will Britton on Tuesday o'f this week. Mr. Lloyd Jewett of Forest is spending a week with his 'e brother, Mr. Wm. Jewett at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Briton •before return- ing to his parents' home in Kincaid, Sask. The WA. and WINDS. met at the home a1 Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dexter on Thursday last. The president of the W.A. was in charge. The meeting opened with the hymn "The Church's One Foundation." Prayer by Mrs. Robert Rogerson. Atter the business was disposed of Mrs. W. Britton read the devotional leaflet, Mrs. R. Roger" - earl gave a special paper on "Why Trouble is Sent to the Christians." The meeting closed with the L'ord's prayer in unison and tea was served. BRUCEFIELD. The mutual flower, show of the 1Brucefield Horticultural Society will he held . in, the basement of the Church, -Tuesday, September 6th, af- ternoon and evening. We would 'be very glad to have anyone. outside the ISacietybring in flowers for exhibition purposes only. Rev., W, A. Bremner has returned from his holidays and will conduct di- vine service next 'Sunday morning at a quarter to ten, evening service at i Mrs. S. Rolbinson of Detroit and Mrs. T. Leslie, of Part Huron were the guests of Mr. 'and, Mrs, Bruce Berry last week. Miss Annie •Fo'ate, formerly of Stanley town's'hip, "but now of Van- 'c'ouver, visited friends in tite village and vicinity last week. Mrs. J. Addison had the misfortune to break a :bane in her ankle and will be laid up for some time. IBrucedeld lost ole of its -pioneer residents in the death of William H. Ra:ttcnbury, which occurred at his late residence on Sunday; August 128th. Me. Ratten'bury was born' on the London Road, T,uckersmith town- ship, in 11840, and spent his whole life in the vicinity, He is' survived by his widow -who before her mrariage ,was 'Charlotte Mark, also of Bruce- ifielr, and two daughters, Mrs. R. T. Dunlopof Fene'lotr "Fangs and Mrs. Ross Scott of Bruceifield, also a sister, Mrs. Nevin, of Hamilton. The fun- eral which took place from his late residence on Tuesday was largely at- tended, services being conducted by /Rev. W. A. Bremner. Interment was' made in Baird's Cemetery, the pall- bearers ,being Messrs. :Tames Gent- kne11, Hugh McGregor, Siohn M'.c= 'Kenzie, Robert Pearson, John Snider and James Swan, When you have a HORSE or COW YOU WANT REMOVED, Phone promptly to. WILLIAM STONE SONS,. LIMITED. Phone 22 — Ingersoll Phone 215 W Stratford