HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-08-18, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
South Huron,-
S t
Registrars for
The folldwmg are the Registrars to
snake up Ithe voters' lists for the com-
ing 'by-electicia in 'S'outh Huron:
Poll 1' !Harry Fre'mlin, Poll 2 -
Wm. Ladd. Poll Norman Miller,
Poll 4-.WIilibert Mrlllveen.
(Poll 1-{Wni. J. Carling, Poll 2
Mrs. Laura B. W1slon. Poll 3---I-lector
'Hey!wo'od. Poll 4 - Reuben MdTim s
,Poll 1 -dared Berry, Henisall.
Pol'1'1.--Wen. C. Blabber, Poll 2-
Ga'rnet Sillery. Poll 3- iArnolti' West -
(scat. Pv,11 d ---]George Brownlee. Poi1
5 -- IGordlon Dick. Poll 6-aiedbert
Usiborne Twp.
Poll 1 -Harry :Coates (Cemtrallia (R.
R. '1). Poll 2 -Wm: Frayne '6Exeter):
Poll 3 -Gordon Oke (Henson R. R.
1). No. 4--IWrn• ,Sbro'ne .(Hen's ll R. iR.
1). 'Poll 5 -Ja'cks'on Woods (Exeter
R. R. 3). Poll 6 -Wellington ;Skin i''er
(Central2a R. R. 1). Poll 7 - David
Gioulding (Kiekton). •
Tuckersmith Twp.
Poil 1 -Bert Govenlock QSeaforbh).
Poll 2 -James Hays (Seaforth). Pohl
3 --Edward Morrison (Clinton). Poll
4-1Fred Boyce (Seaforth R. R.). Poll
5-1Llouis Clark Sr. (Kippers R. R. 2).
Poll 6=Jb'hn Elgie (:Ifippen R. R. 2).
McKillop Twp.
Poll 1 -(James Carlin (lSeaforth•. R.
R. 5). Poll 2 -Mrs. George Eaton
(Seaforth R. R. 1) Poll 3-A'lon'ao
Sperling (Dublin R. R: 1). Poll 4 -
Mrs. M'argare't Driacoll (,Walton R.
R. 2).
Goderich Twp.
Pail 1 -Geo. Melfi ain •(Goderioh R.
R, 2). ;Poll 2 -Geo. (Ginn, (Clinton R.
R. 2). Poll.3--J'ohu MdClure, Pay -
field R. R. 1). Poll 4-W. H. Lobb
(Clinton R. R. 3). Poll 5 - Harvey
McCartney. (Clinton R. R. ; 2). ,Po11
6 --Mrs. Emma. Jenkins (Clinton R.
R. 3),
Stanley Twp.
IPo11 1 -Edward Glenn; ((Clinton R.
R. 5), Poll 2 ---Goldie Graham (Bruce -
field R. R. 1). Pell 3 -Carrie Wasman
('Klippen R. R. 3). Poll 4 - Edward
(Muter (Varna). Poll 5 - Charles
Rathwell (Varna R. R. 1). Poll 6 -
Fred Watson (Bayfield R. R. 2). Poll
7 --Joseph Bedard (Zurich R. R. 2).
Poll 8 -•Walter' Johnston (Mayfield).
Hullett Twp.
Poll '1=Secord aleBrien ,(Seaforth
R. R. 2). Poll 2 Thos. Stevens
('Blyth R. R. 1). Poll 3 -Jas. John-
ston (Clinton R. R. 2). Poll 4 -Jas.
Rudde11 (Londesboro). Poll 5 -Thos.
'Mason (Clinton R. R. 1). Poll 6-
Geo. McCall (Londesiboro), Poll 7-
Chas. Nivens (Auburu).
Hay Twp.
Poll 1 -Milton Russell (Exeter R.
R. 1). Poli 2-+Idenry ,Phile (Hensall
R. R. 2). Poll 3-1Henry ,Ho'wald (Zu-
rich). Poll 4 -'Henry Nedb (Zurich
R. R.:1). Poll 5 -Theodore Miller
(Dashwood R. R. 1), Poll 6 -John
Wolper (Dashwood). .Poll 7 -Orval
Smith (Zurich R. R. 1). Poll 8 -Napo-
leon Cantin (Zurich R. R. 2).
Stephen Twp.
Poll 1 -john A. Pollard ('Centralia).
Poll 2 -Asa Penhale (Exeter). Poll
3 -.Joseph W. Lawson. ('Crediton).
Poll 4 -;Herbert Farhner (Crediton).
Poll 5 -Elmer Lawson ((Crediton).
Poll 6 -Clayton Phile (D,ashe*ood).
Poll 7-tRohert J. Taylor (Dashwood
R. R. 2). Poli S -Hugh R. -Hodgins
(Parkhill R. R. 3). Poll 9 -Elgin R.
Webb (Grant] Bend).
vas given by Mrs. Maude Redden.
Atthe Care -nal nel
Rev. W. A. Young had charge' of the
services and a very pleasant duet was
rendered by Mrs. W. A. McLaren and
Mrs. Young.
The Corbett Re -union wars held on
the .Corbett homestead where Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Corbett reside, on Saturn
dray, Aug. b3. Relatives and friends
were present from New York, Ox
ford, Linton, New Batltintore, Detroit,
L'aadon, (Ibder/ton, ',Stratford, Dash
wood, and Hensen. Those coming the
longest dtsltance were Mr. and Mts.
Wm. Ingram of Now York. The old
est one present wars Mr. Wni ,Corb-
ett of Fenton, Mich. The youngest
one present'_, was Mary Jean :Marshall
of Detroit,: aged 2 years, great grand-
daughter- of
rand-dauighter-of IMrs. "Brown (Charlotte
Cobbett) Penton, 'Mich. A very en-
joyable day was spent in games anld
Miss Fiore/see Welsh visited' in
London on'Sunday.
Dr: and Mrs. Collyer visited in
London on. Sunday,;
'Miss Hazel Moremz of Dashwood
spent the week -end at the home of
Mr. ,and Mrs ,Fred; Corbett.
!Rev. Mr, Gibson of Mitchell will
occupy Carmel Church pulpit next
Mr, and Mrs. Wim. Foster and Mrs.
Ed. McQueen and daughter (Elva were
in London Thursday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Corbett, Mrs.
Brown and Mrs. Harl'ock of Fenton,
Mich., spent the week -endo with Mr.
and .Mrs. Fred Corbett. '
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton of Crom-
arty has returned home after spe'ndi'ng
a few, days at the home of her Bather,
Mr. W.. L. MlclLkren.
IMrs. Glen iBell, 'who was 'taken to
Seaforth hospital fast week .for ap-
pendicitis, is doing nicely.
'Mr. Abe ' Case spent the week -end
in Detroit,
Congratulations to '''Ir. and Mrs.
Laird 'Mickle on the errata] of a .dau-
ghter'QFlorence 'Elizabeth) at Scott
Memorial hospital on Saturday last.
August, 1906.
Antlers Found in Stanley Swamp.
A few days ago while the , wife of
Mr. Harry Zapfe, who lives on the.
town line -of 'Stanley, was walking
home through a swamp ` near her,
home,' she noticed an odd( looking of
ject .stieleiirg out of the 'ground. She
tugged at it and (when finally brought
to the surface it proved to be the ant -
lens of a :'large moose, the animal' no
doubt, in the long ago, having laid
down at this spot and died from
wound's received from the Indians or
Tan an encounter with another moo'se
or other wild animal.
Leg Broken.
While Mr. Arehiiblald MdKte(llar was
Out getting men for the raising of his
father's barn et 'Cromarty the horse
in some way kicked him (breaking his
leg above the ankle.
Fatal Accident at Calgary.
Mrs, 'Robert Bristow of Egmiond-
vi11e received the sad news' on Satur-
day that her ,son, John R. Bristow,
had been killed at Calgary. In com-
pany with three other workmen be
had been Working on a swinging, scaf-
fold on a new public school building,
when the ropes at one end of the scaf-
fold broke and Mr. Bristow and ano-
ther workm'an'were ,precipitated a dis-
tance .of forty feet, the other ;two men
grasped the hanging boards and es-
caped with slight injury. Mr. Bris-
tow lived' for ab'outfour hours after
the accid'en't but during that time ne-
ver regained con'scious'ness. The body
arrived here from Calgary at noon on
Wedn'esday and was taken to his mo-
ther's residence in Egm'ondvil'le, from
wwhich the funeral is on Friday to the
M'aitlanldlbtnk cemetery. The late Jno.
Bristow was a stonemason and had
been a resident of Calgary for•the past
couple .of years, previous to that he
had been living in Rossland, B.C.,
where he had lived for nearly seven
years. He was married to Miss :Berry-
man, a young lady wih'ose haute is in
Ohio, and together they visited with
friends in town a little over two years
ago when they went to Calgary to,
live. His bereaved wife and relatives
have the sympathy of their many
friends in towns
Mr. E. H. 'Johns is the owner of a
collection of very rare books all over
three hundred years old. They include
a History of Scotland, printed in 1612.
A number of these books may be
seen at Miss Ohapman's gilt shop,
Book lovers will be interested in see-
ing this collection of rare books.
Rev, Lang -Ford, Mrs. 'Lang -]Ford
and daughter, Mrs. Bricker and son
of Kitchener, Rev. and Mrs. Pdgson
of Essex, Mr..and,,Mrs. Fitzgerald of
Kitchener are holidaying at their cot-
tages built this spring on the lots pur-
chased front Thorns Elliott.
On Sunday morning last. Rev. W.
A. Townshend, rector of The Church
of The Redeemer, London, preached
a most interesting sermon in Trinity
and during the offertory a duet, "One
Sweetly Solemn Thought," was sung
.by Mrs. Paull and Miss Jean Woods.
Sunday, August'Dlst, St. Andrew's
United Church hold their anniversary
with services mornitlg and evening
when Rev. James Anthony of Thames
Road Church will be the preacher. On
Monday evening a sacred concert will
be given in the church by the Yoke-
fellow's Band of Stratford. The pro-
gram will consist ofquartettes, duets
and solos and music by a string or-
On 'Saturday, August 13th, the Bay-
field Golf and C'ountry Club held their
annual handicap tournament for, the
rllexand'er Cup. T wenty-ane competi-
tors teed off and the contest proved
one of the most interesting and evenly
contested matched in the history of
the Club. The day's play ended with
three men_ tied with net scores of 64
and Dr. Leives of Toronto right next
with score 65. Messrs. Howcroft of
Detroit, Cameron, 'Toronto, and Mc-
Curdy, Strafford,'played off next day'
and again two 'tied !with same :score 64.
On the third day Tom McCurdy, that
old' warrior of bowling and curling
fame, went down to defeat baa by only
one stroke after playing dity+four
holes, next score was s 62 and 61. Jim
Cameron, the lucky Ioomp'etitor, is a
Bayifield old boy, but now principal of
Earlsoourt School, Toronto. The Dr.
Alexander (Cup was presented to the
winner by John Jowettt, President of
the !C1uib.
'Miss Lola E'1)io'tt of Detroit and
Rosemary Miller of Mt. Oleeiens are
holidaying with the former's mother.
Miss Alma McKay of TioronUo is
h!dme for holidays.
Dr. a'nd' Mrs. E, P, Lewis returned
to 'Toronto Tuesday after spending a
week with 'M'rs. Na W. Wood's,
Mr. and Mrs, iR., W. Bristol of Wa-
shington arrived Sunday to spend a
couple of weeks at their cottage.
Mrs, Plats an,d''sons Douglas anld
Albert of Hlaysville halve been enjoy-
ing a vacation cart -Ming on the Lake
(Rev. Mr. Hallowell of Brantford
was the guest o!f Albert and iDougl'as.
,Mr, and Mrs. Jack Woods of San-
ta Barbara, Calif., are visiting friends
and relatives in and around Hensel].
Messrs. Louis Clark Sr., G. C. Pet-
ty and
et-ty'and D. Foss attended the celebra-
tion at Brampton on Friday.
Mrs. Paisley and children of Mon-
treal are visiting at the home of Mrs.
Paisley's mother, 'Mrs. E. Ramie.
'Mr. Omer Geiger of Tara was a re-
cent visitor at the home of this parents,
Mr. and 'Mrs. Owen Geiger. He was
accompanied home by his sister, Mrs.
E. Kennedy, who will visit him for
several weeks.
Miss Jennie Taylor visited over the
ss J y s d
week-end with her sister, Mrs. Rex.
Dick of the London Road south.
Mrs. Thos. Murdoch visited last
week with her son-in,0aw and laugh-
ter, Dr. and Mrs. Campbell of Tor'on-
Mr: and Mrs. A. C. Whitlock and
Mrs Horton, alsoI'Irsses joysand, Ev-
elyn 'Wb'i'tlock and Miss Ruth Scar-,
cliffe of St. Thomas ;visited' in the vi-
cinity over the week -end. \.
Mrs. ;Henry` IDelbridge, Mrs. Wm,
Bradshaw, Misses Helen 'Mureh and
Flofjpnice' IBe1l1 ,en'tertain'ed their Sun-
day (School classe's at the home of
M+is's, 1Helen: ;Murch last ITuensd'ay' af
Mr. and Mrs. Len. Harris and chil-
dren ,of !Farquhar,Mr. and ;Mrs.'
C'ouch anrd"d'aughter of !Stratford visit-
ed at 1Mr. and IMrs. Ivor 'Morgan's
last -week.
(Misses !Ruth and tGba(d'ys Welber of
London visited in the donimunity the
beginning of !the week. ,
Miss IBirdine IMcFablls of eBiddulip'li
visited at the (home of Mr. avid Mrs.
Wm. Brad'sh(aw last (week,
Cudm'ore Re -union. ='A very happy
event look .placeonaSaturday, August
15th at ;the home Of iMr. and Mrs. We are pleased to hear that, Mr.
Chas. 'Johns in 'honor of the formier's Geo. McSpadden is ',i'mpr'oving after•
mother, IMrs. john Pohns o1 Exeter, his'serious operation..
who ,cetebralted her eighty second 'Miss 'Muriel 'Hudson .of Seaforth ,is
birthday (that day, Mrs. Johns, whose visiting 'at the home (df IMr. and Mrs.
maiden name 'was 'Sarah 'Oudniore; is Saul S'h'annon,
the coaly remaining member of a large Mrs. 'Zack MdS(pa'dd'en s'penit` Sun -
family of 'brothers and sisters. 'Mr. dlay'alfternblon :with Mr. and IMrs.; Wim.
Aaron 'Cudm'ore, 'a brother, passed Trewartha.
away in the 'West this year. ''Ab'dut IThe'prelim'ina'ry voters' lists for the.
fifty-five . children, grandchildren, ne- By4E'lection ,for 'Polling Division No.
phews and r;(ieces, me'tlon iS'aturdey •to 2 will Ibe 'completed on the 23rd of;
do her 'honor in the (form of (the firist August. airs. Geo. Eaton Will be ._at.
Cudmore re -'union. ICon'graltutation's: home on the ,afiterndon's of the 5th,
were received 'from 'Crystal 'City,Por- 6th' and 7dh to make neces's'ary correc-
tage Ila 'Prairie, Winnipeg, Windsor, tions in the dist.
Welkenvible, lG!ainsberough and Mao- Mr. and •Mrs. (H'iram Shannon have
or,'Sask.; guests 'were present from moved from London and are 'living at
Oshlalwa,'Walkerdoh, ISeaforth, Exeter, Mr. Alexander's 'farm' north of the
Kippers, 'Lon'do'n, ILutan.. and ,,Lam- vi'lla'ge.
belth. The spacious twwn o'f the ]hast
and hostess Was prettily decorated
with numerous (Hags and instead of a
program of sports, ft ,was preferred
by all to 'spend the Iafternoost in get-
ting acquainted as a great number of
them were. •meeting for the first time
and so a very 'pleasant time ,was'spent
in social 'chat With one anorther. Tt was
very fitting to meet at Mr. (Johns' for
their first re -union as it was here Mr.
alai airs. John 'Johns 'began their
married life as !pioneers sixty year's
ago next twentieth of March. After a
bountiful supper which was served
in picnic style, the young people en-
joyed 'a rousing ,ball game. It was un-
a'nimous'ly decided to make the re -
1111i011 an annual affair and they were
invited to meet nei;xt year et Mr.
Tidos. Workman's, Klippen. 'Officers
were appointed as well, Mr. Sam.
Jahns, Exeter, Pres.; afT. Sam Cud -
more, ISeaforbh; Mr. Wm. Butler,
London! Mr, Ed.. Daley, Walkerton
and Mr. (Orval (Workman 'of 'Kipp'en
were the committee. A musical pro-
gram consisting .of solos, instrument-
al numbers 'and a sing -song was
brought to a :close 'w'ith 'God be 'with
you till, we meet again." Many expres-
sions 'df plea'sure were 'voiced for the
privilege of meeting on such an oc-
casion and
c-casion'and' all repaired to their homes
with delightful memories of a happy
Mr. and'Mne. Edward Sheffer visit-
ed over the week -end with relatives
in Port Rowan.
Mr. Laird Joynt of Toronto spent
the week -end with his mother here.
1Mrs. Glenn Bell was taken bo the
Sc'o'tt Memorial Hospital, Seaforth,
last week for the removal of her ap-
pendix. Her many friends are glad ,to
hear ale is getting along nicely.
Mr. Joe. Hagan spent the week -end
with friends in Port Rdwan.
Services in our local churches were
we'll attended on Sunday last. Alt the
baited Church Rev. A'rthur Sinclair
occupied the pulpit. Al the ' morni'ng
service a laret was given by 'Ms, 'an'd
Mrs. Henry* Phile and a solo. by Mr.
Laird Jo'ynit and in the evening a solo
Drowned in Alberta.
lA telegram was received on Wed-
nesday evening last conveying the sad
intelligence that 3. ` A. MoQueen
(Bert); son' of Mr. Jas. McQueen, of
the 2nd concession of ,Stanley, had
Ibsen drowned about twenty miles
from Vermilion, 'Alberta, ;while bath-
ing; Mr. McQueen and a companion
were swimming in a lake near the
town, when the former was taken
with cramps and sank. The body was
recovered shortly afterwards. The -de-
ceased was a young man of great pro-
mise, nearly 22 years of age, who was
studying for the ministry of the Pres-
byterian Church, and was engaged in
mission work at the time of his death.
Two years ago he attended Clinton
Collegiate and was one of the .most
popular young men at the school.
Since then he has been. a student at
the Toronto University. The remains
were brought to his father's home and
the funeral took place on Wednesday
to Baird's cemetery.
Moves to Orillia.
'Ir. E, A. Latimer, who has con-
ducted`a general hardware business in
town for the :past two years has dis-
posed of his stock to Messrs. Chesney
& Smiley, hardware merchants. Mr.
Latimer left on Monday for Orihia,
where he will take charge of a depart-
ment with the Orilla, Hardware 'Oo'm-
pay. Ed. is a ,clever ;business head
and we regret his removal from town.
Former Resident Honored.
Mr. J. Anderson Coulter, of Inger-
soil, son of Mrs. M. A. Coulter, of this
town, has been elected to the .position
of Mayor of Ingersoll, to succeed the
late Mr. Boles who died a few weeks
a go. 'The fallowing corn ments appe'ar-
ed in the daily papers
on 'SalturdaY
and shows the high esteem in which
Mr. Coulter is deser'vedly held by ,the
go'o'd,peopie of Ingersoll, "Mayor -elect
Coulter is recognized as one of Inger-
so1l''s brightest young 'business men..
When ap'pro'ached in reference to
consenting to alio* ]]gins name to go
before the electors for . the mayoralty,
he hesitated, giving as his reason that
he was a'biasy man.. He was then as-
sured, as well . as at the nomination
meeting that the town 'of Ingersoll
wanted :a 'busy .man' as her chief mag-
istrate. Nineteen: years ago M'ayor
elect Coulter entered the shipping de-
partment Of the John Morrow Mach-
ine Screw Works at a salary of $4
Buy in EgrnOndville
5 string .,13r0'01119
lOolore'd H'a'ndile , , ea: 23c
'Kellogg's Corn ,Flakes
'3 for... 25c
1Pinbc Salmon
3 tins for , ...... 25c
iMlax'wetl ;Haase 'Coffee
per lb., 49c
Fresh Soda Biscuits
per Pound „ 13c
4 ° tin's for . 25c
IPlalnolive`;Soap Grape Nut Flakes
4 cakes for ,.,.....25c 2 Ipkgs ,....... ... 21c
Cash Prices Only.
We are Paying 17c in Trade for NEW LADD EXTRAS
Want and For Sale ,Ads. 1'time, 25c.
Ladies' Aid and. W.M.S.-'The reg-
ular monthly meeting of the Ladies'
Aid and IWiMIS. of Cavan, Church,
Winthrop, was held at the hone of
Mrs. Scott 'Bolton on. Wednesday,August 3rd. "Phe` meeting opened with
the Ipre'sident, Mrs. Patrick, presid-
ing. ,Hymn 5'79 was sung followed by
silent ,prayer for our, -missionaries,
Mrs, Calvin Hi11en led in prayer. Fol-
lowing "the business discussion Circle
No. 4, with Mrs. Ferg, Bullard in
charge, took the meeting. !Hymn 374
was suing after which Mrs. 'Robert
Campbell gave the voluntary prayer.
The Scripture lesson from Matt, 28'
chapter, was read by Irene ' 'Bolton.
The 'topic from the last chapter of the
study .bo'ok,"TKlorea, the (Land of the
Dawn," was !taken by Mrs. Wm. Mc-
Spadden. Mrs. Irvin Trewartha favor-
ed us with a piano_ solo and a story,
'sOle 'Knee, a Korean 'Girl," was read.
Sentence prayers by Miss Beta Camp-
bell and Mrs. Russel Bolton were gi-
ven. The meeting closed by singing
hymn 454 and repeating the 'Lord's
Prayer in unison. •
The Helping Hand ,M'is'sion Band
of ?Cavan lOhunch, 'Winthrop, held.
their regular meeting on Thursday,
Augte t lath in ,the schooleoorn of the
church. The meeting opened` with
hymn 496, after !which'Edith 'Hilien
led in :prayer. The scripttube.,Ruth 1st
chlalp'ter 648: 114-18, was read lay Mar-
garet IH'ab'kirk. (El'iz'abeth MacFarlane
read a very interesting story, "'Polly
and,' IPremna." (Byrn 5012 was then
sung„ The ;Watch: Towerreports on
'China and Africa were read by Jean
Mla'Farlene and 'Lillian (McClure, Les-
son on (Korea was (taken by Edith 'Ha-
ien. The (minutes sof the previous meet-
ing were read and approved. The roll
per week, To -day he .ins' the president can w(as arteasered• by a bird. The clos-
e:ad manager of the Jlah'n Morrow •Ma-' ing hymn 613 'was then .sung. After -
chine (Screw Works, and also is man-
ager of another large con'cern doing a
large ;business, Ingesrsall knows No
more popular or worthy citizen." Mr.
Coulter hers many 1riendis in ',Sea °rah
who wilt be 'pleased to hear of his -ap-
Hard Time Dance at Cromarty Op-
en Air
p-enAir Pavilion on Friday night. Aug. -
the 19th. Music by McNickel Orch
es'tra. Admission, gents 25e, ladies 151c.
A prize of $1.00 for couple with: best
hard time costume. E'verylb'ody wel-
,Housekeeping apartments, two or: .
three rooms wa'nlbed. :Would' prefer
rooms downstairs. Apply to The
News 'Orfifice.
Real good, slightly used baby car,-
ar-riage, good 'as new. One player piano„
also one upright piano, in perfect con-
dition. Will sell cheap. W'alker's Erna
name Store,
High school students, or others,
rooms and board'. Apply 'to MRS.
DICKSON, M'arke't et. 35
Of•;Farm IS'todk and Implements, on
Provincial Highway No. 8, five miles MAIN WANTED:
east of Clinton, on Wednesday, Aug. A first class man for two months to'
31st, 1932, at 1.30 p.m. do farm work. Apply to W. M. DOW,
(Horses -Grey mare, 8 years old; J.P., Kipipen, Ontario, R. R. 2: Phone
grey horse, 9 years. This team extra 20. on.93.- 33.
gdod worker s and we'll matched;
brown general purpose mare, good WANTED
single or double; driving horse, 12 IH'igh school 'pupi'ls 'to room or
years old, quiet and relialble. (board. 34 East William St., near High
ICattle-]Hereford cow, freshened in IS:ch'doi. 'MIISIS F. GIALWOIP. 33.
June, 8 years old; white Durham cow,
6 years old, freshened in July; black
cow, 5 years old, with calf by side;
wethbred grey Durham cow 5 years
old, with calf by side; blue bow, 6
years old, due to freshen last of Octo-
her; red heifer, one year old.
'Hogs -3 young pigs, 2 chunks
around 100 lbs. each.
Implements -One M, -(H. binder, 7
ft. cut; .11 H. mower, 6 ft. cut; M.
H.- cultivator;' M.4H. 13 -hoe seed.
drill; M. -IH. steel roller; McCormick
Deering rake, nearly new; scuffler;
set harrows; 2 wagons; 2 Verity No.
20 walking plows; 2 -furrowed Pluery
wallcing plow, Chatham fanning mill,
complete with bagger; M, -+H.. root
pulper; 80 cedar posts; stone boalt;
hand grass seeder; owe good' cutter;
Anchor Holt cream separator, nearly
new; sap pan; 2 oak barrels; one chop
box; set 'brass mounted'.. breeching,
harness, complete with long straw
collars and high tops, used one year;
one set of used harness;. set of single
harness; 175 'feet ofnew hay rope;
7 pulleys; one hay fork; neck yokes,
whiffletree's, forks and other articles
too numerous to mention,
Terms -Cash.
Mrs. Orval Phillips, !Proprietress.
G. H. Elliott, Auctioneer.
In loving, memory of Faizabeth Jane
Gales, wife of Frederick Gales, who
passed away Aug, 19, 1924,
Some day our eyes shall see,
The face we loved so well;
Some clay, some time, our hearts,
shall clasp,
To' never say farewell.
wards .the Lord's (prayer was repeated
in unison,
(Collegiaite pu'pa's to room or board:
MII61S 13. I0'LdB113dDH,Centre 'Street.
Two high 'school students. Gbod
comfortable home, one 'block from
Collegiate. B'oys preferred. Apply lo
The News Office.
The Public Library will be closed'
from August 29nd'to Sept, 6th.
(1RE(11A TIAO'''11PSON,
33 Librarian.
With Sample Package -a0 lbs. mild
or strong leaf tobacco, $2:50; 20 lbs.
for $4,00; $0 lbs. for $8,00;1100 lbs. for
$14.00. Pure:Quesnel, 3 116s. for $2.001
Agents wanted. Shipped anywhere. G.
Dubois, 24 Henderson St., Ottawa;
An eight room brick house on East
William 'street near the high school
Electric lights., Hard and soft water
inside. Cellar under all. the house.
Good furnace.' All in good shape.
ADAM 1TIAYIS, 1Seaforth,
In Township of McKillop, the south
half of lot 20, on 12th concession o6
MOKillop, comprising 50 acres. Goad
sugar bush and never failing water.
Apply to Mrs. Alex, H. Ross, Wel-
ton, R.R. 2.
er eent
Has Been Obtainable for Some Time on:
Bonds of Strictly Gilt -Edge Quality
Most investors have adopted a waiting attitude, unaware
of the certainty that lower interest rates must prevail inthe
Nevertheless, the courageous few who do not move with
the crowd, but calmly investigate and appraise on their own
initiative, are now quietly adding to their holdings issues
which combine security and income to a degree rarely ob-
Bonds in the gilt -edge division will be recommended
E. A. SIEGRIST & CO; Limited
Investment Bankers
New Bank of. Toronto'
"'Soun:d In.veslttnenit Counsel"
WINTHROP. Tel: Metcallfe 313170-11:
'Old Stork" called at the home of 1
Mr. and( Mrs. (Andrew ,Montgo'menyl
last Friday" and left a fine baby