HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-08-18, Page 4AGE FOUR THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, 1932. THE SEAFORTH ;NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers, WALTON. The Gleaners' Mission Band of Duff's United 'Church are a very alive howls of young, people. Up to the etid cif jetty $3400 wos sent on to the ,Pres-. hyteriali treasurer at Seaferth, Mrs. 'Furrows. Tle Senior Class of girls, deserve 'special mention. Under ,the leather$ltte of Mrs. W. Turnbull, their Mission Band teacher, they are{ mak- leg an autograph quilt which when. Seethed will bring in a nice little suit' r Missions, The financial sidle of M -R- is not the only part of the work worth mentioning as during the study perieids of the five classes in this M'is- alssn Band, you will find a most atten- tive group of chi'ldren from the young- est wee tat up; .to the Seniors. We aeisle teem every;succes•s. The congregation of Duff's lifflatten, are in a'state of lively ex'pec- elem.. Anniversary servicee ,camtlhelm- orating- the 201th anniversary of the chinch opening well be held on Aug- ust 21iSt and 22nd, Rev. J, N. 'Gould of St. Thomas, the preacher for the Sun- day services is one of the ablest prea- chers of the London Conference, Rev. Ws- Patterson, F5R GiS„ of Diver - puck England, who delivers a popular Iecture on Monday evening is '"one of the six best plgttform met. in England, 'Lloyd George included" A very int- thug historical sketch is be'ing PSSntr!_ Mb and. Mrs. Thos. Williamson nod two children spent a few days re- ready visiting relatives in Toronto, 8einesby, Winona and Niagara Falls. Mrs. Armour Dundas of Detroit, sad Tillie Dundas of New York, call- ed as Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hulley on Tuesday. IWe are sorry tb hear Miss Grett'a Mulley is laid up with the measles. Miss Marie :Ryan has been success- nn.obtaining her degree Of IA'T.IC M at Toronto Conservatory of Music Miss Ryan is the d'augh'ter of Mr. and Mrs. ,)losep'h (Ryan. Fergus Smalldon left . Monday for Manitoba where he intends to join the harvesters for the season. We Colin McDonald of Clinton has been re-engaged with John Buchanan for threshing and intends to spend the ...mason at Walton. Mrs. Adolph Sawyer and son Ken eeth intend to move' to Bayfield in the mar future, where Mr, Solder has been appointed manager of the Bank of Commerce. Death of Mrs. Duncan Campbell.— Jeanette Ritchie, daughter of John and Jane Ritchie and widow of the ?ate Duncan Campbell, passed away at the home of her youngest daughter, Mrs. Charles H. Drager. Mrs. Camp- bell was in her ninety-first year and sajoyed perfect health until early spring and her intellect was clear un- til the last. She was the mother of seven children: the late John Camp- bell of Conneaut, Ohio; :Mrs. George Ieethick, of Seaforth; liars. Robert Jackson, London; Mrs. R. IN. Camp- bell, Lac du Bonnett; Mrs. Wel'lin'g- ton Blatchford, Loudon; Duncan Campbell, Tacoma, Washington; fdrs.; tl harles Drager, Walton. The Srueeal' took place from the residence of her daughter,. Mrs, Charles ,Drager. She is survived by twentyetw'o grand obildren and three great grand 'chil- dren, little Charles Drager, Galt; Billy Ridley, London; and B'i'lly Brugger, Montreal. Miss Beth iSlh'annon, who has' been liotidayiitg with 'friends in Toronto, bas returned 'home. Mr. and Mrs. H. 'Shannon spent Sunday with friends in Kitchener and Galt. Mr. ,a'nd Mrs. R. Marks and family :,pent the weelc end at iBiaylfield, W:M;S.r1lhe regular meeting of the W.MIS was held at 'the homeof Mrs. IRo'bt. Reid, Mrs, 'Gordon McGa- ' vin presided. After the opening exer- cises (Mrs, IW. ,MdGlavin read the leaf: int ten'bfttted. "Jesus the P'erieet Type," Are interesting ,paper was given on 1'tayer, by firs. 'A. 'McCall. She showedi the meaning, need and re- vrards of 'prayer. Roll ' call was taken by Miss IA. McTaggart in the absence of the 'secretary, Mrs. '_lidDonatd, 'There were :forty ladies present, It was decided ,bo bring 'birthday money to :dee September meeting. Mrs. ,Bry- arts •closed the meeting with prayer. A short meeting of the WA. was also 'held.. Collectors' for Bible (Society mo- ney were appointed and. arrangements 'nxad'e•'irar ,the !Monday evening df an- aiversat'y Which lis 'being held !Sunday, Attgtrst ZI'st this year. 'Mrs !M'cCal- htim closed with prayer. A dainty 3tinch was served, UiS'B'O'RNE. A quiet wedding was solemnized alt the United Church Manse, }lensall, on Saturday evening When ,Rev, Arthur Sinrllair, united in marriage, Bertha, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. :henry Soldan, HensthiI, to Melvin Mee-, son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Moir of Usborne• alaot and Fbr S'ale,Alds. I lettere, ZSIn, eome in and see our new and used ears Agent for ehrysler, Dei Soto, Plymouth JOHN N GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. .HIILLSGREEN. W. M. 'S.- The regular 'monthly meeting of the Waitron's Missionary Society was 'held at the (home of 'Mrs, R. 'MeAllister on Wednesday after- noon, ;August 16th ,wiith. Mrs. (Rev.) Conner presiding. We opened our meeting by singing Hymen 235. The Scripture lesson $ro'm (Sit. John 1. verses 1 to 115, were led 'by Mrs. ' W. Turner. '!Mrs. Rollet, Stephenson then lead in 'prayer. (Topics and discussions were 'then given one the tKittgdam of God Movement by Mrs. R. .McAllis- ter and 'Mrs. (Rev.) Conner. ;Hymn 241 was sung. 'The secretary' then gave her report. The r'ol'l Was called, answered ib'p' the letter G. The offer- ing was then talkers. The study Was then 'taken by 'Mrs. 1J. 'Cochrane and Mrs. R. Consitt. !Hymn 496 was sung. We closed our meeting 'by repeating the Lord's !Prayer in unison. The service was taken as usual on Sundays by Rev. R. IR. Conner Who delivered a veep fine sermon, taking for his s'u'bject "The Christ of the Lonely Road." (Miss (Edna 'Cochrane gave a delightful solo, "God's 'Way is the Best Why." Rev. A'rtthur Sinclair of Hensal'1 will he in charge of the service next 'Sun- day. Rev. Mr. !Conner will be on his holidays for the next few weeks, 'Mr. Jas. Broadifoot df Regina, Sask., .visited 'w^ibh his sister and bro- ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Mac- Allister. Mr. Jas. Mustard of the London Road pent Sunday with his cousin, Mr. Ward Forrest, Mrs. Troyer is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Coleman and family of near Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. "Percy Idafnplbell' and children visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. Love. 'Mr. and 'Mrs. ;Blair of Detroit vis- ited at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson. Mrs. lefcMurtrie of •Hensal•1 visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Love. Mr. and 'Mrs, R, McAllister were visitors with friends from Toronto. Mrs. W. Randall of Plattsville and Mrs. McCaw of Brampton are visit- ing friends. BLYTH. Miss Minnie Yeo visited her friend, -e Pies (Mildred IHi1b'orn, an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 'Clifford Yeo returned to !their home at 'Wallalceiburg after visiting relatives 'here. :Misses Alice and 'Clete Watson accompanied them, Misses Mary and Mabel (Fear spent last tFriday with Miss 'Mae 'Sh'ortreed. Mr. and (Mrs.'Giiff Yeo, Mr, ' ICloyd Johnston, Misses: Minnie :Yeo'. and Margaret Johnston enjoyed Friday ev- ening at Mr. Clarence Johnston's home. IM'iss ;Mary Sear of 1Mimico has been visiting her relatives here during the past week. M'is's Ruth Yeo is spending a 'few weeks with her cousin, Mrs. John Metcalf, London. Mr. and !Mrs.'R West and son of Tbron'to visited cher mother, Mrs. E. Waltsbn, during the week end, Mn,r'E. Watson is spending a 'few drays' with her d'auglhter, •Mrs. Geo. Potter. W. M. S.—The Birthday and Mite Box meeting of the 'W.M!S. of the Queen St. United 'Church was held on Tuesday, August 9th, at the home of; Mrs. S. A. Kechpie, with a good attendance. Mrs. Chas, Grasby pre- sided for the program .part of the meeting. Rea'din'g,. the Devotional Leaflet, Jesus bhe Son of 'Man, The Perfect Type, Mrs. W ghtman offered prayer. Aliving presentation on of the Missionary Monthly, was given, I the Fr'ond'Cover, Mrs. Greeley; K am the Editorial Page, Mrs, Lyon; The •I.ead- i'g Article; Mrs. D. Moody; Home and Foreign Mission, Mics. Wightt- man;, Young People's Page, Mrs. J. Maines; two verses of Hymn "I Love to tell the Story," was sung; "Month- ly News," Mrs. A, B. Carr; Mis's'ion Band, Mrs. Bender; Literature, Mns. E. Johnstone Instructive Readings were given by Mrs, Gra;slby "Life is So IShort'; Mrs. Fawcett, "The Gift of a Loving Heart." The president, Mrs. 'Oolclough, then took the chair for the business pant df the mee'tin'g. Roll Call was answered by bhe name of a missionary now 'serving in Trini- dad. The resolutions from the Lon- don Con'ference ,Branch' to the Domin- ion Board were .read, 'followed by a meditation and apnayer, For Me To Live is Christ, by the president,' two verses of I Need Thee Every Hour, esas sung. Mrs. W. ; H. McElroy clos- ed with prayer. Group No. 9 seiived a 10e- tea. Ho's'tesses; Mrs. S. A..Kech- nie, . Mrs. H. McElroy, Mrs. Chas. Bell, Mrs. F. Toll, Mrs. A. Quinn. Mr. and Mrs, Alex Fox and family. of Toronto visited Mrs. Jnhnstoe's parents, Mi. and Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Mrs. Johnston and .grandd'aug'hter re- turned with thein and will spend two weeks in, the city. Visitors on ISalturdey at the home of Mrs. H. M. Patterson included Mr. and Mils. John 'MccRhay of Flint, Mi- chigan; Miss A. Cardiff of Brussels; Mr. Joseph Nicholson of Ethel; Mrs. Wm, Woods of Walston. Mrs. James Armstrong attended the funeral pf her !brother, the !'ate Joseph Nixon, Ludknew, on Thursday. BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. Kthetine Webster and sister, Miss Eva Bully of Toronto, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 5. Addison. 'Mrs. Pete Douglas and daughter, Mis's Kathleen of Saskabton, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,Dangles during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cole of Crom- arty spent the week -end at the home of thelatter's brother, :Mr, Lindsay Eyre. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Douglas of Ka- pueleaaing, 'are spending a few days at the home of the former's brother, Mr. Wm. Douglas. The services in the United Church will be held next Sunday at a quarter to ten. Rev. A. Sinclair of Hensali waill be the preacher for the day. Sunday school at '1{1. ,Mrs. Alex. Mustard returned with Mr. J. B. Mustard last week to his cottage in Inver Huron. Mrs. L. Forrest visited her uncle, Mr. W. C. Landsborough in Part Credit last week. Mrs. Alex. and Mrs. Janet Ross re- turned to their home in the village after an absence of three weeks, /There called at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Jas. MciQueen 'last week an old friend whom they had not met for 47 years in the person of. Mr. Wm. J. Carter, formerly of Tuckersmith, now of Goderich: LONDESBORO. Mrs, Kerslake o'f Exeter is visiting her mother, Mrs, H. Lyon. Mrs. Gaunt of St. Helens is spend- ing a week with her motherand obh- er relatives here, Mrs. C. Watson entertained her married cousins on Monday afbernkran at her home just west of the village, in honor of Miss Maud Lyon Of Bran- don, Man., who is home for a couple of months. 'The ladies report a jolly a'fterno'on spent together, there being eighteen in all. Mess Verde Watson of Goderich is spending a week at her home here. Messrs. H. tCaid'weill, W. Little and H. Winters leave this week for the West. Mr. and Airs. Howard and family of Glodericb Sunday -eel with friends here. Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Armstrong were Sunday guests of Miss Moore of Varese. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Done and Miss Edna of Pt. Colborn and Mt. and Mrs. Richmond Sunday -ed at Mr. 5. Scott's, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Yungblut of Constance spent Sun'day with 'Ur. and Mrs, Griffiths. Mr. and Mrs, Alex: Wells and Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Wells were Goderich visitors on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dewar and family of Ottawa are spending their holidays here with frfeni Mr. and Mrs. B. Tyernlan of Sea- forthcalled on village friends 6n Monday. 'Rev, W. Fiinlglau:d and family of Niagara are spending their holidays at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. Ting: land, Mr. Arthur Lyon' of Kitchener is home fore hie holidays. 11r. Jim McCrea spent the, week -end at Bright's Grove. CONSTANCE. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stanley of Toronto, ',Mrs. 'Many Graham and Mrs. George Elliott of'C6inbon and Dr. and Mrs: Archer of Bsl'tinsdre,N.Y., were 'calling at the , home of Mrs. Robert' 'Clarke on :Saturday last. • Miss Donehda Alda(ns is spending a few days yttith her friends the Misses Louise and Eliz'abeth Mills ;of 'Har - lo e k. 'Mrs. Gresham and daughter Jame returned to Cleveland after an extend- ed visit with Mr. 'and ,Mrs. Earl (Law- son and Lawson`and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. ''Roy Lawson an'd, daughlter Marion spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Merniels (Mill's of Goderich township, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elll o'tt returned; to Toronto after having spent two weeks' vacation at the home of Mr. Wand Mrs. John Ferguson and 'Clinton +friend's. Miss Helen Thompson returned to ISea'forth on Saturday eveni'n'g after spend'in:g,a few days at the holme of IMT. and Mrs: E. Adams. Mr. and Mts. 'Wi'Pliam Brinton and: !Helen and Edith and Mr. Will Jewett spent Sunday evening at the home of :Miss Viola Morrison'. Mrs. ,Robert Lawson and son Lorne attended the 'Oosens ,pi'enic held •at Kincardline. Mr. and M rc. A'tustin Dexter, Mona and friend, were recent vi's'itors at the home of Mr. and Mos.' Charles Fraser, Blyth. Mr. Bully Be'gler of Toronto visited his cousin, Htarry .Yun'gblut lash week. STAFFA Miss jean Barbour spent several days in Toronto last ,week. Mr. Frank Elliott had the misfort- une to fall from bhe beam in the 'barn on Monday, injuring his ankle. Miss Margaret Yeo of Toronto is visiting her aunt, Mrs. Bo'wm'an. Mrs, D. Nefla'nd's and children: of Cleveland and' ;Miss Mary -Brown of Toronto are visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Barlbour. Several of the farbners have finish- ed harvesting. Miss Marguerite Sillery of Buffalo' is spending her vacation under the parental roof, Mr. and Mrs. H. Leslie of Stratford visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. Butson Sunday. Mrs. R. McIGi'll of Mitchell is vis- iting with her sister, Mrs. Luxton. (M'is's Iva Elliott of Logan spent the weekend the guest of Miss Mar- zette Sadler. KIPPEN. Miss Etta Bell of London spent the. week end with her parents. • Mr. and Mrs. W. J. B'ru'ce Field have returned from their vacation in New Ontario where they had a very pleasant outing. Mr, and Mrs. Win, Be'll•are receiv- ing congratulations these days. I't's a boy. Rev. A. S:inolair of Hensall will con- duct services on. Suns'ay next at 11 a. m. Mr. Geo. Latreal of Detroit is' visit- ing with Kippen friends, Mr, Arthur Anderson made a •busi- ness trip to Toronto on Monday last. Mrs. Lentis 'Se'am'an and children of Kitchener are visiting with her bro- ther, Mr. Rolbert McGregor. TUCKERSMITH. Threshing is the order of the day. Reports .say grain is turning out good. Miss Gladys Crich of Clinton spent a day last week at the home of Mrs. Lewis Tdbbutt. Miss Carrie Olce and Miss Beatrice McCowan are camping at Geared Bend this week.' Mrs. Eerie Crich is visiting at Mrs,' Harvey Coleman's at Hillsgreen for a few days. Mr, and "Mrs. Russell:Colemv.n and Mr. and Mrs, Thos, Coleman spent Sunday at Mr. Frank 'Coleman's at Hilisgreen. Death of Alice .Bell. -The death took place in Victoria Hospital, Lon- don Tuesday morning of Miss Alice Bell of Hen'sal'l in .her 63rd year. Miss Bele was the daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs, Robert Bell, pioneer resid- ents of Tuckersm'ith Township. She is survived by one brother, William, on the homestead farm, hear Hensel!, and three sisters, Mrs• Addie MidLeod and Mrs f • Elizabeth Chisholm, both of Cal- gary, and Mrs. T'ho'mas Welsh, of Hensel]. Mr. and M•rs. Joe McLellan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan For- syth. Miss Sarah Wood's of London is visiting at the home of ibfrs, J. Jack- son. thiisse's Margaret anis Marjory `Hay are visiting their sister, Mrs. Lorne Pepiper of Niagara Falls. GO3YEREOH TTO1WNNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. Theron Beetles, Gor- don and. I'sobiel Betties and 'Miss Vel- ma IPaist of Wintt!hnojt visited its the neighborhood on Friday. 'Miss Jean Nlaic'Adam<is.spending '`'a few days at the home of S. Mcllwain. Master Billy Miellwain has returned homae after spending a few days in Goderich. Miss Alice Hastings spent Saturday in Goderich visetiing With friends, The (teeth occurred in Goderich on Saturday of bins, Morgan Sr., a for- mer well-known resident of Goderich township. The funeral will take place on Monday from the home of her son, John Morgan. Our synvpatety goes out to her daughter, M'rs. Thos. Beit - des. 'Mrs. Jas. Sterling had the misfor- tune. tq have her foot scalded. Mr. Jack Ryan's threshing machine is le our neighborhood. DUBLIN, Mr. and Mrs. iellacic Cronin visited over the tweet -enc with friend's in the vicinity. The 19'3'2 Noemaletes ,have been very successfitll this year in. Obtaining schools. Miss Dorothy 'Mol'emeesux has secured la postthoni near Riivers- dale, . Miss'Rose 1OlOonnar, S. IS. 110. 4, Hli1ibeet, and' Miss Katharine !Byrne at ''Sit." Joseph's. We wish them every success' for bhe Coming year. Miss Edith Miles, who has been on the teaching staff .for. three years in Guelph, resigned her'porsiti'on and left Monday to enter the `, Loretto (Cone vent at 'Toronto. Miss' Annie .M1dGrabh left Monday to enter the St. Jiosept's (Convent at London. (Miss !McGrath is a very es- teemed young lady of this vicinity and will Ile 'missed' dry her Matey friend's.. Mess Mary ,OlCo'nnor, :supervisor of the operating Doom, Highland dark Hospital, Detroit, is epenlding her va- cation w'i'tlh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D, J. iOlOonnlor. Mr. anil 'Mrs. •Wm. Hamilton and family of H'arris'ton tspenit the 'week- en:d with/Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Murphy. STANLEY. lTihe services at (osnhen and Varna United Churches next ;Sunday will he taken by Mrs. R. !Stephenson and Miss. !Bailey of 'Goderich, 'Miss Grace Reid of /Fllint is visiting her ,cousins, 'Margaret, (Grace and I'sa- bel Robinson, at present. Mr. 'Ext. Johnson's of ;Goderich vis- ited at'Mr. Neilson 'Keys' ort Sunday. .Mrs. Frank Boyd and eon . of Nia- gara are spending a week at the home of Mr. Roy (Lamont. Mrs. 'Margaret 'Erratt and. Miss Olive Erratt spent l'as't 'Friday at Lon- des'boro, bhe guests of Miss Maud Lyons, i1vr,;and Mrs (Rufus (Keys have been visiting friends on Babylon Line,' Mrs. Robert Scotchmer visited with Mrs. W. J. Tough and Mrs, W. Car- ole on Thursday of last week. Mrs. McKee of Toronto spent the week -end at her former home on the Bronson. Mrs. J. A. Carrie visited over the weelc-end with relatives at Bruce - field, Hensel! and' Exeter. MANLEY. Mr. Peter Eckert Jr. from Timmins is spending his holidays with his par- ents, this week, and reports the times are prosperous there. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Purcell and his daughter, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Carpenter, motored• to the shrine at Midland. !Harvesting is a•linost eom'plete. If the fine weather continues and all the crops turn out to be :bumper ones, the farmer hopes good times around the corner get the wheels • of prosperity' rolling. HULLETT, Mrs. Bedford of the Soo is visiting at the home of her father on the thir- teenth, Miss Hall of Toronto is visiting at the home of her parents on the thir- teenth. (Mrs, John Scott of the tenth had a number of Port Colborne friends visit her recently. Mr. and (Mrs. Morrell of (Summer- hill visited Mr. and Mrs. Morrell of the gravel road recently. Mr. Harvey Snell delivered a very fine address at the United' Church, Londesb'ore, last Sunday morning: iIiss Verde Watson had a few God- erich friend's visit her last week, McKILLOP. • The W.M.S. and Ladies' Aid of D'uff's Churc'h held their regular meet- ing at the home of Mrs. Archie Kerr, with a good attend'an'ce. A quilt wee quilted. The business pant ,df the meet- ing was then taken'by Mrs. (Rev.) W., F. Smith, A delicious lunch was then served by the ladies, The W.M.S. of , Duff's Unitedi Church .held their August meeting in the Church w'lth a fair eetendance, The next meeting of the Society will be held at the home of •Mrs. Ivy Hen- derson on the second Thursday of Septe'm'ber. Service in the MsKuliop 'Churches will be at the regular hoer on Sun- day, (August 21st: Duff's, 9.30 a, m•; Winthrop, ld am; and Bethel at 2;30 pane, Mr. An R, ,Hass'erd, K.,C,, repro - TRY Gillespies Cleaners & Dyers WITH YOUR NEXT ORDER Phone 196w We call and deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop, senting elle :Ontario Prohibition •Un- ion, will have charge _of a11. the ser- vices. BORN! BIEL.L.—In Scott Memorial . Respite], on Friday, Aug. 12, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Willialsn Bell, Hensel!, a son. NJX'ON.-Sit Scott Memorial Hospi- tal; on Friday, Aug. 12, 1932, to Mr, and., Mrs. Dale Ninon, Seaforth, a MIC'KLE—.In Scott, Memorial Hospi- • tai on Friday, Aug: 12, 1932, to Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle, Hensel, p daughter. BEICHELY. — In Scott Memorial Hospital, on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 1932, to Dr. and. Mrs, F. Jt ,Bechely, a son, BIO�L11i0!N.-(Tin IS'eaforth, on"Friday, 'August 32, ,1932, to Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bolton, a daughter. CO;IVISARVA(fdV E CANDIDATE ONE OF GOUNT7t'S BEST FARIMtERS (London Free Press), (Louis H. Rader, .Conservative can- didate for S;omth Huron in the fed'eral by-•eleati'on scheduled .for October 3, is one of the most outstanding and successlful farmers in Htitron county. Mr. Rader aspires to the seat in the House of 'Commons leift vacant by the sudden death Of Thomas McMillan, Liberal M.P. There are thea candi- dates' in the field, the other two, being William Black, Progressi've, and W. H. Golding, 'Liberal. Mr. Rader's gap - porters; wiho are numerous all over the riding, eonlfidenitly expect that he will be successful at the polls. Mr. Rader, who has a 173 -acre farm about three miles from Dashwood,1"`4 near Exeter, was born in. Stephen town's'hip 418 years ago. All his life the has taken a keen interest in municipal affairs and ,ptub'iit life. For 12 years he has 'beets active in the municipal life of Hay township, where his fade is located. Floc the first eight years he' was a councilor of Hay' Township and then, for 'four years, he was reeve. This year he is warden of Huron county and one of the most efficient and p'opul'ar wardens that historic county has ever had. The 'breeding orf thoroughbred Clydesdales has been oke of the 'Con- servative standard-'bearer's hobbies, and a very succes's'ful one, too. With the horses shown in the photogravure section of this edition of The Londocy(; Free Press, Mr. Rader h'as won six • silver cups at 'various shows around the.. country. Mr, (Rader has always been interest- ed in the breeding ofthoroughbred live stock and his fannh is populated with some of the 'best, As for .grain'•, he grows it mostly for feed purposes. He has a beautiful'and productive ap- ple -orchard on his farm. Of his horses Mr. ;Rader is particularly proud. He has won ,prizes at Parkhill, Bayfield and Thedford. He won bhe township prize for two years in succession for the three best horses in the tovenshifp. This was in 1930 and 19311. ,He won the silver cup,presenited by the branch of the 'Royal Bank at Parkhill for three years in succession for the 'best draft team. '- ant ohunch work Mr. 'Ro'den has al- ways been active. He is sisperintend- ent of 'the Sunday school and presi- dent of the choir and chairman of the congregation of toe- Lutheran church fn his distinct. He comes' of a ,family that have been re'sidenits df Huron county three or tour generations, Guests with lir. Jo'h'n Abell and his brother George last week were :Mr. Charles Pbpe of Brussels 'lii , r, and r++! Mrs. ' Lydetilatt and daughter of To- ronto and Miss Gertie Abell, Mon- treal. Twenty-ltwo year's ago he was .mar- ried to Miss Clare Miller, who was born on the farm on which the famiily' now resides. The children are: Lloyd, 29; b'il'e, 113; Amelia, 17; Dorothy, 15; ; Ir lg. n 13; Elmer, Ll; Hilda, 9; end Violet, 4. • Far Sprains and Bruises:—There is nothing ;better for sprains prams and con- tusions than Dr., Thomas' Eclectnic Ceii. It will reduce .the swelling that follaws a sprain, will cool the hp' flamed flesh and draw the pain: tit will take the ache out Of a 'bruise by counteracting the inillnuimnaation. A trial will convince any who d'ou'bt its p olwer, Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c