The Seaforth News, 1932-08-11, Page 5T'HU'RSIDAY, AUGUST r11, 1932
'Superior Store Merch'an'ts are careful
proltedting your interests 'as well as
appears .on ,their, shelves is either nationallly'athvertised
or les's'er known lines that have been
,value by their awn ,cnmintittees of experts.
,chant re'coatnrnemdis a pro'd'uct to you,
ence, Re'nne!nvber.hns slogan—. ,
I • .
Item's for ,August 11,
' 00 cake's,
,112' oz, tins
PUMPKIN,' 2's Squat'
3 pkgs;
S'ALAfD1A•TEA=Special Sale
/''s. 23c.
,per •,tin
1Ghewing Gum, ,any flavor
Pure Lard, l's
;Australian Sul't'anas
''H•eiauz Ketchup
''McCormick's Lemon Nectar Bliskuit's—Special—
IWhnz 'Fly Fume ..,. ,:. ......• ...
fSitandard,Peas No. 4
;Kraft Salad Dressing .
°'Choice Peaches and ,Pears, Zs Squat
Magic 'Baking Pldwdv "100nitbains
Ideal 'Catsup, large, Quarts
Ovaltine "A tonic food beverage"
small 39c; Medium
;Family Blend 'Coffee
ILiiEe'buoy H'eal'th Soap
Canada Dry Ginger Ale
Canada Dry Ginger Beer
I(1Pl'us• Bottles);
Del Maiz Corn
Kink's Hardwater (Soap
Clark's Spaghetti
!Maple Leaf 'Siallnnon
Pa'nshiue "A wonderful cleaner"
VvlidLaren's Invinci'ble Jelly Powders
Taylor's Peanut Butter, Crown Jars
'New Cana'd'ian 'Cheese
Grape Nut Flakes
Rubber Jar (Rings, Best Quality ....,..
Certo, "Sure Jell"
Glacier Sardines—Now selling at
!Dustbane S'weep'ing Compound
' !French's :Prepared Mustard
IFIy Coils, ""To Hang Up" -The Better
Pineapple Marmalade
Wire Fly S'w'atters
;Ru'b'ber lily Swatters
O:eade Lemonade and Orangeade
Aluminum Coll'anderi, very durable
;Never Bend Dust Pans, all calors
Fancy Glass Tumblers
Durable .Shoe Laces, 27 and' 36 inch'
} J. Sproat
6 °r
bpyerts. In this way they are
their own, for merchandise which
acid well-known,
carefully tested as to. quality and
When a Superior Store Mer -
it can be purchased with coufid-
12, 13, 15, 16, and 17
, ....., ,,,,,,,, Z9 C
••per tin Sc
1's 45c
3 pkgs. 10c
2 1!W. 19c.
2 lbs. 27c
,- large b'ott'le 21c
., . per 'lb. 23c
8 oz, • ,,..'35c; 116 oz. .....60c
per tin 10c
... ... each 23c
2 tins 350
no Alum'4....4 oz. 15c; 8 oz 23c
16 az., , 36c
per ,bottle 15c
69c; Large...$1.09
Il'�s . 39c
3 cakes 25e
Pts. ..15c; ;Qts... 25c
per b'o'ttle 10c
2 tins 29c
4 cakes 25c
large tin 100
'%'s. , .. 19c; l's ....33c
3 tins 25c
3 for 17c
each 25c
2 lbs. 25c
2 pkgs. 21c
......,..: 4 dbz, 25c
per bottle 29c
' 100
large tin 33c
large bottle 13c
Kind .... ....... dozen 200
40 oz, jar 37c i
each 10c
anvil 15c
.... , .. ........ per pkg. 5c
• each 25c'
eaeh 19c
6 for 25c
„ pair 5c
Phone 8
Phone ??
Buy Seaforth
Good Quality
A Service
that creates
and a
Deppendable Reputation
The Seaforth
Please us by giving us your cream '
patronage and we will try to please
• •you by our ' services and 'highest
market prices.for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
Inc while you wait,
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
'IA quiet
ue, North
when 'Esther
Mr. and
�-and niece
talon, became
Mrs. H.
diate friends
wedding took place in the'
St. George's aven-
u,ver on lily 114th,
.. Vancouver, J
Mae, eldest dlaughter of
Mrs. E..'',Pdidard of Brussels,
of Mr, and' Mrs. David (Can,
the 'bride of Mr. Leslie
Braddli,ck, elder son of Mr. and
Braddielk, East Twelfth St.,
Rev. 'Stanley Smith per -
the ceremony at which Mime -
and relatives were the
guests. The bride was attired
costume of new bine
'anal lace made floor length,
.with a j'ad9ue'tte with
she wore an invp'or'ped' model
hat in biscuit .toter b'an'died
of the same shade as her
She wore long lace mitt's, Her
were Madonna hllies., She was
by Miss Gwen Bolan and
Kennedy and Jack Manley
!iniac. The happy couple will
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. Wil 'I.KER, holder of Go-
vernunent diploma and license..
Flowers Furnished
Night or day phone 67.
in a becoming
and fas:hioned
with velvet_
Miss Mary
was beset
live in
" For .years'
able. wst=,,prelparatieif!Wed
: ..sec
W$eat, per bus . .... .:...... . ..
Shorts, per tan •
Bram per tan.
Middlings, per ton „:4123.00
Butter, per lb,
Eggs, per doz. ............902c
New potatoes,. per bag
Hogs, Per cwt • • • '$43545:35
Molther. Graves' ' Worn
'has ranked as a veli-
dt always
Want and : Plot S'aie ,Ades
c• inpnnta'nt
Mr. and Mrs. J. J Haggard and
,Helen and. Jack Rankin •Ire trisitiug in
Lott Erie and Buffalo.
lit and Mrs Tho4tna's• Baker and,
little gran 'son Master Tommy Kahle,'
are visiting friends in Toronto
Mt Angus 'Carter of ;Rockport Ont.
was .t visitor at the Nance of Mr, Sid
GentuneUl, 'Tiu!c'kersniith, w'hidh was
formerly his lar�tn.
Mr. !Harold Tufts, of Kir Teton, of
the staff o'f ;the H'i'gh School of Conic-
coerce, Toronto, was a visitor at Mr.
J. D; Genvmell's' during She week.
aMn;s. Ed. Warren and niece, Mar-
lette Allen of Toronto. ace visiting
Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Rising this week:
3Disls Etiokie Oaltenvone ,o'f' Bellmore
is visiting her aunt and uncle, Mr, and:
Mrs. Edward Molle. . s. •
Mr,, George 'Mundell and Mt. Allan
Mdl,ean of Bellmore spent Sund'ay at
She ham,e of Mr, and Mrs.' Edlward`
Mr. George Fletcher of Glands alyd;
Mr. Will Rowan of Teeslwalter were,
,Sunday visitors at Mr, A. Fletcher's,'
in taws. Mr. ,George Fletcher and
Ms. Edward Fletcher are brothers.
Mr. J. A. Montgomery of Winthrop
was in Toronto on Monday where his
injured foot was examined. Mr. Mont-
gomery, who was injured last year
when a pole fell with him when• he
Birth, '
was working'us south of 1 is
just Y ,
able to be around with'the aid of a
spedi'a1 'bo'olt for his injured heel, and
a pair of crutches. It will 'be some
time before he is fully rec'o'vered.
;Mrs. Percy Mackiatn o'f • Toronto
speutt a fe.w days'with finietuds in town
last week.
Mfrs, A. W. Hough, Miss• Agnles
Hough, of Flint, Mich., Mrs. E. 'Li
trance, Miss ,Helen and Alan Liver-
ance, 'Wi'llllea'nnstown, 'Mich:, are.the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. IE. Kers-
lake and ether friends.
M'e'ssrs, Scott Hawthorne and, A.
W. Dick are s'p'end'in'g a couple of
days this week fishing In the Bruce
Mr. Gerald' Holland and Mrs. Leo
Holland of Windsor called o'u friend's
here this week.
IMrs. John Maloney of'S'tratford Was
a vis'i'tor here last Monday.
'Mrs. C. Eckart cls spending her hol-
idays with her daughter in, Detrioit.
Mrs. C. P. Sills and Master Ronald
Sills. have rdturned home frons De-
troit, 'Mir. ;Siris spent the week end in
Mr. 'Lorne Dade was in Wuti�ghant
last week attending the.funeral of ,Mrs,
Arnold Beane.
'Mrs• Lorne Dale and family were
guests fast week with Mrs. F. Slang-
eanit, Church' street, Stratford.
Mrs. Jno. Maloney has gone to De-
troit to visit her „sons, Harold and
,• M ui and
Hugh lire
and Ars. iHu I d
a g
their two sons, Jos. and Bernard of
Toronto, spent a few days"with Mrs,
Jno, 'Maloney.
Miss K'athe'rine A. `Murray of .Sit,
Mary's H'os'pital, Kitchener, 1' spent
Sunday last at the home of her'grand
parents, Mr. and 'Mrs, P. McCann,
Mr, and Mrs. Harold MdLeod o!f
London spent' the week -end at'the
home of Mr. and Mrs. M, 'McKellar.
Miss Margaret McKellar has re-
turned after spending two weeks with
friends in Lo1n'don,
Many friends of Mrs. William El-
gie regret to learn that she is very
ill at present.
A new'verendaih is being erected in
front of Mr. Alex, Grey's residence in
'Mass F'l'orence Fowler of Biuera'le
is spending a couple of .days in town.
Mr. and. Mrs, M. R..Rennie and fa-
mily went to Grand' Bend' on Wed-
nesday to their cottage.
Mr. and Mr's, R. 'L. Thompson and
Helen and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Bax-
ter hmatve returned' eater visiting in Ro-
chester, N.Y.
Mrs. E. C. McClelland and children,.
A;no,' Mary and Willie oif Tation'to,
who Have been visit'in'g her parents,.
God. and •M,rs. R. S. Hays, the past
month, leave on Thursday ,.far. their
Mr, and Mrs, Lawrie of Brussels
are guests of t
Mr d
g e an Mrs. A. L.
Mr, 'Wil'l IBriue was a visitor in
Windsor the past week.
Miss Mabel Pinkney has re'turn'ed
to Buffalo after a ,mionith'S visit at
the .home of her parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Jolhit ,Pinkney, Golderich st,
1Rev.'C.'C. Kleine was in Bluevale
on Sunday where' he conduc'te'd the
iA Toronto camping party pitched
their tent at the Lions park over Sat-
urday night, being the forst ten'teus
on the grounds tisis su'm'mer. T'wo
other cars, one from Stratford, had
supper and spent the evening there.
Last year,tourists camped at the park
quite a few, tinsels. but there does not
seem• to be as much tourist traffic so
far this year, is the opinion Of peo-
ple along the highway. The Toronto
party were returning from a wee'k's
laaiaslay at. Olwen Sound and spent
Friday night at I{ittc!ardli'tve.'
'Se'afonbh added -another -victory on
�ermanem Wares
Srm, mer Special
The self -setting; natural "push-
up with soft, curly, "ends"
Particularly adapted to "Baby Fine" and Grey Hair and perfect for
every normal texture:
Lucille Jones
Scientific Palmist, Card Reader,
World -Travelled Seer,
Will 'be here
Wednesday Morning to Thurs-
day night, Aug. 1748 only
You get longer reading if you
call daytime. Don't •nnisa it.
-Commercial Hotel,
. , Seaforth
Wednesday night by defeating- Gode-
ic'h in softball here, winhing by a
core,of 154.
Mis's M'oLaren, 'daughter, of Mr.
Robert McLaren Of Hensall under-
went an operation in, the hospital for
appendicitis this week.
' :Miss ,Ma119e Helper of Toronto, for-
ner 'Classics teacher of the 'Collegiate
staff, is the guest Of 'Miss. Ruth
Thompson. Miss H•e'tper will return
shortly to France to .complete a two-
year' p'ostgradu'ate course.
!Mr. and Mrs. (Curtis Sr, Mr. and
Mrs. John Curtis and daughter of St.
Thomas, visited Mr. and Mrs. 'W. D.
Manson, last week.
Miss Isabel Lowrie is visiting her,
aunt in Goderioh.
Mrs. Robert ,Hawthorne is visiting
is Goderidh with her son, Mr. Waiter
H4v�thorne and. Hawthorne. s
Mrs. 'Charles Riley is visiting her
datugh!ter, Mrs. Bert Hloggart, Hullett.
lM'ns. James MdKay of Toronto
silent the week end with Mrs. James
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Kling and Mr.
J. B. Kling 0'f ,Dayton, Ohio, returned
this week after, spending a few days
in Egnnondvillc. ,Mrs. Bert Kling, who
has been v'is'iting her mother who has
been ill, returned with thein.
Mr. Archie 'Campbell has returned
to 'Tomato after spending the past
week with his ,mother here.'
Mr. and 'Mrs. 'Russel ,B'ol'ton and
son spent Sunday with .Mr. and ;Mrs.
Adam Dodds of Listowel,
Mrs. 'Geonge -Eaton has been 'ap-
pointed Rural .Registrar for p!o14&ng
division No. 2 to ',prepare the ,list df
voters for the pending Dominion e'lec-
'M'r. J'o'hn 'M'ontgomery was in Tor-
onto on 'Monday receiving treatment
on his foot.
Mr. Oaaneron Geddes ,af 'Chatham,
Mis's Annie Geddes and Mr. G. Fow-
ler of Wynlghan and Mr. and. Mrs. W.
Ged'de's and Mr. and Mrs. Norman'
Geddes df B'ellgrave were the guests
of Mr. and, Mrs. Joseph !Little on Sun-
Not the Unlucky Third Accident. --
Carmen Hogg, little son of Adrian
and Mrs. Hlogg of Brussels, met with
a serious accicleu't when he puked
the kettle of boflim,g water on him-
self, scalding himself severely, This
is the second' serious accident for
Carmen, as previously be jumped off
a flat roof inl5jurinlg himself. H'is
friends hope for an early recovery.
;Services hr McKillop' churches on
S.undlay, August 114th will be as fol-
lows: D'uff's, service at, 9.30, S.S. at
10,30; Winthrop, S.IS. at 9145; service
at 11 ama, ,charge Of Y'PJS. B'eithel,
S,IS. at 4.30, service at 2.30. The pastor
will preach at Duffs an,d Bethel, A
represen'tafive of the the 'Ontario, Pro-
htibiti•on Unidai will visit NI,dKili'op
change on 'S'unday, August 31st
Mrs, Nelson 'Lear and family, ac-
companied Mr. and Mrs. St'a'nley
Chelle'w o!f Blyth to a Ball re -union
picnic held ,tear Goderic'h ase day last
Quite a nuntfber from. this vicinity
attended the funeral on Monday of
the late Mrs, Robert Knox of Blyth,
but formerly df this neighborhood.
Sineer,e sympathy is eutended to her
grancllson, 'Mr. Archie Wells and fa-
mily of T:oroinito, and her heathers,
Me's'srs. Alex. and . Archie Reid and
sister, ;Mrs. Annie Elliott, of Blyth,
also other friend's.
Quite a number from this neigh-
borhood were present at the Stratford
,Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGregor and
family were at tBa field last Thursday.
tela :
• Mr. and Mrs. George MicArthur of
Morris visited at the home o€ Mr. and
Mrs. Bert Allen on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Forman and
fam'il'y of near Astwood and the form-
er's sister, Mrs. John IFrorb:es of To-
ronto visited an Monday forenoon at
the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Knox and on their weay, home from
the funeral Of the former's aunt, Mrs.
Knox, of Biiyith, called and had tea at
the Ihbnie of Mrs. Jeannie Knox.
Mis's Levine Knox is at present
holidaying at the home of her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos, Knox.
lbt. and 'Mrs. James Scott and little.
Ian of Toronto returned home last
Tuesday after spending a few, days
with Mr. and Mrs. 'S,i':ut!on MOVittie
and other 'friends.
The Atngus•t 'Ladies' Aid meeting
was held on Wednesd'ay of last week
at the home of Mrs, Simon McV'ittie,
A very p'leas'ant e0fterneon was en-
joyed by all present.
.Mr. and Mrs. Albert. Lydidatt of
Grey visited on 'Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Jennie Knox.
Mrs. Wen. Kinox of Clinton spent
the week end at, the 'ho'me of 'Mr. aiad
Mrs. Thos. Knox.
Mitts Marjorie `C'oll'sain visited at the
home of her -'fri'end's, Mr. and Mrs.
Warren Gih!b'ings on Tuesday of last
We are pleased to ieeow, that the
Misses Wil nad
an Phyllis y s Sliephend
who have had the measles are getting
along cicely
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a BRUCEFIELD.
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
I"'s worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at' the new :low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
Ail .claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid,
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day Service
Phone 152
A. D. Suthmerland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
The August meeting of the W'oan
an's Association was held at the home
of !Mr. Chas. Reid on Thurs'day after-
noon, Aug, 7, with an attendance of
46. The president, Mrs. H. Aiken-
hea'd, in the chair. Alfter singing hymn
447. Mrs. Addison led, in prayer. The
secretary read the roll call. All pres-
ent. gave a 'verse or p'oe'm by Miss
Graham. Miss Isabel Graham then
took the ,nneeithug. She gave some of
her most in'teres'ting p'oe'ms which
Are 'herself composed, after which
the h,ostes'ses For the afternoon, firs.
Jamieson, Mns. Forrest, Mrs. Grain-
ger, Mrs. Hain and Mrs I -Dorton ser-
ved a very dainty lutilch The Sep-
tember meeting will be hes - ft' the
home of Mrs. Alex. B.roadtfoot,
I love th ';friendly Country folk,
The bre'a Yh o' neve-mown hay
Lures me a clown the leafy lanes,
Where Pretty lambkins play;
The L'ob'oliiik and Meadow bark
Keep catling `'Come away"
The hospitable country folk,
God bless :the honest hands, [need
That help supply the world's vast
And bhe link the farlthest lagdsr
Exponents of the scrapie life [fife.
To which the wood ny+m'phs tune their
The solid, steady, country folic,
The very warp and weft
Of any nation, without 'which
Asunder it had cleft
The=brau'u and sinew of its soul
As days and year's and ages roll:
The whodesunie, happy country folk,
God bless them, ore, and all,
When A'd'ant delved where angels
The ground cursed by the fall
Gave promise o'f things ,pure and sweet
He'artease for sorrow and defeat.
--ell. Isabel Graham,
Dr. 'Wm. Aikenhead of 'Toronto
spent the week end with friends in
S'tan'ley tdwn;'hip.
Mr. and Mrs, ,Norman Wheeler of
Detroit are holidaying in the village
Y g v age
at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Dunlop of Fenlon
Falls visited at 'the home of the 'lady's
parents, Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm, Rattan- -
bury last week.
Miss Irene Snider off London, 'Miss
Eleanor of Kincardine and Miss K. of
Seaforth hospital, spent their vaca-
tion at the home Of their patents, !Mr.
and 'Mrs. John Snider, last week.
• Mrs. 'Bruce Berry and Mrs. JL.
Forrest visited friends in Stratford re-
W. C. Landsiborovgh of Port
Credit and Mrs. 'Cornell of To'ron'to
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
McQueen last week.
A centenary picnic was held in .Kin-
cardine, Monday, ;August let, to cel-
ebrate the arrival of the Cosens fam-
ily in 'Canada, June 1632. One of the
most pieas'ant ideas of the present
time is the heading of faanily gather-
ings. Relatives see one another in 'tilos
way who have perhaps not met for
years and a good time is assured.
Meunbers of the family numbering
between forty or fifty were present,
extending to ,the fourth generation,
After lunch ,the party met onthe
lawn of Dr. A. lGos.ens of Toronto,
who has a cottage oua the beach and
was hospitably entertained • by Mrs.
Cosens and daughter Edith. There
were relatives present from Toronto,
Port 'Credit, Palmerston, Mount For-
est, ;Durham, Wive -am, Brucefield,
Clinton and surrounding country.
There are a'ls'o members of.the 'Cosens
family in Michigan, ;Manitoba, Saskat
chewan, ,Alberta, Peace River, British
Columbia, Montana, South America,
Dakoha, who were unable to attend.
M'rs. Libtbie Cornell, 166 Wright, aven-
ue, !Toronto, gave a very interesting
talk, telling .ho'w 1C1ia,rles 'Cosens and
his wife and thirteen children, son-in-
law, 'Mr. William Tilt, and three
gran'd'c'hild'ren left Dorking, England,
one 'hundred years ago; after spend-
ing eight weeks on b'oard ship landed
at Montreal. The party came up the
St. Lawrence river in rowboats as far
as Prescott, 'then 'took the steamer to
Toronto. 'Then hired a schooner to
take rheic to Hamilton, went .from
there by hired team t'o W'aterloa
county where they .remained until.
1836' when they moved to Tucker -
smith, Huron, county. Mr. Clotsens
died its 1846 and Mrs, Cosens in 11853
and are buried in the Turner cemetery
also their eldest 'daughter, Jane Go-
se.n's, wife of!William 'Tilt, who died in
O'0tdber, 5832. Those were the days
of strong men and braive women' when
hardships were endured with fortitude
and people lived the si'm'ple life. Rev.
T. W. Cosens, Mount Fares't, ;gave a
very intore'sting,'t'alk w'h'ich was very
much enjoyed. Souvenirs were shown,
which were brought .from England in
11332, B'e'fore dispersing those present
decided bo hold anther gathering
next year at some pl'a'ce decided by
the committee appointed.
lBrucdfield UWF.W.'O. will hold their
regular Monthly meeting at the Monte
of 'Mrs. Hitph M'dLach'd'ant Wednes-
day, ' August '117th, at 2130. Mrs. Mc-
Lachlan to take the topic, ''Temper-
ance in All Things"; roll call: Effects
of intemperance.
When you have &
Phone promptly to
Phone 22 — Ingersoll:
Phone 215 W - Stratford
1 ;f