HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-08-11, Page 1The •stairsr lare forth,; the eninion above the taps/ " • 01f the snow shining mountains.- 1$Ie,auitifuhl 1 linger yet,'wiith iN'ature, for:the nighq. cllath been tlo me a more fa'niiliar <face' U.R0N 0 COUNTY'.5 LEADING NEW SP APER Than that of man; anld in !her starry s'h'adtl' Of dim and solitary loveliness, I learn'd the language of another vnoe1d. Byron?. WHOLE WHOLE SEIRIES, VIOL, 54, No., 32 SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,TIiURSDAY, AUGUST 11 1932 Phan e 84. $1 A' Y'EAR.; DINNERS, and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices. Reasonable OiyrnpiaThi �' Confectionery and Restaurant Extracts When you buy Extracts . at Hutcini- son's you get the 15c quality for 10c, not for a week -end special but ALL THE TIME. 8 oz. and 86 sizes at proportionate prices. CHEESE.—June 1431, per lb 20c CHEESE.—Tune 1932, per lb. ' )This' cheese is ;choice, paratfine'd and wrapped in quarters, prevent- ing mould and.evaporation. WINCHESTER TWILIGHT PA- I PER,—tExtra size and quality. 3 rolls - , 25c MOLASSES (Baking) Best quality.. 6c lb. in bulk RAI1S'INS.—Neu• Australian Seedless 2 lbs. 25c STEEL WOOL.—Coarse, medium or 'fine, 3 for 25c SOAP -•- -Surprise, 'Comfort, Sunlight, !Somme, or PAC. Choice at 6 for 25c PRINCESS SOAP FLAKES.— One of the very best and easy on hands for 15c MAPLE LEAF SOAP FLAKES.— 25c 2 lbs, for CHURCH 'CARD. North Side United Chums.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. :Sunday, August 1.4th. Union .Services 10 a.m.—(Sun'd'ay Sc'iool sessions. ill a,m.—Public Worship in North Side United. 7 !p.m. -Public Worship in E'g- rnondv'i'lle United. Rev. W. F. Smith o'f MdKiflb'p will conduct both services. ROBBED : IN DETROIT.' The following from the Detroit paper refers to ,Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Bullard, former residents of ISealforth: Welham Bullard manager of an apartment house, at. 60 'Clairmont avenue, and his wife Gertrude, were held up at 9 p.m. Monday by' two seen, who sobbeld then of $173. Mr. Bul- lard.'toldpolice the 'bandits po's'ed as pre slpecti've tenants and asked to be shown, vacant apartments. The men took $415 from iM'rs, Bu'llard'a purse and $1t18 from the office. elOWLERS VISIT MTT.C'HES:L At the 'mixed twilight tournament. held in :Mitchell on the 9th, 'Seaforth. won secon{l place with a scone of 3 wins plus 10. 'First prize 'went to Stratford with a .score of 3 wins plus', 13. The Sealforth players were 'Mrs,' James Devereaux, 'Mrs. E. H. (Close, Mr. 'E.''H.Close and Mr. Rufus Win- ter, skip. The ladies' prizes were 'luncheon sets, and the men received kitchen clocks. is ',guaranteed to do all that the very best and 'finest flakes will do, l°.,. even "those at 40c lb. LUX TOILET SOAP.— 3 for 21c CANADA VINEGARS ,C0. --.-XXX White Spirit Vinegar ....40c gal. ONIONS.—iNew Crop.—...8 lbs. 25c EGGS.-1Bought for cash or lc per dozen more in trade. ,CREAIVI--,Bought for Seaforth Crea- mery at Creamery .prices: FIRST CLASS DAIRY .BUTTER Bought at any time. ti F. D. HUTCHISON PHONE 166 EGMO'NDVDLLE. :The E'ganoncdville'Church '.will have ,orae worship service \on each Sunday during the vacation season, On Aug, 7 sand 14, at 7 p.m.; on Aug. 2+1, 28, S,eipt.•6 at 11 am; 'The church stch,00l wilt be as usual, at 110 .a.m. NEW MANAGER Mr. E. C. Bo'stvell, who has been appoinnited' successor to the late R. M. Jones as manager of the 'Seaforth branch of the Dominion ,B'an'k assent, - ed his new duties this week. Mr. Bos- well comes to 'Seaforth from Baden, where he' was Dominion B'an'k naaitag- er. He is at present staying at the Commercial, but as Coon as a resi- dence is secured, Mrs. B'olslwe'll and two children will move to' Seaforth. IFO'OTB'ALL The four teams in the play-off for the . Stephenlsb'n Cup of the Huron Football A'ssocia'tion .will be Walton, Eginandville, St. 'Oo'lu'mban. and Brus- sels. No 'schedule has !been drawn up. A pos'tp'oned game, Winthrop at Elg- mondville, will be played off but Winthrop was eliminated front the play-off group when ,defeated 34 by Brussels on Wednesday evening last at Winthrop. SEAIvotR1TH FALL 'FAIR. Prize' lists Ile- the 'Belafq'rth Fall Fair may now be dbtained from the Secretary, Mrs, J. A. Kerr. ,Seaforth Fair will 'lie held on Thursday and Friday, September 212 and 213 The us- ual 'classes and awards are included, as welt as several naw ones, notably' in t'aepig section, in which the prize money is increased and a t'hird prize, added. The (Seaforth Boys Garden Club, '1932, is :a new feature. (Open to 'boys 'between the ages of 12 to 20 years` inclusive, enfrol'1ed, in the Boys' Horne Garden ,Club s'p'onsor- ed 'by Seaforth Agricultttilal'Society and the Huron County B'ran'ch of the Ontario Department of Agriculture. Prize's will be awarded on the follow- ing basis Section 1,-1Glarden , score 60%; section 2—Garden notes ` 20%; section 3—Exhibit of fresh vegetables,. 20%. Prizes will be awarded tb'- the ciu'b members securing the highest aggregate scores in the three sections. Prize money donated by the Seaforth Agricultural Society. Prizes 1st $5.00, 2nd $4.00 3r13 $3.00, 4th X00 5th $1. Special prize is a free flour day trip to the (Royal Winter Fair awarded to the con'tes'tant (be'twe'en .the ages Of 16 to 211 years inclusive on November, 1st, 1932, who has the highest aggre- gate score in the Home Garden 'Con- test. The 'winner of this special' prize will net be awarded a cash prize. TAKING PRECAUTION'S Visitors in Tuckersmith who had a couple of narrow escapes while motor- ing'here from Manitoba, as a result of blowouts causing their car to leave ,the road, were in town this week out- fitting their car with a complete new est of tires before setting out 00 the return trip. This is a practical instance of one of the precautions recommend- ed by the High:ways Safety Commit- tee. "THE OLD HOME PLACE" The play, "The Old 'Home (Place," was presented under the 'auspices of the Ladies' Aid in North Side United Church by Brussels Dramatic Society to a large audience. 'The setting of the play was the garden of Grant Farrows (Bert Hemingway), an elderly gentle- man; Mrs, Vesta Mason (Mrs. E. Cardiff) and daughter Helen (Miss Helen 1Baeker), upon ,their return from 'California paid a visit to their old home town. Helen visited her old home garden avid 'Became acquainted with Grant. Farrow, who lived over the fence which separated the two gardens. 'I-Ielen suddenly developed measles and is taken care of in the home of 'Grant Farrow by Matilda, a black .mammy (Mrs. Stanley Wheel- er) who is the wife of and dictator to Hau!lcins (1L. E. Cardiff), the •ran of all work in Grant Farrow's home. The doctor called in to attend Helen was Dr. Mason, divorced husband of Hel- en's mother, who became much at- tached to Helen, not knowing she was his own daughter. 1'Irs. (:Mason was engaged to marry Reginald Van Nay, a snob (Nornran Hoover), but the wedding did not materialize. 'Mrs, Mason becomes reconciled with her former husband 'much to the delight of their daughter, Helen. A solo was given by Miss Leota 'Cardiff in very good vu.Ce. The proceeds amounted to $40. SOFTBALL !League standing: •Seaforth—l18 games played; 14 won, 4lost,.3)2 points. Grand Mend -16 ,games played, 12 won, 4 lost, 26 points. 'Clinton -17 games played, 1'1 won, 6 'lost, 24 points. ,Godcrich—II7 games played, 7 won, 10 lost, 14 points. Bayfield -13 games played,, 1 won, 12 lost, 2 points. (Brussels -9 games Played, 9 host. .Goderich played at Brussel., win- ning by a score of of 17-2. Goderich, 15 hits, 17 runs, 1 error; 'Brussels, 2 hits, 2 runs, 3 errors. Seaforth defeated Brussels on Mon- day night in a '17-4 game. The boys of the Seaforth° Softball team ask for the support of the towns- people for the remainder of their games, as the team merits it on the brand of ball they have been playing. The diamond is now in first class shape, in fact it is the 'best in the League. Season tickets were sold early in the year at 50c for ten games, but expenses have been heavy. Seaforth 'boys have won all but four of their games, are heading the Huron League, and bid fair to win the Cup this year. ' The, Geo. A. Sills & Sons Cep will be played off at end of sea- son by the three high teams. On La- bor day the Grand Bend Casino Cup donated by Mrs. •Eccles'ton, will the played for by the four high teams at Clinton (last year's 'winners). This cup becomes the property of the team winning it three times. The fans of the conlnuuiilty itre in- vited to select an "all -Star" team from' the six teams of the League and send M their choice to the newspapers or the secretary of the League, Mr, Mc- Cauley, Provincial Savings Office: lue coal D. L. & W. SCRANTON ANTHRACITE L. BOX •Phone,4 TOWN COUNICTIL The regular meeting of Council was held in the council chamber at 8 p.c . on. Monday, August filth. All the mem- bers present. Minutes of last meeting read and confirmed. Bolton-IH'udson. "That the report of the finance cotn'mittee he adopted as read. Jas. V. Ryan, salary, $67; )no. A. Wilson, salary, $70; Thos. Storey, sal- ary, $60; H. Snell, salary, $60; Can, Nat. Rys., crossing pro'tec'tion, $4.45; C,NIR., rent, $5; S. R. Hart & Co., account $5:33; Geo. A. Sills "& Sons, account, $112.65; Bell Tel Co., $2.45; A. D. 'Sutherland, insurance, $4.120; Geo. D. Ferguson, accouult, $3.30; W. R. Smith, account, $2.34; jos. A. Stor- ey, account, $6317)1; L. Landenlbough, vv ages, $125; WM. Smith, , uages, $3.75; Ed. Allen, $6.75; Harry Martin, wages, 75c, Arthur Ilulley, wages, $1; Sol. Williams, wages, $12.50; Fred MoGavin $5; McGregor Sr 'Coleman, account $22.00; Fred Reeves, wages, $3:725; Wilson 'Hawkins, account, $11;. Oheoros Bros. & James, $2150; W. E. Kerslake, account, $10.60; Fred Reeves, wages, 50c; WM. Stoddart, wages, $1:25; Harry Martin, wages, 50c, Highlanders Band, $100. IStephems-Smith=That note by Frank Nichol foe $2713,50 be accepted in lieu of Speir & Nichol note for $300. Stephens-;D'ale. — That the Mayor, Reeve, and Councillor Crozier be a committee to look after and oversee the ins't'alling of septic tank and sew- age in connection with town hall. ,Bolton-(Hudson.—That this meeting adjourn on the call of the Mayor. SOUTH HURON BY-ELECTION ON OCTOBER 3rd. ' lWrits were issued on Friday for the Dominion by-election in the constitu- ency of South Minn, neces'si'ta'ted by the •death of 'Thomas ::McMillan, 1IiP. Nominations are fixed for Itdoltday, Septetnlber .26th, ,and voting will take place 'on M'on'day, October 3, as ,fore- cast in last issue. There are !three candidates in the field—lLottis ,I1. Rader, ,Odnservmtive, fanhrter, of Hay township, Warden of Huron county; Williaun 'Black, Pro- gressive, of Tuckertmi'th township, and former Progressive member of Parliament for :South Huron, and W. H, 'Golding, of Sea'fonth, Liberal can- didate. It is .ex;pecte-cl the speaking cam- paign will not commence in earnest until Septernlber, although all the can- didates are busy canv'ass'ing.O Several minister's of Int. Hon. R. B. `Bennett's Cabinet are exlpeeted to take pari in the cam'pa'ign, ars also is Rt. Hon, W. L. Mackenzie '(King,, Liberal leader. The returning. officer, lMr, D. H MdNaughton of Blayfield, is at Pres - est appointing the registrars who will compile the hats olf 'voters inthe var- ious .plollin'g divisions; in the elee'tdra1 dis'trict. Diamonds Headaches ReIieved ▪ Those !b'lin'ding, splitting headach'e's of yours are all too 'frequently the re- sult of eyestrain. We suggest a thor- ough examination of your eyes. If eyestrain 'is the cause, prdperly fitted glasses will relieve this strain, and at - comparatively small expense, will give you comfort. 'Rimless Glasses,6 50 up Fancy shapes.., • r' , *Single Vision . Glasses, ,with Torre lenses, in new style pad -bridge frame 5■00 uP • Invisible Kryptok :Bifocals, in new style pad -1 A ■00 up bridge frame • No extra charge's for our thorough examination 'of y'our'eyes, with all the facilities off our up-to-dlate Op'tica'l Department, F red. S. Savauge JEWELER AND 'OPTIC'IAN Seaforth. Phone 194, • Res, 10, M. Ross Savauge, R.0., Eyesight 'Specialist. --Expert Watch Repairing - < - — 1 CI rot tO led gram closed with community singing and the remainder of the afternoon was spent in sewing, The 'Sep'tember meeting is to be .held at the home of Miss Sadie Ball, The roll call to. be annewered by Helpful Hints on Home )Sewing. Death of Richard Robins.-iThe fun- eral took place on Tuesday of the late Richard Robins, who passed away on Sunday at his home, 'lot 21, con- cession 3, L.RS., Rev. Mr. Parker of Hen'sall condu'cting the service from his late residence. Interment Was in the Exeter cemetery. Pallbearers were 'Janes Wright, Charles Lane, Robert Cole, Harry 'Taylor, Wilson Ar'm- strong, Bert 'McKay. Mr. 'Robins' was in his 57th year and had been in poor health for a considerable time. He had moved to the Brucelfield district six or seven years ago. Four daugh- ters and one son survive Mrs. Ilarold Taylor (Hilda) of Exeter; Mrs. 'Win. Bell (Dorothy), of Kippen; Miss Belle Robins of 'Toronto; Miss -:Mild- red Robins and Mr. Alfred Robins at home; and his wife who was formerly Miss Florence Hilda Robins of Tticic- ersin•ith. Among those from a distance whoattended the funeral were Mr, Robins' brother, Mr, James Robin's of Oshawa; Mrs. James ,Stoddart, of Toronto; who is a sister to Mrs. Rob- ins; Mrs S. West and Florence and Sid of Exeter; Mr. Bruce Tuckey of Exeter; Mr. and _:Mrs. Andrew Bell Sr. and daughter, Miss Etta Bell, of Kip - Pen; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Cole, of Chise•lhurst; Mr. and Mrs. And. Brown and daughter of .London; Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Cole of 'Chiselhurst. MclClymont, w110 was married 39 years ago to her now Sei•eft husband, was 'formerly .:Miss :Margaret D'ay,maoi, daughter of the late Peter Dayanan, Besides herr husband, two daughters, Mrs. V. Terryberry of Tuckersmih, and 'Mrs. Geoghegan of St. Cathar- ines, and Tour sons, Melville and Ver- non of 'Detroit, Royal of 'Ohatham and • • Harvey " of St. .' Catharines, survive; also three sisters, 'Mrs. Arthur Holmes of Tilbury, :Mrs. S'•t`au't o£ New York, and. Mist 'Sarah Daynian . of Tuckerstttith; and four brothers, Thomas Dayman, Wm. Daymatt. of S'askatchew'an, Joseph Darnall of 111- chigan and Robert Dayman of Tuck- er with. Among those from a dist- ance who attended the funeral were. her sister from New York; Mrs. Hubbard from Iowa;' Mrs, Forester of Detroit, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ilolme's of Tilbury. TUCKERSMITH. :Ir. and Mrs. 'Thos. 'Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. ,Russell (Coleman and _Mrs. Smith spent ''Sunday at Mrs, Troyer's at Hills,green and Mrs. 'Troyer ac- companied then} home 'to spend the WC ek, Mr. Clayton 'Martin of. Englebar't spent a few days this week the guest of Mr. and rMrs. Tebbutt. vl:r. and Mrs. J. .Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Wever and Miss Dorothy olf Sarniaspent last Friday at Russell Coleman's.; Miss Dorothy 'Coleman is spending the week with her cousin; 'Miss Carrie Oke. IMF, and Mrs. Lyon of 'Detr'oit cabl- ed on friend's this week. 'Tile farmers here are busy cutting the spring grain. Mrs. J. E. Ball is visiting relatives ink Detroit. Mr. and 'Mrs. Fletcher Townsend and 1'Ir. and Mrs. Sant Whitmore vis- ited relatives in St. Catharines last week. Tuckersmith Ladies' Club. — 'The August meeting of the Tuckersmith. Ladies' 'Club was held at the home of, Mrs. Gifford' Crich.'Tlhere were eight- een members, five visitors and twennty. children present, The roll call was answered by amusing sayings of chil- dren. The ,interesting IOhildren's Day program c'onsusted of readings by Misses Viola Peplper,Beatrice Wal- ters, Erntla, Garrett; Irene Garrett an'd, Eileen Wlai tiles and a solo by (Miss Margaret 'Cri'c'k, Piano duets " were played by Mi'fs Sarah and Was Flor- ence Whitmore arid by 'Mists Hazel, Pepper ami (Miss ,Reba Fear, The pro- KIPPEN. Mr. Moon, our relief station agent, spent 'Tuesday afternoon in London. 'Miss Erma W'orknan has secured a position in Toronto, Miss Mildred Workman has return- ed to the village again. Threshing is the order 'of the day. 111r. Wen. Anderson is ,confined to his room, We all hope for speedy recovery. \Miss Loretta Jarrott is visiting un- der, the parental roof. elr. Emerson Smith had itis ton- sils removed this week and is d'oing as well as can he expected. Miss Olga Bell has 'returned h'ome again. Mrs. James MdClymont Passes.— This cominim i'ty suffered' a great shock nt Monday morning liaslt int the p'ass'ing o'f Mrs. James , McC'ly- nilont. Mrs. MclClyanont had been in her usual health so her sudden death came as a s'ho'ck to everyone. The funeral was held on Wednesday af- ternoon at her late home, Rev. R. R. Conner of K'iplpen Drifted 'Church talk- ing the service. Plo:ur sons and two Sons in l'aw, were pallbearers. Mrs. re. HILLSGREEN. Miss' Lois Alan of Toronto is visit- ing "relatives in 'this vicinity. Wilmer Adkin-e, second son of Mr. and Mrs. 'Harry Adkins, was injured the other day by one of the ,horses while he was hrin'ging them up from the pasture field. He was badly bruis- ed about the face and head. Wilmer is recovering nicely. .:Mrs. Lorne Elio and family, who. spent several weeks with her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs.' J. Cochrane, has returned ;to her home in Northern: Ontario.. Dr. and Mrs. Campbell and daugh- ters, Misses Dorothy and . Jean, and son Keith, of Toronto, and 'Miss Ethel '\Murdock of Hen'sall visited re• eerily .with friends. Mr. and Mrs. R. 'Mousscan sell daughter Marion 11 • Exeter "vis'itetl with 'Mr. and Mrs. E. Broderick. Mr. and \Mrs. A. A'clniean and sou Douglas of Tilt onburg spent the week end at the home of Mr. add Mrs. J. Richlardson. Miss 1'fary Hagan of 'London ' is hone on her vacation for' a 'few weeks. IMF. and Mrs, Thos. 'Coleman and Mr. and :Mrs.. Russell,Coleman i and Mrs. ,Smith of near Seaforth visited. Mrs. Troyer recently. ' Mr, land Mrs. R'olit. 'M'IBride mid daughter lE,nrma of Blake, 'sites. Schnell o'f IAlherta, visited with `Mr. and ._:Mrs. ,Ch'a's, Stephenson. Mr. and 'Mrs.' Holly and children of Tavistock and Mr. B. Jwrrott of Tor- onto visited friends in this vicinity_ A number from this vicinity attend. ed' the funeral olf the late 'Mlis'sGrace Manson of Blake 'on'Frid'ay. The sym- pathyis extended to the bereft family., • CONISTAN'CE •Gueslts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rogerson Rogerson last Thursday were. Mr. and Mrs. A.:Stringleam.. and Zona, and Miss Wheatley, all of Wolodsto!ci;, and Mr. ,'Livingston! olf 'O'l'intom stall Mrs Widllsbn of Toronto r"�9}°lrai5°vme;I, V