HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-08-04, Page 5—THURSDAY; AUGUST 4, 1932: THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE," LET YOUR DOLL'A•RS CIRCULATE. !I]he qi iclkest way .to 'bring back' prosperity is to put our, dollars to work, spend intelligently bttt spend fre,dly. Superior Ohlalin Stores, independentlyownned and :operated by local merc'hanitst wild. supply your food req'uirements at prices that are the l'owe'st au yea'rs. Re, member 'our slogan— WE (SELL THE BEST FOR LESS. ' items for week ending Aug. 10th.. " OHIPSO, ':For quick, lasting Suds" • BRUNSWICK SA'RDPNIE$ C'HA'TEAU CHEESE POST'S BRAIN FLAKES WESTON'S ROIAN''D THE WORLD PURE CLOVER H'O'NEY large pkg. 19 c 6 tins 25 c Ws 15 c 2 pkgs. FANCY BI'SCUUITS 2 5 c 1!6 oz. pkgs, v ' 4's 39 c Drummer Brand Pastry Flour IYrum,mer Brand Pastry Flour 24's 49c Premium Tda 1's—with FREE Tea Plates, 'Cups ;& Saucers, Vasey, (Creams amid'Sugars L'ibby's Pork and, Beans 1's' Fry's .Odooa ' Dvory Gloss ,Starch • Durhialm Corn Starch per pkg. 9c Slh'irriff's True Extracts per'bottle 23c Royal Ylo'rk Coffee I T/a's 25c; l's, , .... 47c Aylmer Buffet Fruits—iRasiplberrie's', 1S'traw1berties, ' ,Pineapple, ;Cherries, P,eadhes; Grape Fruit Orange Marmalade, large 40 oz. jars, Infant's Delight Toilet Soap Australian P'eadhes—(Special-2's tall Aylmer Tomato (Stoup Plain or Iodized Salt per carton 9c Green Giant Peas, 2's Tall 'pier tin 19c Toddy, "Serve Hot or Cold" 18 oz. 33c; 1116 oz. 49c K'een's Mustard %'s... ,25c; 4'•s.. ,49c Presto dr Centre Pull Wax Paper ' Para Sani Wax Paper, Green IB'ox, '100 ft. Hillcrest .SlhorteninTg, ft's Scotch Minits P,arawax, l's S:O,S. +"For cleaning p'o'ts and pails'....,•.• ..... small Crisco. Homemade Marmalade, 5 point Shretl'ded Wheat Biscuit Post's Minute Tapi'dca Bulk Ready Cut Mlacarani Aylmer Boned Chicken Ben'sd'orp'High Quatitty'Dutch Cocoa 7's 17c 54c 4 tins 25c 6's 23c l's 13c 2 tins 25c each 29c 4 cake's 25c per tin 18c 3 tins 25c each 10c each 25c 2 lbs. 23c per ib. 20c 2 plkgs.25c 14c; 'lar'ge 230 l's 24c 16 oz. 19c; 40 oz..,39c 2 pkgs, 25c 2 pkgs. 25c 2 lbs. 15c pet tits 39c 1 lb. tin 35c Ross J. Sproat Rhone 8 Miss N.Pryce Rhone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence • and a Dependable 'Reputation The Seaforth Creamery Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you byervices and highest' I ours market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait, . C. A. BARBER, Prop. 1 Walker's s Wn FUNF'RAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WA LKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished.. Night or day phone 67. ELIMVILLE 'Mr. and 'Mrs. 'David tBrad,slh'a'w of Toronto viisited the.'fio'rmer's throttler, Mr, Wm. !Bradshaw over the week ..end. !Miss DorothyJ'dlins is vis'itin'g her .aunt, Mrs, :!John Cann, North 'Thanes Road, this week. 1M r. and Mrs. 1Frat`nk'Whitloeik and family of 'H'amilton visited relati.ves in this com-munity over the week end. 'M•r: and IMrs, Win. Routdy visited • relatives in Toronto last 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.Harry Munch of •Lion ",dirt: spent a .few day's last week at the Mame Of Mr! Philip IMur'ch, • Mrs. J. iC'ornnish visited her daugh- ter, Mrs. !Clifford Talbot Of Goderich aver the .week Ehd. !Father '(Ito a boy of 6, just hthne from school): 'tW'halt 'lesson did you, learn this morning?" 'Boy "Oh, grammar!" Father: "What Sort of grammar?" IBIoy: "We'll, tad, cats and dogs are common hounds, but you and_I are prosper 'how dls." SPECIAL OPTIOAL OFFER High grade, most stylish and up-to- date glasses, rim or ri'tniless.. Your choice in shell, white or pink gold- filled, with ,lenses complete, only $6.50. Invisible tbifocals with choice of frame camlplete, only $112.00.' Yellow gold-filled with Hat spherical lenses, only $4.00. These prices include' a thorough exannnation Piy ,our well 'known specialist, Mr. Hughs'on. Over 20 years coming to Seaforth. Yott are assured of the best' optical worst to be obtained. Tuesday.. and Wednesday, August 9, 10. Close 12 noon Wednes day. Come early. Beattie's Fair, Sea - forth. TOWN TOPICS Rev, .and Mrs,: Oharles Malcolm arid' Miss ,Betty,, Malcolm are boil: thymi at their cottage; at Bruce u I_'1d.isses Mildred' Johnstone and Jea Cluff returned Saturday after holi Baying for a month: at Port Dover. 'Mrs. Lloyd and Miss Annie And R.IN., of New York, were her last week visiting their aunt, 'Mrs Wim. Hlalbkii'k, and assisted in mov ing her'.househorld effeots to New Hamburg, Tile ,Brussels Post says:` "The play "The Old Home Place," was' present- ed before a Large audience. The caste was good and each character took their parts well." .This play will be presenited. in Northside United .Ohunc ort Fri'dlay evening, August '5th at: 8 olclock, Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKenzie of Orildia spent several days over the week end visiting the foraner's moth- er, ',Mrs. McKenzie, and brother, Mr, J!o!hn McKenzie. - Dr. 'J, 'T: Elliott, Rhinelander, 'Wis- co:n'siani, was the guest ,of Mr. John Beattie .aver the week -end. IMr. and 'Mrs. Douglas 'Beattie and little daughter.Marjorie A,nn, of To ronto, were visitors with 'his parents, Mr. and. Mrs. John !Beattie, over the holiday. Reit'. and (-Mrs. R. A. Miller of 'Tup- perv'iile, were,guests 'o'f fhe ]Tatter's sis- ter, Mrs, R. S. Evans, Mrs. David Wilson olE 'Toronto and Mr.,_ and Mrs. E. M. 'Little of •Iroquois F4aall's are visiting the hatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. TJ, A. Wilson. Ilbir. -and Mrs. J. A. Wilson and guests were visitors over civic holiday at Ayr. Rev. and Mrs. J. Melvin Keys and d'augther Mildred of 'Oakdale, Pa., ar- rived an 'Wednesday to 'spend a few days with the fotimer's mother, Mrs. W. L. Keys, en route to Bright's Grove, near Sarnia. Mrs. Willard )Elliott and :family re- turned this week from Drayton where they .have'b'een visiting her aunt, Mrs. E. C. Andrews. .Mr. and Mrs. McLean .of Acton are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Park. 'Mrs, H. Scott and sons D'on'ald and Harry and Mn. !W, ,R. Smith are --Agit- ing Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith ,in Port Colborne. Mrs. Sloan of Toronto and daught- er in -:law, Mr. and •Mrs. ,Stoats and their young son, of Toronto, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. F. 'Jones, over the week -end. Miss Gladys '1(tc'Phee is visiting with friend's in Kingston and Ottawa. :Misses ,Atte and 'Janet Goveutook and Mary Reid are visiting this week at Varna with Mr, and Mrs, John M'dAsh. 'Mrs. Frank •Freeman of ILucknow is visiting Misses Carrie and Libbie Freeman, Mr. ,Paul Freeman of Toronto is rieiting Mr. Wim. Freeman and th-e Misses 'Carrie and Lilbbie Freeman. Misses Mary Gillespie, 'Grace Free and Dorothy Golding went to Bayfield an Tuesday and will camp north of he village for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Sian, Haesia 'went to Brantford on Tuesday :(here they are spending several days with their nous - ns, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Patterson. Mises Mary Eck of Toronto i5 •visit - ng Miss 'Mfar'jorie Bickel!. :MciKGillop Council held their regular neetin in theCarnegie Library g Ca gte an, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs'. Brigham of Owen Sound- were Mn town on Wednesday. Waith Mrs. ' Brigham's father, 'Mr. W. H. •Trehhewey,.also of (Owen Sound, hey' have been in Stratford for the entenary celebration. Mr. and .Mrs, Michael Buckley of Chicago spent the week -end with their uncle, Mr. C. '1E'ckart. Mr. and Mrs. M. Bates of Goderich nd the two Miss Didksons df 1Saska o'ou were, .visiting relatives in town on Monday. 'Prof. J. J. Keys, Mrs, Keys and .dau- ghter Dorothy of Nashville, Tenn., were visiting friends oil ,Friday, They have been at their cottage at !Baylfield and are leaving. for 'home on Tuesday. %Mr. and: Mrs. Jos. Eckart and .family spent Sunday with 'heir parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. Eckart. r .' M s. C. P. Sills S 1 5 and Master Ronald are spending a week in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stark of Wel- land dare visiting the former's m'othe'r, Mrs. A. E. Stark, Mr, and Mrs, TRdbert 'MIc'Ilr'oy Ottiwa are visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Johnston 'MoIleoy- and Mrs. Mdtlroy, tiilis week. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan, Slhaw of Ha- milton and Mr, James A. VMdLaugh lin of Guelph visited Mr. J. IM. !Robert- son and Miss Robertson on civic h,oli- .day. ` Mr. MdLatrghlin remained for c a the week, 1 Mr. and Mrs, 'George Kling of Day- ton, Ohio, are visiting with friend's in town. It is over 32 years, since Mr.' Kling left Seaforth. The Misses Ferguson and Russell Ferguson returned home from 'Port Albert ou Saturday after' a month's hotidlay there. 'Mrs. A. C. Dame's df Brussels' who re!tn'rned with them h Permanent Wanes Summer Special The self-setting,natural "push- up" with soft, curly"ends" ALL WAVES GUARANTEED Particularly adapted to "Baby Fine" and Grey Hair and perfect for every normal texture. REGULAR $7.50. FOR, NOW $3,50 Lucille- Jones MI1�CH'E1L L. BEAUTY SALON PHONE 78 FOR APPOINTMENT "THE OLD HOME PLACE" Presented by the Brussels Dramatic Society in ' NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH Under the aus.piee's of the Ladies' Aid. Friday, Aug. 5th Admission 25c and 15c. spent several days in town. Miss Doris Wake of !Toronto and Miss Dorothy Wake of London who have been spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Hart, 'ha've returned home. 'Mrs. IH. W. Hart and, son Ken'netlt have returned after visiting with friends in Blyth, Mr. J. B. Kling of Dayton, Ohio, who was at Elmira last week !attend- ing the funeral of his brother, the late C. Kling, is visiting Mere this week the guest of .Miss Mary Kling and Mr. Frank Kling. .Mr. and 'Mrs.'R. Stonehouse and son, Donald of 'G!oderich Jisited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tyerman last week. Miss Mina Melville of Lotrdes'b.ono spent Sunday with friends in town. Mr. Doti Kerslake, Miss Dorothy Kerslake and Mr. Howard .Purdte of Toronto spent the week -end with Mn, and 'Mrs. W. E. Kerslake. Mrs. Reg. Kerslake is spending a few holidays at Point Clark. ?'Irs. J. Ta't'nblyn of ,Londesboro was the guest of her niece, 'Mrs. Tyerman, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Tyerman spent Sun- day with relatives in. Stratford. Mr. and Mrs, F. D. Hutdhison and Miss Dorothy Hutchison spent the holidays, in Mitchell and Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. James Russell, Mrs. M. Wilson, s Ronald,Russell T of Oshawa, were s and Saneek-end' visitors at the home of Mrs. Robert Edgar. Among the Sea'iorthdtes taking part in th'e Stratford reunion were !Mrs. R. E. Bright and Miss Margaret Wilson who sang in the choir of 'Central Un- ited Church on Sunday. Mrs. W. .W. C'o'ivan was a visitor to Stratford during the reunion, being a fortner resident of that city, Rev. Gl'ifford Milder, Mrs. Milder and daughter Gay, .of Avonlee, ;Sask., were guestson Wednesday Of Mrs. Elliott, Sr, W. 'William str. Rev. Mr, 'Miller exchanged .pulpits with the nn•inister at Cayuga for a month. He is a brother- in-law af, Mr. (Oliver Elliott of Van- couver. Also Mr, and Mrs. W'm, Mill- er and two children of Eni'bro, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Evans and the latter's thtolDsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth. your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Suiherland GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. / Office over Keating's Drug Store parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane of Brussels, were guests on Friday with Mrs. Elliott Sr. !Among (those attending the funeral of the late Edward Latimer on ,Wed- nesday were Mr. and Mrs. ,Baker, Mrs. Mu'lett and son Cliff and daughter, Mrs. Christopher Sparling of Toron- to; Mr, and Mrs. John M'dIntosh and son, Mr. Gerald M•c'Intosh and Mrs. MdLntoslh .of Detroit; Mr.. Ed. Latim- er and son Knox and daughter, of Or- illfia. Mrs. John Sproat went to Detroit on Thursday. Misses jean Gemmell and Winnie Kruse were in Stratford the early part of this week, attending the 'centenary. M.r. N. E. Norris of Toronto spent the week -end with Mrs. Norris and daughter, who are spending the sum- mer With her parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. Ben, Rising. ". 'Miss Malbei' Weiberg, Preston, was a visitor this week with her cousin, Miss Winnie Kruse. LONDESBORO., • IMr. and Mrs. Will Wasy'tmou'th and family of Windsor spent a few days with friend's here this week. 'Miss Gertrude Roberton of Toronto spent the holiday with her mother here. 'Miss Ida Lyon has taken a position in Mr. J. W. Armstrong's store, !S'om'e of our sports took in the horse races at Goderich on Monday. .Mrs. Tantlb*yn returned to her home after spendin:g a pleasant visit with her niece, Mrs. Tyerman of Seaforth, Little Miss Leona Stevens of Sea - forth is visiting with her grandpar- ents here, Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Nott. •Mir. and Mrs, T. Aitcheson of ,Wind- sor spent Sunday and Monday the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Riddell, Mr. and Mrs. Norman .Harvey and family of Hamilton are visiting at Mr. Harvey's hone here. Mr. Jim Armstrong of Toronto is on his vacation and ' spent Monday with his brother here. Mr. and Mrs. Harold J'oh'nstott sp'e'nt the week end- with the former's parents here, 1Mt.'and Mrs. Kunkle and family, who spent nt a couple o wee.s hire e with Mr. and Mrs. 'T. Crawford, re- turned to their home in Niagara Falls last Sunday, 'Mr. and Mrs. George and family from Saskatchewan, who have been visiting friends 'here, have gone to London to spend a flew days at the home df Mr. Ge'onge's people and will return on Wednesday of this week and Friday night the fancily, who are quite musical, will pat on a splendid concent in Community hall. 'M.r. Defoe and Miss Grainger of Toronto holidayed with Mr. and Mrs, .Pickett and Mr,' and Mrs. Geo. Coiw- an. Mr. and Mrs. Austin of Varna were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Austin on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lou G'o!vier spent Sundlay with Mr. anti Mrs. Archie Webster. Mr. Brace Riley returned home on Monday after spending a week with hie cousin, Mr. Stewart Freeman, IA large crowd attended service at Ball's Cemetery on Sunday evening. 'Rev. Mr, Forster will preach here on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Gardner will take the'ir holidays now. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard all return- ed from their hotteyitnooai trip on S'undhy last. The Institute picnic will be held in Jpwe'tt's. Grove on T'htirsday this week..Co'tne aux! ,bring your baskets. , W. M. S., NORTH'SIDE UNITED CHURCH. The follolwing is a copy of the reso- lution referring to the economic con- ferenlce, reparation conference, imper- ial :conference, motion pictures and temperance, passed by the 'Women's Mis's'ionary 'Society of the London conference 'branch, United jOhurch df Canada, 'and 'forwar!ded as a memorial to the do'n,inion ,board: Resolution 1 In view of the "setlious crisis through which the (world is passings Which :is 'throwing, out an. unprecedented chal- lenge to the ,Church '01 Chris''t an its great nriss'ipnary enterprise, the 'mall - of ;the kingdom Of Glad throughout the world, the only ,hope for our civiliniation, :We, the executive of the London conference ; branch, would lay upon the hearts o'f all our women 'for 'earnest 'prayer fhe fotlow- issues:• d. The reparation conference td 'be held in Lausanne wit June 116th, that the nations in 'conference, convinced of the :futility, Ibarb'arity ;and 'stupid Wastefulness of war, may be led to reprove the threat of universal bank- ruptcy by abce'ding to the can'cellati'on of reparation's and :war 'debts and that they proceed ,forthwith to redeem the peace ple'dgles df the armistice coven- ant by agreeing to a drastic reduction in armaments, thus relieving the 'ten- sion of international sitspiclion and fear and also ensuring the cut it. na- tional :budgets to be made in the right pllace. 2. The imperial conference to be 'hel'd in Ottawa in July:, a. 1T'hat we mem'orialige our 'ddminion ,board to respectfully request the ,premier of Canada ,to issue a national 'call 'to prayer that as our empire 'faces The task of setting her own house in or- der she may Ibe tied to such conclus- ions as will prdve to be a blessing not only to the empire but to the entire world. Ib. ''Where'as our ever increas- ing public debt is the great contribut- ing factor to over -productions, ,whidh like a 'double-edged sword strikes the workers through unemployment, ,bite business iron and the farmer through overhead costs, So 'cutting its savage way through 'every social class, and - whereas •the remedy n.dw being used adds to the indebtedness and increase o'f taxation, 'forcing the export of goods and commodities to the ends of the earth 'while women and c'hil'dren suffer at home, and whereas, our pub- lic housekeeping is completely ruin- ing our private housekeeping and crip- pling our missionary efforts, we re- quest our domin'ion 'board to respect- fully urge our ,Canadian government, through its representatives at the eco- nom'i'c conference, to .give favorable cons'idenation to the proposal now 'be- ing advanced by .different authorities, viz., the nationalization of public cre- dit and that the adjustment Of presen't indeb'tednes's be made in order bo avoid .bankru'p'tcy and chaos. 3. 1W'hte yeas the great adtiancesmade in ,the plhysical sciences have ended in dis- aster, because there has been no cor- responding advance in the social sci- ences and 'whereas the efficiency en- gineers have -made possible the largest production of goods the world has ever seen ,with at continually decreas- ing labor force, "so that -we sit and starve in ,the lap of plenty," we make an appeal for efficiency experts in so- cial engineering, •who 'w^iil give the same intensive study to methods of distribution as have (been given to the methods of production, so co -relating pro'ducti've capacity to consumption's needs; :and whereas the policy of drift must be replaced by a •po'li'cy of defin- ite social control, we support the alterative proposed by Dr. W. -'C. •Gor- don, namely, "A :socialized co-opera- tive adtmiuistration of industry, ex- chlange and 'finance, thus avoiding the edils which seem to be Inevitable in any system." Resolution _:,Re tem- perance. 'Resolved that the 'London conference branch request the domin- ion board press 'for the amendment of the Canada drugs act with a view to having alcohol ,placed upon the list of •narcotic drugs. the only step con- sistent with the findings of science. In view of the fact 'that our children are not receiving sufficient education in hygiene and temperance, although a text 'book is authorized by the ,gov- ernment to The taught in our pu'b'lic sc'hools: 'be !it resolved that we, the' members of the Women's ' Missionary Society of the 'United !Church of Can- ada,',London conference branch, in.. convention assembled petn ifioour provincial 'governments to..unake exam- inatibtts in' this sutliect compulsory.- Resolution 3 Re%iMh riti.g' Pictures. That whereas /: re lfeh1' that the moving picture is a great edutcative power in the hues of oursun people, anal, Y 'g Whereas .we feel 'that at present it is •a force that is weakening and tearing' dowit the' influence of the home and the 'church, we ask our dominion board to demand that the ',board of censors exercise greater care in selec-• tion o'f Ifil:nns, Ihatin•g in; mind the mor- al characters of the actors 'and ac- tresses. --Press Secretary. When you have a HORSE cr COW YOU WANT REMOVED, ; • Phone promptly to WILLIAM STONE SONS, LIMITED, Phone 22 — Ingersoll Phone 215 W Stratford