HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-28, Page 7,1iHU1SDIAY, JULY' 28, 1932 - THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THE GOLI)tN TREASURY July ;31st, ,Offer unto God bhanldsgiviu•g, and pay thy 'vows surto the 'Moat "High, and call upon me in •the dray of tbio'ub.1e. I will deliver thee; and ,thou shalt glo- rify me. iWhoso ofifereth tpli+rise, iiio- riEieth nt.e: and •to hint ith+ai ardereth liis conversation aright, 'will:2 shelve. the salvation of 'God. tl?sa'Itii'1. ,14, 115,' 23. lMsoIsa, xxoy. 9, Nothing, moves "Glad more .'to 'hear us than. the glorifying of hint by faith with t14anlesgiving,;'ttn'd the ,ldeep'i'n'g lip Pt a child -like confidence lin fh'int, as our reconciled Father. in 'Christ; ,and nothing quickens !faith more than sure promises of'anslyvers To our gray- est. prayels. Thus God grill certainly °heia'r and ,dietiver us, Aortae all his dealings with us 'ace +desiglied to +s,hr'elrg41hen ass in faith, and to ,skive our stiuis. NV+hy 'then s'ho'u'td we be afraid in ,times df trouble? IOught we not nether to draw ,near to IGlodk in prayer and thanksgiving, and ,glorify 'hli+m leven beforehand; ;uonlflid'e'ntly 'bel'ievin'g that we' shall certainly 'meet.with •new' de- liverances and fresh accession's to ,fetor faith To what a stubborn !frame Initials sin reducled our miaydl What strange ungrateful wretches we :Ankl 1Go'3 as wtranlgettykind!: Turn; turn, us, mighty 'God, IAaud 'mould our,souls afresh; Rlreakr; sov'reign Grace, these hearts a E ,slpone, And give u's ,hearts+df flesh. Let old ingratitude /Provoke our weeping eyels, Anil hourly, as new .mercies dell, Let hourly thanks arise. The Psalms-IPselm 6. His going forth is from the end of !heaven,and liis circuit unto the ends 'of' it; and there is nothing hIsi from the heat thereof. The 'Bight diffused on every side from its /fountain, .eotenldeth to the extremities of heaven, filling the whale circle of creation, ipenetra'ting even, 'to the inmost substances of .grosser bodies, and +acting in and DI N, McInnes Chiropractor Of Wingham, will be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth Monday, Wednesday and Friday Afternoons Diseases of all kinds success. fully treated. Electricity: used. through all other umatter, as the gen- eral cau3le of 'lite ''and motion. Thous unbounded and efficacious was the influence of the Sitio of Right eon's ness when he sent dut his'ward', enlight- ening and enlivening all bhingls by tic glary of his grace. HisJcelestial rays, 1!iks those -of . the situs took their circuit round the earth: they went forth ,out of I1udea into all parts of the halbitaible world, and there was no corl e,r of it so remote' as to .he without_ the reach of their pone'trat- Mg and healing power. '"The Lord gave 'the world, great, was the comp- any of those !that pu'blished it,"- -IPs, lstii. 1i1. It was the ;express doc- lnrabioin .o•f our Saviour himself, "This is gospel of the ''kingdom shall Ile prea- ched in all the world, for a wit/Teas' unto all nations, and then shall Ibhe end come."—Matt. xteI . 14. bind St. patol ,a'bfirnip, hat the gospel v,Aas "come ,limbo ,all the world," and had been "prelgched to every oreatu+re under heaven."—Cot. 1, 6, 23, The pro'pheit, therefore, having thus fore- told the Mission of the apostles, and the success of their 'miisssltry, pro- ceeds - is the next collate to deaoeiub'e their "doctrine;" so that what follows, is a +fine encon'kitn up ,n the gospel, written with all the simplicity peculiar to'bhle sacred language, and in a strain far surpassing ;the ,utm'ost efforts of human eloquence. 7. The law, or, doctrine of the Lord; is perte+ct, convertie g, br, re'storing the soul: the 'tesitim+ony of the IJond' is sure, making wise tli+e simple. /The word of God, in bhlis and the following °verses, - has several most valuable properties ascr'i'bed to is perfectly ,we'll adapted, . in every par- ticular, bo "convert" to restore, to btdntg /back '"the soups" from error to truth, ,from skin to r'ighteousne'sls, froom sickness .to ,heatltih, from .dearth to. life; as .i$ convinces di sin, it hllds forth a Saviour, it is a means 'of ,grace, and a rule of .eondnict, iR giveth wisdom, and byr Wisdom ,aVab'ility; to rho+se• .rvlto might otherwise, through ignorance and weakness, be easily dieceived, and led astray; "it is sure," ,,certain- and in- fallible in its directions and informa- tions, "making wise the simple." DIEATH HAUNTS TIRAIL OF JAY WALKER According to 'figures furnished by Hon, Leopold Macaulay, Minister 'of Highways, the practice of crossing streets diagonally at intersections, or crossing between 'intersections, 'brought death oe- 411My to 900 Pers- ons in Onitalio last year. The responsibility for these acui- de.nies must he 's'h'arked equally between drivers. tor motor vehicles and pedes- trians. Both must realize that in these days of speeded up traffic, safety ties in .full and ;earneslt co-operation 'bet- w'een those who nvslk and those'•who drive. Want and For Sale ads, 1 week 25c *3-U One Way $6.50 ROUND TRIP between BUFFALO and CLEVELAND Antos, any slze,carried for only *3.75 ($4 as Jnly Roto Sept. 14110 inclusive). Why, drive when you can put your car aboard for less than the cost of oil and gas? More'festful... cheaper... and saves a day. teamets each way, every night,.leavi.s , $9100P.M., May 15th to November Iso Cleveland -Pt~ Stanley, Canada, Division o v July, lst to Sept. 5th inti. on Friday, Satur- day and Sunday only 03.00 One way; $s5+40o Rd. Trip, Any ear only *3.75. / - Ask your Local Tavribtor Ticket Agent ter naw L'&I3 Linc Poldcr, indadiag Pree Auto, 141ap and details es oar All Expense Trips. TIDE. CLEVELAND AND, BUFFALO TRANSIT CODIr%Ffl Port Stanley, Canada • Buffalo, N.Y., A DOLLAR'S WORTH Clip this coupon and mail It witb$l;for a six' weeks' trial Subscription to THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Publlehsd by THE,Oa1,XOTIAN Seta= PO810H0HC 9001ETr Beaton, . Massachusetts: VI 9,' A. Ia It you 1111 and the dnflr' 050d nese of the world from lta- 000. spcalW wrltera, as welt as departments t, , eted to Women's and •ahtldron's Interests, sports, mesio, manes, education, ca tai peace You will iti clad towelcometato soon lure no 80001000 an advocate of pence 080 prohibition, And. don't miss 60115, Our Dn. and the 8005191 -and the other 50050000.. THE CHEr0TtAN. SCIENCE MON[TO0, Beale Bay Station, Boston, Mass. Please send met six weeks' trial subscription. Y enclose one dollar ($1). (Nome, Aleaee print). (J)ddre00) (crate) British Statesmen Relax 1,AGE :SEVEN'. The British delegation to the Imperial Economic Conference at Ottawa, headed by Rt. Hon. Stanley Baldwin, Lord President of the Council and former Prime Minister of Great Britain, despite its heavy labors during the five-day voyage to Canada on the Canadian Pacific liner "Empress of Britain" had its lighter moments. The scenes above show members of the delegation visiting the Navigating Bridge of the 'bag white flagship; and Rt. Hon. J. H. Thomas, Dominions Secretary, en- joying a game of quoits. Rt. Hon. Stanley -.Baldwin autographs a picture of the "Empress of Brit- ain" for Captain Latta, her commander; looking on is Geoffrey Lloyd, M.P., a brilliant yonnler mem- ber of the House, who is his Parliamentary Private Secretary. Lower picture shows: Rt. Flora, Sir Philip Cunliffe -Lister, Lord Hailsham, and Sir John Gilmour, receiving a short lesson in navitra+.ion from Capt. R. 0, Latta. While the delegates were on the bridge a small steamer showed a meseaao of welcome, and above Is' seen the "Empress of Britain's" signal "Thank 'sou," !Requisite on the Farm. -'.Every far- THE GARDEN. mer and stook -raiser should keep a supply of Dr. Thomas' " Eclecbric Oil on hand, not only as a ready remedy for ills in the family, but because it is a horse and cattle medicine of great potency. As a substitute for sweet ail for 'horses and cattle affected !try. cotiic it farsurpasses anything that can ile administered. Canada's Weekly Review Reflects the current thought of both hemispheres is seeks out and would bring to you each week challenging articles from the world's groat publications, making fee wader horizons, truer pemrpectives and agger sympathies. Ipiorming*Inspiring-Entertaining It will keep you abreast, week by. week, with the great facts and startling movements of the time. Printed • every Thursday, World Wide brings to its readers the best thought On the veal latest surprises of this most surprising world, tr Published by Canadians primarily for Canadians, with sympathies world wilts; humanity wide. ' Many who have been in the habit of taking American lvviews, have recently discovered that World Wide, at about hall clue price, is twice as interesting A mental tonic—its every col- umn is a live -wipe contact with Life: Your subscription to lb -will help :to- ward the enyployment of more Can- adsana to various key industries, giving them an increased earningand spend- ing power May it not serve you? • Six months, 26 weeks, only $2. Twelve 52 " " • 3.50 0001 paid to anyaddress la Canada,: Br, W; *Indies, Groat Britain and Ireland. Postage extra to U. 9., 60 et5,. to Other for- l;tl countries, 61,00 extra. flay.:. duty 'that .may be imposed by anyoutside'. country •Will be aesetsed upon the ino5Criber therein. JOHN• DOUGALL &SON L'. 0. BOX 3070, MONTREAL a Gentlemen, 1871 ' Please send tae WORLD WIDE for tWletve moatliii $1.00 .:.''," elx months 5.00 poet peal Ramo 'Ili ®14 ter ..... «. if almost every home grounds there is need on the shady side of house, 'or in other sheltered spots, for a few plants ;which will endure' a de- gree of shade. Fortunately there are quite • a few good plants which will get along very well w'ithou't much di- rect sunlight, and if successful. plant - lugs are to be made, • these varieties should:be used for planting in the shade. Practically all of the Dogwoods stand considerable shade. There are medium and. tall' varieties, and carnet- ies with red' stents which are attrac- tine during the winter months and early spring when their warm color- ing is so striking against the drab landscape The shrubby Dogwoods have ,attract'ive ,leaves, and the flowers., though inconspicuous, are iikew'ise at- tractive, Another good sturdy group of shrubs having many uses for the home 'planting is the Ligustrum or Privet, group. True it is that 'many Privets are ,used for hedge purposes, but there are also many varieties de- sire ble e-sireble for planting in the bon der, Thetir leaves are very attractive and the clusters of clank blue berriesbang on, all wilater:' There are both naed.iu,in and tall growers ,in the Privets,. They stand shearing very well 'and may be kept small or sheared, in delfinite. shapes where formal effects are de- sired. • The Sweet -Scented Mock Orange ib, an old favlorite and most fortunate- ly it does- quite well ,in the shadier There are many improved varieties of the Mock Orange or Philadelphus group which are unexcelled for frag- rance and fldw;er. The flowers are White and one of _tine best new varie- ties, ,the Virginal M'okll: Orange, flow- ers intermittently over quite a period of time. They are very useful shrubs for the home groten'dts,'•beln,g good for both the borders and fourciati'oe plantings. Moist of thein are tnedru'm or inti growing shrubs, rather upright in form. Another niediu.m-large shrub vaiu- alhile for planting in shade is the Five - Leaved, Anglo.. It has loose b•u't up- right form, The leaves are very at- tractive, and M. addition, it will stand, adverse soli ecnd'ition!s. 'Where the shade is not too dense • both the Forsythia and Weigela shrttlbs will grow ':very Well, The for- mer has bright yellow Rowers which appear before the leaves earlyin the spring, The latter may be procured in either pink., red or white varieties, Both are rather informal in, ,their .hialb- it of growth and are very desirable shrubs lfol' home planting. Tic tete per cent, tariff which Went into 'effect March 1st, 1932, on foreign plums en't'ering the United Kingdom, offers a splendid' opportuftity to the Ontario plum industry to developthis potential export outlet, according to Andrew ,Fulton, roverseas fruit repre- sentative, !Since Canada is the only source of overseas supplies to take the place of foreign imports, it is neces- sary to look to ,Ontario for this fruit. In 1931 the United Kingdom import- ed 44 million, pounds, which is more than twice the annual production in Canada. France supplied nearly half the total. There is no mane why On- tario shottld not capture part of this export •trade. Pa's't' experience has shdwn that special care is required in gnawing, Packing and transporting' plums to-''etusnne the fruit arriving in the ''United •I ing'dom in .good condi- tion, .They must 'be selected for mat urity and stlictly pae'lced 'according.' to recognized standards. Therefore plums for export should be handled through central packing hoaxes close prox- imity to cold 'storage 'facilities ,where the fruit can be properly sssensbl'ed, packed, precooled and shipped under refrigeration to seaboard, The British market is exacting in lits demand 'Inc only 'good-sized plums. Plums for' ex- port should be picked, packed and pre -cooled in ane day. Special ship- ping arrangements ate absolutely _es- sential far plums, according to Mr. Fulton, wh'o sees a bright future for this export trade if properly, •handled, rad There nto.,o la al the b"ranch Tliver; ha I n11,0 ',on, (tamprecently n,t;:t',I in Dour muskies totalling iiii.mOt, of, which the largest. s •,_de,l 25 lbs, and the smallest lee. i'`isltitig at this popular ,rt is Lwsl successful this sea- son, and there will be keen corn- •,'litinn for the Canadian Pacific trupil.R - - Native Sons of Glasgow enroute in the big Convention of their: Association at the Scottish city hove been travelling across Can- ada via an-adavia .Canadian Pacific,Railway from Victoria and points in West- ern Canada, Ontario and Quebec, for the sailing of the "Duchess of Bedford', Members will gather from all over the world for a monster celebration July 15-22. John Findlay, who is by way of being the all time big game bun- ter of the world, arrived at Van- couver recently aboard the "Em- press of Russia", enroute to England, "for a little rest." He adds to his big game hunting the disciplining of Malay 'head-hun- ters, who disregard the white man's laws, "One raid we made," said Mr. Findlay, "left a trail of twenty dead men," Canadian' Pacific low rate bar- gain return trips, which have been a very successful feature of the company's operation this year, will include one to the Maritime Provinces July 22, when Nova Scotia and New Brunswick will be covered in round trips to take in most of the show places of the two provinces. The trip will be varied by a sea passage in the fast new steamship "Prin- cess Helene" across the Bay of Fundy to the Land of Evangeline. A hole -in -one, though rare, is not unique, but when it is made by a lady and for the first time on the course it rates a headline. This was done by Mrs. Guy La- praik on the 150 -yard par three hole at the Canadian Pacific Re- creation Club Course at Sortie near Montreal recently. Favorable development of this year's crop on the prairie prov- inces is noted by the Canadian Pacific Railway's weekly report issued recently by the Agricul- tural Department in Winnipeg. Most of the wheat in Manitoba and Eastern Saskatchewan is headed at an average height of two feet, and elsewhere ranges between ad- vanced shot blade to headed stage. Bail loss has been only local and in scattered districts. • Bob Davis, roving columnist of the New York Sun, and probably the most travelled newspaperman in the world, has been staying at the Banff Springs Hotel on his way back from Hawaii, accom- panied by Mts. Davis. Mr. Davis has a flair for the unusual, and will likely unearth a wealth of good material ' for his column among the old timers of. the Roo- kies. Taxation comparisons in con- nection with motor vehicles and railroads should take into con- sideration that the railways pay for their own roadway, and also to some extent for the roadway used by their Motor vehicle com- petitors, says the "Traffic World". This brings in the question of how much the motor `: vehicles should pay for the highways and whether they are doing it. ;(856) ighClass Printing We can give you prompt and satisfactory service at a moderate price in the following lines of printing: - Letterheads Cards Envelopes Tickets Statements. Sale Bills Bill -heads. Dodgers Private Cheques Menus Circulars Factory Forms ery Tagg Society Stationery Invitations The News has an up-to-date commercial printing plant and we are equipped to turn out all classes of.job work. Give as a call. Blotters Booklets Business Cards Visiting Cards Wedding :Statiotr- We have a new automatic . press with great speed, recently installed to produce printing, well done, with speed, and at mod- erate cost. THE 8E,7+FoRRYN RFws