HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-21, Page 5THU'RS'DAY ULY 21, 1932, n Mazola Oi7'No. !1' j per'tin 29c Crown :Brand !Syrup 2's 17c; 5's 33c MdLaren's iStuffdd No. 9 Olives ..per bottle 23c _ifdLaren's PPlain .No. 20 IOliyes per bottle. 23c K!een!3 'Matstard, "U'se the best" '3's 25c; '/'s 490 St.:Charles (Evapora'te'd Milk,, small 3 'tins '19c St:.Charles Evaporated Milk, tall 2 tins 25c Eledtnic !Bullbts, York ,Fros'te'd 25, 40 and 60 (Watt • each 19c Hawes' Floor Wax ........... ......'................... ...II's 43c Hawes' Lemon !Oil large (bottle 23c - Fly 'Tox 8 oz. 40c; '16 oz. 60c Buckingham 'Pipe Tobacco—!New Crop • Imported, :8's ,20c Something new and 'different. 'Clark's Sp'aghetti, :large tin 10c Clank's Potted :Meats, assorted' 4's 0 tins 25c Crown Jars, small per ,doz.99c; / medium, per doe. LK Old Homestead No. 3 Sieve Peas per 'tan lOr 'Choice Seeded )Raisins St. .Croix 'Castile Soap Choice Quality Tomatoes, size 2's .squat Hillcrest Shortening, ,1 s ...... Liblby's tA'sparegus, .picnic size t Choice 'Peaches anld Pears, 2's squat Singapore Sliced Pineapple Fly Coils, "To hang up" Best 'Quality jar Rubbers Marshall's ICippered 'Herring in Tomato, •or Fried 'Herring, 'I's Brttnswiick ;Sardines Blue ,Bell, 5 -string 'Brooms, each Capitol 'Heavy Brooms, each Shredded 'W,hralt, Muffets, !Bran 'Flakes, )Peso Snowdrift Bulk Cocoanut ACTrIiONIS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS 1 Statesmen Propose! The !People IDlislpose!--iwhiiclh is another way of. saying that the success olf the ;Imperial 'Economia 'Conference at Ottawa will not he,decided by She eloquence of the •delegates,..bo t by the. People "whom 'lthey represent, You can make e 'practical contri'bu- tion to the success Iby specifying ;Empire Foods :for your table, Whir w'e'ek -end (Superior Stores offer a 'wcaderfntl assortment o'f. -Empire' Products that will surprise and delight yeti. Start NOW to buy and to boost 'Empire jProducts. IRememiber ouz sllogan WE ISELL THE BEST FOR LESS. Items for week ending 'hely 2,7. BARS P..9.: G. WHQZ"E NIAPTIHA SOAP .10 'b'ars '39ic, 5 17 c KELLOGG'S ALLBRAN ... ... large Pkg. 16c SUPERIOR TEA, in Lead 'Package . ..,I1 'lib, 39 c M'ccORMQCK1S KO KO BAR.BISCUIT, ......• :'per :llb..2 1 c SWEET NUKED 1PFCKLES family jar 29•rr . CERTO, "SURE, JELL" 29 c Recipe book on every ;bottle Chateau ;Cheese, "'spreads or slic'e's" ........... ....... .. %'s 17c Kraft !Kitchen (Fresh Mayonnaise 854 oz. 'betties 23c, .Qwifh one 31 oz. jar Kraft French 'Dressing FIR!EtE)1 " Weston's "Round the World (Package" special 116 oz. pkg. 25c. Borden's Chocolate Melted 'Milk .......8 oz.33'c; 4b oz. 53c RCountry Gedtilemlan Marmalade ' 1.6 o. oyal Yotac eCoffee I%'s 25c: it's 4Tc { ..15 oz. pkg. 15c Stakes 25c 2 tins 15c 2 libs. 23c per tin 25c 2 tins 35c 2 tins 29c 8 for 10c 4 doz. 25c per 'tin 23c per tin 5c 29c 59c 2 pkgs25c % lb, 13c Ross Phone 8 Miss N.Pryce Rhone 77 • Hay Seaforth Rutter 18 YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence • and a iiundable '!Reputation • Always Good Quality' Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and highes• market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. 'EheSeaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. 1 Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE )UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W,J WA r.KER' holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. TOWN TOPICS. 'Miss Dorothy Kerslake has return- Ato Tonotiito' after a .two ,weeks' hali- lay at her home., Miss Harriett P'anigman of 'l'oron- nn r,,as a- visitor in town for a few Mrs. L. C. Jfackson and Mr, 'Fred ,j(arhson 'left on 'Tuesday for Tem.ag- aeiafi wfiere they wilt spend several :lovers, guests at Dr. Clark'son's suan- sner Xi'ame., Miss 'Floncnlce Laidlaw, who' has :sten s'pending a two weeks' hb'lidhy *Muskoka, returned ihotiie this ,week, Firs, (IRev.) Berry o'f Ottawa is Spending a week or two as the guest of the Misses Cresswell. iMiss Ruth Thompson ,a:nd her sis- ter, Mrs. Green and Mr. Green and their young son Jack, of London,, aborted from town on Saturday on ;a two weeks' motor (trip to North B'ay. and Ottawa. . 1Dr. and Mrs. O'slbo'rne Of P:ontiex, rl Sask �Montreal, ., and Mass Deacon oIf were guests ; of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Anent for a few days this weeic A play from Brussels, "The 'Old Home Place," .which comes highly re- commended, will be presented in Nont'hside United Church under -the auspices (:.f the Ladies' Aid, on, Fri day '.evening, ,August 5th. Rev. G. A. M:c:Lear( and Mrs, Me - Lean of Toronto were vi!sitorrs during the past week with the Knechtets, Mt. McLean' is secretary of the Lord's Day A'llian'ce. The folio wing. have obtained Tea- chers' 'Certificates, Stratford Norm- al Sehlool: Tlhom'as IGtwenlock, Miss Jeannette. Finnigan, Clarence Trott, Lorne Pinikney, interim first • clan's; Miss '":Beatrice Ebenh:art, interim' sec- ond class; London Normal s;ohooil, Missals :H'elle'ti "A'inetit'`.alio Annie Mc- ,N'augthtoni'interini first cllatss. THE SEAFORTH TOWN TOPICS LiteWomen's Guild of St. IA'lbThoi Church, initend holtting a sale home cooking in the Toggery SI on July 23rd. Mr. Stan f.Iewit't of Bright is vi ing his d'augh'ter, Mrs, J. A. McKen in Seaforth. Rev. R. "Clarice, of Bath. Gate, N. wiill preach on Sunday at' St. Thos Church" Mise Vernja'Acllains of Welland, has been visiting at her.home he left' on Saturday ni'orni�ng to joi�tt party of friends' at Crystal Be where they have 'taken a cottage. (Mos. R. 9, Parke visited friends Toronto. last week Miss A+nonla Date is spending week's vacation with friends in trait, Miss 'Mary Brall, who has be spending her vacation the. past ff :wieeks with friends here, retur 11olme with her parents this week a Mises NeNellieD!esb!orough aocompatni .them to spend her holidays wi friends in Detroit.' Rev. .Ch.Malcolm and Miss I•sabed• Forne's't, Margaret Rhan'ig Jean Webster, _ Gladys Coleman Margaret Broadfoo't are attending Goderieh Summer School this 'week. Rev. Mr. Daniels of Peteeiboro w is :on the. staff of the 'Goderieh 'Su mer . School, will preach in Egmon villa on 'Sunday morning, July 24. Miss' Betty' Malcolm, who. has bee visiting in St. Thomas and Part Sta ley, has returned home. Mr. 'Wm. Clarke -and. ,son, (Billy, 'Windsor, ,visited h5 :cousin, Mr. C. H. Holland, last ,week. Mrs. F. Borley and'so!n Teddy, ofVancouver; B.C., are the guests. of uncle, 'Mr. C. H. Holland, this week. Mr. and Mrs.. Russell Troyer and Mr. and Mrs. Will 'Armour of .'Cleve- 1and, Ohio, and''Mrs. Davidson 'ofSunderlated, OOnt„ spent Tuesday at the home of Mr.. and Mrs. Thos. Coleman. 'Miss Margaret ;Shannon of Eg mondville and Miss Beth S'hann'on of Walton are 'visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'John E. 'Daley df 'Me- Killop. .Mr, and Mrs. Gerald Case of Phila- delphia, returned' an' Monday after spending a few days with relatives in town. Mrs. 'W, P. Lane is spending the week with her mother in Toronto, Rev. W. P. Lane is attending Sump - mer School in ' Goderieh this week, giving a course of lectures, "'Miss 'Annie Morrison of', 'Walton spent last week at the :home of Mr. and 'Mrs. J. L. Kerr. Mr, Wm. )Oliver and •family,'° of Winnipeg, and Mr. 'A, a. Oliver and wife of Los Atngeles, are visiting at the home of Mrs. Wm. Oliver and Mr. and (Mrs. Rdobert Aberhart. Both parties made the trip by motor. Miss 'Treva 'Bennett of. Mitchell, who has been visiting at the Co'mmret- cial returned homee' Monday, being accompanied by her friend, Miss Jean Dungen 'Misses (Thelma and 'Mildred John- stone and Be'stsie and 'Jean Cluff have been holidaying the past two weeks at .a cottage at" Port Dover. 9,1iss Thelma Johnstone returned 'home on Monday and the others will remain for a 'month. Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Cartwright of Cleveland, Ohio, and,'Mrs. Gormley and daughter; Mrs. IM.,Esty; of Lake- wood, Ohio, were ,guests ` of Mrs. Reinke and .Miss Toms of Egmdnd- ville, the early part of the 'week. Mr. Norman Halbkkjk'' of !Trenton, Mich„ was a week -end visitor in town. Mrs. Habkirk returned ?on Montlhy`"w'ith `h'im affer a week's viscus Mr, Ronald' • M'oKlay, ' sailed," from Montre'; 11 on IFrt,d'ay,.'one a,nvonth's trip to the 'British I'slles,'audeFrance, Miss Ethel M'c 0aq who ;'lid's been h� 1fdayis at Port ert,sipent ser eral ;days at 'her home before, leaving for Thedlford. rias' o;f top sit - D, liar'' w re, a Bea tin a D e - en' ew red ltd ed th es ail, and he, ho m d- n n- of Miss 'Margaret Ulacksou, 'Egosond- vi'lie,,wen•#. to Toronito. on Sundae; With . her 'mother, Mr. Brown' son and ,will spend twlo'weelcs visli:t- ing her nephew m 'Tori n'to. . iA great 'than 1 I '. k went g to Y Ba fiat ' y don Wodensiday afternoon. The Northside United Church, the Canadian Legion aavd ,the' Murray family picnics were held, Miss 'IMLargaret Cafe R.N. motored over from Detroit this week and leflt with her parents, ,Mr.;,and Mrs. Arn- old Case,': for a weeks' 'holiday at Stoney Lake. (Mr. and : Mrs.'. iJack Pringle and daughter Eleanor of Milwiaukee ate visiting. 'Miss Broad'foot.' k�Iiss 'Nlora Hodgins,' returned to Toronto aver the ,week -aid after spending a couple of weeks with Mrs. L. T. DeLacey. ' 'Mrs. Lawrence of 'Vancouver, who has (been visiting her parents; Mr..aud Mrs.'ohn J Pinkney, '.nays Godertcll st„ loft for home hast week. Her sister, Miss' Clara Pinkney accompanied her as far as 'Toranbowhere' she 'spent the week -end. NEWS. Permaoent Waves Summer Special The sal f-setting,natural "push- up" with soft, curly "ends" ALL WAVES, GUARANTEED Particularly adapted to "Baby Fine" and Grey Hair and perfect every normal texture. REGULAR $7.50. FOR, NOW X3.50 for Lucille'' Jones M'ITCH'ELL. BEAUTY SALON PHONE 78 FOR APPOINTMENT 'LENA RIVERS" OPERA HOUSE, DUBLIN —on— Friday 'Evening n—Friday`Evening JULY 22 Adults 25cts. Children 15 cts. iMr. Manuel Kndcfhtel of Weyburn, Sisk., ,called recently on his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. N. KIndchtei. Mr. and Mrs. Rohl. Doak of Gode- rich and Mrs. R. Ha'bend'asher of Loudon were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kneohtel on Sunday. Mr. C. C. McLean, who has sde- 'cessfully completed his third year medical exams at Toronto Univetsity, spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. Kneohtel and other friends in Mc K'il£dp. (Mrs. Wm. Hanna and daughter Miss Anna Hanna of Kingsville, are guests this week of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hanna. EGMONDVILLE. II would like to take the liberty of .a few remarks in regard to Mr. J. Holland's comment on ` the co,rre's- pandent's report of a certain football game. i'f the fans wished to encourage their team, why did they not cheer for Whites Green and 'W hoes instead of sing- ling out certain members of the v'is'it;, ing team and hurling 'tasty, unmanly namesat thein? Could a person call it good sportsmanship to yell: "Get 'S'o- and-ISo.'i? Now, supposing some .of the hoineslters did get him or them, resulbin'g in (broken bones, how many of •either team could afford to pay hos- pital and doctor bills, 'not to mention Vire discomfort that broken bones'gen- erally bring. The .game, we under- stand, is to be played on the ifiold, and would you call it good sportsman- ship for a crowd of a hundred or so to run after like :geese, yell unciviflj', throw gravel and even sticks at cer- tain players, also to crowd around to hold a certain car? The report from St, C'oluntlban :two weeks ago was an advice and a deal good one, so here is hoping the fans will take it and act accordingly in future. A VAIN. KIPPEN. The 'W.MIS. 'of St. Andrew's Unit- ed Church are ho'ldin,g a special ser- vice on Sunday,. July 124th at 111 een. Mrs. W. R. 'McIntosh of London, president. •of London. -Conference Branch of W.M.S. will be the special speaker, :,Aibout 2150 a'tten:ded the an sual con- gregationaui •picnic of Kippen and IHi'll1- sgreen ;hed'd at Baylfield last Thursday. Misses Olga !Bell and . Erma Work- man are attending the Goderieh Sum- mer School at Goderi:ch. Aufulnsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and of NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford ,to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152 A. D. Suthorlanil GENERAL INSURANCE — REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store HILLSGREEN. W.MlS.—The regular monthly meet- ing of the Women's Missionary Soc- iety was held at the Monne of Mrs. J. Cochrane on Friday afternoon, ;Tu'ly 15, Mrs. R. Cons'itt presiding and the meeting opened with hymn 138. The Scripture le'sslon was read responsive - led from '1st iCor., 'c tapter 1, and Was led by Mrs. R. Mdf Mister. Mrs. Troy- er then .led in prayer. Hymn 401' was sung. The devotional iteaflet was :taken by Mrs. W. Turner. The secretary and treasurer then gave their reports and they were •ado:pbeld. The offering was taken .and the roll call answered with a verse beginning with the let- ter IS. Topics on Temperance were then taken. The study was taken by Miss (Gladys Stephenson, from the. last chapter ,of the study book on Korea. Hymn 252 was sung. The meeting !closed with prayer by Mrs. Cooper. 'Mrs. (Clark of Detroit is a guest at the home of her sis'ter, Miss Dolly Hagan and brother Frank. We are' pleased to report that Mrs. W. Reichert is able .to be up now af- ter being confined to her room for several weeks. "Mr. ' H R. Samuels of Toronto is harvesting his 'hay crop this week, Mrs. 'Troyer visited at the h'o'me of Mr. and Mrs. George Greenslade of near Bayfield. Misses Annie and Agnes Cochrane of (Ciro o t u visited their sisters, H. Fuss and :Mrs J. G. Forrest. Mrs. W. Love is spending a few days with her son, IRev. R. Keith at Kiintore. 'M'i'ss ILettie returned to her home after spending a few weeks there also. WINTHROP. 'Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Little and Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard and Mr, John Armstrong spent Sunday in Betgrave. Mr. 'John Bullard spent Sunday with Mr. 'Harold 'Smaild'on of 'Walton. 'M'iss Marion Little spent lash week with Mr. and Mrs. 'Adrian Hogg of Brussels. The football .game between Brussels and (Winthrop, which was to. be held Tuesday night, was postponed until a later date on acc'ount of ' so many players being unable to play. Mr. Fergus' Bullard dislocated his shoulder 'this 'week While trimming trees. IW'e are sorry to hear that Mr. Wil- son Little is on the sick .list this week. iNias Rossie Patrick of Staffa has 'been appointed teacher of Winthrop school. Miss Patrick 'taught near ,Ex- 'eter last year, DUBLIN Mrs. J. Ryan has .returned to Strat- ford after -spending a few days with her mother, 'Mrs._ T. Maloney. iMr. and .Mrs. 'Joseph 'Hickey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Moro, Seaforth. Mrs. 'Leo Kenny returned to Toron- to to 'Saturday after spending her vaca- tion with her mother-in-law, Mrs, Philip Kenny. Mr. and Mrs. 'D'an O1Connor spenit Sunday visiting 'Mrs. iOIConnor's rel- atives in 'Tees:wafter. Among the'stnccesfitl students atten- ding Stratford Normal .School were Miss Rose ,OiC'ounor, Miss Kathryate Byrne and 'Miss Dorothy 'Molyneaux, Miss Mary •Gilmnrry, ',Rochester, N. Y„ is visiting' at the home of her sister, Mrs. Klabhteen Feeney, 'Mrs. Mary Krauskope of London is spending her va'c'ation with her moth- er, Mrs. IBric'klin, :Mis's Annie Roach of Detroit is spending a month at the ltonne'o'f her sister, Mrs. Pat. Feeney, .,Mos. Janes Shea returned from Chicago alftet,,eeteisding ;the funeral of her sister, Miss ,:Etta Reend:ergasitl. tMisstHannahTully returned' after a pheasant visit with Toronto friends, PAGE FIVE. Miss (Rose McClottnel eetunned' to Toront'o. :bliss 'Vera Feeney of Toronto, is holdayieg at the ho'nne of her mother, 'Mu. ,.111. J. Benninger, accompanied by her motherein'law, 'Mrs: Bennie ger and her sou Dou. attended the re - caption ofa relative, at St. Joseph''s. convent, Hamilton on Friday; Misses- Clara and Celine ''Evans of Galt spent Sunday at the home of ler, Josep'h 'McGrath. !lfiss Druscilla Campbell of Toron- to is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Krauskopf. Miss Lucilia McGrath- is spending her vacation with her aunt in Galt. IMr. and Mrs. 'H'enne'ssey have re- turned to Toronto after the r6'eek-end visit with Mr. and Mrs. M. Nagle. The many 'friends will be sorry 'to hear of the death of Mrs. Alex. Par- sons Of Bayfield, who died Sunday morning, Mrs. Parsons was a sister to Mrs. Alex, Darling of Dublin, and her death ,came as a shock to her friends in the village. Miss Nellie Ryan 'who has been tvds- iting her .mother, Mrs. P. Ryan, re- turned to Toronto on Sunday. Mise' (Minnie Maloney of Buffalo is visiting her mother, 'Mrs. T. Maloney. Mrs. James ;Shea returned from 'C'hica'go on Friday. Patricia and Billy Hollantd'of Wind.. sor are visiting with friends here, Mr, John McILeer and Mr, and Mrs. Blood of Detroit spent a few days this week at the home Idf Mr, and Mrs. 'Pa'trick Ryan. Mrs, T. Molyneaux 'and' family spent (Monday in Goderich. Miss Ethelytie O1Hearne 'wb•.o grad- uated from 'Clinton lBusinests 'College, has secured a position in Toronto. HARLOCK :Miss Agnes Leiper of Toronto is holidaying at present at the '(t'om'e of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Leiper, also ,calling on o't'her friends. IMr. and Mrs. James' Watt of 'Bdyith spent the haying season at the homes of Mr. and 'Mrs. Geo. and Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt. Mr. (J'ame's M lEwling and eon Mr. Billie Mc)Ewing of Treheren, Mani- toba, spent a week with the form'er's brother, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. W. Mc - Ewing, also calling on friends in Sea - forth, Clinton and in this vicinity, leaving on Thursday of last week to visit a 'brother in London. Mr. and Mrs. 'L'eo Watt and family visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles 'Parsons: We are very sorry that Messrs. Leith; Reid, James Neil'ans, John Taylor and Gordon McGregor, Oslo Misses Bertha 'H'oggarth and Helen McGregor are at present laid up with the measles and hope they .will soon be thoroughly recovered. Little Donald Jenkins of (Blyth is at present visiting at the hire of Mr. and Mrs. C. Parsons. IWe wish to'congratulate Mr. Wm. Leiper in being successful in passing his exams alt Stratford Normal. Bill leas nolw got his 1st class certificate and we 'wish him success in :getting a good school. Master 'Harry Rapson was 'success- ful' in passing his entrance exams. Congratulations eo the teacher, 'Mass Lydia Reid, also to Harry. 'Mr. and Mrs. Norman Lloyd of Clinton visited alt the home of the aster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. McE Bing on 'Sund'ay. Mr. and Mrs, Warren Gibbin:g's and baby Jean visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. `I: Rapson. The ' Burns' United Church are holding their Sunday schools p'i'cnic Friday Of 'this week.to 'Bayfield•. Mr, and 'Mrs.:GeO. `Watt of Toron- o,' also Mrs. Fisher, motored on Ri- ley to the.home of Mr. and Mrs. art Alden. Mr, and Mrs. !Watt re- tuned on Friday ;cue'i'ng, leaving their grandnlTdther, Mrs. F'is'her, to pond the summer. months. 'Miss Amy Parsons is at present visiting friend's in Waterloo and will isit her -sister, -Mrs: Gordon Jelnkin's n Stratford before returning home. Mr. and 'Mrs. ;Ernes't Stevens and am�i'ly of Sea'foeth and Mr. and Mos.arvey Ashton of Cldn'ton vis'ite'd on undo Y at the home of Mr. an. dt Vlms. aniel Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. Kneclntel and (little Maxeen, who have ;been visiting at to 'hone of Mr. and' 'Mrs. Robert. erris, also': the former's (brothers`and asters in and near :Stratford, Spent of last week at Mr. nechtel's clear Stratford where a wittily re -anion. was held as Mr. Ian- auuel Kneel-Ikewas returning to e 'West the latter part' of last week. rs. Kneohtel .and M1anaeen will spend it summer months :•with 'Mr, and+ r's. Ferris,. 'Mr. Norman Roland is at present working at lite Monte of Mr. Reece Ferris. Mr. !Leslie 'Knox of bear Contsaince was helping- :his uncle, ' Mt-, Thomasnox, a few days this week. Mb's. Albert Rapson returned ]home to middle of last week after 'visiting week with 'her mother and,brothers ear Walton. Friday B H D tl s m th M t M K it a • •