The Seaforth News, 1932-07-21, Page 1fherea two fiat hes ap' the coop een fed chi; month and mair; alc hate and thraw,tIieir •necks 'about h ut IOolin 'wel utay 'fare; nd spread the tabe neat •and clean, ar aka thing look !braw, COUNTY'S LEADING N E W SPAP.E.E 'For who can'te1'l how Colin fared ; When he was far awa', I't's a' to please my apo gudeman, For ire's been long awa. ,-.Mickle. - WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 29. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO,THURSDAY, JULY 21, 192 DINNERS and ` SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Useful Pantry Shelf Tins. (Unprinted) containing 1144. lbs. PPaterson's Butter 30 c Cream Sodas for SWEET 'NICKLES, 1317 oz. jams (for 25c !The .most for the money we ever sold. LARGE HEAVY DURABLE ICHIINA CUPS & 'SAUCERS -- , SAUCERS -, :To clear at $1.50 per doz. CANADA VINEGARS, XXX Qual- ity , per gallon 40c An eminent authority says cheap !vinegar is slow poison. BROIOMS—Our cheapest broom` is ;$1. Our dearest 25c. MEDIUM PRICE BROOAM— .ls50c value for...............•..39c. BORDEAUX 'WA'LNUTS 'said to be lowest ever. Best quality, lb. 45c ALL HAIR HAND 'BRU;SHES.— IEnglis'h make, 2,0c value. °Special 15c BiAKIERiS CO'COA in 4 lb. printed bags. 2 lbs. 35c TABLE FIGS.— 2 lbs. 25c COOKING' FIGS. 3 lbs. 25c CORN •STARCH.—In bulk. 3 lbs. 25c CLARKS SOUPS.—'Any of seven kinds. 3 for 25c MdLAR'ENS INVINC'IBL'E Stuffed LIVES.-19 oz. crackle jars 25c CLUB H1OI SE STUFFED .OS.IVES 13 oz. fancy jar. 25c • CROSSE & B!LA'CKWELL'S SAND- WICH REIL'DSH"--12t oz which is three to -four times as large as the .ordinary sandwich spread, (High class makers and 'an extra, special 35c IEGGS bought for cash or 'lc per doz. mote for tra'de: CREAM (bought for Seaforth . Cream- ery at 'Creamery price. F. D. HUTCHISON PHONE 166 QAL TY. 11 1 "SERVICE 43 VARNA. 'Miss Jean Mossdp of Windosr spent the week end at her parental Nome. • 'Misses Gladys and Eerily Beatty 14ia'F London are enjoying their vacs- � tion IMr. Woods of Listowel visited over the week -end with friends and rela- tives. Mrs. Woods of Listowel and' Mrs. McDonald of GIo'deric'h Township are the guests of Mrs. Weekes. 1Mr, and Mrs, G H. Beatty in com- pany with the formers mat'h�er, .spent Saturday in London. The funeral of Mrs, A. Parson's was held Tuesday. Much sympathy .is exite.nded Mr. Parson's in his late sad bereavement. ITlue freque'n•t showers naa'ke catchy weather for the haymakers. 'Miss Edyith Beatty ,spent .a few days in Detroit recently. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, BA. 1Id a.m.=Sund'ay .School and Bible Classes. 'I1 a.m.-1Pubilic Worship. Subject, "Phe Prophet's •MesSa'ge for To -day." p.m. ---Public ,Worship. Stsbject, "Human Reflectors." ENTIRANCE .RESULTS. The following are the •results at. Seaforth, Brussels, Ethel and Manley; at Seaforth the highest standing was obtained 'by Gavin Gemmel] for the rurals with 63!1 marks and Ruth Cliff for the town with 621. At, the other centres ;Mina Bryan had the highest standing with 654 marks .with Mary H,uether, and Jean Pearson 'second with 63.6. Altogether the results were high- ly satisfactory except at one centre. Seaforth V. Bell, R. 'Cluff (`FI), C. Dale, R. 'Dalrymple, H. Mager, J..D''rager (IH), J. Eckert, A. Finnigan ('H),' S. Geddes (H), G. Gemmell (IH), M. Hanley, N. Havenor, O. Hildebrand, M. Holmes (IH), A. ,Hudson, D. Hudson QH), V. Hugill, • D, Lawson, E. Leitch, E Macdonald, W. Macgregor, M. Mc- Clure, J..McCully, ,112. McCully, J. Mt Iver, M. McIver, G. MdKenaie (IH), M. McMichael (11), G. Martin, D. Nigh, L. Nott ('H), G. Pinkney, H. Rice, A. Smit'h, M. Southgate, J. Stewart, W. Storey, 'L. Tremeer, R. Watson. Brussels G. Agar, J. Baeker (•H), J. Brower '(H), M. Bryan (IH), M. Cardiff, I. Coutts, M. Ed'w!ards (IH), A. I. Ennis, N. M. Farquharson, W. Farquharson, E. G. Farrow (H), J. R. Farrow, T. I. Flood, V. .Fox, 13. J. Galbraith, A. Gras'by ('H), D. ,A: Hall QH), C. S. IIenderson (H), 1B. Hicks, H. Hueth- er (II), L. G. Kernalghan, M. King (111), M. A. Lowry ('H) A. McCall, ,M 'McIntosh, E. Moore '(IH), W. A !Nichol, C 'Hum (H), J. 'Riley, L. A 'Russel OH), T: . Strachan, I ITh'ynne, M. Turnlbull, G. C. Watson, L. Wheeler. Ethel A. Atkin, B. .Acnes OH), A. 'Campbell, A. Franklin, J. Franklin ((H), T. ,Mills (IH), R. G. Mitchell, H. Pear- son, J Pearson (H), J.. M. Pearson ,(H), G. Sangster, D. Spence; R. Ste- phenson, J. Stewart.' Manley • IJ. Balfour, B, 'Carlin, H. Davey, R. Downey,ti 13. Driscoll' (H), E. Gaffney (!H), E. Hoegy OH), R. jarm,u'th (H), �4. Jordan, C. 1C ausleop'f, L. McNich- ol, B. MgSp'add'en, J O'Reilly 0H), M. O'Reilly ('H), M. .Sperling (110), K, Thornton, M. 'Turv'ey (H). 'marks will be sent shortly to un- su'ccessfu'l candidates. There IS e fee of $2.00 when an appeal is made w'hic'h will be refunded' if the appeal is granted. The following are the results', at Win'ghan, and IB'elgeave. The highest marks were obtainedd'by ,Benson 'Ham- ilton for the 'town ,with 660 maliks out of a total • of 760 and Itsalbel •Coulter with 604 for the rprals. The class at Win'gh'am was an exceptionally good one all passing and a large percentage taking honors. ' • Wingltam IR. Baird, L Maker, H. Biatc'h'ford, G. Bra'cleenlbpry OH), B. Brawm (IH), H. Burgess (H), (W. Carr ''(IH), C. Chittidlc OH), F. .Coulter . (IH), • I. Coulter (H), J, ICoullter, Mb. Cru' k- s!hlenks (H), H. Edgar, W. Edgar, G. Flalleaner, 'E, Field '(Qi), ;E. Finlay, J. Fitzpatrick, B. Hamilton .QH), R. Hammond (,1PI) •B. ff �a cings,;;�i. Iai11- kiek (1H), R. Howson (13), E. Kelley, I. M'elKinnon (IFI'),, E. 'Miller (.!H), IR Warden L. H. Rader of I -lay Is the Conservative Candidate. Mr. W. H. GOLDII'NG, EX-MAYOIR OF ISEAFiORIPH, BECOMES ILP,BERA!L NiOMDNEE. Mr. WILL H. BLACK :FOR PRO-. GRESSI V ES. ,At a very enthusiastic and large conryieintiori, at Heiis!all Wednelsday night, Wm. H: Black,,was nominated 'by the. Progressives toeoontes't .South Huron, Others nominated included Mrs. 'Haugh; Brucdfield; Mr. and Mrs. George Layton, Exeter; R. J. Scott, Belgrave; R. J. 'McMillan, Sea- forth. All wit'hd'rew except Mr. Mc- Millan and Mr. Black, the latter be- ing ,notnvin5ted by 'ballot. Mr. Bl'ac'k. accepted the nomination with the Power to withdrelw being lent to him- self and the executive. This is' Coii'vention Week in (South Huron. Ilhe Liberals met at Henson Monday afternoon, and chose W. 11. Golding of Seia'forth who Was a few, weeks ago was selected as Provinc- ial candidate. 'Tuesd'ay night the 'Con- servatives chose L. H. Rader of Hay township, warden df yhe county of Huron. On _5W'ednes'day night the Progressives met at Hens'all to decide upon a course` of action. Whether they`w"owdd put up a candidate teas not definitely known, because war was declared only a few weeks ago by the Liberals when they named a Provincial candidate. in a resolution read by Mr. Henry Horton. The resolution lauded the prinne minister for his action in pro- moting the plan to. 'deepen the St. Lawrence waterways. The resolution also ,endprsed the legislative acts of Premier George"$. 'Henry of Ontario. Ilion. Robert Weir, minister of ag- riculture in the Bennett Cabinet, and a native ,of Hurlon county, was pres- ent to congratulate Warden Rader on his selection and to address the con- vention'for fully an hour and a half. That his address, though long, was interesting is indicated in the fact that despite' the heat the ' hall nemeined packed to the doors until the princi- pal speaker had concluded his mas- sage. Mr.. Weir, speaking without flourish and entirely in the language of the man of "the sod, recounted the hundreds of problem's he has met since assuming his office of minister of 'agrictil'ture'two years ago. He made the farmers miders•tand the great task 'the Canadian fermiers face and warn- ed them they must be original; they must solve their own pro'ble'ms and not copy methods from other coun- tries of the world. .Mr. Weir said he was ana'ious to bring abput the formation :of a coun- cil of practical farmers in every pro- vince in the Do'min'ion to discuss and find answers to •the hundreds of farm problems. The minister said that he was out to eliminate the 'professional exhib- itor" at fairs throughout the country. He said that such a man was of no use to the farmer and that cuts which he had ordered in grants to fairsthis year might accomplish this end with- out hampering the respective fair boards. He instanced someof the methods , of professional exhibitors such as injecting oil under the skin of stack, etc., w'ltich did not improve the stock for any practical. purpose. Mr. Weir was introduced to the convention by Frank White, M.P., of London. Louis H. Rader, warden of the County of Huron, and farmer of Hay 'Township, a man who has 'been active in municipal life in the county' for the past 12 years, • was Tuesday night chosen Conservative candidate for the South Huron by-election. WardenRaderwas. the 'unanimous choice of one of the largest conven- tions in the historyof the riding. Nel- son 'Trewartha o'f -Clinton, Conserva- tive candidate in the last 'federal elec- tion, and George H. Elliott, reeve of Clinton, were tine other nominees, but they dropped out of the competition in favor of Warden Rader and asked that the convention make the choice a unan'i'mous one. lWardeii Rader was for eightyears te memlber of the Hay Township Coun- cil and for four years member of the County Council, this year being hon- ored with the warden's chair. He was nominated by ,Robert Hayter and Hir- am 'Grill. 1Gol. H. '13. Conslbe of Clinton, presi- dent of the South Huron ,Conserva- tive Association, was in the chair and on his request, Andrew 'Hicks of Ste- phen moved a nesolution of cond'o'lence in the death of !the former Liberal member, Thomas McMillan. The late. me'm'ber was termed a worthy citizen and a friend of all. Cons'ervatives niay have differed with Ur. MdNI'illan •on many ,occasions, but they had nothing for hiin but respect, he said. In pass- ing the resolution the assemblage stood for a monient in respectful sil- ence. William Clysdale, organizer for the Conservative party in Canada, express- ed pleasure at the large turn'ou't. He termed South Huron as one of the better organized • ridings. L. K. Lesueur, of Sarnia, president of the Western Ontario Conservative Association promised the support of the . entire association to • the selected candidate. Hie complimented the South Huron Association on its organiza- tion and for the success of the con- vention. 'He lauded Hon. R. Bennett ,as the states'm'an who saved Canada from ancia4snit P at thetimewhen Great Brittain -announced abandlon'men't of the gold standard, Mr. Bennett's an's'wer at that time was:, "Canada will fulfill her ab1'igations, 'dollar for dollar." This, declared Mr. Lesueur, saved Canada's fin'an'ces from partial wreckage. He urged the ' association to work and stated that ;if they 'did their candidate would bre successful in the by-election. The imperia'l'ist trade policy of the prime minister, 'Hon. R. B. Bennett, was ffu'lty• endorsed by the association Mitchell (II) B. -Mundy (IH), D,Rich, K 'R'intoul (11), M. Ross (1H). E Sellers, L. IShiells ,(10),,IG. Tervitt, A..Thortoai, W. Tiffin, M. Vanstone, E. Weblb, C, Wel wood. (iH), M. Wil- son, J. Zunbrigg'(H), • Belgrave E. Arlhudkle, H. Black, 'W. Breen, G. 'Canter (H), 'M. Cook, Z •Cook, R. Coultes CH), J. •G'dar (H), M. G1'aslby, S. 'Tewin, V. ,Jnlhnsiton, L. Kerr, M. Nlrc'Burney, I. N•etlhery, D. Reid OH), W. Reid, 'NI. Robinson. "The, greatest farmers of all Can- ada are `those in the County of Hu- gon," said Mr. Weir, immediately pro- ceeding to' trace the history of the county and the hardships of the pio- neers who advanced the county to the position it is in today. Himself an old Huron boy, the minister of agricul- ture was thoroughly .conversant with this topic and his revelations of the thoughts and deeds of Huron people were listened to with rapt attention by the large audience. "The ideal I' have set myself is to make myself worthy of niy forebears and overcome great. obstacles just as theydid," said Mr. Weir. "The pio- neers did their awn thinking „and in that had a true democracy. Today we should"•attend every political meeting and gather all the information poss- ible then vote as we think. If we all did this we would not need 'to worry a'bou't the outco,tne of the corning by- e],ection. Your candidate would' nut have to worry either, "We must work as a party," r ad- m'onished Mr. Weir, "A party can- not stand on its past actions, 'A party to survive must have a great leader, and we, have Han. R. 13. :Bennett, whose most bitter opponents admit his great enelrgy and ability to work, They do not question his sincerity nor do they question his honesty. I know of no man so patient, , working from 9 o'clock in the morning u'nti'l well after' midnight; In the stress of all his work he always leas time to help me hi my Work. Yet others would have him cons'i'dered as cold and hard hearted. He could not have been kinder to ire had he been my own father. Hon. R B. Bennett thinks directly. He reacts instantaneously against anything that might not be considered absolutely honest. He knows what to do at the right time and that is one thing that his coll- eagues appreciate. We are fortunate enough to have a man like our prime minister at, the head of the country at the present time. His real worth may only be told in history, ""There never. was a time when people were thinking more seriously than now. React Hansard and you will see -that speaker after speaker on the Opposition si'de.of the House, has not salt down without nta'kiirg a 'bitter persona'' ,attadk at the prince minister. They hove hoped to break hint• and make him 'los'e his discipline and con- trol of himself. I myself 'have been thelbgdctsu• • of many'bittlter personal 'attacks. I was told that this was the result of my 1 fdrlslt Speech in the House. Rt. Hon, W. L. M'clKerazi'e King sneered ,alt my (Continued on Page 8). Whether you play or "in action" as they are good-looking on the wrist of a spectator. For without sacrifice of beauty or quality, these smart watches are built to withstand the jolts and jars of hard play. Many of them, by the way, are in cases of pre- cious metal by Wadsworth —with cool, comfortable metal bands to match. See them! ook on... ... you'll need a fine sports: watch this summer! And'.' the ones we're now show- • ing are just as dependable Fred. S. Sausage JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Seaforth. Phone 194. Res. 10. ENGAGED/LENT. Rev. David 'Carswel•l, Toronto, an- nounces the ,engagement of his 'daugh- ter, Jean Anderson, .to James (Wel- lesley lePoon, son of 'Mr, anti lMrs. James, .Boon, Stevensville, Ont., The marriage to take place in July. W.M.S. MEETS. The Northside United Church Mis- sionary Society met in the Sunday School of the church on Thursday af- ternoon, Despite the fact that it is a holiday season there was a goodly re- presentative gathering of members present. ,Mrs. W. iP. Lane, president, occupied the chair. After the singing of "Onward Christian Soldiers," Mrs. Lane. led in the thanksgiving prayer. The meeting was then ,o'pened for bus- iness. 'After some discussion is was decided to raise $30 for supplies and expense by voluntary giving.. Alter the Secretary gave the reports of the various d,ep•artmnents, Mrs. F. J. Bur- rows, treasurer, gave a very encourag- ing report. We owe Gold a propor- tionate part of our income first, if we pay that first we slhali by faith be able to manage all other problems of liv- ing. Mrs. Twiss, Mrs. Black and Mrs. R. Archibald conducted the devotion- al `exercises. The condition of the world today tails for prayer in order that God may pour out his blessings. The theme' for study was Towards a Friendly World, itstroduced by Mrs. McGavin, was very ably presented by Mrs. jos. Scott and cont'inued'by Mrs. F. J. Burrows : and Mrs. F. Stoney. The finest flower of friendship is'per- fect cut, it grows out of and caps all the rest s as thechalice ha ice tops the 'stem of the lily. A vocal duet by Mrs. 'Glees and ilIrs, W. Webster concluded' the programme, Standing: SOFT BALL. •G.P. 14V. L. Seaforth 42 Grand •Bend . ..., 9 6 3 1Cl'into'n B 5 b Goderieh A 4 6 Blaylfie'1'd 9 • 0 9 B'ru'ss'el's 6 0 5 Games p1'ay,ed during the week. were: ;Seaforth at Grand. Bend, the score being S'ealforth 40 runs, A3 hits, 5 errors; 'Grand Bend, 8 runs, 6 bits, 2 errors, Goderich played at Bayfield, the score being Gbderidh' 14 runs, 16 `hits, 7 errors; B'aylfieltl, 13 runs, 16 hits, 8 errors. 'Grand Bend played at IO1'tnton,, ,tile score being Grand Berl, `1'5 runs,' 32 hilts, 2 errors; Olintom, 14 rains,' 112 hits, 7 errors: FOOTBALL On Thursday night lEgmondville. defeated Walton at Egmondvil'le by a:• score of 341. Walton' has protested the. game. Clinton defeated 'Winthrop on Fri -:- day night at Winthrop in a 2-11 score.. Walton defeated Clinton at the lat ter place on Monday night 'by a score. - of 3-0. core:of3-0. The Brussels at . Winthrop game scheduled for Tuesday night. was. postponed. EGMO'NUVILLE. The Peppy Pals Mission. Band held" their regular meeting. on Saturday,. July 16th in. the basement of the: church. The meeting opened with^ quiet music. The president,. Miss Bet- ty Smith, presided, We then sang hymn 230, followed 'by the ;cal] to worship. "0 .Come ]et us worship and' fall down, let us kneel before the Lord" •our Maker. Lilian. Richardson then led in prayer. The Scripture, John 14: 1-7 as read by Peggy Chesney, after which the roll call was read and the collection taken, .Flymn 191 was then sung after 'Which the leader, Lilian: Richardson, took` charge of the study period. After this we sang hymn 2.90 and the meeting closed by repeating the (benediction. BRODHAGRN Wheatley -Rock. --A very pretty and popular wedding took place at St_ Peter's Lutheran Church, Brodhagen, on ;Saturday, July 16th, at three o'- clock, wh et Lavine u t na Caroline 'Rock, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Louis 'Geo.. Rock, was united in niarri.ag€ to lablr:. !George 'Thomas Wheatley, son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Thos. G. Wheatley, Sea- • forth. Rev. Ii. F. *rutin, of Stratford, officiated. The bridesmaid was Misa Laurette Rock, of Brodhagen, 'while • the groom was assisted ,by Mr.' Dyke T. Wheatley of Seaforth. Mrs. E. Kressler, of Stratford, presided at t'i'e• organ. The !decorations were pink roses and blue Delphinium, 'The ,bride's dress was of white satin, silk net and veil and she carried a bouquet of Tag- . isman roses. 'The bridesmaid' was:, 'gowned in blue angel •skin lace and'' wore a pink hat and .carried a bouquet of Donothy Perkins pink roses. lAft;er the ceremony the 'company repairs to the home 'of the bride's parents - where flre wedding dinner was servelrl and alter spending a few hours Mr. and Mrs. iWheatl'ey left on a •honey- moon trip to •eastern Canada, the ',bride -• ttravelling in a black' ensemble suit.`" whin •whits aeceseor'ies.. On their ne- ;•- tit's they wi]1 reside on•tlne.grq!om'w;, farm near Seaforth,