HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-14, Page 5THURSDAY; JULY 14th, 1932, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE • FOODS MUST BE FRESH IN.SUMMER (Warm summer days twill- quickly 'spoil many foods, and that as one good reason for (buying at Superior (Stores, Their 'foods are 'freak and good. A fleet of trucks(Working •from 'conveniently located ware- houses ,provide frequent deliveries to all our stores,- 1Perisit'alble and 'other lines of 6aods are Ipur h'ased only in quantities -sufficient !for a quick 'turnover. You .can (buy with ootdfrdence do quality, service and prices at (Superior Stores. amen -Sher our (slogan - WE (SELL THE BEST FOR LESS. Items for week ending July 20. MAPLE LEAF SALMON . RASPBERRY JAM 40 oz. jar 1��7 29 c CORNED REEF 1's 29c 12 oz. 15c DEL MAIZ 'CORN 2's 2 tins 29 c COMFiOR'T SOAP 10 cakes 39 c PURE LARD 1 1b. prints 9 c Red Rose ;Tea, 'Cri':ntson (Label T/2 'lb. 23c Lux :Flakes 2 pkgs. 19c Australian Sultana (Raisins 2 'lbs. 27c MdLaren''s 'Fruit Punch, 'assorted (per bottle 25c Five'Point ;Home Made IM'anmalade ..1116 ioz. ....19c; 40 oz.....39c M. '& W. Sweet Pickles family jar 29c Tomato Juice, l's 3 Mins 28c Sea Kling ,lidbsters K's....19c; .4's.....29c Family Blend Coffee (1's 39c Ovialtiite small ....39c; ned'ium....69c; lf'agie (Baking Powder8 oz. ....23c; O''Cedar''Oi:l Shirriff's True IEstracts Paris 'Pate "unequalled for sandwiches" Derby 'Loaf (Cheese per 'bb. 25c Certo "sure Ijel1" ,recipe book on every (bottle 29c After Dinner Mints • Velvet IBuids Grape -Nuts Flakes Moody's (Chloride of (Lime Santa Clara ;Prunes, sweet and Il''arge Rosedale 1D.iI1 ,Pickles 126's per ,tin 18'c • Glacier Sardines 2 tins 23c Roman Meal per pkg. 29c Javel Clothes Bleach per (battle 10c Snap ;Battle Caps "ju'st the thing fo•r opened bottles" each Urge.... 1.09 ;16 oz. ....36c 4 oz. bottle 210 per bottle 23c 14c .per 'pkg; 10c p'er lb. 25c 2 . pkgs. 21c Vs 15c 9 lb,s 23c 10c French's Prepared Mustard large, battle lac Heinz's .Catsup, large (bottle 19c Graham 'Wafers 1 lb. -pkg. 20c 1?rincess Soap 'Flakes very special....2 for 29c -Ross J. Sproat Ruane Nliss N.Pryce Rhone 8 77 Buy Seaforth Butter 18 YEARS A Service that creates • Confidence • an* a Dependable Reputation Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and highes• market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's FUNERAL SERVICE UNDERTAKING -and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W;.J: WR T KER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license.' Flowers .Furnished. dight or day phone 67, •TOWN`TOPICS. iBiliy and Betty Scott o'f Chicago are visiting their grandfather, Mr. T. .Scott. 'vlitss Margaret Case, 'R.N., of De- troit, is' a holiday visitor this week with her' parents,: Mr. -and Mrs. Arn old 'Case.. . :Mr, jack Fetigusoln and Miss 'Marg- aret ' Marg.aret' Fel-D.:sort are taking a summer. course at 'Gttelph this 'being their sec, end and final year, Dr, and 4Mrs. Curtis and son Billy of \darmora are holiday guests of 'MTs, Curtis' parents, Mr. and Mns. Wnt, Ecinntnds. Mrs Harry Grieve and Russell of Windsor are here to spend the sum- mer with her patents,•.Mr...:and_ Mrs, 'T. Grieve, Mrs, ,E1lin'tt of Goderich Tp. is visiting with her 'nephew, Mr, John- Egmondvil'le. Miss Betty McClelland -of Toronto, who is spending the summer with her grandparents, Cod. and Mrs. Hays, has received word that she db'tained honour standing in her music course. She also passed this year into third Rorin, of Collegiate. 'Mr. and Mrs. Henry Golding Sr, of Staffa, bath off' w'h'om( are over 90 years of age, are spending • the sum- mer with their son, Mr, W. H. Gold- ing and Mrs. Golding. ITIhe Misses Ferguson have gone to. Port Albert to ,spend a month .on Lake Huron. By a peculiar coincidence there was nota drop of rain at Grieve''s bridge on Wednesday afternoon, although it rained heavily in Seaforth. Bliss Evelyn Golding of the hospi- tal staff, and l'ir. Arthur Golding left tab -t Thursday to spend a week or taxa at Owen Sound. Mr, Viaaian of Stratford was a guest of \Mrs. W. W. Cowan over the week- end,. 'Cheapest of all 'Oils. -Considering the qua'iitlies of Dr. Thomas'Eclec- tric Oil it is the cheapest of all prep- arations offered to the public. T•t is to be found in every drug store in Canada frown coast' to coast and all country merchants keep if for sale. So, being easilyprocttr"ahle, and extremely moderate iii" -Price -no one should be ,ston McElroy, and Mrs.. McElroy,'''w•ithotfa,bottle of it. TOWN: TOPxeS, ., l:,ii.G; (Guests at the home of Mrs. G. T. Turnbull this week were Rev, Mr. G. Coltman ,and Mrs. Coltman and fam- ily, Betty, Kenneth and Newell Wan- less, of (Highland` Park, Mich„ Mr. and Mrs, Wanless of Milverton, 1Trs. Stapleton o f Guelph; Mr. Robert Wanless' and Miss Rose Jiatn.ieson, Mr, and Mrs, J. R, Hillis and Donald, Miss Mildred Turnbull and Mr. Arn- old Talrtrbeli, Toronto. Who congregation of North Bide United ,Ohurch have planned to hold a congregational picnic on Wednesday, July 20Th. Miss Helen Lane is visiting itt To- ronto. Mr. Joe Collie of Arizona and Mr. Con. 'Cblllie o•f California are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn. Beattie, Mr. and Mfrs, Gordon Hays of De- troit are at present spending their Va- cation with their many friends in this nioinity. t Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kirk and their guests were alt Whitechurch last Sunday and called on Mrs. J. D. Bee- croft, Mr. and Mfrs. Kirk's dauglhiter. (Mrs. W. J. Morrow (nee Maggie Mae Slprdat) and her daughter Lois arrived Frid'a'y from . near Lethbridge. They came by (rotor and are at • the home of her parents, Mr. and Mars. James Spuoat. They will leave for home Septemlber ls't, Mrs. Robert Edgar and- family, Miss Bessie Edgar, Mr. and Mrs. .Horace Wiibee and family, Mr. and M•rs.. Alex. Muir and $am'ily, Mr, and Mrs. Adlbert Baker and fancily spent a' very pleasant afternoon at B'ay'field . on Sunday, Miss Vera Mole, who has been vis- iting in Brussels for the past week, returned Notre Sunday and Was ac- companied by Mis's Edna Davison, who will he the guest of Miss Vera for a few days. Mr. Will Faulkner of Bramt+fo'rd is spending his vacation with his moth- er and sisters, George street. Miss Marjorie Watson of 'London is the guest of the Aherh'art family in M'dKtltop. Miss Mtatijorie Wigg is spending a couple of weeks in Caledbnlia. :Mr. and Mrs. Fred MdGavin' of Glynn Court, Detroit, spent the Am- erican holiday with Mr, and Mrs. Henry McGlavin and family. 'Teachers that are home from To- ronto for their vacation include Miss Bertha Beattie at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beattie, the Misses Ida and Eva !Love at their parents' home, and Miss Ri•a Hills at her home. '(Miss Louise Allen of Hamilton is visliting at her (home. Mr. Ronald McKay and his sister, from Toronto, are visiting with their mother, Mrs, H. McKay. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kivk in Tuc(kersiniith were Mr. Norman Kirit of Wayne, In- diana and his brother Oliver of Birm- ingham, Mich. and their sister, Mrs. F. L. Creighton and daughters Fran- ces, Rachel' acid Thelma. ' .Mr: and Mrs, W. H. Little left on Tuesday morning for Union. They will return on Friday to Seaforth be- fore starting on a month's motor trip to Winnipeg and other western points, Mr. ILi'ttle's father, Mr, Andrew Little, of town, will accompany, them. They are taking a specially 'built cabin trailer. Mr, and Mrs. Wegg and children of Toronto, who have been visiting the latter's mother, Mrs, G. D. C. Hart(, James street, left on Monday, Mrs. Wegg and children going to Ethel, Mr. Will Hlant, Toronto, Mr. John Hin'chley and Miss Pearl M'cCotwian of ,Stratford were guest's of Mr. Hart's aunt, Mrs. G. D. C. TInni, on Tuesday, M'is's Doris Waite of Toronto is spending her holidays at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Hart. Mr, and Mrs. E. W. Edge of To- ronto spent this week at the home off Mr. Henry Edge and Miss Josephine Mrs. Tennant of Lucan, Dr. and Mrs. 'Guam of Ottawa, Mr. Jack Gunn and son of Toronto were guests of Mrs. W. D. Bright last- week. Miss Annie Gray and sister, Mrs. Pnice, of 'Toronto, spent the week -end in town calling On their 'many friends. Dr. Aubrey Crich ` will deliver a dental talk over •'CFCA on Friday, July- 1'5 at 7:15 p.m,' Mr, and Mrs, Jia'mes Watt and lit- tle son of Hamilton have' sailed for :Edinburgh, Scotland, 'wahere they '.will in future resole. Mrs. W'a'tt awe's form- erly Miss Elsie' .Pollen of Sea:6orth, 1E,ss Leona and Richard Box are visiting in Toronto, -Mr. and Mrs. D. 131 Logan of To- ronto s•p.enf the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. E. L. Box. (Mrs. G. Bunt, Streetsville, and Miss Flo W'edgwo'od, and Miss Muriel Ctrl:er of Toronto visited Miss Jen- nie McBride, IMr, Paul Mul•ligari of Toronto vis- ited friendsintown this week. or. J. H. Beistolw, son of Mr, and Mrs, W. II., Bristow of Sarnia, forin- Permanent Waves Surnrner Special The self -setting, natural "push- up" with soft, curly `ends ALL WAVES GUARANTEED Particularly adapted to "Baby Fine" and Grey Hair and perfect for every normal texture. REGULAR $7.50. FOR, NOW $3.50 Lucille Jones MITCHELL. BEAUTY SALON PHONE 78 FOR ,APPOINTMENT erly of ,Seaforth, has recently been ap- pointed chief resident surgeon in the de'partmen of eye, ear, nose and throat of the Grace Hoslpital, Detroit, Mich'. TOWN COUNCIL, The regular meeting of council was held in council chamber at 8 p.m. Present, 'Mayor Daly, Reeve Smith, Councillors Bolton, Crosier, Hudson, Dale, and 'Stephens. Minutes of last meeting read and conlfirmed. ISmiiith1Dlate.-ITh'aft the prayer of petitioners with regard to paving East Will=iam and James streets and -Church street, be laid on the table for further consideration. (Bolton -Crosier, -!That the report of the finance committee be adopted as read:( jos, V. Ryan, salary, $67,00; Jno. A. Wilson, salary, $70; H. ;Snell, salary, $60; 'Thos: Storey, salary, $60; Ed. Allen, wages, $2.25; P, E. Madk- lam, charity acct. 21c; R. Rogers, $1.75; Bell Tel. Oo., $3.48; E. B. Goodie, charity acct. $4.712; Geo. A, Sills & Sons $8:49; McLean Bros., $109.08; H. Wisely Bragg, $1; Jas. V. Ryan, acct. $6.00; Art Hulley, wages, $1,'50; John Muir, wages, $2:50; H. 4Vilbee, Wages, $2.50; N. Westco'tt, wages, $2.00; H. Martin, wages, $1R'5; Jahn Henderson, wages, $1.25; F. Adams, wages $1.25; Sola Williams wages $1!25; John Currie, wages $10.715; H. Hogguth, wages $5:00; Wes. Nichol $4'50; Jlos. Storey, $26.98; Miss .N. Pryce, account chty., $9.40; 'Thos. Dlickson, acct. $2.60; R. S. HayS, 'bond, $20. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Mayor, FOOT BALL. iThe 'following are the scores in the Huron Foot Ball Association: May 25-IW.in•throp 0, at Brussels 0, May 3;1 Egrnondville 0, at Walton 0 June 3 --Watton 4, Winthrop 2. June 4 -St. Coltunban 1, Egnrand- citle 0, ((iRepl'ayed). June 7 -Clinton 6, Exeter 0, June 8-JEgmondville 2, Brussels 1. June 10 ---Winthrop 1, Bt. Colum - ben (1. 'June 1'3-4Brussels 1, Clinton 0, June i4-Egmond'ville 2, Winthrop 1. June 1.6 -(Clinton 1, Walton 2 (Pro- tested. To be replayed July 22, (June ''17 -Exeter 0, St. Ooltunban110. (June 20-iEgmondville at Exeter (Called off), June 21 -+St, Colunvban 1, Clinton 0 June 22 -Watton 1, Brussels 1. Aare 23 -Exeter aft Winthrop. (Ex- eter defaulted). June 25 -Brussels 0, Walton 0. June 27 -(Winthrop 1, Clinton 0. June 28-•-Egtnondviile 1, St. Col untiban 1. June 30-IWiuleh,rop 0, Walton 1. July 6 -Walton 0, St. Columban 0, July, 7-Egnnondvi'lle at Clinton; (Postponed). Julylil'-St. Cottimban 0, Brussels 1 Watton will play at. Egnondville Thursday "nights AutoInsurance Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW , Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to see us before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call -Night and Day Service Phone 152, A. Q. Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE -- REAL ESTATE, CONVEY- ANCING, ,ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store MRS ROSE HtOLIMES There passed away on Wednesday afternoon, July ,6th, Mrs. Rose .Holmes widow of the late Robert Holmes, of MsKilllap, after a few weeks' illness. Her death occurred at the home of Mr, David Leitch, Egtnondville, where She had been staying duri'n'g the past month. Until last December, when she and her daughter Nellie came tb live with ,Miss Henry, George street, she had been a resident. off M'aK•id'1'op to'wnslhip for quite a few years. Before her marriage twenty-s'ix years ago she was Miss Rose Lang- ford, daughter of Jlonabhan Langford, roar of London, and was born 58 years ago in Biddullph Township near London. She had positions in Mitchell 'and in ivh'dKillo'p before her marriage, alter which she and her husband had a farm on the 'boundary on Mr. John Watson's, later returning to Mr. Holmes' home place an the 12th con- cession where they continued to re- side. Mr. Holmes predeceased her on June 14th, 1924. A son and daughter survive to mourn her loss, Carl on the home farm and Miss, Nellie ,Holmes of Seaforth. Besides her father she is survived by one sister and three bro- thers, Mrs. Wm. Floyd, Hanry, Wil- fred and Victor Langford, London; a 'brother, 'Earl Langford, Toronto, died a year ago. The funeral took place from the residence of Mr. David Leitch, Egmond'vilte, on Friday after- noon. The service was conducted 'by Reverend Charles Malcolm of En nrondville United Church, During the service Mr. Lorne Eckntier of Brus- sels, accompanied by Mr, Earl Van Egnrond, sang talo solo's. Interment took place in the Brussels cemetery; the pallbearers being David Leitch, Albert Edl'er, Russell Holmes, David Leitch (Galenich),Win, R. Henry, (Brucefield), L. Rowland, Joseph Holmes and Wen, Somerville . (Wal- ton). f Among those • attend'in'g the funeral were: Mrs. Margaret McLeod and daughter,, Mrs. Arthur Borland, De- troit; Mrs. Bailey and Mrs. Ryckman, Stratford; 1lr. and Mrs. W. Floyd, of London; Mrs, Pewitt and Mr. Gil- more. Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. C. Tweedie, Mr. and Mrs. Wan. Leitch, G'oderioh, and others front Bayfield and Brussels. W.M.S. SOCIAL MEETING About ninety members, associate helpers and friends of Vl.l'f.S. of the North Side United Church inet at the home of Mrs. George Black and Mrs, William BIl'ack on Thursday last for their July social meeting and also the Baby 13and with Miss Annie Law- rettce, their leader. Miss Lawrence is very en'thusi'astic over her new Band and we feel sure of worth while' re- sults. Needless to say the social hour was very much enjoyed by all present Miss Lawrence presidedand the meeting opened with a hymn far the children, "Jesus Loves Me," and prayer, which was followed by the Scrip'ture lesson, also a short talk by. Mrs. F, D. Hutchison, 'Miss Margaret °ri'c'h sang a pleasing solo. Th a resit of the time :was given to Mrs. W. P. Lane who gave a splendid and full re- port of the annual meeting of the Do- minion Board held in ,the United Church, Toronto, Training School. June 1-8. This report was full' of in- spiration and interest.' The Dominion Board realizes that these are grave clays for the missionary enterprises and much courage and prayer will he needed for the future. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mrs. Lane, also -to Mirs. Geo. Black, 3fr. and Mos Win. B'l'ack for their very kind and gracious . hospitality, The . offering amounted to $18, The meeting closed by singing "Blessed Be the Tie that Binds.' A delicious lunch was served by Mrs. J. Finlayson, captain of group 4 and her ,group. The next social meeting will be held in September, We take this,opporteuity 'of thank- ing all those who in any Way •eon'tri- buted to the success. of this meeting; especially 'ellip'se',wIto so kindly loaned- their cars. ACOIIYEN111S AT C. N. R. While Sliturday last wasn't Friday the 113th, it night of t, well have 'been. for the C.11,IR, yards here', The oil - electric train il-electric-train whic-hcame oil^this line a week ago, threatened to go up in. smoke while standing at the Seaforth, station on Saturday. The noon traiu. had arrived at the station when fire was discovered on the roof of the engine ear, believed to have been caused 'by a short-circuit, A volunteer bucket 'brigade with the aid of a lad- der quenched the ablaze before;much damage was done and the train was able to continue on to. Clinton after ten or fifteen ntinu'tes delay. . tAlb'out an hour dater one of the sec tion men, Mr. Fred H.uisser;;'met with an accident wihich will lay him off frdm work for a while, He was join ed backwards off the hand -car when it struck a stop blodk_near 1115 Faun-" dry switch. and landing on the baok of his head, he was rendered uncon- scious. He was removed to the hospi- tal, but did `not regain consciousness until evening. No bones were brolcen and he was able to return to his home on Monday. He still is suffering with a sore head and unable bo walk, but considers he was lucky to have escaped more serious injury, Mr. Huisser and the other section - assistant, Mr. Broome Of Roxib'oro, had run their hand car off the m'ain line before the noon train came in' and after dinner were coming off the siding to go East. Mr. Huisser was working bhe hiand-car with his ;back to the direction they were travelling when the accident oceurred, Mr. Jack Currie is supplying in his place. SOFTBALL, In the game on July Dth, Seaforth at Goderioh the score was,Seaforth 18, Goderich 15. On July 1itth; Goderich played at Seaforth, the score being Seaforth Goderich 111. The line-up: Goderich-(McGuire, Rob:inson, Ma- theson, Wesbroolc, Archer, Sander- son, Douquette, Sireardown, M'c,D'out- ald, iSeaforth-iMuir, M'cCauitey, G. Ren- nie, E. Rennie, Taman, Wright, Bur- gess, Hart, Stewart, Barber. Umpire D. H. Mctanes. Base um- pire, W. Sutherland. Goderich 17 hits, 11 runs, 9 errors. Sea'forth-2111 hits, 21 runs, 4 errors. (Standing:' G.P. W. Seaforth 1111 10 Grand Bend ' '71 5 Clinton ... , • 7 Goderich ,. ,,,8 3 Bagifield13 0 Brussels „ 5 0 L, Pts. '1( 122 2 10 2 90 -5 6 B' 0 5• BORN. ROGERS'ON. In „ Scott Memorial Hospital, on Sunday, July 10, 1912, to Mr. and Mrs, Will Rogersonof fTuckersmith, a daughter.' c o-nvention andANNUAL MEETING THE LIBERAL - CONSERVATIVES of South Huron Will hold a convention at TOWN HALL Hensall • Tuesday Evening JULY 19 AT 8 O'CLOCK To select a Candidate to con- test the ruling of South Hur- on at theomin 13y --Elec- tion, -'=e1 c c g y.� tion, Three delegates will vote from each polling sub- division. Hon. Robert ,Weir MINISTER OF AGRICULTURE and N. L. LeSueur, K. C. OF ,SARN'IA President of the Western,Ontario Conservative Association Will be present to address the meeting. The annual Election of Officers will take place at the sante meeting, Ladies Are Specially Invited GOD SAVE THE iKIN•G Robt Higgins, Col. Cont'he, Sec, Presir;ent.