The Seaforth News, 1932-07-14, Page 4PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON, Mr. and Mrs.: W. C Bennett and Ronnie and Shirley are holidaying at Point Clark. Mr. and Mrs, Fred Rutledge and family are camping at Bayfield. Miss hraybelle Rands is visiting Mies Asiiie llcPaggart. Mrs. Lawrence Forsythe is visiting at her home here, Miss Joan Drager is visiting in Go- derich. ill= :Misses Muriel Jane and Vera pan- das are. spending their holidays with .heir grandmother. Miss Ruby Young is at present speeding the holidays in Guelph, at- tending summer school. ;Mae H. Tudor, 'daughter Jean, of Eugenia Fails and Mr, Thomas Tu - dna of Toronto, are holidaying with dlieir sister, Mrs. James Mann. Mr, and Mrs.•R. Marks spent Sun- day at Listowel 'with friends, Mr. Wilfred Clank of Guelph called eat friends in and around Wlalton' on Sunday last. Bars, Edwin Miller is holidaying at 34r Fred Miller's. Mr. and. Mrs. E. mer motored from Edmonton. :Mr, 2Sllter is finishing his B.A. at King - :don. Mrs, ' Chas. .Gook of Clinton, Mr. ersd Mrs. Fred Cook of Tuckersmith, 11!r."and Mrs. John 'MoCon'neld and 7rattte Miss Colleen Grigg of Detroit, spent 'Sunday at James 'Mose. 'Mrs. L. Forsyth, of Toronto is avis- Ring her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. if Loy, , Misses Muriel Jane and Vera Dun- elas of Detroit are spending their hol- =rdays with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Clark. Mr. J'oe Bolton and Miss Dorothy awed Mr: •and'Mrs. Joe Bolton of Ro- •.tester; •N'.Y.; are spending their hol- idays with their- parents, Mr. and Matte Y,' Balton and other friends. hili:. and' Mrs. F. Rutledge and fam- sAy leave gone to spend their holidays ant Hayfield and other points. Mr. John Smillie has gone to Em - k° as his brother=in-law; Mr. Ross, Xs very i11. Miss Olive W'iiliamson has return- ad home after completing a coulrse in dressmaking with Miss C. Hingston of Brussels. We wish her success, ,Despite weather conditions haying %aerations are in full swing, BLYTH. A. very enjoyable meeting of the 1Somen''s Institute was held on Thursday, July 7, in Memorial Hall, it being the girls' meeting. We had. a splendid attendance of young people. The president, Mrs, J. K. Scott presided, After the opening exercises, the roll call was :answered 3y suggestions fora girl's hope chest, liotlowed by a duet, "My Blue Ridge Mountain Hume" by -Luella and Ir- ene Taylor, who were accompanied ay their mother; then community singing, "Old Folks at dome." A so - /r3 was sung by Isabell 'Cumming, fol - awed by a piano duet by Elizabeth and Louise 'Mills, A paper was given, "Caring for some of the early nro- 3ucts," and recipes for some by Miss AAGherta Richmond. An instrumental eeas given by MIis.. Alberta Richmond. air instrumental was given by Kath- leen Logan anct Isabel Cunning. Fa- ther Sullivan of Clint:nt was present and gave a splendid address on the 'History of Music," also contribut- ing a Whistling Song The Mocking Bird: On motion of Mlr.. .Scrimgeour and Mrs. Richmond a hearty vote of thanks was tendered Father .Sullivan. Miss Creighton, who is visiting Mrs. Brigham gave a pleasing instrumental and the girls had many articles of fancy work on display-. The national anthem was sung. In closing the group in charge served refreshments, Mrs. Jenkins, Mrs. J. .li'ctGee, Mrs. ivtunro, Mrs. Wightman, Mr. Wm. Armstrong and fancily re earned to Toronto 'last week, accom- panied by the forma's mother, Mrs, Martin Armstrong, who will visit for a Few weeks. Mrs, Wm, Staokhottse and 'Mis's Ada are visiting Dr, Roy Steakhouse at Ridgeway. Mrs. H. C. Johnston and children are visiting friends at Water(lown, W MJS. — The regular monthly aneeting of the WtM;S, of the Queen, street United Church vias held on Tuesday, July 5,th. Mrs. 3. W. Petts lead charge of the program part : of the meeting, reading the devotional leaflet "Paul the. Mean who made good." Mrs, Maine's offered prayer. Hymn 91 was then sung. Study leaflet 'Toward a Friendly Work," was tak- en an four parts by Mrs. E. Pollard, l tiwee,i, Mrs, Kechnie and Mrs, McElroy, The study book, 3' cfth chap - ace. "Korea, Land of the Dawn," sub- ject, "New Schools," was given by fry J W. Mills. Leaflets read by Mors Colclough and Mrs .lMues. A pleasing -piano solo by Mies Pauline. Robinson The president then took the chair for the business part of the meeting. Rall call was answered by stile name. of a missionary now sere :ectg in Formosa. Hymn "Jesus Saves" :vas' sung: Meeting was'brought to a .lose with the ueiver.al prayer in unison. A ten -cent tea was served. E1 e eee, Mrs. A. M. Colcliugh. cons nrittte.•l'Fis. C. Granby, Mfrs. J. Gib ea Mrs. Slater Mrs J .Maines,. • Women's Association 'Thcf regular irreeting of the Women's Association was held on Tuesday, July nth presi- terrt firs. J. W. Mills, presided. The meeting opened by singing hymn 1,911,' ilfe's. Maines offered prayer. After the routira business ' it rocas clecidcd•to Wave a bazaar and tea in the basement aa the church of Saturday, Decem- tier 3rd, 'lie neat meeting to be at the home' of Mrs. ,Samuel i{echnie, al. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, JULY 14th, 1932. come in and see our new and used cars Agent for ehrysler, De Soto, Plymouth JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and; OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. so a towel shaver; meeting closed by surging hymn 27. Miss Sarah Howatt and her pupil, Miss Margaret Caldwell were in Ex- eter -trying their music exams on Sat- urday, July 2nd. Mrs. J. Oald'wel•1, spent the day in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Win, J. Idiawatt,'Sar- ah and Edgar visited Mr. and Mrs. N. Sanderson and daughter Em'rna on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carson Allen • of Guelph, and Miss Cora_ Strong of Seaforth, visited wiith the Misses Mills on Sunday. broathers, jean and Aibert, The fun- eral will be held from the home of his brother John Forbes, Hibbert, 'Wed- nesday, July 13th and service *•111 be held at St. Mary's .Anglican Ghuroh, Dublin at 2 o'c10 ok. Interment will be in Mitchell .Anglican cemetery. Mrs. Jerry Ryan and family of Stratford are visiting with her mother, Mgrs. T. Maloney. IRev, Fr. Feeney of L'ond'on spent Tuesday with friends here. Mr. Hugih Benninger who . is'. at ten'ding.fhe O A IC, at Guelph, spent the week -end'. at his home here, BRUCEFIELD. HIBBERT. The Bructifieid U.FIWJO. held ' The regular monithly meeting, of their regular monthly meeting at the Sithe Hibbert Coun'cil' was held at Staf- home of Mrs, Lindsay Eyre on June 0.6rfr with our president, M'rs. Doug- las, presiding, The meeting opened with singing, "How Pleasant It is to Meet Again." followed by the U. IFNIr, creed in unison.'The minutes df pre'srous meeting aopted as read. The roll call showed a good atteti- dance of members, and was respond- ed to by "Hides to make children ob- edien't" add "Preparing a hurried meal." Miss Waldron gave us a splen- did talk on the advantages of bring- ing up a family in the country. Mrs, 'Nesbitt, topic on "Sunday Slaves." b\ reading by Mrs. Wright, "Raskin (Gets Cold Feet," A splendid talk from Dr. Anna Haugh on some of her work in the fhoapi'tal, which was very interesting. Our meeting closed by singing our closing song. The July meeting is tp be' held at the home of Mfrs, Ares. Wright, on Wednesday, July 201h, with Mrs. DOW and alas. W. Ross to take the talk, ''Hab- its and What They Lead' to." Ro11 call, "How to Cure Bad Ha'bits.' A pleasant feature at the close of the meeting was an address and presenta- tion to Dr. Anna M. Haugh, prior to her departure for Mvosejaw, Sask., and Mrs. Dow made the presentation. and Mrs. Clifton read the following a ddress: "Dear Anna •May, ilt ta'lia to the lot of a person in some part of their life to perform some act particularly pleasing, hut fewareallowed to per- iorm a more pleasing darty than that which is allotted to nes this afternoon. It gives us great pleasure have you with us, acid to know that you have a BAYFIELD. kindly interest in our Club. In various Anniversary Services, The acini- wanks of neighbourly and social in- versary services of Knox Pre'sb eter- tercourse you have contributed a'bun- 'ia s Church .held on Sunday, July 10 dandy toward making life pleasant in at 11 a.m, and 7.30 p.m. were most the circle in which you moved. We successful. Rev. A. R. Gibson, B.A., shall miss you as a bright example of B.D. of Mitchell, gave most interest - everyday life. As you are now de- ing and helpful sermons. The subject parting on the Highway of Life we for the morning was "Take no Thy ask you tet accept this as a slight re- Cross:" The teat for the evening was mem!brance from the U!FSW:O. Per- taken froth Mark 14-52. The choir of mit us to wish you every success in Knox Church, Stratford, had full Your work in which you are about to charge of the musical service and engage and we ,pray that God may their singing was much appreciated. acid His blessings to your labors. At the morning service Mrs. J. D bulbs tfrom hose vthe wl3rucelfleld iah to rH'orticuhase f' Kerr sang "Shepherd Take Me By tural Society please have orders in The Hand" and the, quartette, Mrs, before Saturday, July 251h, Kerr, Miss Pauea Peter, (Mr. Ernest 'Mrs. Elliott has been visiting with Swanson and Mr, Frank :Mefnni.s friends and relatives in Detroit, Mrs. Addison has re'iurned hone sang "Jesus Saviour Pilot Me". In after visiting relatives in Landes- the evening a Duet by Mrs. Kerr and baro. Mir, Slwanson "Love Divine," arid'thequartette "Just As I Am," Rain somewhat interfered With the 'morn- ing attendance but for the evening service the church was completely filled, Rev. R. M. Gale of St. An- drew's United Church, B'ayifield, and Rev. William To'wns'hend'of London,' took part in the evening service, Mayfield 11, Seaforth 6.—Consider- able internet:is taken here in the Soft Ball games and quite a number at- tend: We notice in the report of the Seaforth games no mention was made of tube game played here on the even- ing of July 1st' when Bayfield won from: ;Seaforth by the score of 19-6, Brussels played here Monday evening, winning, the score being, l3russels 20, Bayfield 18, . HILLSGREEN. Mr. and Mrs, 3. Cochrane and dau- ghter,. 'Mrs. Lorne tiler, visited friends at Glen .,Alan. ' Mrs Jahn Jarratt and (laughter Gladys are spending a few clays :with Mr. Stanley Lave near `.Kipper, [Mis'ses Bertha and Margaret ; Foi'- resit of Seaforth visited friends here. [Miss Lettie Love is spending same fa township hall on Monday,' July .111, all members present, The .minutes of 'bhe previous meeting were read , and adotpted and a number of conmut?ica tions dispo'sed of satisfactorily. Reso- lutions were passed: Instructing the clerk to write to Mr. john Envpey, re- questing him to have speed limit signs placed Nonth and South of Dub- lin and also at, school No, 6. To ad- vertise for tenders for the constrt(c- tion of a concrete culvert oti Road 9, 'between concessions 3 and 4. Road expenditure orders for approximately :$3700 were issued, also general ex- pense orders $56. The meeting ad- journed until Monday, August 8 at 1 .p.m.—Mrs. Kathleen Feeney, Tp. .Clerk, Dublin. The following is the report' of the promotion examinations for .SS, No. 3, Hibbert, 'The pupils' names are ar- ranged in .order of merit. (H) indic- ates honours; (p) pass, (r) recom- mended, (f) failure, Jr, IV. to Sr. IV.—Eldon Barbour (9). Sr. I1I'I. to. Jr. IV.-.Isa!bel Drake (Ie), Donalda Gray (p), Jean Tuffin (p), Kenny Burns (1), Jr. IiN. to Sr, IPP,—'Jeau Burns (p), borne Elliott (F). IT, to Jr, DIll.—Maurice Ryan (h), .Arthur Bai'boar (1). I. to IIh — Mary Margaret Ryan (h), Philip Tames (p), Doris 1(leinieldt (p), Al- ton McKellar (r), Harry Burns (r). 'Promoted from Pr. to 1:,—Marilyn Gray, Mildred Elliott. Janet S. Hogg, Teacher. DUBLIN Mr. and Mfrs. Sadler and daughter have returned to Buffalo and Hisses Miary and G'ra'ce McPhail to Niagara Falls after a week's visit at the home of Mfr. and Mrs. Alex. Darling. Mie anal Mrs, Vans'tone of North 13ay were recent visitors with Mfr. and Mrs. L. J, Loahy. Mr. John Dorresteyn has moved to Stratford where he has secured a gnod position. .1Inss l thelyn O'Hearn has gone to Toronto. MIr, Ed. McGrath, Mt, Clements, was a week end visitor in the village. Mrs. at, Benninger called on Lon- don friends during last weelc. Mies Marie Britton. of Toronto is spending her vacation at the home of her parents south cvf the village. A highly respected resident passed. to his reward at Scott Memorial hos- t ittl, Seaforth on Sunday morning at half past six after a nrontli's illness in the person of Mr. Wen, Forbes. Deceased was. a man of integrity and kindness and will ,he missed by a wide circle'af friends."He•is survived by. tinge with her ,brother, Rev. R. ;K. Dove at Kintore. Mr. and Airs. Thos. C;onsitt of Honsall are spending a few days with their son, Mr. and lirs Russell Con- sitt. 'Mfrs. Robe. Stephenson and son Herbert and Mrs. P. Coleman spent a day in London, IMlisis G. Robinson. of the Goshen Line, visited with her friend, Miss Helen Anderson. '['die annual congregation picnic of the IFippen and, Hiiisgreen Churches is being held on Thursday afternoon, July 114 to Bayfield, IThe Cochrane Reunion is .' being held to Bayfield on Weduies'day, July 13th. The W.M. S. meets at the home df Mrs. J. Cochrane on Friday after- noon, July 15th.. Mrs, Troyer has returned after vis- iting friends in Zurich, Mrs, John •Riieliiardeoa has been taking care of her mother, Mrs. Hen- ry Reichert of Zurich • who has been confined to her room for several weeks. The Misses G'anleron of Clinton are visiting (heir .little Fuss cousins. their July meeting at the home of Mrs. Houston. The meeting opened by singinlg "Onward. Christiana Sold - fees," followed by prayer led by Mrs. Kirlk, The scripture lesson was ; read by Miss Thorns. The devdtional leaf- let was taken ,by Mrs. Eyre. Mrs. H. Chesney pre's'ided during the latter pant of the meeting, Mins' Frances Houston gave an interesting reading on 4 pieturejs of Kagawia's life. A solo by Jeannette Finnigan was enjoyed. The topic on World Friendship was' taken by Mrs. MaoLiachlan, Barbara Sknpsoi and Mrs. Doig. All joined in repeating"Breathe on me, breath of God," and the Lord's Prayer. Lanett was served and the over 45 present enjoyed a social half hour. +lYbr, and Mrs. J. Oassells 'olf Flint, Mich.; are visiting at the home of the former's niece, Mrs. J. Rintoul, VARNA. !Several 'from this community :at- tended the celebration of the Battle of the Boyne. The day Saws fair, which added much to the' pleasure DE- the outing. We are sorry to, report the illness of Mrs, IDorse Epps. Put we „hope for ti speedy recovery. The'inaniibers of the'L.IO.IL., Varna; assembled in St. John's'. Clhurch, Sun- day evening when an interesting ad- dress Was given by Rev. Rural Dean Paull of Bayfield. DUBLIN. Mrs. Murphy has her grandchildren visiting with her during t+he h'oliday season. Mr. and Mrs. M. Kenney, Strat•Ford, Mr, and Mrs. D. Mahoney, Kinikora, and Mr. 'and Mrs. W. J. 'O'Rourke, were Sunday visitors at the holaie a:f Mr. and Mrs. Thomas' O'Rourke.. EGMONDVILLE. IThe Egnuomdville W. 'M S. held MANLEY. (Wedding bells are ringing in our bt t'g;a!t present. Master Clement McKay, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. McKay, toolk sudden- ly ill last Friday and was rushed to the Se'aforbh hospital where it was found 'an operation was necessary for appendicitis. His many friends are pleased he is im'provin'g rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert spent •Sun- day in our +burg. Mrs. Thos, Melaay is at present convalescing with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckert, after her late illness in Scott Memorial Hos'pi'tal. Her many friends are pleased to learn she is itniproving rapidly and expect she will be able to return home in the near future. IThe bumper hay crop is about har- vested and by reports the damage is not as serious as anticipated by the continual wet weather. TUCKERSMITH. 'Received a Prize. -Mr. W. M, Doig of this tawnsihip, received last week a prize of fifteen dollars, in a bacon litter competition, in which there were many entries from all over the Pro- vince of Ontario. M'r. Doug's litter consisted of nine pigs, seven of which were graded as selects, and the re- maining baro as bacons, These pigs were bred from a young sow which e -as purchased from Mr. Wm. Cald- well. The sire w'as purchased by Mr. Doig from the Farmer's Advocate farm (Weldwood) near London, and is a good specimen of the Yorkshire breed, These con'tesfs are sponsored by the Department of Agriculture of the Dominion and Provincial Govern- ments of Canlada and Ontario, each of which contribute one half of the prize money. Rei, H. L'ainghoru, Mrs. Dorian and' Mfiss M. Doman, Mr. and Mrs. Gee and family of Hamilton, spent the holiday with Mfr. and Sirs. Rin.toul and family, Mrs. L. J. Williams of Blyth spent the holiday with her niece, Mrs. 3. Rintoui. KIPPEN. .Mr. Robert McNaughton, after spend•iu.g a few days at his home here, has returned to London to take a coarse at Western University. 'Miss Mary 'Smith of London; who has been spending a week with Miss Esther Dayman, has returned home accompanied by Miss E'slther Day- man. ayman. Mr. Webster 'M.cNaughtan, who has, been spending his vacation with his, parents,. Mr. and Mrs. Jahn Mc- Natrghlton, has returned to Kingston for a smmmer' course at Queen's Un- iversity. Mrs, Thomas Dayman is spending a week with her brother in Strathroy, having had word that her sister -.in - 'law is seriously. f11. 1M4rs, James Dayman has returned home after visiting her. daughter, firs, Robert Greets of Cot'tam. BORN. HOLMES.-iIn .Scott Memorial Hos- pital, on Sunday, July ,lath, 1932, to Mr, and Mlrs. Rae Holmes, Seaforth a daughter. Fruit Crop Report. ,An official report compiled from all sources the end of June deals with the.conrlition of various fruits in On- tario. This report states that the ap- ple crop will be lighter than last year. ,The bloom was only fair to light in 'We'stern Ontario 'with none too fav- ourable setting weather, while in east -1 ern Ontario, where bloom was good TRY Gillespies Cleaners & Dyers WIT`PI YOUR NEXT ORDER Phone 196w. We'oall and deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop. to heavy, 'the weather- during setting period was hot and dry, causing a large amount df dropping. Biald'wins are a light crop due pro'.balbly to the heavy yield last year• Insect damage is about average but scab and fungus are quite prevalent, Rain Mars Local Races POSTP'ONED RACES THIS AF'TERN'OON, Owing to rain the . Wednesday :at ternoon races were pasbponed till to day (IThunadiay), starting sharp at 2:30 o'clock. Only 1 heat of the firslt division of bhe 2:27 pace was nun •before a down- pour of rain prevented further prlo- oeedi cgs, IA new youngster racing for the first time, Jack Grattan, owned" by Mr, John Pinkney, Seaforth won the heat in the excellent :,time o'f 2:14 flat. It was a very popular win. 'Thirteen. horses were entered in this pace, ste two divisions had to be run In bhe 2:20 eleven hiorses will start. and divison 2!27, six horses; 21115 ---six horses. (Rain checks were issued to th'o'se present . No rain fell at Grieve's bridge and very little at Bruceifield on Wednesday afternoon. Ellis Maclean Dies. Al we go to press, word is receiv- ed of the death of Alexander Ellis MacLean, in Regina hospital, on Wednesday, July 1r3'th, a telegram having been received by his uncle, i(11 and aunts, Mr. Will Brine and . 011e Misses Brine. 'He is survived by his •wisfe and two children, Jean and Jack. The late Mr. MacLean waseboen at tilralseu'bttrg, Colorado, only child of the late Allen and !Catherine Brine MacLean, He was ;wo,tinded overseas .during the war, and never fully re- covered. IThe funeral will take place frim his late' home in Sivifti .Current, Sask., to the 'Swift Current Cemetery. TUCKERSMITH. Mr. Rebs, Boyce had the inisfort ins to have his leg broken by a heavy branch while working in the bush last week, Mir. Thos, WVe'b:ster suffered an in- jured arm and shoulder last Prida,y ,when he fell from a load of hay. Mr. S. Leyburne received a severe shaking up and injuries when he fell from a load of had, this week, 'Miss Frances Houston of Brantford is a holiday visitor with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. G Houston, for the summer. ndependence "Link by Link the chain 0s made" — French Proverb. S the Ancient Romans used to say — "Step by step, one goes to Rome." Everything can be achieved by degrees if you set your face clearly towards your objective and advance in a straight line. "Dollar by dollar, your security is made more, certain." Apply this new proverb to your per- sonal financing. Start a Savings Reserve — set an objective and see how quickly you will achieve it, if you but add to deposits every week. Vitally important is the beginning — start NOW! Seventeen Branches in Ontario PROVINCE OF vi44, o� AvIN GS OFFICE A. EEVERYDEPOS/T6id9,4,% NYEPAPONTAR/OGOYTRAWINTA MEAD OF lCEDINGS PARLIAMENT FfDEIOr�- BUi SEAFORTH BRANCIj J. 111. MCMILLAN, MANACE'Iy ss