HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-14, Page 1Titov must be true to thyself, Ilf thou the truth woulctst teach; Thy soul must overflow If tli'ou another's soul would reach; HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER eaforth e It needs the overflow of heart To give the lips full speech. —Horatius Bonar, WHOLE _SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 28. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO;THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1932 Phone 84. $1 A YEAR DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia 4,4 Confectionery and Restaurant Vinegar Season Again -For years .we have. specialized in our. vinegar. ;Sales 'have increased ev- ery year without exception, We sell ieotihin•g under. XXX quality and made by Canada Vinegar's ,Co. and every gallon guaranteed. ;Our price this year 40c gal. • B'I OIOMIS.—Our cheapest broom ' is •$11,00. Out- dearest broom 25c. Our high .priced brooms are our lbest values. teask D(1DIUM PRICED 'BROOM, 50'c Sp'e'cial 39c BORDEAUX WALNUTS .said to be lowest ever. ;Best quality, 1'b, 45c ALL HAIR HAND 'BRUSHES.— (English make, 20c value, 'S'peci'al 15c AANISH4INE and 'CLASSIC CLEAN- SER.—Bath good ones. 3 for 25c BAK'ER'S COCOA in .1 18. printed hags. 2 lbs. 35c TABLE FIGS.— 2 lbs. Sc2 COOKING FIGS. 3 lbs. 25c CORN STA'' OH.—!In bulk 3 lbs. 25c t ARK'S SOUPS.—Any of seven !kind's, 3 for 25c CRIOSSE & BLACKWELLiS SAND- WICH RELISH. 24 oz. 35c Note the size is ,three to four times as large 'as the ordinary Sen'dlwich 'Spread. IH:ig'h class takers .and an EXTIR'A SPE- CIAL. MdLAREN'S INVINCIB,LE Stuffed OLIVES.—+19 oz. crackle jars 25c CLUB HOUSE STUFFE'D OLIVES 13 oz. fancy jar. Z5c PRUNES: !Mediutn`'size. 3 lbs. 25c. MdCORMT'CK'S 'BISCUITS. - 2 lbs. 25c MoOO'RMLCK BROKEN BIS ICUIITiS. 3 lbs. 25c Eggs bought for cash or le per doz, .more for trade. Cream bought for !Seaforth 'Creariiery at •Creamery price,' • F. D. HUTCHISON PHONE 166 MIIXED JITNEY Twenty -.tour players entered. in the local mixed' j'itney tournament held on Tuesday evening, July 12th. Three 10 -end games mere played, re - ,salting in a win tor the fallowing: Ladies' first prise, Miss 'Gretta Ross, 3 wins plus 24. Ladies' second prize, Miss MinnieI71arsey, 3 wins iplus81. 2 firstprize,Jack Mens 5 TBroderick, 3 wins plus 211' Men's second prize, pm. Scott, .3 -wink plus 12. CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, 'BA. IShrnd'ay, July 1With ' !10 a.m.—Sunday School and Bible Classes. d'1 em.•—il ulblic Worship. Sacra- ment of the Lord's Supper.. 7 phi.—lPulbli'c Worship. Subject, !Human, Reflectors." MEETING A meeting of Liberal -Conservatives of Seaforth will be held in the town hall on Friday evening, July 15th, at 8 o'clock, to appoint delegates to at- tend the convention in Hen'sali, A11 interested please attend. CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY. Mr. Thomas Daly celebrated his 83rd birthday on Monday, July l'lth. Mr. Daly was born in Egmondviile and has the din tinction of being the oldest resident born in .Seaforth, Eg- mondvi'Ile,or Harpurhey, for which he won a prize eight years ago at the Old Boys' Reunion. VILSITS HORVIE TOWN. lvlr. Eldridge Currie of Detroit, -at one time a Harpurhey boy, was in town this week visiting his old home. Mr. Currie has no relatives in this vicinity. He left Harpurhey in 1573, Winen he called on M•r. Geo. Sills on Monday morning the latter was able to call him. by name though it was a great many years since they had seen each other. Mr. Currie is a pros- perous citizen of the motor city and was accompanied by his colored chauffeur. LEGION FICNIC The Canadian Legion picnic will be held at Blaylfield on Wednesday,. July 20th. A general invitation is !issued to all returned soldiers whether mem- bers of the Legion 'or not' and all friends and relatives of deceased sol- diers are cordially invited. Transpor- tation will be provided if the Secret- ary, J. M. McMillan, is notified by' Monday noon. WOMEN"S INSTITUTE The Women's -Institute will hold their regular . monthly meeting an Tuesday, July 19th, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. S. G. Houston. The roll call will 'be answered .by a Health Hint, A demonstration will, be given by Miss Laween'ce on Bandaging; a talk on Food for Beauty by Miss Do. rothy Broad'foot. Come and join us at this meeting. 'Please note change in date: Tues- day instead of Wednesday. LITTLE -CLARK A wedding o,f much interest took place at Grace United Church parson- age, St. Thomas, Ont„ at 2.30 pan:, on Saturday, July 9;tit, when Lillian Irene Clark, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, Union, was united in marriage, to Mr, William H. Little, of Port Dover) Son of Mr. Andrew Little and the late Mrs, Little, Sea - forth, the pastor, Rev. J. N. Gould, officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Rhoda Hughes of Union, and the groom was supported by Mr. Har- old Clark, also of Union, brother of the bride.. The bride wore a becoming dress of pink silk crepe and carried roses and carnations, while her brides-' inlaid was gowned in yellow crepe,. carrying a bouquet of carnation's. Af- ter the ceremony the weddi'n'g party returned t'o the h'onne of the bride's parents, where a reception' was held. A,wedding dinner was served to about fi(fity relative's and friends. Later Mr. :and Mrs, Little left on a short visit to Aylmer arid Port Doveir, returning Su'ndlay eventing to Seaforth with the fornrer's father, who will also leave with them bhlortly on a motor trip to Winnipeg ,and SlasilratchelwMan..Mr. and Mrs Little will reside in Port Dover where Mr, Little is principal of the school. Many elleiends 1lorh tiltkeen in extending lbes't wishes. Entrance Results Announced This Week EAST HURON !ENTRANCE Seaforth Centre Entrance R'esul'ts Will ,13e'Ready at End of Week. The foliolwing are the results of the examination held , at' Clinton and Blyth:— Clinton !Below are the names of the IGlmn- ton canalidaltes 'who will, receive their certificates an .the ,Principals 'recom- mend'ation .ivath' the approval .of the Entrance !Board: A. Agnew, R. Andrews, R. Btggart, A. 'Cameron, H. Cook, B. .Cooke, J. Cunningham, R. 'Gandier, C. Kennedy, E. Lever, J. ,M'clllween, E. 'Seeley, C. Street's, B. 'Sutter, W. West. The following have .obtained their certificates 'by exaumnation: W. Atkin, M. Austen, L. Eatkin, W. Blacker, 'G. Dryden, 'E. Charlesworth , (H), J. Calquho'un, J, Cornish, C, El- lis (H), K.'Falconer, G. Finch, ;h Fo- thergill OH), H. Freeman, V. Fre,m- lin (IH), E. 'Heard, G. 'Hearn, E. Hol- land .(+H), N. Lever, F. Lindsay ('H), O McMa'th, H. ,Potter (d3), R. Rap- son, W. Reid, F. 'Watson ('H), D. Welsh, 'G. Yungiblut '(IH).. 'Violet Frenrlin stood' highest with e total of 665 out of 750, "'' Blyth. • M. Adams, S. 'Ball, A. Bell; 11, Neves, O. 'Cowan (15), A. Craig (H), I. Cunningham, L. 'Fairservice, G. Good, E, IGrro'ss QH), G. 4ieffron, F. Kechnie, K. Lyon (IH), D, 'E. Munro, L. Munro (!H), H. Rapson, D. Rob- inson, 'E. Robinson QH), E.'Sn'ell, W. Soarers, I. Taylor, (IH),' M. Vincent, R. Webster. Ernest Robinson stood highest with a total of 469 out of 750. Pass—,William Blake, R'ay'mond Royle, Ralph Brodie, Kenneth Camp- bell, Willie Culbert, Lucille Eedy, Beatrice Kina'han Kathleen MacKen- zie, James Million, Jean Robinson, Samuel Thompson, . Kintail Centre IFirst Class Ilonou'rs — Clsfford Blake; Ina Campbell, Grace Coutit- ney, Bernice Durnin, James F:arrish, Sara;bel•1e Finlayson, Harvey Kilpat- rick, Finlay Macdonald, Alvin Rolbib. 'Second Class Honours — Gordon Anderson, Alma Curran, !boy Mac- Kenzie. • Passe --Reginald Campbell, Clifford Crawford, Anna : Mae Farrilsih, Wood- row Hoy, Joseph O'Keefe, Kathleen Lednor, Vera Little, Donald Mac- Gregor, Lillian' McLean, Alvin Sher- wood. St. H'elen's Centre !First • Cl'as's Honours! Gordon M31 - ler, ,Second Class Honours—genie Ag - ton, Roberta •Smith, Norma Weather - head. ,Pass --Blake Alton, Anna Irwin,. Laurine Miller. Varna Centre 'Pass—lJames Burdge, Elmer Hay- ter, Olive Johnston, Kenneth Mac - Cowan, Wilmer Turner. Exeter xr High School 0 Entrance c e Bo d ar The following are the results of the High School Entrance Exa'mina'tions held at the various centres under the juri's'diction of the Exeter High School Entrance Board First and Second 'Glass Honours are indicated: First Class Honours implies that the Can- didate secured 75% or snore of the total marks; Second Class Honours mean's that between 70 and 74% of the possible total, was obtained. The names of those pupils who se- cured 'standing on the tecanimen'da- tion of the Principals of the various schools, are included in the results gi- ven. Entrance pupils to the number of 39 were awarded standing in this way. It is the opinion of the Entrance Board that the system of recommen- dations, while largely experimental this year, has proved successful, and it is proposed to continue it in force for next year. Exeter Centre. `First Class Honours—Jack Doerr, Doris .Harvey, Mildred Hicks, War- !Seaforth. and Windham at and of ren May, Allan Penhal'e, Howard week. WEST HURON` ENTRANCE RESULTS The ,following are the results of the !High School Entrance Examinations held at the various centres under the jurisdiictionof the Goderich High School Entrance Board. First and Se- cond Class' Honours are indicated. First Class Honours means that the candidate secured 76% or more of the total marks. Second Class Honours that 70 to 74% of the possible total was obtained. The names of those pupjls who se- cured Entrance standing on the re- co'mniendation of the Principals of the various schools, . are included _, in the results 'given. Pupils to the number of 37 obtained standing in this way. It is the intention of the Goderich High School Entrance Board to continue this system in effect for next year un- der the same conditions as have exist- ed during the present year. Goderich Centre !First Class Honours—Fern Cran- ston, Edwin Dean, Leah Griff, Rob- erta Johnston, Helen Lowry, Marion MacKay, Katherine . Murray, Gerald- Yineale. Saunders, Betty Whitten, Dorothy :Seconal Class Honours—.Kenneth Anker!, Robert Barnes, John Barton Bessie Gliddon, Gladys Grassick, Burns. Jerry, Jack Kershaw, Robert MadDonald, Joseph O'Brien, Isobel Scott, Noreen Sproul, William Thom- son, Madge Turner, -Kathleen Tyn- dall, Dhveena Wilson. IPPass—Phyllis Baechler, Wi1Ham Bissett, Rellison Borne, Helen Col- borne, Keith Colborne, Arthur Doak, Harold Duckworth, Lottie Elliott, Wilbur Fell, Ernest Fisher, Newton Fowler, Grace Hunter, Freddie Jew- ell, Loretto Kerr, Phyllis Kyle, 01. lene Lloyd, Jean M.a.cAdam, Murray MacDonald, John 3.XdLean, James Major, Garnet Msthieson, Ethel Mannings, Ilarvey Petttnan, Elwyn P'frimmer, C'l'are Pitblado, James Ross, Mary Stapleton, Marjorie Straughan, James Thorneloe, Grant Turner, 'Gordon Walter, Iris Warn- ock, IEdgar'Warsack, (Benson 'W'hite- ly, Doris Williams, Charles Worsell, Delmer Worthy, Ruby Young; Passed under the provisions of Re- gulation 11 (5) 'of the High School Entrance Regulations - Donald Gra- ham. Preszcator, Borden Sanders, Leroy Schrohder, W'illia'm Triebner. Second .Class Honours—lBarbara. Atkinson, Eldon Caldwell, Millar Campbell, Mildred Elliott, Harry Hodgins, Reginald Hodgson, Lloyd Lindehifiel'd, Walter Mitchell,. Ola Reid, Beulah Skinner. e,. Pass -Lester Allan, Doreen Camp- bell, Janette Dearing, Ray Genttner, Dalton, Heywood, Reggie McDonald, Ruth Pearce, Harry Pen'hale, Marion Powell, Audrey Rowcliffe, Stanley Smith, Irene Van Camp, Hensall. Centre ?First Class Honours;Annie 'Carlile George Pearce, IreneS, v 11e. Second Class Honours—Olive Brook, Jessie Dick, Kathryn Drysdale Kenneth Elder, William Glenn, Or- ville Hedden, Dorothy McQueen, Jack Traquair. 'Pass—Stewart Bell, 'Harold Bon- thron, Edna Corbett, Edward !Corbett, Mervyn Hedgert, 'Myrna Hudson, Margaret Jones, Olive "Lennon, Mil- dred Madge, Kenneth Manns, Ruby Pfaff, Helen Walker. Dashwood Centre 'Firs't Class Honors -Dorothy Bec- ker, Mervyn Love, Donald Oestreich- er. ISe'cond , Class Honburs-Albert Goetz, Lorna Kraft, Frieda Rader, Hubert Restenneyer, Lloyd Willert, , Mil:on Willert. iOn accouwt of the system of re- commendations now in effect, it was found necessary to make a change this year in the manner in which the Robert Park Memorial Medals were awarded. With the approval of Vic- tor Lauriston, donor of these medals, they are given this year to thepupil. from each of the Gederich' Schools whose •work was 'outstanden,g during the whole year. The winners are Ger- aldine Saunders, Centra'' School, and Roberta Johnston. Victoria School,` Bayfield Centre. Fiinat' Class Honours Harold' Johnston, 'Second 'Clegg Honours—Carson To'hns, Harry Lowden, Elizabeth Tlhiel. lPass—Doris Featherston, Brown Lindsay, Charles Parker, N,ornea Pickard, Lillian Picdt, Ella Smith, Emma Sturgeon, Fred ,S'turge'on, Mil- ton'Talbot, Richard Weston, Dungannon Centre. Irtest Glass Hi uts Rer z And- erson, Myrtle C lchwell Belth Pank, Ilarold Reid. 'Second Class Honours—Kenneth Pass—Pearl Carruthers, Elda De- ville, Greta Deitrich, Aldene Eagleson Reta Fassold, Elmore Gackstetter, Arthur Geiser, Stanley Hartle, :Ellen Hicks, Robert ' Hoperoft, Brace Ire- land. H'er'bert Miller, William Ness, Anha Patterson, Elgin Rader, Ellen Shank, Nola Sweitzcr, Jack Turnbull, Walter \V'e'bber, Maida Wein, Jean Willert. Crediton Centre First Class Honours-Deiton Fink- beiner, Martin M'orlock, Reta Raiz. Aidoaa Weu•rth, William Woodall, Second Class Honours ---Gertrude A'nty,'George' Coughlin, Mary ; Lam- port.' Fern Ltither, Laura Regier. Pass—Nelson Lamport, Roy Lanz- oort, Marion McCarthy, Audrey Year- ley. Winchelsea Centre. !Furst Class Honours—Dorothy Ha- zlewood. 'S'econd Class Honours-E1inabeth Ballantyne, Kenneth ;Hero, Gladys &mire, . Barry .Wiseman., Pass — Wellington Brack. Eric Brown, Ros's Francis, Melvin Gardin- er, Ruth Hodgson, Gladys Johns, El- sie M'cNicol, Zurich Centre. First Glass Honours—V, inniFred Battler, William Brown, Gladys Gin- gerich, Beatrice Manson, Margaret Schwalm, Grace Wein, Theresa Zet- tel, Second Class Honours—Rosana Ducharme, 'Ruth Foster, !Blanche •Gre- nier, Beatrice Meidinger,: Grace Ilety- ers, Gerald Rau, Isobel Robinson, Ho- mer Salmon, Beatrice Thiel. Pass—Dorothy Arursltrone, Yvonne Bedard, John Denomnie, Alice Erb, Mildred. Hey, Doris Horner, Ruby &chrag• The Hay 'Township Memorial S'ciho'larshlps, awarded each year to the •ou'pils from Hay township schools o!btaiitinig the greatest - number of mon the Entrance Examination, E� t aoks r 1n o were won as fellows: (1)' Theresa Zetttel, Zurich Public School; (2) Gladys Gingerich No. 6, Hay, (3) Margaret Sclt'walm Zuric'I, public H'od'gbs. school. . "in action" as they are good-looking on the wrist of a spectator. For without sacrifice of beauty or quality, these smart watches are built to withstand the jolts and jars of hard play. Many of them, by the way, are in cases of pre- cious metal by Wadsworth —with cool, comfortable metal bands to match. See them! . you'll need a fine sports watch this summer! And the ones we're now show- ing are just as dependable Fred. S. Savauge JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Seaforth. Phone 194, Res. 10. EMERY AND STONE REUNION 'The 24th annual reunion of the El- lery and Stone family was• held on Wednesday, July 6th at the Nome of Mr. and Mrs. Will Stone near Hen- sall with an attendance of 110 from Clinton,' London, Thorndale, Ingersoll and surrounding districts. At ndon lunch was served on tables in the drive shed, -After all had done justice to the good things provided,' .soft ball, foot 'ball, pitching horseshoes were enjoyed, fol'lo'wed by races and social intercourse. In spite, of the rain stormthe day was pleasantly spent and at 5:'30 supper was served, Mr, Will Stone of Thorndale was elected president and Miss Goldie Swartout of London was re-elected secretary -treasurer for the third year. The following committee was ap- pointed: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ellery, ifr. and Mrs. Ralph Swartout, Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Brunskill; Miss Alice El- lery, Mr. Will Ellery. It was decided to accept an invita- tion from Mr. and Mrs. George Har- rison of 'Salford to hold next year's picnic at their home, which will cele- brate the 80th year since the pioneens of this family cane to that bush hone from Weymouth and Portland, Eng- land. !Before dispersing, a hearty vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. and. Mrs. Will Stone for their hospitality. KERR-BRETT. On Wedu'esday, July 6th, Sara Ada Melvin,a Brett, B.A., daughter of Hr. and Mrs. Earl Brett of Rosemont, Ont., was married - in St. Luke's Church, Rosemont, to Wilfred Bren- ton Herr, M.A. ((Oxon), Ph,D., of Niagara Falls, Ont., son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kerr of Seaforth. The ceremony was conducted by ' rite bride's uncle, Rev. R. H. Brett of Chippawa, assistedby the .'bride'e cousin, Rev. M. Brett of Greensville. The bride% cousin,. Mr, John 'Brett, son of Mr. and :ars, W. R. Brett of. Shelburne, played the wedding march, Mt•. Keith Brett and Mr. Maurice Brett, 'brothers of the bride, were ush- ers, The bride, who was given in marriage, 'by her father, wore a white gown of peau d'ange, with a diamond Pin, the, gift of the groom. Her veil Or white tulle was made in cap style. She carried talisman roses and baby's breath. The bride and groom were unattended, except for the little flow- er lower girl Miss Vary 'Brett, :the brides cousin, who wore a yellow voile drew with hat • to match. A reception was held at the home of the bride's father, after which Dr, and 3trs. Kerr let for an extended' trip to Europe. The bride travelled ina race dress of French chanttfng, with a white 'reit hat. Upon their return the bride and groom, will reside 'in Niagara Falls, Ontt nemeamgammetomai MARSHALL SPRING MATTRESSES FIT YOUR BODY COPYRIGHT 18 Marshall Mattress EXHIBIT JULY 12 = 20 Come and see the exceptional values of ,Marshall Ventilated Spring Mattresses in all the different qualities and sizes, offered with FEE 'SLIP COVE�S FROM !NOW TO AUGUST 31ST Walker's Window Display Will 'Convince You. This is a real chance to compare this wonderful mattress against al.1. others and secure the best in whatever line you may decide to •,par.." chase as we carry many makes of mattresses. Walker's Furniture Store