HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-07, Page 8'PAGE EIGHT.
THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1932.
Miss Irene Pape of Toronto spent
the holiday visiting her mother, Mrs.
M. Pope. ,.
Mr. Ray L'arirner was fns London
!On Saturday last,
Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Huinkiu and
fiannily of Fainquhar visited at the
home of Mr, W, L. McLaren an Sun-
Mr. Win. Reynoldsof Tilslonburg
spent the h'olid'ay with his sisters,
Miss F. Reynolds and Mrs,'Rab!iason.
iltr. Wim, Simpson,' accompanied
b•y his mother and sister, of De'troit,
spent the week end with relatives and
friends in town.
Mr. Ed. McQueen and daughter
Dorothy were in London Sunday vis-
iting with Miss Elva McQueen who
is in Victonia hospital,
.Miss Elva McQueen who has been
seriously ill for the past two ,weeks
was taken to Victoria Hlaslpital, Lon-
don, on Thursdey•last where she was
operated on for mastoids. At time ;o'f
writing she is doting as well as 'cant
he expected. Elva's many friends here
wish her a speedy recovery. Her mo-
ther, who acednepanied her to Lan-
don, is spending a few days with her.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. ,McDougall
epent Saturday in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hloggant and
sons attended the wedding of Mrs.
Haggart's daughter, Miss Verna Rus-
sell to Mr, • Clayton Col'qulhoun Of
'Hlfbbert. The event toak plrsce at .the
home; of Mr. and Mns.. Ernest. Dow of
Hibbert on Thursday afternoon,.. June
30Ith, The young couple will reside in
Holbert. " e' •
Mr. Eiarry Hannon of Mitchell
spent the week end at his home here,
IMr, Ferris Can'teion has resigned
his positiSn as pri'n'cipal of the Hen -
sail' continuation sch'o'ol and has ac-
cepted a similar position at Strom-.
berg, north of Tonmrto. The other
teachers, Miss Irene Douglas of the
continuation school, Mr. Blowes,
bliss Ellis and Miss Consitt of the
public school, all have been re-en-
gaged for another year.
Mrs. Samuel Stacey and son, Mr.
Jahn Stacey of Detroit are sp•en•ding
a few days visiting with relatives and
friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. John Zeufle visited
with friends at Grand Bend over the
dfiss Beryl Pfaff has been re-en-
gaged to teach at school No, 6, Hay.
Mrs. K. Maynard 'left on Monday
for the West. She intends to reside
there with her family and her many
friends here were sorry to see her
(Miss Etta Bell of London spent
the week end at her homte here.
}Miss Mary Stewart, B.A., of Sea -
forth, visited last week with friends
in town,
Miss Evelyn Hankin of Farquhar
is visiting for a few day's at the
Nome of Mr. and Mrs. 'Glean Bell.
Mrs, McArthur af. London is visit-
ing at the home of Mt-. and Mrs, Har-
ry Arnold.
!Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Banthron at-
tended the Yuugblut reunion at List-
owel on
istowel:on Friday.
Miss Helen' Mc/Naughton of Hib-
benit is visiting at the home of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc-
Quite a number fnom here attended
the Gould reunion near Mitchell on
Miss Finnigan of Egmondville has
been engaged to teach at. Bell's school,
a mile and a quarter east of Hensall.
Miss Marie Bell of London spent
the wee]s end at her home here,
Miss Jennie Taylor has rented
Ms-..Steacy''s house o'n South Rich-
mond street and moved in on Satur-
daMr. and Mrs, Robert Higgins and
Mr, and Mrs. 0. Beavers of Exeter
spent the holiday with :Mr, and Mrs.
A. J. ISweitzer at the 'Beach 1O^Pines.
Mr. 'Harold 'Shepherd of London,
is spending the holidays with his fa-
ther, Mr. 'John Shepherd.
A meeting of the executive of the
'South Huron 'Conservative Associa-
tion was 'held here in the 'town hall
on 'Tuesday evening.
Decoration services et the Hensel!
Union 'Cemetery and at McTaggart's
cemetery were held, en ;Sunday after-
noon in charge of the 'Oddfeilows.
Quite a large crowd was present.
At the Hensel] cemetery the Rev.
Mr. Young, pastor of Cartmel Presby-
terian 'Church, opened the service's
and gave a splendid address. The
.graves of the departed 'Oddfellow:s
were then decorated, After the eer-
emony was over short addresses were
given by !Bros, Sutherland, Moore
an,d .Doig, The 'Odd'fellows then went
to AftTaggart's cemetery where a
similar 'service Was held. 'T'he 'Hensall
Cemetery is in very nice condition
and great credit is due Mr. Harry
Smith the caretaker.
!The recent heavy rain's have stopp-
ed 'haying in this 'vicinity but there is
splendid growth of the root 'crops.
Miss 'Thelma Hudson of London
spent the week end at her home.
.;Wedding hells are ringing in .this
''H'olid'ay visitors at the home of Mr.
and 'Mrs, J, W. ,Ortwein were Mr. and
Mrs, Alonzo 'Ortwein of Detroit, Mr.
and Mrs. Brindoot of !Kitchener, Miss
Lin Ortwein .of .Toronto, Mr. Milton
Ortwein and son Lloyd of London,
'The Sunday School of- the United
'Church intend 'holding a picnic at
Springbanfc on 'Wednesday, July 41.
The ,committees . are using every .ef-
fort eo make this picnic a success.
iSerreees at the United Church
were well attended on Sunday. The
Rev. Arthur 'Sinclair had charge. At
the morning services Sacrament of
the Lord's Supper was etserved and a
very pleasing duet was rendered by
Mrs. iHec den and Mr. W. O. Good-
win. In the evening a quart'e'tite was
given by Mrs. 'Billie, Mrs. ,Drysdale,
W, O. Goodwin •and Dr. Smillie.
Alt the''Oa'ranel Pres'byteri'an Church
Rev; `Mr.:'Young ,delivered very fine
addresses, Mr, ' toun;g •avan.g preach-
ed his 'first ` sermon .as ,pastor of the
Presbyterian Clhurofi on Sunday,
Sipeotal music was rendered by the
'Miss IUorees tFasgvth'ar has return-
ed 'Nome after a pleasant visit with
fnien;ds in 'Muskoka, "
Mr. and Mrs,`Slouthen and little son
o'f .London visited over the holiday
with Mrs. 'S.ou'6hen's .mother, Mrs.
Mary. ,Pope..
A ball game played on our Ideal
diamond an Monday evening' 'between
Wirugham and 1tensall resulted in a
score 7-16 in favor of H+ensall.
Mi'ss Flo Cudfnore'of Toronto vis-
ited her Mother .over the holiday,
'The council are this week '.oiling a
part of South ]Richmond street. A
peti'tion was semi 'in to thecouncil by
the ratepayers -,oifthat street, asking
to. have it oiled. 'The cost is charged
hack to the ratepayers of the street.
The council' have the gravelling of
the streets finished and they are now
in splendid condition.
Mr. Thos. Higgins of 'Toronto was
a holiday visitor with 'friends in
Mr. Richard Blatchford is making
quite a few improvements on his pro-
perty on ]South Richmond street.
Mrs. l'Li'Pi'ar of ,Kitchener is holid-
aying at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Conrad ISiemam;
The many friends of Mn,s. R. (Cud -
more :will he sorry to hear %she is not
enjoying the best of health, '
Council Meeting. -}Regular meeting
of village council ,held on {Mond'ay ev-
ening at 8.p.nm. All •members of •coun-
efl were presen't,.!Manutes o'f previous
two council meetings read. Petty and
Spen'ce'r that the minutes he 'adopted
as read. 'Carried. Minutes of ',Court of
Revision on the Asse'ss'ment Roll
read. Petty and Jones that the min-
utes of the Court of Revision be adop-
ted as read, Carried. Geiger reported
re the grass cutting on sides of road
as being completed. Petty reported re'
thegravelling of the 'streets as being.
completed. Clerk , Paterson reported
having seemed: the oal:,for the peti-
tioners on Richmond : street south at
a very low rate. Communication's read
and filed, Bills 'and accounts read as
foilo,ws: A. Clark, laibdr :on streets,
$10; W. J !Harvey, /gravel ,for streets,
$1173 D0; L. Macpherson, copy of
deeds, $905; F. W. Hess, printing,
$8.45; Municipal World sitpples,
$6.011. 3. Pas'stnare, hydro, n:.60. To-
tal, $216.01. .Petty and Jones, that ac-
counts as read 'be paid. ;Carried,
Under the headdinIg •of unfinished
business the Milk By-law was di's'cuss-
ed to considerable length and it was
considered advisable to 'get the opin-
ion of neigh'b'oring village as regards
sante. Midkle and Petty that .the
Clerk get information from the Dept.
of Public Health as regards tubercu-
lin Tested 'Milk Bylaws in villages of
our size. Carried.
Jones and Spencer eha.4 we .now ad-
journ. -Carried,-'James ,A. Paterso;a,
The •folloaving :is the report of the
Lower School 'Classes of the Dublin
Continuation School. Class I — 75%
and over. Class IiI-67.74%. Claes IIfI
•60-66%. 50 -59%a -Credit. Students
who wrote :finals will be " ,notified
when when the departmental results
are issued.
'Form'} II—
:English Literature—Class I: Fran-
cis Delaney, Margaret O'Connell, Do-
rothy Stacey. Class III: Ellwyn Mor-,
ris, Rita Stapieton, Matilda Dorres-
teyn Class i'II: Arthur Looby, Bertha
Britton, Credit: Cecelia Feeney, Ag-
nes O'Connor.
'English Cam9osftion — Class I:
Francis Delaney. Class IIIA: Marg-
aret O'Connell, Rita Stapleton, Ell-
wyn Morris. Credit: Matilda. Dorres-
teyn, Dorothy Stacey, Arthur :Looby,
Bertha Britton.
'Englislh Grammar—Clam's. I: Fran-
cis Delaney, Ellwyn Morris, Rita
Stapleton. Class III: Agnes O'Con-
nor. Class DIQ: Matilda Dorresheyn.
Credit; Clare Gormley, Bertha Brit-
ton, Dorothy Stacey.
Algebra—Class I: Ellwyn Morris;
Agnes O'Connor, Rita Stapleton,
Francis Delaney, Class I7: Clare
Gormley. Class IIT: Matilda 'Dorres-
teyn, Bertha Britton. 'Credit: Doro-
thy Stacey.
'Geometry —'Class I: Francis Del-
aney. Class III: Rita Stapleton, • Mar-
garet 'OlConnell. Credit: Cecelia
Feeney, Ellwyn Morris, Matilda Dor-
-Arithmeti'c—Class I: Ellwyn Mor-
ris, Francis Delaney. Class h1: Bertha
Britton, Monica Roache. Credit: Ar-
thur' Looby.
Latin — Class 1: Francis Delaney,
Irene Donnelly. Class II: Ellwyn
Morris, Rita Stapleton, Class III:
Agnes O'Connor, Clare Gormley.
Credit: Irene O'Rourke.
'French: Class 1: Francis Delaney,
Agnes O'Connor, Class II: Ellwyn
Morris, Rita Stapleton. Credit: Ber-
tha Britton.
Zoology -Class I: Francis Delan-
ey, Matilda Dorreateyn. Class II:
Agnes O'Connor, - Ellwyn Morris,
Margaret OlCannell, Class I'I!I: Rita
Stapleton, Dorothy Stacey, Arthur
Loohy, Credit: Bertha Britton,.
Cecelia Feeney.
Physiography -(Class :I: 'Francis De-
laney. Class 'DI: Agnes O'Connor, Ell-
wyn Morris, Margaret O'Connell,
Bertha Britton, Arthur Looby. Class
III: Matilda-Dorresteyn. Credit: Do-
rothy Stacey, Rita Stapleton, Cecelia
Form I—
IEnglish Literature—Class 1: Doro-
thy Donnelly, Mary Walsh, John
Krauskopf, Mary 'Eckert. Class IT:
Marjory Byers, D'oro'thy Riley, Midh-
ael 'Walsh. Class 'DSII: Marie Feeney,
Charlie 'Bents. Credit: Lloyd Mc-
Carthy, Norman O'Connor, 'Margaret
Atkinson, Clarence O''Reilly,
'English 'Co'mposition 'Class II:'
-Mary Eckert. Class I;21: Dorothy
Donnelly, Dorothy Riley, Charlie
Beim Cre'd'it: Ivfary Wals'h,' John
Krauskopf, Margaret Atkinson, Mi-
chael Walsh, Marjorie Byers, Marie
Feeney, ,Lloyd McCarthy, Norman
O'Connor, Clarence O'Reilly.
'Englis'h Grammar—)Class 1: Mary
Eckert, Dorothy Riley, Dorothy
Donnelly, Mary Walsh. Class 11I:
Marie Feeney, Charlie Benn. Class,
IIII: John 'Krauskopf, Margaret At-
kinson. Credit: Norman O1Contior:
,Britisbh History'- 'C'l'ass I: Charlie
Beim. Class Id: John Kratiskopf,
Mary Eckert, Dorothy Riley. ' Class
IIIA: Doeathy Donnelly, Marjorie By-
ers, Lloyd McCarthy. Credit: Mich-
ael, Walsh, Mary Walsh,
Geograplhy: — 'Class I: Michael
Walsh, Jlahn. Kraeskop'f, Mary
Walsh, ,Mary Eckart, Class LI: Dor-
othy Donnelly, Dorothy `Riley, Lloyd
Mcldaethy, Mary Feeney, Margaret
Atkinson. Class Illy: Norman O
Connor, Marjorie :Byers.
:Beseany — Class I: Mary Eckert,
Dorothy Riley, Joiui Kaauslcopf,
Class bT: Dorothy- Donnelly, Michael
Walsh,, 'Class 1111: Marjorie Byers,
Mary Walsh. Credit, 'Ch'arlie ;Bene,
Norman O'Connor, Margaret Atkin-
son, Clarence (MReilly.
1La'tin--,Class I; Mary Ecfcant, John
Krauskopf, Dorothy Donnelly. Class
IS Mary ,Wals'h. 'Class VIII: Marg-
aret Aticimson, Lloyd AfeCier,thl . Cre-
dit. Charlie Benn, ,Norman'' O'Con,
not,Marjorie Byers, Michael Walsh,
'Fren'c'h-!Clas's.I: Jelin Krauskopf,
Mary Eckart, Dorothy Donnelly.
Class 10: 'Dorothy Riley, Class III:
Marjorie Byers, Margaret 'Atkinson,
Mary Walsh, 'Norman O'Connor.
Credit: Marie Feeney, Charlie Bonn,
'Lloyd McCarthy, Clarence O'Reilly;
Michael Walsh. ,
Mr. and Mrs. Matt McCarthy of
Detroit are visiting at his home here,
'Miss Isabel Jordan has returned
from: Chatham to spend the holidays
with her parents, Mr, add Mrs. games
Mr, and Mrs. Patrick Rawleigh
were in Toronto attending the fun-
eral of his sister, 'Mrs: John O'-
Many •from Dublin 'attended' the•
funeral. of Mrs. Stagg of .Cro.'merty on
Mr..and Mrs. Jos. Hickeie spent
Sunday •ni'gh't: with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Mere of Seaforth,
'Report of. Joule examinations of St.
Patrick's School, Dublin. "R" after
natne means reco'nsMend'ed..
To $r. 11V.-1Hlonrouns: Junes, Del-
aney, Mary Cenimb. Passed: Kath-
leen ]Cummings, ,Albert Donnelly,
Joseph Donnelly, and the following
who made 80% in Sr. IIIII: ]Fergus'
Stapleton, Jack Jprdan, Teresa
Krauslcopf. •
Sr. TIS to Jr. I IV —'Honours: Jack
Flanagan, Charles Krauskopf. Pass-
ed: James'ICnrrtin, Camilla Donnelly
0R), Jloe Dorsey (IR), Fergus Cutn-
gr. IIII2, Ito Sr. iU—(Honours: Har-
ry Cu'm!mings, Michael Feeney,' Pass-
ed:' Lucille IMelGrath,Louis Leahy,
Mary Evans, Loretta Feeney, Mary
J'orda'n,- Rose Feeney (R); John Mal
only (IR), Dalton 'Burns I(R).
Second to Third-lHon'ours: Louise
Flanagan, Helen O'Reilly, Margaret
Tyers. Passed: Josep'h 'Benn, James
Jordan, Kathleen Stapleton, Marg-
aret Cutncomings, Veronica . O'Connor,
William Maloney, Aileen !Jordan.
First to Second —Honours: Rose
K'linikham'msr, Joseph Kl'in'leh'ammer,
Mary Woods, :Diary Dorsey, Passed:.
Rita Dorre;steyn, Ryan Jordan, Louis
Primary to Pirst—(Billy Benn, Jos-
eph D'orres'teyn, Francis Evans, Hel-
en Flanagan, Catherine Jordan, Mar-
garet Krauskopf, Mary Stapleton, Ka-
tharine Tyers. Bernice Donnelly, Ag-
nes Feeney, Edith Tyers.
Mr. and Mrs. James Shea and fam-
ily of Windsor visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J'dhn Flanagan.
Mr, and Mrs. Pat Matthews, Mr,'
and Mrs. Rattaring and family of•De-
trait, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mike
Mr. and Mrs. Sadler and two dau-
ghters of Buffalo and Miss Grace are
spending a week's holidays ' at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Darling.
(Sorry to report that Mr. Wm.
Forbes is not improving after his ser-
ious operation three weeks ago in the
Seaforth hospital.
Miss Hannah Tully is visiting her
many friends in Toronto,
Mr. and .Mrs. Gid Litt of Godericb
called on friends in town 'on Tuesday;,
Mr. Michael Darling is visiting with
fr ends .in Buffalo.
Mr. Ed'w'ard Molyneaux, Barberton,
Ohio, is vis•i'ting his mother for a few
Dr. Louis Dill, Baltimore, is visit-
ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. Dill.
Mr. and Mrs, Mat McCarthy, De-
troit, visited at his home north of the
Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Kenny of De-
troit, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kenny of To-
ronto, visited at the home of their
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kenny.
Mrs. Nevin and Miss Mane, Toron-
to, visited at the ,home of Mr. and
Mrs. Wan, Curtin.
Mr. avid Mrs. Lyal Jordan of Tor-
onto visited at their home here.
Miss Rose ,lfdConitell of Toronto
is a visitor at her home.
Mr. and Mrs, W. V. Hall and Mrs.
L. Hornby, Mr. and Mrs. A. Hartley,
all of Toronto, were week end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Win. E. Hall.
July lst passed off rather quietly
here there being no special Dominion
Day doings. Quite a large number'
were at the lake and the, picnic
grounds. In the eveni•n'g there was an
imterestin'g . league softba'll gan'ie on
the square between Seaforth and Bay-
field. The local team won by the score
Mrs. Moser and family, Misses
Mona and Winifred and, Master Rob-
ert Moser of Waterloo are in one of
Mrs. Heard's cottage's for the season.
The cottages are being quickly filled
now that school holidays have begun.
What premises to be a big day in
Bayfield is the vetelians' picnic to be
held on the square on Wednesd'ay,
July 20th. If weather is 'fine there is
sure to be a large. crowd There will
be lots of .sports and game's and a ge-
nerally good time.
'Anniversary services are to be held
on Sunday, July 10th in Kriox Presby-
terian Church when Rev. Gi'bs'on, of
Mitchell is to be the preacher. Mr. A.
R. Gibson, B.A., BMD., is highly spok,.
en of as an excel'lent speaker. The
Sitratford'c'h'oir is to provide the mus-
ic and le'ad the singing, The special
singers are Mrs. J. D. Kerr, Miss
Laura Peter, Mr. Ernest Swass'on'and
Mr, Frank Mc1'unes. Service's at til
a.m. and 7.30 p,en..
;On Wednesday, July 13th a large
number of golf enithueli'asts are ex-
pected here to take part le the invita-
tion tournmeitt to be held' on the
Biaylfield golf links,
A tea and sale of homemade ba'kin
is to be held on the rectory l'a'wn this
Friday,, July ath, from , 4 'to 6 d'cock
Miss Alma McKay f Toronto was
home for the week end.
Munro Fisher of Watterloo mho`
was visiting his aunt, Mrs, F. A. Ed-
wards, returned home `Sunday.
\ii-, and Mrs. Wilbur Thompson of
Chicago spent the week end with
their ' cousin, Mr, 'Nelson. Keys and:
Rev, Wnt. 0. Robinson left on
Mon'd'ay for Pilot Iv[otted, Mane to
commence his duties as pastor of: the
United Church in that place. '
,Li'ttl'e Myrtle McKii tley, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs, Elgin McKinley, ,uir-
detiwetl't; an opera'ti'onin. St. J'oseph''s
Hos'pital, Lond'oeiu last week. She is
progressing favourably.
Mr. Art P. Keys and 'family visited
on Sunday with his mother, Mrs,' W.
L. Keys, of Seaforth. -
'Miss ' Mabel Calver spent .Sunday
with her mother, Mrs. Oalver in 'Clin-
Rev, 'E. 1A. IPoulter 113,as recovered
Sufficiently from his recent • illness to
be able to take his, work again,
Mrs. 3..Brye e and Mrs. J. Collins of
London and Mrs. Victor • Boyce off
Goderidh have been called to the gibed -
side of their father, Mi. Wilson ,Arm-
stnonig, who is seriously ilh
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Stedkle and baby,
acco'mpanie'd by Edwin, Alvin and
Marianne S'te'ckle spent the week end
at ,Markham. •
,Mrs: J. A. ,Carnie received ,news 'olf
the death, of her 'cousin, Mr. 'Robert
Hunter of Faimgrove, Michigan. Mr,
Hunner spent his childhood in 'the an
cinity of Blake. •
. Mrs. McKee ,elf .Toronto spent the
week end at her former 'home on .the
The follo'win'g is the; report of S.
S. No, 13, Stanley. In : making pro-
motion's the year's work, as wellas
the final ealamm'atiane have .been 'tak-
en into consideration.
From Jr. IV to Sr.. IV — Harvey
Hayter 63%.
From Sr, , I11 to 3'r. IiV—(Clare Mc-
Bride 97% (reconemended)
Pram, Jr. D1,1 to Sr. IIIiI — Sylbil
Keys 73%, Gordon Keys 63.
Sr. I'I.—lHorace Bra'therton 43%,
Arnold 'Keys 03, Mervin Hayter 60.
Jr. III—(Eileen Hayter 84, Bruce
Keys 66.
I—+Walter lBretherton 68%.
• Grace Mason, Teacher,
The following is the report of S.
S. No. 5, Stanley, for the Huron pro-
motion examin'ati'ons, including the
year's work. IF indicates failure; R
indicates recommendation,
Jr. IV to Sr. IV—'Elva McOlinch-
ey 67; Hazel Hayter R,,Bobby Peck
Sr. 'I'II to Jr. IV—Dorothy Peck
63. Jack iMc,Olinchey R.
Jr. 1111 to Sr. I'I'I—'Lotus McCliivch-
ey'611, Russell Oesch R.
Sr. II to Jr. 'I'II—'Mary Mc'Clinch-
ey 65, Jack Peck 64, Elmore Mc-
Clinchey F, Enna M'cClirnahey F.
(Elmore and Encina will have a
chance to get into Jr, I111 at Thanks-
Jr. III. -Jean McClfnchey, Clifford
Mc'Clinchey, Promoted' at Easter,
Mae S'mi'th, 'K'athleen Oesch.
Jr.'I to 'Sr. I --(Anson McKinley,
Hughie MelBride.
gr. I—'Harold Peck.
(Primer-1Dbreen Mtc'Clinehey,
asie Oesch, Illa'Boyce.
Number on roll 21.
Hazel 'M. Smillie, Teacher.
'The following is a report of the
resorts of the June promotion exann-
ias'ations, S', 5, No 7 Stanley. Pass 60
per cent.; honors, 75 per cenft.
To Sr. IWV.--tAll'an. Love 72.7; Dillie
Reid 74.6,
To Jr. IIV,-1Julene Stephenson 68.
Co Jr, I1IIh —'Margaret Love 83;
Ruth McAllister 70; Margaret Reich-
ert 55 (recommended).
III.•—,Gordon ',Jiahns'ton 81; Ivan Ste-
phensen 78.
1L -Jean Love 85; Bobby Reid 83;
Karl Reichert 80.
V. Dinnin, teacher,
Presentation.=The pupils, a num-
ber of parents, and ftfiesds assembled
at S.S.,No. 4, H;ihbert, on Thursday
afternoon, June 306, to bid farewell
to Miss Elizabeth 'C. Murray, who
has res,+gn.ed her duties as teacher,
after a' term ofoneyear. The after -
110011 was spent in social gathering,.
con'sis.ting of races and gannes, after-
wards followed by a dai'n'ty lunch
which was enjoyed by everyone. The
fallowing address was read by Mona
Feeney, one of the senior pupils and
F'ra*k• O'Connor' and Lawrence Feen-
ey, tt'q, junior p,upils, presented a
beautiful china keit set as a token .of
good will towa'rd's their teacher, Dear
Miss .Murray,=Words can in no way
express our sorrow at hearing of
your departure from our midst. It' is
our sincere desire to have you as our
teacher for nea'ny yeses .to'oante,.But
such not being ;the case we must
brave our loss as best We can. But it
seems one of the trials of this life
that dearest friends gait not be for-
ever .linked together. 'During your
short term, only one year in our
school, you have made many friends
for yourself. Ntot only we, your' pup-
ils, but all the people of the sedtion,
are sorry to see you 'leave us. 'H'aw-
ever, we must ,not spend' our time
taikin'g aver our troubles.We desire
to thank you and ask youto accept
this gift, not that we beast of its -va-
lue but as a slight taken of our ap-
preci'a'tion.of what you have done for
us. We hope never to forget the ed-
ucation and advice you have given us,
We desire that the .golden dhain of
love whtich has 'hound us together in
the .pest will not be .broken by your
removal from our mid's't, but, that
glowing memories will forever keep
fresh a?nd unfeeling the fragrant flo'wr,
ers of 4riendshi:p. Signed on behalf . of
the Ratepayers and Pupils of 'S,iS. Na,
4, HIi'b'bert. Miss Murray, althoughta-
ken completely by y Surprise, made• a
very able reply, in velhich ;sine expres's!'`
ed her sincerest ap'preciatfon• of.t+h2
many kindnesses, seppont.amd, co -up -
elation whi'dh had been shown to her.
During t'hs month Of July only we will sell forcas'hr
GILT EDGE TWPNE, 650 ft. to the lb ...... ......9C
GOLD MEDAL TWINE, 650 ft. to the lb ....,'.....9e
RED BALL TWI'N,E 600 ft. to the lb. ......';..,..8c
These prices are good only while' our pre's!eult stock lasts..
l N
The foliolwingis the promotion re-
port of •Sep'ara'te S. S. No. 4, IlIlbIbert.
The names appelar in order' of merit.
Honours 75%, pasts 60%. R.—relcam
rnended. From Jr. I'V. to Sr.' IIV.'—
Hlannah Williams 84%, Mona Feeney
82%, Anna J'ord'an 78%, Mary Fitz-
patrick 77%: From Sr. rII. to Jr, IV.
—Gerald O'Connor 87%, Tom` Mc-
Iver 87%, Theresa Atkinson 82%,
Louis McIver 81%, Genevieve' Atkin-
son 74%, Tommy Wtlliaan's' 73%,
Clare Jlord'an,72%, Margaret Fitzpat-
rick 711%, ,Edward McIver 70%, Matt.
Coyne 44%%R. From l,st class' to Sr.
I!I--Rita MdI'ver 89%, Carl Feeney
86%, Rita Coyne 83%, Peter Jordan
76%. From Primer to Sr, I.—:Billy
Morris 86, Frank O'Connor 84, Laur-
ence Feeney 61.
IElizalbelth C. Murray,' Tea'dher.
'The following are the results of
'the June promotion examinations of
ISIS. ' No. 2 Tuckensmith, First class
(honours .75%; second class h'on'ours
.70%, pass 60%. R. after a name 'in-
dioaites recommended to next class..
ISr. IDI to Jr. IIV.—,Tlheld!a Watson
7i6% Edna Mae Dayman 71, Dorothy
Deitb and Olive 'Sanith 70 (equal),
Doreen Cooper 65, Ronald MacGreg-
or 62, Bernard 1'IdLean' 54 ('R),
Mona' Smith 48,
Jr. ICh1 to Sr, IIS. - Arthur Field
60.9, Edison MldLean 60.5, Mildred
Dei'tz 44.
Sr. III to Jr. I1111 — Kathleen Mac-
Gregor 78, Donald Dayman 642,
Den Cooper 64, Robert Field and
IB'lansldhc Watson 58 (IR), Grace
8ehilbe 91, Ray C'o'oper 49, Kenneth
McKenzie 46.
171r. II to Sr.' III-1Bi•Ilie Sproat 77,
Gwendolyn 'Cooper 716, Esther Day-
•man 70, -Marjorie Smith 66, Kathleen
Schil'he 64.
Sr. I to Jr. I'I--JJack D'eitz 77, Jean
Sctilbe 75,'
Jr. I to Sr. I—Jae Mc1Kenzie, Bud -
die ICo'ap'er. '
Sr. Pr. to Jr. I. -Eldred Moffat,
Ronald Caldwell.
'Printer—{Walmer illadGregor, Ida-
bel Watson,
'Best sipel'lers, in school for June
were: Gladys MdKenzie, Edna Mae
Dayman, Esther Dayman, Doreew
Cooper and Dorothy, Delta had per-
fect arithmetic for the most days 'in
June, Nu'm'ber on roll 36; average at-
tendance 34.4.
Jean E.:14'cl1enzie, Teacher.
Mr, and M'rs, Roy •Consitt• and Mrs.
Troyer and Mrs. J'o'hn 'Consitt off
Seaforth motored to London on Sun-
day and spent+the day' with Mr, and
Mrs.' Jas. Grieve.
Mrs. Troyer and .Mrs. Consitt re-
mained for the week end.
Mr. Thos. Hudson' of 'Marlette,
Mich., and Mr, and Mrs. J'oe Hudson.
of Pontiac, .Mich., called on relatives
last Monday.' '
Detroit friends visited with Miss
Ellison over the week end.
'lir, • and 'Mrs, Fletcher Townsend.
spent •.Monday evening at Mr, S.
Mr. Ira Jahns is confined to his
room. His many friends wish him a
speedy recovery.
The school report for S. S. No. 9,
Tuekersnvrth, Promotions: are based
on ,the' results' of the June examina-
tions and on the year's work. 'The
numbers in brackets indicate the
pupil's percentage' on the year's
'Pass 60%n;' honours 7S%.
'Promo'te'd to Sr. •IIV.-1Rohert Mc-
Lachlan 77:16 (75).
Promoted' to Jr. I V.—lRaiert Gein-
,nnell 74.16 (17}3)5); Stewart Love 72;
Glen Houston 63,6 ('63.5); Kate Dal-
rym>Ip1e 55:1 (150) recommended, •
Promoted to Sr. VIII. Jack' Mack-
ay 63 (65); ,Blilly Powell •60.6 (64).
13r:- I11II.—Wtliie Hodgert. 41.6 (94.8).
Sr., III.—]Prom'ot'ed, ; at , Christmas —
Franees Elgit, 80.'9 (85.1); -Doris
Iviaokay 5,7.1 (65); Helen I-1mAolt
55 • (170.0). • '
iP•ronmated to Jr. I1.—IBru•ce Hodlg-
ert. "•
IPno'mlted to C'la ,
ss T; — Frank
Ryan; Jackie Powell.
Primer Oilass_ fanet Hlodge'r't.
't''he hi'ghleslt marks obtained were:
Robert i1L'eLaeblaln, 100 in Arlithme't-
ic; Jackay ult in
Spelling;adk M:Fra'nces El50gti(oe, 97'o,f i,n50)Liter-
ature; Stewart ,Love, 93' ., in • British
IWillieHod'gerit 'hol'd's a recard''for
perfgctt, aytendaince, molt having h eInl
absent fora day ori Vhnee"y'dars.,:NuNxi.
bee''on ;roti, 15: I Averva,9 if attetidarbce
1,425. 1
Margaret E. Grie'pe, Tdvchrer'
The following is the sc'hool report
of S. S. No. 6, Tuckersmitlh,''far the
Huron .pro'mo'tion 'examinations inr.
1 eluding the year',s work.
lFrcem Ir. ' XIV. to Sr. IV. --,Florence.
Whiff mlore S1%,
IFmolm Sr, I'I11. to Jr. IV.—Velma
Ashton 70%,
'From Jr. 11111 to Sr. 11111'—Carman'
Whitmore 72%; Iona ' Hugill • %
Marion H'ugtll 63/0, Wesley Htygsll
lF'rom Jr. III (a) to Sr. DL—Mildred''
Ashton 6&%a, Mina Terryberry
Kenneth Terrylberry 65%.
Jr. III,—tCliford H'u'gill 70%, ('Pro
molted at Easter).
From Jr. L to Se. I.—'Rohn Cas -no
cban. 81%, Dorothy Coleman .80%r
Edna Ashton 78%.
Jr. Prisner—fsd'a Terryberry $16%.
No. an roll 17. Average attendance
Edna M. Jamieson, Teacher.
Mrs. Leff of Hamilton has return-
ed home after spending a few days at
the home of her brother and sister,:
John and Miss Martin.
Mr. and Mrs. L. T'ebbutt spent a'
day with the fernier's brother, Mr.
'Te'bbutt is,• Goderich.
A few 'frolin 'Turner's •Corners took'
in the Hohnesville lawn social an'd'
report a good time,
The following is the report of the
promotion examinations of S. S. No.-
5, Teckersmeth. The pupils names
are in the classes in which they wilt
be on ,Sept. 1st next and are ar-
ranged in order of merit.
' Sr. IV, — ,Edith . Wallace (Hon.), , 3
Arthur Leyburne, Dorothy . Gem
-Robert Patrick, Ethel'
ISr. PesneyIII.—IWorder' Haney, Arnold'
Aroh'i'bald, Grace Wallace.. •
111r. IIII —'Gordon Macdonald, Haz-
el MdNaughlton (4), John Oldfield *:.
ISr. IL—Marie William's, Murray
Wil ham's,
Jr. II — Shirley Oldlfield (lion.),
Clair Haney,(hon)., Pearson Chesney'
('hon.), John- Patrick, Donald Wal-
,Pr.—IRobent Wallace, John Rice,
Harold MIdN'augihion (*).
Those marked with an asterisk
}missed all exa'min'ations.
Alice' M. Ardh'iibald, Teacher.
'Mrs: J. M. Burton;' on be'hal'f of
her 'mother, Mrs. Alex. H. Ross, de-
sires to thank all those .who, with •
the most ,thoughtful gifts and' kind
inquiries, have. remembered her dur-
ing -her recent illness,
�61Rub'ber (tired buggylfor sale. Phone
& SIAM OARII.EIR, Seaforth. 27.
A small size cooking range. Apply
to The News Office.
lOn lfonday afternoon, an engine
drive belt, between Isaac Moore's and
Mrs, Henry Forsyth's, belt 6 inches'
wide and around 50 feet long. Finder
please notify HARVEY MIOOR'E,
Phone 1.312 r 5, 27.
;Girl wastts;,•housee'ork in town : by
day 'or by the month. Reasonable
wages. Apply to 'The News of-
fice. 17.
About 50 acres of good hay to be
sola, or the contract for taking it ofF
to be let; the hay is on lots 14 and 11;
concession 7, McKillop. There. • are•'
about 30 'acres of alfalfa and timothy •
and 20 acres of ti'mlathy and alsike.
Far further information, 'see; W. G.
M'dS'PAIDIDIElN, Seaforth, or' Phone'
313. • 27..
Butter, per Ib. ... .
.. .. ..I50
Eggs, per 'Sc,'llc, lee
Potatoes, per bag •
]',logs, e'r cw't,•$4.09-$440.1
Wheat per bus ..
ISihorts, aper ton.
B'ran, per ton • $24
When you have a
HORSE,. SE O,Y' c•
Phone promptly to,
Phone 22 —, Ingersoll' •
Phone 215 W -,Stratford'