HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-07, Page 5TT -T CF.ATW T 1' :NEWS-.�': .'THURSID Y, JULY 'tut, .;1934. .. t. �_..-_ ----- ------ " � TO ROY SNIDER AIND H'1$ 9=P1'FCE BAND OF KITCHENER•' AT OPERA HOUSE DUBLIN 0 7 THURSDAY, ... .EVENING 7T d W + 751c per couple. Extra lady 25m r. w!h'iah was large and good. Tie races and Uall games were $Sod oust the caainer dawn n the�tl evemn+g ff bne'1( but t notC.�nvi soon enough 'to sp.oul any o+f. the sports. A splendid concert was given t "a lar, a audience and ater, a free- o fi for=all dancetn the 'new hall. Al- opethoned the :allhais dot finished it • was opened for ai4 an ,Doiiyinion Day and ever one went home well sa+tiafed with rho to°,sant time spent in Lan- pleasant desiboro Mn and) Mrs. Maley are spending a couple df weeks with their dough- ter,'•Mrs, Hooper of St. Marys. Mr.and Mrs T.Cole of T spent 4he week end with \[r..and Mrs. Ti. Mo'mt. our new ttiinislter, Mr. Gardner, ox,: cupied the Pulpit • on, Sunday and preaethed a splendid' sermon to a large congregation. :M'tsis Neilans of Clinton spent S'un- day tvi!Uh her firietud, Mess il2argare't. Thom, andANNUAL LIBERAL TuesdayEven�n¢ . MTNRSTER President Will The will R,abt. ,: ,THE - CONSERVATIVES of South 'Huron Will hold. a convention TOWN H!'AILL Q �5a11, Herrn U LY - AT 8 OICIJOCK To select a Candidate test the riding,df on,. at the oom'ing tion., 'Tdiree delegates vote from each polling division. Hon. Robert . OF ,AGRlICULTURE and N. L. LeSuear :OF SARN'IA of the Western Go:nservative Association be :Present. fi'o MEETXNG . ate By address on at a g 19 tri con- t cnn- c- ,wall subs Weir s K. C. Ontario the ,!,,tr. a +dru'x;µ'yaaac Y ya" TOWN'' TOPrG� - SAVE for W (i�j YOLTI�i A Shop SIIOP y. Su el for Chain WE SELL THE Items far week MAXWELL 'HOUSE STO,FFEE i . KELLOGGISCORN FLAKES VELVEETA CREASE, halves KRAFT SIULAD DIxFJSISDNI'... ''LIBIBY'!S PORK AND BEAMS, • "7]UliHA1V! CORN STARCH r' Rubber Rings, best ,ttw.ality, ,t t,, Aylmer Corn, 1's Superior Baking ,Powder Interllake Tartlet Tislsue Oxade Lemonade and Onanlgeade Gfllett's Lye 'Crown Jars, strati .:,,.99,per:d'oaenr Perrin's Rob Ray;Shortbread •B!is'cuit Pastry Flour ('Drutm•nier Brand) Ts 17c• Premium Tea. with Free Cafes' and Tea Pots, Sugars and ' Whiz Fly Fume -99% Killer for Green Giant Peas, 2's Chocolate Bars, any kind barge MM. and W. Sweat Pickles, Leafsnah' Sweet Pinkies; Targe Family Lea4and Slweet Piokles, large family MoLare'n's Jelly PWwdens Grape -Nuts Flalkes Australian Peaches, 2's. • Australian Apricots, 2's H. P. Sauce Fly Coll "to hang up" Bon Ansi, cake or powdered Ready Cut Macaroni, beat quality lTarelhnra'llo!w Paraw:ax, 1 bb, pkg. Aylmer GatsulpDelbert Presto ar Centre Pull Wax Plaper Nugget or Two to One Shoe Polish 1 RossSproat • ,: N.Pre Miss�C , " W �yATO�T ATIONS at Stores BEST FOR LESS, ending July 13th .......... 1,1b. tins /� "�' c „ 2 k s q P g • , i4'C 2 pkgs. 29c 12 oz. jars 19c 1's . 4 this 25c k perP g• gC ,,, ., 4 dozen 25c + ' 2 tins''13c 8 oz.....35c; 1116 oz 23C 3 '5 pkgs. 25c 2 fins 25c medtunt11114 per don ..:.,. per lib. 29c '13's',. 27c; 04's ...:49c 'Saucers, Plates; Vases, 'Creams per I'U. 54c Flies 8 oz. 3'5cMr.A. 116 oz„ , , , . ,.60c, perMr. tin 19c 6 for 25,c family jar 29c jar 29c jar ;for 25c 2 pkgs. 21c per tin 20c per tin 23c per bhttle 26c 4 for 10e 14c -' 2 lbs, 14c per pkg. lOc 2 pkgs. 25c Per bo•btle 15c 10c Per tin 12c RriOn@ gMr, - gt \2r. and Mrs„ blcDoui all and baby Blarbar•,a .of Deltront, +spent the 'Fourhh of "July There. 'Mns. McDougall 'cis speuding two weeks with her mother, 1Lrs. C. A!tkinspn.- 'Mr, Jas., Cai ert rand Mr, D. Ria- �' don't of Detroit, spent .the week -end• with the former's mother, Mrs- M. ! Ca best.. t Mrs. 'yV J !Slini't•h, Mr. IWrn. S!mmfh and Miss yIarLe Smith, D'atroit, see tt ' a ter, MPS, lc M. Cwith ar1ler Mrs. Slnttihs BisToronto ,TULY ter,, 1Mr, Clinics Strub!aak' and h!is mother, Mrs. S!trutbank, nI Drettoiit, spentt the 'week -etre( with Mrs. ' M. Garb cit: :Mr, and Mrs, James Kerr of Buif- foto spentt the holiday with his par -Strachan eats, Mr. an'd. Mrs, John L. Kerr: Mrs. H C.. Box! is spending a week with her sister at W'a4kervilde. Miss `Dorothy Robinson of Londlon an'd DT. J. H. Bristow of Dettoit spent the week -end at the home of • IMrs, Geo. Seip, Mr. and Mrs, E. L, Box attended the Bland Re -union and 'Tattoo at Waterloo on Saturday. IMr. and Mrs..Merton Reid spent the week -end in Hamiitou- Miss Marcy' Batten of ITlprontoa• is spending the week with her cousin iting Miss Eleanor Events. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Wallace on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Dutot; Miss Ag-frien'd!s Ag - nes Dutot and Mr. J. N. Dutot, Com- her; 'Mr; and Mrs. Orville "Blake, Co!1 d •highway borne Tp.; Mr. add Mrs. Norman Walker; M'r. earl IMns. Shanley, D'vifoh and daughters Doris and diene; Mr. and Mns. 'Thomas (Caldwell and sons William and Jack, .e'rncefreld; Mr. aril MTs. Russe'1d• Wallace,Egm'oud Ville and Miss May Wallace, Auburn. Mr. J. N. Ddtot is remaining •here with relatives tor a time.Miss and' .Mrs. T 'E; ,SUidets'•of' Dehomes. troio spent the .week -end friends in town. iMr. and Mrs. W. tG.o W. Fee return- ed on Thursday after spending two weeks at Sudbury. :. • ; Pry, aE Toronto Hiss Kestle. Exeter, and Miss Marino, of Worthington, and Miss Eva Fee, of the Sudbury and C'oppeticliff teaching staffs, 1 It on' Monday m'orntin!g for Quebec, where they will spend sever- al weeks. 'Tihey visited Mr. and • Mrs, W G. W. Fee for a few days. �lr, and Mrs, J, B. Tyeenvan re- turned on: Saturday after visiting at Leamington foa three •we'elcs. Mr, and Mrs. J. B. Tyermaq visited • at Londesboro on Mon.d'ay. Women's Guild of St. Thomas' Church will hold a sale of home cook- ing on Saturday, July 23rd, at' -the To eery Shop, M:aia street !Tse c'hotr of .North Side.United Ghtirdh held• thir paonic `at -day hd Wednesd!a afternoon. Y Mrs. Somerville and Miss Jeanette Wilson of Loud,an who were guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.A. Wilson, spent Mr and who the fonner's Mrs, ed to Miss hfiss bhe guests Websfer, Miss this week dance ern • University. Mr. d'au daughters, g week and Mrs. Miss week. 'Mi..and. Bruu�sells• and Mrs on their leaving, ed• It •ro:l'ls••25c �i18sts friend. week. Miss was' of Mr. Miss this, week Mrs. a Week Mr: ily from July C. Ecleart, aocomlpan!ied 13essy wit+h friends; Mrs, Maria town ISis'ter ing her brothers accompanied is spending brothers, township• Mr: Miss spent spent Wm, al'o were daughter, Visitors Mrs: were J. Ramsey trout; hon of mar Mr. Catutelon;of Miss visiting' Mr. were the funeral' Mrs. away thy and Dr, spent DeLacey Miss aret, anied Mrs. ghter, spent elms Mr. ghters the guests Dowell it. A the funeral Yrun'gibl'uh pa!bhy'goeas Mr. dren 'tlre ., tel, . Mrs. some benRiy, 'Miss the 'Wbmets's of our IThe oar near Btll Moult and his friend, Knox who were on a bicycle hike, were visiting at the home of uncle and, autut, M•r. and Lorne S. Webster, have return- their htomes in Owen Sound. Dorothy Welbeter, R.N., and H'.syuke, R.'N., of Toros+to, are, o'f Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert H•eieti Ament went to London where she will be in atten- at the slimmer course at West- and Mrs. C. L. Bristow and of Detroit, Milch. were end guests at the home of Mr. Wilbert Webster. D'oII Carlin of London is vis with Mrs, Frank Devereaux this Mrs, Sam Davidson of called at Uhe Nome of Mr. ` Ed. Mole cm Sunday while ,way to Mitchell. Just after 'Mr. Davideon'.s car left the and taps somev,�aht etam'ag- Vera Mole is ' vis'ihing her Edna Dla'vts'ou in;Brussels bh'is 'Catheri'n'e Lloyd of Chatham •a week end visitor. at the Moine and Mrs. Chas. Ho'i'bein. Eileen C'hwpman is visiting in Toronto With Dr. and Hodgins.g8 R. G. A'rat of Toronto was end visitor at his home, , and Mrs, Louis Bhe and lam- Detroit spent the fourth olf with their parents, MT. and Mrs. and on their return were by Misses- Angela and Eckert, who are ,holidaying In Detroit. W. Neves and her daughter from Toronto were visitors in, this week.. C'lavor of Toronto is spend-spentunder, vacation with her sisters and in this vicinity. She was by Sister Gregory, who her aaca'tion wibh her Messrs. Arm'stron'g cif. Grey atter Mrs. Rolbert Coates and Gertrude Coates of London the week end with Mr. and Mns, Ainen!t. oath Mrs. J. b. ra for of Buff- y guests at the home of their Mrs. H. Noi'ce, at the home of Mr. acid Robt. Cante]on oai July Fourth Mrs. Can,telon's brother, Ar, J. and, Mrs. Ramsey of De- \2 r. and Mrs, Edward Bresne- Eloise, Mich,; also Miss Rose- and Edward Baesneh'an Jr.; Geo. Cantelon and Miss Lin'd!a Clinton. Treva Bennett of MLbc!helC is at the •Commercial: W. W: Crosier and Mrs. Booth at Sinucoe on Sunday attending of the former's sister, Alines, who 'passed peacefully on Thursday following a leng- painful illness, and Mrs.' H•od ins Of Toronto the week -end with Mrs. L. 'T. and Mr. Morley !Hodgins. Nora 'H+od! lis and ;Ms's Mar a'1so of Toronto, who accomg- freer, remained iu to'wn. E. J. Hill is visiting her dau- Mrs. Chapman, KIPPEN. . I'The annual congregational .. picnic will lie rcheld ndBl 'fie drou� Thu sleets ?� y. July !1FMth. The, W.'M;S. of St. An'dre'ws' Ohniroh met on July 6th at the home of the president, MTs. W..W. Coo!per. 'The •Gau'l.d M'issi'on of 'St, Andrew's Church will meet on Saturday ;aimer- noon at 2.430 p.m.. in the church school auditorium. Mrs, James' MdClytnont is viaitin!g in 1Detra,t. p Mrs. Mansard, who has spent some e- months in Ku!pp'en alai Hensall, re- turned to the `West on Monday. "Edna Mae Day+man is visiting with in' Detroit Miss Olga Bell of Aylmer and Mrs. Graham of London visited at the Bell 'ho'ure, •.meetin:g. Mrs. W. McCullie df Sealforth spent her holidays with her brothers, Mr. J. D. and Pester Stewart. A fam- ily reun!i'an wia5 held on Friday at She All homesteald. A number from Kipper attended. the opera• g of Huron Springs H+oslpi- tat Miss Margaret Cooper off Toronto, Crake •Cooper of London, Miss Etta Bell spent the holiday at their iM'. Clarence M'dLean, BA., of the lab Life e IVP Insurance Co„ London, visited at his home over the holiday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Perry of De- t.roli+t, spent the week end With' MT. and Mrs, R, J. Wright of K'ippen, Miss Margaret Cooper of Toronto, g A is spending her 'vacation with her parents in the village. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. �Iellis the week -end with' 'friends in St. Thomas. H'ayi'n+g operations are a+t a' Brand- still owing to the continued wet wee- thee. Mr. Gordon Fowler of Toronto, is spending his vacation with his uncle and aunt, IMr, and Mrs, E. Sproat, :Several from these parts attended the Butt re -union at Goderich on Monday hst and ail report a' good time. annual Election of Odficers take place at the same meeting. Ladies Are Slpeclally Invited (}OD SAVE THE KING Hi ins, iC'ol. Combe, Sec. President. Dapple, Ethel W'ilsor, Freda Hill. Girls 10 years and under, H'a'zel Wil- son Myrtle Fapple, Muriel Wright, IBay5, 9 yrs. and under, E'rtnin Sill- cry, Wesley Hann,s% Preston. Dallies. Girls 1!3 yrs, and under, 'Annie 'Fapple, Alice Wright, Isabel A'rnrstrong and Grace Dalrymple. •Boys 12 yrs. and Mac Winson, Ervin Sillery, Morley' Wrighlt. ,Senior 'Girls, iBeat- rice Armstrong, Evelyn Wilson, 'Senior Boys, W. D. Willson, Earl D'ap'ple, Arthur Wright. Boys' relay, 1st -!Earl Pap'ple, W. D. Wilson and 'Taylor; .2nd-+Ar!thur Wright, Milton Taylor and Mac Wilson. Jr. Boot Race, Myrtle Patp'ple, Es - then D'ayman, Muriel Wright, Sr, Boot race, Annie Pappie, .Beatrice race, o:ug,Wright. Jr. Epp race !Mayne AliceWatson, Anna Wettso 9 Sr. Egg Race, Arthur Wright, W. Taylor, \Curiel Wrht, 14orley D, 'Wilson: Jr. Peanut rake, Miltonon Vlrtght, Sr, Peanut rats, Mayne Watson, Delbert Taylor, !Isabel Arm - strong. Ladies peanut race, Mrs. A. Wright, Mrs Relb:t. Allan, Mrs. Jno Watson. Young ladies race, Evelyn Wilson; Beatrice Armstrong, Mildred Rab ins, 'Neddtie 'race, Is,'. Evelyn and W. D. Wilson; 2nd- Beatrioe Arms'tratrg and ld'ac W'il• son: 3rd tGre'tta Broad and An thur Wright. Girls' stop, step and 1 amp, Beatrice ArmstrotiG, Anvil Pap:pl•e, Alice Wright. Boys' hop ste and umI-AdUhair Wright, Car - p 1 p Wilson g t, tyle Cornish, W. D., T'hreal and needle race, 1st -Miss M. Swar and Mildred Robins; 2nd-'Evelyt nsoi and MTG. Chapman; ty -Annie nd Me and.s Cha an; 2rc on, Wheeltbarrow race, 'ls't-W. D •tViison and Dell ert Taylor; nnd- Milton Taylor and 'Carly'le Cornish 3rd -Teddy Eckel and Mac Wilson, Ptg race. Girl drivers, Either Wil son, Isabel Armstrong. Stubiborr pigs, Preston ;Dallas, Milton Taylor Delbert Taylor, W. D. •Wilson, Car lyse Corni's'h. Jr. 'Potato .race- Myrth -Panple, Muriel Wright, Freda Hill. 1Sr, Potato race, Beatrice Arm strong, 2nd, Alice •Wright, 3rd Graa strop tin le. Sr. e ' Potato Race A y' 1st W.D. Wilson, 2nd, Carlyle Cor nis'h, 3rd Alice Wright, Jr, Relay Po tato Race; 1st 'Ivan Taylor, 2nd Mil ton Taylor, 3rd Donald Darman Boollc R. ]st Isabel Armstrwxe v•,iud Rareice Armstrong, 3rd Marie Wright: Graceful 'Walking-!ls�t Eve • Iv•o htlson and Arhhttr IWrtgh!t; 2u+ Myrtle Dapple acid Mac W,iison; 3n Mildred Robins and llr. McLeod Cannlfla'ice Race, 1st Mac 'Willson an. Delbert 'Taylor'; 2nd Donald 'sloe Donald and Teddy Eckel; 3rd E'ec lyn Wilson and Milton Taylor. Ur. Tdtree4Ueg Race; lit Myrtl Hazel e\� d Isaand Strong, , Syr Donald Wilson a OliveilPa Taylor 'Sr. Three -deg Race, Evelyn Wilso anct .Mildred Rabians, ,2nd ,Alice Wriwlt and Beatrice Armstrong, F3rd _Norcan --ea e:noe and Gladys MrKeuzie, Se de, Biscuit Race-llst Arthur Wr gti 9nd Delberlt Taylor, 3rd Milton Tay tor. Horse back Rahe -,1st Billy Lau and Mildred Robitty, 7lid Esther Day man and Evelyn Wikon, 3i d, Mat ion Wilson and W. D. Wilson, Chat Race-1iIs't Beatrice Armstrotre - Stu Dei1 rt Taylor: 2nd Evelyn Wilsb • aril Earl Papple, M,tldreit. Rollins an D. Wltsou. ;Girls' Relay Race=1st Grace lea t•ynuple, +Norio H na sett Piano e IBea Armstrong, dticl • A n rice Armstrong and Alice Wright J g Qstrieh Race-llst,`Myrtle'Papple; 2a i Milton Tavlor,3rd Hazel Wilson: S Ostrich Race lst ' Beatrice •Ar st{roai,g, 2nd Gladys Mcl�e,nzie, 3. Alice Wright. Oldest ]adv on gratin( -.1 rs; W D: W-Ison. 'O'tdest c�enitt titan cin ;Grounds--iMr. Jas Dalt:a Candy and peanut scrambles we ti'dnlged in by, a11. After na^rtakinq nft,Ftl and deLicions 1LutI the bountiful brought by the ladies; all did ern . J,ttstice_ to. fhe ice create, All 'too, s'o' came the time of the itlenarturc-f: home and thus, ended. another leap' , picnic day. BRUCEFIELD. Mrs. J. G. Kaiser and Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kaiser and Mrs. R. \'Iclitenaie and family of Detroit visited frietvds in the village this week, Wm. -and Mrs. Swan and family of H!anuiltott spent the week end at the former's home in the village. Mrs Taylor and d'au •hter of Mich- igan and Mr. Stevens aE Detroit were ;the gue's'ts' of Mrs. Brock and l,lrs. Januiesou this week, 'Mr. and Mrs. Du'tot ot'C•o'ntber vis- ited friends in Tuckersini'Uh lats:t week, Miss Dorny Dutot has gone to spend her holidays with friends in Comber, The many friends of Miss McCully will be glad to hear that sh'e was alhle to come to her 'home in the village last week after s:pen'din'g nearly four months in Seaforth pros ataT o❑ ac- •eoirnt Of a fractured leg, She is still g. unable to walk, Rev: W. A. Bremner received con- gnatulat ons from his many frien'd's last Sunday, the occasion being that he and Mrs. Bremner are now grand- parents. Mrs, Bremner is now at St. 'Thomas where their daughter, Mrs. West and little granddaughter reside. !Dr, Anna M. Haugh left for Moose- jaw last week where she expects to remain for a• yearin the General H'os- pital, The June prdmo'tion ex'amin'ations of S. S. No. 3, Tuckcrsnii�th. Over 75% I: class +libitours: B'etweeti 70 'and 75%, ad. class honours. Between 60 and 70% pass. Below .GO% recon- mended, 1Front Jr. I!V to 'Sr. IV: Annie Pap'pie 77,' Mae Wilson 63, Alice ; Wrigtht 02. IF,eoan Sr, IIIII to Jr. IV-•-:Mayun•e Watson 71, Don'al'd 'MacDonald 67, Isabel Armstrong 60. Front Jr. I118 to Sr. IIT. -Ervin Sillery 70, ' Myrtle Pap.ple - 67, Elsie Rolbbins '66, Muriel Wright , 64, 'Grace Dalrymple 60,,Iran'Taylor (rec):, From' II. to Jr. IIT4, .Hazel Wilson 82, Wesley Hans 718, Allan Hill 73, Babble . Watson 68, . Preston Dallas 66, Morley, 'Wright 65. Milton Tay- for (reconnntelnded), (Promoted 'to Sr; I'h- A.tttia Watson 82, Lloyd .Da'p'ple 7?,' . At Calvin rec. Promoted to I. -Ethel Wilson '87, Olive Da'p'ple 78.' Miele Hill 7!4. Pr.- �Iell>si Taylor. j [he highest mark for dally spell ing for .June was' obtained by Anna Watson, Annie Pap'ple; Myrtle Pap- plc, Ii+az'Bl V(%'ikon, E:bhel �Vi'I'soit: Preston Dallas and Bobbie Watson. had perfect attendance for the year ending June 1932 and were 'alwarcled prizes. Lloyd ?apple 'w=as awarded .a dthersl attenudaitce prize. A number o'f others only missed a few ,days, \I, btci>rattgh'ton, Teacher, The school ni'cnic was held ata he school grounds on Thursday after w ll '`endo Th"'Fa9 noon anld Nas e at d e ldwuvg: are the Dine '• wvinners. t;,+': • , , - , ^ 1 . -rar lit races,. Cluldre) under sax, Tiotty"Akl'ant, •Goa don i!i11,,. Kathleen •, , Sillery.', The Primer Classes - Olive :. ,• Wednesday at Pont Elgin, accorrn .axr- y g A sed by Mrs. Wilson, Mr. William 'H{artry and Mr. L. E. Webster attended, a horticultural meeting at WinGhlartn on Thursday. and• Mrs. George Bickerton and their son, Beverly Bickerton and MissDr. F'l!oren+ce Hanford, all of Woodstock, ware week end ,guests of M•r. and Mrs, YAlwaysWilson Bu Seaforth Butte (' 18Mr, YEARS r Good Quality We's, Nutt recently,Si Mr, and Mrs. Reg, Reid° Of Strat- ford called on friends in town, Mr.• Russel Hays and Miss Bessg Anderson of Detroit, spent the hal- iday in town with friends, F�gmondwille, i evening in held a picnic and Social evening in Mn. Davidp MdLe`an's woods •Wedaresday after- noon. Mr. George Alberhart Ja. is taking a summer course in Queen's Un�iver- London. "Phe, .fam,ilies of Russell Sproat, Hugh Sproat and Will Plaut picuick- ed in Baylfie'lal M,ond'ay in •hron,or...of the Misses Margaret and Jean 1Ste*- art -of Toronto, who are visiting Mrs. Plant. ,, Miss. Mae Aber+hart, . h'as returned from her vacation in Sarnia and Lon- II A ServicePlease V' that creates i Confidence and a Dependable Hepulauensity. p fi Il Y The SeaforthCreamery { us by giving us your ,cream patronage and we will try to please 'You •by our services and higher` market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. Y C. A. BARBER, Prop. LONDESBORO. S and Mrs. Hooper of St. Marys Sunday with the t'atter's par- here, Mr, and Mrs. Elsley.: • and Mrs. McDonnell and dau- of Acton, spent the week end of Mrs. Taylor:141,s. Me- is remaining for a longer yds-' :numtber of aur villlage attended of the late Mrs. Jake of 'near Auburn. Our sym- to the 'bereaved ones. • and Mrs. Arntsirong and chiI- spent the' forepart of the "week ueslts of M•rs. Armstrong's srs- g ' ai M,rs. Carter oif Kenr B'ntdge. E.:Steveas and children spent time with her parents here re- Brigham of Clutton entertains Institute this Thursday village. first orf, July was celebrated in bung, peopile coming from far and to see the Chttth,unt'pian parade, _ don and was accompanied home by Mt, 'Ira .Za'vitzg his• brother Colin and Beuinelwie cent Murray 73; Harvey err 65.- To Vera 75, Mervin 73, Carl 69, Sylvester Murray To • Jr. , Della Annie " Robetk To 2nd prem JIo!hnsou Thomas (equal), To Leonlhardt, No: visiting visiting Msslames is visiting W+atso,n. Mrs. he' Thursday, her mother, ious4 'ill, Y St. Ts 'Thomas M:issles Bruasa/s !BobStoddard tarso an ex'Iitbi'tion- on David' , er of M'" o^w if tta3s8 to Jean• home 79, Dan Manley 76, Vhs- 75, H'arry Bemiewtes Koehler 69, Joseph Eck- Sr:' III3.-,B'erueee Manle'Y 8=, Leonihard't 80, .Gerald .M•GKay D'ie:tz 715 • Aaron Kintner Sie'mon 71, Gles'tiia Johnson Jro'hmson 62,.•' Domni'c ('promotted on year.'s work), 'III!L=Raymond KleUer 84, Eggert 79, Morey Koehler and Eckert 75, Joseph Johnson- 66,: Bauermann 65. -Dorothy S•cherhotlfh, S'te- Margaret Eckert, C.ylril M'.eKay, g end Elmer Irleber (equal), Murraytid Steplien.M•anley Harold Dietz. 1st: Alvin Elligson,. Florence. Leo Johnson. an roll 42.' Helen M. Delaney, Teacher: Miss 'Thomas, all of London. Dr. R. N. Hill, of Bro'aklyn, N.Y.; is spendi:iig two weeks with his bro- ther, Mr. William J. Hitt, Centre St. Th Eire, alarm abput 1. dckgdc Mon- e d',ay xnornrnlg w^a the result of a Fa11- ing limb breaking' the hydro wires opposite os:ite .t'he recreation •rounds, ear- pp g ryi ig'21200 •volts. A smlalil `blaze start- ed wui'le the wires lay'iat'the grass. Someone turned in a fire ,alarm at; the Avon Chests writer. "Mr: and MPS. Nehson Gbveniock' and two daughters, Joan and Lois, of Wlate nor.d, were cad4'in'g on 'several friends in townn.last week ettd. IM'rs,' John Ches'n"ey oil : Stratford was culling on a few friends in town during the week. Miss Ohve Albechant us vrsa,ttng fraen:ds .in London., Mr, and: wins. Htugh ' Sproat and Hugh Jr., ' and% two d!auglh!ters, Marg and Margaret, of Detroit,, who ,spent the American ho1id;ay guests of the Slp'raat clan, returned Wedttesdlay and er tacc+lan,reiad saute b Miss Bier- ora Abemh'art who wi11 s Bird a: few b •Non weeks, in the city: [?i+r, A cattle car, was:. hnipttight to ,Seta forth' b'elaiind Uh!e en Sun o:F the pas- $ t r traits ori Tlhurs-i' M. lit. As ry freight on the heli- there. was no tiay o day the oar.- with cattle frotn • Owen Sound Mr g of Hul- lett. carte yata,tlse passenger train, in , r M Na dE D:want is M , W. G. d Y in snend'ret the holiday at the home of has parents. Mn.. and Mrs Jiro Jiro, Mc- 1VIav: cKilloI . p Mr. Edward .:Rankh of Port Erie is spenditng the vacation at' his home. r . •M'r` Frank Maloney commenced his new ditties of ,carrying the mail be- -?Intl •, tween•the station and the nosi:offitce r ,i a succeediiu Mr Alex Me- on Ft d Y, g, Nlahb • who had the ebntract for ,quite at a few years, •Office T + „ Walker s FUNERAL SERV,IGE UNDERTAKING wand- EMBALMING ', rEquipment . Motor or Horse Equip " der of Go- luol W. J, 4VP, diploma vernment diploma and license. Furnished. Flowers Fur ' Night or day phone 67.' "McI{ILLOP• examination Report SS. of promotion I Those t wi S; c vsd, 13, Mc vero'p, who . received, T5% or over have been ;granted' an,Loer. I standing, 7r.',IIV. t. Sr, IV --)J n Afa'crdin- cion 7Aro-old •5'cott 78, Gordon Scott 78, Francis Coleman 715, • Sr. I!IT to Jr, IV - `Walter Man- Millan 67, Christine M'actKi non 66, •J' rJ:d s. Broome Sr. II to Jr. I,I'I Gl Y 60, Jr' T[ to Sr. III tehssoirib.nd Ap!p'le- •senGer b, 79,'Mildred Aitclres•on 7,1, Spell- yfor ecr Broome 63: to First Class at Those were ere Geor e Hart, Marian Easter w g Appleby, . Ke'iUh Hlanrisan, Gordon. pP McGill..'• S. M. Richmond, Tea dher; followings:'the school report,; cnLiillo 'frit. June, " of S. S. No, 8, is A, S. t ton ,examinations, Hopatrrs: promotion - 75%; pass; 60%,Day, ' V•-•-H`arr Regele .$5, Ole 'To'. I Y mutt 7g :meat. McKay 81 Adeline She Mervin Karl .% Oscal Dlhgso, . ,dui 6�'Tn Tr- IV, -Tris Kleber 85, Mildred Let ' Canada ..' an '°load •;'It's 'before atithe you All tority Phone; A■ GENERAL REAL' , r 0 L�SuranG� us protect you anywhere in or the United States with Auto Policy that will take a oft your mind and at NEW R Tariff RiateS'W. worth you while to see us lactn our insurance and P g Y new low hon -tariff rates ff 'r to ake chances: cannot a o d t claims promptly ;and satisfac- paid: write or Call -Night and 1 Day Service Phone 152 D9', Sutherland INSURANCE - ESTATE, CONVEY- 'ANCING ETC over, Keating's Drug Stole TOWN TOPICS. Nelllie Mt.M.tl!lan has 'been rel'ative's to Toronto. relatives Belle Watsiott of Port Arthur her brother, Mn,' J (Rev.) I; B. TCaine well lelave 'Englehart where g Mrs: Inglis, is again ser-forA•rmstnonl Biii:g Belle B!allamtyite i 'brother.. :with her 'brother.. spent several days Brine, s,pe 1 Y. cast wee".. ' r' If GoderLcli, 'On, cht'atn� i+on pole vaulter; who gate p at Goderoh ou Doniitt- a ran'tl'slon, of the late , is g .S edid'art, former &chant teach E7mondvrLle, . nshn'erbon ,!is+her and dauglt- • of Drayton are vlsain Of her fattier, Mr: McDowell: a a e ti d d