HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-07, Page 4PAgE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, TUILY 7tfir 1932. `WALTON. THE BIG - 4.N7 U'AIL GAiRDEN, ,PARTY of Duff's United L'horch will, be held FRIDAY EVENING, JUI4Y• 8TH. on William Woods' lawn,, Walton. A splendid supper will be served from 6 to 8.30 p.tn• To be followed by a first clans pro- gramme, •The Cowan Concert . Company of Toronto Duncan R. Cowan, 'Entertainer, Musts Margaret Clemens, Pianist, Miss Ella Whitmore, Elocutionist Miss May Cameron,' Classical dancer. Fred Alexander, Con,certi'nist. Adnvissian 351c and 20e. Come ,and enjoy •a good time at the event of the season, Mrs. Pearl Shaw, Pres. of Women's Association., 'Rev. Charles Cumming, Pasltor. :Brussel s Citizens' Band. WALTON. Miss Hazel and Master Martin ar n Mose of Detroit are Spending their 'holidays with their uncle, Mr, Jas, 'Mose. (Master Dicky Melvin of Detroit, is rspe'nding the summer with Mrs. ',Beartice Perdue. Mrs. Otto Posorok, Miss Esther Posorck, Mr. N'orm'an Majeske and Mr. Ernest Mose of Detroit, spent .Saturday evening with 'the hatter's :uncle, Mr. James Mose, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watson visit- ed Beartice Perdue on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Talbot spent the week -end with Mr, and Mrs.' Jos. 'Dennis. Miss Hazel Mose spent the week- end at Wingiham with friends. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Mose, Mr. and Mrs. Otto Pdsarck, Miss 'Esther and Raymond Posorck, Mr. and Chas. Majeske and Mr. Norman b ujeske, of Detroid, spent Monday with the former's uncle, Mr. Janes Mose. Mrs. J. Buchanan and daughter Mary are spending a few weeks' hol- idays at Rochester, N.Y. :Mrs. M. Lacomb of Detroit is at 'present spending a few- days with her 'mdther, Mrs. Charles Drager. Miss Vera Altree of London is hol- idaying with relatives in the village •at present. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrison of 'Toronto spent the week end with rel- ativesrn and about Walton. Mr. J. Smillie is at present here having returned from Woodstock where he ;peril a number of months with relatives. Walton Public School. — The fol- lowing is the report of the promo- tion examinations in the Walton Public School. Honors 75%; pass 60%. Junior Fourth to Senior Fourth—Jack _Murray 792%, Mary Humphries 73:7; Dorothy Murray :73, Mary Buchanan 63 (history). ,Senior Third to Junior Fourth— Kenneth 'Sohier 78.8%, Bobby Kirk- by 76.4, Beth Shannon 75, Stewart Humphries 63:77 (spelling) Jack .S'nalldon Junior Third to Senior Third—Earl :Coutts 75.7%, Kathlyne Farquharson 74.3, Mildred ,Sellers 74.6, Barry Marshall 68.8, -Garnet Cummings 6612. Senior Second to Junior Third — Ross Bennett 78.4%, Bob Smalldon '742, Margaret Murray 72,5, Frank Marshall 69. !First to Junior Second (promoted on year's work in order of merit) Ruth Cummings, Viola Marks, Carl Coutts. primer to First—Jean; Farquhar- son, Betty Stnalldon, Leslie Rut- ledge, Donald Murray, Maurice Rad - 'ford, Lawrence Marks, Gerald Wat- son. M. L. Parrott, Chas. S. Sellers, Teachers. +Mr. and Mrs. J. 'W. Morrison of 1'Toranbo spent the week -end with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hoy., Mr. and Mrs. W. Kelly and son of B'elgrave are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Mr.' and Mrs. L, Storey and fam- ily of Teeswater spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Storey. Mr, and Mrs. G. Clark of Listowel visited friends in the village over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. L, Peacodk of •Clin- ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. D. iSohier on Saturday. M•r. John Si -Millie who has been visiting at Emlbro has returned home. Mr, and Mrs. R, Drager and son •and Miss Winnie Drager af Galt and 'Mr. and Mrs, R. LaCo'mbe of De- troit spent the week end with their mother, Mrs. C. Drager; Mr. and Mrs. Joe. Davidson and ,son of London are visiting at Joseph !Bennett's. • Mrs. A. MdG'avin and family and Mr, and Mrs. A. Kernick of Kitch- • ener are visiting at Mr, and Mrs. H. .'Sellars. Mr. and Mrs, Charles Sel'lars and. son of the village are spending the holidays with the former's ' parents 'R. Sellars, of Morris Mrs. John Buchanan and Miss Mary have gone tb visit friend's in • Rochester, N.Y. The following, are' the results of -promotion examinations in SIS. No. 2, • Grey, Flranr Jr. TV. to Sr. IV.—Jean Mc - .Donald 8S%a, Mildred J'•acklin 68, Bill • rurn!bitll 60. 'From• Jr. IILI to Sr: I'II: Lorena Bradt 73. Tram III to Jr: IdQ:'-'Helen Turn- bull Z6. ,Primer: Dorothy Turnbull, excel- lent. . Bessie M. Hallen, Teacher., Come, in iiia see our new and use d cars> Agent for Chrysler, De Soto, Plymouth JOIN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE' SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. Mr'. Andy Crozier met with a seri- ous .accident in the •fo'otball game, be- tween' Winthrop and Walton last Fri- day night, hal'in'g his knee c'ap, split e threei open in l'a'ces b' •an accidental > Pp y � t kick and is in the Listowel ,hospital where he will be for some weeks. • BLYTH. • At Home.—An at home was held in the Queen Street United Church tin Monday evening, July 4th. Mr. Leslie Hilbbrn presided. One verse off hymn, "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," was sung. Rev. 'W. G. B'uett . offered prayer. A'selection by the orchestra followed by the ladies' quartette, "Speak a Kind Word." Mrs. D. Floo- dy, Mrs. H. McElroy, Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Mrs,. R, Wallace. Instrpmen- tal by the Misses Elizabeth and Louise Mills, then a duet, "Wlho Will Our Pilot Be," by the Misses Pauline Rlob'inetin and Margaret Johnston, followed by a selection by the orch- estra. The male quartette sang ;,We're Singing All Together." Mr. D. Moody, Mr. L. H'ilborn, Mr. Irwin Wallace and H. Wiightman. During the evening words of welcome and encouragement to Rev. W. G. and Mrs. Buell and daughter were given by J. W. Mills, Dr, C. E. Toll, W, H. Lyon and I.. Hillborn, to which Mr. Buell very ably replied. Mrs. Buell was thein invited to dome 'forward and was presented with a shower bouquet of rdses by little Shirley Wallace. Alfter singing the doxology Rev. Buell closed with the benedi'c- tion. The ladies then served a :dainty lunch and a very enjoyable and social time was spent. Mr. and Mrs. William Armstrong and family of Toronto, Mr. Russell Armstrong and _Miss Mae Davies of London were visitors with Mrs. Mar- tin Armstrong, (Holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Petts included: Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Tunney and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Lamb, Nila- gara Falls, Miss Hazel Petits, Lon- don. Miss Hazel Leslie of Vitoria Hos- pital staff, London, is spending some holidays at her home here, 'Mr, and Mrs. R. A. King of De- troit were visitors here on Sunday. The following is the report of U. S.S. No. 12, Morris and Hullett, for the month of June. Jr. IV.---IGPramoted last Easter). Katherine MdDonald 87.6%. ISr, 117 to Jr. I'V—IIvan Wigh'tinan 82.7, Margaret Heffron 73, Edna brdDonald 71.1. Sr. II to Jr. .I'I'I —!Harry Bryant 80.9. 'Jr. I. to ,Sr. I=Isabelle M'aD'onald 3'3:2. Katherine 'McDonald received the prize for perfect attendance for two years; Harry Bryant had the highest number of stars in spelling for the past three months.. Edythe 'Storey, Teacher. Mrs, R. E.:Sitlib of 'Brantford is spending a couple af weeks with her mother, 'Mrs. Collinson, Mr. and Mrs. R. West ' and son Ed df Toronto are spending a few days with Mrs, West's mother, Mrs. Wat- son, who is not enjoying very good health, Miss M. Collinson is spending two weeks with friends in Brantford. i'Phe Trinity • Chu roll oongregati'oti are holding a garden party at the rec- tory on July 22nd. HARLOCK Mr, and Mrs. Albert Rapson ent- ertained friends from near Holmes- ville Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs, Percy Gibbings and Billie, from near Clinton and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford and chil- dren from near Westfield, visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hamillton, Mrs. (Dr.) Coleman and family of 'Toronto visited the former's brother, Mr. A. W. McE'win'g on Saturday, al- so calling on Mr. and Mrs. 1. Rap- son. ' Mrs, Eliza Brack and Miss Violet of Listowel visited at the home of the former's cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Knox, on Saturday. The new pastor, Rev. Mr. Gardner, had charge of the service in Burns' United Church on Sunday morning. with a good attendance. We wish he and his wife every success in their new field af labor. Mrs. Knox of Clinton is visitina'at the home of her son, Mr. and Mrs: Thos. 'Knox this v'eelc. Mr, and Mrs. A. W. MoEw-rsg and family, entertained friends from Ohio, UiS.A., also friends from near Se'a- forth an Stinday. 'Mr. Win. Parsons returned to his home in Burlington, T.owa," an Sun- day after visiting his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.. Parsons and:. other frieiitls. Mr. Reece Perris. who is suffering from :a sore arm, Is getting 'along nicely. Mr, and Mrs. T. Raosan visited on Sunday afternoon at -the home of Mr. ,and Mrs. A. W. McEwing. On Tuesday 'afterno'on, Tuly 5th, the marr'ave of Miss Marjorie MaEwina and 'Mr. Newt' 'Lloyd took ' place at the' ho n.e of the 'bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. W. M;cEwing. We wish the young couple a very happy and prosperous wedded life. !The following is the report of the yearly pronto8ion examinations held at SIS No. 6, Hul'lett: ISr, IIV,,-Wi91ie Taylor 79%, . Dda Leilper 72. Jr. 'IN'.—Wil'm'a Shepherd 83%, Jain 'M;'ciEwing 79, Watson .Rleid 71. ISr. HR.—Gordon McGregor 68%, Jr-. PIIL-!Laura Leiper 711%, fi�Alvin 7indholslou' (flair). d"runer (IA) Rotss 'Leip'er i(e .cel - lent), Jean Rapson (excellent),; , 1Pa•unter (1B) • — Arnold Hlodge (gb'od)• The annual.prize to the pupil hav- ing the most perfect attendance was won lby 'Willie Taylor. Tlhe prize for winning the most stars in spelling was awarded to Wilma ISQiepberd,. Lydia IL. Reid, Teacher. HILLSGREEN. ' Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Workman of Flint, Midh., spent bhe weekend with friends. ' Mrs. Stelasy and sin John of De- troit spent the week end with 'Friends. 'Mrs. W, Love 4nd'Miss Lettie have been visiting her son, Rey. R. K. Love at his new Horne in Kintore.. Miss Elda Stephan is' .spending a few days with friends near Clinton. Mr. West and Mrs, B. Bri'glhltmore and sons olf London visited at ' the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Coch- rane. Mrs. Jhs. Love is spending a 'short time at the home of her son, Sltanl'ey, near Klippen. Mr. J. B. Forrest and family spent a dlay with friends near Sea£onth. !Gtwendojlyn lriler is visitingher. aunt and:Annc'le, Mr, 'and Mrs. H. Mle-' Murtrie of, Ktppen,' ) A number attended •the ,de'coratiots sSuetvilces ndat tltg 1 et+salul�pe'rvl'e'tery o1}'. ay ( r 1W.MIS. will meetat 'the home of Mrs. J. Cochrane on F,rid'ay after- noon, July °141:h, at '2.30, VARNA, Mr. and Mrs, 8t.Reid of Windsor. are renewing ac6uainlbanlcea in this.. d'is'trict. • T1he W;A. of St, Jahns Ohi tch met at ,th'e home .ol %Miss .Logtan last Thursday, ' Mr. and Mrs. Elliott of 'Toronto spent Sunday wilth the latter's sister, Mrs. G. H. Beatty. Mr. and Mrs.. Reid of Windsor in company with Mrs. M. Reid, m'o'tored to St. Helens :Dlsureday to visit their sister; Mrs. Wood. ;Mr. G. Woods of School of Com- merce, Toronto, paid a flying visit: with relatives here. • The service in conneetiosv with the Orange Order will be herd' inSit J'oint's Ohairclt Sunday July 10th at 7 MANLEY'. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Brall and "fam- ily from Detroit and Mr. C. Ecka'rt From ,Selaforth were week end visitors in our burg. ' '• The late wet weather has delayed- Co'lIl ; atld Ma's. West (nee Ruth TRY Culex les Cleaners & Dyers W[T3` YA,11'R' NEXT ORDER • Phone.196w. We call and deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop. otr., Fred Eoltait .made; a buisd trip to' St, Marys last week, ex's' BIORN. • •I3AOISWE"L1✓. -'In Scott •Metrtorflal Ho'sPllfcai, on' Sunday, July 3, '11913, to Mr1` and Mrs.'Thomas H. Hack- , well: of Walton, a son !(Merton S'TOGDIILL - lAlt the, 'Private Pat- ients' Pavilion, Toronto (General .lHodpilba'1, on 'June 28th, Ohrist'olliel, •'wiifeof Dr.' C. G. Slto:gdill, '.of, a daughter, WEST. — In Memoria'1 Hospit'a'l, St. Thomas, (June 29, 1.902, to Mr, T. haying 'and c'ons'iderable damage was done, to the quality of hay. Bremner) a daughter. `' A" A DIRECT OBLiGATIOIN OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO • AUTHORIZED BY ACT OF THE LEGISLATURE'OF THE PHOVINSE, AND A CHARGE AS '10 PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST UPON THE CONSOLIDATED REVENUE FUND OF THE PROVINCE New Ione ONTARIO' THE TREASURER OF THE PROVINCE! OF ONTARIO OFFERS FOR PUBLIC SUBSCRIPTION $20,000,000 GOVERNMENT OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 51/2% Non -Callable Fourteen Year Debentures Dated July 1, 1932 Due July 1,1946 Coupons 1, January and July. Denominations $100, $500 and $1,000. Registerable as to principal only. Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada at the office of the Provincial. Treasurer in Toronto, or, at the holder's option, at the Banle of Montreal in Ottawa, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Halifax or Saint John, N.B. Legal opinion of the Attorney -General of Ontario and of E. G. Long, Esq.; K.C. The proceeds of this issue will be applied to the funding of short term indebted- ness created for capital expenditures. Price: 97 and accrued interest, yielding 5.81% to maturity. APPLICATIONS TO THE ABOVE LOAN WILL BE RECEIVED BY ANY BRANCH OF ANY CHARTERED BANK -IN CANADA, ANY BRANCH OF THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SAVINGS OFFICE, AND BY RECOG- NIZED BOND DEALERS AND STOCK BROKERS, FROM WHOM MAY . BE OBTAINED COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS CON- TAINING COMPLETE DETAILS' OF THE LOAN. SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THIS LOAN WILL BE SUBJECT TO AL- LOTMENT AND THE LIST WILL CLOSE,. AT THE DIS- CRETION OF THE TREASURER OF ONTARIO. INTERIM DEBENTURES IN BEARER FORM WILL BB AVAILABLE : FOR DELIVERY ON OR ABOUT JULY 132, 1932.' TREASURY DEPARTMENT. PARLXAMEN!t BUILDING$, TORONTO,. JULY 5, 1932. *NJ 11.4' :.