HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-07-07, Page 2PAGE TWO
is del` cions
(Write Salado, Toronto, for excellent recipe) 268
Connell and Dale Re -union,- The
Connell iD'ale family picnic took place
at Coneod'ale on :the Maitland on
June 22nd with an attendance pres-
ent numbering about ' fifty, Every-
one :enjoyed themselves with the
games and races. Followingeare`the
winners inthe races 5 years and
ander, 1st, Helen Sewell; 2nd, Lois
Connell; 3rd, Bruce Tyndall; boys
S" years and under„ 1st Glen Carter,
2nd Arnold Dawes; girls, 8 years and
under, 1st Marie Connell, 2nd Owaa
Sewell, 3rd !Helen Sewell; boys, 12
years and under,' 1st Weldon Tyn-
dalt, 2nd Glen Carter, 3rd Arnold
Bowes; girls 12 years and under, 1st
B. Carter, 2nld Oiwn'a Sewell, 3rd
Donis Tyndall; women's ;kicking slip-
per, tst Mrs. Vern Dale, 2nd tMrs.
Torn Knox, 3rd Mrs. Geo. Connell;
women's minute race: 1st Mrs.'Fred
Tyndall, 2nd Mrs. iGeo. Carter, 3rd
Mrs. Tom Knox; -grand'mother's po-
tato nate, 1st Mrs. Geo. Connell, 2nd
Mrs. Wm. Connell, 3rd Mrs. Geo.
Bowes; boys sack race, let Glen
Carter, 2nd, Weldon Tyndall; grand-
father's race, ls't James Dale, 2nd
Wm. Jackson, 3rd George Connell;
peanut race, 1st Weldon Tyndall; 2nd
Owna Sewell, 3rd Glen Carter;
youngmen's race, 11st• •Arnold Dale,
2nd Audrey Knox, 3rd Dick ,Sewell;
hidden prize for ladies, Mrs. George
Connell; hidden prize for men, Dick
Sewell; mysterious man, Mrs. M.
Jackson; ,mysterious lady, 'Owna
Sewell. At the conclusion of the
sports a very elaborate tea was served
by the ladies, which was enjoyed, and.
tater the election of officers for the
ensuing year took place, resulting as
follows : 'President, James Miller;
secretary, Mrs, Geonge Carter; :treas-
urer, Mrs. 'Wm, Connell; convener
of sports, Arnold Dale.
Obtains Dredging Contract.—Mr.
W. L, Forrest of IGoderich has been
awarded the contract for the deepen -
Mg of the Kincardine harbor channel,
This is the job that was to be done
by the dredge that foundered in Lake
Huron last week, Mr. Forrest Left
in a tug 'for Collingwood, where his
dredge, the T. C. Carey, is already
being equipped for the work, It is
unlikely that the government dredge,
which sank in (Lake (Huron off Bay-
field, will be raised. She lies in eighty
feet of water and the view held is
that she would hardly be worth the
cost of raising her. The diver was
Captain • Earl McQueen, owner and
operator of the tug Max L. Members
of the crew, in reconstructing the
scene of the sinking a few hours after
their rescue, told of seeing the dredge
about 10!30 arm. "'Thursday suddenly
thrust one corner under water and as
she sank beneath the surface, break
in two, The dredging crew, accom-
panied by the two towing tugs and
scotws, feat Anaheratburg, where they
had been doing construction work,
on Sunday, June 19th. for Xiincardine,'
There, it was understood, about 40,-
000 yards of dint were to. ;be taken
out, ,The;: scows consisted', of two
steel gravel scows and a wooden coal
carrier, which was quite ancient. Two
of `'bhe: scows, thus set adrift, : ` were
s'wep't down the lake some six miles
and one of therm; the coal scow, ran
ttp on the beach and cracked up. St.
Joseph !fishermen 'managed to anchor
the other, thus saving it from a pas-
sible like fate, though it is h'ardly
likely it would have fared worse 'than
to ground on •the beach, being more
, strongly 'construdted.
Struck by 'Golf Ball. — Mrs, H. J.
Sutherland is -suffering from a pe'cul-
fer accident which occurred when she
and Mr, :Sutherland of the Capital
theatre were driving past the !London
h'unit club grounds in north 'L'ondon.
-A golf ball went •t!iurou!gh thewind-
shield of
inds,hield'oif the car and struck 1Mrs.
Sutherland's let eye, while her face
add 'hand were cut by flying pieces of
glass., More serious injury, ,might ha've.
resulted ' except for the fact that a
large pananmia hat Mrs, Sutherland
was weaning .ileltercepted•'sorne of the.
glass. As k is, She .has a sore and
discolored eye.
!County Council Picnic. - A large
,number of Members. of 'bhe Huron'
county counoil and officials with their
,wives and some of the families en -
joyed the day off last Thursday and
held a very :successful picnic at'Bay-
field; The day nv'as disaar,eea'hly cold,
a northwest wind prevailing ;which
made things very uttconi'fartab'le, es-
pecially lot those not engaged in the
sports, The cautacil was;•fairly welj•
represented; but 'the ;Progressive pic-
nic the clay before along with bhe •ootid
wind no doubt kept 'many ' away.
Those present ,seemed inclined to do
their best to keop up the .interest, and
all seemed to enjoy the day. The
ladies did the grand as usnal in.pro-
vi•ding a 'bountiful supply • of good
things to eat,, and as usual there was
more than. plenty, A good program'
of 'sports, including ' baseball and
horseshoe pitching, was .pulled' off,
the most noted features being the
hall game and the ladies' gucseinlg
and tbean_b'ag throwing. The 'ball
anve of the 4afternoon was that df the
H'a'slBeens, or nienibers of former
councils, and the Up=to-Daters, or
members df the ,present council. The
former showed that if they did not
win 'the votes in recent elections they
could play ball as well as ever. The
line-up for this game was as fol-
lows: Up -to -haters -L. IH, 'Rader,
J. A. McKenzie, W. 'Macke, G. H.
Elliott, P. W. Scott, A. J. Gold-
thorpe, R. J. !Bowman, L. E. Cardiff,
I. J. Wright, ,Has -Beene — J. Eck-
ert, J. W. Beattie, R. H. Thompson.
G. Hubbard, Vet -Mole, G. 'Yong, W,
P. Thompson, 'A. !Porterfield, W.
Hubbard. Ex -warden A. E. Erwin
umpired the game to the satisfaction
of all. The'Has-03'eens did the crow-
ing, the ,victory being very decisive
i favor of the old' chaps. Another
match was played between chosen
sides of men against the boys, and
the tatter showed the old fellows' how
to play ball with a one inning score
of 8 to 3, and some very fine exhibi-
tions of double plays. The ,guessing
contest among the women on a tea-
pot full of beans •ptoved very inter-
esting, the winner being Miss lWright,
wino got the teapot and beans as the
prize. Throwing' stnall bags of beans
into a box was enjoyed more than
anything else, the event bringing otit
many competitors. Mrs. Anderson
prayed the winner with a score of
fifteen, while Mrs. Taylor cane .sec-
and with a total of 10. In the bean -
throwing contest for sten Mr. Crich
won first, with Mr. Geiger second.
Other events included, thread -the -
needle, wardens' and coat races. Sev-
eral of the pickniokers saw about ten
miles out the government dredge in
distress, with two tugs in attendance.
This proved very interesting and was
watched with glasses, and it could be
plainly made out that something' un-
usual was raking place, as all move-
ment or headway on the part of the
dredge ceased at a point northwest
by west of iBayifield, and the tugs
could be seen moving about, but to
what purpose could nOt be made out,
bt appears that shortly after those on
the lookout left the heights the
dredge went down.
Mr. Neeb Appointed. Registrar.
Attorney.lGeneral Price at 'Toronto
has .announced' the 'a'ppointm'ent of
Mr, Alexander. H. Neeb of Stephen
township, as registrar of deeds for
the county 'of:Huron, to succeed the
late William Coats, Mr. " Neeb ,was
a me,m:ber of the county council for.
several years. Mr. Neeb is a .man in
the' prime of life. He was born in
Stephen to:wns'hip '52 Years' ago, a
member of one of the pioneer fam-
ilies of the district, his 'griandfather
having moved there from the county
Of Waterloo. Frani early manhood he
has taken anactive interest in pu'bl'ic
affairs. His ability was early recog-
nized by' his neighbors le his election
to the township council and laterto
the• recves'hip., Mr Neeb has been an
active worker in the Evatigelical
Church in Stephen township. He has
a family of eight children. -
!Lightning !Splinters Bed •fn Exeter
Home. --Mr, and IL's, Jr. L. Gibson
had their house on the highway
partly wrecked by " a freak bolt of
lightning, The couple were peaceful-
ly sleeping at 6 o'clock ,Friday morn-
ing when, a' terrific thun'd'er tsitorm
raged 'over Exeter, "We were awak-
ened when the' house was struck,"
Mr. Gibson said. This ,is what the
iighltnfnig did: Wrecked the bed on
which Mr, and Mrs. (Gibson !were
sleeping) ripped 'tip the bedroom
THURSDAY, JULY 7th, 1932.
floor; 'burned a large` hole through
the mattress of a baby's empty crib;
splintered t'h'e do'or beam and tore
away the stair guard rail; drilled two
kittens; blew all the piaster 'front one
side of the stairway and from the
sides of one downstairs room; burn-
ed out radio, tidies end the telephone
lightning arrester; tore away the
foundation from one corner of house
and sprung the porch boards; 'be'fore
the freak holt spent itself it knocked
every cora in a herd a block array to
the ground Mr, and 'Mrs. Gibson
were not even slightly injured "'We
-were dazed when •we woke up, Mr.
Gibson said "arid the house was fill-
ed with smoke, and igas. I went down-
stairs and 'found one kitten dead on
the porch. The obhe'r one yeas still
alive, but it died in a few minutes."
The !Gibson home is on the Gran=d
Bead intersection or the .highway, and
holiday crowds were passing all day.
Mast cars stopped whale the occup-
ants asked what had h'appen'ed to the
;The sixth annual Huron County
Live Stock and Household Science
Judging Competition was conducted
in Clinton under the supervision of
the Local branch of the Ontario De-
partment of Agriculture.
The girls' competition, in . which 26
contestants took part, was held in the
Fireman's Ha'll,4 Clinton, and 'wa's in
charge of ; Miss Flora Durnin, Dun-
gantton, Domestic .Science Coach for
the coun4ty. The judges supplied by
the Women's Ins'bitute Branch in
Toronito were Miss Florence P.
Adie, Toronto, Miss Verna Barn -
bridge, Dutton, and Miss Helen Mc-
Kercher. Seaforth.
The judging of live stock took
place on the follpwiing farms in Stan-
ley Tawnsthip: Dairy Cattle on the
farm of William Spanks; Perdheran
horses and bacon hogs eat Colin
Campbell's, Shorthorns on the prem-
ises of R. M. Peek; Clydesdale horses
and Yorkshire sows at John H. Mc-
Ehven's with both W, MciE\ven and
Alex. McEwen supplying animals to
round out these. classes. Leicester
sheep were judged on Roy Pepper's
farm in Tuckersnrith.
The judges were as follows:
!Heavy horses --W.' G. McMichael,
Dominion Seed Branch, Harriston.
/Dairy Cattle—'V. Langton, Mark -
dale,' Assistant Agricultural Repre-
sentative in Grey County.
:Be'e'f Cattle—;Fred ,Forsyth, Walk-
erton,, Agricultural Representative in
Bruce County.
'Swine—Harold Goble, Walkerton
Assistant A:gri'cultural Representa-
tive in Bruce Cotmlty.
Sheep -4W, J. Howard. Dominion
Live Stock Branch, Paris,
The trophies and moneyprizes
were presented to the winning con-
testants in both competitions in the
Fireman's Tull at 6:30 p.nt.
The prize winners were as follows:
D'onnestic Science — Trophy for
highest score—Miss Elsie Anderson,
Lucknow. •
:Group 4. Senior Girls, Nutrition —
Verna Birk, Dashwood. Clothing—
Miss 'Catherine Crawford, Dungan-
Group 2. Junior 'Girls - N•u'trition,
Miss Marjorie Braker, Wroxeter.
Clothing—Miss Gladys Gross; Au-
The following girls will represent
Huron County in the Inter-Counity
judging competition at the C. IN. E„
Miss Elsie Anderson, Lucknow,
Miss Catherine Crawford, Dungan-
non. •
.bliss Annie Strattghan, Auburn.
IS.pare—Miss Eva Musgrove, Wrox-
Miss Elsie Anderson, Lucknow,
and rMiss Annie Straughan, Auburn,
were the winners ,of the Free Trip
to the Royal. Winter Fair.
The team demonstration in Table
Setting and Service was won : by Miss
Eva Musgrove : and Miss 'M'arjorie
Baker of Wroxeter. Loretta McClure'
and Margaret Durnin, Dungannon,
Won secondplace while Beatrice Fer-
guson and Mildred Baker of Ford -
with and Ruth Brown and Leata
Cardiff, Brussels, tied for third place.
IThe prize alwarded to any girl un-
der 30 coaching the three 'highest
junior teams, team to .consist of three
members who have never co'mp'eted
in a County Judging Competition,
and ish''o are under 24 years .of age,
was won by Miss ;Margaret Durnin
of Auburn,
Live Stock—The silver cup` and
silver' medal` donated by'C A. Rob-
ertson, M.IL:A, Goder'ct and. W. •G,
Medd MIL.iA, Exeter were won as
follows: Highest score, silver cup,
won by Ed. Johns, Seaforth, 'Second
highest, silver medalwon by Geo,
Mundell, Glenn'an. The shield given
by the C.N,;E, to the hi'ghes't point
winner in the novice class was won
by Kenneth. Jackson,'Walton,
'Senior Boys -Meavy Horses
Patterson, Ltackndw;' Horace Del -
ch in ns.m
t '`•4 the
-French Proverb.
AS the Ancient Romans used to say ;`Step
by step, one goes to Rome." Everything
can be achieved by degrees if you set your face
clearly towards your objective and advance in a
straight line.
"Dollar by dollar, your :security is made more
certain." Apply this new proverb to your per.
sonal financing. Start a Savings Reserve set
an objective and see how quickly you will achieve
it, if you but add to deposits every week. Vitally
important is the beginning -- start NOW!
Seventeen Standees in Ontario
PROVINCE , `k' " E� dor OYERIMfvr•
bridge, Woodham; George Mundell,
(Beef Cattle—Mervyn Lobb, Clia-
,ton: Gordon Reynolds, Seaforth;
Douglas Hemmintghvay, Brussels.
Dairy Cattle= -'Bob. Archibald,, Sea -
forth; Alex. Corrigan, Glenannan;
Clifford Crozier, Dungannon.
(Sheep -Bert MdWhimt'ey, Dungan-
non; Frank Reynolds, Seaforth;
Frank Wright, Kippen. `
S'wni•ne--lEd. Johns, Seafos:tit; Wal-
ter Woods, W'ingh'am; George Mun-
dell, Glenann'an.
Junior Boys—
Heavy Horses -Thos. Hern, Woosi
ham; John Patterson, Lucknow;
Franck Archibald, Seaforth.
Beef Ca'btie—Delmer Skinner, Celia
traria; Kenneth Jackson, Walton;
Wilson Thornton, B'luevale. •
Dairy 'Cattle -award Hern, Woo'd-
hetn; Donald Thompson,. Auburn;
Tom. Turner, Clinton.
(Sheep—'Wan. S'tanlake, Exeter;
Howard Johns, VsT'oodhatn; Harry
Mulvey, Wroxeter.
!Swine --;Gilbert- Johns, Exeter; El-
mer Armstrong, Ethel; Earl Witmer,
IThe danger of war between Japan
and Soviet Russia is now acute. Jap-
anese army chieftains have long desir-
ed an atteok upon Rnssia. Two Siber-
ian cities^ Khabarovsk and 'Vladf-
stok, dominaite, northern Manchuria
commercially and militarily. At 'Kha-
barovsk, the Trams -Siberian Railroad
meets the Amur River at its junction
with the Ussuri; Vladivostok is the
fuse to be drawn into the war system, WATER -TUNNELS.
and should rest its defense upon an There are many strange and sin--
masses prising things in Persia, but -the ni'p's%
' al of its doctrines to the n ss p g g
a e I
surprising and wonderful of them all
are the quan'ets _ the subterranean.
aqueducts. Gnat—Vats are peculiar to
Persia—something the traveller ,from
the West has never seen before, a new
feature on the landscape.' Seen from
the air for the first time, they look like
the footprints of some monster masta-
don, or gigantic mole -hills or, when
the aeroplane flies law, like those
super - enlarged photographs which
scientists sometimes show of a stone
dropped in liquid of varying 'density,
To be alone in a plane, with no one to
explain the reason of their' presence ort
the earth's surface, for mile after mile,
presents a tantalizing insolvable prob-
lem. One is almost inclined to think
that •the burehen of the nightingale's
song in these gardens is not always
of the rose, but of the quan'at-makers
of the desert. The, then 'who make
them are among the finest of Persia's
patriots. They are its unsung heroes,
They work and spend muoh'of "their
of people in every country. However,
reports that Russia will not fight are
indignantly denied in Moscow. In the
May Day celebrations at Khabar
ovs'k, the Soviet soldier -hero, General
Vassili Blusher,:dedlared that the Red
army would "prevent an alien foot
from trampling on the soil of the col-
lective farms." The phrase is, of
course, reminiscent of the "Marsetl-
faise," once the battle song of an-
other revolutionary people.
'On February 29, Japan'sambas-
sador at Moscow, Koki Hirota,
pledged the word of his government
that Japanese ,troops would not ad-
vance along the Chinese Eastern.
Railway east of 'Bailin. This pledge
has been violated by the Japanese
General Yoda, who , is now slowly
driving back General Wan Fu -lin and
his rebel Manchu bannerntesi to the
Siberian border. I'f Russia is unable
or unwilling to halt and disarm Gen-
eral \V'an's men at the .frontier, there
is great danger that General Yoda
lives in the dreary desert, wonking
either in the fierce rays of the
or down underground,, standing in
the water, digging new, tunnels and
keeping the old ones fn repair, thus
warding off the enemy "thirst" which,
in Persia, for ever wages a never-end-
ing battle with the .people.
The cost of these quan'ats is very
great. Generally, they have been made
by rich and influential Persians in the
past.' A mukanni-bashi or'w'arter-Iflnder
is first employed: to locate the spring.
On finding the water, the professional
quan'at=maker, .who is called a mpg -
terminal port of both the 'Trans -Sib- out the protection of a hone govern-
has, generally guesses` or realizes
erian. and Chinese Eastern Railroads. ment, They have had a miserable 'the 'proba'ble existence of a subter
These two cities are Japan's object twelve yers, and are desperately anxi- ranean spring near the :foo't of the
Ives. l aur for a war, which they horse would where the snow water of the
IIn estimating the !likelihood of war, lead to an +overturn in ,Ryssia. On
it important' to understand the Jap- March 31, Moscow was formaliy'as-
anese military attitude. Japan's gen- sured by Japan that it would sup-
erals and admirals do not fear Rus- press White Russialtr activitiesin
sia now, but they are im'men'se)' Northern Manohuria, ,Apparently this
afraid of what Russia may became in
1942. They also fear, or profess to
fear, an approaching great struggle
with the United States for the c'on'trol
of C'h'ina. Whether these fears are
justified is immaterial. By seizing and
holding Vladivostok and Khabarovsk.
Japan's present position in Manchuria
would be fortified; ,Russia would be
discouraged (or so the Japatiese,'hope)
from going ahead with the settle-
ment 'and development of Siberia, and
Japan would be free to face the Unit-
ed States ittthe Pacific.
For some time reports have been
current in Washington. London and
Berlin that Soviet' Russia, in the event
of an attack by Japan, will not 'fight.
These reports emphasize the fact that
Russ'ia already has surrendered di-
rection of the Chinese Eastern Rail-
way without serious .protest. A war in
Siberia might conceivably be dis-
astrous for ?Russia, and at best would
divert energy from Russia's industrial
expansion, Furthermore, if under
pressure From the United States and
the League Assembly. Japan is even-
tually forced to abandon its' present
wil'1 pursue them into Russian. terri-
tory. He` will have many more or less
respectable precedents, including Gen-
eral Pershing's expedition into 3fexi-
co alter Villa in 1916. If General Yo -
da enters 'Siberia, it will be proof that
bhe Japanese 'High Command is ready
for, and wants, war with Russia.
The !Russians themselves have •fear-
ed for months that war would. begin
with a White Russian invasion of. Si-
beria, followed by Japanese. interven-
tion. The White Russians are the first
foreigners ever' to be in China with -
winter :has percolated, and here.he
sinks what he calls the "mother well."
When the water is located, there be-
gins a very precise level survey with
the simplest of tools—a piece o'f' string
has not been •dou. It is estimated and a triagular wooden. level. He then
that there are,about 20,000 White begins. at the other ent? ' where the
Guard veterans 'in Manchuria and
China. Their commander, General
Dietrichs, has 'headquarters in the
French Concession' at Shanghai, from
which he has been sending appeals
for Funds to America.
In a Siberian war, Japan . would
have a great advantage in the speed
with which it could place troops at
the scene of fighting. Accord'in'g ,to
ca'Icu'batlorns of foreign military orb -
Water is required,: Between these two
points, about twenty yards apart, a
series 01sha'fts is sunk and the tunnel
or su'bterranean aqueduct is thus,not
merely connected up,.but ventilated as
we'll, T'he soil is 'brought up in skins
and •heaped around the circular shaft
top about two or three feet high,
which give theist their,curious appear-
ance from a distance. More than this,
the first or origiriad ,well may be as
servers, Russia has lately been soul- much as four hundred ,feet deep, When
ing re -enforcements to the Far. East
is realized that the next shaft is Drily
over the Trans-Siberian Railroad at'.a few yards apart, and that this pro -
the rate cess is pursued
of one division of 100 P for man
00 men' the level oy myes, until
a•m'onth.' In case of war, it believed f the plain is reached, it is
this rate probably . could' he doubled;, impossiblenotrat M praise the,neasant
and a division, with hctces's'ary equip his powers of aplication and bl-
ment, be sent every fifteti days. In dus'try.
contrast, Japan recently transported ` Although the tunnel slopes, the
the Third and Fnurteen'th shafts are bore p `
Divisions a quite, vertfc li by This and various other units, 24,000 Wren in use of a sus'pende'd plumb-line. This
all, from S'han'ghai 'to Harbin in ex- slope is carefully calculated so that
actiy six days, a' feat of military effic_ .the water flows gently to its destine-
iencv� worthy of'the ,old German tion,. softie hie-Oftett many miles dis-
army. tent from the rnbun!tain. Nor is the
making of the quan'at the end of the
in tt will simuf-, job, Tt must regularly be kept £tee
taneously be compelled, (if only for Complete in itself, Mother Graves' front .dbstacles, since there are no tin-
military reasons) to give up any ter -
Exterminator does not require derground pipes fo b
rttory taken in Sibera the assistance of anytear of the action of ear the wear before
other medicine the water,
fit would be a distinguished' and•
to 'make ft effective. It does not fail it eventually reaches the
civilized gesture. if Russia slaodd re -
the da its work.abambar in
town or the tank in the garden,