HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-30, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. THE SEAFORTH NEWS.
Mr, Gordon Young, county 'treasur-
er, was in townSaturday calling' on
his sister, Mrs. Andrew Love and oth-
er friend's,
Reeve Geiger and Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
A. Patterson attended the Huron
County Council at Bayfield on Thurs-
day afternoon last.
'Mrs. Thos. Simpson of London and
son Thomas of Stratford after a
pleasant visit with friends in town
have 'returned 'home. Tom's many
friends are glad to see hini. Hie holds
a good position in the B'ati'k of 'Gom-
merce at Sltratford'v'ille,
Miss Miihnlie Hodgins of Birris
visiting at the hone of Miss Clarissa
Mrs, Geo. Case has returned home
after a pleasant visit with friends in
Miss Mary Huiser of Clinton spent
the week end at her home here.
Mr. and .firs. Jahn G. Scott of Cro-
warty visited last week with friends in
Miss Nettie MidTa'ggart of Exeter
visited last week with Mrs. G. F.
An invitation has been extended to
inspect Huron Springs Sanitarium by
Dr. Alex. Moir for the first week of
July. The sanitarium is mo'd'ern in ev-
ery respect and a d'a'm near the bridge,
has been built and will Make a nice
body of water close to the entrance of'
the premises.
The Hensel' district" Was favored
with another fine rain on Saturday
Morning which will be a great help to
the fields and gardens. A number of
farmers have started haying and all
crops are looking fine.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Henry and fa-
mily and Mr. Robt: Wright of Cass
City, Mich., after a pleasant visit with
friends in this district returned " to
their home ill Cass City on Thursday.
Mr. T. C. loyal made a business
South Huron. this fall. The navies of
quite a 'number of protnin:ent Liberals
have been mentioned as candidate,
Mr. and Mrs. A. J, Sweitzer went to
Detroit on Saturday and on Monday
moved their furniture and household
effects to their cottage at the Beacho-
Pines, where they will reside for the
suntnuer months,
Mr, and Mrs. L. Foster and son; of
Kitchener visited recently with Mr•
and Mrs. Alonzo'F'os't'er of town.
Mr. Rolbt. Greer of Duluth' is visit-
ing at the 1home of his parents, Mr.
atyd Mrs. Jona'h'Green,
Miss'.Dorethy Little of Hanover,
spent the week end with friends ,in
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Scott and fa-
mily of Toronito'.Spent the week end
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Hildebrand and family
Seaforth were week end visitors at
Mit and Mrs. A. Foster's.
Miss Blanche Petty of Toronto is
visiting at the home of Mrs'. John. H.
Petty and family. ,
Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached an-
niviers'ary services at , Fullar'ton on
Sunday last.
'Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will
be observed in the United Church on
Sunday morning, July 3rd.
(Decoration services will be iheld
next Sun'd'ay at the 'Hensall '[Inion
cemetery and also McTaggert's cem-
Miss 'Greta 'McNaughton' has re-
turned borne 'anter 'a pleasant visit
with relatti'ves in ,Toronto.
Miss 'Mae 'MeiNaughton of iToronito
visited last week With her parents,
Mr. and Mrs, ID. McNaughton.
Rev. Mr. a'henzie of ,Fuld'arton
preached very acceptably in the 'Unit-
ed ,Church an •Sunday last. At .the ev-
ening service Mrs. K. 'Maynard and
Mr. W. Al Goodwin rendered a very
pleasing duet "The Ohurc'h by the
trip to Toronto last week. Side of .the Road,"
0. Geiger and Sons have a force of
men working at their flax mills and
have a large quantity of flax to work
Mrs. Lorne McNaughton of Cro-
marty visited on Saturday at the
home of her father, Mr. Wm. L. Mc-
Quite a number from here attended
the decoration services at Exeter on.
Sunday last.
Mrs• Wm. Henry 'celebrated her
88th birthday on Wednesday of last
week. A great many Of her re"ativeis
At the ,Carmel Presbyterian 'Church
Rev. Mr, McNair of London occup-
ied the pulpit and delivered very in-
structive addresses at both services.
Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Devlin, Mes,
Kiner and Mr, and Mrs. iChippey of
Stratford were Sunday visitors. with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett .of Hay,
Mr. Geo. 'Hess is improving Jibe ap-
pearance of his property on 'South
Richmond street by having the ex-
terior of his house nicely painted..
The many friends here of Mr. Alex.
Neel) were pleased to hear of his ap-
called to see her during the day to pointment for the ;registrarship for
congratulate her, amongst them being Huron county. Col. W. H. Trice an-
Mrs. Agur who is over 100 years old. houn'ced the 'appointment on 'Satur-
'The executives of the Liberal party day.
in South Huron held a meeting here The A.Y!PA• :of the IS't. ;Paul's An-
on Monday to start preparations for glican Church held a picnic at Turn -
the bye -election which will be held in bull's .Grove on Monday evening. A
9,241 Auto Accidents
in Ontario .. , in 1931
571 Killed
8,494 Injured
through. Carelessness!
Safety demands eternal vigilance
on the part of every man or woman
who drives a motor vehicle. A
moment of forgetfulness may
bring 'a .lifetime of regret.
Leopold Macaulay
very pleasant time was 'spent.
Mr. and Mrs. J. IW, White spent the
week end with their s'on-in-lalwand
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Eby; of
;Ronald 'Peck is spending a 'few
days visiting at the ']tome of Mr, and
Mrs. Sid McArthur
Mr. Win. ;L. •McLaren and Mr, and
Mrs. Ray M'I:cL'aren spent Sunday
with the former's brother in ISe forth
who is very 'poorly,.
Jacole-Norris..—•A quiet 'wedding
was solemnized at the 'United ;Church,
Manse, Hens1J, 0:1 'Friday' when Mary
Alelia (Winona Norris, Was united in
marriage to Harvey (Carl Jacobe ;/of
Tuckers'mith. The Rev. Arthur Sin-
clair officiated.
'Phe home of Mr. (George Walker,
second concession' of 'Tuckersmith
was broken into on 1Sunday evening
while, the Ifamily were at church. A
considerable quantity of their 'belong -
Mgt :were 'stolen. Constable White -
sides of 'Godiericih is itevestigating the
Mrs. Fraser of Washington is visit-
ing for a tfew weeks with her sister,
Mrs, D. 'McNaugh•fon.
1Mr. Lorne Whiteside and sister,
Miss Violet of tGaderich ,visited with
friends in town on Monday.
Mr. Arthur IDiok spent the weelk
end in ,Detroit.
':Ms's Doreen Traquair is spending
her holidays visiting with friends in
Mrs, Andrew IOhristie and •son 'Nor-
man of Cromarty visited friends in
town on 'S'aturday,
(The strawberry festival 'held in the
United 'Church ;grounds was well at-
tended an ,Friday evening and proved
to be very successful,. The proceeds
amounted to about $1120.. ,The 'tables
were well set and were presided over
by the men of the congregation.,IA
boys' band from ,Strati'oed, number-
ing over 50, 'furnished the music under
the able leadership of Mr. Watts and
gave, numerous selections.
The induction of the Re'v, W. !A.
Young of 'Ottawa as pastor of the
Carmel Presbyterian 'Church took
place Tuesday evening. IT'he Rev. D.
J. Lane of Gaderich, Moderator of the
Presbyterian Church, presided over
the 'services. The Rev.''' J. ,B. Rhodes
preached the sermon; the Rev. Mr.
Duggan of Clinton addressed the
newly -inducted pastor and the Rev.
I. B. ,}Caine of !Seaforth addressed the
congregation. After the induction ser-
vices a reception was held. Mr. Young
comes highly .recommended to Hen-
sall and will occupy the pulpit in the
Oarmel Presbyterian Church the first
Sunday in July.
A baseball game was played 011 the
local diamond Monday evening bet-
ween Ailsa Craig and Hensall, . The
game resulted in favor of Ailsa Craig
Mr. and .Mrs. Harry .Soldan held a
large Soldan reunion at their hoono on
Saturday afternoon. Over 200 guests
were 'present and a very enjoyable
time was spent,
Mrs. M. Pope has .returned home
after visiting for several :weeks with
members of her family at London,
Toronto and Preston,
Miss Elva McQueen, who has been
seriously ill for the past two weeks is
:05 11T1proving as quickly as her
many friends would like to see.
Strawberries are quite plentiful in
this district and are selling from 7• to
8 cents a box,
Mr. Wm. Beavers of Kitchener and
formerly of Hensel was calling on
friends in town last week. `
There will be no celebration in Hen-'
-all on July 1st this year. Quite . a
number of onr citizens veil] be spend-
ing the day at the summer' resorts,
vfr. and \'Ins. C. A. McDonnell vis-
ited with relatives and friends in Tor-
onto hist week.
Our 'public schools will close this
week for the sunnier months. The
pupils are bpsy writing their exams'
this week.
Mrs. J. M. C. Tough of Bayifield
spent the week end with her broth-
ers, J. A. and W. Carnie,
Mr, and Mrs. Robert Turner of Lu -
can are :'visiting their daughter, Mrs.
G. Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. F; W. Hess of Hen-
sall, visited the Patter's sister, Mrs.
J. A. Carole, on Wednesdlay of last
Death of Mrs. Annie Stephenson.--
tephenson.-On Tues'dlay,'June 21sT, death remlov-
cd one of Sean'ley's oldest residents in
the person of Mrs. Annie ,Stephenson;
wife of the late Ralph ' Stephenson.
Mrs, Steph'ension, whose nvaiden
name was Annie l3oyce, was born in
York Oaun'ty, England, on May
101th, 18'39, and came with her par-
ents'to Canada; whenquite young.
She was the last surviving Member
of a family of eight. Alb'ou't 67 years
ago, she was ,united' in'' Marriage to
het .1hte husband, ' Ralph Stephenson,
and to them were born a family' of
7 son's ansa 3 d'augh'ters, all nI whom
survive but one son Fredwho died
a 'few years ago. The surviving mem-
bers are George H. of Marlette,
Clydesdale 'Stallion
d�e'scription and Pedigree—diarlc
bay; dace, nighpoot,,off fore and hind
legs White; Ibofn IMay,119, I(918; bred
by David E. Ray, Staples, 'Onvtario:
&aig (2,156)—Sire", Baron 'Maresfield
(Inilp.) [11'466] ,(1151319) ,Grand ' Sire—
Baron's Pride
Sire_B'aron'sPride [3067] (91122); Dani of
Sire ---Miranda of C'hape'llton [110005]
(13857); Dane-4Pleasa, ¢ 'Park Qtunen
[286213]; Sire of Dam—Squire (imp.),
[6810] '1131786); Grand Dam-Ndran'
Queen '(iinlp.) [(110114]. iEnrdl'men't
4E6. Approved. ,Form 11. Inspected
October 23rd; 1930.
Hiaig will stand for the improve-
ment of etock this season at his stable'
at Lot 22, Con. 13, Hibbert, Phone 10
on 88, Hensel'. Arrangements will be
made with parties from a distance.
Grass provided at a reasonable rate.
Terms—To' insure ,00, payable
Feb. lst, 19313.'. Mares must be return-
ed regularly.ta horse or .they will be
charged the insurance whether in foal
or not. Parties disposing of their
mares before fooling time will be
held responsible for, the insurance
m'oney whether in foal or not. All ac-
cidents at 'risk of owners of mares.
The foal to remain the property of
the owner of Haig until insurance is
IW 1'I. COLE, Prop, Cromarty P.O,
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
(54153) 1603
'Enrolment No. 743 Form 1
Wi•11 stand for mares at his own
stable, Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker -
smith, or will make 'arrangements to
meet parties from a distance half
way. 4.
Terms.—To insure a foal, $9.00,
payable January 1st, 1933. Parties
with mares in foal and disposing of
them before February 1st will be held
responsible for insurance. Mares at
owner's risk. a
WI.TsT IAM RILEY, Prop. & Mgr.
Milch„ James E. 'Thos. J. and Charles
R. of , Stanley; Ralph and Nelson,
Mrs. J. Hutchison (Edith), Mrs. An-
derson (iAnnie), and .Lies. John Dins-
more ((Ella), all of the West. Since
the death of her .husband years
ago she has resided with lier son
Thomas on the old homestead, and
a'l'though 93 years of age she was still
quite smart and able to look after
the duties around the house, and her
mind was clear and she could con-
verse intelligently % about ' ;the early
days of this country. Her -last illness
was of short duration, being confined
M her bed for only a few days. The
funeral service was 'held on Thurs-
day. hntermen't in Rayfield • cemetery,
Rev. Mr. Paull of Bayfield officiated.
The pallbearers were six nephews,
Wm, H. Stephenson, David Stephen-
son, Ralph Metcal'f,i John Metcalf,
Jars.` Boyce and Ed. Boyce.
The closing meetingof the Blake
and Goshen Young People's Society
was held in Blake Church on Friday
evening, June 24, a -large number be-
ing present. The meeting was op-
ened by the business session. The
minutes of the last meeting were
read and adapted. The devotional
part of the meeting .was led by Vera
Smith. Opening with the hymn "Day
is dying in :the West," prayer was
offered by Mr. Armstrong. The "les-
son Luke, the 12th 'chapter, verses 1
to 10, was . read by ' Harold Finley.
Another hymn ''Breathe on nue,
breath of God," was sung. The topic
"What can the reading of 'history elo
for me," was given by Mervyn Keys
in a nest in'teres'ting manner. The
discussion was led by Mr, Will Rob-
inson. The hymn "Who is on the
Lord's side," was sung. Owing to the
fact that our president, Mr. Will Ro-
binson is leaving us to take up work
in the welst, the Young People felt
thatthey wanted of his to express their ap-
preciation services dtiring the
past year, and did so by reading the
following which
Mir. of regret t
shortly yo
been a
our Society'
much: your
inspiration, your
willingness to
token of
that we
new field;
work will
ministry. We
sheat Young Mr. and Mrs. Geo, 1H, Stephenson
nil Mr. Wtn,: H. Stephenson of Mar-
tte aktende,d the funeral of the for-
er's mother Past week.
iMr. Alex. iW'elis'h 'off Clinton' spent
few' days wi'th friends in S'tartley,
Mr. ' James M. Reid and fam'i'ly of
was accom-
panied byof money. -
De'ar Robinson, It -is with
feelings that we have learn-
ed' that s ei are to leave us.
You havereal source of 'help
to us, andciety will certainly
miss' very senile and laugh,
your rar.leadership, and
your will help, W'e do not
pretend • to,our appreciation,
but as a our esteem, we ask
you to this small gift as a
means' of g. our good will
and best And we also wish to
assure` youwill not, forget you
in. your but wi-1') pray that
God's be blessed under
Your min' are, yours in the
spirit of and service, The
Blake -Go' a'g People's Sac -
Oiint,on spent Sunday at the home of
FRESH PIONIC HAMS, ..... ..:.:._.. per pound 9c
SMOKED PLONK HAMS : , per pound 13c
COTTAGE RO'LLIS..r_..—...,...:.,:per pound 13o•
BACON, BAON, Schneider's 15c
COOKED HAMS , . . per pound 28c
$O;LOGNi,A, Schneiders ..i. , per pound 12c
PURE LARD, Schneider's'. ,, per,pound•8c
ALL MAM. FLOUR, per cwt. , , . , .. 0,999'
We are paying 18c in trade for New Laid,Eggs.
W. J.
20 acres of first class standing ting
.othy hay. Apply to' .WM. DIEVIER
EA'UX, Phone 111 on 144 Seaforth. 26
An experienced .farm hand for a
couple of months. Apply to ISAAC
M1iO01R(E, Phone 13.2 r, 4, Seaforth.
'Albout 20 acres of good hay .for sale
onfhe field, of Lot 26,' Con. 10, Hib-
bent; there are ten acres of c'love'r and.
timothy and ten of timothy. For fur-
ther in'format'ion apply to T. R. WOR
DIEN, Sea'forth, 26.
A quantity of good oats for sale.
Apply to GEO. Mc'K'EE, Phone 14 on
237. 26. 26.
$L50 per load, delivered. WIILIS'ON
HAWIKIIlNIS, Phone 260. 26
One second hand hay ,carr and stop
block (for wood track). Apply to
I lAiRVIEY HULLEY, Phone 337' r
12. Seaforth R.R. 1. 26.
About 50 acres of good hay to be
sold, or the contract for taking it off
to be let; the hay is on lots 14 and 15,
concession 7, McKillop. There, are
about 30 acres of alfalfa and timothy
and 20 acres of timothy and alike.
For further information see W. G.
McS'PA'DDIFJN, Seafgrth, or Phone
313. 27.
Mr. 'Arthur MdLjnohey and sisters.
Mr. Wilson 'Campbell and sister
have returned to their home in. Sea -
forth after spending a week'k with
their sister,. Mrs. Root. McKinley,
Mrs. j, •Collin's and son of London
spent the week -end with her father,
Mr. Wilson Armstrong, who is sick
at present.
The Penhale-Sttow.den.'Westlake re-
union picnic was held at Mrs.. Rose
Snowden's on Saturday lastandwas
a good success.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hobson spent
a few . days visiting relatives in this
•Mr, James Porter of Goderielt was
the 'guest of Mr. Will Scotchnt'er on
Sunday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner of Lu-
cas were the gues'ts of Mr. and, Mrs,
George Campbell on Sunday.
Miss Vine Herbert, school+ teacher
of. S.S. No. 4, north, has resigned her
duties and has been engaged to teach
S.IS. No. 3.
Scotchmer-Albrecht—In Zurich Lu-,
tlteran Church on June 25th, Lula,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Al-
brecht, to. Charles Scotchnter, son of
1'ir, and Mrs. John Scotchiner of
Stanley township.
Mr. Noble Holland, Huron ,. Road
West, 'and Mr. George Johnston of
Goderich attended the annual conven-
tion 01 the Ontaro iSilvcr Fox an 1
Fin Breeders' Association held at the
Veterinary College, Guelph, in con-
nection with the short course for tox
breeders put on by that organization.
Among other• speakers was the super-
intendent of the Health of Animals
branch from Ottawa, "Every one rais-
ing fur bearing animals should he a
member of this organization which is
trying to im'pro've conditions for the
fur farmer. lir, Lloyd Rollick, Kes-
wick, Ont., was appointed president.
Mr. Wi1Tiam Ball has installed a
community sheep dipping tank and
dipped nearly 200 sheep on Monday
forenoon. Mt. B'al'l believes in doing
things th'e up-to-date way. ,
'Farmers are busy with the 'Sweet
clover hay. It seenee to be a heavy
Mr. Wesley Vanderburg has started
his fall ploughing, ,
Nothing as Good for Asthma. As-
thma remedies come and 'go but every
year'' the sales of the original Dr, 3. D.
Kel'io'gg'sA's'thma Remedy grow grea-
ter and greater, No further evidence
could be asked of its remarkable anter,=
it. d't relieves, -It is always of the
sante unvarying quality Which the
Wawanesa Mutual
Fire Insurance Co,
Canada's Largest Mutual
Insurance Co'y.
Our Classified Fire 'Rates
on Farm Buildings of First
Class Construction ase a'•
mazingly low.
Windstorm. Rates will sur-
prise you.
Special Rates to Farmers
for Auto Insurance
For full particulars, con-
sult our local agent.
J. H. Scott
Box 142
Phone 336 SEAFORTH
Application's for position as teach-
er of S. S. No. 10, MIoK'illop, received
up to July 5th. Personal interviews
preferred. ItRWIN TREWtARTHA,
Sec.-Treas., Seaforth, R. R. 1 26.
Pure fibred Collies, real drovers, 3%
mouths old. Conte and see them and
take your choice. BIEAT'T•Y B'ROS.,
Varna, Ont,
I expect to have a number of young
calves for sale during the calf season,
(Bayfield. Phone 5-78, Hensail.
Seven -roomed cottage, with good
garden and some fruit trees,.on North
Main street. Apply to News Office.
For the months of July and Aug-
ust we wild run our chopping mild
only three days a week, Tuesday,
Thursday' and Saturday.. But when
rant stops farm work, We will run on
those days. KRUSE BROS., Phone
14 on 14-8. 26
,For Income and Praiit. Due -to
Market conditions, many seasoned
bonds of well-known Companies have
declined sharply, and are now selling
at tnaterial discounts' under $100.00,
thus affording highly attractive cur-
rent yields,. plus opportunity for sub-
stantial appreciation in value. May we
submit a selected list of such bonds,
which in our opinion present out-
standing opportunities ? E. A. SIE -
GRIST & Co., Limited, Investment'
Bankers, New Bank of Toronto Bldg.,
London, Ontario, PhoneMetcalfe 3370
Butter, per 11). 15c
Eggs, per doz. 8c, 11c, 13-c
Potatoes, per 'bag .....25c
Hogs, er cwt, .. , ... ... $4.00-$4154
Wheat, per bus, 56c
Shorts, per ton 23'
Bran, per ton $24
Horse eow
Phone promptly to
Phone 22' —. Ingersolli
Phone 215 W — Stratford .
sfilierer from asthma learns to ]snow',
Do not suffer from another attack,
fret get this epfendid se'nuedy 1:o -clay.