HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-30, Page 5THURSDAY, ',JUNE 30, 1932.
just see the array'o'f food bargains in choice cjuality Empire
products brought to you'.by :Superior Stores to celebrate Can-
ada's Birthday. Each item has been priced , to make this 'a
real money -saving event for you. We advise you ,to shop early
for such values are bound to create a tremendous' demand and
disappoiavtn,•ient may await the tardy chopper. Re -member the
Items for week ending July 6th.
RENS°, Large Size per pkg.' 19 e
I��"�7 c
PINK S'ALM'ON, Cascade Brand, l's tall • 2 for 23ic
AYLMER SOUPS, Assorted except Chicken 2 tins 1 9
Aylmer Peaches and Pears, 2'sgt............... 2 tins 33 c
Lifebuoy Health Soap ..............................3 cakes 25c
Panshine 3 •tins '25c
Oxyd'o1, large pa'ekage, and 2 cakes.Kirk's
Hardwaler Soap FREE all for 23c
Orange .Slices ('Patterson's Ca'ridy') per lb. 19c
large pkg. 21c
' Princess Flakes
Certo "sure jell," with re'ci'pe book an -every bottle .. ... 29c
MoLaren's Olives, No. 9 stuffed ....23c; IN'o. 20 plain... 23a
Taylor's Peanut Butter - per lb. 18c
McCormick's Ginger Flips 2 lbs. 25c
Magic Baking Powder 8 oz.......23c
1116 oz 36c
Benson's Corn Starch per pkg. 12c
Tudkebt's Montreal Cigars "the world's best Sc ciffar"
Brillo, "cleans and polishes" 2 pkgs.. 25c
Royal York Tea 4's 24c l's......47c
Royal Y'ark Coffee .... , . .. 4 s25c; 'l's 47c
Aylmer' Grape Fruit 2's'git.
M•anyf o-wers Toilet Soap • • • • • . • • • , .. • ..... '4 cakes 25c
Cro'w'n Jars, small ' 99c per dozen, medium 1.14 per doseas -
St. Croix Castile Soap...-. ..........• ..............2 cakes 25c
Choice Golden Bantam Corn 2 tins 23c
Aylmer Pork & Beams, Targe No. 2%'s 2 tins 21c
Aylmer Catsup, new. bottle, each 15c
Loose Otothos Pin's ' 3 dozen 10c.
Bordeaux Shelled Walnuts, 'halves 'T/z lb. 23c
Wnterglass 2 tins 25c
Hillcrest Extracts 3 bottles 25c
Aylmer Lombard' Plums 2's per tin 10c
Parowax, l's, 4 cakes to pkg 2 pkgs. 25c
Picnic Plates .....i.......... ................... per dozen 10c
Drinking Cups per pkg. 10c
Paper Napkins, pkg: of 50 . ........'................. each l5c
Rubber Jar Rings, best quality
per tin 25c
'2 doze', 15c
Gerber .Strained Vegetables for baby: 2 tins 25c
Blended Cereal Food 2% ib. bag 25c
Ross J.Sproat
Rhone 77
Phone 8
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates
Good Quality
Please us by giving us .your cream
patronage and we will try to please
• you by our services and higher''_
market prices for' good cream.
6, and a { Cream weighed, tested, graded and
Dependable Reputation paid for while you wait.
Th eaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W J. W'' ! r.KER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
.Flowers Furnished,
Night or day phone 67.
A good congregation was .present
lint Sunday morning in the United
-Church and listened with .much inter-
est to t'he services conducted by Rev.
Charles :Malcolm of E'gmondvitle and
Mr. John Armstrong of the `Goshen
lone, ,Stanley, taught the :Bible Class
in. Sunday school mpst ,accept'a'bly.
'Nurse Mary McDonald returned to
her home last week. She has been
away nursing for the past seven
weeks. 'Mils, 'Tinntey and son and
'his • friend, o'f De'triit, returned' to
their hone last week after spending
a few days with , bh'e lady's mother,
Mrs. R. MelKehzie
�Mr„Roy Walker and his sister, and
Ur. John MM ween visited friends: in
� Q
Mitchell,_thiv week
Mfr. 'nd,Mrs;,.Ed. McA's'h and Mrs,
Mcr�'sh of London, were ,the 'gues'f9'
of Ars. R. McKenzie last week,.
IDr. E. Winchester of Toronto and
Mrs. N. W. Moeller, St. Marys were
visitors at'the home of Mrs. C.
Haugh last week.
Mrs.' (Dr.) C. Stewart and son Mr.
Chas. -and. daughters, Dr. ,Jean and
Miss. Isatbel'l, Of Battle' Creek, recently
visited their cousin, Mrs. Jas. Moodie,
;W. D. Wilson had his right hand
cut last week and is unable to- write at
the entrance examinations.
Drs. Carman and Anna Haugh, who
spenttwo k
P wets vacation at _ their
home on the Mill Road, start their
year's work on July 1st at Toronto
'Western Hospital and Moose Jaw
General Hospital.
Mr, James Henderson and Mr.
and 'Mrs, Arthur Henderson left last
week on a) motor trip to . Muskoka
and. Parry Sound where, they will vis-
it friends.
McplEiATIH. Ln Bruofield, June 20,
to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mc'Bealth,
a sofa (:Douglas Walter).
MdIC'A'Y.- do :Scott Memorial :Hosp.i-
tal on
Wedtlesdav June 29th, 193'3,
to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. 'McKay, St.
ICotuan1san, a son (still barn);
Want and For Sale Ad's, l,trtne 25e
Mfr. Will Brine is visiting in Bu
falx this week.
Mr. and Mrs. U. D. Cl r,k of Mo
tread were guests this week of t
latter's Parents, Mr. and Mrs, J..
,Dr Chas. Mackay and Miss Minn
'Mackay left on Wednesday for Mo
treat where they will sail on Sato
day for London, Eng. Dr. Mack
will attend the medical conlference
London. Dr. IL H. Ross, Miss Ma
garet Ross and Miss Helen H'aniilt'
accompanied then' to 'Montreal,_
:Miss EthelMcDouga� 1 R:N, . an
Miss .Esther Gili R.N.Iof Detr o
Spent Friday with the 'formsr's m
ther, Mrs. Henry Hoggarth and M
'Mr. aid Mrs.:Hambley of Staffa
were guests on Monday with Miss'
Oooper, john street.
Mr. and Mrs. George Ferguson atitd
Jean and Russell of Toronto were
guests of the Misses Ferguson` over
the week end 'Russell retrained to
spend the holidays in towel.
,Mr, Kenneth Beattie is' visiting
relatives in Boston.
Betty, Ruth, Ann and .Billy . Mc-
Clelland of Toronto came this week
to spend the summer with their
grandparents, Col. and Mrs, R. S.
Hays. Mrs. McGlel'land left recently
to visit in Miamti; ' .r
,Mr. Dtvnlcan M•dK'e'Idar .. and Mr.
Andrew MbLell:an of Cro'manty •visit-
ed the latterts father, Mr. John Mc-
Lellan, who is convalescent 'from his
severe illiess.
M.r, and Mrs, Harvey McKean of
Toron-to spent the week -end with
Mr. • and Mrs. P. M. Chesney.
Mrs. A. McKean of Hamilton is
visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Crawford df
Stratford were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. M. M�_ellar on (Saturday.
Mrs. Lomond and Mrs. McLeod of
London were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, M. McKellar ane day
last week.
Diamond Jubilee services will be
celebrated by. the Smith's Hill 'United
Church on Sunday. The sermon in
the morning will be preached by Rev.
Colin 'Young,_ DJD. of Toronto, a boy-
hood member of the church, and in
the even'i'ng by Rev. W. P. Lane of
Northside United Chunch.
Mr. W. M. 'Stewart and Mr. Arn-
old Habkiric took over the .Supentest
station in Mitchell on Monday.
Mrs. Ralph Elliott has moved to
the, house recently renovated and re-
mod'e!'led by Mr. E. L. Box on Jar-
vis street, formerly occupied by Mrs.
Cook. Mrs, Elliott vacated apart-
ments on Main street where, she has
been living since e,he returned . from
Mrs, H. M. Vokes and two daugh-
ters Barbara and Dorothy of Terry
avenue, Detro'it, arrived Saturday for
a few weeks' visit and all are guests
Voices' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Soroa't and her sister,
Mrs, G, C. Dale.
Mr. anti Mrs, Jas. $evitt and small
daughter of Guelph a{.e visiting Miss
C:,lrs. Rose 'Holmes is seriously 11l
at' the home .04 Mr. David Leitch and
Miss Leitch of Egniondvilie.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bums'tead
and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Hays and
Miss Eileen Wiley of Detroit were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sills
over the week -end.
+In the •honor list of successful stu-
dents at 'Clinton school of commerce
Miss Madeline Hwtham stands in
fifth place obtaining 85%.
'T,he fence at the Egmandvil'le
cemetery 'is. being painted this week
The work is being done by Mr.' T.
A birthday panty' was held at the
home of Mr, and Mrs. C. H. 'Holland
in 'honor of Mr. Ho'llaircl's birthdey,
It was in tihe nature of a surprise
party, and tables were set out on the
spacious lawn, fifteen sitting down to
the sumptuous repast.
spent a week with friends in Michigan
f" recently.
Mr. and Mrs. John. Doig of Ford-
n wich spent the week end with Kippen
he friends.
C' Miss Dorothy McLein is spending
her vacation in Muskoka.'
n -
o' it
Mr. and Mos. Harold Dbig and lit-
tle son, Edward, also Mr. Pete Doig
of Wroxeter, visited friends It'ere
duringthe week.
Miss Janet and Jean Murray of
Gorrie, vi
ed recently Y with Mr.
Mrs. Andrew Bell and other 'friends.
A number ;of people attende'd the
anniversary services at 'the. Thames
Road on Sunday and report a big
crowd there. '
Miss Bella Moir .-of.Hensal'1 is visit-
ing her sister; Mrs. J. -:D; 'Stewart,
Mfr, John A, M'dGregor had a very
large barn raising last we;k when ov-
er 100 then turned oitut and ra'ise•d his
barns without a hitch. \
'Mr. 'turd Mrs. Joe McLellan have
moved to Varna where Jk,e has a good
(Several .f rout this community at-
tended farewell service of Rev. D.
McTavish of Exeter on Sunday last
which was a great success.
Mr, Thoniias MciD'omald, London, is
spending a couple of weeks with td's
many, friends in' these'
Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Anders
June Promotions. -The following
are the results 01 the Jene protn'o-.
tion examinations of S.S. No, 3, Hal-
lett (Constance) showing the classes
in which the pupils will be on Sep-
tember 1st next:
ISr. DV.-IJoohn Thompson, P"red
Riley; Jr. LV.-1Gord'on Pethick, Jean
Anderson (Hon.), Edna Ar•ntstrong.
Sr, I;III.-1016ive Gnim'oldby, Marion
Lawson, Jr. IIIII:-{IC'a'bhleen Yung-
Mut, Alvin Riley, Jean W'ai elfie1d,
Viola Dexter (Hon.), Davicl Ander-
son (Hon.), Mary Thompson, Stella
Armstrong, Reggie Lawson. Sr. 11h-
Ellwooiif Clarke, Jim Jamieson, Haat•
ry Yuu'gblut. I, -Norma Dexter,' Vi-
ola Morrison, Teacher.
The garden party held under the
auspicels of the Ladies' Aid Society of
Cavae Church, Winthrop, on Thurs-
day evening, June 23rd,, was well at
tended. Owing to inclement weather,
the tables which were to have been
set out on the church lawn, were
moved to the basement. The supper
was of the usual high class for which
the ladies of Winthrop are noted. The
program took plate in the auditorium
of the church and opened with an ad-
dress by Mr. 'Smith, thepastor, who
ably acted as chairman for the even-
ing. Readings by Miss Jean S'm'ith of
Seaforth were mu'c'h ap'preciated and
a duet, by Mrs. D. MadFarl'ane and
Mrs. S. Pethick was well rendered.
The main pati of the evening's pro-
gram •consisted of a play entitled, "An
Old Fashioned Ladies' Aid Meeting
at Mohawk Cro!ssroads," in which
twenty of the ladies of the church
took part. It 'proved very amusing
and was met with enthusiasm by the
audience. Before the -. program and
during in'term'ission the Patricc4Hill-
en orchestra rendered delightful mu-
sic, Mr, Angus More added much to
the entertainment with selections
from the bagpipes. The proceeds of
the evening am'ou'nted to 583.00.
'The regular meeting of the ladie!s'
Aid and W.IMIS. of Cssvla.n Church
will be held at the home of Mrs. Geo.
MdKee on Wednesday, Judy 0th.
Circle No. 3 of which Mrs, Shannon
is captain, will have charge of the
meeting, All the ladies are cordially
invited to attend,
Odd Sol smiled and chased Jup.
Pluv. away. At one time a rain insur-
ance policy wasn't worth 29c in Soviet
money. of ey. At 3 o'clock Saturday after-
noon last, ',Secretary Floody sat under
a friendly maple in area 3, Toronto
tx'hibition ground -s, Robinson-Cruso-
like, waiting for his ,man Friday.
George Newton, from Blyth. Bel -
grave, Wiugham, and points in be-
tween, asked: "Are you going to go
on?" "Sure." said the game Floocly.
Previously Bert 'McCreath, :formerly
of Godenich, had tacked, the ;Huron
01d Boy Banner to two maples and
the breeze. 'Bid Powl arrived and then
Art Forbes, frae Seaforth, 'rolled up
and rolled Mit a couple of !Huron_ war
whoops. Froin that on the picnic ,was
as certain as the 6 per cent. soles tax.
(Amongst those ,present were the
Mr. and .Mrs. H. B. Stowe, Mr. and
Mrs. D. D. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. J.
A. McLaren, Mr. and Mrs. E. Floody
Ind Miss Moody, Mr, and Mrs. B. H.
MoCreath, Mr. and .Mrs.; L. M.
Pringle and Miss Pringle, 'Mr, and
Mrs. W,r,A. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs,
D. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs, G, 'H.
Martin and Miss Martin, Mr, and Mrs,
W. A. Campbell, Mr. ,and Mrs. John
.Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter; Mr.
'tn.d.,Mrs. A. ,E. Ball, Me. and Mrs. T.
Burgess, Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Willson,
Mr. and Mrs. P. ,Thomas, Mr. and
Mrs. Lack Kennedy, Dr. and Mrs, H.
Let us protect you anywhere in.
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your' insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
Holiday ,Season
Enjoy Your Vacation in, Our
Special 1 7
Bathing Suits for, 1.00 to 3.95
MESH HOSIERY for Sportswear.., ., 49C to 69C
Men's Wear
In Crich Block.
J. Hodlgins, Mr. and Mrs. H. W
Hoag, Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Ferguson
Dr. and 'Mss. J. G. 'Bricker and Mis
Bricker, -Mr. Herb Wilkinson, .Add
W. Duckworth and Mrs. IYuakworth
Mr. G. A. Newton, Mr. R. C, Kin
Mr. Wm. ,Powell,' Me., Whitney Dane
Mr. A. E. Forbes, Mr. Thos. Cowan
Mr. J. N. Kernighan, Mr. Jas. 0'
Keefe, Mr. A. J. Grigg, ' Mr. .Chas
Williams, Mr. J. R. Howe, Mr. W. E
Floody, Mr. A. Sims, Mr. H. J. Reid
(Owen Sound), Mr. and Mrs. A. 0
Isbister, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Your'
M.r. and Mis. J. L'amontby, Mr. and
Mrs. E. C. Calder, Mr. 'and Mrs. W
A. Mason, Mr. and Mrs. ,T. T. Mc-
Kenzie, Mr. and Mrs. R. Arbuckle,
Mr. and Mrs. H. Hamilton and Miss
Hamilton, Mr. and . Mrs. W. D.
Sprucks, Mr. and. Mrs. D. C. Cook,
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Love, Mr, and
Mrs. A. Alderson' (Hamilton), 'Mr.
and Mrs. H. O. ,Speare, Mr. and Mrs.
R. A. Imrie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Muir,
Mr. and Mrs. D. `Crawford and the
Misses Crawford, Mr. and Mrs.' C.
W. -Doty, Mr. and Mrs. G. Bricker,
Mr. and Mrs; D. W. Dane, Mr. and
Mrs. D. A. Reid, Mr. and Mrs. R,
Brooks, Mr. and Mrs. C. Inglis (Dun-
eas), Mr', and Mrs .Simington, Mrs. J.
B. Morrison sand Miss Morrison,Mrs.
M. Irwin, Mrs, I. H. Brown Mrs. S.
Laird, Mrs. J. Beck, Mrs. C. E.
Weekles and Miss Weekles, Mrs. A,
Becker, Mrs, A,' Mills, Mrs. L. S.
Scott, Mrs. R. Lansing, Mrs. H. C.
Burgess, Mrs. E. Bryans, Mrs. Ford
King, Mrs. R. MoAtllister, Mrs. J.
H. Scott, Mrs. P. Hassey; Mrs. W.
W. Carter, Mrs. J. D. Guy, Mrs. Mar-
garet Glen and Miss Glen, Mrs, E.
Pridham, Mrs. S. Young and Miss
Young, Mrs. C. Gray Miss Minnie
Proctor, Mrs. E. Barry, Miss ,Sadie
Walker, 1Ls Eileen Jay, Miiss Jessie
Anderson, Miss Mildred Jay, . Miss
Dorothy Thompson, Miss Ruby 'Duff,
Miss M. D. Gorie, Mfiss. W. A, Black,
Miss D. Westbrook. Miss D. -Marsh-
all, Miss E. Forgie, Miss Leo 'M.
Flynn, Miss .Edna Flynn, .Miss Annie
Kerr. Miss Leo Kerr, Miss Lydia
Beck. Miss flay Morton, Miss Anna
Chase, •Miss 0. Lamprey, Miss Helen
Wilkinson, and many others whose
names could not be obtained. "
iDhe following is the list of the
prize winners:
'Children under 5 years -1. Eleanor
'Mozet; 2, Gordon Wilson.
'Boys, 8 and osier -11, Fred Carter;
2, Doug, King; 3, Cliff. 'Bricker.
IGirls, 8 and under -d, Eleanor Mar-
tin; 2, Jaan Psbister; 3, Frances
(Boy's,' 10 and • under -1, Cliff. Bric-
ker: 2, E. Kingscourt; 3, ,Fred Carter.
1Girls, n0 anti under -1, Jean Mason;
2, Mary Jay; 3. Fannie Weeks.
IBoys, 112. and under -l1, Rob't. Isbis-
,ter; 2, J. O'Keefe; 3, .Doug. Franks.
!Girls, 12'and a nder=1, E. Bricker;
2, D. Crawford; 3. I. Jay.
!Boys, 14 and under -11, .Doug. Haw-
ley; 2. H, Johnston; 3, Wallace
Girls, I4 and older --1, ',Marg, Ar-
buckle; 2,)
. Bricl,et•• 3, Jay.
I. Jay.
(Shoe race, boys -1, .Harold John-
ston; 2,' John Crawford; 3, If. Dick-
!Peanut race=l, Mrs, J. Moop; 2,
Muss Sadie Walker; 3, Mrs. 5. "Muir.
'Men's open race -1, R Weeks; 2,
J. Crawfprd.'3, Jack Moon.
'Young ladies' open race -sl, Mar-
garet Elliott; 2, Helen Mason; 3, E.
:Married men's race -1, B. H. \Ic-
rea'bh; 2, Dr, .Ferguson; 3, A. Isbist-
.Drivin'g spikes -1, Margaret Elliott;
Mrs. 5. Grey; 3, Mrs. Neill.
orrice ladies;, race, flowers -1,
. 'South Huron won.
Men's softball -_North 'Huron, R.
s Brooks, captain; South Huron, F.
. Wilkinson, captain. South Huron
, won.
g> S•pecial Lipton tea race -Mrs.' Prin-.
, gle, Mrs. Brooks, Mrs. jay, Miss
, Flynn, .Mrs. Campbell, Mrs. Love,
Mrs, Johnston, Mrs. Lansing, wan in
the above order.
IThe ladies' broom football. match
between North and South ,Huron re-
. stilted in a draw.
g, Notes
Mr. J. Neill, Howick old boy, drove
. down from Hornby, Halton county,
to take in the big picnic. ,
The National Grocers donated two
dozen brooms 'for the broom .football.
Mr. H. J. Reid, of 'Owen Sound,
came dawn to take in the show. He
is a son of the late ,Abel Reid of Tip-
perary, ,Goderich township. "A wor-
thy son of a noble sire,"
Sir John Aird, ,Seaforth old boy,
gave a handsome donation for the
Bert M ,Creath was toaster of cere-
monies, and we have all got to take
off to Bert as a real hustler,
Jas. R. Howe, resident of Clinton
40 years ago, wanted to see some o'f
the people of `Clinton, and the secre-
tary introduced him to Miss Eva Ste-
phenson and Mrs E. .Ball, formerly
Miss Rayson,' both of tvh'om he knew
well in the old days.
The T. Lipton Co. as usual came
forward w='i'th a splendid donation. No
wonder the Huron people drislc Lip-
ton's tea.
My, that coffee was good. 'Where
did you get it. Why, from bur old
standby, J. A. McLaren, of course,
where we always get it.
The ;Mysterious Mr. Huron turned
out to be D. H. Wilson, a nephew of
Treasurer Wilson, and he walked
around the grounds three hours before
he was discovered by Miss Madge
Crawford, ,.formerly of Hutlett, who
secured the price offered by. "Bid
P:ow t,"
Secretary Floody was .roused from
his sleep in the early morning to re-
ceive the following telegram: Regina,
Sask., June24, p,m-�E, Floody, S';c'y,
Huron Old Boys'Association, Tor-
onto: Sorry we cannot be with you
on such an occasion. I1 we are not
with you in body. we are in good
wishes. Let the boys and girls crown
there know we are all well and kick-
ing. (Signed) A. P.:Hod'gert, Secy,
Huron Old Boys, ,Regina, -
,Mr. and Mrs. A. Alderson, of Hain
ikon, formerly of Wingham, made a
special trip to the picnic and enjoyed
themselves immensely. Conte again
next event.
Mr. aucl Mrs, C. Inglis of Di'ssdas,
old Winghamites„ were welcome vis-
itors and were very much interested
in the sports. Come again. We are
always glad to.see you.
Mr. and Mrs. W, A. Campbell ren-
dered splendid. service in driving in
the Win'ghamiles, who had the .largest
a'ttendan'ce of any' of the towns.
'Mrs. D.
Thompson had charge of
the refreshments and you know how
everybody enjoyed then'.
Assistant Secretary Sadie ,Walker
was late in arriving. but., she w•'aated
no time when she got oil the job.
Mr. Walter Buchanan had charge
of the children's tables .and hie handfed
the ,kids well. He would make a splen-
did 'Sunday school superin'tenden't.
President Harrsc Stowe and '.Ars.
Stowe mi'gh't well feel proud of the.
success that attended their efforts.
Aid. Dt,ckworth and .Mas. •Ducic-
wou•th were present and stayed' till the
last dog was 'shot.
tM'ayor Stewart was unavoidably ab-
sent and sent his regrets,
!Mrs. C. '
C. Young was a live wire
n h'and•in.g , out the refreshments,
Equally so at ,the broom football.
'Joh{, Moon, owner of rthe celebrated
forth end gardens, donated three
prizes for the married . e w,i's trace.
you cannot afford to take chances. C
claims promptly •and satfsfacs
torily paid. t
Phone, 'write or call= -Night and
Day Service 2, D 1
'Phone'; 152
'El' De
Mrs. D, Wilson; 2, Mrs, J. 'Muir; 3,
Mrs. Thompson, '
r s r
F 1v
B. Toy;
, D
Wn son. .,
Office over Kea'ting's TJrug S'tol'e
dies:,.,. so'fbbagi�ittot+t t`=
Huron, c'apt 't•Sot h
'l trout Miss D. Titotn'psop, captain.