HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-23, Page 8PAGE' EIGHT. Visitors' Week A cordial , invitation is ex= tended to the public to visit ..Huron Springs Sanatorium.. cne mile south of •Hensall on No. 4 Provincial !Highway during the first week of July July lst to 7th any time during the afternoon or evening HENSALL. Mr. Wm, Simpson of Detroit spent the week -end .with friends here. Mr. Thos. Simpson of S'trafflordvil'le adcompanied by his mother of Lon- don are spending a few days with friend's in town. Miss Jenie Martz and' friend of New Baltimore visited with Mr. and Mrs, Roy 'McLaren on Sunday last. Mrs, Garnet Case entertained a number of friends to a dinner on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. IChellew of Waterloo. A very pleasant evening was spent, Miss Lulu Albright who has been spending the past few months at the house of Mr, and Mrs. Mark Drys- dale has returned to her home in Zur- ich. Miss Elva Bolton and friend df Kit- chener visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laird Mickle. Misses Helen and Pearl Elder of London spent the week -end at their home here. Mrs.,Riiey has returned to her home in London after a spleasant visit with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. Rosser of Denfield were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Case. Mrs. J. W. Bonthron who has been visiting relatives in Waterloo, return- ed home on Sunday. Mrs, John Johnston is visiting for a few days with relatives in Hyde Park and Parkhill. Mrs. Shortt of Windsor visited last week wish her sisters, the Misses Emma and Mary Johnston. A strawberry festival will be held in the United Church on Friday even- ing, June 74 and will be in charge of 'the men df the congregation. A boys band will furnish the music. Miss Ethel Murdoch visited friends. iu Lucan last week, Mr. Rabt. H:iggins was in Goderith this week on business Mr. and Mfrs. Alex. Henry and fam- ily of 'Cass City, Mich„ are spending. a few days with their mother, Mrs. Wm, Henry. (Reeve Owen Geiger was in Gbder- ich last week on business, (Rev. Mr, Duggan of Clinton preach- ed very acceptably in the Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday last to a large congregation. Services in the United Church were well attended on Sunday last. Rev. Arthur Sinclair delivered fine ad- dresses both morning and evening and at the morning service a very pleas- ing duet was rendered by Mrs, Sin- tlair add Mrs. M. Drysdale. Mr. Norman Cook is improving the exterior of his hoose on King street by having new verandahs built. Miss Beryl Drummond and friend of Kincardine spent the week -end at her +home here. Mr, Wm, Armstrong is improving his house on Tricorn street by having it re -shingled, Mr. Jlas. A. Paterson was in Gode- rich on Friday, .Mr. Alex. Neeb of Dashwood' calls. eel on friends in 'town on Sunday, 1Mr, Laird Joynt of Toronto spent the week -end at his home here, Keys -Seer. —A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Thames Road manse an Saturday afternoon by ,Rev. James Anthony when' Elsie Mae, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thos. (S'eers was united in marriage to Rus- sell Thomas Keys of Flint, Mich. The bride looked charming in a gown of poudre blue crepe and lace and car- ried a bouquet of American Beauty, roses, Folldwing the ceremony a wed- ding dinner was served at the 'h'ome of the bride's parents. Later, .ylr. and Mrs. Keys deft for Flint, Mich„ where they will reside, the bride travelling in a pastel green suit trimmed with white fur with; accessories to Match. The friends of Miss Elva Mc- Queen are slorry to 'hear she is :con - 'fined' to her home with seve'te ilimess. Want and For Sale Ads, 1 time 25c, Forrest=love Reunion. June 15, Bayfield. Ay well, Mfr. Editor, I have been on a picnic to Bayfield with the boys and girls. It was the Forrest - Lave annual that includes the Forrests of Hay and Stanll'ey townships and the Loves of Hay, Stanley and Stephen and all the married connection around the coun- tryside. ti11his year we had an ideal day. Ali, yes, a perfect day in June. We were most df us there, except some dozens or so that could not come, that is children and teachers in school. We missed those who usually come from London and -Toronto. Maybe- they have jobs they wanted to hold. I didna hear anyone say. Well, well we had a nice time of it. On the way down my boy friends reminiscenced of how they went to Bayfield in former days in the farm wagon, anywhere from a dozen to twenty in a load and the way was so long withal that the big half of the day was going and coming. But this day we moved along at from 30 - 40 miles an hour and no jar, jolt or bump in the game. I have seen Lake Huron in many moods and colours but I think she was more sublime than ever before—. moving as if in sleep. It is a kindly -like thing to meet and greet your own once a year at least. Oh, yes, we give each other the once-over and note what the pen of Time has written in the Past year. And as I looked the gathering over I was pleased to note the joy, peace and faith that was written there even amid the records of care and toil. The first event was dinner and such a feast it .was 1 ,Beats me how wom- en can perform such glorious feats of cooking and transportation, to bring a cake with a" soft icing and a tart pie to a- picnic and have it arrive un- harmed is a ,narve'i. Oh well, they do it somehow, Next we had our sports and they had features you don't always see be- cause of the participants. Our first was open to all between 4 and 6. There were seven entries, the win- ners being Morley Love and Audrey Gill. But I nsust mention Jimmy Love, a toddler of four who came in last, but he finished his first race: I hope he'll. do as manfully in the race of life. In the 748 class we had only three boys but they ran very well, Gordon Blanchard and Donald :Turn- bull being the winners. In the girls 748 class we had two, Helen Love anti Jean Love, In the 940 class Ruth Love and Helen Blanchard won the honours..Ist the 111413 boys' race Allan IJave . and Mervyn Love were the speedy ones. In the young woman's race nine took part and all ran well, Edith Love and Janet Turnbull winning. Ten youn'g married women competed in the next race, the winners being Mat. 'P Campbell and Mrs. C. Gill. Six young men lined up and they couldn't have run better if they and been .trying to head Ash Brindle out the cornipabeh. Tom Blanchard and Ward, Forrest won. The next, a neck tie race, provided considerable merriment and was won by Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Love -- her cleft hand's seemed to tit the true love' knot very quickly an they tnad'e good time oh the :home run 'also. Garnet Patterson and *his wife came in second. In the ,coat. race Carlyle Taylor and Mrs 'Hugh Love won with Mr. mil Mrs. Cyril close on their heels, Many com'pete'd in the clothes pin race but first 'honours went to; Maty Forrest of" Tuoketsmith. Ian the b'is'cuit 'eating race Hugh Jldhn. Lose and 'Tons Bilanchard won the men's! and .Wary Forrest the ladies' raee. In' the nail driving contest I failed' tot locate a winner. They were driving a Cour inch'naiJ.'thrti!'e'tars 'in h'plank, THE SEAI'ORTH NEWS. five, six; and seven strokes :usually necessary but Maggie Forrest drove her nail home with three blows, both hands on the haft. Oh, well, th{at part of the fun over the boys and girls chose sides for a game of softball but, I kept no tally on that although the plays and displays gave us fa goodly number of laughs. The time s1ip,ped by and tea -tissue came again so we partook of -the bounties provided. We acknowledged the hand's of Providence in all things by singing again ' Be present at our - table Lord." The d'ay's over and Auld Lang Syne is sung The sun has passed by the horizon nsakii'i'g that magic pa'th- w'ay of crimson and gold to the be- yond, Then we .got into the auto and sped homewards amid the darkening shadows. As we passed along the road we noted the neighbours' fields and homesteads, some showing great care; others not s'o much. As we passed the old Bayfield .cemetery, the perfume of the homely locust was wafted to us on the evening breeze like, incense, or was it the memory of the kirk of bygone days and of .those who were laid to rest there. 'Aes'fd yang. Syne. Passing the historic spot must have stirred m'em'ory to 'unusual depth for Will Black recited as few verses of Robbie Burns and John D. carne along with s'osne venses on spring time and J.R. wi' a poems in memory of Burns by Jessie Lewars and so we came home. Mut I have forgotten we had an e- lection of o0fiiciers for the picnic of 1933 at Grand Bend, the third Wed nesday in June. I hope if may be as fine a day as this one. Now these be the •oflfiiciers we elected. President-- John resident-John Love of Stephen, Vice-president ]'oeeph Forrest of Tu'ckersmith, Ways' and Means Committee—Rus- sel Love, Fergus' Turnbull!, Will Love, Garnet Patterson, Rev. Keith Love, Beatrice Turnbull; Refreshment C.— Mrs. John Love, Mrs. Wm. Forrest, Mrs. Hugh Love, Mrs. Wim. Love, Mrs. Finkbeiner, Mfrs. Peter Fisher. HILLSGREEN. The service was held as usual on Sunday with Rev: R. R. Conner in charge orf the service.' Little' Helen !Marion Love, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love, and little Dorothy Turner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey 'Turner were baptized during the service. The service here on 'Sunday, June 226th will be withdrawn and the con- gregation will join the Kippen con- gregationwith their service at 11 a.m. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed during the service, The Webster families held their re -union picic to Bayfield on Satur- day. We are sorry- to report that Mrs. W m. Reichert is ;confined to her room and is under the doctor's care. We hope for a speedy recovery. IHoward Adkins, eldest son iof Mr. [Harry and Mrs. A(kin's, has been suffering with rheumatic fever, We are pleased to report that Ho!w•ard is getting along fine at date of writing. Mrs. Louis Clank and babe of Tuck- ersmith township, spent a few days acdth her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.' jilackw•ell, Mrs. Frank Farquhar of Hensa'il spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. Cochrane, Mrs. Troyer is visiting at the home of `TIr. and Mrs. S. G. Troyer for:'a few days near Hensall. Mr. Wm. Horney had a successful barn raising on Wednesday last, Mrs. Robf, Mousseau and daughter Marion of Exeter are spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs,, E. Brodericlk, Mr. Bruce Walker spent 'a short time recently near Hamilton. -lir. Wen. Jarrott attended a meet- ing at Dungannon, Rev. R. R. Con- nor of Kippers also attending the meeting, Decoration services were held at Baird's cemetery on Sunday after- no'on.A number attended the service from this vicinity. STAFFA Mr. anti' Mrs. R. Sillery visited in Hamilton on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. C. Bowman attended the. Bowman re -union in Hagersville on_'Saturday. s. Mr. an,d :Mrs. H. Fletcher' of Det- roit spent the week -end wfth the lat- ter's parents. Mr, and Mrs. Turnbull and daugh- ters of Parkhill visited with Mr. and Mrs. 0. W. Reed on Sunday: 'The regular meeting of the Worn - en's Tnsitnte will be held an Monday evening, June 27 at 8,30 p.nn. Roll cail, "Scotch jlo1es." Please state change in date. 'Ohs Wednesday evening next the Ladies Aid are ha3d'frig a Strawberryj Social on the Church lawn. 'Miss Donailldla Gray spent the week- end in Stratford, ,Rev. 1'. A. Bell of Kin'kton oc'ca'pied, the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday forming and preached a spirendid serine'. Re*, R. N, 'S'tewa,g Clydesdale Stallion' HAIL (215f3) (Description and Pedigree—Dark bay Race nigh foot, off fore and hind' legs white; horn may 119, 1918 bred by David L Ray, Startles Ontario. Haig (2.11991613)-1Sire, Baron 'M'a'nsfield [('14136] ,(115'13'9); Grand Sire-- Baron's ire-Baron's Pride [3067] (9,1'22)`; iDam of (Sire—Miranda of +Ghapeilton [+10005] (138517);; ' Dam -Pleasant 'Paris Queen [26623]; Sire of Dam—!Squire (neap.)` [16&10] 1131786);' Grand 'Dani Noran Queen i(iiniP•) 91,1014].'IEnrrolment No. 41116, Approved. Form 11. Insipected October 23rd '11030, Haig will stand .for the improve - anent of stock this season at his stable at Lot 22, Con, 13, Hibbert, 'Phone 10 on 88, I-Iensall. Arrangementswill be made with parties from a distance. Grass provided at a reasonable rate, Term's—To insure r.,qo, payable Feb, 1st, 1933, 'Mares must be return- ed regularly to ':horse or they will be charged the insurance whether :im foal or not. !Parties disposing of their imares before foaling time 'will be held responsible for the insurance money whether in foal or not. Ali ac- cidents at c-cidents.at risk of owners of mares. The fowl to remain the property of the owner of Haig until insurance is (paid. IWM. DOLE, Prop. Cromarty P.O., The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion EMPEROR McKINN'EY (541513) 1'653 !Enrolment No. 743 Form 1 Will stand for mares at his town stable, Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker - Smith, or will make arrangements to meet parties from a distance hall way. Terms,—To insure a 'foal, $9.00, payable January 1st, 1935. Parties with mares in foal and disposing of them before February 1st will be held responsible for insurance. Mares at owner's risk. WILIJIAM RTLEY, Prop. & Mgr. was at Kirkton conducting Sunday School anniversary services, The Young People played their first softball games in the Presbytery League, last week. On Wednesday ev- ening they defeated Munro 22. to 1 and on Friday evening they defeated Fullerton 20 to 8. The annual grove services are being held on June 26th in Mr. W'orden's grove, Rev, Dr. N. M, Leckie of Mo- therwell will preach at 111 a.m, and 7 pm, and Rev, .Dr. DeMille of Strat- ford will preach in the afternoon at 2.30. There will be special music by the lo'c'al' choirs morning and evening while members .of the Stratford choir will -assist in the afternoon. The Ladies' Aid are holding a Strawberry .Festival at the Church on Wed'n'esday, June 29th. HIBBERT. On Saturday, June 111th, the re- nnin's were laid to rest in -Maitland !Bunk Cemetery, Seaforth, . of Robert Andrew 'Coleman, eldest son of Rob- ert Coleman, aged 30 years, 1 month, 21 days, who was drowned on Sun- day, June 5th, at Bergland, Rainy River district, .Ontario. The services were conducted by Rev, Mr. Rogers df Cromarty Presbyterian Church, and the pallbearers were Messrs. Wilfred Coleman, Roy Patrick, 'William Mill- er, William Cameron, Lorne Coleman, Davis Moore. ,Among those from a (Distance present were Mr. and Mrs, (David Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. James Monks and son of. London; Mr, and Mrs. Sih'anfz of Cros's'hill, Mr. David Moore of Toronto, and many from tihe surrounding districts, : In September i'ast, the deceased took up 85 acres of bush farm inthe township of Mc- :Rossn, about 40 miles from the Mani- toba boundary. His brother George spent the winter with shim. He .had six acres cleared and a house erected. The district isgood farming land and Aci- drew was pioneering `:as this fore- fathers died in this part of the country Many years ago. On Sunday, June 5th, the day of the accident, some neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Elim Mar- tin and child, had been visiting hiin and upon their leaving for home, An- drew rowed Mrs. Martin and child across the water, a branch of the Stake of tlse Woods, about sixty rods 'wide, and returned for the husbaisld, On the second trip, the boat leaked 'badly, as it had not been in the water for some thne, and in spite of bailing it sank, throwing the two nen into the water. The neightbor reached shore safely, but Andrew' was drowned, The 'body was recovered in three quarters of an hour, and was accdmpannied to his father's home in Hibbebt by his brother George Coleman, who came from Mloo'se J1aw,'$ask, Besides, his he- reaved parents, he is survived by three brothers and three sisters: George of Moose Jaw; Harold and Clarence at ;flame, (Gladys) Mrs, Thos. Laing of 'Hibibent; Misses Margaret and Ross 'Colema'n at Ihoine, who have the dep- est sympathy of the community in their sail .'bereavement, THURSDAY, Jl NE 23, 1932 WE WILL PAY .GOOD PRICES +FOR EGGS THAT ARE GATHERED 'TW'ICE DAILY, KEPT IIN A' COOL PLACE AND DELIVERED TO UIS 'TWICE 'WEEKLY, Only Strictly Fresh 'Eggs Wanted, FINNIGAN JUNE WEDDINGS Do not neglect to have ‘Photographs made'of the Bridal (Party on this great occasion. The work and prices of the ,Burgess Portrait Studios, .Mitchell and Clinton, will please you. Both studios are open every week day. 258 • HAY !About 50 acres of good hay to be sold, or the contract for taking it off to be let; the hay is on lots 14 and 115, concession 7, McKillop.' There are about 30 acres of alfalfa and timothy and 20 acres of tinahlt'hy and alsike. For further information see 'W. G. MdSIPAIDIDIE[N, Seafortih, or Phone 313. 27. CAR OF SALT. Car load of 'Windsor ,Salt will be here next week. Price per hundred tbs. off car 55c. Come and bring your •bags, THOMAS DICKSON, Phone 13, Seaforth, 25. NOTICE. For the months of July, and Aug- ust we will run our chopping mill only three days a week, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. But when rain stops farm work we will run on those days. KRUSE BROS, Phone 14 on 148. 06. CARD OF THANKS. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colem'a'n• and family desire to thank their many friends and neighbors for their sym- pathy and kindness expended to them during their recent bereavement and for the flora''ltributes. ELGIN REGIMENT AT GO'D•ERTCH The visit of the E'lgin Regiment to Go'd'erich over Dominion Day lends special interest to the !holiday program in the county town. Besides the mili- tary exhibition, there will be inotor- cycle races, sditba'll games, athletic events, etc„ in the afternoon. Band Concert and street carnival in the ev- ening. See bills' fori n b g program. HAY WANTED. I' want to buy a field of first c'l'ass standing hay. Apply to W. EL. DOIIIG, Kippen, Ontario, RIR. 2. DOG LOST. A brindle terrier, pant bull, name "Jigs," Reward' will he given. Apply to The News office, BAG OF CHOP LOST Bag of barley chop lost on Mon- day between , Mill Rda'ti and No. 9 school on Kippen road. I'S'AIAC M110101R'E. 25 Y'O'RKSH•IRE HOG For service on Lot 6, Con. 1, Stan- ley Township. One of Graham's hogs from Lindsay, Ont. Fee $1 cash, or $1,25 if booked. JAMES WRIGHT & S'O'N. 25. HONEY FOR SALE. A limited quantity of new amber 'honey at 45 cents For a 10 lb, pail. T. IC, UAIIINIG, Settforth, Ont. 25. AUCTION SALE 'The Executors of the estate of James ,'Mann, late of the Township of 'H'ul'le'tt, Farmer, deceased, have in- structed George :Elliott to offer for sale by ptablic auction on the 24th day of June, 19313, at 2 o'clock p.m., all the perslon'al property of the said deceas- ed, consisting of a horse, buggy, 'hhar- ness, pictures and other articles, at the residence of John Mann, Dot 116, Con-, cession 4, 1Hu1lett Township. Terms cash; Dated June 1'4,th, 1932. 9lO111IN H. BEST, Execgtors' Soliditor CONSTANCE.' Mr.' land Mrs. Jos. Riley spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of near ,Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Rabt. Grimoldlby, Mr, Will Moore, Mr. ' John Moore and Mrs, Wm, Moore Sr. motored to..Gb- derich on Friday of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Torn Riley of Clinton visited with his mother, Mrs. (George !Riley on Sunday. A fe'n' from around the village at- tended the services which were held in Turner's Church Utast Sunday to hear the ,Rev, Mr. Doan of Mitchell, THE Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Canada's Largest Mutual Insurance Co'y. FIRE, WIND and AUTOMOBILE ENSS'URANCE. Our , Classified Fire Rates • on . Farm Buildings of First Class' Construction are a- mazingly low. Windstorm Rates will 'sur- prise you. Special Rates to Farmers for Auto Insurance For full particulars, • con- sult our local agent. J. H. 'Scott Box 142 Phone 336 SEAFORTH TEACHER WAINTED. Applications for position as teach— er of S. S. Nio. 10, MIcK'illop, received up to July 5th. Personal interviews. preferred. IRWIN TRIEWARTHA,.. Sec. 'Treas., Seaforbh, R. R. 1 26. FOR SALE Pure !bred Collies, 'real drovers, 3%. months old. Come and see them ,and. take your choice, BEEAATTY BROS.,. Varna, Ont. FURNITURE REPAIRING. Furniture repairing of all kinds,. Prices reasonable. H. NIOff10E; Dick apartments;- over Anderson's Bakery.. 25. FOR SALE I expect to have a numberof young calves for sale during the calf season. blppl3r to HIAIROILID •PIENNHIAJLE, • iBaytfield. Phone 548, Hensall. FOR S'A'LE Seven -roomed cottage, with good. garden and some fruit trees, on North. Main street, Apply to News Office. FOR SALE Seven -roomed house and two lots. in Egmondville, Main road, % acre• of land, corner lot, hard and soft wa- ter, electric lights, several fruit trees, splendid place for farmer. Good stable and chicken house, also garage. Ap- ply to ,MEDS. SIPR'OAT, Sea - forth. House can be seen at°any time. BUY. BONDS NOW. .. rFor Income' and 'Pro'fit. Due to, market conditions, many- seasoned' bonds of well-known Companies have declined sharply, and are now selling,. at 'material discounts under $100.00,. thus affording highly attractive cur -- rent yields,' plus opportunity for sub- stantial appreciation in value: May Dive• su'b'mit a selected list sof such bonds,. which in otfr opinion !present out- \ standing opportunities ? E. A. SI'•E- G+RIST & Co., Limited, Investment IB'ankers, New Bank of Toronto! Bldg.,, ILondon, Ontario, Phone Metcalfe 3370' SEAFORTH MARKETS. Butter, per lb, 15c Eggs, .per doz. ..........8c, hoc, 113c Potatoes, per bag 25c• Hage, per cwt Wheat, per bus. 516c Shorts, per ton ' 'Bran, per ton $24 $3.9044.16` ImmimmeimmmtamminommiMININI INOrS es- 1 OSS. With the idea of giving em- ployment, - we have decided to continue handling these ani- mals. 'Phone us promptly when you want an animal re- moved. WILLIAM, STONE SONS, LIMLTED. Ingersoll Stratford