HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-16, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. • THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSDAY, JUN 16, 1932. HENSALL. 'i'lr. Nelson Blatchford, weed ins Mr: and .Mrs. Lloyd' ` ITudsori' are 'pector•, is -oat his rounds this •week. visiting with friends in Toronto'. Mrs, ,Wm. Henry visited on Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John G. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamont of Zu- rich stere. Sunday visitors at the home of iyfr. and Mrs. Glenn Bell. Mrs, Ladd McEwan and daughter, iDonna, have returned home after spending .a few weeks with relatives in Paisley. IMr, Sans Rennie, accompanied by 'his mother, spent W?Vednesday last vis- iting friends in London. Mr, and Mrs. P. H. Devlin of (Stratford, were Sunday visitors .with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett of Hay, Mr. and Mrs. Thos,, Slavin of-0his- elhurst visited on Sunday with the Misses Margaret and Lizzie Slavin. The many friends of Mr, Robert IMoLaren' will be sorry to hear he is vat enjoying the best of keen. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren visited on Sunday with friend's in Hibbert.. Messrs. Jack Oonbett and Ray La- mle visited over the week end at Nia- gara Falls. .Mrs. Wiley of St. Thomas and Mrs. A. Todd of Hay" visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLaren on Thursday last. The Oddfellows of Hensall Lodge iNo. '223 intend holding decoration services at the Hensall Union Cem- etery and also. McTaggart's cemetery on Sunday, July 3rd. Miss Grace Pepper, who for the Ipast few years has taught'at the Hay 't•dwnship school, has resigned her -school and has beenengaged as tea cher in the Davi-Mood school, IRev. Mr. Ashdown of Tononito preached very acceptably in the Car anel Presbyterian Church at both 'ser- vices on Sunday last to large' congre- gations. Special music was supplied h bythecoin -.. Rev. Arthur Sinclair preached anni- versary services at Roy's Unifed ,Church, near Farquhar, on Sunday last. Quite a number from here at- tended the services. Mr. ,Robert Higgins was in Goder- ich'on Friday in connection with the 'county audit.' Mr. Higgins gave a re- ' view of the county finances an'd at the end of his address he was tender- ed a hearty vote of thanks by the council. Quite a number from here attended 'the funeral of the late Thos. McMil- lan, MP., which took place from his late home, Hullett twp., on Friday afternoon last. It was the largest .fun- eral possibly ever held in riuron county, showing the esteem and res- pect that his constituents held for Mr, vleMillan. Although there are still a great many cases of measles in the village, school re -opened Monday morning. The first and second forms in the continuation schools are trying their exams this week. tin the reports sent out in the daily papers last week of the proceedings of the Huron County Council it was stated that the Huron County tax rate would be the same this year as last but this is not correct as the rate has been reduced one-half mill. Three and a half mills for the general account and old age pensions, instead of 4 as. last year; 1% mills for the county needs and 1 mill for provincial high- ways. According to the auditors' re- port the Huron county finances are getting in splendid shape and with the exception of one debenture to be paid next year of $18,500, the whole county debt is caused by the provin- cial highways and this is arranged so that in a few years it 'willbe wiped out. The death of the late Thos, Mc Millan, M.P., for South Huron, wi,l' cause a vacacy in the House of Gammons. As South Huron will be ,good fighting ground for Meath par- ties an extremely hot election will probably take, place to fill the 'vac- ancy. ac-an cy. tMr. Josh. Ashton of Seaforbh was 'in town Saturday. Mr..Ash•ton is mak- ing several improvements to his 'house on South Richmond street. Mr. Peter Case of Exeter visited 'friends in town on Saturday. The Masons of Zurioh Lodge, No. 224, Hensall; attended • the anniver- sary services in St. Paul's Anglican ' 'Church on Sunday last. Large con- gregations were present and special music wa,s rendered`by the choir. The (Rev. K. MoGoun of Clinton delivered splendid addresses at both servicers. At the United Church, Rev, Mr, An- thony of Thames Road occupied the '(pulpit and :preached very acceptably Ito a large congregation. rn the mor- ning a very pleasing duet was rend- ered by Mr. W. 0. Goodwin and Dr, 1. S. S'rni'llh'e. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have received word from their daughter, Mrs. G. M. Ch:e•1leww of Los Angeles, Calif., that she,' -with her two children, will .arrive here this week to spend the summer months. lDon''t forget the strawberry festi- val to be held inthe'United Church, on Friday e'veneig, June 24. This oc- cesion will be in 'charge of the men dfthe congregation and a band has 'ibeen, engaged to furnish the'mtnsic. The adjournedcourt of revision on the assessment roll was held on Tues- day' everting when a number of ap- peals were investigated. 1Ir. and Mrs. Orville Beavers of 'Exeter spent the week end with rela- tives in tOWil• "Wedding' bells will be . ringing in (Hensall next week. The Arnold Circle of the "Carrel 'Presbyterian Church held their meeting at the hone of Mrs. Ray Mc- Laren on Tuesday evening. The W.M.IS. of the Carmel Pres-• bylteriam Churchheld a birthday party on Thursday afternoon lase. A splendid program was given. Asher the opening exercises, consisting of solo by Mrs: W A. :McLaren and a report by Miss Somerville of Goder ich.' Quite a number from here attended the Love 'picnic at Bayfield on tWed- nesday. HAYFIELD. Mrs. James McMillan, ; Mrs. Alien McKenzie and daughter of London, are at their cottage for the season. Miss ,Ruth Houston .of London was. home for the week end. 'Miss Marilee Davison welnd to Don - don Sunday to be with her sister, Mrs. Lord, ,who is recovering from a recent operation. Cottages are being occupied earlier than usual this season, Mrs. W. J. Millsap, Mrs. A. Mahal) and child of London; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ding- man and Mrs. Smith of .Stratford; Mrs. Manning of London; Misses C, P. and J. B. Rankin of Mount Pleas- ant, Mich.; leasant,Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Hamilton, London, are occupying cottages en Hayfield Highlands. 'Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Martin of De- troit were at their cottage "Boulder Lodge," over the week end. Mr. John Mitchell of London, Mr. and Mrs. F. Erwin, Mr. and Mrs. E. Sauder, Bobby and Betty Sauder of Kitchener, were guests of . Mrs. F. Edwards Sunday. Mrs. Lena Woods and Miss Anna Woods were at Mooretown for the week end. This week they have for. guests Paul, Patty and David John Crosby of Bolton Landing, N.Y.'. lDouglas Gemeinhert of O'rillia, who has been visiting his parents, returned Saturday. The' annual A.Y.P.A. service of the parish of St. Janes' , Middleton, St. John's, Varna, and Trinity, Bayfield, is to be held in the latter church on Sunday, 11 am: Mrs. W. Cotton, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Alway and Mrs. Stone of London are spending the week at Mrs. Cotton's cottage. Misses Lorna As'hplant, Ellen Gal- lagher, Mary Hutchison, Dna Sea- born, Lucille Hayman, Margaret Mor- gan, Dorothea Laidlaw, Hilda Grant, Anna Grant, Ruth Secord, Margaret Gilmore, Eileen Gilmore, Grace Mc- Intosh and Lois Gidley of London are spending two weeks in Mrs. Hart's cottage. Miss Ella McKay entertained the members of her Sabbath School class Saturday afternoon and all had an en- joyable time. On Sunday afternoon, at 'three o'clock Bishop Seager is to conduct confirmation at Trinity Ohurch and also dedicate the handsome memorial. window placed in the church last Fail to the memory of Rev. Wm. Hinde. eieteree faro Dance A LEO MURRAY'S 1)4 miles west of Drilbrin, 1 mile south. TUESDAY EVENING JUNE 21 New and old time music by MdNicol's' Orchestra of Farquhar Admission Gents 50e including tax. 'Ladies Free STANLEY. The Stephenson family held their annual re -union picnic at Bayfield on Saturday, over 100 of the connection being present, ''and the weather was ideal. A very pleasant day was spent.= Mr. Thos, Robinson and family vis- ited at Goderich on Sunday at . the home of Mr. Ed. Johnson. IA large number ,frota here attended the funeral of the late Thos. McMil- lan M!P. last Thursday. The Goshen4B11ake YES. are hold- ing a social on Friday evening, June 17th at the home Of Thos. Rdbinslon honor of their President, Rev. W. 0. Robinson, who is leaving shortly for Pilot Mound, Man. Mr. and Mrs. Eight McKinlay at- tended the funeral of the tatter's cou- sin, Andrew Coleman, near Staffa on Saturday. 'Owin'g to illness, Rev, E. A. Pointer of Varna, is unalble to take his work, which is being supplied by Rev. W. O. Robinson. 'Miss Mari'bel Carrie spent a ' few days at Hensall last Week. Mr. 'Caw'thrope` of Tavistock visit- ed over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Douglas. Miss Jessie Tough is spending a few days with friends at Baylfield. Mr. 'Lloyd Scotchmer was at Tor- onto .with a load of cattle on Monday. CONSTANCE. IMr. ,Bill Dale of the D'oniimion Bank at Toronto spent the week -end at his hone here. Mr. and Mrs. Art Bromley of To- ronto spent the week -end with the lat_ ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jam'e's, Dale and left on Tuesday monning for Montreal and Ottawa. Mrs. Ed. Britton of Walton is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, William Britton. Mr. Jack Moore of Toronto is spending his holidays with his mother and [brother here. 'Mr, John Moore of Toronto is appending his vacation with his anoth- er, Mrs, Wm. Moore. • Mr. and firs. Robt. Grimold'by and :Olive and Mr. Besf. Riley spent Sun- day with relatives in Brussels. 'Mrs. Jeeves McFarlane returned to her home in Goderich township aster spending a week here with her mo- ther, Mrs. George Riley. IMissl+fary Moore and Mr. Will ]Odell of Toronto and Mr, Robert •1'foore of Stratford spent the week end et the home of Mr. Wm. Moore. l+Ir. Benj. Riley returned from 'Chatham last Thursday after a week's vacation. Mr. Dave Tudor of Owen' Sound is visiting his brother, Mr. Duncan Tudor at present. LONDESBORO. The Ladies' Aid of Knox United. Ohurch met at the ho'me of Mrs. John Nott on Tuesday with a large atten- dance, this being the last meeting be- fore joining with the former Methodist Church. The Ladies of the Aid pre- sented the Rev. Mrs. Forster with a 'butterfly quilt. Mrs, Harold' Adams read the .following address and the President, Mrs. Robbs Wells, present- ed it: "D'ear Mrs. Forster, -It with regret that we learn 01 your departure. from us. During the three years which you have been in ouk midst you have endeared yourself to everyone of us. You have always ,been willing to do all you could for the welfare of our society, though we at times burdened you with more than your share. We feel we cannot let this, opportunity slip by without trying to express our sincere appreciation of your wank and fellowship. We ask you to accept this quilt as a small token of our apprecia- tion and love to you; as yon use it m'ay you rememlber the members of the. Ladies' Aid, Society, Llondesboro. As you make new friends in your new home may God abundantly bless you with health and s'tren'gth. Signed on behelif of the Ladies' Aid'' Society - Mrs, Robt. Wets, Pres.; Mrs. Harold Adams, sec.; Mrs. Murdie Ross, vice; Mrs. Fred Johnston, tress. Mr. and ,Mrs, George McCall' spent the week end' at bit'. anal Mrs. Simp- son McCall's of Mortis. Douglas' Egyptian Liniment !mattes the •fiinest blister 'kno'wn. I'nvaluab'le for stock. Leaves the hair roots in natural and healthy' condition. Hair comes back. No sear remains. Want and For .Sale Ads, 1 time 25c TUCKERSMITH. Mr. Davis Moore of Toronto spent the week -'end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Shauntz of Crosshill visited on Saturday at the home of Mr. James Cameron, l+Ir, and Mrs. Joe McLellan spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Ivan 'For- syth. 'Much sympathy.! is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Colenivan following the death of their sons Andrew, who died near Rainy River last Sunday. IMr, George Coleman of the West is visitinghis parents near Staffs, (Mrs. Williams of Belgnave was a week -end visitor sit.. the home of her niece, Mrs. J. Rintoul. (Mrs. Jas. McIntosh returned with her son John to Toronto to spend the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. ,Ne1s'ot Reid were Sunday visitors at the :home of Mr. Wilbur Keyes. Mrs. Wilbur Keyes and son Menton spent Monday last et the hi'v'e df her sister, Mrs. Harold Graham, KIPPEN. The Sacrament of Baptism will be observed ie St. Andrew's United Church on Sunday, J'un'e 19th at 111 a.m. The !Satrarb'eet of the Land's Sup, per will be dbsertved on Sunday,June 26th at til a.m. Preparatory service will he held on Friday evening, June ,24th at 8 ,pin.. IMr. Andrew Williams has returned to his home in Vancouver.- ''Miss Mabel Whiteman has returned home for the summer. Dr. and Mrs. Clegg of London visit- ed at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. h4'aac Jarrott. Clydesdale Stallion HAIG (21563) Description and Pedigree -Dark bay; Ifaee, nigh, foot, off fore and hullo' lea''s white; born (May 119, 1918; bred. by David E Ray, Staples, Ontario; Haig (21503) - Sire, IBaroa Mansfield (Came [11e166] :(16139); Grand (Sire -- :Baron's Pride [3067] (91122); Dam of !Sire Miranda ,af':Chapaliton' [110005]. (138517); Dam-eleasant !Park Queen [286213]; Sire of Dam--lSquire (romp,) [16610] -1131766); Grand 'D'am-Norah Queen feint.) [11110'114]. 'Enrolment No. 4116..A+pprovecl. ,Formi •Il. Inspeceed October '23rd, 11930: IIaig will stand for the insprove- ment of stock this season :ant his sta'b'le at Lot 22, Con. 13, 'Hibbert,, Phone 1'0 on 88, Hensall. Arrangements will be made with parties from a d'is'tance. Grass provided at a reasonable rate: Terms -To insure $8.00, payable Feb, 1st, 1933, .Mares suuet be return- ed regularly to horse or they will be charged the insurance whether en ,foal or not lParbies disposing of their mares, before 'fending time will be held responsible for the insurance money whether in foal or not. All ac- cid'en'ts at risk of owners of snares. The foal to remain the property of 'the owner of Haig until insurance' is paid. IWM. a0'LE, !Prop.Cromarty P.O. The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion EMPERORMcKINNEY (541153) 1'653 Enrolment No. 743 Form 1 Will stand for nares at his own stable, Lot 8, 'Concession 4, Tucker- smith, or will 'make arrangements to meet parties from a distance half way. Terms. -To insure afoal, •$9.00, payable January -Isla, 193'3. Parties with mares in foal and disposing of them before February 1st will be held • rresponsible1ble for insurance. Mares at owner's risk, WIILJDIAM RILEY, Prop. & Mgr, AUCTION SALE The Executors of .the estate of James Manu, late of the Tiownhip of 'Hullett, Farmer, deceased, have in- structed George /Elliott to offer for sale 1by public auction on the 24th day of June,' 1932, at 2 o'clock p.tn., all the personal property of the said deceas- ed, consisting of a horse, buggy, 'har- ness, pictures and other •articles, at the residence of John Manu, Lot T6, Con- cession 4,'Huleett Township. Terms cash. Dated' June ~1411, 1932. JIOIHIN H. BEST, Executors', Solioitor. TEACHER WANiTED. Experienced teacher holding first or second class certificate .wanted.for junior room of School Section No. 11, ,Morris. Duties to commence Sept: i'st• Apply on or before June 24h, stating experience and salary expected to GI'LIBIEIRT McCALLUIM, Sec. - Treas„ R. R. No. 3, Walton. 24 TEACHER WANTED. 'Applications for position as 'teach- er of S. S. No. 10, MoK'illop,'received up to July 5t13, Personal ' interviews preferred. IRRIWIIN TREW1A'RT'HA, Sec.-'Treas., Seaforth, R. R. 1 26. JUNE WEDDINGS IDo, not neglect to have Photographs made ,of the Bridal Party this great occasion. Tlhe work and prices of the Burgess Portrait Studios, Mitchell and Cfiniton, will please you. Both studios are open every ,week day, ens HILLS GREEN. Pienle reunions are now the order of the day in this vicinity. The Troy- er and Ste'pIh•enls'on "families at Bay - 'field on Saturday and the Love fam- ilies to Bayfield' on Wednesday of this week. The death of Mr. T. MoNlilean, MIP., of ,Seaforth, came as a great shock to his Many friends in this eornmuesty. A large crowd attended his funeral to pay their last respects. The W.IMIS. was held et the home of Mrs. H. Turner on Wednesday last: IRev. Mr. Patton of Benimilier' con- ducted the Young People's anniver- sary on ,Sunday last. The K'fp:peh choir su'pp'lied the tinging, assist- ed by Mrs. Maynard and Mr. and 'Mrs. E. W. Carlile of Hensall. Mr. wed, Mrs. W. MdGavin and friend's of MciKililop called on friend's here recently. Mr. and Mrs. G, Greenslade of near Bayfield visited at the home of Mrs. Troyer. 'Miss Annie Jattrott spent a few days recently with friends at Kiilppcn. MANLEY. A barge number frdm here attended the funeral df the late 'Thomas. Mc- Millan, MRP.,; to show the respect, he was held in. Mrs. M. Deslbouraugh; of ` North- ville, Mich., and Miss, Heieu McMann of, Eloise, Mich., paid us e flying visit last 'Sunday: Mr.• C Eckert• called on friends in our burg of late, uy in Egniondvilk Palm Soap, 4 cakes...............vancsaleammarammessmemg .;.,..,........25c 10 Bars P. & G. Soap .'.. .....330- 10 bars Sunlight Soap . , ....... . . .... . . 49c 10 bars Somme, Soap 49c `4• bars Life Buoy Soap 29c 4 bars Fels Naptha Soap 29c 3 Snow Flake Ammonia 21c CASH PRICES ONLY W. J. FINNIGAN AUCTION SALE Of Household Goods, Dining Roots and K'ibchen ,Equipment, at Mlacklaan's Restaurant, Sealfoonth, on Saturday, June 18th, at 1.30 p.m. sharp Dining Room 3 dozen dining room chairs, 4 large tables, 4 small tables, 4 oak ice cream. tables; 1 show case; 1 new cash regis- ter, several small stands, 1 Quebec heater and pipes, a quantity of silver= ware,china and table linen. Kitchen - d gasoline stove, 1 Lange coal range, 1 extension table, 1 sideboard, 4 tables, 6 kitchen ohairs,,1 kitchen °book, re- frigerator, .2 cupboards, clothes line and pulleys; 1 box stove and pipes, 1 single bed, mattress and springs, 1 dresser, 1 stepladder, quantity of co'o'k- ling ,utensils, including dishes, . pans, etc. Numerous other articles. 'Electric sign with word "Cafe," 'Small sign with word "Seaforth." Household Effects E1e°tile fan, new; all electric lighlt. ifiures; 1 new doulble bed springs and mattress; 1 3 -piece Ohest'erlfie'ld suite (used only 2 month's); extra table linen, and numerous other items. Term's -Cash. IPIEiROY b8AOKCLAAM, Prop.; Geo. Si. Elliott, Auctioneer. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE is hereby given that all creditors and others having claims against the estate of Martin Henry Murray, late .of :the Village of Dublin, -in the County of Perth, who died on the eighteenth day of April, 1932, are requested to forward , their claims, ve'r1fied by affidavit, to the under- signed, solicitor for the Executors, on or before the 17th day of June, 1932. ANDD' NOTJEcrE IS FURTHER GT, VIEN that after the said last men- tioned date, the executors will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased,, having regards only to the claims of which they then shall have had notice. DATED at Seaforth Ontario, this 30th day of May, 1932. JOHN J. I-IIUIG'GAJRD, Seaforth, 'Onta'rio. 24 Solicitor fo'r the Executors. WHEAT FOR SALE 1300 'bushels of wheat. Price 55c at the barn. 'Apply to LiEOINIARID LEEMINtG, Con. 13, Lot 13, McKil- lop. COMING TO SEAFORTH Kitchener Salvation Army Band, June 18th and 19th. Saturday evening on Main street, musical .festival; Sun- day services conducted by the Bands- men in Citadel, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Sacred •priogram ant park, 3 pen., and 8.15 pen. THE Wawanesa Mutual Fire .Insurance Co Canada's Largest Mutual Insurance Co'y. FIRE, WIND and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Our Classified Fire Rates on Farm Buildings of First Class Construction are a- mazingly low. Windstorm Rates will sur- • prise you. Special -Rates to Farmers for Auto Insurance For full particulars, con- sult our, local agent. JScott H • 4 4 Box 142 Phone 336 SEAFORTH HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT +I also shanpen 'lawn mowers, bind- er aed mower knives, .plough shares, hair clippers, gum and sharpen saws, also a small gasoline engine for sale. JAS. BARRON, Goderich' street east. ' • 22. PLANTS FOR SALE. Tomatoes, choice Snapdragon, mix- ed colors, Ruffled Pansy, choice mix- ed. Ready about May ,24th. A variety of other plants ready later. A. 11.. P'ORTEOUS, West st. 22 FOR SALE I expect to have a number of young' calves for sale during the calf season. Apply to . HtAIROLD PENIHIAIUE, Hayfield. ; Phone 5-76, Hensall. FOR SALE Seven -roomed' cottage, with good garden and some fruit trees, on North Main street. Apply to News Office. FOR SALE Seven -roomed house and two lots in Egmond•ville, Main road, % acre of land, corner lot; hard aild soft wa- ter, electric lights, several fruit trees; splendid place for farmer. Good stable and chicken house, .also garage. Ap- ply to MRS. J'NSO. S'PROAT, 'Sea- forth. House can be seen' at airy time. FOR SALE Pure bred Collies, real drovers, 3/ months old. Come and see them and take your choice. BEEAT'T'Y BROS., Varna, Ont, • FOR SALE A quantity of r seed buckwheat. BERT IIRiWIINN. Phone 6516 r 32, Clin- ton. 24. FOR SAILE A' good reliable driving horse, just !five years old and . per+feutly sound in every way. Apply 'to IVIES. GEO. 11I1ILIEY, of the village' of Kinburn. FURNITURE REPAIRING. Funniture repairing of all' kinds. Prices reasonable. H. NIOIIIC'E,. Dick apartments, over Anderson's Bakery. 25. Horses-eours With the idea of giving em- ployment, we have decided to continue handling these ani- mals. 'Phone us proniptly when, you want an animal re- moved. WILLIAM • STONE SONS, LIMITED. Ingersoll Stratford BUY BOND'S NOW. Por Income and P'ro'fit. Due' to market -conditions, many seasoned bonds of well-known Companies have declined sharply, and are now selling at material discounts under; $100.00, thus affording highly attractive cur- rent yields, plus opportunity for sub- stantial appreciationin. value, May we submit a selected list :of such bonds, which is ottr opinion present out- standing ,opportunities ? E. A. SI'E- GRIST & .Co,, Limited, Investment (Hankers, New Bank of Toronto Bldg.`, (London, Ontario. Phone 'Metcalfe 33170 BABY CHICK'S Flom Single •Comb White Leg- lnorns, Barron strain, Mated to cock- erels from hens with arecord from 265 to. 276 eggs; chicks$7.90 per 100; (Barred Rocks $9.90 per 100; Black Jersey Giants $10,90 per 100. Your own eggs properly incubated at $3 per .100 in a James'way incubator. All these hens are real egg producers and all good healthy hens. 3 also have 4 incubators to sell very cheap. HARRY KIIEHINE, ,R.R 1, Born- holm, Ont, Phone 52 r 23. SEAFORTH ,MARKERS Butter, per lb 1,8c Eggs, per doz ... . 7c, 9c, etc Potatoes, per bag , ..25c Hogs, per cwt, ;3.90-$4;16 Wheat, per bus 1'516c (Shorts, per ton .... ...........$213 Bran, per ton .. ....$24