HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-16, Page 5THURSDAY, TUNE16, 1932. Speciar Anniversary Sale To celebrate the Anniversary of the affiliation of our stores with the Superior Chain Store- System, an organization which now comprises over nine hundred of Canada's finest merchants, we are .pnbting on this exceptional list of food bargains,. Make a special effort .to visit one of our stores during the Six Day Sale, ..the saving will snake it well worth your while. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Items for week ending June 22, 1932. .INFANT% DELIGHT SOAP DUINDUIRN STRAWBERRY JAM .... , BLUE BELL BRIOOMVLS' .. ,.....per cake S c ....40 oz. jar 28c five string 22c PEARL WHITE NAPHTHA SOAP .. ...10 bars 29 C 5c 10c CARNIATIOIN EVAPORATED MILK small tall EAGLE BRAND CONDENSED MILK per tin I.;„-.71., c STANDARD PEAS No. 4 sieve 2's . • 3 for 23c Aylmer Pork & Beans, large 2% 2 tins21c s. RrcE, KRiSP1P ndil�t� RICE KRAS'PI'ES .. 19C 2 pkgs. - (Royal York Tea "worthy af the name" %'s.....24c; l's.. 47c :Hawes' Waxl's 43c Hawes' Lenon Oil large bottle 23c M'cLaren's Olives, Plain No. 20 ....23c (Stuffed No. ' 9 ....23c ,Royal York :Coffee ;1's. .43c Maxwell House Coffee ............ ........ ..... 1's....43e Drummer Brand Pastry Flour ` 17's .17c;'s....49c .McCormick's Palm Beach Fancy Biscuits ....;....per 3b. 23c Kraft Salad Dressing, special per bottle. 19c IGranul'ated .Sugar- or Yellow Sugar 10 lbs. 49c Icing Sugar ......... .... ,.:3 lbs. 2.5c 'Interlake Toilet Tissue 3 rolls 25c 1Heinz Ketchup large bottle 19c 1Heinz Vinegar per gal. 50c Keen's Mustard %'s 25c; 34's 49c Shirriff's Lushus Je'l'ly Powders 3 for 25c :Ingersoll Cream or Pinrenito Cheese, small 2 for 25c ( :Benson's Corn ',Starch per pkg. 12c Fray Bentos Corned Beef 17 oz, 15c (Kraft Oheese %'s 17c { Mazola Oil No. 1 . ... per tin 29c Sea King Lobster "the finest packed"—% s....:19c; Ws -29c TEA—A tea for every taste— / Premium Tea with free cups and Saucers, Vases, I Plates, Creams and Sugars per Ib. 54c • Funnily Blend Tea, red bag 1's 39c Corn Syrup 2's ' 16c; 5's'.... 33c L:awrasion's Snowflake Ammonia ..............:.....2 pkgs. 15c Lawrason s 'Flus•ho...................................per tiff 23c P. & B. Sandwich Pate °excellent for sandwiches .. .. .14c Taylor's Peanut Butter ... . ...:.. ............... per pound 18c Guest Choice Tomatoes 23/2's 2 bins 23c Kellogg's'Corn 1.lalces 3 pkgs. 25c Certo "sure 'j'ell" per ,battle 29c .Ovaltine small., , . 45c; medium .,, .690 Chiipso, large per pkg.2lc S.',O.'S. Scouring Pads small, ... 14c; large ..23c +P'attersonn's 'Turkish Delight per lb. 19c 'Chocolate Buds 1 ib. 29c Shaker Salt, Plain or Iodized 9c .Bulk Soap Chips 3 lbs. 25c "Aylmer Strawberries 2's tall 27c 'Singapore 'Sliced Pineapple .. 2 tins 25c Choice Peaches, 2's,quat 2 tin's Bac Aylmer Catsup new bottle 2 for 25c ICruns•wick Sardines per tin 5c :Green Giant Peas per tin 19c Maple Leaf Salmon ...: ...... 4's 19c; l's .. 33c Schneider's Breakfast Bacon in piece per lb. 12%c' Chef Ready Meals, Lamb Fricassee, Sausage Casserole, etc. 2 tins. ,..35c New Canadian Cheese per lb,,,12%" Aristocrat Tomato Juice, finest yet per hot, 10c Ross J.Sproat Phone $ Miss N.Pryce Phone 77 Buy Seaforth Butter A Service that creates Confidence and a Dependable Reputation 18 YEARS Always Good Quality Please us bygiving us your cream patronage and we will try, to please ® - you by our services and . highest market prices for good create.. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you :wait. The Seaforth Creamery C. A. BA'RBER, Prop. 1 McKILLOP. At the June sessions of the Huron .county court, which opened at 'Gode- -rich .on Tuesday ' afternoon, with Judge T, M. Costello ,presiding-, the first case awarded Mrs. Hazel, Coutts, MgKillop township, damages of. $200 and costs in an action 'for $300 against Charles, Bondi, Wlinghem fruit dealer. Mrs. Coutts was injured when her car was .sideswiped by 'Bondi's truck on Oct. 13, 1951, on ,the'• road between Blyth and Walton.' The accident re- sulted in the premature birth of a baby boy to Mrs: 'Coutts in the 'hosp'itai at Sea:forth, five hours after the accident, The baby died, The jury d'elilberdted two hours. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. PAGE FIVE TOWN TOPICS Mr. and Mrs, E, W. 'Edge of To- { ronto spent the week -end at the home of Mr, H. B. Edge and Miss' J, Edge. :Mr. Fred Elliott'of London has 'been its town for a week.+'He brought home 1\Irs: W. B. McLean, who has been in London and Ailsa Craig for some weeks. 'Mrs. Thomas' Anderson and her .mother, Mrs. Rebecca Reid, son Har- vey, and(. daughters Elsie, Olive and (Jean, oIf Mafeking and Ltvcku,ow, spent Saturday evening with Mrs. G. C. Dlale and falnvily. Mr. and. Mrs, Norman Smith, and son of Toronto' were visiting in Eg- a iondville recently with Mr. and Mrs. II-Ienay Henderson, Mrs. Garden, Miss Agnes Fowler, Miss Mary Hays of Toronto, Mr, W.' lF1olwler of Siencoe, .spent the -week end in toyi,n, Mrs.' Foiwler, w'l?o has 'been hereforsome time has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Agnes .A'FdIlroy, who continuesvery ill at the home .of' Mrs: John Mi1lson, -N. Main street. A large delegation from Seaforth attended the semi-annual meeting of South Huron O•ranige County Lodge in Clinton on Friday evening, June 10. Over 100 niemibe:rs were in attendance every lodge in the county being well represented: The -speaker of 'the even- ing was Mr. J. D. Armitage, of paean, (Grand Master of the Black Chapter of Western Ontario. Bro. Dign"ari' of Exeter also gave an address. IMr. E. •Russell of Hamilton with his gang of Hydro linemen, have been making changes in the hydro lines entering town. Mfrs, Slntibh of Walton is visiting Mr, and- Mrs. W. H. Siiold'ice this week. ,Mr. and :Irs. J. F. T'hieson of De- troit and son Donald' spent the week end with Mrs. Thieson's mother, Mrs. M. Carbert, '- Mrs. Carbert returned . Saturday from Blyth where she visited friends, :Miss Margaret McKellar is holiday- ing at the home of her aunt and uncle, Mr. and 'Mrs. John : Ferguson,- Con- stance. Rev. -1W. F. Nigh, D S)B., who spent the last two }ears in "Houston, Texas, returned last week and is spending his holidays at present at the home of his parents, "Mr. and Mrs. William Nigh, St. Columba:, and also at the home of 'Mr, and Mrs John 'Walsh, McKillop. Mr. and- Mrs. 'Gordon Hays, from Detroit, were visitors ,with their par- ents last Sunday. Miss Mary Brall from Detroit is spending her holidays with her grand- parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Eckart. Liss Helen McMann and Mrs. M. ''Desboura-have returned to Eloise and Northville, Mich.,, to resume their duties as nurses. -,(lies alae Aberhart, who has been teaching school 1% mile east of Hen- salt, has accepted a position on the "London public school staff and will commence her new duties 'Sept. 1st, Mr. P. E, .Macklam has purchased a 'business in 'Toronto and will take up residence in the city early next week. The ,many' friends of Mr. and' Mrs. \Lacklam are sorry to know they are leaving.Seaforth. Mr. and.Mrs. Roy Snider and daughter, Mr. John Bruder, Mr. Roy Smith and Mr. Will Hill, all of Kitch- ener, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hildebrandt: It is rumored that the C. N. R. will discontinue the early morning and late evening train, -before the end of June. :London Free Press: The staff of the Sir Alan Beck Collegiate, London, arranged a delightful tea'in the school library, honoring Miss Helen Carswell, bride -elect of the early autumn, who is leaving the staff. Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Tyerman went to Leamington Tuesday and will spend a week or two there. Mrs. Carnochan .and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Carnochan of Detroit were in town Saturday after attending the Troyer picnic at Bayfield. Mrs Car- nochan's' daughter, Mrs, Lyons and children who, spent the 'winter here, returned to Detroit with them. Mr. and Mrs. S. Gottschalk have re- turned after a week's visit at Zurich. ..Mr. and Mrs. Heath and daughter of Listowel were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Free, Miss Crosby of Toronto and Mrs: Woodruff of St. Davids, who have been spending a few days her; loft on Wednesday aftern'oom. Mrs. Poster and son James and daughter, Mrs, Close of Hamilton, were guests on Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm 11c.Dermici. Miss Elizabeth Smith is visiting frienndis in Toronto. . 'Mr. and Mrs, Meir of Windsor were guests Sunday' of Mr; and,.3,Irs. R. S. Hays. Mrs. R. L., Thompson 'who has been visiting in London, returned over bbs week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Soda water and daughter Lorraine. Misses grimly and Flo Cresswell ar- rived hone on Wednesday after spending the winter at Pasadena, Cal, • EGMONDVILLE. The W. 3'1'. S. of E;gmondVille Un- ited Church held their June meeting at the hone of Mrs W J Nott "All people that on earth do dwellwas sung and the Scripture Lesson was read by Lillian' Richardson. Mrs, Malcolm then led in prayer. The De- votional Leaflet on Batabus and Paid was read by Mrs. Ohesney and prov- ed very interesting. During the busi- ness period an invitation' to hold the ;July meeting at the hone of Mrs. Houston was accepted. Some statis- tics to prove the evils of Gov't Con- trol were given by Evalena Nott. She said that a counitty'sgreatest asset is its hooves and the home's- greatest asset is.ita children ,therefore the Children must be kept safe. The topic was on prayer and i'as well dealt with by Mrs. Broiwn, Mrs. McGonigle,' Mrs, F:iirlc and ,Mrs. W. F, bI'eMillan.' The mmeeting closed with a hymn and prayer led by Mrs. J, Allen, A pleas- ant social half hour was spent . and lunch served. The Neil ,Shaw Mission Circle held an; excellent ineelting on June 6th in the SS. rooun. The Scripture ' Les- son was read by Margaret Finnigan. Mrs. Reed gave a very helpful talk on Caring, Sharing,. Daring," telling of some of, the great missionaries in our own and other countries who have dared. A duet by. Pearl Grainger and Mrs. Lyons was 'appreciated. Annie Moore rendered an instrumen- tal. During the business period plans :were made for a sale of home 'cook- ing to be. held on the 25th of June. The meeting closed with a hymn and the Miapah Benediction, The-Egm'ondhilie Y.P. held a bus- iness meeting Monday, June 13th. Itt was decided that there be no more in- door meetings' for the summer months and that 'the first evening spent in games ,would be June 2716. Harold Finnigan and his committee were to arrangescihedules for both boys' and girls' 'blasketbail games. It' was ag- reed that the Boys' Club could :have the grounds Tuesday `evenings and the Junior Girls on .Saturday after- noons. 'I,t was decided to: send, dele- gates 'to 'Sumpter (School in July, paying half of their expenses, The S. S Rally day ,was chosen as the op- ening day :for the Y:P. in the autumn. The :meting closed with the afizpah benediction. BORN. PUIJL'.1fAIN-Ila Scott Memorial Hos- pital, , au Friday, June 10, 1932, to Mr, and Mrs. Sidney Pullman,' a daughter (:Doris Elizabeth). Want and -For Sale Ads. 1 time 25c. The Ladies' Aid of Caven Church, Winthrop, will hold a GARDEN PARTY on the Church Grounds on Thursday evening, JUNE 23rd A play entitled "The Old Time La- dies' Aid Business Meeting at Mo- hawk 'Crossroads," will be given by the ,Ladies' Aid of the Church. Music and Readings A (mission: 3d cents and 15 cents THE SELECT PLAY "JustA Stepchild" 3 -ACT COMEDY DRAMA Presented by the Young People of United Church, Victoria St., Goderich Friday, June 17th 8 p.m. IN NORTH SIDE UNITED CHURCH, SEAFORTH under the auspices of the Philathea Bible Class Adults 25c 'Children 15c. AuIo-Insvranc Let us protect you anywhere : in Canada or tbe,'United. States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at NEW Non Tariff Rates It's worth your while to seeus before placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid, Phone, write or, call—.Night and Day Service Phone 152. �. D.Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store ecials for ,S'aturday Selling Broken Lines in Ladies' Shoes There are Straps, Pumps, Sandals and Sport Shoes in the lot. Values to 4.50. "Clearing, at .75 A PAIR Men's Work Shoes Ml4N'S WORK SHOES, solid leather 1.95 to 3.75 a pair 'Brown Canvas Shoes, Leather Soles 175 a pair BOYS' COTTON GOLF'H+OSE, clearing at 29c a pair MEN'S AND BOYS' PEANUT 'STRAW HATS 200 Thomsoo's Men's Wear In Crich Block. BRUCEFIELD. On Thursday, June 9th, Mr. and Mrs. C, Haugh and Wallace,- Mrs. J. iAddison of Brucelfieid, Mrs, G. Ho- ward of Exeter and Rev. C. G. Arm- our of Aurora attended the •gradua- tion exercises of Miss Anna and Mr. 'Carm'an Haugh when they received .their degrees of Doctor of Medicine from bhe University of Toronto. (Friends of Rev. C. G. •Armour will be pleased to know that he received a gilt of a beautiful Pontiac car from a member of his congregation in Aur- ora. Mrs. Jas. McQueen received word of the death of her sister-in-law, Mrs.' W.'Landsborough on Saturday. ,Mr. John M'cIntoslh of Toronto gave a talk on. the work of the Jun- ior Vocational School where he works at the Sunday School. Miss Gladys Addison has been nursing in Clinton during the last week. Mrs. Bruce Berry spent a few days with friends in Stratford last week. IMr. John McQueen of Flint, Michi- gan, intends spending a few months, with friends in Clinton, Brucefield and Tuokersmith and vicinity. His many friends are glad to see him looking so well. Mr. A. Beattie and daughter of London visited at the home of Mrs, A. T. Scott lash week. .Mrs. G. Hill has gone to Stratford to spend a few months with her son,. Mr. J. Hill and family, while 'Mrs. J. Hill visits her mother in. England, Mrs. Reid and Mrs. Moore of Lon- don, formerly .Hisses Lottie and (land Robinson, natives of Brucefield, visited friends in the village last week. Mr. and firs. J. Robb of Brussels visited friends in the village this week. Mr. W. C. Landsborough and son, Dr. A. Landsborough of Ohio, visited at the borne of Mr, and Mrs. Mc- Queen and other friends this week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Carnochan and Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan of De- troit and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pat- terson of London attended the Troy- er reunion at Bayfield last Saturday. They were guests at the home of Mr. Cecil Oke while here. Mr. and Mrs. .Gordon Carnochan and Mrs. Myrtle Carnochan have re- turned to their home in Detroit after spending a few day's here. Mrs, R. H. Lyon and t'wvo sons returned to De- troit with them. Farmers' Week at O,A.C., June 20th to .24th. A complete change in the method of conducting warmers' week at the On- ario A'gricul'tural College has . been made this year. Rechristened "Farm and Home Week," the period from Jane 20 to 24 wifl be devoted to sev- eral complete coarses in animal and field husbandry, poultry, farm engin- eering and hone economics, it is an- nounced by Prof. J. Buchanan, direc- tor of extension. HIBBERT. 'The regular meeting of the Hibbert council was held at Staffa township hail on ltlnnday, June 13, with all members present. The court of revi- sion on the Assessment Roll was re- sumed. W. e-sumecl..SkW. (tart Lot 15, Con. 10 was incre'as'ed. $1550; W%19, Con. 3, was transferred from' Patrick J•ordan'• to ;Henry Ahrens. The total assessment 'for 1952 of $2,139,057, was confirmed and the court. closed, Resolutions -were' passed appointing 'Mahn M, Em- pey to substitute J+alin Roger •for towns:hi:p engineer for the balance of 1932„ for carrying out the provisions. of the D. and W, Act; authorizing a warrant for seizure of taxes on Lot 25, Oocr. 6:. Bylaw No. 351„ se .Shep- herd Creek Drain received its, third reading and was finally passed, Road expense orders for $380.00 were is- sued, and general expenditure $24. lIhe meeting adjourned until Monday, July 11 at 1 p.m. Mr"s, Kathleen Feeney, Tp. Cleric. VARNA. The many friends of Mrs. John IRathwell will be sorry to hear she is not improving as rapidly as we would like. We are also sorry to report Re'v. Mr.,Poulter is under the doctors' care. We hope to see him restored to sound health. 'Mrs. L. Beatty returned home after a visit with her daughters in London. Mr. and Mrs': F. Weekes, in com- pany' with John Beatty, motored to Listowel last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harwell of Goder- ich called on friends in the fore part of the week. (Owing to the illness of Rev. Mr. 'Poulter, Rev. W. Robinson conducted service in the United Church on Sun- day. Miss Margaret Chuter spent Sun- day at her home. Mr. W. Beatty of Mount Brydges called on friends here Sunday. • Don't forget to bring your friends and yourself to Varna to hear the Huronia Male Chorus Concert Com- pany of Exeter. There is a real treat for you on the evening" of Tuesday 21st. Remember the date. • ST. COLUMBAN. Mr. and Mrs, Louis -Maloney and family of Detroit spent Sunday with his riiother and brothers here. -Miss DorothyMelady 'of Kitchener is visiting her father, Mr. Frank -Me - lady of Kitchener . is visiting her father, Mr. Frank Melady. Mr. Joseph Moylan and his uncle, Mr. Noyle of Kitchener spent Sundayhere. Mr. Jdhu L. Malone is wearing a broad smile. "It's a boy." • rItt. Basil Lane of Toronto' is visit- ing his moth&, Mrs. John Lane. '.hiss Agnes O'Reilly of Toledo is visiting at her home here. She was accompanied home from Detroit by her mother, -Mrs, James O'Reilly, who spent a week with her daughters there. The St. Columiban vs. Winthrop football game here on Friday evening resulted in a tie game,: one goal each. ,;, Father William Nigh of Texas is visiting his parents, :A4r. and Mrs. William Nigh. Mr. Thos. Downey of Port Col- borne is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Michael -Downey. DUBLIN. Miss Veronica McConnell of Galt spent the week -end in Dublin, \hiss Lizzie Ryan of Seaforth spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs, P. Ryan, / Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Dillon and family have moved to St. Marys to ,reside, Mr. and Mw; Joseph Hickey spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mcro of Seaforth. A very large crowd attended the Holy Name 'Rally held here on Sun- day. r Walker's FUNERAL ' SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WR ?.KER, holder of C:0,- vernment. diploma and 'litre,. Flowers Furnlshed Night or day phone:47