HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-16, Page 4'PAGE FOUR. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THU+RSDSAY, JUNE'. 16, 1932; THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon :Bros„ Publishers. Jitney Dance 'iOpett air clan ce in Walton 'o n Thursday Evening June 16 'lifter Football Match. Good Floor. Six dances for 25 cents. WALTON ORCHESTRA WALTON Mr. ..zelvin Perrin of the Royal Bank, Lindsay,is spending his holi- days smith his cousins, Mark and Rob- ixas+on Hamiltion, • 'Mrs. Lillian Perrin of Cameron, 'Oust., is hoiidaydng >,With her cousin, .2,&e. Jos. R. Hamiftot Mr. Alvin Perrin, veil ,is holidaying "iffere,was taken -suddenly 11 last Sun- , slay and rushed to Lista Hospita where; he underwent alt ae anon` for a serious attack of append .• `is, and lis now gaining his usual heals ' air, Robert Dougherty is inti ;a'Eeer his operation at Listowel tal last week. Mr. and Mrs. Get -lege Clark, Li "•. met -pent the week end with fries Isere. fr- 04Sr. and R. Drager and .'fDhtu:les are holidaying at his t ;oth- -es s, ,Mrs. Charles s Drager.' ,ton"t forget the! pen air dant 'Thursday evening, 1 th, in Wal on. Mrs. G. Pebhick c Seaford' is at • present attending he mobhe e Mrs. 'Campbell, who is cot fined 'toed. Mr. and Mrs. R. CaAs b nod Miss :B.rtta spent Sunday with 3 stand Mrs. W T Humphries. Mr. and \Irs. C. Lowland and eh'il- edren of Fergus visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. S. Forbes, over the week end. • Mr. C. Bennett met with a bad ae- h he was ur .a - when • td utt on Sat d +c e S the He had •'Elie ^n off a motorcycle. u+� •thumb of his right hand broken and, bis sltotiider hurt, His many friends 1ltetpe he will soon be all right, La.Combe-Drager.--Mrs. Charles H. .Drager of Walton, announces the marriage of 1- eldest daughter, Ha- ezelle Amelia, to Melvyn Raphiel La- Conebe, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. David LaCombe, ,of Detroit Michigan, on Saturday. Rine 4th. Our Red Cross Society is holding t hal, A.O.U.W. it1 O another meeting in the A. on Monday evening, June 27ith at S O'clock. The attendance was too small at the last. meeting to decide on any particular way to spend the funds on hand. Several suggestions were made and these will be 'brought ';asp at the meeting to be held on the above mentioned date. All the men and women of the community are urged to attend this meeting. Ir. and Mrs. Simpson McCall vis- ited aver the week -end with Strat- lord friends. W.M.S.—•The W.M.S. and Wo •erten's'Associati,nheld itsregular -.meeting at the hone of Mrs. Leslie 'Olieaer on the eighth of June. Sixty ladies were present, Mrs. Leonard !Leoming presided, After the opening . exercises Mrs. Ire, Silas Johnston read the devotional leaflet. The topic "The Christian Church in Korea," by Miss Knox gave much information. It was Zecided to pack the hale of hospital supplies on Mon„ June 13. The Sun- day School papers are to be brought =n that day also. The old study hooks are to be placed in the public library, 'The meeting was closed with prayer e Mrs. Ed r.. r •n y Byes. The president Mrs. Shaw, presided -at the W.tA After a hymn and Scrip- ture lesson, Miss Smillie led in prayer. Fti11 arrangements were made for the 'garden party to ,be held July 1. The 'rowan Concert Co, and a hand are la he the entertainers for the evening, "The meeting was closed with ,hymn -'MAS and prayer by Mrs. Cumming. A 'dain'ty lunch was served. Mrs. T. J. McMichael Mrs. Orville Dale and the latter's mother, Mrs; Dunlop, visited friends and relatives in and around Walton on Wednesday .ol east week, "!Rev. W. and Mrs. Maines, a former p'astnr of D'uff's church, called on a number of old friends in Walton last week. Mrs. F. Marshall and Jennie spent •-a.day last week near Blyth with Mr. • and Mrs Morritt. • .'Ivfrs. Stephen Kerley and baby of Toronto are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Love. oving sp i- s eon Persian Balm 'k iteemitabla chosen by: dis-cernino• women Delightful to use. Sabtly fragrant, Cooling and re-, rneahing, Turoarts a rare youthful charm 'to the complexion. Invaluable Inc softening and ‘niaking hands flaw- iteeely white;` Tones and stimulates the -"el em. n. U� ii t Useful! for th, Fant' e +rl also. - Pr Yo -techs the tender skin of the Child and is excellent ;for the 'Father as a hair fixative•n'd c i a ooiing sltavin+ :Ip'fion. g Come in and see our - new and used cars Agent for Chrysler, De Soto, Plymouth JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash, HURONIA MALE CHORUS' ,Concert Co. of Exeter, will preseu+t, a twoehour programme in V.A.iYRR� N A Under the auspices of St, John's Anglican. Church, on Tuesday, June 21. 'Commencing at 8 o'clock sharp In the United Church She'd 'Consisting of Scotch - Comedian, Readings, Quartette, solos and instru- mental music. A program no one can• afford to miss, Admission 25e; Children 15c Wardens: Geo. Beatty, . H, Diehl. BLYTH. IWomenls Institute. -=The District annual meeting' of the Wiest' Huron Women's Institute was held in Bel - grave an June 7th. Morning session opened at 10 am. Mrs. Davidson, dis'trict.. president, presided. Meeting opened by singing the Institute ode; scripture reading by Mrs. Gordon IB;is t sa ofd i C,�o er ch which after ' t +ch IvLr . s McKittley of Clinton led in prayer. 'Resolution committee was then ap- pointed. Mrs.' Kirk of Sea'forbh; Miss 'Barr of Londesboro, Mss. Wightman of Blyth; secretary's report was then given an tinction of Mrs, Elliott and Mrs. Kirk was approved as read. The eleven branches in bhe district were 'well represented. They each in turn gave their reports of the year's work which was very interesting. Standing committee reports were then given. 'A discussion followed and the elec- tion of officers then took place with the following result: President, Mrs. tGordon Bissett, Goderich; ist vice president, Mrs. Trewartha, Clinton; 2nd vice president, Mrs. Alton,. Dun- gaturoti secretary -treasurer, klrs.. J. J. Elliott, "e gingham; federation dele- gate, Mrs. W. 11, Fraser, Wingham; auditors, Mrs. W. J. Henderson, Mrs. W. H. Fraser, \Vingliam. The meet- ing adjourned for dinner, Rev, A. M. Grant of Belgrave welcomed the lad- ies to Belgrave and wished thein, a very profitable and enjoyable meet- ing. Mrs. Robs. Wightman replied in a few well chosen words and thanked the ladies for their kind hospitality. The afternoon session opened at 1.30 with community singing, conducted by 'Miss Celia Coultes. We were then favored with an instrumental duet by '\•Liss Wheeler and Mr. "Scott. The president, Mrs. Robs. Davidson then gave h address. She expressed her pleasure at being able to visit each branch during the year and was very much encouraged at the work each one was .doing. She thanked the branches for their kindness to her and their Et co-operationwith vv her ll the great institute work. The depression ,was doing a great deal to help each other and we were being drawn egos- t er to each other with a deeper syn! -1 pathy. Mrs. MciKinley of Clinton Fee fP deratioe delegate, then gave her re- t sport. This was very interesting and J brought to the Ineetiivg many new thoughts. She suggested that we all study the hand book. The ,govern- menti did not reduce bhe grant to bhe institutes this year because they said no work was done so well as that by the Institutes. Landesboro ladies 'their, favored with a quartette. Miss Laur- ette McClure and Miss Doris S+myth of Dungannon, me'lnbers of the Jun- ior Institute, then gave a demtonstra- tion on "Setting a table." Mrs, .Dier- lam, of Ripley, provincial Federation representative, gave an address. Her italic was much enjoyed and shlowed the far reaching work done by the in- stitutes. She also conducted a ques- tdan drawer at the close of her ad - ,dress. Miss Miller of St. Helens then gave a pleasing -instrumental. An in- vitation 'to hold the next annual meet- ing at Weigle= was accepted. Meet- ing was brought fo a close by singing the, ;national anthem. Those who at- tended from Blyth included: Mrs. J. W. Scott, Mrs, A. M. Colclou'g'h, Mrs. IRdbt. Wightman, Mrs. J. W. Mills, Mrs. F. Oster, Mns. 'Thos. Laidlaw, !Mrs. E. Johnston, Mrs. H. M. 'Pat- terson, Miss Alice Gillespie, Mrs. John t lIeGee. - !Miss Bertha Bragdeii of Landon was a .visitor with her father, Goo. IBnogden and - sisters, M'esdatnes 'Moody and Lyon, Mr. Stewart Weir has purchased .the stack and contents of the 'Super - value store and has taken possession. /Mr. Jas, Cutt will remain with hint for two weeks, A public meeting will be held un- der the auspices of the Women's In- stitute will be held in Memorial Hall l o Monday, June 20th, when 'Mrs. Clarence Hays of Georgeton'n will be the speaker. Her subject, "Thrift without Tears." Mrs. Hays brings to the work the experience of the pub- lic school teacher in Northern On- tario, where she was of value as a community leader andinstitute work- er. Her interest in Institute work and activities has continued since moving to old Ontario, Her keen sense of the raiste of worthwhile things, her clar- ity of thought and vision, her grasp and vivid portrayal of the vital things of life snakes her an acceptable speak- er, while e che earnest force e of her message is augmented by her sym- pathetic attitude toward her fellow travellers. t lie s. Mrs,.' FI+ayes will have a real m'ess'age to give in an acceptable and pleasing manner. Clinton and Londesboro branches will also be present and take part in the program and Punch will be served. Everyone welcome. Thursday evening (to -night) at eight fifteen pupils of Elizabeth Mills will givea musicale in Queen St. Church, Mr. L. Eekmier, .Brussels, form h er choir' leader of Flint, Mich., tenor soloist, wiil assist also Rev, E. (Anderson and boys of Dr. Toll's Junior Band, You are invited to at - end. Engagement. — Mr. and Mrs. S. A. oplestane, Blyth, wish to announce he engagement of "'their daughter eannette, to Dir. Carman D. Kilpat Progressive Prete South Huron Progressive Association will hold a picnic its Jowett s Grove, Bayfield Wed., June 22 —PROGRAM 2.30 ADDRESSES— Hon. 13. C. Nixon, M.L.A„ Brant, Progressive Leader, Ontario Miss Agnes ;MacPhail, M.P. S.E. Grey, U i'.O; Representative W. G. Medd, M:Li.A„ South Huroti 4.90 to 6.00 PICNIC ''LUNCH & SOICIAL TIME Bring your lunch baskets. Hat v,ater will he provided. After 6.00 — Sports and Games Softball, Trg-of 14Var; Horseshoe Pitching: etc, South Huron picked teams--Nort'heast vs. Sou.bhwest (N.E.--IGaderirch Twp,; Huller Mc+Kiliap, Tueke'rsmith, Seaforth, Clinton) (S.W.—Stanley, Hay, Stephen, Usbarne, Exeter' and Heesall) OU! SOTAN DINGASPEA'[CERS T MEE'TER PRESENDAYxMANY LEADING P'UBY B- L[C MEN AND WOMEN WHO WILL BE FIRE'S/ENT. "Cod Save the King." W. Black, Chairman; 31 .Forrest, Secretary rick, $t Thomas, the marriage' to take place early in July, HARLOCK The June' Ladles' Aid meeting of Burns' United Church was held on June 1st at the home of Mrs, David Reid with Mrs. Daniel Stevens assist- ing. A very pleasant afternoon was spent quilting a quilt for the Mission- ary lSociety,� Miss Ella' Stephen' of Zurih' is at present visiting her friends, the Misses Helen and Marjorie MdE,wing.' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mc'Gre;,+or, He- len and Gordon and Miss Olive Knox visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thos. Appleby of M•eig.•illop Mr, and ..Mrs. Frank Martin of Mor- ris visited at the Manse of the latter's brother, Mr. Angus Reid on 'Thurs- day of last weeks. Mr. and Mrs. A. l\r. MciEwing and Miss Helen spent Sutlday at the home of Mr. and Mr's. Rticherd Arnestrong near Ethel. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MdGregor and Mr, aged Mrs. Solomon Shannon were in Stratford one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sinton McVittie, also Mr, and Mrs. Kelland McVittie at- tended the decoration services in. Brussels cemetery, on Sunday, also visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Ma T.Tla gegar t of Walton. on. Mr. William Parson's of Burlington, Iowa, is at present visiting at Mr, Charles Parsons and other friends, The little Misses Lear visited their aunt, Mrs. Leo Wa't't,over the week end and. on Saturday afternoon visited at the home of Mrs. Thos. Knox, Ar- chie, Donald and Jimmie Watt also visited :Saturday afteijnoon, at Mrs, Thos. ICnox's home. Miss Lydia Reid is re-engaged as teacher for Harlack school for elle coming year. Mr. Wm. Murray visited on Sunday' at Whitechurch. HULLETT. -Thompson-Firm. — A very pretty ,Tune wedding was solemnized in Si.. Joseph's. Catholic Church, !Clinton, an Tuesday morning at nine o'clock when Anna gE„ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Flynn, Hullett township, became the !bride of Frederick Thomp- son of Toronto, san of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Thompson, ofWinnipeg, Man. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, while from the church organ there floated the strains of the wedding march from Lohen- grin played by Mrs, Cardinal, organist and choir leader, Father M. N. Sulli- van performed the ceremony, at which low mass was celebrated.' The bride looked charming in a gown of green net and taffeta with mohair picture .hat of pale green and shoes and :laves of white kid. She carried a bouquet aF Briarcliffe roses, lillies of the valley and fern and wore a rope of pearls, the gift of the bridegroom. The brides- maid was Miss Tena Flynn., sister of the bride, in a gown of pink frilled net over sills crepe with green .velvet trim -,I ming, and a mohair picture hat. iderl bouquet was Sweetheart roses, lilies of the valley and fern. 'The bridegroom was supported by George Calvert of Toronto. The church r chancel and al- tar a tar were beautifully decorated, with seasonable blossoms, peonies and snowball predominating. During the signing of the register, Mrs. Cardinal played Softly on the organ and at the offertory Mrs. Cardinal and Mrs, Charles Shanahan rendered Ave Ver - urn as a duet. ,As the organist played Mendelssohn's wedding march ` the bridal party left the church: Follow- ing the service a wedding breakfast was served at the haute of the bride's parents. The house decorations were in pitik and white with peonies acid snowball u and greenery of fern. The large table was centered with the bride's cake, decorated in pink and white. The bride's mother wore back georgette and lace with hat to match. The bridegrooms mother was gown- ed its 'black 'chiffon and lace trimmed with grey squirrel. The bridegroom's gift .to the bride was a beautiful rope of pearls, to, the bridesmaid a crystal necklace and to the best elan a sterl- ing silver cigarette case. Mr. 'and Mrs. Thompson left to spend their honey- moon in Montreal, Quebec and places on the St. Lawrence River. Afterward they will reside on Clendennan aven- ue, Toronto. The wedding guests in- cluded Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Flynn, De- troit; Mr. and Mrs. 3.. J. Curran, of Clarkson; Isabel Griffin, Ileen :Mc- Donald and Loretta Flynn, Toronto; Mies Mary Purcell and Mrs. W. J. McCauley, Stratford. The •following young ladies served the guests at the wedding breakfast: klona Carbert,` Margaret. Flynn, Mary Purcell atid Mary Flynn, WINTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. A, G. Calder and Miss Margaret of Hickson and Mr. and Mrs. Brandy .of Stratford spent Sun- day with friends. Mrs, Ferg, Bullard and children spent the week end with relatives til London. Mr. and Mrs. Theron Beetles spent !Sunday ,n Goderich, I Mr. Harold' Senalldon and family of i.Waltott spent Sunday with M•r, and Mrs. George Etiton, (Winthrop played foo'tbiball with• Stt, Coluntlban ie St. Columban last Fri- day uighlt. The .game was a tie 1-1. +Egmondvillev played Winthrop in V,!inithrop Tuesday night. The score was 2-1 in favor of Egmon_dville. Born. -To Mr. and Mrs. H. Blanch- ard on Monday, June 13th, a son. Quick action saves trouble, worry. Keep iDateglas Egyptian'Link/sent al- ways handy. Shops !bleeding instar*y, Cauterizes wounds. Quickly relievesEUGENE /Barber's 'Itch and Ringworm. TRY iilespes Cleaners * & Dyers WITH YOUR NEXT. ORDER ho ne 196w. We call and deliver V. J. Gillespie, :Prep, semossumms Holinedvi'lle Cheese Factory Patrons Plan Picnic at Goderich on Sat- urday, June 18th. 'The Holmesville C.heese and But- ter Factory are iaxviting all patrons Who are interested in dairying and any others who care to join with them, to meet in Goderich Harbour Park, Saturday afternoon, June 13th. Monis will be a basket picnic and they are inviting the patrane of Huron Cheese Factory add the Pine River gatoup to join with them. Competitive sports will be enjoyed. A good time is exlpected. lb -Yank Hearns of London will give an address on the pro'duction of dairy products. A. H. 'Wil+ford of Toronto, chairman of the newly formed. On- tario Cheese Marketing Service, will also: explain the plates and results Which are hdpeel for from thi; tear- kelting service. I't is felt that such a social gathering Would be ofgreat assistance to the development of . the dairy industry' of Western Ontario. Special attention is being paid to the women's program's, which will cover almost every conceivable phase of home economics, One day has been denominated Women's Institute Day. FUNERAL OF Mr. McMILLAN. The funeral of the late Thomas Mc- Millan on Thursday last was Very largely attended, it being estimated that Over 2,000Co ' 'people were present at his late residence in .Hallett. The ser- vice was conducted by Rev.. I. B. Keine of S'eaforth Presbyterian church1 assisted by Rev. Dr. F. H. Larkin of Toronto, The funeral was held and'erl the auspices of Britannia Lodge A, F. and AIM., S'ealforrh, Rev. J. F, Myers of St. Thomas' Church, Seaforth, read- ing the Masonic service. Masons 'from the surnounding lodges were also: pre- sent, and the county council attended in a body. The Federal Government was repre- sented by Hott, Dr. Sutherland, M.T. for Orford, and Minister of . Militia. The Reform party was represented by Rt. Hon. W. L. M. King, leader of the party in the + House of Commons; Mit Permanent Waves (ALSO LOW PRICED WAVES) Ina Gray, seaforth PHONE 125 chell' Hepburn, Ontario provincial leader; .Lott, J, C. Elliott, former Min-. ister of Public Works; Senator. T. P. Rankin, of Stratford; Senator 'John Lewis of. Toronto; Hon. Duncan Mar- slhall, Dr, Blair, M.P., Fred! Sander- son, MP.; Dr. Hall, M.P., North Bruce; Dr, Smith, Stratford. George S of ton M,P, was ,present. Th p t e mem:: > .p bers oif the House of Commons pies- euf were &notary pallbearers. The acting p'al'llbearers were Robert 'Scar- lett, Roses Sproat, Ross Murdie, W'rn. Clark, Wish. Charters and 3, Boyce, members of Britannia Lodge. The ser- vice at the`hbuse was conducted -from the steps of the vestibule so that the crowd outside could hear, :After the funeral a large crowd of citizens and visitors gathered in front of the town hall, w'h'en eulogistic ad- dresses were given by the following, Mayor 3. F. Daly, acting as chairman, Rt, Han, W. L. Mackenzie King, 'Sen- ator Ranlokin, Hon. I. C. Elliott, Mr, W. H. Golding. ancin I Roy Snider and his Collegians 9 Piece Band of Kitchener will play in Opera House DUrBLIN again on FRIDAY EVENING JUNE TJ E 17 'T'ickets 75 cents per couple. Extra lady 35 cents. i • TARIO 1931 — , II IMAGINE' 9065 PERSONS Killed or Injured by Motor Vehicles in one year Because of CARELESSNESS Drive & walk SAFELY! MOTOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS Leopold Macaulay, • MINISTER J