HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-09, Page 8'PAGE EIGHT.
Mrs, David Christie .and son Nor -1
man of Farquharspent a clay last
week at the home of 19a. Wm. L. Mc-
Mrs. J. W. Bonbhron'is confined to
her hone ,with ilhtess. Tier mangy
friends hope for a speedy recovery,
IMr, A. W. E. Hemphill spent the
week end with relatives in. Detroit.
Miss Isobel,. Turnbull of Exeter
spent a few days last week with Miss
1-Ieleat: Smith.
IMr. Jack Steacy pf.. Detroit spent
,the week endwith relatives in town.
Mrs. Vair and Miss Minnie Gibbs
of Toronto visited last week at the
home of Mrs. Robt. Blon't'hron.
Mr, LeonardDart of Elora spent
The week end with relatives in toven.
The Welfare Youth Club of the
+Carmel Presbyterian Church held
• their regular meeting on Monday ev-
ening. After the opening exercises an
instrumental was ;given by Miss Mar-
garet MoLaren, Ifoilowed by a reading
by Mr. ,Wer. Craig, A solo was given
by Margaret Dougall, after which a
violin selection was very ably render-
ed 'by Mr, Melvin Moir acco'nrpanied
by Miss Pearl Moir. A selection on
the violin was given by Mr. Fred De-
ters followed, by an instrumental duet
by Blanche and Jim Mustard, after
which games and contests were in-
dulged in and a dainty lunch was
served. An interesting feature of the
evening was an address and presen-
tation to Mr. acrd Mrs. Glenn Bell of
a Coleman lamp and a roasting pan.
!The address was read by Mr• Jim
Ivftestard and the presentation made
by Misses Mabel Workman and Pearl
Moir, after which Mr. Bell thanked
the. young' people for their kindness
and .generosity.
Mr. Robert Cameron has erected a
aew verandah on his dwelling on N'el-
san street. ` 1' 11^ --
(Mrs, (Dr.) Reid returned to her
home in Port Rowan this week after
et pleasant visit with her parents. She
was aceonipanied home by her moth-
er, Mrs. Edward Sheffer.
Reeve Geiger is in Goderich this
week attending the June session of
the county council, •
(The baseball match on Friday ev-
ening between Exeter and Hensall at
Exeter resulted in favor of Exeter.
On Monday evening a match was
played on our local diamond between
Iliensall and Crediton, Crediton win-
ning the game,
!The village council have purchased
a safe from the Petrie Company of
Toronto and have it placed in the
clerk's office in the town hall so the
clerk would have a proper place to
keep the valuable papers of the town.
Mr. Garnet Smallacombe of Guelph
a former Hensall boy spent the week
end visiting with friends in town..
Garnet's many friends here are always
glad to •see him.
Miss Ellen Pylbtts of Windsor vis-
ited over the week end with relatives
in Hensall and vicinity.
Mrs. Edward Lindenfield and fam-
ily of Exeter visited in town on Fri-
Mr. W. D. Sanders of Exeter called
on friends in town on Saturday.
Owing to the great number of cases
of measles in the village the public
school is closed down this week.
Fire destroyed the large barns of
IMr, Henry Block, on' the London.
!Road, south of Hensall, early Thurs-
day morning last. A number of imp-
lements, a 'quantity of feed, and a
number of pigs were burned. The or-
igin of the fire is a mystery but is
supposed to be caused by someone
sleeping in the barn, Mr. Block's loss
will he heavy.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie of
Toronto spent a few clays this week
visiting with .relatives in town and
Rev. Mr. Ashdown of Toronto will
conduct the services in Carmel Pres-
byterian Church next Sunday.
Miss Eleanor Fisher is spending a
few days,visitiag with her sister, Mrs.
,Moffatt of Brucdfbeld,
'• Court of Revision.—Court of Revise
ion on the assessment roll was held
'Monday evening at 8 p.m. Those
present having taken their oath of of-
fice as 'members of court of revision,
Mickle and 'Spencer being absent
(Petty and Jones, that we adjourn
court of revision until June 14t'ir at 8
p.m, Carried.—James ,A. Paterson,
Council Meeting._4Regular meeting
held Monday evening after the court
o'f revision was adjourned at 8.15 p.m.
all members of council being present.
Mickle and Spencer having taken their
oath as `members of a court of revis-
ion. Minutes of the three pre3ious
meetings read; Petty and Jones that
the minutes be adopted as read. Car-
ried. Petty reported re W. Carlile as
(wanting his cow inspected so he
could sell milk. Also the inspection
of the streets of the village some being
in need of gravel. Mickle and Petty,
that the clerk ask £or tenders for 200
yards of screened gravel delivered' on
our streets. Tenders to be opened
June 14th at 8 p.m. Ailso Mr. 'Clark
to do the spreading at 20 cents per
hour. Carried. Geiger reported re Dr.
I T S!millie's entrance to the rear of
his property. Mr. 'G'arnet Case -appear
ed asking for the use of the 5south
part of the Park .property. ,
11iclele end Petty, Y, 'that(Garnet Case
be given use of part of Park property
for pasture at a rental of $2.00 prov-
iding he keeps weeds, etc., down, Car-
ried. The Clerk 'reported re the Board
of Health, same to be considered la-
ter. Communications from Deputy
Minister of IIospitals re Jenne'Cald-
well, 'filed. Mrs. Shook of Mitchell re
show, clerk to write; S. F. Lawrason
& Co•, re Dow Flake, filed. Jones and
{Spencer that a rebate be granted the
Baseball Club of $5.00 on . hall rent.
Carried. The following bills and ac-
counts read; J. Passmore, hydro,
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dol'nrage
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Ro-
bert 'Fogg of Egntondviille..
Mrs. George Little left for 'Ireland
last Thursday where she • intends
spending the greater part of the
summer with relatives there. We wish
her 'a pleasant trip. f
Mr. John Bullard spent Sunday,
with Mr. Harold Snnalldon of Wal-
The game of football held here last
Friday night 'beglween Walton. and
Winthrop was well attended. The
score was 4-2 in favor of Walton.
Mrs. Foster Bennett anfl Motl'a
spent a coup'le of days with her par
eats this week.
Mr. Neil Montgomery :spent" Sun-
day with friends in Belgrave,
!Elgmondville .and Winthrop play
foot ball in Winthrop Tuesday, June
144th. •
Mr. and Mrs, Norman Smith of To-
ronto called on friend's on Sunday.
hfi. and Mrs. Jno. • Vipond have
moved to Mitchell.
Mr. Dan Feeney of Chicago is vis-
iting with his sister, Mrs. Jas. Burns.
Mr, Feeney sees many .changes as it
is over twenty years since he left
Mr, and Mrs. C. O'Brien and
daughter of Toronto spent Friday
under the parental roof.
A telegram was received on Mon-
day saying that Mr.. Andrew Cole-
man of the West, but formerly .of
Staffa, had been drowned on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hill spent Sun-
day with their son inGoderich.
Miss Edna' Fell of Goderieh is vis-
iting at the home of her brother, W.
J.. 'Fell,
Mrs. J. Livingstone is visiting with
her son in Hamilton.
Mr. (Will Miller of Caron, Sask.,
is ependit g the summer here. There
must be some attraction:
Mr. 'Horace Sillery and lady friend
also lir. and Mrs. R. Livingstone of
Hamilton spent the week -end with re-
Miss Marie S•illery entertained a
number of young people from her
school section on Friday evening 'at
the home of her parents.
Miss Nellie Young of Stratford
spent the week -end at the hone • of
Mr. R. Sillery.
Mrs. Root, Charters, Mill: Road,
was a guest at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Rob t. McKenzie, Egnton'dville,
Friday evening last.
Miss Mary Pappie of Brantford is
home for a prolonged visit.
Mr. and Mrs. Rae Carnochan and
Mr. Edward Clark of Detroit, were
week end visitors at the home of Mr.
James Cameron.
Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Grey and
little son Donald were Sunday visit-
ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm.
The farmers here are busy prepar-
ing the land for the root and corn
Mr. and Mrs. Claeence Ball of De-
troit spent the week end with relatives
Mr. and Mrs, Robt. G'!bbings of To-
ronto visited relatives here last weak.
Mr. A. Hope of Comber and Miss
Petty 'Terryberry of Lambeth visited
relatives here last week.
'Sir. Fletcher- Townsend returned
home on Monday from St. Thomas
where he spent the past week at the
Conference there.
'Mr. anti Mrs. George Addison. of
Hull et were recent guests at the
home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Lewis;Tob-
The Tuckers!nith Ladies' Club are
holding their annual picnic at Mr.
Fred .Pepper's an Saturday, June 16th.
All members are requested to bring
provisions for those coming.
Mr. Geo. Telbbutt of Porter's Hill
returned home Wednesday after visit-
ing his brother .Lewis at' Seaforth.
:Miss Richardson of Aurora and
Mrs. Phillipls of Toronto are visiting
with Mr. and Mrs., Lewis Tebbult.
,Wanted to buy, a silo filling box for
use with small tractor. Apply at The
News Office, 23.
• Kitchener Salvation Army' Band,
June 18th and 19th. Saturday evening
on. Main street, musical festival Sun-
day services conducted by the Bands-
men in Citadel, 11 a.m., 7 p.m. Sacred
program at: park, 8.15 p.m.
Three acres of lard in Egmondville,
seven.roosn frame house: Ellard and
soft water, electric lights, good barn
andhen, house, Phone 2130'r 22, Sea -
forth. 23.
Pure (bred Collies, real drovers, 3' d
months old. Colneand see them and
take your choice. BIEAITITY BROS.,
Varna, Ont.
We wisih to thank'friends and
neighbors for kind expressions of
sympathy during our •recent sad her-
eavement.—Mr, and Mrs. H. Zapihe
and Brothers and 'Sis'ters.
$6.92; F. J. Wiclow-ire, ::.00•; Ruther-
ford Williamson, safe, $40.00; Louise
Drummond, rebate hall rent, $5; Geo,
Hudlson, license •park and ball, $6.1114;
EEzraWrilent, cartage . on ,safe, $7; j,
A. Paterson, premium on bond's $28;
D, A.-Oantelon, coal, hall, $3.2.03; J.
A. Paterson, treas. Ball Club, rebate,
$5.00; total, $138.09.
Spencer and Pones, that accounts as
read be paid. Carried. Spencer and
,Jones, that the reeve hire a team to
cut grass along the streets. Carried.
Slpencer and Mickle, that we adjourn
until June 14Ith, at 8 p.m. Carried.—
James A. Paterson, Clerk.
Dr. E. P. Lewis and Mrs. Lewis of
Toronto spent the week end with Dr.
and 'Mrs. IN. W. _ Woods, and brought
with them Mrs. (Buchan, who has
spent the past 'month in Toronto.
Miss I. B. Kirk was at her home
n "Glanworth over the week end,
E. :Patchell of -he, Bank of Com-
merce was at his :tome in Ghesley for
the King's birthday :holiday.
'Mr. and Mrs. Ian McRae of Strath-
royand.:Mrs. Elliott o.f Lucicno-w vis -
ted Mrs. Fraser on Sunday. •-
Miss Weber, R.N., of Rochester,
has been . visiting her cousin, .Mrs.
Percy Weston for the past six weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Dyr, and family. and
\'lrs. Miller, who recently motored
'from (Saska'tchewa'n, -have rented Mr:
Ross' hoose on Main street and mov-
ed in to it this week.
Howard 'Thomas -and these• boy
riend's, John Carter, Charles Cowan,
Orion Orchard, William Rowles, Wil-
iam Noyes, Maurice George, Wil-
iam 'Gerry
il-iam'Gerry and. Herbert Childs spent
a very enjoyable week end at, Dr.
Thomas' cottage.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh bbc!Laren• of
Port Elgin were guests of Miss J.
Sterling over the :weelc end.
Title Yawn People's Department of
St. Andrew's United - Church, had
charge of the morning 'service last
.Sunday as the pastor was attending
Conference at 'St. Thomas, Brown
Stewart conducted the service quite
ably, Murray Grainger read the Scr.ip-
ure lesson' and ;Albert Wood gave the
prayer. The young ,people's choir lead
he singing and sang ' the anthem,
The Beautiful Garden of " Prayer,"
he duet !being taken 1» Dorothy
Scotchnter and Gladys Gaale. The spe-
cial feature was the sermon by Miss
Delight 'Mutch of Goderich, who
gave an excellent address on • "The
Adventures of Faith;"
Mr. and Mrs. C. M'c1Ci•nnon of Tor-
onto have returned to 'their • camp,
The \Mic-Macs, for the summer.
Miss Alma McKay of 'Toronto was
home for the week end.
IB'ayificld Agricultural: Society is for-
unate this year in'having the'privil-
ege of awarding to the successful ex-
hibitor the Albert John Harrington
Eckardt donation which consists of
one toter -piece silver tea service, 24
carat gold lined, valued at $50.00.. Dis-
trict number 8 consists of ` Hpron,
Lam.btol , Middlesex and Perth and
Bayfield lair has been selected. Full'
particulars regarding this award will
be given in the prize list or may be
obtained from the secretary, A.
]Rev. and :Mrs, Paull, Mr. .and Mrs,
Wim. Scobc'hnter and .Miss Woods at-
tended the
t-tendedthe Deanery; at Brussels on
The Apple Maggot
According to a re'cen't statement by
Chas. W. lBauer, secretary Ontario
'Growers' Market Council, Hamilton,
about 'half the apple .oroherds in On-
tario are in'fected with ,the apple mag.
got. The infestation in, ,the stain i
slight, but there are some heavily
diseased'orchards in some 'counties
Mr. Andrew ;Fulton, .overseas fru•i
representative,' 'has advised' .that tBri
tain place an embargo on all early
supplies .oif apples 41 maggot is found
in one shipment. 'Phis danger neces
sitates growers t'aki'ng every practical
measure to el•iminlate the insect from
all commercial orchards alt leaste;'Ihey
are urged to spray thoroughly 'for.
control' of .these pests.
Want and For Sale Ads., 3 'times 50c
(The Hillsgreen Young People will
hold their anniversary on Sunday.
Rev. Patton of Benmiller will be the.
special speaker for the occasion. The
Kipper choir will supply the anthems
as usual
(Rev. B'oweu of the U.!C.'B.C. con-
onducted the service on Sunday last,
Rev. .R. R. Conner being' at the Con-
ference in Sit. 'Thomas.
Want and For Shale Ads. 1 time 25c,
Clydesdale Stallion
'Pedigree—Dark .'
'D scttptiou and ,
'bay; facc nigh foot, off fore and hied
legs white; born :May 119, 191.8; bred
by David E. Ray, Staples, r'Onterio.
I-Iaig (215613)—(Sire, Baron Manstield,
(limp.) [1114166] (131139); !Grand !Sire—.
!Baron's Pride : [3067] (9122) Darn of
(Sire-1Liraiida 'o'f ,Chapellton [00005]
(13859) ; Dam—Pleas unit Park Queen!
[•218623]; Sire of Dam—Squire (imp.)
[1618110] 11131766); Grand Diana=Norani
Queen i(iinp.) [11;1034], 1E.n od'men't Nlo.
41116. Approved. Forms 1. Inspected;
October 2,3rd, 1030.
Haig will stand forthe improve-
ment of stack this season at his stable
alt Lot '22, Con. 13, Hibbert, Phone 10
on 88, I3efisall Arrangements- will be
evade with parties from a distance.
Grass .provided at, ,a reas'onable rate
'Terris -•To insure $8:00, payable
(Feb. let, 1933. 'Mare's must be return
ed regularly .to 'hlorse or they will be
c'h'arged' the insurance whether in foal
or not. Parties dis'posing ' e'f their
Mares before fowling time .will • be
'held responsible for the insurance
Money whether infoal or not. A.UI ac-
cidents eat risk' of •owners ` of mares.
The foal ' to remain ,the property of
the owner of ,Haig until insurance is
IWM. COLE, Prop. Cronvarty P.O.
The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion
(54160) 11653
Enrolment' No. 743 • Form, 1
Will stand for mares at , his own
stable, Lot 8, Concession 4, Tucker-
slmith, or will make arrangements to
meet parties from a distance half
Terns. -To insure a foal, $9,00,
payable January 1st, 1033, Parties
'with mares in foal and disposing of.
them before February 1st will be held
relslponsilb'ie for ins'u'rance. Mares • at
owner's risk.
A quantity of seed buckwheat.
,BERT IIRIWII!N, Phone 61116 r 32, Clin-
ton. _ 24.
A good` reliable driving horse, just
five years old and perfectly sound in
every way. Apply to l21RS. GEO.
IRI11L1EY, of 'the village of K'inburn.
(Fall Contents Normandie Hotel,
Clisiton. The 'Canada Trust Company
and A, J. Cooper, Exeicutors' of the
Estate of the fate Samuel S. Cooper
will offer for sale on the premises,
Tuesday, June 14th, at 1-0.00 a.m., the
(full contents of the Normandie Hotel,
;Clinton, and other miscellaneous ar-
ticles, consisting of rugs, mirrors,
wardrobes, ttum.ber of sets of bed-
room furniture, trunks, tables all sizes,
quantity of chairs, pictures, over -
drapes, curtains, electric lamps, desk,
sofa, sewing machine, two coal stoves,
•d•ining room furniture,' electric heater,
2 pianos, miscellaneous bric-a-brac,
quantity of garden tools, large plate
glass ,mirrors, miscellaneous china,
glass, knives, forks and spoons, 1
Willys Knight automobile sedan, 1928
model, good condition; old Chand'l'er
automobile, hotel bus, and miscellan-
eous articles tea numerous to mention,
Terms 'cash. •
'George . H. Elliott, ,Auctioneer, Clut-
ton; The Canada Trust Conrpaay,
'London; Alex. J. Cooper, Goderich,
NO'TIC'E is hereby given that all
creditors • and others having claims
against the estate of Martin Henry
bfurtray, late of the Village cif Dublin,
in the County of Perth, who died on
the eigh'teenth day of April, 1932, are
requested to forward their claims,
ve'rsi'fied by affidavit, to the under-
signed, so'licitor for the Executors, on
or before the 17th day of Julie, 1932.
VIEN that after the said last men-
tioned date, the; executors will pro-
ceed to distribute the assets of the
said deceased, having' regards only to
the claims . of which they then shall
have had notice.
DATED at Seaforth Ontario, this
30th day of May, 1932. '
Seaforth, Ontario.
24. Solicitor for the Executors.
Horses -Cows
With the idea of giving em-
ployment, we have decided to
Continue handling these ani-
mals. 'Phone us promptly
whenyoii want ea animal re-
Ingersoll Stratford
Buy at llime
MINCED' HAM 20c pound
BACK BACON 20c pound
COTTAGE ROLLS 13c'poundl
COOKED HAM c ... .... ....... ..., 28c pound
MAIN'ITO'BA FLOUR 'per cwt. • 2.00
P. & G.!SOAP.. ...... ....... ....:,....::... 10 bars 33c
O£ `Household Goo as, Dining
Roonx and I{ibcdieu ,Elgtriipanent, at,
aVeacklain's Restaurant, Setfdnth, on
(Saturday, June 18th, at 1.30 p.m. sharp
Dining Room
3 dozen dinging room •chairs, 4 large
tables, 4 small tables, 4 oak ice cream
tables, 1 show case, 1 new cash regis-_
ter, several small stands, 1 Quebec
heater and pipes, a quantity of silver-
ware,. china
ilverwa're,•ch'ina and table linen.
4' gasoline stove, 1 large coal range,
1 extension table, 1 sideboard, 4 table's,
6 kitchen chairs, 1 kitchen • olock, re-
frigerator, 2 cupboards, clothes line
and pulleys, 1 box stove and pipes, 1
single bed, mattress and springs, 1
dresser, 1 stepladder, quantity of cook-
ing utensils, including dishes, pans,
etc. Numerous other articl'es.' '
`Electric sign with word "Cafe."
Small sign with ward "Seaforth."
H. Elliott, Auctien'eer.
'Of Varna Stock and Dmp'lements on
chattel mortgage and taxes at L''ot
130, Con. 7, Tp. of MelKillop,. on
ITuesd'aly, Jenne 114, at 2 .p.m.
IHlorses: 1 black horse 12 years
old; 1 black mare 10 years old; 1 bay
mare 12 years old; 1 sorrell driver
'8 years old; 1 bay mare 3 years old,,
Cattle—+1 Holstelim cow 4 years old;
4 Durham cows 5 years old; 6 yearl-
ings, 5 'Durhalms, 3 steers and 2
heifers, 1 Holstein heifer, 5 spring
II'mipietnents.—Massey Harris bind-
er; iMOorinlick mower, Deering bay
rake, Massey' Hlarris. loader, Massey
Harris single riding plow, Cocicslhutt
double riding plough, Massey Harris
cultivator, three horse set of harrows,
two buggies, three wagons, two hay
• ,Tennis.—(And sums of $10 and tinder,
cash:; over that amount, five months
against approved joint notes drawing
interest at six per cent. per annum,
with 6 per cent. per annum off for
cash on credit amounts. F. W. Ahrens,
Auctioneer J. F. Welsh, Bailiff for
Mortgagee; Canadian Bank of Com-
Furniture repairing et all kind's.
Prices reasonable. H. NI01IIC'E, Dick
'apartments, over ' Anderson's Bakery.
We have more than ever this year.
Colne and look them over. Buy at
hone, ,Brighten up the dull, spots
with Giant Fluffie Ruffle . Petunias,
also Asters'', Zinnias, Super (Giant
Snapdragon, Verbenas and lots of To-
matoes, the kinds that do well is this
climate. AILBHIRT BAKER, Railway
st., Seaforth. 2,2
Township of Tuckersmith
Ratepayers Of the Township •of
Tu:ckersnvith,wh•o wish to draw, gravel
on the road, notify John Eerie, Phone
143 r 5, and William McGregor; phone
93 r 11, Hensel. Must 'have a box
flat will hold 1/ yds, of gravel.
hy Be
Your Ru
Without Injury to Your; Rug.
Rugs up to 3x4 yds. Dusted: only 50c
C 11 spies Cleaners
Fire Insurance Co.
Canada's Largest Mattual
Insurance Co',y.
Our Classified Fire Rates
on Farm Buildings of First
Class Construction are a-
mazingly low.
Windstorm Rates will sur-
prise you.
Special Rates to Farmers
for Auto ,Insurance
For full particulars, con-
sult our local agent.
J. H. Sett
Box 1.42
Phone 336 SEA'FO1Ti
also 'sharpen 'lawn mowers, bind-
er and mower knives, plough shares,
halir clippers, Bunt and sharpen saws
also a small gasoline engine for sale.
3AIS. BiARIR1OIN, G'oderich• street
east. 22.
Tomatoes, choice Snapdragon, mix-
ed colors, tRuffled Pansy, choice mix-
ed. Ready about May 24th. A .variety
of other plants ready dates. .A_ L.
P.O,RTEOUS, West st 2Z
I expect to have a number"of young
calves for sale during the calf seasoa-
Bayfield. Phone 5-78, Hensall.
Seven -roomed cottage, with, , good
garden and some fruit trees, on North
Main street Apply to News Office
Seven -roomed house 'and ' two iota
in' Egmondvil'le, Main road, , 94 acre
of land, corner lot, bard and Soft wa-
ter, electric lights, several fruit trees`,
splendid place for fanner. Good stable
and chicken house, also garage. Apia.
ply to MRS. JIN1O., SPROAT, Sea -
forth, House can be seen at.any time.
For Income and Profit. Dkie t!er
market !conditions, many seasoned
bonds of well-known Companies have.
declined shanply,'a'n!d; are, now selling
at ,material discounts' under $1001 0,
thus .affording highly ,attractive mar--
urrent yiebds, 'plus opportunity for sufi-
stantial appreciation in value. gay we
submit a selected 'list :of, such bonds,
which in oti'i- opinion ' present out-
standing opportunities 2'" E. A. SIZE
GRIST •& .Co., Limited, Investment
Bankers, New Bank of Toronto Mfg.,,
Ikondon,'Ontario. Phone Metcalfe 337@
'From Single Comb White • Leg -
'horns, Barron strain, .mated' to cock-
erels from 'hens with a record from
265 to. 275 eggs; chicks $7.90 per 101/1
(Barred Rocks $9.90 per '100; `Black
Jersey Giants $10.90 per 100. Your
own w eggs properly incubated at B3•
Per .100 in a Jamesway. incubator. Nit
(these 'hens are. real .egg prod -meats
and all good healthy hens. T. also
'have 4 incubators to sell very cheap.
holm, •Ont. Phone 52 r 23.
Putter, per lib Imo'
Eggs, per dot,,_ •7'c; 9c, fire•
;Potatoes, per bag , , 2
Hogs, per cwt.—
wt. Wheat, per bu!s: SKc,
Shorts, per !hon
Bsan, ,per ten sl •
_ ,e,r!vcrv,�ear�+wwu,ryvywa
'L„ 4