HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-09, Page 5THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1932.
SAVE! and SAVE!. and: SAVE!
It is the ODD barg d i (n that .counts but consis'ten't' everyday
eavings.. That is one reason so Many women shop regularly at
Superior 'Stores. If you are not ,already a 'customer, we ,suggest you
place -a trial order with a'Superior 'Store. 'their prompt service, 'high
meality enerchaedise, 'and low prices, 'will Teen your steady pa'trona'ge,
Remember our slogan-
Items for week ending June 15th.
10 cakes 49 c
KELLOGG''S TALL BRAN , , , large pkg 16c
7SiWEET'PICKLES : , ... large family jar 29 ci
DU'RHA'M CORN'STARCH • k per pkg. 9.c
VELVEBTA 'CHEESE %'s ............................special
SANTA !CLARA SWEET PRUNES 60-60's, , ......3 lbs. 25 c
Ealnrolive .Soap 3 cakes 20c
,Family (Blend Tea l's 39c
Family 'Blend (Coffee ........... ...,.. ........,....r.,,:.l's• 39c
tGrape4Nuts ,Flakes "The new cereal'snrpniae" • 2 plcgs, 21c
Standard Quality Corn 2's, Peas '2's No. 4 sieve
'Tomatoes 2%'s 3 tins 29c
Burford Peaches 2'sq't , •
Superior 'Baking ,Biolwder, 8 oz.
Giflebt's Lye 'eats dint"
Clark's Spaghetti
Moody's 'Chloride ILime
Ideal 'Catsup, •quarts
'Chocotat'e !Bears, any kind
Golden Wax ;Beans, Ts
Nuggett Shoe 'Polish
Aylmer Boneless IOh'icken
2- tins 29c
15c; (116 oz. 23c
' 2 tins 25c
large 'tin 10c
l's 15c
per bottle
6 for
2 tins
per tin
!per tin
Cpcoa•, +bulk per lb. 18c
Pure Lard, l's ...................... ...,,...,, 2 1b. 19c
,Kkawah Hewlett 'Salt .. , ,,• .lper 'tin 18c
Hillcrest IEl'tracts 3 bottles 25c
Centre Pull or Presto Wax Paper • 10c
,Drinking Cups pkg. of '10 109
,Tuna (Fish.... ...... r/q....390; /'s,... 29c
New 'Canadian (Cheese 2' lbs. 25c
,Rose's 'Orange, (Lenon, 'Lime 'Cup .....
Aristocrat Tomato 'juice
Shell Brand imported Castile 'Soap
Chateau, Linen Embossed Napkins
113 oz. bottle 25c
12 oz. battle '1Oc
per 'calve Sc
50 for .15c,
Ross J. Sproat
Miss N.Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 7
A Service,
that creates •
Confidence •
and a
Dependable. Reputation
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our. services and highest
market prices for good cream.
Cream weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait,
Seaforth • Creamery
C. A. BARBER, . Prop.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. Wi T KER, holder of Go
vernment -diploma and license.
The Gauld Mission Band meets on
Saturday afternoon at 2.30 p.m,
!Mr. John C. Doig, L:LJB., of De-
eroit, spent the weekend at his home
'Mr's. W. M. Doig and children s,peirt.
Saturday in Londoai and Sunday visa
'king friends in Hawick, '
Mr. Harvey Hyde has been engag-
ed on the farm of W. M. Doig.
Flowers Furnished. DUBLIN.
Night or day phone 67,
Rev. Mr. PQulter has been attend-
ing coeference.'•
'Rev..Yiayes of Wbigh�am mut Rural
Dean Paull of Biaylfi'ek, ex'chan'ged
pulpits Sunday ,an•d Rev. Mr. B'o'wen
of 'London' gave a very interesting
ankl instructive address in cep nection
with the Upperr Canada Bible Society.
Mr. and 'Mrs, G. H. Beatty, in com-
pany, with little daughter and Mrs L.
Beaty.' motored to Loudon Monday.
• Tihe many friends of M•rs.:Pouter
'will be sorry to know she is not en-
joying the best of health these days.
and we hope for a speedy recovery.
The servicefit St. Andrew's IJnited
Church ,will be withdrawn on Sunday,
June 1201: in order that the congrega-
tion' may join with 'Hillsgreen in their
• atniversar services at L1 a.m,,
•~z. Y t y
and 7,30 pen. conducted by Rev. W,
J. Patton, IBA., of Benniiller, Special
music by ,the Kippen choir.
Rev. Mr, Bowen of London• spoke
in the interests orethe Bible Society
stet , S undo je
'Tete third league game of the sea -
eon was played on Saeurdayevening
in Stage between Woodham and Staf-
fa. Owing to the wet
only played three innings and part of
'the fourth, The score was a tie. Borth
teams played a goad 'game and on
June 9th ;S'tafla plays in 'Woodham..
(Miss Birdie Maireay of Detroit was
a week end visitor at the liotiie of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Sabi 'Murray.
IWe are pleased to report that lititle
Margaret Mel acid who was so very
ill, in Galt is improving and, her
friends eelish llfergaret a .speedy re -
Mr. Gar Smith spent the week end
with friends in Galt,
Quite a number from Seaforth
Co'lumbati, St. Bridgid's attended the
Forty Hews •devotion here on Friday
and ended on. Sunday.
• The ,nian'y 'friends Of Dr,Sa,m, Hue -
'ray and son Bdb, of Monetvill.e, wipe.
be ;pleased to ktiow they have tnoved
back to our village. Mr. Murray left
here six years ago.
Mr, W, H. Little -o'f Port 'Dover
spent the week end with his' 'fatter,
Mr, Andrew Little.
Mrs. Earl Weller of Essex spent
the week end with' Mr, and Mrs. R. E.
Mr. and Mrs, - George Walker and
family of Heeeel'l spent ,Sunday at the
home of Mr. add Mrs, Norman Car-
ter, I-uxon Road West. •
Miss Florence Laidlaw of IToront
spent the week -end at her ohnse.
M'i'ss Gladys' Thompson and ` Mrs.
Eldridge Kellam of Niagara . Fails
spent the week -end with ,the former's
mother, Mrs. J. 13. Thompson.
Mr., Harry Stewart was a Toronto
visitor this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Dominic Reynolds of
Egmondville. on Tuesday moved to
Walton -where 'they will reside with
their son -ii -law, ae'd daughter, Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Rowland. They are
offering their residence in Egn'iond
ville for sale.
!Mins, Rolbent Strong has returned to
her duties at the Scott Meniorial'hos-
pita] after a week's vacation. _
Miss Evelyn Wake, Toronto, is the
guest of Mr, and Mrs, H. '. Hart,
Victoria street.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R, Dunlop and lit-
tle d-aughter Lois spent Sunday in
';Miss Blanche Crowell is suffering
from an attack of .appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs, , Wm. Finlayson and
two' children of Toronto, also ' Mr,
and Mrs, Harry Weiland and family
of Toronto were holiday viisiltors at
the home o'f her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. Weiland.
Mrs, Jas R•aiukin, Railway 'stree't,
and her granddaughter Mary Jane,
'daughter of Mr. Clyde Rankin, who
has been staying here with her grand
parents, are in Detroit at present.
Miss- Anona Dale spent the week-
end with friends near Exeter and
Mr. and Mrs.. Roy :Snider and a
spent the holiday with Mrs. Spider's
Miss Grace. •
couple of friends from Kitchener
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hilde-
brandt: ,
Mr. Russel Kreuter, of Listowel
spent the week -end • with Mr. and
Mrs. Angus McCuaig and his sister,
Dr. Ed, MdGaein and Mrs, Mc -
Gavin of Windsor were here recently
calling on his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry MaGavin hs 'Tuoleeramith.
•Messrs.' M. McPhee and A. W. Dick
spent a couple of days fishing Eu-
genie .Falls, returning on Wednesday,
Messrs. Joe and Lewis Purcell and
Mrs. John J. Nigh attended the gradu-
ation exercises of their Brister, at Miss
Agnes Purcell this week at St. Jos-
ephN s Hospital, Toronto:
The followingcalled at the home
of Mrs. Margaret •Cleary during the
week: Rev, Fr. ' Phelan Of Chatham,
Mrs. W.
Phelan t
and .Mrs. Jas, Phelan
of Blyth, aped Mr. and Mrs. Wim,
Lane of Clinton, who had been at-
tending the graduation exercises in
St. Jerame's College, Kitohener, of
which Mr Lewis Phelan was a grad-
Miss A. C. Lawrence R.N. is visit-
ingfriends in Bright and Wopds'toc1c
and attending the graduation on June
&th of Miss Helen Francis who is a
niece of Mrs. Herald .Lawrence.
The settlement committee for 1932,
appointed at the United ChurchCon-
ference at St. Thomas, was elected as
follows: For Huron, Rev. F. 4V.
Craik of Goderich; and Mr. F. S.
Sac auge •o•f Seaforth:
'Just a Step Child," the nlay by
the young people of Goderich Vic-
toria st, United Church which has
been presented twice, in Goderich, in
W:ingham and other places, comes
highly recommended. Come and see it.
Mrs, F. Harburn went on Wednes-
day to Detroit, where she will spend
a week or two with her brot'her, Mr,
James Pinder, and friends.
Mrs. Henry Ho'ggarth is vis'i'ting
her daug'h'ter, Miss Ethel MoDougal
RAT iu Detroit, Miss McDougal was
recently the fortunate winner of a
lucky ticket giving her a free trip
across Canada which she will take
July a party of others'•leaysiiig on
4;Miss Margaret Case and Miss Isa-
bel Lowry drove to Detroit on Wed-
1Mr. ated Mrs. Milton Chesney of
Toronto spent Phe. 'week -end , with
Vers, J. R. Hableirk,
Mrs. R. ; S. Hays :and Miss Mary
Hays spent several clays in Toronto
this week.
Mr, and Mrs. Peter (Kerr, Mr,
(Thos, Gillespie, Airs. James Gillespie
and son Neil, all of Toronto, •spent
the week -end i' n. town.
Mrs, Duncan of Woodstock is visit-
ing her sister, Mrs. Wm, McMichael.
Mr, and Mrs, George Ferguson and
Jean add Russell of Toronto spent
the week -end 'here;
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Kenchen and
baby Evelyn and Mrs. Kenchen Sr.
of Owen Sound, . visited Mr, and
Mrs.; W. II. Golding, Mrs, Kencheri
Sr. remained.-
Reeve Robert Snaith is attending
county council in Goderich this week,
Welton? defeated Winthrop at
Winthrop last Friday by a score of
4-2. ,The St. Columban at E.gmond-
ville' game .scheduled for Saturday
evening`. was cancelled- by rain.
NOIPJIZIIS.- Tu ;Scott Memorial Hospi-
tal, June 2nd, 1932 to.
lift, and Mrs, -Samuel Norris, of
Staffa, a son•
GOLDBERG. - in Detroit at 157'51
'Manor Blvd, to Mr. and Mrs.
Claude Goldlberg (nee Della Mc-
IGee) on 'Saturd'ay, May 28th, 1932,,
a daughter (Claudette Delphine).
IBIOINII'I)AOE,-FLn'Se'alfortli, on Satur-
day, May 28th, to Mr. and Vers,
1Harry Boniface, ' a son.;
,Quick actionsa ves trouble, Worry.'
Keep ,Douglas 'Egyptian Liniment al-
ways handy. Stops 'bleeding instantly.
Cauterizes •avouvtlds. ''Quickly ,relieves
Barber's Itch and !Ringworm.
The Ladies' Aid' of Caven Church,
Winthrop, will hold a
on the Church Grounds on Thursday
JUNE 23rd
'A play entitled "The Old 'Time La-
dies' Aid 'Business `Meeting at Mo-
hawk Crossroads," will -the given by
the !Ladies' Aid of the Church,
Musical Readings will be given
"Just Ju , A Stepchild"
Presented by the Young People of
United Church, Victoria 'Sit., ,Gotlerioh
'Friday, June 17th
8 p.m.
under the auspices of the Philathea
Bible Class
Adults 25c ,Children .15c.
and •Mrs,'Louis Stapleton and
family of • Collingwood spent the
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. jos. Kale.
Miss Camilla Coyne of London is
visiting at ,the home of her mother,
Mrs. Matthew Coyne.
,Misses Glentrude and Agnes Mc-
Grath of ,Waterloo. • and Baneburg
spent Sunday with their parents,
Miss Edith Miles of Guelph was
home over the week end.
Mr. and .Mrs, V, J. MdGrath and
two children of Windsor visited at
the h'oane Of his brother, 'Mr. Louis
McGrath, over Sunday.
'Winthrop will play a league game
of football in St. C'olumbar on Fri-
day evening. Come out and encourage
the boys with the "green sweaters."
Hmb'bert Council held Count of Re-
vision ,for appeals against the assess-
ment roll on Monday, May 30th. All
members were present .who subscrib-
ed to the necessary declaration. The
! .in
fano' ut �
!following 'reductions were allowed:
(Lot 23, Con. 2e lowered $600; Lot 22,
'Con. 12, lowered $2001 Lot 3, Con. 9,
$600. Following appeals Of
transllerren'ce of property were, grant-
ed: Loot 26, con. 10, from Thos.
Laing to Thoa. 'R.'Worden; e% lot 27,
Con. 1, from J. O'Sullivan to J. M.
,McMillan; nt% lot 15, ton. 4, 'from Jno
'J'ordan to Thos. Worden; Lot A U,n-
iqn and Raglan St, Dublin, from Jas.
garden to Gerald Jordan. Following
exemptions from clog tax allowed:
Harry Norris, Alex, James, John
Dalton, Wtn, Kay. Court of Revision
was adjourned until Monday, June 1'3
at 1 pen -Mrs, Ka:thleen Feeney, Tp.
Messrs, F. and J. M. Eckart motor-
ed to London this week to call on old
Mr. John A. Eckart has moved one
of his buildings to the road side to
make it convenient for his customers
who get their chopping done at his
mill: .
(When word was flashed over the
wires Tuesday morning of the sudden
death of Thomas McMillan, MSP., the
public could not realize it was true
and it cast a gloom over our burg, ir-
respective of party politics.
The following is the 'report of S.S.
No, 9, MdK'sliop, for the months of
April arrd May. Those narked with
an asterisk (*) missed one or more
!Sr. IV. -Lorne Mollli•chol 83%,
Kenneth Thornton 82%, Agnes Dun-
das 68%,
IV, -(Hazel MacPherson 90%,
Elsie Dennis 87%, Irene Leonhardt.
66%, Ralph .M:cNicliol 65%, Mary
Munn 60%, Mildred McNichol 52%.
Sr. .IIIII: -Florence Dennis 74%.
ANin. -
o � sur
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us;
before placing, your insurance and
et the new low ''non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take chances.
All ,claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid.
Phone, write or call -Night and
Day Service
Phone 152 -
A. D. Sutherland
Office over Keating's Drug Store •
,Every person suffering from deafness 'v,=ill`be glad to kii.oty that we are
showing these_ marvellous 'Clear -Tone ins!tru nests, and for 'diose who
have !head noises an applicator of clever design The 'Clear -`hone is di,f,
iferent, smaller, stronger and true to tone; bringing joy of hearing to
those who use it.'Guaranteed, 01 course.
14E141) NOISES
We have arranged to 'have an expert from the ,Clear -'Tone Laboratory
at the address below, We invite you to Fall +and discuss your case, His
services to you are free and private, putting you under no obligation,
Hecarrarrange a specially Constructed .Clear Tone model to suit your
'case, if it is a difficult one, as 'they manufacture 'twenty -loth different
Thursday, June 16th Only. Hours 10 a.m. till 8 p.m.
,If you are using any other aid now,'bring it along when you call. Al-
lowance will be made for ee or repairs canbemade. Be sure you don't
overlook this •opportenity, and tell your 'friends who are hard 01 hear-
ing, also. Write for Booklet if out o'f town,'
Queen's 'Hotel, !Seaforth, Inquire at desk for H. T. Dale.
'Jr, IILI.-'t9Mradeline Halley 61%. �eeei,._e,,,, �.
' R. H. -Wilma _McNichol • 56%,r JSo , ^ 6c y , „t
'Glen McNichol 53%, Mee'Y} '' t`i' :'d0
I. -George MdNic ro1 90%,^' Lois " �` w ~ �e
,II 1
-Badmen 88%, Edith ,Hackwell 85%,
Grace Dennis 84%, *Evelyn Dundas •
67%, s1Kaltleleen Smith 65%, *Robert.:
(Hulley 4x%.:
II.-1Helen. Dejisiie &7%q.
Prinser-Mareorie Hackwell, excel- AT OPERA HOUSE, DUBLIN,
'The folkwing pupils had perfect at-
tendance for the month of May: Ag-
nes Dundas; "Kenneth Thornton, Ir-
ene Leonhardt;• Hazel Mac'P!herson; J
L.JNE 10-
Mary Munn, Florence Dennis; Grace •
Dennis, Edith Hackwell, George Mc Tickets 75c per couple, Extra lady 28c
Nichol, Helen Dennis, Marjorie Hack .
well. Number on roll 22, average at- the two texts, "Ali these things are
tenda'nce 20.9. against me," Gen. 42;36, and "All
Nettie M. Hanuith, 'Teacher. ,things work together for good to '
,Miss GGreHulley is improving at them that love God," Rom. 8:28. The
present and her many friend's cwiele her
a speedy rco'very. boys were.encouraged by a large con-
IWe are sorry to hear lir. Gordon gregation.
Hu'liey is under •the doctor's care -and Mr, and Mrs. T. W. Hess, Hen-
we wish him a speedy recovery. sell; Mr. 'T. Carter, Clinton; Miss K.
!Elliott, Miss G. Addison, Mr. and
!M'iller's Worm Powders are a plea- ;Mrs. C. Baugh, and Wallace, Btuce-
sant. medicine for.. worm -infested chic- 'field and Hiss Margaret McMillan,
sant who attended the gradual:-
dren, and they will take it without ing exercises at the Wellesley H'os
J 'pi-
ob echan. lNlteri directions are fvl
kal T r r -
0 of to were the guests of Miss(awed it will not injure the most
de -
licate child, as (there is nothing of an Haugh, who. was one of the
injurious nature in its cam+position. 'twenty-four' nurses who graduated.
They will. speedily, rid a celled' of
'Miss Hazel Haugh, who is a graduate
worms and restore the 'health of the
of Seaforth Collegiate,. in her third+
able sufferers whose vitality has be -
/,at Wellesley Hospital, was
Eliza -
come invpeired by the attacks of these awarded two scholarships, The Eliz
internal pests. beth Flaws Memorial Scholarship for
'General Prolficiency in Theory and
'Practice for three years; and The Ro-
bert T. Noble Prize for Three Years
BRUCEFIELD. 'Proficiency in Practical Nursing. Inthe Intermediate Year she was award-
iOddfellows' Service.-lThe Bruce- ed The Sir John Eaton Scholarship.
field Lodge of the LO 0.F. held their ,and in the Junior Year The Sir Wil -
annual divine service on Sunday, May
29;' at the evening sbrvice in 'the
IBrucefield United Church, There was
a large attendance represented by the
visiting brethren from Exeter, Hen -
salt, Seaforth and Clinton. The bro-
thers formed' up at the I.O.IO'F. hall
and 'march'ed to the church, the centre
,pews being reserved. The service was
condnoted by the Rev. W, A. Brem-
ner, .a brother of Bruce'field Lodge,
No. 210, which was very much appre-
ciated; the text taicet from Matthew
5, verses 14.416. At the close of the
service the .order assembled at the
- n -
Of Kitchener
Irani Mulock Scholarship.
Miss Anna May `Haugh and Mr.
Carman Haugh who passed their
sixth year, _Medical Faculty. Toronto
University, graduate Thursday, June
Mr, Roy Walker and sister, Mrs.
Brown spent the week end with
friends in Sandusky, Michigan,
Miss Rosy of Exeter visited her
aunt, Mrs. Alex. Ross last cheek.
Mrs, L. Forrest returned to her
haute in the village last week after
spending ten days in Victoria Hospi-
tal, London, where she underwent an
1110101F.. hall. N.G. Brother J. K. operation for autrim trouble. Her
(Cornish, acting as chairman, extended many friends hope to hear of her
a warm welcome to the visiting breth- (complete recovery.
ren for their splendid support. Short The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup
addresses were made by the following per will be observed next Sunday,
Bros.: DID.,G M. Dignan, of Exeter; 'June 12at the morning service. Pre -
past D.IDJG.M. Bro_ Souter of Clin- eparatory service Friday evening at 8
ton; past 'DJD.G.M, Bro. 'stole of p.m. At the close there will be a meet-
Seaforth; past DJD!G!_li Bro. (Har-ing of the Bible Society.
burn, of Seaforth; past D.D.G,,M. Bro. Funeral of Orrin Zaphe.-The fun -
Petty of
unPetty;of Heu'sall; Bros. L. Hudson of eral of the late Orrin Zaphe was held
(Hensel% T. Peyde, of Exeter also last Weenesd•av from the home of his
made very appropriate addresses. parents to Baird's Cemetery. Rev,
Moved by past DID.,G:VI. Bro. Petty Mr, Bremner conducted the service..
and seconded by Bro. L. Hudson, that The pallbearers were: George Munro,
a hearctty vote of thanks be extended ,Ross Grainger, Seldon Ross, Wilson,
to Rev. W. A. Bremner, ctioir and McCartney, Gordon Elliott, .'Bert
cheardh officials. Rev. W. A. Brenner !Boyce, Among the many beautiful
repl'Eed very ably floral tributes was a spray from the
The I_O.O!F. Decoration services 'football boys of Tuckerstnith, iseth
will be conducted on Sunday atter- ,whom Orrilt had played, and also
noon, June 19, at Ba'rd's cemetery at from the young people of Bruce,field,
2 p,m. Everylbwme• 'Tunm'.
U.F.1W_O.-'Teodyle Belcortioe'field iA'ssociatiheJaue waseeting of the Ladies'
held at the 11,0171e
io ne
O. will hold their regular monthly of Mrs. Alton Johnston, Thursday of
meeting at the home • of Mrs. Lindsay ternoon, June 2, with about 50 ladies
Eyre, .Thursday, 'Jane 16t1i, at 2.30 'present. The devotional exercises
pane. Miss 'Waldron will take the top-! were in charge of Mrs. Jamieson and,
ic, "Advantages of Country Life inithe meeting opened by singing hymn
(Bringing Up a° Family," ''Roll' call -1284, The Scripture lesson was taken
"How to Make; Children Obedient," I from John 15, followed by the Lord's
Mr. and Mrs. H. Ea'p;tie and family, prayer, Tiro verses of hyalin 234 were
,have the symepathy Of [heir n anythen sung, An interesting and humor -
friends in tiro death of their son and j oils paptat "Brue'field 2'5 Yea
brother. from Nawer " cvas'g'ivencby Mrs.Co'ck-
!Members of the `Young People's rane, After which Miss :efursioch sang
Society took -,the service on Sunday a very appropriate solo, ,F:. entitled
evening. The. --president, lir, Fred "Take. Me Back to Dear Old Bruce -
Boyce, was assisted by Mr. J. Flree field," and was much 'enjoyed by all..
man, who led in prayer. Mr, W, Pep -.A social hour was spent n kin
per took the Scripture' •t'ead-ung. Mr, quilts. The assistant hostesses
far the
W. McLachlan spoke on the love be- afternoon, 'Mrs. Elliott, Mrs, F'aa'therR
tween David and Jonathan, 1 Sam, 18, ingham, Mrs. J. Graham and Vers;,
and Mr_ W, McNa'udthton spoke from Stevens, s.erved,a very dainty lutich.