HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-06-02, Page 4WAGE FOUR, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. THURSD'AY, JUNE 2, 1932, THE SEAFORTH NEWS. Snowdon Bros., Publishers. WALTON Red Cross.—The Executive of the icted Cross Society has decided to hold m, meeting to decide what to do with Ilse money on hand. The meeting willl Ise held in the A'O.U.1W. Hall . on Thursday, June 9, at 2.30. All interest- ed come and give your opinion. Mr. and blrs. S. B. McCall • and 'Dr, and Mrs. Robb of Toronto mot- ored art 'Saturday, May 21st to Mr. and Mrs. Sinvpsort Mc'Call's of Mor- -eis, returning Tuesday,. May 24th. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moffatt of -T'ee'swater spent Sunday with the let .tee's sister, Mr. and MIrs. Simpson �dcCa'11. Mrs Burns and son of Detroit are visiting with their cousin, Mr Jos Bennett. Mr and. hiss, Gordon Taylor and edaug'hter Jean of Guelph are visiting :at R. H. Hoy's. 'Manyfriends Of Mrs. D. Campbell -acre starry to learn of her serious silness caused from falling Sunday in the backyard and striking herself near her s rteart, Wedding bell's will be ringing in -Walton soon. A. quiet wedding was solemnized at Lucknow when Mary M. Kreuter formerly of Welton, was united in marriage to Everitt Errington, of \West Wawantosh, They were attend - •.ad by Mrs. Roy Blaok of Lucknaw -sister of the groom, and. Palmer Er- win of Ashfield Township. The bride was prettily •gowned in challenge blue with hat and shoes to match. After the ceremony an enjoyable evening. was spent at the home of Mrs. Bd'ack The young couple will reside onthe groom's farm on the seventh conces- sion of West Wewanosh. Mrs. Geo. Wells and Bud and Joan who have been visiting in the village returned to 'their home in Toronto on ' Thairsday. 4r. and Mrs. Basic Willson and baby of London are visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hoy. Mr. Wili'Ilumphries is laid up with blond poisoning in This hand. His many friends hope for a speedy re- .covery. Miss Edith Ennis has gone to Kit- chener where she has secnred a posi- tion. Miss Helen Broadfoot of Stratford is staying with Mrs. G. 'Williamson BLYTH. Western Ontario Firemen's Assoc- =iation church service was held in the Memorial Community Hall on Sun- day, May 29th, with 125 firemen in attendance. The invocation was taken by the Rev. E. L. Anderson; hymn "Unto the Hill's Do I Lift Up My Bonging Eyes;" followed by prayer, The Scripture lesson, 12th chapter ort St. Luke's Gospel, was taken by Mr 1-I. A. Pritchard; Rev, E. L. Ander- ,son offered prayer. 'Hymn, "Fight the Good Fight," was sung. A very interesting and inspiring address was given by .Rev. L. V. Pocock. Quer tette, "My Anchor Holds," by Messrs Jas. Dodds, Irvine Wallace, G. D Leith, Leslie Hilborn. Hymn, "The Day Thou Gayest," benediction. 'Miss L. M. Herrington was pianist and the 'local band led the singling. Associa- tions present were Chief Louttit, of Win;G+ham; Chief Thornton, Te'eswat- er; Chief L. Cree, Clinton, Chief Bennett, Mitchell; 'Chief Heughan, of Milverton; Chief Steinman, Baden;' Chief Mayes, St. Marys; Chief Fer- guson, Blyth; Chief Sleeman. Tayis- tack; Chief Anand, Wellesly. The Clintan K'iltie Band accompanied the Clinton Firemen and played several selections before and after the ser: vice. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's 'Institute will be 'held in M'em'orial Hall on Thursday, June 2, .at 2.39. Topic to be taken by Father :Sullivan of Clinton, music in charge '.of mora. H. McElroy and Mrs. Scrim ;geour. Reading, Mrs, I -I. M, Patter- son; pie contest, Best rhubarb pie by ' four members; hostesses, Mrs, R. 'Richmond, Mrs. Ed. Johnston, Mrs. 11 T. Kelly, Mrs, James Scott; roll _till b .Sitep Saver. 111f and Mrs. 'Thos. Stewart, ylr.' • ann. Mrs. H. Thomas of Guelph were. visitors on Sunday. Dr. J. E. Ross and Mrs, Ross were visited by friends on Sunday. -tilr, and 'Mrs, L. O.' Miller and 'son and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Burnside at •turdecl the annual memorial service at the union cemetery on Sunday.. Miss Hazel Potts of London was a - visitor With, her 'parents, John and: Mrs. Petts ,ori Sunday. The annual memorial service was ;hold at the Union 'Cemetery on Sun- day, ,May 28Th, w=ith the hand 'in at- endance, who furnished the music, !orae. E. L. Anderson opener' the, aerviice with prayer; hymn "Mare Love to Thee, (5 Christ," was sung; 'S Rev. Anderson led in prayer; Rev. (George Weir read the Scripture les- son from the 12i1st 'Ps'alm. Rev. 'And ersten,g'ave a splendid address, elosing hymn, "-J`ai!th .of Our F'ath'ers." The' taws eome in and see our neer and used cars Agent for e h rys ler, De Soto, Plymouth JOHN GALLOP AGENT FOR FROST FENCE SUPERTEST GAS and OILS All Repairs and Labor Cash. 'floral decorationswere beautiftvl and flags placed, in memory of our dread heroes who served in the war. KIPPEN. Mr. and Mrs, Ross Love of Lan- sing, Mich., spent a few days recently with their many friends in and around the village. Mr. Clarence McLean, who gradua- ted from Western University, Landon, recently, has accepted a good posi- tion with the London rife. Alt suc- cess, Clarence! Rev. W. D. MdIstdsh of Emb:ro, conducted services in St. Andrew's on Sabbath last and delivered a very able sermon: Miss Marguerite McDonald has re- turned home after a very pleasant months' vacation in London. Miss Mary D'aymaxt and Mrs, George Squires and children of Gran- ton visited with Mr. and Mrs. . Jas. Dayman and other friend's on ,Sunday last. Mrs. Robert. Elgie spent a few days Last weak with her ,daughter, Mrs. Homer Hunt of McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Evans of London are visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Dbyman. Mrs. Geo. Coleman of Egmondville spent a few days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Ross Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. J. McNaughton, and Messrs. James and :Webster Mc- Naughton balled on their many friends at Lncknow one day recently Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Kyle, ac- companied by Miss Grace Pepper and Mr. Ernie McClinchey spent the week end at Niagara Falls view'ing the "Bl'oss'oms," Miss Alice Kyle of Hen'sall spent the past week renewing acquaintances. Funeral of Mrs. Luther Williams.— On Saturday, May 28th, the funeral took place from St. Andrew's United Church, Kippen, Rev. R. Conner of- ficiating, of the late Mrs. Luther Wil- liams of Vancouver, B.C. Interment was made in the Henlsall Union Cem- etery, the pallbearers being Messrs, W. D. Thompson, James Robertson, Robert Elgie, John Cochrane, A, For- syth, T. N. Forsyth.' On April 30th Mrs, Williams was a passenger inan automobile which collided with anoth- er car and was thrown forward by the impact, striking her head against the front dash. The injury was not con- sidered serious, however, and it was a great shock to her fatnily and friends when pneumonia set in and she pass- ed away on May 7th. A funeral ser- vice ervice was held in Vancouver on May 10 and the remains were sent east to Kippen, for interment, her son And- rew accom'panying them, Mrs: Wil- liams, whose maiden name was 'Eliza- beth Bell, was in her 66th year, the eldest daughter of the late Andrew and Mrs. Belo, of London Road, Tuck- crsmith, wheredeceased spent her childhood and young wonmanhood. She was married in April, 1894, at the hoarse of her parents, to Luther Wil- liam's, of Boston, where they lived. for ten years. They moved to S'aska'tehe :wan where, they lived until going to Vaincotver in recent years. Beside her 'bereaved 'husband, she is survived by two boys, Blair M. Williams, of Ohicago, and Andrew of Vancouver, and two tranddauglsterss ''There are also surviving two brothers and three sisters: Andrew B. Bell and John C. Bell, of Tuekersmvth;"Mrs. Walper, Saskatoon; Mrs. W. Sinclair, Tuck- ersmith;; Mrs. CRev.) J. Richardson,. Dru'mbo. Deepest synvpait'hy is felt' for fhose who are left to mourn. CONSTANCE. We. surd Mrs. Robert Rogerson spent Thursday last :the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis 'Tebbutt, Tucker - smith, Th'e S;S., anniversary held on Sun- ' day last was quite a success. Theday was ideal. Rev. C. Cummings of Wal- ton, preached afterno'on and evening. Rev. Bolingbroke, who wals preaching for a call on the other appointment, told: a story to the children and sled in prayer. In the afternoon Rev. Cum- mings' text: was found in' Samuel 2:1.9 "Moreover his mother made him a little•coat and brought it to him from yea's. to year." The coat we parents make fol: our children should not be black nor too straight nor too cheap. The black stood for the dank aprdid things the parents talk before their children; not too straight; let' the child have some liberty; don't be al- ways saying "don't." Not too cheap: have high ideals for your child in the spiritual realm. And like H'annahaeach year we should make a new toast as they outgrow the old one. All appre- ciated very much the music proyided by the orchestra and the duet by the Misses Little and Manning df Londes- boro. The young people's classes of the Sunday School also sang a couple of selections which were much enjoy- ed. In the evening Rev. Cummings took for his text, John 3:16, "For: Go'd so loved the world that H•e gave His only begotten Son that whosoever be lieveth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life." The music for the evening service was provided .by the orchestra and the Misses Little and Manning, sang a duet, "Rock of Ages," which was much ,enjoyed. Mal Chas, Boyd, accompanied by Miss Nott, sang in his usual good forst, "To Thee I. Will Fly." This brought to a close a very successful anniver- sary. Mrs. Busby of Chatham and Mr. Lorne Lawson of Toronto are both visiting with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lawson. The sale of homemade cooking held by the W.A. in the Toggery Shop, Seaiarth, was quite 'a success. Pro- ceeds am;unted to $21.00. The Misses Little and Manning of Londesboro were entertained on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs, Geo. Wheat - Sunny Crest Farm Registered Barred Plymouth Rocks The years of low prices that we are passing through is making the poultryman give more thought to the class of stock he will buy in the future, stock that has been bred for a period of years from known blood lines, with the ability to lay a profit able number of eggs' of good size, and that will transr14t these good qualities to their' progeny, We captured 1st and 2nd ribbons at the Royal Winter Fair for Registered Hens; this shows that we have production and exhibition qualities combined. 'Our pen of May hatched pullets in the Ontario Egg Laying Contest, Ottawa, is at present in third place having forged its way up from the bottom, with exceptional production and egg size. This pen has led the entire contest for weekly production for 7 out of 10 past weeks. We have just a few chicks to spare for this seasons' and are selling them at 10c each. A full line of Poultry Feeds for sale at all times. M . tt Scott I?HOtNE: 251 ring,l2, SEAFORTH, Ont. ley. bliss Snell, Mr. Snell and Vodden, of Londesboro, had tea with', Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Snell, .and Miss Shot, - brook, of Londesboro, spen't Sunday afternoon with Mr, and Mrs. Austin Dexter, !Rev. C. Cummings gird daughter Margaret and Mrs, Ed, Britton of Walton had tea: on Sunday at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Britton. STANLEY. IMr, Cliford"Scotchmer of Detroit spent the week end under the parental roof. Mr, W. Beacons oif Lonctesboro vis- ited friends in Stanley township on Friday last, Mr. Il;ardld Penh'ate and jasepih Greer motored to .Blyth one day last week. Mr. 'Oscar Klapp of Zurich spent Friday with friends in Sltaniey. Mr, and, Mrs, ODetent'e McKee and children of Toronto spent the week end at their stammer home on the Bronson. Mr. anti • Mrs. G. Howard and daughter 'af Exeter, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, J. Mian of Zurich visit- ed at the home afMr. and Mrs. J. A. Carnde on Wednesday. Mr. ansa Mrs. Fred Turner of Gode- rich visited Mr. and Mrs. G. Camp- bell last week, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allan, 'Betty and Bobby of Brucefield were SRA)- bath visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carne and Mr. and Mns, Allan •'Steckle. Mr. and Mrs. W'm. Palmer and dau- ghters Roxie and ,Adelene of Hamil- ton spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Reid of Parr Line. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jahn and son Donald, M. and Mrs. W. Cable and Miss Grace Reid of Flint visited, over the week -end wiith the ladies' . sister, Mrs. Thos. Robinson and their broth- ers, Geo. and Will, Reid of Pars Line, r Court of Revision was held at the Town Hall; Varna on Thursday of last week. The Goshen W.: M. S. held their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs Russel •Erratt last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. '.Manly Jinks and family of Hensall are spending a few days with 'Mrs. Jinks' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas, MdLinchey. Mr. Stewart Keys who has been attending University at Toronto and Mr, Mervyn Keys who has been at- tending Western University at Lon- don, have returned to their respective homes on Babylon Line MIr, Lloyd S'cotchmer made a ship- mdnt of live stock to Toronto on Monday. STAFFA Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Jeffery of De- troit spent the holiday week end un- der the parental roof. Rev. R. N. Stewart and Mr. F. O' Brien, are attending Conference in St. Thomas this week, Mrs. Stewart of Chatham is visiting at the parsonage. Miss Sylvia Tuffin returned home on Sunday after a two -weeks' stay in Exeter, .A joint meeting of the Fullerton and Staffa Woanen's Institutes, also the Staffa Junior Institute will be held in the hall an Wednesday after- noon, June 8, at 2.30 p.m. The guest speaker will be Mrs, C. Hayes of Georgetow=n, Department lecturer, Ail the ladies and girls of the community will be Stade very welcome. A play entitled "The Prairie Rose" will be given in Staffa town hall by. Carlingford Women's Institute under the auspices of Staffa Junior Farmers, on Wednesday evening, June &th, at 8.15 sharp. There will be a dance fol - dowing the play, music being provided by local boys. This play' has been gi- ven in several places and is exception- ally good. Come one, come all. Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Jeffery of De- troit are visiting the foraner's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Jeffery. -- .Several from this vicinity attended the sports in Mitchell on May 24th. We wish to congratulate Mr. Clar- ence Norris on his splendid standing in his exams, (Remember: the ball game on Thurs- day evening when the Waodhatn team visit our local boys: The follolwing' is the schedule of troup A of the South Perth Baseball ea'gue: May 20, Motherwell at Staf- fa; May 26, Motherwell at Wtood:ham; May 30, Staffa at Motherwell; June 2, Woodham at Staffa; June 6, Wood- ham at Motherwell; :June 9, Staffa at Woodham; June 13, Mothet•w•ell at S'taffa; June 18, Motherwell at. Wood- ham; June 22, Staffa at Mother'well;. June 24, Woodham at Staffa; June 28,', Staffa at. Woodham; July 5, Wood- ham at Motherwell. McKILLOP.- Mr, and Mrs. Albeit Harrison and Mr. James Mose attended the funeral of Mr. Harrison's nep,hew, Lawrence Switzer, son of Morris Switzer, on Wednesday 'last in Goderich to, He was killed in an accident while spray- ing., the orchard. • TUCKERSMITH. Turner's Young People met at their regular meeting Tuesday evening with the, preslidenit ptestdiig. Me, Er- llnt Wl flbtnore •gave the address on. What it means to be a Christian diming working hours." Turner's anld Auburn will debate the question, "Re- solved that the Shunts of Canadian Oities Offer a Greater .Problem to the United Church than (Dods Foreign Missions," at, Turner's Church during the week of June 20th; Turner's to take the affipnnative side of the ques- tion. Trustees' Meeting.—A meeting of the trustee`s of the various school sec- tions of T'uckersmith township was held in No. 9 SchoolI-F' fiIse on Fri- day riday evening, May 27th. Every sgho'o:l etas represented by at least two del- egates, the council also was present and Reeve Campbell and Mr. Dol - mage' of MdKililap were interested participants in bhe discussions. Reeve Archibald ably presided and Mr, W. S. Broadfaot wars elected secretary. The question of teachers was discuss- ed from various angles and the ma- jority were of the opinion That 'tt00 was .a fair salary for the average school, while the larges' schools .would pay mare money. The matter of making a contribution to the child- ren's deparbmetut of the Seaforth fall fair was discussed. Op'inion rega'rd'ing this matter was somewhat divided al- though 'it- was conceded that while competition provided by the fair was valuable, the prize list was not suflii- detttly attractive to -warrant a very large donation. It was also decided' to organize the Tuckerstnith Education- al Association ands the following offi- cers were elected: President, S. H. Whitmore; vice, Mr. Wm. Wallace; secrebarytreasurer, 'Mr. W. S. Broad - foot, Mr. Melville Tragwair and Mr. J. S. Watson were elected to form the executive committee with the afore- mentioned officers. A hearty vote df thanks was tendered the trustees of SaS, Nlo. 9 for the use Of the school for the meeting. Mr. and . Mrs. Pherson and children of: Buffalo, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Robt. Charters, Mill Road, Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Martin and fam- ily and Mr, john MdSurney of Wrox- eter were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Nicholson. 'Mr. and Mips. C.-Wasiman and son Lawrence were Sunday visitors at the .home of Mr. Jas, Cameron. Master Ross Nicholson had the mis- fortune to fall and break' his arm. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Topp, Mrs. A. Topp and Alice of Buffalo, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mfrs, John El g'te. Mr, Stanley Jackson` and Ethel spent 'Sunday with friend's at Arkon'a and Parkhill Mr. and Mrs. John Elgie and fancily spent Sunday with Mr.. an'd Mrs. Alex. Hanna of Kennicott. Death of a :Sister.—Miss Phoebe Ann Ashton, aged 7,1, died at London on Monday after a lengthy illness. The body was brought to Goderich on Tuesday, the funeral taking place the following afternoon from the resi- dence of her sister, Mr's. Jblseph B'ae- chler, Park street. Miss Ashton was borne in Colborne townslhip, Of Eng- lish parentage, and lived there practic- ally all her lifetime. Besides Mrs. Baechler, another sister, Mrs, Jamets Jewell of Goderich survives; also two brothers, John A's'hton. of T'uckersmith to'wnshi'p and George Ashton of God- erich township. Deceased was a mem- ber of the United Church, and Rev. F. W. Craik conducted the funeral, BRUCEFIELD. Miss Hazel Haugh of 'Wellesley Hospital, spent the week -end with her parents. Rev. Mr. ,Bremner is attending the conference at St. Thomas this week. The Odd Fellows w'orship'ped. in B'rucefield Church Sunday evening, di.ddr. John Mcllnto'sh Of the -Junior Voca'ti'onal School, 'Toronto, 'was. . in the district overthe week end of the 24th. He is looking for fanners who. Would bre willing to take a boy for the sunvner. Most of these, boys (some 500 attend the SSchool), are from hones where the 'father has been out of work for the past two years. Fam- ily savings have dwindled to nothing, Sonne 'have moved to cheaper living quarters s'b often that we have found families ' of four and six eating, living and sleeping in one small room. They often come to sch'ooi hungry and cold, As one boy said, "It wasn't my turn to have breakfast this 'morning," Many of these boy's would be willing to work for' t'he'ir hoard and keeps. if the right 'kind of a 'home could be found. If you would likea bay—ages 13 to 116 years—for the summer vaca- tion, write the Junior 'Vocational School, 361 Jarvis at., Toronto, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Geonge Swan' sad Do- rothy 'have gone to Toronto, on ac- count of the serious illness of Mrs. Wids'on, .norther of Mrs. ;Swan. Mr. Sydney Thompson is supplying at the station at present. Mfr. IRobt, Lawson Of Hullett was bhe guest of her''d'aughter, Mrs. 'J. Dlavtdsbai: 'gold .heC:, aunt, ..Mrs. Jas. McQueen, last week, TRY C llespies Cleaners & Dyeks WITH YOUR: NEXT 'ORDER Phone 196w. We call and deliver V. J. Gillespie, Prop. ams , Beautify Your Tome by planting a bed of ,Scarlet or Pink 'Geraniums, or : Salvias, or lAsters, or Petunias or any of the other fine plants and annuals we have. The new"OARIN1A'TIO'N, bearing flowers l4S" to 3" in diameter is magnificent, and is so (far, the last • word in lAnnual 'Car'na'tion. - { Stewart Bros; Phone Carlow 235.:BentnillerNurseries EUGENE Permanent Waves (ALSO LOW PRICED WAVES) Ina Gray, Sea fort h. PHONE 125 Fatal Accident.--iOlrrin Zai he, 18 - year -old son of Mr. ani- Mrs. Harry ,Zalphe, was the victim of a s'ad hoot- ing accident .on Sunday evening ;which cullmin'ated in his dearth the nextt day. The deceas'ed, _wh!o was at the i home of his brother, Abraham Zaphe,i' went to attend the horses and db the Fhores. While the family went to Owed'.' While in the woodshed on his ii ay to the barn he discovered a rat and ap- paren'tly got his rifle to sheet it. He pulled a tteb out from under the table Li bo get ,at it, when his rifle exploded, the 'ball pendtratiug hitstemplfe. He was discovered soon after by a.mnm- ber of the family and medical gid was called. Surviving are his paren4, two brothers, Abraham and Austin, of Bru'ce'field, and four sisters bars. G. Armstrong,' of Brac'elfield; Mrs. Roy Consitt, Tuckersmith; Mrs. B. Mac- Kenzie and Mrs. B. Kaiser, Detroit. The funeral took. p'lade'Wddttesday, interment in Baird's cemetery. HILLSGREEN. The services were conducted on Sunday afternoon by Rev W. Robin- son of the Goschen. Line. tin theab-. sence'of Rev, R. R. Conner on Sun-i.•'ifite day, June 5th, Rev Mr. :Bone 'af Up- per Canada Bible (Society, will con- duct the services. The Young Peopl'e's Anniversary will be held an.Sunday, Julie '12th alt 11 a.m. and 7.30 p.m. IRev. Mira Pat- ton of Benaniller will conduct:epecial services, The Kippen Church. Choir will give the anthem's at the service, in their usual, and willing mariner. 'Mr. and Mrs. Gr'an't. Love of Lans- ing, Mich, spent the week-endwith relatives here. Mrs. R. Love returned with thein far a short 'time. Mr. and Mrs Murphy of Kingston who are spending a short • time Goderich, visited at the home 'of Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane recently, Mr. W. Jarrott and Annie visited with Mr. and Mr's, Jas: Inkster in Goderich recently. bliss Minerva Reichert sp'ent.a day in London recently. Mr. Thos. Consitt - of Hendall is spending a short time with hid eon, Mr. Russel and "Mrs. Con'sitt. Mr. and Mrs, Percy Campbell and family of Hay Tp, visited at the home of Ma- and Mrs. Haigh` Love on Sun- day. Mfrs. Troyer is visiting her ' nieces Mrs, W. Dignan of near Hensall, and Mrs. Bell of near Exeter, this week, FOOTBALL. 'Tuesday eventing the second game in the Stephenson Cup series was. played 'at Walton. The score • was Walton 0, Eg:mondviille 0. In last week's game 'at Brussels, Walton also played a scoreless game, The s11cond gate was much faster and a good contest. The live -ups' were: IEgmbndv''lle: Milton 'Sills, John Flannery, \htileott Wright, D;on Dale, Art Nicholson, Neil Patrick, Jim Doig, Roy Mtc}Geoclt, Chas. Ferguson (goal), Leo H+icknetl. Walton --(Ken Rutledge- (goal), Bill Dennis, N•ormnn; Rowland, throb Hol- land, Borne Slteis's Jim' Clark, Clar- ence Steins, Rase 'Canter, Lou Rowl- and, tarsen Manlcs, Alvin Farquhar- son. Want and For Sale Ads., 3 'times 50c