HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-05-26, Page 5•
TFIU} SDAY•"MAY 26, 1932...,'.
A 411
Save! and Save!
and Save !
We sell' -the Best for less
OXYIDOL large 1,8c
3 tins 21c
FAMILY BLIND TEA .......................per lb. 39 c
'STAINIDiAIRD QUALLITY TOMATOES, large tins ..2 tins 19 `i
PURE LARD,' 1 lb. Prints . ... . .................... 2 lbs. 19c
GRAPE=NIUT'S FLAKES—"The new cereal surprise" io 1 c
2 pkgs.
Magic'B!aking Powder, 8 oz. tins • 23c; d16 oz. tins • 36c
Certo "sure jell" per bottle 29c
Electric Light Bulbs, inside 'frosted,
'25, 40' or 60 Watt each 19c
Lawra'son',s Snowflake Aminbni'a'Powder 2 pkgs. 15c
Lawrason's Flusho per tin 23c
Blue Seal ,Saim'on, iwed'tuna red, %'S 12 tins 29c; 1 s ....•..25c
,Carnation Milk, sm'a'll '4 tins 25c; tall 2 tine 25c
Chase & S'aniborn Coffee 4's 25c; 1 s......47c
Brillo "Cleans and pollishes• in one operation" 2 pkgs. 25c
(Lux Flakes, small size pet- pkg. 9c
Lifebuoy Soap
Beehive Corn Syrup, 2 Ib. tin'
Heinz Spaghetti, medium
McCormick's Graham Wafers, Cellophane Wrapped
rfuckett's Montreal Cigars, "world's beset Se vlalue"
Bon Ami, cake or powder
Ready 'Cut Macaroni
;Choice Quality Dates
Australian Canned Peaches
A. & H. Sal Soda
Fruit Jhar'Rubbers, best qu'a'lity.
Weloh,s Grape Juice, pinits
Tomato, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Peppers, lA'sters, Zinnias, Petunias,
Snap Dragon, Salvia and all kinds olE plranbs.
Aristocrat Tomato Juice, very special • 1112 oz. bottle 10c
-Pineapples are at their !best now -
3 cakes 23c
16c; 5 lib. tin 33c
2 Runs 29c
16 oz. 19c
each 14c
2 lbs. 1,5c '
2 lbs. 19c
INo. 2 tall tin 21c`
3 pkgs. 25c
2 dozen 15c
each 33c
Ross J. Sproat
1 Miss N. Pryce
Phone 8
Phone 77
Buy Seaforth
A Service
that creates •
and a
Dependable Reputation
Good Quality
Please us by giving us your cream
patronage and we will try to please
you by our services arid highest
market prices for good cream.
Cream .weighed, tested, graded and
paid for while you wait.
The, Seaforth Creamery
C. A. BARBER, Prop.
Motor or Horse Equipment
W. J. WA T.KER'; holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67,
Sin'ce the French took over control
of Timbucloo, once upon a time re-
garded as More remote eventhan the
wilds of Tibet, the town has flourish-
ed and expanded until today it is no
longer a jungle fastness, but the Paris
of West Africa.
There ane only a fevr white inhla'bit-
ants but, as with F'renc'hmen when
they go abroad, they, have their cafe
with .its terrace on the main 'b!oule-
var'd;; there is a m'od'ern hotel and
-even the native women follow the
Paris styles.,
Inc ;the old days, when the natives
lived .in. the 'shadow of tribal super-
stitions, •each, b'o're a "totem" name,
but now" the dusky; folk are more
modern and, call themselves Briatud,
Poin'care, S'hiel'1, Gillette and other
naives which they have picked up
from the newspapers that dome from
Paris ot5 bad weekly. air -mail. The
Mail is brought to the coast by air,
then conveyed up the Niger to Tim-
buctoo, , .
,Contrary to popular belief Thrtbuc-
tolo is not on the banks of the Niger.
It is seven miles away, surrounded' by
desert sands and is, in fact, the last
outpost of the Sa'h'ara Desert. 2n ad-
dition to co=al -black Sudanese, its pop-
ulation consists of the veiled Touaregs
Bedloui'ns and other Motets. The town
has not bhe rich connmencial develop -
meat of nearby Dj:enne whose famous
'Mosque was copied at the Paris Col-
'trop in May. pial Exposition Although
t o
it has made pr'ogres's in many" ways,
Tim!bucto'o is still without gas or el-
e'ctri'city. ,A'il lighting is by oil lamps
which creates a charming. atmosphere
when the lights shine out on the des-
ert from the mind -walled ' native
houses. At night all Europeans are in-
doors, leaving the sinuous streets to.
the veiled, sevageao'akitug tribesmen
and 'the, tall Suda-n•es'e:
.French' co'lonizati'on it the neigh-
,borh'ood oE, Timbu'eddto'ois impeded by
the rigors of the climate. II'n-the hot
seasons of April, May, June . it • is
al'tnos't imipo'ss'i+lt,le for whites to stir
froin the shade.'Then come the trop-
ical rain torrents t'h'at being 'tip un-
healthy. mists from the Niger.
ill , th Sudan
t2'ii the ether villages, of e
passes a season during the ho't and
,rainy perib'd5 receives the . "bamboo
touch" on .his head, that afterwards he
never couip'letely possessesthtis reason.
the natives say 11,1at the w'hnte"wl'ho.
Mrs: Adapt Hays- is visiting • her
daugtiter, Mrs. Peter 'Calder, in St.
Oatheriues.: ks
Mrs. Wim, ARICioy, North Main St:;
has bought a house in Hgawondvitltp.
from the, Hails kstate and is moving
there this weelc.
Mr. Thotnas 'Sharp and family ; of
IStrabford are roving to town and
will occupy their own home.
Guests at the,hiome of Mr Jiohn',
iAbell, George 'street, this Week were
.Mr, and, Mrs. Thins, Lydian, of Tor-
onto, and Mr. George Abell of Strat-
ford. Mr.' Abell is staying with his
heather for sone time. .
Mr. Thos, MdAdam of - Mt. Forest
is spelling his -holidays in town.
Mr. and Mrs„ Ben Rising of Toron-
to have' nvoved'Co Egnnondville.
(Mrs. 'W. B. McLean is visiting her
daughter,, Mrs. Fred Billet' of Lon-
don and Mrs. Ta Coulter' of Ai1'sla
Misses Dorothy Broad'foot, May -
belle Rands, Helen M'cKetidher and
.Josephine Edge were the delegates.
from the local branch, attending the
annual convention', of the !Girls' Con-
ference of the 'Wonneat's Institute held
at Guelph last week,
Miss M. W. Madlday and Miss R.
Young went, to Toronto on Wednes-
Dr.. and Mrs. J. F. 'B'eldo' n and Mr,
and Mrs. Jacicson of Toronto, former-
ly of Winnli!peg, were gues't's this
week of Mr. and .Mrs, J. C. 'Greig.
Miss Nora Fowler of Sheffield, Enlg.
spent several days. with, Mr. and MAS.
Altnent befioti'e leaving 'Terojuto
for her home ,
Messrs. Wull'ard' Elliott and 'Catnip-
bell Sutherland 'have opened a rc-
freshtnen't booth, int 'front of the
Wright garage, Grode.rich St. E.
Miss Mabel Pinkney returned on
(Tuesday from Buffalo and her sister,
(Mrs. Lawrence of Vancouver will ar-
rive on Thursday, to visit their par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pinkney.
Mr. and Mrs. Kruse and Billy of
Galt, Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and Ber-
nice of Auburn spent the holiday with
Mrs. Sclater Sr,
.Mrs. Annie Reid, Miss Mary Reid
and Mrs. W. L. Key's were holiday
visitors at Varna.
The Misses Cresswell are expected
to arrive home 'from. Los Angeles this
Mr. 'Plant. Eicoet and Mis's Jean El -
coat were visiting Dr. ,and Mrs. Glen-
tfield at Wallacetown during the past
ietrs. George Hudson and Miss
Vera Hudson will move shortly to the
residence on Jilin Street formerly' oc-
cupied by Mrs. Finlayson Sr. and' re-
cently vacated by Miss Kate Kehroe,'
who is residing in the fate Miss For-
tune's house on E. Goderich street.
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. I•flablcirle, Vic-
toria street, and Mr, and Mrs. Scott
Habkirk, Eginondville, intend occupy-
ing 'the
ccupy_ing'the lronre of the late Archie Fer-
guson in several weeks. The residence
on Victoria street which will be vac-
ated by Mr. Thos. H'ableirk, will be
occupied by Mr. Ho'pf of the Dunlap
,garage, whose family has been living
in Mrs. Livingston's apartment on
'John street. The household effects of
the Date Mr. Ferguson have been re-
pr=oved to Carlachie where his sister,
Mrs. Smith resides.
'Many friends of Mrs. W. R. Smith
regret to learn that she is very poorly
at present.
(Miss Jean Scott returned Friday
from Bluevale.
hiss, Florence Fowler of Bluevale
spent several days last week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Ro'bent Scott.
Miss Linnie Holmres left on Man -
clay for Boston. •
'Mr. Leslie Watson of Toronto
spent bhe week enc' with 'his father,
Mr. Jlame's Watson:
-Miss Jessie Bethune will leave on,
Thursday on a visit to Vernon, B.C.
Mr, John Smith and Mrs. R E.
Stark left on. Monday to spend Sever-
al clays in Cobourg with Mr. and Mrs.
Thos. Sunith,
Mr. mid Mrs. Wesley Free were at
Dungannon nit Tuesday where' the
fornver''s mother is very low.
'Miss Dorothy Rogers of Toronto is
visiting her grandfather, Mr,' Thos,
Stephens Sr,'
who is recovering
recent illness.
Mr. George S,mithers of Toronto is
spen,dinlg bhe stumainer with his daugh-
ter, Mrs.. Sclater. •
Mr. W. E. Brownlee left on Satur-
day to take a position in a 'Tautblyn
drug store in Toroai'to, Mr, Brownlee
has received his PltnelB. degree at the
!School of Pharmacy; Tot -auto.
'Large crowds were, in town On
tDlollan Days, particularly Saturday
night, anti business Was brisk. In fact,
sone o'f th.e merchants report more
business than. in any two previous
days in their recollection. s
Mr. Keith Lamont of Detroit was'
here a+tteand!ing the funeral of his aunt.
Mrs, Mande Dalton returned to To-
ronto Sunday evening,.
Miss Eleanor M'oPhers'on of Grey
wieited her aunt, Mrs, Alex. ,McNab,
'Mrs. Rlobent' M'c'Kay of Deltroit, I%
-ter Visiting her aunt, Mrs. M•aCiiil-
lough, who bias been quite ill atG1}e
'holtne of : herr, daughter, Mrs Rolle ;t,
Not if you overwo r k
them, Not: if you read or
study or do other close
worktoo steadily or in im
proper light. Not if an error
of vision exists and has not
had proper attention, Not
if you KNOW they need
help and neglect them. The
'first move tolwards fairness
to your eyes is to have us'
exam'•in,e •the•nt.
Continued 4next week,
!Stewart, returned to her honi'e in De-
troit Sund'ay...
,Plass Leona Lemon of Hen'sal1
s'petut the' week 'en'd at the horn of.
Miss High Wright.
Mr. David Wright, P'lattsville, Mr,
Tom Waugh and son of Mitchell, Pe-
ter Mowbray, De'tro'it, were here at-
tending the funeral of the tate Janet
Mr. Dat Reid spent the ,-week end
and holiday in Toronto.
Mr. G. F:-,lfoacr and fancily have
moved into, the house on• Jarvis street
vacated several weeks ago by .Mr.
Mr. C. W. Nestle was in Exeter on
Tuesday:' Mrs. Kes!tle rdtureed Nome
with him from:Exeter where she has
been attending her panther, Mrs. 'Pol-
len, -who was injured in a motor col-
lision at El'ginfield about three weeks
ago. Mrs. Pollen had five nabs frac-
tured as well as other injuries, but is
now able to sit up. Her son, of Flint,
Mich., the driver of the car, and four
others were not as seriously injured in
the accident, which happened while
returning to Exeter from a trip to
Miss Mary Eck and Miss Marjorie
Bickel! spent the holiday week end at
the home of Mr. and ,Mrs. W. J. Bick-
The W'inthro,p at Brussels football
game on Wednesday evening, the sea-
son's first _game was scoreless. Re-
feree was Leo Stephenson, Kin'burn.
Congratulations . are extended to
Mr. Kenneth J'acks'on, who was suc-
cessful in passing the tern, ex'anrina-
tions at the Ontario Veterinarian ,Col-
Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Parke visited
friends at Walton +Tue=sday.
(Persian B'alrn -the perfect aid to
beauty. 'Essential to real feminine
'distinction. !Results always in th'e,
highest expression of beauty. Its use
keeps the hands always soft and'fla'w-
lessly white. ,Indispensable to the
whole fancily. Imparts added charm
to the m'o'ther. Serves the father as
a hair restorative and cooling, s'l'aving
lotion, and protects the tender skin
of the child. Persian Balm is the true
toilet requisite.
High grade, stylish and most up-to-
date spectacles and eye -glasses, rim
or rimless: Your choice af shell, white
or pink, gold-Ifitled, with lenses, com-
plete for only $6,50. Invisible bifocals,
with frame, com'plelte $112.00. These
;prices include a ;thorough examine -
tion of your eyes by our well-known
and painstaking specialist, Mr. Hugh -
son; •over 20 years ,touring to Sea -
forth. You are assured of the best
optical wlosk to be obtained. and at
these extraordinary low prices. Tue's-
day and Wednesday, June 7 and 8.
Close Wednesday at 12 noon. Come
early. Beaftfe'sFair, ,Seaborth.
Let us protect you anywhere in
Canada or the United States with
an Auto Policy that will take a
load off your mind and at
Non Tariff Rates
It's worth your while to see us
before placing your insurance and
at the new low non -tariff rates
you cannot afford to take `chances.
All claims promptly and satisfac-
torily paid. ,
Phone, write or call—Night and
Day. Service
Phone 152
D. Sutherland
Office over Keating's Drug Store
Mr. B'eecroft of Dungannon and
Mr. Andrew Kiel!. •motored to Detroit
last' Thursday,.,retunnii'gy on Friday.
ti Miss Margaret Blagk of Hamilton,
spen'r x ,th'e' week -end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs' Will 'Black. -'
'Mrs. Will Black and Mrs. Jean
(Black and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt' spe'n't
last Monday in Hamilton visiting
with Mrs. Ttibbu'tt's sister, Mks.- Luff.
Mrs. .Jas. Allan of Egmondville
'spent several days this week with her
non, Mr. Edgar Allan:
Mir. James Black spent the 2,4th at
'Mrs. Lyon and sons of Seaforth
spent this week at Cecil Oke's.
Mr. and Mrs, Lewis Teb'butt at-
tended the funeral of Atte, Teblbut't's
cousin in Goderich Twp. last 'Tues
IT'he funeral of Mr. G, K. Holland
on Friday ntorniug last rias the keg -
est in Dublin fora long time. The re-
mains were taken from the residence
of his son-in-law, Mr. Flynn, to St.
Patrick's Ohurch where S'olem'n Re-
quiem High Mass was snag by Rev.
J. M. Eckert, brother-in-law of the
deceased; Father Dantzer, ''St. Colum --
ban, and Father White, of Windsor,
deacon and stub deacon; Blather p'
Drowski, Master ,of Ceremonies. The
remains were taken to 'St. 'Colunban
cemetery, where Rev. J. M. Eckert
performed the service at the grave,
The palpbearers were his -five sons,
John, George, Leo, Thomas and Ger-
ald, `and cousin, Thotnas Holland of
D'etnoit. Among those who were here
ro'm a distance for the funeral were
Miss Helen .McMann, Eloise, Mich.;
'Mrs. John MoMann, Chicago; Rev. J.
M. Eckert, Hawthorne, N.Y.; " 'Ford
and Arthur Kumpf of Waterlo=o; his
daughter, Sister S'tephany, of Wind-
sor, and his sons, Thames, Gerald and
Leo, of !Windsor.
Mr. Garnet Taylor met with a bad
accident on (Saturday which nearly
cost him his life. While returning
frdm Brucefie'ld tvit'h a stock rack and
acc'ompa'nied by his little son on the
down grade west of Varna the bolt
came out of the wdtiffletrees, causing
them bo drop on the horses heels
which frightened the animals, and
the line broke. Mr. Taylor lost con-
trol. He immed'ia'tely dropped the
lfttjle,boy out of the back of the wagon
and then jumped himself, whereby
he received a severe and p'ainlbul
wound on his hip and was otherwise
!bruised: The frightened animals got
free from th-e waggon and rushed
home. '.
,Mr. Wen. Taylor made a shipment
of live stock to Toronto Saturday.
IMr. E. Muter has been under the
doctor's care suffering from heart
Miss Irene Chuter of London
spent a few days with her parents.
'Misses Annie and Emily Keys have
returned to 'their hone after spending
the winter months with friends in De-
roit and Lucknow.
Mr. George Beatty Sr., Mr. ant
Mrs. F. Weekes, Mrs. John Beatty
Mr. and Mrs. G. H. 'Beatty and Miss
Edyth Beatty attond.ed the funeral on
Saturday •of 'Mrs.,Roberts, late of
(Rev. F. H. 'Paull 01 B'ayfieTcl and
Rev. K. MdGoun of Clinton exchang-
ed pulpits on Sunday.
IRev. R. J. Bowen will deliver an
address in St. John's Church Sunday
evening, June 51th in the interests of
bhe Upper Canada Bible Society. Mr,
Bowen is well worth hearing, having
lived in the Yukon for several year:
and does not home as a stranger; hav-
ing spoken in the United Church last
year, Sorv'icr to commence at 7 p. 'ttt
Mr. and Mrs. AI. K-incade of Lis-
towel, also Mrs. (Paul Doig and sot's;
(BIil1 and Paul Jr., of London . visi'ted l;
with Mrs. W. M. Doig and Mies Jane'
on Sunday.
:Mr. Wm. M. Doig spent the week'
end in Toronto on business.
Mr. Joe Bairn of Weyburn; Sask.,
has accepted a position: on the farm.
of W. M Doig.
'Mr. and Mese, Robert Green and
chid of •Tiuckersmith and Mr. and
Mrs. 'Charlie Green and children Of.
IHIlbibert, also Mr, and Mrs. Wesley
Green (and, children of Seeforth visited
on 'Sundhy with Mr. and Mrs. Jonah
Died ,at Bluevale:—The funeral of
Mrs. John Smith was 'held from the
family residence at 'Bluevale oil Wed-
nesday alfterno r and was ,largely at-
tended. The service wai' conducted by
the "Rev. A. E. Mann of thio 'Un'i'ted
Chnirch, assisted , by 'R Rev. William
Patterson, Presbyterian minister, The
service was' most impressive, the text
being, 'Preelous In the Sight of the
Lard is the Death of His Saints," The
ffotial tiirbutes;,ntere lieauittfud, silent
tokens of dove and respe'c't. the pall.
Upstairs 'Clothes Shop
Custom and Made
Alterations and Repairs, on
Ladies' and Gents.' Clothes
Langley's Agency
(hearers were (Ric'h'ard Gil'kinson, Pe-
ter' Hastings; Alex, Forgie, 'L. 11
(Bosman, Alex. Mowbray 'and Law-
rence S'.millie. Relatives and .friends
from a distance who were here at-
tending the funeral were: Mn and
Mrs. TI, F. Berry and Mrs. William
(Berry, Brucefield; Mr; and Mrs, J''o-
sep.h .S'nnith,..Turnlberry; W. J, Black,
Dungannon; Mrs, Roy Brack, Mrs.
(Toho Nivetis, Mrs. Sarah Begley, Mr.
and Mrs. Peter McCall, Mrs, Mat.
Synced, Joseph Stith, Luckttow;
airs. Beattie, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mc1Fee, William' Smith, Auburn;
IHerb. Pettypiece, Whitechurch.
IFrietids of Mr. and Mrs. 'H. F. Berry,
of Brucelfield, wh.o attended the fun-
eral were Mr. and Mrs. J. Horton,
Mr. and Mrs. 'Alton Johnston, 'Me.
and Mrs. 'Walter Moffatt, Me. and
?Mrs. Thos. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. $cert
Believes West Will Show Consider-
able Improvement This 'Year. — The
following from "Hardware and Met-
al" refers ao the son 'of !Mr. and Mrs.
James M'clQveen of the village:
Toronto—PR I't ra'ther looks as though
the West might be at the head of the
procession in the March back to bus-
iness recovery in Canada," said W. N.
MacQueen, sales manager elf'Bendamt-
in Moore and Co., Ltd., Toronto, in
an interview with Hardware and Me-
Mr. MacQueen recently returned
from a business trip through the Wes-
tern province's where he had an op-
portunity to 'observe the business
trend 'at first'h'and. Quite a number of
lines 'are showing increases over. last
year, he said, and the prospects are
for still better 'business if the weather
con tinue s 'favorable.
"This does not mean that busine's's
in the 'West is going to be on a 'high
level this year," he said "but it does
mean that there is a probability of a
substantial recovery ;from Last year's
Level. The future, of course, depends
on the price of wheat, and the crop
Asked by Hardware and Metal
about 'the outlook in the Western
paint business, '.Mr. MacQueen said
that interior lines- appear to be prov-
ing very satisfactorily but the sale of
exterior good's is not likely to' be
heavy except in the northern -sections
where a Satisfactory crop was 'harv-
ested last year, There is a great
amount of painting work to be done,
he said, and once 'business returns to
anything like a normal level the
painting industry should benefit very
"Western Canada has ,been going
through a very difficult period," 'he
declared. "Just how difficult not many
of us in the East realize. But that old
;pirit of optimism seems to be just as
strong •in the 'W'nat as ever before. T'he
cheerfulness and courage of Western'
business > men certainly deserves ad-
miration, and while the country's pro-
blems are 'tot all solved by any means,
it looks as if the Western fanner 'ivas
so cut his cost of pro'd'uction that he
can grow wheat at asprofit .if anybody
Miss Itra Scott of London spent the
week end at her ,home in the viTfage.
Mrs, IS: Thotv,pson, who has been
spending the past few months at the
leo•me of her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Moo-
die in the village, returned to tier
home near Nipper recently:
Miss Helen Tough spent the week
end with friends at Roxboro.
Miss A'nn'a Haugh and \'Lr. 'Carman
Haugh and lMr.'Jodn McIntosh of To-
ronto spent the week end at their res-
pective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mustard and fa-
mily spent The week end at their cot-
tage in Lrverhuron,
Mr. Aldie Mustard of Toronto has
returned to his home in the village.
The Odd'iellows Lodge will 'attend
service on Sunday evening at 7 p,m.
All the neighboring lodges are cord-
ially invited to attend.
Wor es ows
s +L
With the idea of giving employ-
ment, we have decided to continue
handling these animals. 'phone
us protiuptly when you want an
animal removed. ?