HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-05-19, Page 6s BASEBALLMATCH---C.N:R., STRATFORD vs. SEAFORTH, ' RECREATION GROUNDS, 0 BUYS ANY $1.5 Article in this store' during this sale. Owing to the thousands of pieces of. merchandise them all hut the following discounts will appl All Goods` Nation- ally ;Advertised and priced SPECIAL DISCOUNT DISCOUNT or HA.L.F,;P"RICE All thought of profit is forgotten at this store dttrang this biggest 'selling event in the history "of good old, town of Seaforth Fred. All Other Goods In Stock ' 20% DISCOUNT vc annot; lis Many Lines Merchandise w e will clear ' at +-r O%. 'va 'e WATCHES,.,DIAMONDS, JEWELRY, CHINA, GIFT iGOODS 20% Discount on all Glasses ordered during this: sale. r S(P ,;.1ti.lt,i; CLEAR: ,AS A'BALL SPECIAL! ,':FREE!!'. During dollar days and the following week with 'the sale of every 7 tube ;Mac Kenzie: Model Sonora , Radio ;.will be given,'-, away "Free" one beautiful'I3atiimoi>dielec-'„, tric Clock worth' $12:75. It will pay Youto`< talce this opportttiaity at once We also wish to',announee a new .line of. electrical refrigeration by "Hayes. Ail the latest' ''improvements are embodied in this machine at the'lowestTpr.ices anywhere: arber .Agent. PHONE 80-J, SEAFORTH, ONT'.:• 7 tubes with Automatic Volume, price $89.. The Garage You are assured of careful, conscientious and skilled attention to your car requirements at, this Garage. BLUE SUNOCO MOTOR FUEL AND BEST QUALITIES OF LUBRICATING OILS AND GREASES Wm.A.Wright Opposite Queen's Hotel. SEAFORTH • 'PHONE 147 w ehevrolet Sales & Service Seaforth We have an up-to-date parts stock for General Motors Cars Our prices are reduced on all repairing including body and fender work. At our service station we can take care of your greasing, washing and tire repairing WE ALSO HAVE THE COMPLETE LINE OF GOODYEAR TIRES. "Try us for service" , Located on the cor. of,Goderich and Main, sts. DAY PHONE 187 NIGHT PHONE 316 A. W. DUNLOP, Prop. ESTABLISHED 1860. The Huron Expositor Is still the largest and only out- standing weekly newspaper in Sea - forth or Huron county. Up-to-date, quality printing at fair prices during dollar day or any other day. PURITY PURVEYORS -' PHONE 58 WE ALWAYS HAVE GOOD STEAKS. Our shop is noted for the cjuality; flavor and tenderness of the beefsteaks. Sirloin, tenderloin, porterhouse, and • other choice cuts. Broil our steak properly and you'll have a dish as fine as served in any restaur- ant. Try one.for dinner tonight., SATURDAY, MAY 21st, 4 P.M. ergus•o 1FLOOR MOP AND -liiiorIpt. 1.00 FLOOR WAX . .. 1 SHOVEL AND 1 GARDEN 1.00 RAKE • $ 100 ft. CLOTHES LINE WIRE, 2 C. L.' PULLEYS, 1 LINE DIVIDER 1.00 AND 2 PULLEY HOOKS .... 1 STRAINER PAIL, 1 MILK 1.00 PAIL, 1 CREAM PAIL ar wa 50'-%" GOODYEAR GARDEN 4.00 HOSE (Red) with Couplings and Nozzles 1 Gal. MARTIN SENOUR PAINTER STOCK, . WHITE, with 1 gal .Linseed Oil, 1 ib of Tinting Color to make Grey, Cream or Brown and a'.00 1-3f1" Paint Brush This snakes 2 gals Paint of GuarantC-°ert"'fi'i Best Quality for outside use. 10% Discount off any purchase except Special Deals. SUPERIOR STORES SEE THESE DOLLAR DAY VALUES. MAY 21ST AND MAY 23RD. MAPLE LEAF SOCKEYE SALMON /'s. 15c 7FOR McLAREN'S,JELLY POWDERS Ass't Flavors. .21 PKGS. Premium Tea, Black or Mixed 54c with Free Cups and Saucers,, Plates, Teapots, Vases, Creams & Sugars- Two pounds for $1.00 Coffee and Tea, Special Blend ' Ib 39c 3 lbs. for $1.00 Aylmer Soups 2 tins 19c All flavors except chicken 11 tins for $1.00 Canned Peas, No. 3's large tins 3 for 25c 13 tins for $1.00 Canned Tomatoes, squats 2 tins 15c 14 tins for ` $1.00 Sliced Pineapple, imported '2 tins 25c 9 tins for $1.Qo New Cheese, fine qualityib 14c 8 pounds $1.00' 'Finest Rolled Oatmeal 7' ib 25c 30 pounds ... Salmon, pink ige. tins 9 tins $1.00 each 5 c $1..00 $1.00 2 tins 25c $1.00 FREE Samples while They Last. FREE Easttnan Cameras, all colors, with purchase of 6 films. 48 ei posures, Ross JSproat PHONE 8. GROUP No. 14. -Reg. Val. $I.35. 1 pkg. Ammonia, 1 Super Suds, 1 Cleanser, .1' ib Ma- caroni, 2 tbs. Beans, 1 tin Salmon lge., 1 Peas, 1 Pump- kin, 1'Tomatoes, 1 Sardines, 1 lge Pork 8 : ns, 1 doz. Clothes Pins, 1 pkg: Bluing, 1 tin Superior` $1.00 Baking Powder.., 14 ARTICLES FOR GROUP No., 10. -Reg:, Vette. $1.30 1 ib tin.Floor Wax, 1 bottle. Lemon Oil, 1 tin Corn, 1 tin Tomato Juice, 1 box Salt, 1 16 -oz. Jar L. & Orange Mar- malade, 1 box Noodles, 1 tin Plums, 1 •tb Prunes iti $1.00 1 tb Figs 10 ARTICLES FOR P. 'Sr G or Pearl Soap 7 cakes 25c ' 29' cakes . 1.00 Toilet Tissue 7 rolls 25c 29 ,Rolls 1.00 Aylmer Catsup 13 oz. 2 for 25c 9 bottles Fancy Chocolates in 5 tb boxes Regular $1.25 ,now 1.00 Heinz Catsup; Targe size bottle 22c 5 bottles $1.00 Pastry Flour; Drummer Brand 24s 55c 2-24's for t 100 Home Macle Fudge, Turkish ,Delight ,pound 19c $1.00 pound 19c We want your Eggs. Highest cash prices paid. FREE Strainer with 1 potted Crisco at'25c. ' . N • Pryce PHONE 77 CLOSE & MODELAND. Agents for The One Only I...:. ... I RE (ADVANCED REFRIGERATION), ALSO SilentGlow Oil ur e e No Ash No Dirt DE1V1ONS' RATED AT MUSIC STORE'AND BARBER'S'HOP One Stop ®nay I HAVE YOUR CAR REPAIRED .1 AT;,. Rey'nolds --ii BRITISII. - AMERICAN SERVICE STATION SEAFORTH • Fender Repairs Acetylene Welding BRAKES ADJUSTED AND RE -LINED CARS WASHED AND POLISHED (Cars Called for and Delivered), GODERIC1-h ST. EAST ;PHONE 27 Seaforth