HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-05-19, Page 1,They are poor thatGhave lost noth- ing; 'This life is one, and in its warp and ,Woof There runs a thread of gold'that glit- r ea orth e H U R ON COUNTY S LEAD NG NEWSPAPER ters fair, A+n'd sometimes in the pattern shows •'most sweet • Where there 'are sombre colors: —Jean Ingelow. WHOLE SERIES, VOL. 54, No. 20. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 19, 1932. Phone 84. DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly 1OT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices reasonable Thempia Confectionery and Restaurant mer� Soon y /l Perhaps before you read this we expect to have in stock JOHNSON'S GLO-COAT, a new floor finish for woodwork, furniture, oil cloth and linoleum. Needs no polishing, no rubbing. As easy to apply as water and dries in a few minutes. A wax finish that shines like var- nish. iCOIME IN AND SEE IT ON DOLLAR DAY. EARLY SEED POTATOES.—.Eur- ekas areone of the earliest and best yielders. Per :bag 50c D,OOLEYS.—Northern grown," fine 'big snioo'th, per bag 50c UNIVERSITY BLEND TEA, with Bridal 'Wreath China, per Ib. 60c FRESH PRUNES. -3 lb's. 25c 'CHOICE SAGO or TAPIOCA. "- 3 lbs. ,.25c ARISTOCRAT PEAS.—Large, ten- der, juicy, one ,of the best. Per can i'Se MONARCH 'SWEET .MIXED ' :PICKLES.—Pu't up by Lealands, 32'/� oz. jar, special 25c BAKERS COCOA, Special, 2 lbs, 35c 3 CAKES CALAY. (SOAP.—Usually 3 for 25c. Now 3 for 23; with 2 .cakes P:&IG. added. GREAT STAR FLOUR.—Our most. papular seller. Per cwt. ..$2.50 PINEAPP1 S: --Extra large •(118's) Each 25c OeNNED. PINEAPPLE -2 'for..25c NUGGET SHOE POLIISH. 2 tins 25c CREAM taken for Seaforth Creamery at sante price as at the Creamery. 100 Cases of eggs per .week wanted for which we are paying highest cash prices with lc per doz. extra for trade. F. D., HUTCHiSON Phone Phor Phood. 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE. HONE E. L. BOX P 4'3 Y.P.IS. The regular meeting of the Young 'People's Society of Northside United Church was 'held on Tuesday even- , �4ng, May 17th, with Mr. Keith Web- ster in bhe chair. Hynin 224 was sung. 'and the Lord's prayer repdated. The secretary, Miss Dorene Hudson, read the minutes and some business mat- ters were dealt with. It was decided that there should be no meeting on May 24th. Mr. 'George Holgate sang a very pleasing solo, accompanied by Miss Helen Lane. After Miss Ruth (Thompson had read the Bible lesson, Mr- Savae ge gave a tank on' "Social ;Life in the Church, in which he told' !how m'uc'h had already been accomp- lished, but suggested a number of ways in which the' C'hur'ch.' might make religion still 'more practical anti'' influ ential. Hymn 262' 'was sung and the 'meeting closed with the M'iapah ben_ ediction. CHURCH 'CARD. North Side United Church.—Pastor, Rev, W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, May 22nd. 10 a.m.—(Sunday (School and Bible Classes. Ill a.m.—Public !Worship. Family Day 'Service. 7 pan.—Rev. J. F. Chapman, BA., of Brussels, ' will conduct public wor- ship. WINS FELLOW'SHIP. Mr. 'Gordon Wright, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. James (Wright Of Kippen, and a graduate of Seaforth ,Collegiate In- stitu'te,.has been chosen to represent. the Ontario .Agricultural College at the Danforth Foundation (Summer !Fel'lo'wsh'i'p' in 1St. Louis, •Missouri. This is an annual fellowship which is awarded to one third -year student of each of thirty different colleges- in all parts of 'th'e continent. Mr. Wright will be gone about six :weeks. LEGION MEETING. IA 'large number .of 'me'nebers at- tended the regular meeting of the loq- cal 'branch of the 'Canadian Legion id the new club roam in the (Post Of- fice building on Thursday evening, 12th• instant. President IC. P. !Stirs was in the chair and alter' calling. 'the meet- ing Ito order, all stood with 'brewed heads in silence 'for' one minute in memory 'of and. rout df respect for bh'ei'r ,Mallen 'Comrades. ' 'The 'following 'Comrades were ap- pointed •to represent The local branch! at the meeting sof the Enron 'County; Executive in Clinton on 1181h instant: 'Past President B. 0. Muir, President C. P. !Sills- and Treasurer G. 7D. Fer- guson. Amongst other 'matters to Ibe !discussed at this' meeting will be the 'annual IOo'un!ty • iRememlbranice Day ,parade, which niay this year be pos- sibly 'held in Seaforth, and the Alt nual Veterans' 'picnic. Comrade Willi'a'm Smith was unani Dourly appointed • !Sergeant -at -Arms to 'hold office for the balance of the year. It .was decided to observe ]Decora- tion ID'ay as usual on the second Sun- day in Jima and further announce- ment will ' be made later in this 'con- nective, l Several matters ipentaining ,to the welfare of the 'Legion were discussed including the unemployment situa- tion as it affects returned men and the proper care of the 'Soldie'rs' •Memorial in the !Park. 'The meeting adjourned with the singing of God Save ,the Xing. GODE'RI'CH SUMMER SCHOOL PROGR-A11/I The Goderich Summer School has just anoo lanced the program for this year. The dates are July 1!8-25 ` Five noon hour studies on "The. Sacraments" will be given by _ the Reverend _ Richard Davidson, D.D., Principal -elect of Emmanuel College, Toronto. These lectures are intended primarily for Ministers, but .others will be welcomed. The .daily program is as fellows: 8,45 'Matins—Reverend Roy Canner, B.A., Kippen, 9,00 B'i'ble Study—('l) "The Mes- sage orf the 0. T. Prophets for today" Reverend William Lane, B.A., Sea - forth. (2) "The Teaching Values of the N.T."' Reverend L. C. White, B. .A., Elinev!i!I1e. (3) "The Life and Teaching of Jesus" Reverend R. N. Stewart, BJA.IB,ID.,_ Sitaffa. '10.00 Group 'Sltudies'—,(1) "Citizen- ship, the first elements in. Christian Economics" ,Mrs. W. R. M'd ntosh, London. (2) "The Wlonship Period in YIP. Work" Reverend C. W. De- Witt Cosens, :ibL.A.,fB)D., Stratford. (3) "The Sino Japanese Situation and Missions" Reverend W. J. Mortimer, D.D., Au'burn. 04)• "Leadership in (Boys', and Girls' Wbrk," Reverend Stephen Mothers, M1A., Grand Bend. (5) "The Recreation Hour Reverend Charles Malcolm, M.IA,, Seafierfh: 110.1415 Relax'a'tion. ,l.L15 Young People's Methods— The Organization, Reverend Charles Daniel, Peterb'aro. 41.15.. The Minister's Hour, "The Sacraments" Reverend D. r. Davidson, Toronto. ' 2.00-4.30, Organized Recreation and a "Swim."' 7.15 Vespers -Reverend E. W. Ed- wards, M.IA./B.D., Tavistock. There will be three evening meet- ings for the Public: Monday, Rally Night, Reverend Walter Craw, M.A., BD., Kincardine. Wednesday, W. M. S. 'Night, Mrs. W. R. MLc 5itosh, pre- sident of Loddon Conference Branch of W. IM, IS. Friday, An, Illustrated Lecture "The Romance of Canadian History" Professor Landon, Western University, London. Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings will' be '"S.ch'o'ol Functions." The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per will be, dispensed by Reverend Dr. Davidson at the consecration ser- vice on Sunday :afternoon, and Rever- end Charles Daniel will give the dos- ing address' Sunday evening. S'orne of the school executive are, President, Reverend Roy Conner, B. A., Ki:ppen.; Dlean, Reverend L. C. White, B.A., Exeter R. R.; Regiktrar, Miss Mabel Blailie, Goderioh; Treas- urer, Miss Thelma Cheer, IGoderich; Secretary, Reverend:. Charles Mal- colm;, M.A„ Seaforth. . BARBARA KIRKMAN. The monthly meeting of the 'Bar- bara .Kirkman !Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening, being a week in ad- vance, in the sohio'o1 room of 'First •Presibyterian Church with a large at- tendance. The 'Douglas group had. charge of the meeting with Mrs. Ed, ;Smith presiding. The opening hymn was 554 and was followed with pray er by Mrs: 1Ed,- Smith. The Scripture lesson was..read by Miss Hazel Reid. The business pant was conducted by the president. The m'inute's• of last meeting wer`e readby the Secretary and a'ppro'ved. The roll ca'11 was an- swered by a verse .of IScri•pture relat- ing to prayer. The Glad Tidings pray- er of Pentitence followed anoi read by Miss !Patterson, Miss Sparks and Mrs. 'Gibson. Mrs. J. E. Daley rendered a very `fine solo entitled "Da Something for Someone" accompanied by Mrs. 1'I. R. Rennie. A very interesting fea- (tire of this meeting was the Feport given by Mrs. John Sc,later who was the delegate chosen from the W.M.S. and Barbara Kirlemato Auxiliary of this church to attend the 'Proviecial meeting, held in St Paul's Presbyter- ian 'Church in IPoterboro on .April'19, 20 and 2'1!st. Mrs. •!Sclater certainly gave an excellent report of all the 'sessions, and should be most instruc- tive and encouraging to all who heard it. With the, singing of hymn 559 and repeating the Lords prayer' in' unison the meeting was 'brought to a close, ARTS CLUB. 'On Thursday evening, May 12Th, St. James' Arts' Club 'held its regular 'meeting in the Parish Hall with Mr. 'Wm. 'Lane' in charge. The guest speaker .of the evening was 'Mr. ljahn H'uggard who gave a very fine; dis- course on "True Education." Follow- ing the business period, the meeting came 'to a close, ISEAFORTH BUSINESS MEN'S ASS!O'CIATION !Usually an association or organiza- tion •of'nien is for the purpose of onion in order to protect a common interest involving something ,slightly selfish in nature;, and the 'p'rotection thus secur-' ed is usually in some degree at the expense of the other fellow. This is not the case with Seaforth Business Men's Als'sociation, In fact such' organizations are not characteristic of Seaforth. We have a Service Glub in'Seaforth which has raised several thousands of dollars land spent them all, every dollar, for (beautifying certain' parts of the town. (notably Tourist park'an'd swimming pool), and for the 'curing of crippled. ch'ild'ren, for health clinics, for eye- sight clinics and various' similar en- terprises. Seaforth has always been a good town, always been, strong; on service. And now the idea of service is en- tering the business life of the town in a, marked manner. The Wednesday. half-holid'ay.s have 'been reduced from five months to three months in order that better service may be given. This is, the first actual effort of the associa- tion and gives an exact and definite line on the purpose and aim of the Business Men's Association. -Service. This ,association differs as widely from. the usual association as is pos- sible. Its aim is service to all con- cerned. A service 'that will merit the 'corUldence of all wihom it is privileged to meet. There is no thought of any ,direct protection to any member, or to the association as a whole. But the as$ociati'on does believe that the best protection they can have is the confi- dence o'E the putblic'in the district won and maintained by the finest and best service po'ssi'ble.. The Business Men's Association of Seaforth believe that by co-operation in merchandising they can make your dollar considerably increase its Buying polwer and this is the keynote of the hope and aim of this association. IWhiie it will take some little time to work out all the plans in prospect, we hope that 'the special':.D'oliar Sale of 21st and 213x4; of May will clearly de- monstrate the policy 'of the Se'a'forth Business Men's (Association which is a policy that will be of equal and mut- ual benefit to both town and country. SUSPENDED SENTENCE. In the early hours of Saturday morning Miss Anne 'Govenlock's home on North Marin street was en- tered for the third' time in recent weeks, entry :being, gained through a wind'o'w The main electric switch was pulled out. When the intruder pro- ceeded upstairs, with an electric torch, frightening 'Miss Goven'lock and her •cons,p'anion, Miss Watson, 'their screams wakened Mr. Thomas John- stone and family next door, but the culprit quickly escaped.' A young lad of town was taken into custody on Sunday and appeared be- fore Magistrate Reid at Goderich on Monday -hen he, was released after being given two years fn Reformatory, sentence suspended. umnisimmwmimmu Don't Miss DOLLAR DAYS SEAFORTH y Saturday,May 21st Monday, May 23rd Ever. in Store. r Big Bargains y S o e. Stores Open Both Nights. g 13and Concert on Main St. Saturday night Come early. Come often: It 'will pay you w u --: Seaforth's $gays Saturday, May 21, Monday, May 23[ ,and are giving such va- lues The days of big pro- these two days. ALL 'RELY in one big sell- previous selling efforts ens counts will , apply to in this 's'tore and; these And of coarse, -we are in on itlues intown. every line of merchantdise we carry as this good. has never seen before. fits are gone forever lint for PRO'F'I'T'S ARE GONE ENT sell- ing effort that will put all .tirely in the dark. Special discounts every article of merchandise discou]rts will range' from 10% to 50%, so you can easily see what tremendous bargains will be yours by buying your requirements at this store, !For your con- venience we list 'below the discounts as they apply, 50% DISCOUNT LIST Tie IPins $1.00 up Pearl Necklets $5.00 up White Ivory 25c up 'Colored Beads ..... , 50c up Several lines of Fancy China 150c up Many lines of 'Novelties 50c up How it works out— $5.00 utI$5.00 Necklets at 50% Dis- count, sells for $2,50 •'during sale. And all others in this list simil- arly reduced. On Nationally Advertised and Fixed Price 'G'oods, special.Dis- counts of 10% will apply. There will be a special range of $1.50 articles suitable For Gifts $1.0 and0 foratly the home, Ori sale at o These are exceptional value and wonderfully attractive. - 20% DISCOUNT LIST. Wrist Watches .:...$40.00 up' Pocket Watches ... 5.00 up. Diamond Rings $25.00' up Signet Rings $1.00 up All other rings ..... ..$1.00'. up All Sliver Hollow Ware $1.00 'A11 (China 25c up All (Dinner Sets $4:50 up !Blue Mikado China .$1.25 up ILeabher Hand Bags ..$1.50 tep All 'Jewelry ....,,......SOc up All Clocks $1.25 up ',Compacts $1.00 up Crystal Beads ' 50c up Waldemar (Watch Chains' $1.00 up Leather Gift Goods 1$1.00 up (Pens and 'Pencils $1.00 up How it works out— S10,00 ut1$10,00 Wrist Watch, 20% dis- count, sells at $8.00 during sale. And all dthers in this list at the same rate of reduction. You will find here a very fine solution for your de- layed gift problem as well as for many of the neces- saries that are consequently occurring at greatly re- duced, money saving prices. Come early. Come to Seaforth with the crowds. You will be well repaid in this great money saving event. And don't fail to visit this store.' red. ed. S.Savauge JEWELER, OP11O,MEPRIST, GIFT GOODS (Phone 11194, (Opposite 'Po'st Olffice Seaforth 20% reduction on all 'G'la'ss'es and Optical Goods or- dered during this- sale. Expert Watch Repairing --- n� O 0 DIED IN- THE WEST. 'Miss ,Bella !Sproat has received word of the death of her brother-in-law, Mr. B'eed'ham George Sarvis, at Bindloss, Alta. The following obituary is from the Empress E,epress:. `""B'eed'ham George Sarvis, pioneer .farmer near IBindlos's, died suddenly 'Saturday morning, at the age of 77 years. In his usual health bhe nig'h't previous, he retired arid slept soundly until' early Morning, when he was awakened by a pain in his chest. In a few minutes, 'before any aid could be Obtained, he passed quietly away. After a short private service at the home, •funeral services were held in the Leland Hall, 'Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock, where a large number of ,friends from the surrounding 'dis'trict attended. Rev. Geo. Shields officiated and spoke feeling from 'John 10:28— 'They 0 128—'They shall never 'perish,neither shall any man pluck, them out of my hand." The hymns sung were "Asleep in !Jesus," "Nearer IMy'God to Thee," and "F'ace to 'Face," and twoduets were sung by members of the choir of the Empress United Church. Mrs; T, McNeill and Mrs. E. McEwen singing, "Sonne Day the Silver Cord will Break," and Mrs. R. L, ' 1 :Arthur and, Miss J. Kelley singing, "Crossing the Bar." IThe floral offerings' were numerous and beautiful and included wreaths from the Sharrow ` U'JF.A., the Bindlos•s Institute, the Social 'Plains Institute, the Leland Ladies' Aid, the Viewfield UJF.A. and the Verna. UFA. Interment took place in the 'Empress 'cemetery. Mr. Sarvis was born Jan. 3rd, 11855, at Port Hope, Ont., and grew up in Ontario, where he taught s'cho'ol for a time. In' 1188'4, he took up a' homestead in North Da- kota, and on March .10, 1886, he mar- ried Miss Agnes Hasty Sproaf, of Sea - forth, Ont. ,Later, for several years he was engaged in store business in (North Dakota, and in 1913 he settled in the Leland district, southwest of /Empress, where he prepared a home and resided until his death. Mr. ;Sarvis was a member of the United Church and of the Independent Order of For esters and gave willingly of his sup - part to all church and ode -Amenity ac- tivities. Besides his widow he leaves to Mourn ha loss, a, daughter,' Mrs. Bliss Kirkpatrick of Markerville, Alta„ and two sons, :Gold'win 'G., of Bind, - loss. and Dr, Ewart S., of Sumas,:, ;Wash., seven 'grandchildren and two sisters, Mr's. Alex. Elliott, Mitchell,'. Ont., and IMirs, (Frederick Cryer of: New York, N.Y. ,SUCCESSFUL IN OBTAIN I'N'G: B: A:.. 'Mr. Fraser Oliver of Staffa has gra-. 'cleated from McMaster University.; with first'class honors in Mathematics:, and Physics. UNITED CHURCH .W.MiS..MEET' The May meeting of the W. 121. S.. was 'held in the school room recently - with a very good attendance with, the 'President, Mrs. W. 'P.' Lane, pre- siding. Mrs. Lane opened the meet- • ing 'with :prayer. ,Folioiwi,hg the read - Mg of the minutes of last meeting, read by Mrs. J. Laing, 'the 'financial . statement was given by Mrs, 'F..3, . +Burrows showing '$126.711 on 'hand for 'the second quarter; this includes ,. $10126 'Easter 'Thank Offering'Thir— ty-six calls were made by the.'visitin'_e :Comm. The Social meeting will be; held at the 'parsonage on May, 26.. At. -- this meeting the report of delegates to ;Presbyterial at 1Wingl'tam, April 26e will the given. At the conclusion of' the business period, 'Circle '5 tool_ • charge with ...Mrs. J p nesad - ng. All engaged :in a few minutes of silent prayer, Ifollo,wed 'by prayer led. by !Mrs. Hinloh:ley, and a.. short .paper: on the ministry of prayer. 'by 'MIrs. H'inchley. The devotionalperiod', was led by Mrs. az. Gaates and Miss Mlin trie Somerville. ,papers oft the steb- - ject "Prayer" by Mrs. W. P. Latter IMrs. Moffat and M•rs. B'arlbe'r; taking;;; 'ars topics res'pectively, (Prayer as Lee- teecession, 'Hindrances to Prayer, and 'Rewards .of Prayer. A duet "My Mo- ther is Praying for Me," was very,: sweetly rendered by Mrs. B Cluff and 'Mr's,: W. IGudinlore. Mrs. Williams', gave an interesting paper on :temper>— ance, Mrs, Lane 'presented Mrs.. 3. Webster with a Life lMeni'bers•hi'p certilficate, the gift df her 'udaughter: The meeting closed w•itit, brier ?Vfiz'pahr benediction.