HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-05-12, Page 1• 'Wllten I .shall go to sleep and wake aga.io dawuing in another would than this JfA Will not my soul. remember evermore The earthly winter's hunger for the s:piing, The welt 'sweet, cheek o.f May, ,and the, HURON COUNTY'S LEADING NEWSPAPER rush Oaf roses through the summer's open door; The feelings that the scented Wood- lands bring At evening with the singing of the' tor u sh ? WHOLE 'SERIEIS, VOL. 54, No. 19. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1932. Phone 84, DINNERS and SUPPERS Regularly HOT LUNCHES at all hours OUR HOME MADE SPECIALTIES Prices Reasonable The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant Early Seed Potatoes EUR'EKAS.--sAre one of the .best Per bag • 50c 3110dLEY'S.-Northern grown, fine. 'liigsmoo,th, per bag 50c ,UNIVERSITY BLEND TEA, with Bridal 'Wrea'th China, per lb 60c 'FRESH PRUNES. -3 bb's. 25c ,CHOICE SAGO or TA'PPOCA.- '3 .lbs. 2k ARISTOCRAT .PEAS. Large, ten- der, juicy, one of, the best. Per .eros 15c MONARCH SWEET :1V! I X E D PICKLES. -,Put up by Lealands, 132% oz. jar, special 25c •---''TEAKERiS COCOA. -Special, 2 `lbs, ....:.,,:35c 3' CAKES CALAY ISQ'AP.-Usually 3 for 25c. Now 3 for 23c, with .2 cakes PAG, added. GREAT STAR FLOUR. -(Our most Ipgpular seller. Per cwt. $2.50 PINEAPPLES, --Extra large (118's) Each 25c. CANNED PIN,E'AIPPLE-2 for..25c NUGGET SHOE POLIISH.-2 tins. ..., ,. 25c CREAM taken for Seaforth Creamery at same price as at the Creamery. 100 Cases of eggs, per week wanted ]for which we are paying highest 'cash prices with lc per doz. extra ' for trade. F. D. HUTCHISON ,Phone Phor Phood 166 COAL QUALITY -SERVICE PHONE E.LBOX 43. VARNA. Several members of St. )john's con- gregation attended the parish social, ,held'in Bayfield on Friday night and all report a real good time and are looking forward' to another of these' events. Mr. Wm. 'Colclo.ugh is :busy these days on his farm repairing the fences in general, The farmers are held up for a time owing to the very.hea'vy rain. Miss Pickard of Porter's Held, in company with Mists Jean M'ossop; ,motored to London Friday. iMr. Errick Reid of London was re- newing acquaintances in this district ;Sunday. i Mr. and Mrs. F. Weekes motored to IListolwel on Monday. ,Mr. George Beatty 'Sr., Mrs. Jiohat !Beatty, Miss Mosso') and Mr. G. Raymond spent Monday in London. HILLSGREEN. The many friend's of Miss Annie 'Jarrott are glad to know she is im- proving nicely, after being very ill (for the past two weeks in St, Joseph's {Hospital, London, CHURCH CARD. North Side United Church, -Pastor, Rev. W. P. Lane, B.A. Sunday, May 75th. 10 a.m,-JSunday school and Bible Class. 111 a. m, - Father's Day service. Men's Choir. ' 7 p.m. - Public Worship. Subject, "Expecting Tao Much." COACHING CLASS The coaching class ,under the dir- ection of the Women's Institute will beheld in 'Carnegie:Libary on Friday, May 13th, • from 9 a.m, until '4 p.m. Miss Durnin will be the coach. Ev- erybody welcome to attend. PICTURES OF KOREA The Egmondville W.IoLS. are pro- viding a treat- for the people of the community on Friday evening at 8 p.m. in the school -room, when pictures of Korea will be shown on the screen and a talk on that interesting conn'try given by the minister. There will be an ad'mission fee of 10 cents. O.A.C. RESULTS, 1st year, ASSOC., W,IH.IG. Strang;, Intermediate year, A. W. Archibald; Third_year,,K. E. Jackson, J. E. Stackhouse, G. A. Wright; 1st year, Associate Class, group 2, W. H. G. Strang, Heusall, RJR. 1; m'edad for int. year, debating class, E. H. Stoltz, :Auburn; winner of public speaking, W. H. G. Strang.' Dlai y school prizes, students taking highest marks in both written and practical .examinations, W. C. Barber (2nd); butterm'aking, W. C. Barber (1st); best essay on dairying, W. C. Barber (ls't), LDONS MEET AT GODERICH The semi-monthly meeting of the ISe'aforth Lions Club was held on Mon- day. This being their annual ladies' •night the members,, together with their wives and lady friends, motored' to'Gb'derich, where dinner was enjoy- ed at the Bedford hotel. Lion John :Beattie presided. Rev. D. J. Lane, of Knox Church, Goderich, was the guest speaker, whose subject was "A Trip to Normandy." It was interest- ing and very much appreciated.: After some 'community singing, the party, ,fifty-three in number, went to . the -theatre. FOOTBALL, At a well attended meeting held at the Dick House, Seaforth, on Satur- day evening, Huron football en'thus lasts elected their officers for the com- ing season, as follows: President, Leo ISteplhenson, Icinburn; vice-president; John Holland, -Sit. Co!lumban secret ary-treasurer, A. W. Dick, Seaforth; committee, JohntSuitter, Clinton; Pe- ter McTaggart, Walton; Vincent Lane, St. Colutnban; Art Nicholson, IEgnnonld'viile; Percy Little, Winthrop, and a member frolnt Exeter to be na'm'ed. Teams entered are: Walton, !Winthrop, Egmosndville, Clinton," St. Columban and Exeter. Any other teams wishing to enter must notify the secretary, A. W. Dick, Seaforth, on or before Friday, :May 10, as the, schedule is to be drawn that night, YOUNG PEOPL'E'S SOCIIEt1TY. The +Young People's Society of Northside United Church held their regular weekly meeting on Tuesday, May 10th, with Miss Fennell in charge. The meeting opened by sing- ing .hymn 95 after which Mrs. 'Lane led in prayer. The minutes Of the hast meeting were read by Miss Dorene Hudson and adopted. Hymn '99 was then sung followed by the Scripture reading by Miss Wood. The meeting was then favored with a violin selec- tion by Miss Maybelle Rand's,' which was much e,nij!oyed by all. A. very, int- eresting address 00 "Misisigns" was given by Rev. Charles Malcolm. A very pleasing solo was sung by Mr, Sam Scott, accompanied on the piano. by Miss Anne Goyenloick. After sing- ling hymn 90' the .meeting closed 1b.y. repeating the Mizpah benediction. TOWN COUNCLL Two -Payment Plan for Taxes Intro- duced in Seaforth=Tax Rate Is Lowered One Mill The regular May meeting of the town council was held in the council ,chamber on :Monday evening at 8 p.m. Members all .present. Minutes 'of last nteelting,were read and approv- ed, IB!oi1ton-(Hu,dson._ Th,alt' the report of the finance committee be passed as read: Jas. V. Ryan $fi7 Jno A., Wil- son, .salary, $70 Heltnar Snell,. salary, $60;; Thos. Storey, salary, $60; La France Fire & Foamite, invoice, $4,716; C. Aberharlt, insurance, $4,20; . 'Can. Nat. Rya, crossing protection, $3.415; iBeIl Tel. Coy., acct,, $2.45 Wm. Trott, wages; . $4'25; Jlos. H'o'ggarth, $1.50; :Geo. A. 'Sil'ls & Sons, $3:30; James. Cleary, acct. charity, $13.04; Russel [1. Sproat, acct. F.IB., $5.45; Work- men's Comp. Bd., ..assessment, $120.- 74; •E. Macklam, acct. charity, $178; 'W. W. Crosier, acct., $9415; {Jigs. 'Storey, acct., $18!52; P. McIver,• ,wages, $13.75; Sol. Williams, wages,' $13.715; Art Holley, wages, .$'1.50; d. Hudson, pd. for 1 street brush, $1; Thos. Dickson, acct.; $3.90; R. Frost & ,Son, acct., $6,29.-T. J. Stephens chairman finance ' committee. (Bolton-IH.udson.-1T•hat Mr. H. Kel- ler be paid the .sum of $50.00 for the dumping ground for 1932. Stephens -Smith. -'bat this coun- cil donate $50.00 bo the Industrial .Committee, Smith4Scott.-'That the -estimates of receipts and expenditure for 1.932 as read, be adopted. :Scott-(Stephens.--ITh1at the time of this .meeting be extended, /Bylaw .No. 344, of Town of 'Sea - forth for 1932 was given its several. readings and passed. This bylaw was striking the tax rate for 1932 at 42 ,mills, which is one mill lower than in 1931. The rate is made up as follows: 'County mate 5,8 trills'; general rate 20.7 mills; public library 1,mill, pslb lic school 84 mills; collegiate insti- tute 6 mill's; 'separate school 9 trills. The taxes will be collected ' on the two-ipayment plan-lst payment on or before 1st of July; 2nd payment on or before 1st of December. Iii the -hind payment is paid when the 1st payment is due (lJuly 1st), 2% dis- count will be allowed off. 1% per cent. per. month will be added to taxes unpaid when due. (Balton -Hudson, -That this meeting adjourn until the call of the Mayor. WiDILIL BE VALEDIiCTORIAN Miss Mona S'i'lls, daughter of Mr. ,and Mrs. Frank Sills of Seaforth, will Ibe the valedictorian' at the nurses' graduation of 'St. Joseph's Hospital, (London, which will take place in the auditorium of the Technical School in that city, on May lSth. DIVI'S-PON COURT :The adjourned division court was held on Monday when a number of cases were heard. K. Webster v. Leo 'Fortune -Judgment for the plaintiff $74.20 and ,costs, including witness fees, to be paid within fifteen days. 'Counter .claim dismissed. 'Webster v. ]Shea. -{judgment for plaintiff $61115 with 'costs and witness fees. Counter claim dismissed. F. ,D. Hutehispn v. 10. Siegrist, dismissed, S. Carter v. jIrvy Henderson-lJudganent for claim` $1116.164 and casts. John Stewart v. John 'Tomlinson --(Claim $23.00. Jud'g ntent for '$2.00 and costs, ,to be paid within fourteen days. Canadian Bank of Commerce v. Carl 'D!alton-Jiidg- ,meat for claims '$293.00 and costs. S. :Smith v. T. Broomie etc. --(Settled out of court. W H. 'Elliott v. 'Ella Duffy (Judgment for plaintiff $5,18 and costs, WILIL WRITE ENTRANCE Junior High (School 'Entrance ex- amination dates are June 27, 28 and 29. All entrance' pupils in :Seaforth will write the examinations, ,Clinton being the only centre in East Huron to adopt the new system of .dot re- quiring those pupils +to write the ex- aminations who obtain a sufficiently high standing'otr the year's work, This method is now in force in many districts, including West 'Huron' in- spectorate. The lower school exam- inatio:i•s,;of the collegiate are conduct- ed in this manner. The number of pupils in - .Seaforth writing ,the entrance examinations' this year is not de'finitely known at present, •according to Principal 'Moi - 'fact of the public school, Other (classes in the school will have their examinations about the same time as the entrance 'PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD. The following are minutes of the last meeting of the Public School Board Illolnnes-Arehibai 1: that the min- utes of the previous meeting be adopt- ed as read. A,chibald-IIlolmes : 'that the Priam cipal's report he adopted,• Archibaid-MclKellari That the In. spector's Report be received, Holmes-Joynt: That the following accounts be paid -:Jos. Storey $2.00; W. Hawkins 20c; Dent & Sons, $4,24. Total $6:44, IHiolntes-A,rchilbald.-That the fol- lowing accounts be paid -Pub, Ut'id, 'Cont., $,14:92; JOS, Storey $1400; J. Storey $3.40; R. Frost & Son, $3,50;' Jno, Rankin $5,00; T. G. Scott $211.40, $37.50, $4.80; Mr, Laing $10,00. Tptal, $1111452. Holmes -Archibald: That we ad- journ, Inspector Field's report was as fol- lows: Goderich, Ontario, Mare'h 22, 19312 The Public School •Board, ,Seaforth, Ont.. Dear Sirs, -,I visited your school on !Feb. 29th and March 1st and 2nd and spent three days in its inspection. The attendance during those days was fair: the children were just beginning to feel the effects of the "flu" which in the following week got beyond control. There will not be much difference in the grants paid this year -they are listed at 1% higher. There has been no change in the staff -practically the same conditions exist that I reported last fall. No. of Pupils Enrolled. -,norm I., Junior 22, senior 26; Form III., 29; :Form DI]h, Jr., 30, senior 19; Form 1ItV„ junior 23, senior 115; norm V., 20; Total 124; No. of Pupils Present, (junior 21, 'sr., 23; Forme III., 26; Farm' III?R., jr., 38, sr., 116;' Form IV., jr., 17, sr, 15; Form V. 15, Total 163. COMMISSIONER MAY RETIRE Among the doings at Ottawa of in- terest in this district during the past week is the unanimous report of the Special House of Commons Commit- tee, tabled in Parliament Tuesday, Which recommends re -organization of the Civil Service Commission, Retire- ment of Hon. W. J. Roche, chairman, now 70 yearsof age, to whose public service tribute is paid; and of Com- mis'sionens Newton McTavish and J. Emile Trembley, is the leading recom- mendation. Commissioner McTavish, who was appointed in 1929, is a Cro- nfarty boy, and brother of Mr. John McTavish of Seaforth. 1Grauting gratuities to the retiring commissioners is suggested to t'he Government, but the amounts will vary. IA standing committee of seven .members of Parliament to consider Civil Service matters anntualiy is ad- vocated. Abolition of the section of the Civil Service Act providing for absorption of private secretaries to former Ministers into the service at $3,120 per year is another recommen- dation. All .posit offices with revenues fun- der $3;000. annually should be under the Postmaster4General, the contnnit- itee recommends. Post" offices with re- venues in ex e cess of $3,000 per year would be under the Civil Service Corn- missiom. Recommendations on classi- fication, economy, returned : soldiers' 1prelfereunces which will be continued, the 'Superannuation Act and' other angles of.the Dbnvinion Civil Service are included. The t'hiee-year residence rule in Canada in order to be eligible Ifor appointment to the service, should he changed to Ave years, the com'mit- tee recommends. ;After 39 sittings in its investigation into the administration of the Civil IService;Act, the report was completed and the document was talbled by the 'committee's chairman, J. Earl Law- son (:Cons., West York).. EGMONDVILLE. Football -:The Egmond'vili'e foot- ball club held a meeting on Monday evening, May 91th, for the purpose of organizing a team to enter the Steph- enson trophy series during the corn- ing season. The following -officers were !'appointed: President, Sant Jackson. (Sec. Treas., Bert Govenlock, Manager, Wilson Wright. Captain,' Ant Nicholson. 'Coim'mittee, Alex. Lillico, Angus 1 'McCrea, Roy M+c'Geoch, Jack Mc- 'Milian. (Field managers, Sam Jackson, Ted-' d Brawn Oharles Fer uson: a'1 Announcing. , Our New Spring Dinnerware At Lowest Prices in History You will be pleased to see our new English,dinner- ware, with the latest style embossed' edges. They are the prettiest we've seen, and the price is the lowest on record for dinnerware of this'quality, These complete dinner sets of 94 pieces we are •offering in four very attractive patterns. 16.50 t° 25.0° ANOTHER SPECIAL. -We have a few 42 -piece dinner sets, complete dinner services for six -that we are offering while they last, at 3.95. Come early Fred. S. Savauge JEWELER AND OPTOMETRIST THE GIFT SHOP. Phones 194 Res, 10 =—,+Expert Watch Repairing --• SPECIAL SERVICES. Special services in connection with the spring anniversary were held in !First Presbyterian Church on Sunday at which 'there was a large attend- ance. Rev, F. G. Vesey of Parkdale Presbyterian Church, Toronto, a well known and fluent speaker, preached. In the morning Mr. Vesey gave an' a'b'le and inspirational address, taking his text from Exodus 2tnd chapter, 6th verse, °'She Had Compassion on Him" in which :he told the story of the find- ing of Moses by Pharaoh's daughter in a graphic manner and made it the theme of a fate address on mother - 'hood. The mothers . of the world hold the key to the social.and economic situation and the world's happiness and peace, said the speaker. In the evening he gave an impressive sermon on 'Faith," Rev. M' r. Douga,u. Clinton, was present and offered prayer. A fine program of music was rendered by' the choir under t'he efficient leader- ship of Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Rennie, the soloists being Mrs. J. A. Munn, Mrs. W. A. Wright, D. L. :Reid, Jas. F. Scott, Fred E. ; Willis. Selections were given by a male quartette by Messrs. J. T. Scott, F, E. Willis, 1 R. Rennie, D. L. Reid, a trio by Mel; . E. Daley, a J e Miss H. Murraynd Y, W. Parke and anthems tt tem by 1 s the choir. Y TUCKERSMITH. Egn1olndville and Bruce'field Young People' met' with Turner's' Y'oung People on Monday evening. The pres- ident, Mr. Ed. Johns, occupied the chair and the meeting was opened by "0 Worship the King," followed by the responsive reading of Psalm 8, and prayer by Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brucefield. Then followed a debate be- tween Egnton'dville and' Brucelfield 'Young People, on Res'olveil that N. Ontario offers more opportunities to young farmers than does Wesltern Canada., The affirmative was taken by '.Misses A'l'ice Thompson and Jean Smith, Egoaonndville, and the negative 'by Messrs, McLeod and, Knights, of IBmdcelfield. It resulted in a victory for the negative although .many Pine points were developed on. each side. Rev. Mr. Poulter of Varna and Misses IDelpelw 'and Ricker Of Clinton acted as judges, IWlhile the judges, were making their decision, the following program was Y , g given, a duet by Mrs. E. Crich^ ,asadl Mr, F. 'Townsend; solo, Miss Grain.. - ger of Egmonndville. Speech by Rev. - Charles 'Malcolm of Egmondville solo by .Mr, Erlin Whitmore; speech..: by Rev. W. A. Bremner of Brucefield;-- song, "Land of our Birth;" speech by. Rev. F. G. Fyarri1l of Clinton; a read- ing by Mrs. F. Townsend. The meet-.. ing closed with God Save the King, and ,the .Ibenedicticn, Lunchwas serv- ed to the visiting leagues. Next week's meeting will be in charge of the,lit erary committee, The May meeting of the 'Tiickere smith :Ladies' Club was 'held' at the home of ,Mrs. Frank Walters. Twenty- eight members: and two visitors were present, lAn interesting program was given, 'consisting of 'community sing- ing and readings by Mrs: T.arud'sbor- ough, Sarah Whitmore, Mrs, NIcGreg or and Mrs. O'Brien.'The roll' call' was' answered by ' exchanging slips alta! ]bulbs 'and the remainder of the after. - 110011 was spent in sewing. The Lon- don (Road Ladies' :Club have 'been itn- voted as guests at the 'Julie meeting which is to be held .at the _home of Mrs, II-lotward 'Crich.' The roll colt( will'i be answered by "My Favorite 'Parlor O Occtipatiott." ANNUAL MEETING OF W.I. The 'Women's Institute held their:: annual meeting and election of offic- - ers at the spacious home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walker near Brucefield' on Wednesdlay aftern'oan. The meet-, ing was presided over by Miss Helen Thompson, A talk onvegetables was. given by Miss Mae Wallace, The following officers were elected: 'President, Jean Fotheringhatn, dist Vice :Pres., Dorothy Broadfo'ot.- 2nid Vice Fres„ Annie Moore, Sec.-Treas.. Miaylbelle Rands, Press Sec., Lizzie Taylor. Directors, Mae Wallacc, Helen Thompson, Tlhellma Elgie. (Program can,, Josephine Edge: !Flower con,, Edith Wright, r District director, Miss dlisou. 'Lunch con., Gerbie Webster. 'Auditor, Vera Florsythc.