The Seaforth News, 1932-04-28, Page 4PAGE 'FLOUR. '
Snowdon, Bros., Publishers.
In the Workman Hall
Fgid'ay, April 29th
Music will be furnished by
Moonlight Serenaders 5 -Piece
Ladies Provide Lunch.
,Gents 25 cents.'
Ladies without lunch 25 cents.
Mr. Gardiner Exonerated.—,In the
:county police Court at London on Sat-
urday, Mr. Peter R. !Gardiner of Wal -
'ton was acquitted on a charge of
criminal negligence which was laid as -
a result of the accident in which Mr.
Alex. Ross lost his life, Crown At-
itorney Judd said he would offer no
.evidence against the accused and ask -
.ed to have the case dismissed. - "In
view of the evidence adduced at the
'inquest and the finding of the corpn-
•er's jury. I think this man should be
:allowed to go," stated the crown.
'Mr. Gardiner was driving toward
London a week ago when Mr. Ross,
riding in the front aeat beside . him,
suffered a lie'art attack. He 'fell over
:against the driver, who lost control
enf'the car. The machine plunged into
.the ditch and struck a telephone pole.
Mr. Ross was killed and 'his wife crit
(dally injured.' The accident happened
on No. 4 highway, 12 miles north of
Mr. and Mrs, G. Clark of''Listow*ell
spent the week end at Mr. Wesley
Miss Muriel Farquarson of 'code -
rich is holidaying •witch her parents,
Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Farquharson.
Mrs. (Dr.) Neal of Peterboro is at -
.tending her mother-in-law, Mrs.
'William Neal, who is conlfined to bed
-at present.
Don't forget the dance in the Work
-man Hall on !Friday evening.
'Death came from a heats affliction
which developed after an attack of
influenza six weeks ago, on Saturday
morning claiming the life of Mrs. T.
H. Carrick of Goderich. Deceased,
who before her marriage six years
ago, was 'Christena Cutt, daughter of
the late James and Mrs. Cutt, was
born at Brussels 49 years ago. Her
'husband and five .stepchildren sur-
vive, as does her mother, one sister,
Mrs. Thomas Taylor, and one bro-
ther, (James Cutt of Blyth. The funer-
al service on. Monday was in charge
of Rev, G. W. Watts of North Street
'United C'huroh, G'oderich, of :which
deceased was a member. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Riley, Eileen
!and !Helen of Jamestown, also Mr,
-and Mrs, Clarence Johnston and Iona
were guests of ;John and Mrs. Grasby
on Sunday.
Mrs, Joseph Johnston spent a few
days with her daughter, Mrs. 'Colin
Fingland of Walton.
Mr. and '-1'zrs. Johit 'McNichol and
Aubry.spent Sunday with ,Mr. ,Samuel
Storey of MdKill'o.p.
Late John Somers, Blyth. — The
,death occurred on Wednesday, April
.20th, of John Somers, son of the
'late Richard and Mrs. Somers, pi-
•oneer residents of town. The de -
'ceased was horn in Blyth where he
remained until he engaged ' in farm-
ing in the Wawanosh and Huilett
boundary where he remained until
'ill -health compelled him to vacate
(the farm and move to ,town. A few
weeks ago the contracted flu which
in his already weakened condition
was the cause of his death, Mr.
Sooners Was a member of Old St
Andrew's church and when health
permitted took an active part in its
'organizations. He ;is survvied by his
widow who was formerly Gertrude
Smith of (East Wawanosh, also two
sons Elmer and !Glen. Beside his int-
-mediate family he is survived by
tthree sisters, Mrs. A. Ewing, Toron-
to; Mrs. Cumming and Miss Jessie
'Somers of town and four., brothers,
D'avid, Wingham; and Robert, Ar-
,cltie and Fred all ;Blyth. The funeral
an'as held on Friday from his resid
•ence, Queen street north, . to .union
cemetery, service being conducted by
Rev, 'E. JL, Anderson
ri d
,th concession of ).5,brris,
,a ,quiet wedding was solemnized
son Wedltesdaafternoon last at !three
••,o'clock at M ille; Church manse,
Stratford, Miss Mary - Eliza-
beth MelArter, only daughter .of Mrs.
Mc;Arter and the late Mr, Henry Mc-
Arter, was' united in marriage to liar-
- old Leslie Cl k, only soil of Mrs.
.James- ,Clark and the late 'Mr. Clark.
Rev. '' William Moore officiated.' .The
' bride wore a blue ensemble with 'halt
`oto •ma'tclt and as attended by Miss
Laura Evelyn McCutch'eou. 'Herbert
M. Hawkins supported the ,bride -
:groom. Mr. Mrs.. Clank will re-
side oil the b egroam's Farm on the
Come in and See
Our New ,and Used Cars
1 Am Agent For
Durant Cars & Rugby Trucks
Masse =HarriMachinery
y s
and Repairs
All Repairs and . Labor Cash.
Thomas and Rotbert McCurdy and
sister, Miss Annie McCurdy of Strat-
ford arrived here on Tuesday, April
19th to occtupy their summer home
fbr the season,
IWork was commenced last' Weekt(s
on e first summer cottage building
this season. Tit is being built for Mr:
Rolfe of London by Percy Weston,
who has the contract. We are expect-
ing to 'see several others built as a
number of lots -were sold last season
to build this year.
Mr. and Mrs. Kourkey of Toronto
were • at their home on<the Satible line
over Sunday.
Murray Brothers opened their gar-
age for business for this season on
Monday 25th. They have a good loca-
tion at the 'Sauble tine corner and
should have good, business.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollook, who
passed the forty-ninth anniversary of
their wedding on Tuesday 26th, both
have been in poor health lately hut
are improving. Quite a number spent
the week end att'heir cotitages. Among
them were Mr. and Mrs. T. Mustard,
Toronto; Mrs. Dr. Flock and family,
were accompanied- by Mrs. Jones
and family, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs.
'Finou't and family, Flint; Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Wells, London; Mr. and
.Mrs. T. Orr and family, Stratford;
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stevenson, Tor-
onto. Mr. Stevenson, who is an en-
thusiastic golfer, was. successful. re-
cently in making a hole in one on the
!Summit Golf 'Course, Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davison of De-
troit ,were the guests recently of Mrs.
Davison and Mr. and. Mrs. Mullett'
and babe of London .spent the week
end with 'her. •
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. ICnox of Toron-
to were week end guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. 'Sturgeon. Eva Sturgeon re-
turned with 'them.
-Miss Alma McKay, Miss Helen
Currie and. Mr. J. McDonald of Tor-
onto were week end guests of Mr.
and 'Mrs. H. R. McKay.
Mr. and Mrs: E. H. Johns and fa-
mily were at Wiarton for the week
Dr, A. S. Atkinson, MTS. Atkinson
and Casey Atkinson of Detroit were
at their cottage for the week end,'
The `AYJPJA. o'f St. James', Mid-
leton, 1St. J'ohn's Varna, and Trinity
Church. B'aylfield, met at the rectory
:Friday evening 22nd for a musical ev-
ening, A very interesting talk on
Sound was given by' the rector, Mr.
IPaull; Development of 'Stringed In-
struments was given by rNina Heard.
This was followed by a piano duet by
Mrs. Paull and Floy Edwards. Mus-
ical Composers,- an interesting paper
on the life of Franz Schubert, followe
ed by one of his compositions, "Ser-
enade," sung by (Lucy Woods, and
mach appreciated. The Life of Ed-
ward Grieg was read and Mrs. Paull
played one of his compositions, "N'or-
wegian (Bridal (Procession." Two con-
tests in charge of Muriel Re-HA-veil
Ruth Elliott gave much pleasure.
'Refreshments were served.
T'he play, "As a Woman Thinketh"
was well performed before an -appre-
ciative audience hi the town hall on
Monday evening 25th, under the aus-
pices of the Young People's League
of Hensall United Church, This play
is to be given in Brucefield next week:
Rev. and Mrs. 'Gale, Mrs. McKen-
zie, Mrs. Robert S. Reid and Miss L.
Brdwnett attended the meeting of
Presbytery' and Presbyterial of the' W.
M.S. of United Church at Wingha'm
on Tuesday.
lOn. Thursday, April 21st the funer-
al took place from his late home of
one of Baylfield's oldest and hest
known residents, Robert A. Elliott,
who passed away. an Tuesday, April
l9th, Deceased was.born-at'Parkhii'll
in 18'50 and had been, a resident here
for the (past twenty -'five .years. He
was married September, 1980, to
Miss Rebecca Hofley. who with the
following members of the ,family sur-
vive: Mrs. . Williamson, Goderich
town hip; Thomas Nelson Elliott and
Wm. R.' Elliott o:f Bayfield. The 'ft -
'neral service was conducted by Rev.
F. 11. 'Paul: and at the graveside by
members of the ]Grange Order to'
whomi Mrs. Elliott and fancily' extend
most 'sincere thanks, The pallbearers
were E. A. Feathersltbn,',Wr. J. ; Ide-
April 29th
Arthur Radio Orchestra,
Gents 50 cents.
Ladies 25 cents
'Leod, L. H. McLeod, Harold 'Stin-
son, Henry Darrow and William Mc}-
Tlie many 'friends of Miss Emma
McIntosh will be glad to . hear that
she is now in a fair way to recovery
after being under the doctor's ' care
for the pant week.
Mrs. J. Snider visited friends in
London last week.
Mr. Hugh M'clGregor of Detroit
visited at his home in the village last
Mr. David Tough has been spend-
ing the past two weeks renewing old
'acquaintances with his former neigh-
bors in Stanley.
The- many friend's of Mr. T. ' H.
(Wheeler are pleased to see hint able
to be out again after his recent ill-
Master :Alex. Riley 'has been under
the doctor's care for some -time and
is not recovering as quickly as Wished
Miss Belle Fairservice of •Clinton
spent Sunday at her home here: .
Mr. and .Mr's. ISam ' Appleby of
Blyth spent Sunday at Mr. IWilliatn
Fairservice's: Mr. 'Geo. Lawrence jad a slight op-
eration performed last 'Thursday and
is doing nicely.
Mr. George 'Carter sold a nice
bunch .of 'fat cattle to James Dale on
The Young People's Anniversary
of 'St. Andrew's United Church, Kip -
pen, will be held on Sunday, May 15
at 11 a.m.. and 7.130 ,, Rev. S. 5.
Mothers of Grand Bend will be the
speaker. Special music will be read-
dered by the choir. •
A special Mother's_ Day service will
be. held in the 'Sunday school at 10
o'clock on Sunday, May Sth. •
1A number of the ladies attended
the Huron`Presibyterial of W. M. S.
of the United. Church of Canada,' held
in Wingham on Tuesday, the 26th.
Several from • Klippen attended the
funeral services at Hensall cemetery
of Mrs, Robert Mc-M1Mordie on Mon-
day, April 25th.
'The W. M. S. ' of Sit. An•dretw's
Church will meet on Wednesday,
May 4th, at Mrs., CB, D. Field's:
Mr. George Stewart and Dr. Baker
of Springfield visited last week at the
houte of the former's sister, Mts. las.
!Wright. •
Mr. Gordon Wright of Guelph O.•
A.C.. spent the week endwith his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright,
At the family residence, 785 He'll-
tnutli ayenue, Load'oa, on Saturday,
(April 23, Jane S. Smillie, widow of
the late Robert McMordie, in her
91st year, formerly of ICippen, A
private funeral was held at the.above
address on Monday, (April 25, at 1.15
p.nt. Dr. ,McKay 'officiated at the ser-
vices held at her late -residence. In-
termeut was in Hciusall union cemet-
ery. P. Thompson, R. 'Tretheway,
W. iI€. Darch, M. Aikenh.ead, T, T.
;Leckie and Jolut McNaughton acted
as pallbearers.' Mrs. Mc'IiEordie, was
born in Quebec and attended school
with the late Sir Wilfrid Laurier. She
went to London 20 years ago. As
•the result of a stroke she has been
,blind for about 13 years, Her hus-
band :had been active in the Canadian
Club and unemployed bureau sof
London. She, leaves -four sons, Col.
'S. P, McMordie of'. Prince Rupert'
R. A. of Vancouver; 'Major H. C. of
Windsor, and 'W. IJ. of :Toronto and
a daughter, Miss (Mary iM'eMordle, at
Dr. Harvey Reid Of Perotrto spent
the week -end with his mother, Mrs.
M. Reid, who acconupanted her son
to the city.
Mr. M. ,Elliott nude a shipment of
live stock to Toronto Saturday.
Mr. and. wars G. H. Beatty and
little daughter motored to Ripley
'Sunday to visit the latter's parents,
Mr, and Mrs. Welsh.
Owing to the very backward
growth seeding is progressing rather
Mr. George Beatty 'Sr. made a
shipment of live ,'tock to Toronto
Do not forget to come to the !Blake
Chorc'h on Friday evening and hear
the play, "The Village Lawyer,"' put
on by our young pe'ople.
Mr; 'Bert D'u to •of Toronto is spend-
ing a few days at the home of Mr. W.
5. D!owaen:
Miss Mabel Calver has returned
home from IGoderich where she had
been taking medical treatment.
The Goshen W.M.S. held their reg
ular monthly meeting last T'hursd'ay
at the honne of Mrs. Percy Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Alderson , and
Leona spent Sunday at the home of
Mrs. Robinson Sr,
Mr. Edgar .Sntvith has returned to
his home on 'Goshen after spending
some weeks with his aunt, Mrs.
Qhindes of Tupperville.
'Mr. and Mrs. Chester 'Smith of
Zurich -spent Sunday afternoon with
Thos. Robinson and family..
Mr. 'Cecil Harrison of Kirkton was
the guest of Mr, Will 'Scatohimer ,on
Tuesday ;last.
',Purchases Parma—Mr. Ed!warzd Tal-
bot of Goderich has purchased the
1Westlakethontestead •o tithe Blue Wa-
ter highway from Mr. E. : Beckler.
Mr. Hunkin, who has been living in
Mr. Beckler's house has moved to the
Nouse owned by Russel Heard.
Quite a num'ber'of horses have been
changing in this neiighborh'eod this
week. Mr. Harold Pen'hale sold a
Percheron 'horse to 'Mr. -C. Harrison
of Kirkton Mr. W. J. Stinson sold a
fine Percheron horse to Mr. Cameron
of Hensall; Mr. Robert Greer sold 'a
horse to Alex. B'ogie o'E Colborne; Mr.
IH, Pen -hale purchased a Percheron
mare from H. C. Johnston Of Gode-
Mr. and 'Mrs. Hooper add Master
IGlad'win of near St. Marys Sundayed
with Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Maley.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan (Ross and babe of
!Vineland spent the week end with
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Ross.
;Miss Belle Scott returned to 'her
home on Saturday evening ' after
spending the winter months in, De-
Mr. and Mrs. .Albert Austin and
babe were Varna visitors on Sunday.
M•iss'Mary Wood of London ,spent
the week end with her parents here,
Miss Bernice 'Emmerton returned
to her home in Ripley on Sunday af-
ter spending some weeks with her
sister, Mrs. D. D. Roberton, here.
Mr. Arthur Lyon of Kitchener spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W.
Lyon, .
Mr. 'Chas. Ruddell has 'leased .his
fan n to Mr. Peter MdDould,
Mr. Eph. Gray of (Palmerston spent
the week end with his ,parents here. -
Mr. -Fred Johnston of London Sun-
dayed at his home here.
Mr. and Mrs. Jitn Woodman of
Chatham were guests of. Mr. and Mrs.
Cockerline Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Reid visited ort
Tuesday of last week at 'the home. of
Mr, and _Mrs, Frank 'Martin near Bel-
grave. Mr. 'Reid also attended Mrs.
Bert Young's' sale.
Miss Marjorie McEw'ing started
this -week driving back and forth to
her work in Seafarfh.
'Messrs. Thos. and Audrey Knox
spent part of last week in ,Grey assist-
ing Willie put in his seeding.
Mr, James Leiper who has for
same time been -suffering from a sore
hand is mot improving as ihis many
friends MA to see.
6fessns. Leo and Geo. Watt -finish-
ed seeding 'a't,'Geo..'s anti are busy
working at Leo's at time'. Of ,w.Sitin,g•
:Mr. Alex, MdEwing attended' the
funeral in Sea'forth of Mr. Arthur
!IJaidlaw, a nephew of Mrs. 'John
'Strath. . on Tuesday. Deceased : was
a brother of Mr. Harold Laidlaw and
motored ' from the West recently in
conn'pany with Mr. Robert Smith. We
•wiish to, extend sincere sympathy to
the bereaved,
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Watt and family
visited on Sunday at'the.'h'otne of Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Parsons.'
Mr. Bent Beacom took charge of
the barber shop for : Mr. Heard in
Clinton ;on Mo.nd.ay.
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rapson acconf
p'anied by Mgr. and .Mrs. W. Gihbingts
of 'near Clinton and Miss Ev'a Rapson
o'f Clinton spent S'atttrday eveniqg lit
Mr. atud Mrs. Joseph Lyon and lit-
tle Murray visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs..A :4V. 'Beacons on Sunday.
The` fellowittg'is the report of S.IS.
INo. 16, Mullett of the .weekly examin-
ations ,held during the months of
'March aero April;
Sr. 'W—
.II-Tarry Rapson 69%. Ivin
Shanaon'67. V. J. Gillespie, Prop. ;
Jr, •'I11T—ld+a iLeiper 65%, Willie
Taylor 64.
Sr. 11111. 'Wilma IShepherd 85%
JimMclEwinig 75, Watson (Reid 56.
VT. MI. --G01"(11011 McGi•ego • 69%.'4
Sr. ILII-ttu'
Laa Leiper 102%
I—IA9'win Ni'ch'olsan.
Pri'me'r -;Ross •Leiper, Jean Rapson,
Arnold Hodge. t
Lydia L. (Reid, Teac'her
C llesp es
Cleaners .& 'Dyers
Phone 196w. We call and deliver
Condolence Resolution.—Moved by
Mr. fro. Bullard and seconded by
Mr. Irwin Trewarntha, and resolved:
'That Mr. Jas. Simpson be tendered
the 'Ifollclwing letter: "To Mr, Jas.
!Simpson. Dear 'Friend and Bro.,—
Biro„WWe the officers and -members of
Wdttbhrop Orange Lodge, in., Lodge
assembled, desire to express to you
and your wife our sincere sympathy
on account of the sad death of your
brother-in,lawt' Mr, Alexander •Ross,
who its company with 'lois' wife met
suck a sudden and =timely death in
an automo'bile' wreck near the little
town of Elginfield, he ,being killed in-
stantly and his wife severely injured..
Hence ,the committee on behalf of the
L'odg'e would extend--ta you and all
other sorrowing frien-ds of the -deceas-
ed our great sorrow at the loss of a
friend and neighbor, and our earnest
prayer is for the speedy recovery of
your sister, Mrs. 'Ross. P. F. tittle;
IW.M.; Sam. Pe'tfiick, R.S.; Wm. J.
Kinney, P.C.M."
Last tribute was paid ,Sunday after-
noon to J. (Leslie Herr, editor and
proprietor of the 'Brussel'3 Past, who
died suddenly Thursday. Following a
Short service at the home conducted
by Rev. S. J. AIIin, Toronto," and
Rev. W. A. Walden, London, the re-
mains were borne to the United
Church, where a public service was
conducted. The address was given by
Rev. •Mr. Apert, with Rev. Mr. Walden
and Rev. William Moore, pastor of
.Brussels Pres'byteri'an Church,`assist-
ing, During the service, Miss Carrie
Hingston sang "One Sweetly Sol.
emn Thought." The funeral services
were conducted under •the auspices of
the Masonic Order. Over 75 members
marched in 'the procession, The active
pallbearers were: W. H. Bell, Brus-
sels; P. M. Scott, London; (Bred
Wigg, 'S'eaiorth; H. 3ScBrian, R, Tas-
ker. Honorary pallbearers: D. : lir
Cunningham, James MCF'adze'an, N.
F. Gerry, George,•Terguson, ^George
Muldorou, Dr. (James Anderson, W. A.
Grewar, William Gillespie, Cleve
Baeker. Interment was made in the
Brussels cemetery. During the .serv-
ices many who came from a distance
were unable to gain ad'm'ission to the
church. The .beau'ti'ful 'floral tributes
testified to the esteem in which Mr:
Kerr was held.
Clipping' the horse that has a heavy
coat makes work easier for 'both hoose
and attendant, -Grooming is not al-
ways .as thorough .as it eight be even
with a clipped horse to- say nothing
about the one with a long, heavy cov-
ering of hair.
Too:'big a rush the first day of
seeding may break the 'heart ,of the
young horse that is unaccustomed to
'work, 'Even the mature' horse that has
been idle all winter .feels the strain of
the first few- days on the soft ground.
Bring them to a full day's work gra-
School Fairs
iSchoal. Fairs- are being continued
throughout 'Ontario by the Ontario
Department of IAgricultu•re. This
spring, however, the pupils of the ru-
ral schools 'w 11 not receive seeds as
they have formerly and special judges
will not :be provided, but the Depart-
ment expects School (Fairs to be car-
ried on much the ,same as in the past.
The Agricultural:" Representatives,
therefore,- will require the co-opera-
tion of various people to assist in
planning any necessary changes and
to assist with the judging at School
Fairs. .
Farm Horses Come Back
The present low price : of oats and
other ;Feeds its contrast with the high-
er coat of gas and ' ail required in
tractor operation ,couslbiue toi'ndica'te
that the horse is rapidly regaining, fa-
vour as a medium of farm pollen The
next few years will.1iicely see a revival
its horse breeding and the use of
heavy draft horses on the .farms of
Canada, both east wand west. Under
pr?'sent conditions horses ;can be bred
and reared cheaply and when "they
have reached working age, the charge
for depreciation, "fuel and repairs' are
surprisingly low, for the 'self -oiling'
engine has nothing, whatever on the
elf-tepairing,heavy .draft horses.
J. J, Neelin, Postmaster of Qhesley,
died at his home oai Sunday,' at the
rope of 72 years. Mr. Neelin went to
Cheeley 41 years ago from Seaforth.
For 21 years he was foreman of the
Che'sley .Cnteep'rise and was. -appointed
Postmaster twenty years ago. He; was
a member of the Masonic Order, of
the Canadian Order of Foresters and
of the Orange Oeder. H'id' wife died
seven years"' ago. He is survived by.
two daughters, Mrs. J. W. Buckley
of Ches'ley atsd \ors: (Dr.) Charles H.
117rattbf the Ontario Hos'pi'tal, Wood- a.
stock. He was 'a me•naber of the Unit-
ed 'Church. .His br'oth'er, t Mr, F. G.
Neelin of Seaforth, .and Mrs. Neelin
'attended the funeral at. Ohesley on
Thonrson's, Seaforth's new , store
.expects to open for business on Sat-
urday morning' of this week. Mr. and
Mrs, Th-omnson moved from London
an. Tuesday and are living in, apart-
partments in the- Crich 'block, the store
being in the stand of the old Princess
theatre. Mr. and Mrs. T'h'om'soii came
from Vancouver to London at 'Christ -
ma's, The pew store will handle mealy
furnishings, ladies', children's and
men's shoes, ladies' silk 'hosiery, mads"
-to-measure clothing. The work of
conveiiting the theatre into a store 'has
been ,going on for the past month, in
the efficient hands .of Mr. 'Robert
The 'Egmondville Young People
met Monday evening. The meeting-
eetingop'en'ed by singing "Just As I Am"
and the roll call Was read by the•sec-
retary, answered by the name of one's
favorite book. The. Y.P. are looking
forward with pleasure to the' anniv-
ersary ,on the Sunday ,and .'Monday,
May 22nd and 23rd. The theme• of the
worship ,period was prayer: "My
Faith Looks up to Thee," was sung.'
Psahn 8 was read responsively and
L. Richardson read a poem on pray-
er, "'One Short 'Hour."/ Marg. 'Smith
took the Mission Study on the youth
of , Korea. Books as ,friends and the
Religious Beliefs of spine of the great
authors was the subject of a paper
given by E. Nott. A dress htateri'al.
and automobile contest were enjioyed.
during the social period. The meeting
closed .with God ;Save the King and
the 'M'izpah benediction. .
The Boys' Club at their regular
meeting enjoyed another of _Mr. ivlal-
colm's Hearth Fire stories. This time
it was about Noah and the' Flood.
Gordon Finnigan read the story of
"The B'ook's that RanHome." After
spending some bine learning a new
song the meeting closed' with the
Mizpah benediction.
:Hiss MacKenzie of Africa is the
special speaker for the W.M.S, thank-
offering (Sunday. 'Those who have
heard her know that a treat is in store'
for then(,
The regu'l'ar monthly meeting of
the -Duff's Church W.M.S. and 'Lad-
ies' Aid was held at the home of Mrs.
Robert Hogg, with a good attendance
on Thursday, April 21st. The first
part of the meeting was, spent in
quilting. The chair was. occtupied by
Mrs. (Rev.) W. F. Smith. The meet-
ing opened with .hymn 494, A, Scrip-
ture reading was given by 'Mrs: 'W.
Scott. The prayer was by Miss D,.
'\,Hardie; Minutes and roll call by Mns.
W. J..Shaunon. Topic on fourth chap'
ter of Korea, "Better Health' by Mas
Chester Henderson, Reading by Miss
L. Henderson, A poem by Mrs. rohxs
Henderson. Mrs. John Daley gave a
solo, "Give Me Thy Heart". which
was much enjoyed by all. The busi-
ness was then discussed and delegates
ap'poin'ted. The meeting was 'closed
with prayer and a delicious lunch
was served. In the evening the yoting
people met at the hone of Mrs. Ro-bt.
'H' t
• \Vhile -on his way to Exeter on
Saturday evening, Frederick Triebner,
18, soar el' Jahn Trfebnes' of Hay
township, was struck and almost in-
stantly killed by a motor car driven
by Percy Elsie(( son of William Elsie
o'F Grand''B'end. 'The accident occurred
opposite the Exeter cemetery on the
fake road, The young 'man was em-
ployed by !Wesley Deering. Apparent-
ly he Was strtick by the hubcap, up- -
setting his. balance:so that .his'head
as Struck by'the door hinge, frac-
turing his skull. After the ,preliminary
'nastiest the driver of the car was re -
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