HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-04-14, Page 847,
4, 1932.
Mr. Thorr'ias We 1s[r started up. his
sawmill on Monday morning with a
full staff of men. Mr. Welsh h,as a big
stock of logs on hand and a lot more
to be brought in by truck; LIe expects
to be running mo's't of the summer.
iSeveral carioads of onion sets ;are
being shipped fr-oni this st'ation week-
ly by .severa'I local firms. About 40
mon are employed and the work will
last another two weeks. This is quite
an industry at Hensall, giving em-
ployment to quite. a 'u'mber when
there is eat much else doing.
Mrs. M. McNeil of Exeter spent a
few days last week visiting friends, in
taw s.
Boni-Tn,'Henttsal'1, on April 5th, to
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Weber, a son.
The Ypung People's League of the
United d ur'eh held their regular
meeting on) Monday evening with Mr.
Ferris Can'telon 'iii charge. After the
opening eitercises2'the Scripture les-
son was read 'by Jean Foster, follow-
ed by Mr. , C. Bi0owes. Several violin
selection's were given by , Mr. .Scott
Welsh, .apcompanied on the piano by
Miss Florence Welsh, after which
an instrumental was given by Mfss
;Mildred Rollick. A very interesting
topic on "Browsing among Old
;Books," was given 'by \4r. T. •C. Can-
Mr. Arthur Dick spent the weeic
end in Toronto.
Mrs. (Dr.) Collyer and mother,
,1vvrs. Talbot, spent the week end with
'friends in 'Lon'd'on.
Mr. Roy 1'LdLaren was. in Stratford
(Friday on business.
'Mrs. Lorne McNaughton of Cro-
marty visited at the home of her fa-
ther, Mr. W. L. McLaren on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bonthron spent
Sunday with friends in Hanover.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Paterson visited
friends in Toronto on. Friday.
The dance held in the town hall on
Friday night under the ausp'ice's of the
local firemen was largely attended.
Euchre was indulged in until 12 o'-
clock the following being the fist of
winners: Ladies' first prize ('leather
purse) Miss Audrey Murdock; 2nd'
iprize (bed spread) Mrs. Fred Manns;
consolation prize (teapot) Mrs. Deitz;
men's first prize (thermos bottle)
IWm. Jarrett; 2nd prize (flashlight)`
Mr. Chas-. Blackwell; consolation
prize, ('b'il'l fold) Frank Hagan).
The Welfare Youth Club of the
Carmel Presbyterian Church 'held'
their regular meeting on Monday ev-
ening. After the opening exercises
the Scripture lesson was read by Ir-
ene Hoskins. A .reading entitled,
'Mother, Kiss Me," was given by
Muriel Hoskins and papers on "Eg-
ypt," by Mrs, Roy McLaren; "The
Religion of the People of Egypt," by
'Mis's Hannah Murray and' "The Life
of the People of Egypt," by Mr. Roy
1fc'Laren, after which : the meeting
closed with the benediction..
A very pleasant evening was spent
by the choir of Carmel Pr'es'byterian
Church. on Thursday evening. After
the usual choir practise games and
'contests were indulged in. A very in-
teresting feature of the evening was
an address and presentation to Miss
!Ruby 'McLaren, n
bride -elect. Follow-
inrg is the address which. was read
by Mise Blanche Mustard: "Dear
;Ruby, -.In view of the 'happy event.
which is soon, to take place in your
life we, the members of the Carmel
'Presbyterian Church choir wish to
take this opportunity to felicitate you
on that event and to express to you
.our appreciation 01 your services as
a valued member of the choir•. You
have been faithful in attendance, and
have always given freely of your time
and talents to the work of the choir.
We cannot let the occasion pass with-
out expressing toyou our sincere
and hearty wislhes for your h'a'ppiness
nand prosperity, 'We wish you to ac-
cept this gift, from us and, with it our
warmest regards and 'heartiest wishes
for a future bright and happy. 'Signe:d
on behalf df the choir. Miss McLaren
was presented ,wfrh ,several beautiful'
'gifts of a silver pyrex casserole, a
combination Steamer and a roiling
pin. The presentation was made by
Mrs. Lloyd 'Hudson sand to which
Miss MdL'are•n made a very fitting re
ply, thanking the choir for the be'auti-
ful efts.
'34r, ,Alex. Munn has returned 'home
--after spending several ~weeks with h'is
daughter in Bta,d Axe, Mich.
The many friends of Mr. ,TC, Jloynt
are glad to ;see ;him out again and at
his duties after his recent severe ill-
Mrs, ,Lou !Simpson ,returned 'home
to Detroit 1Suunday after spending a
week with faltive's here. She was
accomp'dieted home :by her mother,
''Mrs. *bort .Ronthron, who will, visit
there, for a few weeks.
iLns'pector IB'e'acom was in town on.
Friday inspecting our local pu'b'ic
Wedding hells will soon -be ringing
again in tills vacini'ty.. '
Rev. Mr, Pollock 'of 'Whitechurch
'occupied the pulpit in Carmel Presby-
terian Church on Sunday last and .de-
1ivered very instructive and inspiring
addresses at ,both service's. In the
Large. Consignment.
Mr. D. Shanahan had a busy day on
Wednesday distributing. the various
farm implenrients whichhe had on
order for a number of farmers MI this
district, it was the largest distribu-
tion of farm implements that has been
seen .int Seaforth- for some time. These
implements -were manufactured l by
the'Mas'sey-IHarris Co., .for which Mr.:'
Shanahan is the local agent.
Returned from California.
,Miss Edith :Davidson returned on
Monday from a lengthy visit with re-
latives in San Francisco, Gal.
Mr. Lorne :McLennan,who is em-
ployed. in the Canada ;Furniture Co.
factory, had the misfortune to have
his hand hurt on Friday last. As a
result he will be unable ;to work for a
few weeks.
IWe have ,had some real springlike
weather this 'week and the ladies are
having serious thoughts about start-
ing housecleanin'g. Jaast notice how
busy the man of the house gets dawn
town these days. You 'don't see him
hanging around the house much at
this time of the year. -
The ,follo'win'g parties were • ticketed
to distant paints this week: 'Harry
:lirauskopf, of -.Dublin, to Dayslan'd,
'Alta.; Mrs. George Stewart, Miss
(Lida Stewart, Miss Lou Cudmore,
Mr. and Mrs. S. Watson, of Seaforth,
to Crysbal City, Man.; J. Ducharme,
of Seaforth, ,to Edmonton, Alta.
Death of Mr. David Aitcheson. '
Death cadre very suddenly on. Fri-
day last to one of MdKillop's well
known residents in the person of Mr.
David Aitcheson. The deceased, w'h'o
was in his 58th year, had been a resi-
dent of McKillop for a number of
years, having moved to the farm
which he occupied near H'arpurhey
from Devil's Lake, North Dakota.,
;For about 'twelve years Mr. Aitehe-
son has not enjoyed good health and
only a few weeks ago disposed of his
farm with the in'ten'tion of going west
with his sons. The deceased suffered
a -stroke two weeks ,before the 'date
setfor departure, but had recovered
sufficiently to be able to go about
and intended leaving 'on Tuesday of
this week, but on Friday •night he
passed away.
The fooeball- organization meeting
held in: the council chamber on Fri-
day evening of last week was well at-
tended and enthusiastic. The elec-
tion of .officers resulted as follows:
'Hon. president, Dr. C. Mackay; hon.
vice president, Thos. Stephens and
Wm. Murdie; president, Geo. A. Sills;
let vice president, John McDonald;
'2nd vice pres., Dr. Hodgins, sec.-
treas„ W. J. Moffatt; captains Gordon
,McDonald; committee, A. F. Cluff, F.
Sills, C. Stewart, H. M. Jackson and
H. Ghettle. ,There is every ,prospect
that Seaforth will again have a cham-
pionship winning 'team.
Farewell Presentation.
A large number of the friends and
and well wishers of Dr. and MTs.
Ferguson, who after a ten years' res-
idence in Hensel!, are moving to
Georgetown, was held. in the opera
house in Hen'sali on Tuesday evening.
The doctor was pre'sen'ted with ;a
handsome cabinet of silver, and .re-
plied feelingly to a nicely worded ad-
dress by ID. Urquhart, the presenta-
tion being .made by R. MdLaren.;
(Sells Livery.
Mr. Stephen Lamb has sold • his
livery 'business to Mr. Thos. Simpson
Jr., of Mclfillpo.
United Church 'Rev. Arthur'Sinclair
occupied the pulpit andin the morn-
ing a solo was given by Mrs. Clark
and Miss Annie 'Smith rendered .a
verypleasing sato at theeveningser-
viice. ukt !St. Paul's Anglican Church
Rev. Mr, Parker had charge of the
services and in the evening 'MT. T.
Rutledge gave a very pleasing solo.
The Young ;People of the St. Paul's
Anglican Church are busy working
on their play, "Nobody but Nancy,"
which will be put on, in the near4:u-
The regular meeting of the Young
People 'of the St. Paul's • "Anglican
'chit dhi was held on Monday ev-
ening, The program :was in. charge
of Mrs.-Varley and in the absence of
the president, the chair was taken by
the 'rector, Rev. Mr. 'Parker. (After
the opening exercises a very interest-
ing paper was read by Mrs. Peppier
on the S.S. work carried on by Post
and Van in our Western` Canada. A
solo kas given by Mr, T. 'Rutledge,
accompanied by his sister, followed.
lay' a duet by Mrs. Valley and -Miss
Grace !Stone, after iwhich a mouth or,
gad "selection was given, :by Mr. Geo.
Pearce, accompanied by Mi•.. Parker
and two of Edgar Guests poems were
given by Miss !Louise 'Dkumrnond.
Messrs. Alex. Darling, James Red-
mond and JJohn- Redmond attended
the. funeral of Mr, tares !Redmond in
St, ',Augustine on Wednesday last. The
late Mr. 112edmond, who was an es-
teemed resident of West lWlawanoi'h,
passed away at, his swine, .cances'sion
4, 'near Dungannon on Sunday even-
ing after a lingering illness. Deceased
was 'a lifelong resident of that ',dis-
trict, having been born on the farm
on which he died. He was one of a
family of eight sons• and'dauglhters
of the late 'Mr. and Mrs. 'B'ernard
Redmond, 'who some� eighty years*
ago migrated 'from Queen's county,
Ireland. Two sisters and are bro-
ther survive:' Mrs. M. ,McOour•t, who
resided with her 'brother, Mrs. Julia
Kearney and John 'Redmond, "all.of
West'Weveana.sh. 'He was :predeceas-
ed by four sisters: Mrs•. Edward !Bro-
phy, 'Mrs, John 'Ledid'y, Mrs. IWm,
.Led'dy, Mrs. John 'Gibbons, ail of
!West Wawan'o'sh, near St. Augustine.
The late _Mlr. Redmond was in his '780
'Rev. (Father Bricklin of Win'dsor
visited his mother, !Mrs. Bticklin , who
is on the sick list.
Mr. John Maloney and sister Min-
nie returned to Buffalo after 'a week's
visit at the 'home of their mother,
'Mrs, T. Maloney. -
'T'he ,Ladies'' 'Guild of St. Mary's
'Church, Dublin, are 'holding their
monthly imeeting at the home ,of Mrs.
'John Moore,' 'Logan, this ;Thursday
afternoon rat 2 o'clock. All the l'a'dies
are invited to attend and all the lady
friends are all made :welcome at Mrs,
Moore's home.
Mr. 'Earl Rose was in .Lo'ndan
Wednesday 'on business.
iRev. ,Father ,M'oCardle of Kings-
bridge was a visitor in the village I'asit
We are pleased to report that - a
number of the sick are improving and
their friends will be pleased 'to see
them able .to be around soon.
Mr. and Mrs, Tom ,Riley of CI'in-
•ton,•also Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley of
the village'spene Sunday with 'Mr. and
M'rs. Chas. Hoggart.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stepheneon mo-
tored to Brigden on Saturday and
spent the week end with re'lative's
there, Mrs. Step'henson staying for a
few days.
\Ir. and Mrs. 'Harold Coakley mov-
ed to Blenheim on 'Saturday as Mr.
Coakley has secured a jab there.
lAatother old time dance will be held
in the Forrester's hall, Friday night
o'f this week so be sure and conte and
enjoy yourselves.
Mr. Lloyd Moore of iS'tratfard has
been spending a few days with his
uncle, Mr. 'William Moore.
Mr. and Mrs.
er ci''
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ruth on Sun-
day last,
Mr. William Jowett returned from
the hospital on Friday and is improv-
ing nicely. '
Mrs. Stewart is staying with her
daughter, 'Mrs. Rloy: Lawson.
:Mr. Bill Dale of Toronto is spend-
ing his holidays with his parents, Mr.'
and Mrs. Jlamee D'ale,`
A successful euch're and dance was
held in the hall last Friday night. The
forepart of the evening was spent in
progressive eu'c'hre. Those' carrying
off the prizes for mast games were:
Ladies' first prize, Miss Annie Pryce;
ladies' lone 'hand prize, : Mrs. Geo.
Eaton; men's' prize, Mr. Wm. Boyd
and men's lone hand prize, Mr. - Bob
;Smith. After lunch a few hours were
spent in dancing. • i
Miss Gladys. Smai'idon of Walton
spent the week end with her aunt,
Mrs. George Eaton,
Mr, and Mrs, C. Dalton are moving
to the farm recently occupied ,by Mr.
and 'Mrs, Wes. Nichols,
Don't forget the euchre and dance
in Winthrop hall on Friday, April
Mr, and Mrs. Jack Campbell motor-
ed to Toronto on •Saturday.
Mrs. Sutherland is visiting her
daughter in Toronto.
The following are offered' for
vate sale at Lot 19, Con. -113, McIKi1-
lop, I% miles east of. Leadbury; 25
pounds of 'bee foundation, 1 bee
smoker, 1 'honey kitiee, 2 slats ex-
tractor, 1 torus honey tank, 150 empty
;bee boxes, 50 to 00 hives of +bees, bee
screens; 7.2 -year steers, weight 850-
1900 lbs.; 1 heifer 800 ibis.; .1 5 -year'
o1(1 cow' in calf; 1 fresh cow and calf,
750 Ibe Yellow B'lo'ssom sweet_cl'over.
Of !Brick House and Land in the
Village o'f Eg'ntondv'iIle and .'1 -louse
hold 'Furniture.
The 'Egectttor of the Estate of Ad-
cxan¢ler Charlesworth, deceased, will
offer for 'sale by public auction, on
at '1.30 p.m., on the premises the fol-
lo'wing lauds situate in the village of
IEgnrondwilie, being ;composed of Vil-
lage Lot 4; on the 'South Side of East
iBayfield ` Street as laid down on a
'Map of said Village,.made for C. L
VanlEgneoind and >re'gisterede also a
part of Dot 10, in, the Second Huron
Road ;Concession or the Township of-
'Tnekerstnith, in said County of H'dt-
roit„ which may be ;particularly des-
cribed as follows': .Commencing at a
point at the N'onth East 'corner of
said Lot 4, thence Easterly alonig,
IBlaylfieldl Street 1' chain, 25 lurks.
'Thence S'ouitherly in a line parallel
with the Eastern Boundary of said
Lot 4, Two chains, 'Then'ce'iWesterly
in a fine parallel with IB'aylfie'ld 'Street
1 chain, 25 links. Thence along the
;Easterly boundary of said Lot 4 to
the peace of beginning con'taining,%
of an acre ,o'f land: ,more or less, on
which land is erected a .comfortable
brick dwelling house.
Terms of ,Stale: 10% cash at ,the
time of ,sale, balance within 30 days
At the same time and place` the fal-
lowing'Chattels .will be sold by Pub-
lic Ahection:
ublic,iAhtction:3 small •tables,1 piano,
1 parlour carpet, 1 bedroom suite, 4
(bedroom linoleum,. 1 bed'ro'om suite
(oak), 1 mirror, ,1' rocker, '1 'lawn-'
mower, 1''hall rack,. d' writing desk
and :bookcase, a number of books, 4
parlour chairs, 1 -wardrobe, 1 dresser,
'1' washstand, 11 music rack, 3 sewing
'machine, 2 'hat racks, 2 va'ses, 2 rock-
ing chairs, 2,easy ,,chairs (horse hair),
1 hair lounge, •1 parlour table, 1 bed-
room matting, 1 side board, 1 dining
rooin table, 4 chairs, 1 arm chair, 1
clo'ck, 1 kitchen range, 1 kitchen
rocker, 1 hedge shears, 'J was'h'stand,
2 kitchen cupboards, 1 kitchen table,
1 step ladder, 1 hated washing mach-
ine, 1 flour bin, 1 box stove and stand,
1 hanging ,lamp, 1' horsehide robe,
quantity of dishes and other articles.
Terms of 'Sale of ,Cthattels: Cash.
Further particulars and conditions
of sale will be made known at the
time of sale and may be had in the
meantime from the undersigned.
R. S. HiAIY,'S, Executor's Solicitor,
Seaforth, Ont..
Auction S►'le
'Of Farina Stock, Im;plemetits' and
Household Furniture.
Mr, George Elliott, auctioneer, has
received instructions from the under-
signed to sell by public auction at
Lot 20, Con. 1, M'c'IC'illop, 1% miles
east of Seaforth, on the Highway, on
At one o'clock sharp
the. following:
Horses=3 good working horses, 1
Cows. -3 cows, 2 thoroughbred, all
in oalf; 2 heifers, 2 yrs. old; 2'
1 yr. old; 1 calf 3<months old.
Figs. -2 sows supposed to be in
pig, 11 chunks about 100 lbs. "each,.
]Hens -30 'White . Leghorn, last
year's chicks; 30 Barred Rock, last
year's chicks,
Macltiuery-1 McCormack 7 ft. -bin-
der, sheaf carrier and truck; 1 Massey
Harris mower, 6 ft. cut; 1 Coleman
steel roller, 1 combined Massey har-
row seed drill, 12 holes;' 1 cultivator,
both wide and narrow teeth, 1 man-
ure spreader, % interest turnip sow-
er; Ye interest in wire stretcher; 1 El-
mira side hay rake, 1 steel rake, 10 ft;
1 Ch'atham fanning mill with bagger
and sat of sieves; 1 4 wagon, wagon
box with stock rack attached; 1 'bay
rack, 1 gravel box, 1' sleigh. with
bunks and fiat rack, grinding stone,
1 cutter, '.buggy, 1 ,good robe, 1 plush
rug, 1 Delaval cream separator No.
12, 1 root ,pulper,, 1 '14eft. ladder, 1%
sets of double harness, 1 set single
'harness; 1 s'pade, chains and a num-
ber of other antioles•; a quantity of
red clover and timothy seed.
Household Furniture. -2 oak bed-
room sets, •mat'tres'ses and pillows, 1
couch, '1 walnut sofa, 1 -Morris leath-
er chair, 3 mahogany rockers, 1 oak
rocker,, 1 bak hall rack, 1 oak book
case, 1 oak dining room table and 6
chairs, 3 oak parlortables, 2 rattan
Chairs, 1 8 -dray clock, 2 Wilton rugs,
1 Axminster ca'rpe't, 1 Brussels car-
pet, 1 linoleum . rug, and runners,
and a number Of small rugs, 3
hanging lamps, 1 Coleman gas !any,
a few bracket lamps, 1 gasoline '•'3-
bu'rner stove, 1 Moffatt steel range, 1
churn, 3 sets of ,bedr,clorn dishes, 1
dinnnerset and a number of pieces of
china and glassware and ,pi'cture's
No reserve as farm is sold.
Term's ---All sums of $10, and under,
cash; clover and timothy seed, poul-
try, 'cash; over that amount, 6 months
credit will be given on approved joint
notes; 6% per minim ,off for cash or
credit amounts.
Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer; Wm.
Devereaux, Proprietor,
Gash Prlcesoll Teas
English Breakfast Tea, our own
brand, per pound 43c
Chase & Sanborns Tea
•;per pound .... 43c
Lipton's Tea
per pound -
Rideau Hall Coffee
per 1b 43c
Red Rose Teat
per pound side
Our 'Special Blend Tea
per pound ... , ..........33c
Salida Tea 1
per pound ,,, 49c
Maxwell House Coffee
per pomld :.............. -49c
You save When you buy'from
W. J. F .
Tendens for crushing in: the Town-
ship of Hibbert, also for hauling gra-
ved, either by truck ar.by teams wi1'1
be received by the undersigned tip to
Monday, ,May 9th. Tenders will be
opened at Stella. Township Hall at 3
p.ni. 'The" lowest or any tender not
necessarily accepted.
Township Clerk, Dublin.
For nsale, cheap, square grand' piano,
radio, kitchen range, burn's• wood or
Street, Seaforth. 115.
A quantity olf red clover seed for
sale. GO1RIDION Me:GAIVIII'N, Walton,
;Phone 2311u23. • 17'
:Comfortable cottage for rent, cor-
ner.of William and James streets,
'Seaforth; 3 -piece Math, furnace, hard
and soft 'water, heavy wiring, posses-
sion on or around May 1st, Apply to
iMrs. RIEIG. RIEIIID, Phone 163. .
'Choice fifty acres of land in Mc-
Killop township; good building -s.
Wouid take house in exchange. A'p-
•ply to News Office. 17.
IA signet ring in ;Seaforth; initials
"RL." Finder please leave at The
'News O.Ilfice. 15•
16 pigs, six weeks. old, extra good
lot; also a quantity of red clover
seed: Apply to John :McCowan, op-
posite Livingston's school, Hallett, 15.
An unloading Inose, about fifteen
feet long, between Kippen and Sea -
forth on Wednesday morning. Finder
please phone 311,, Seaforth, McGo'll-
Frontenac Gasoline Station, 15'
'Large size cincula'ting cabinet treat -1
er or furnacette complete with pipes.1
In A.1. condition; used only a short
time: Owner leaving town. Apply
A. M. PIRIPNIGILIE, Seaforth, Ont. 17.
;Girl or lady wanted as ,h'ouselceeper
for farm. No'fantily. No ,outside work.,
(Write to box 127, The Seaforth
News, Seaforth.
As h'ouse'keeper or practical nurse.
,Alpply to the News Office. 15.
By experienced carpenter, new
work or repairing. L. LAIU'TIEaN-
tBIAICIH, Ord Street, .Seaforth. 47.
Of D'esira'ble House and 'Lot and
'Contents' of Same in the Village of
The Administratrix of the Estate
of Margaret A. Charlesworth, 'late o.f
the Village o'f ,E'gntondville, Widow,
deceased, 'has instructed 'George H.
'Elliott, Auctioneer, 'to sell by public
auction on Saturday, ,April .16th, '1932,
at 2 ,p.ttii,'sharp, on the premises, the
fallowing desirable property: Ali and
Singular that certain parcel or tract
of land an;d pretuises situate, lying
and being in the Village of Egmond-
ville, in the County of Huron and
Province ' of Ontario and ' being co'm-
posed of Lot n.ttnsber ,Four (4) on the
INortlr side of East 'Front Street in the
said Village of rE•grnondville. On said
lot is erected a one story asphalt
•sh•inglled. covered 'house with first class
roo'fin'g ,con'ta'ining six reams and
'there is also a squall shed on the pre -
At the same time and place, the
'following chattels wilt be sold by
public auatian: One Victrola, 1 couch,
1 cooking stove, 1 gasoline stove and
oven, 1 table, 1 ladder, 1 clothes rack,
1 clock, bedding, wood; fruit and oth-
er articles too no herous to metftion,
Terms ;on ,Property -Ten per cent,.
of purchase price on day o'f sale, bal-
ance within thirty days.
Terms on Chattels, -Gash, •
Wawanesa Mutual
Fire Insurance 'Co,.
Canada's Largest Mutual -
Insurance Co'y,
Our Classified Fire Rates
on Farm 'Buildings of First
Class Construction are a-
mazingly low.
Windstorm Rates will•sur
prise you.
Special Rales to Farmers'
for Auto Insurance
For full particulars,* con -
suit our local agent.
J. H. Scott
Phone 336 SEAFORTH
1 dark brown colt, 3 .years :old, bro-
ken; I large bay colt, 2 years,ols; also
1 Durham cow, 4_years .old, due fa
freshen Oct. 10,th. JINiO. MONT-
GOMERY, Phone 234-11, 'Seafort11-
James Simmons, Seaforth R.R.. 2.
desires work by the day .or year..
!Phone 6'on 233. • IL
Yellow Blossom Sweet .Gloater Seed
for sale. Phone 40r14, -dahlin, Loi 4
Con. 4, McKillop. Nd013OU,AS 1-
KRIAUISBjOIPIF, Dublin, R.R. '1. 1S.
50 acres pasture land, ,N34 .lot 19.
Con. 2, Hiibbent, good .pasture, with
never failing spring creek. Rent rea-
'sortable: Apply to P. D'I'LL, Dub'
100 acres, Township of Tuc'l-er-i {
smith, good well, windmill and
ent 'water trough. Lf net sold 'verili
rent. '
;Insurance, Real Estate, Con'veyanemgj
Ebc. Phone '132. ;
I expect to have a .number of young!
calves for sale during the calf season_
(A'pply to , HIAIROLID PlEiNlE AL
Bayfield, Phone 5,76, ;Hen'sa11,
A quantity of 51nrotlty seed oar
sale. 'Phone 12 on 136. JOHN '
SHOLDICE, Seaforth. 16 1.
From. Single Comb' White Deg -
horns, Barron strain, 'mated to cock
erels from hen's with 'a record frang
'265 to 275 eggs; chicks 57.90 per lild
IIB'arred Rolcles $9.90 per 100; Blacks
IlJersey Giants $10,90 per 100. Year
awes eggs properly incubated at
per 400 in a J'amesway incubator. AR
lihese hens are real egg prodacesg
and all good healthy hens. 1 aka
shave 4 incubators to sell very chew..
holm, Ont. P'ho'ne 52 r 23.
Butter, per lb... ?.fiat
Eiggs, per doz: . ... .... .8-10-12e
,Potatoes, per bag .56e
H'o'gs, per cwt. -.-.
Harvester Machines
-'Now is the time 'to order any
new machinery, repairs or parts
for' the'Spring work.
See tis for Fertilizer Drills.
Soil Pulverisers and 'Cultivators,
''Cream ;Separators and ., complete
'line Of Farm Machinery,
F. T. Shewfelt