HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1932-04-14, Page 5THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1932. THE SEAFORTH NEWS. BOTH SAVE MONEY'1 The average citizen looks upon his hank as the safest place fo put his money and the average housewife looks u'p'on her Su'peri'or Stare es the 'best place to save money .to putt in; (the -bank. Re- member this when buying groceries, a Superior Store menehanit is content with a .small margin on each sale because he knows his prices will ;bring him volume business. WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS. Ittems for week ending Apr.'20th. IFRY'S COCOA, halves ......, ®/+ each 1 P. & G. SOAP 7 cakes 25 c' CLARK'S PORK & BEAMS, medium FANCY BLUE ROSE RICE ELECTRIC BULBS, 40 and 60 Watt NATURE'S BEST TOMAT'O'ES, No. 2 sq 4 for 25 RED ROSE TEA, Blk, or Mixed' ; . ...,per Ib. 45 c PRU'N'ES, FRESH AND SWEET" , ......... , , . , , 3 lbs. 23 c 3 for 25 c 3 lbs. 25 c each 19 c McCormick's Shortbread Bud Biscuits "A dainty delicious biscuit" per Ib. 25c Interlake Toilet Tissue • 3' roils 25c. (Rihso Kraft 'Cheeselarge pkg. 23c 's 17c Dei Maiz'Corn 2's per tin 15c Blue Bell Broomseach 25c Dutch .Sets Onions .. 2 lbs. 15c 'Choice ,Golden ,B'an'tam Corn 2 tins 23c tMCLaren's 'Olives, large 20 oz. Plain each 23c •3dLtaren's Olives, No. 9 Stuffed - each 23c Cream of Wheat• per pkg. 25c Hillcrest Shortening, l's 2 pkgs. 23c ' Zehra Liquid Stove polish per prole 15c Burford Peaches, 2's .tall tins 29c Libby's Picnic Asparagus per tin 25c javel Water, bleaches clothes......... ..... ..............per 'bo'ttle 10c Ourrants, cleaned i per lb. 15c Aunt .Jen -Lima Pancake Flour ... .........'per pkg. 17c ;Bifti Ox Tail Soup per tin 34c S'elada Tea, 'down in price ..... . . ....... ........• .. .now per 11i. 50c Fresh Juicy Waxy Lemons per doz. 19c Sulphur, 7 lbs. Salts, Epsom, 8 lbs. 25c Nitrate Soda (Saltpetre)"25c Sauer ,Kraut, .very special this week . ................ 3 ' • • .e lbs25c F'res'h iCo'oking Rigs, 3 lbs, for large tins 29c Duthie's •Sau'ce 25c per bottle 39c xlueen's H'ealt'h and Liver Salt 8 oz. bottle 39c Russian Oil, Pure '12 oz. bottle 49c Ross. J. Sproat Miss N. Pryce Phone 8 Phone 77 Buy Seaforth' Butter A Service that creates Confidence and a Dependable Reputation �_ 18 YEARS • Always Good Quality Please us by giving us your cream patronage and we will try to please you by our services and highest market prices for good cream. Cream weighed, tested, graded and paid for while you wait. The. Seaforth Creamery C. A. BARBER, Prop. Walker's "FUNERAL' SERVICE UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment W. J. WA T KER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license; Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. TUCKERSMITH. . The West Eit.cr Beef Ring will commence on Monday next: Mr. Jas. 'Rivers of Seaforth, who has had. eftarge for the past 22 years will be in charge again this year. �'4tiss 'Reda .Fear !went 'to St. Marys azst we'e'k to look after her aunt who is' not well. Miss Edna Turner of Toronto visit- ed re'l'atives here last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jervis ° of Toronto spent the week -end with relatives here, The A'pr'il :meeting of the Tucker - smith Ladies' Club was held at the tliome of Mrs. Greg. McGregor. The meeting opened with tate •opening ode. Sixteen m'embers answered the roll 'call with "My Pet Pir:overb." Mrs, • Garrett gaye a reading and two can - teats were greatly enjoyed by those present. The meeting closed with community s'in'ging and the .remainder of the afternoon was spent in sewing, The May meeting is t� be held at the Rome' of Mrs. Frank 'Walters, Mem - hers are requested to bring -quilt blocks size 118:'x120". The roll ,call is an exchange of slips and ,bulbs.' MANLEY. .The many friends of Mr, W. Sim- on are .sorry .to learn he is not improv- ing much alter the operation he und- erwent t in St. Marys , Hospital last week when the doctors found his ail- •men't was more serious than was 'an- ticipated, but where there is life there is hope, and his many friends wish him a speedy recovery. Always he was of a genial disposition and never complained even when he had not been feeling well the past two utopias The late'snowstorm has again put a setback to seeding operations. KIPPEN. A debate' will be ;held ' in St. And- tew'S Unrated C'hunch on .Friday night, April l'5ith. The swbyect of the de - balk is Resolved. that .a University Ed- ucation should be made available, at .public expenseto every young man or woman who shows willingness and ability to obtain a higher educa- tion. The affirmative will be taken by twa from the 'Centralia Y.P.A. and the negative by two from Kippen. !An Oil without ,Alcohol.—Some oils and tnanv medicines have alcohol as a prominent 'ingredient. A judicious mingling 'of six essential oils compose Dr. Thomas' E'clectric Oil, and there is no .alcohol -in 'it, 'so' fliiat its• effects are lasting. c PAGE FIVE 'TOWN TOPICS Mrs. C. Atkinson returned on Thursday to town from Detroit, where she "had been since October, Mr. and Mrs, Geo. E. Ferguson, Jean and Russell, have returned to Toronto' after spending nearly two weeks here owing to the; illness and subsequent death of Mr, Ferguson's mother. Mrs. A. C. ,Dam'es of Brussels is spending a few weeks with the Misses Ferguson on Siparling Street ,Mr. and Mrs,- Fred Morrison of Dutton, visited the Misses Ferguson. on Sunday. Mr, J. W. Morrison of Toronto : was here atten'din'g the funeral of his sis- ter, ,Mrs. R. H, Ferguson, ,Returning to her home on N. Main 5'r., Friday evening, Miss Anne Gov- en'lo'ck :found that the 'house had 'been entered,. Every dpawer in the house was ransacked, evidently in search for money bort nothing ,tapas taken. Miss (Ethel Crooks of Grimsby is spending :s'o'me time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. •Manson, Mr. J. H. Reid' returned from ;To- rontbe on Monday alter spending a few days with his ,son, ' Mr. Arthur Reid, air. (George ,Bethune of :Port Me- Nichol, Mo-Nichol, returned on Monday after spending the winter here with his sister, - I Miss Mae Al er'h'art of 'Hensel! and 'vLiss Beatrice Alberh'a'nt of Stratford were visitors at their ,haute in M'c- 'K'illop. • Mr. John Bro'd•erick has taken . the position of caretaker Of the !bowling green for the co'nving season. The 'Misses (Kennedy, 1W. William st., are spending a couple .of weeks. in !Stratford with their sister, Mrs, Rey- nolds. Mns. \Vnt. Anent visited in Kin- cardine the past week. Mr. and 'Mrs. Vivien 'of Stratford were guests on Friday of Mrs. IW. W. Cowan. Dr. and Mrs. Hodgins, 'Mr. Morley Hodgins and Mrs. L, T. iDelLacey of Toronito,, spent 'the 'week -end in town as guests of kr. and Mrs. A. D. Sutherl'a'nd. Miss 'Irene (Wankel of London spent the week -end at the home of her par- ents, \2'r. and Mrs. A. Wankel. - Miss 'Marian Gray has been ill .with the flu, Mrs. 'Reg. MMdGee and two children and Mrs. Sweeney and Mrs. • Lorne McGee of Goderich spent Wednesday at the Thome OF Mr. and 'Mrs. George A'berhart. The 'Ladies' Guild of Sit. Thomas' Ohure'h are holding a social evening on Friday, 'Ap-ril 13 in the parish hall, A good attendance is requested. Mr. John Kerr Of IM'dKilbop has purchased the 100 -acre.' Carron farm, lot 20, con. I2 ,tclKillop, from the I'Iuron and Erie Corporation,' 'London. Mr. and Mrs, Davis Morrison of Welland spent 'Tuesday at the home of Mr. Morrison's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Morrison. Miss Henry and Mr. 'Orville Holmes and ;Miss Ethel Holmes are visiting with Mrs. Pevitt in 'Guelph. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Evans and Mr. and 'Mrs. A. `'M. Pringle intend leaving on May lst'for Hamilton, where they will reside. Miss Lola Finlayson had a - tonsil operation in (Seaforth hospital on Sat- urday last. Mr, George '-Aberhart was a visitor in Goderich on Tuesday and Wednes- day. Mr, and Mrs. ,Wm. Finlayson and two 'children of Toronto were week- end guests at the home of the la'tter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Weiland. EGMONDVILLE. The Egm'ond'ville'W. M. S. held their April meeting in the vestry Fri- day' afternoon, Mrs. Malco'hn presid- ing. The meeting opened by , sing- ing "Jests shati reign where'ere'the sun", Mns. Jas. Stewart led in pray- er, 'The devotional leaflet ou Simeon, the man of fire, was taken by' Mrs. Bs Beaton. During the business per- iod a quitting atid ten cent tea. was 'planned for Wednesday, April 1.33'h. Mrs, Allen ,and Mrs. Hs Chesney were chosen as.d.elegates to Presby- terial, Mrs•.t M�aGlouig 1 ar- ticle toad an r- ticle on Christian S'tewards'hip. E. lN'o11 gave a paragraph on Temper- ance. After singing "From Green- land's I'cy Mountains," the study book was given by 'Mrs: H. Moore, +Miss. Cameron, Mrs. M'c'Millan, Mrs. 'Modeland and Mns. ,Reinke. This was • the chapter on Korean Youth and proved very i'nferesting, The 'meetingclosed by responsive reading 'from the. Easterdevotional p:rogratn. The Egtn'oudwifle Young People spent a very enjoyable evening in IB'rttcelfieid Monday evening. 'Attacked by Asthma. The first fearful sensationis of suffocation, which hour 'b hour becomes more desperate and hopeless,. To such a case the relief afforded by Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma IRe'medy seems no- thing less than miraculous. lits 'help is quickly app'aren't and soon the dreadful attack .is mastered, DEDICATED TO. BETTER VISION THE SAVAUGE EYESIGHT SERVICE Seaforth, .Where Is it found? Prac- tically nowhere. Nature was careless with most eyes. They c'an't function normal- ly, Add to tat modern eye demands. To that tai, "pre- va'len't neglect, and you should not be surprised that so many need an eyesight service. Glad to demonstrate the value of a modern eye- sight service" to you;; Continued next week. ' HURON OLD BOYS The annual euchre and bridge the Huron Old Boys' As's'ociation, (Toronto was held in the Pythi Castle hall, College street, on Frid evening fa's't, with the largest a'tte dance of any previous euchre held the history of the association. Twenty-seven tables of euchre and bridge players were kept occupied duriatg the evening, while at the same time those who tripped the `light •fan- tastic" occupied t'lie dance hall. to the music of a real orchestra, The following were'. the prize'win tiers: 'Euchre=1st, . F. Paterson; 2nd, Jlahu Moon, Ladies—1st; Miss Laird; ••2n,d, -Mrs. Cuth'berts, Consolation prize -Mrs, A. Th'otnpson, Goderich. Lucky .number—Miss Sheppard. The prizes were distributed by President H. B. Stowe. !Amongst those present. were nettle - ed the followings 'Mr. and Mrs. H. BStowe, Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Vanstone,' Mr, and Mrs. IB. H. MdCreath, Mr. and Mrs. E. Floady, Mr. and Mrs. D. D. Wilsons Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle, Mr. J. A. McLaren, Miss Sadie Walker, Mr. and Mrs. D.' Thompson. and Miss Thompson, Mr. H, I. Morrish and Misses Mary and Marjorie Morrish Mr. and Mrs, G. C. Young, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mr. and Mrs John Moon, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jay, Dr. ,and Mrs, H. A. Hessian, Miss IHe 'i ss o Dr. and Mrs, rs, J. G. Fergus- on, Mr. acid Mrs. A. Isbis'ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearson, Mr. and 'Mrs. J. W. Cox,' Mr. and Mrs, J. B. Phelan, Mr. and Mrs, M'clBrien, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Hamilton and Miss Hamilton, Mr. and .Mrs. W. E. Hamlin, Mr. amd Mrs. E. W. Hinter, Adl. and Mrs. 'Duckworth, Mr. D. Crawford and the Misses Crawford, Mr. and Mrs. A. _MdLaughan, Mr. and Mrs. G. Trow - hill, Mr. W. Powell, Mr. G. A. New- ton, Mr, A. P. Smith, Mr. R. S. Pow- ell OSeafoe'fh), Mrs. M. Irwin and the Misses Irwin, Mrs. I. H. Brown, Mrs, Laird and Miss Laird, .Mrs. A. Beck- er, Mrs. A. Cuthbert, Mrs. L. Reed- er, Mrs. G. Graham, Mrs, G. Ingram, Mrs, M. Sanderson, Mrs. W. G. Read- ing., Mrs. A. Thompson ('Goderich), Mrs. Smith, Mrs. .Dixon, Mrs. Hes- soy, Miss Fannie Paterson, Miss K. MacLean, Miss R. Cameron, Miss 'Edtthc Gilley, Miss Pearl Gidley, Miss J. Gordon, Miss Laving Knox, Miss Annie 'Crittenden, Mis's Cora. 'Haskins, Miss Hazel . Locke, Miss 'Doris Royal, Miss Betty Hall, Miss Violet Cooper, Miss M. Grassick, Miss Belle Campbell, Miss M. Han- na, Mr., Thos. Cowan, Mr, C. Car- roll, Mr. Reg, Williams, Mr. W. L. Currell, Mr, W. R. McBrien, Mr, Ar- thur Hession, Mr, 'Ar'thur Carr, Mr. Geo. Hesk, Mr. P. Watson, Mr, E. Rexton, Mr. R. Serrick, Mr. R. Lear. ** Notes President Harry Stowe was full of pep, . of of Tan ay 11- iti Mr. R. S. Powell of Seaforth was present and took in all of the show. *5* A. G. Smith, formerly of the 'Wing- hair Advance, says he is no't a success as a euchre player. Although a big committee were utolns uranee Let us protect you anywhere in Canada or the United States with an Auto Policy that will take a load off your mind and at - NEW, Non Tariff � Rates lb's worth your while to see us beflre placing your insurance and at the new low non -tariff rates you cannot afford to take chances. All claims promptly and satisfac- torily paid. Phone, write or call—Night and Day Service `Phone 152 A. D Sutherland GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE, CONVEY ANCING, ETC. Office over Keating's Drug Store couple of months in 'Toronto. selling tickets for two weeks, Treas- urer D, D. Wilson sold 58 tickets at the door, Mrs. A, T'honypson came down from Goderich and Carried off the cotrsolation prize: *** The refreshments were all that the most fastidious could desire. You can't beat 'fhe,Hatron old girls for real up-to-date cooking. Mrs. D. Thomp- son was in charge. **4 Mrs. Stowe had charge of the eu- chre and bridge, and ,Bert McOre'abh and Miss Walker had eharge of th 'dancing and all did their work well. * 5* (Pythian Castle Hall is an ideal spot for a euchre party. Everything clean and cosy. DANC] TONY PARRS BAND OPERA HOUSE DUBLIN. Fri., April '15th Couple 75c Extra Lady 25c. and inspirational address in Trinity e Church. Miss Hawkins' field work is u Nazoya, a city of a million 'inhabi tants and third largess city in Japan. In ,her address she spoke of the pas 'sioinats love of the Japanese women for their children which ma•Ices them welcome all tnissionary activi'ties far the welfare of the children. Miss •Hawlcins explained the failure of all other religions to bring }he Japanese, people the peace and happiness which the Divine hounder of the Ohrietian religion is able to give them. iSihe im'pressed upon her hearers the necessity o'f keeping the life _ of the church at home in a sound and pray- erful condition that it might be a wit- ness to the heathen world and a source of power to its ambassadors .in the mission field. After the address, Miss• 'Hawkins exhibited a number of cur- ios and pictures which further ea'= plained the Life and Customs of the people of Japan. The meeting was under the auspices of the Anglican 'Women's Auxiliary. The humorous comedy drama, "As a Woman Th'inke'th," ,presented in a most creditable manner on Friday ev- ening, April 8th, by the young people of St, Andrew's Church at ,the town hall, which was well filled. A very natural modern everyday experience, Monday morning finds Mrs. Welden (Mrs. Walter Wallis) mother of the period, 'comp'letely discouraged with her cluttered up home, bad tempered husband, unruly family,light finger- ed colored cook and half-witted ser- vant, She attempts to clean up her im'possib'le living room. In the course of proceedings her idiotic servant ('Murray Grainger) brings down the house with laughter in his attempt to assist in the work. Mr. 'Charles Wim. WeedenD ( on McKenzie) added much to the amusement of the crowd as 'he arrives 'home front the office . and is choked with dust, flies into a rage at the stupid doings of. Jotham, In the' midst of all this confusion Rev. and Mrs. Dunning, parson and wife, itaken by A. E, Erwin and Maud Mc- Gregor, who were a perfect scream in old time :costume, pay a morning call. They add to Mrs. Weeden's• troubles by informing her of the ac - ions of her seventeen year old dough- er, Beth ((Gladys Gale), who was een promenading the . streets every ay, with thenewbar tender, Chip ><Vihitttey ((Fraser Stirling). They de- idedthe only way to stop it is to get er in the choir. While they are dis- ussing her case, Beth enters with her rowdy friend, much to the cons'terna- on of all. The minister leaves with tis advice, "Remember, you alone re responsible for your family." This em'phatical'ly confirmed by his patt- er, As 'Mrs. Weeden proceeds with er work she is. interrupted by her fetid, Mars. Gertrude Parker (Mabel cotch•mer), who introdu'ces Prof. abia Majaraljahl (James 'Stirling, indu lecturer en 'psychology, who vites her to his lectures and dis- oses the wonderful effect'of the sub_ onscious mind on life. She is greatly ken up with it and decides to try it n .her household. The last two acts veal the wonderful success of her' an even though her family decide he has gone crazy and summon the d. of Dr. Haire (Arthur Peck) who ies to :m'a'ke a case .of it, in the last t her family and servants are .won- erful'ly reformed. Her home in per- ct .order, her husband has been tined out of his' bad temper, her ex- avagantrdaughter, Olive (Mrs., El - n Porter) becomes a thrifty house- fe; Olive's husband, Caleb °Brown eward), too lazy to :breathe, shows al ambition; Beth agrees to'sing in e choir, sees' her mistake in prefer- ig Chip W'hihey to her old friend ck Philly 1'11, (':Strip Gat•bright), Dotty, \4argaret Douglas) is :cured of using ng' aol• chewing gum; Will ('Bob irlfng) is through with cigarettes; ke• ('Isabel Kink) the light fingered ok, ant strictly honest. and upright; is so bright and smart, .but s, the promoter of this splendid te of harmony is an impostor, ti . of E i idoo atal, but a negro. However, is still a''hindoo to Mrs.'` Wieder. s a woman thinket4t in .her heart ins she," Between acts splendid mu - was given by the Holmesville or- eetra. Db not miss the play,. . "'Sound ur Horn, this• Friday evening at e Waal hall, put an by young people Trinity Church. If you enjoy a ori laugh, ,coarse. Aid. Duckworth says- he could not stay away from a Huron old boys' entertainment. *5* IH, A. Hessio'n of Dovercourt Road and Clinton old boy, brought a party df teri and they 'all . enjoyed them- selves,. . *** Paul Jones seemed'to be a great Favorite with the dancers. *** Mrs. Minnie Irwin was at/the head of the Howi'ck patrons and they turd - ed out in good force. *5* :Bert McCreath and John McLaren,the champions frae Goderich, no in- dulged in euchre. Ye ken, it's 'not just richt to insinuate, but some had the idea they were scared to aneet up with (Secretary Bloody, all halts barred, * * * 'B'it Pawl said, "What's the use?" when a partner trumped his ace. That's not all. A newspaper Manmay think wwhathe likes, bat must not write it. ''h..*'* 'Hunan Scottish can dance the rye Waltz. Just like hopping the _thistle patches among the stubble lang syrte. ** Mrs. M. S'andersen, one of Huron's pioneers, was present, played a good game Of euchre,, and 'enjoyed' herself generally. IR. S. Sheppard, one of the old standbys of the Huron Old Bbys, has .been seriously ill for the past three weeks,: J.iatest reports say he is on The .way to recovery. 5,5* Honorary President R. C. King was not presenit. The death of his brother-in-law at Bluevale took'him to that place. ELIMVILLE iMr.' and 'Mrs, Wellington Bell of Detroit have been visiting with rela- tives in this vicinity during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Henderson and' family have moved to Mt. Pleasant where they have rented a farm. and Mrs. Hy. Murch have 're- turned from their honeymoon trip to London, Toronto and St. Marys. They will reside in the village, Their many friends extend congratulations, 'The' funeral of the late Sherwood Hunter was • held from his residence on the' Narrow Rd. an Friday after- noon last. A very large number at- tended, showing the esteem in which he was 'held. The service was con- ducted by his pastor, Rev. L. C. 'White of Rllfravilie, A . male guar- tebte led` in singling, and also gave < a. inumber "Gathered' Home" which was mach appreciated. ''Miss: Bernice Mural' has gone to Kirkton for the summer,' having en- gaged with Mrs. Emerson Gumming, who is recovering from illness. :The sap has been running fast dur- in'g the past week and has kept the tappers busy boiling. Mr. Welter J'ohn's of Cornell Uni- versity, N.Y., ,spent the .past week at •his 'home here. On Saturday his bro- ther, Mr. Kenneth !Johns, took him back by motor, returning the first of the week. 'HAYFIELD. Mr. and rn Mrs. W, R. Jowett ar- rived flame last week after a very Pleasant winter sp'en't in Florida. .Mrs. IbL Firaser returned 'home last week after spending the winter at. Lucknotw:and 'Goderich, Miss Agnes Stirling has returned to her home having 'spent the winter in Seaforth. A. E. Erwin and Lloyd Scatchmer were at Kitchener on MMonday.tMr. axed Mrs. Hugh McLaren with their daughters Marion and Christine, of Port Elgin were here for the week end bringing with them 'Miss Je'sep!h i'ne Sterling who has s visited' ahem for several weeks. The people of Bayfe18 'h'ad a reel a treat oMonday afternoon when Miss kirantis' Ha•whins Anglican Mis- sionary on furlough tram 'the Diocese of mid -!japan, gave a 11105i 'interesting t s 1 c c ti 11 a is n h fr S (E31 in el c ta o' re pl s ai tr ac d: fe sh d gi tri St re th rit lJa (I. sla co Jo ala sta a 'lie "A so sic ch Yo tilt of go A safe and sure medicine for a, child troubled 'with worms, is Mother Craves' Worm 'Exterminator.,