The Seaforth News, 1932-04-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT. The Beautiful NewFod V8 will be on display at our showrooms Monday and Tuesday April 11 and 12 You are cordially invited to come and see it J. F. Daly FORD DEALER - SEAFORTfi • HENSALL. Mr, Eldrid Smith has returned to London where he is attending univer- sity, after several weeks' vacation. Mr, Jack Kaizer of Windsor is visiting at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. John Zuefle. Miss 'Maureen n''Desfaride visited over the week end at the home of her parents at Grand Bend. The many 'friends of Mrs. Geo. Fee twill be sorry to hear she is confined to her home through illness. Mr. and Mrs, Ladd McEwan and daughter spent the week end with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hess and chil- dren were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs• Henry PMiile 'af Rogerville. Mr. David Cantelon started a num- ber of men on Monday to get out his onion sets +which he had stored in the .packing house. Mr. Errol Drummond visited over the week end with friends in 'Toron- to. The Welfare Youth Club of the Carmel Presbyterian Church visited the young people of the Caven 'Pres- byterian Church, Exeter, an Monday evening. The president of the Exeter League opened the meeting with a few words of welcome, after which the hymn, ''Yield Not to Temptation„ was sting and Rev. Mr. Rhoades led in prayer. The visiting league then gave a very splendid program, each number being very ably rendered and consisted of the following; Musical .selection by Messrs. iFred Deters, and Melvin (Moir, accompanied by Miss Blanche Mustard on the piano; read- ing, 'Irene 'Detect;) instrumental, Blanche Mustard; duet by Messrs, iW, A, 'MdLaren and R. Y. McLaren, 'Selection on the mandolin and mouth organ ,by'Mr, Melvin Moir; • solo, Jer- ry D'enlfieid and a dialogue entitled "Deaf as a !Post," after which con- tests and 'games were enjoyed and a =dainty lunch was served. Messrs. 'Cook Bros. have added to the 'a;p,pearanee of their garage by making several improvements to the. interior and also putting tip a new gas pump, Mr. Edgar McQueen, who has been conned to his home with a severe' attack of sciatica is improving nicely. School re -:opened again on Monday after a`wee1h'ys holidays. Mr. IGeo. Maynard who has been visiting his n uother here, left recently +for. the West. 1 Mr, T. C. Jeynit is improving after her recent illness and will soon be able to be •out again. Miss Beryl Pfaff has returned to London after spending .the holidays at her Thorne here. The Boy Scout and Wolf Club ser- vice and social was held in St. Paul's Anglican -Church en Wednes- day evening. The service was con- ducted by the Rev. Mr. Parker who is also cub Ymaster, and Rev, Mr. Sin- clair, gave very interesting addresses on Scout law. After the service those present gathered in' the basement where a social program was provided by the cubs, The second group of the (Blue Heron Patrol Scout tied and explained the scout knots and the first patrol 'demonstrated artificial re- spiration, carrying injured - and sig- nalling, after which 'community sing- ing was lead by Mr. 'Geo. Iiesis' and a lunch was served by the cubs. Mr, Nelson 'Bfafchord is able to be out again after his recent illness. Miss Margaret'MdLaren has return- ed to London alter spending .the holi- days with her ,parents .here. The nfiremen are ,putting on their last euchre and dance on Friday even- inm 'April 8.''A good crowd is ex- pected. Services in the United C•hurch:were well attended on Sunday. The pastor, Rev. Arthur Sinclair, 'was in charge of both services, At the evening ser- vices a very pleasing` quartette was rendered by Mrs. 'Geo. Hess, Miss Florence 'Welsh, Mr. W. 0. Good- man and Mr. Sam. Rennie. Village Council. -The regular meet- ing of the. H'emsali' ` Village 'eounci' was 'held on Monday evening, April 4th, in the 'Council Chamber with all members present • except Councillor (Robinson. Minutes of previous meet- ing read, Petty -(Spencer, that the minutes he adapted as read. 'Coun- cillor Petty reported re 'Poll 'Tax as being practically all settled. tOotnmuniea'tions read: and' 'fled'. Bills and 'acco'11 5 read as follows. Dr. A. R, 'Campbell, Board of 'H'ealth acct. $52!80; - J. Passmore, 'hydro, $7.80; School Board, current expense, $1,000.00; A. W. E. Hemphill, sup- plies, $9.718; IR, !Erode'rick, snow,plow- ing, $6:40; Eionthron' and Drysdale, supplies, $225. Total¢1,:079:113, IS;penicer - Petty, that account's as read, be ,paid. (Resignation of D. Robinson as 'Councillor read Petty-llfiickle, that ID. Robinson's .resignation be accept- 7.7 THE SEAFORTH NEWS ed. Resignation of W. C. Spencer as Councillor read. ,liickle-!Petty, , that W. C. Spencer's resignation as Coun- cillo; be accepted. Owen Geiger served the Clerk with a warrant for a nomination. meeting and election if. necessary. Mickle- Petty, that a by-law be prepared for nomination on 118th of April and' if necessary an election on the 25th of April to fill the vacancies of two Councillors. Mickle-'Petty, that by- law No. 7 of 1932, be given first and 2nd. reading. M.ickle-tP•etty, that by- law No. 7 be given 3rd ,and final read- ing. A. W. E. Hemphill reported re tax arrears and poll tax. Petty- Mickle, that we extend ;Collector's IRioJ1 to April 20, 1032. The Clerk was instructed to secure the different Deeds and Insurance Policies belong- ing to the Village and to see about a place Ito keep same. aafickle-Petty, that we adjourn. James A. Paterson, Clerk. CONSTANCE. +On the eve of her wedding Miss 'Thelma Dale was presented with a ,si1'ver tea service and tray by the Constance community. Mrs.. Ed. Britton went to Toronto 'this week and is spending a few days with her sisters, Mrs. Fred Kerley, 'M'iss Amy Love, and other 'friends, Mrs. Mabel (Ar'm'strong is . in the iSrcoft Memorial 'Hospital! at present, and is not pr'ogressing as well as her many friends would like to see. Mr. and. Mrs. W. 'C..Otarke, 7Lis'tow_ el, spent ;Sunday with the former's mother, Mrs. Ro'b'e; Clarke. Mrs. James Medd was called to Ex- eter 'last' week awing to the illness of Mrs. }no. iMedd. Her friends will be glad to know she is improving. Miss, B'lan'che Wheatley returned to 'Toronto on Friday last after spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.. Geo. Wheatley.. Friends will be -pleased ' to know that Mr. ,William Jewett who under- went an operation' for appendicitis in ISeaifoath 'hlasipi'tai, is progressiinlg Mee - The social evening held in the. school room on Friday evening by the' Live Wire Class was ignite a success. The evening was spent in games and; music. A dainty lunch was served.. Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times 50'c. THURSDAY, APRIL .'1, 1932. Auction Sale Of Farm, Stock, Implements at Household Furniture. , 11t. George Elliott, auctioneer, li received instructions from the 'uncle signed to sell by public auction Lot 20, Con 1 McKillop, PA mil east of Sea''fotth, on the Highway, 11HURISDAY,- •APP,'I+L 14th . At one o'clock sharp the following: 'Horses -3 good working horses, driven Cows. -3 caws, 2 thoroughbred, in calf 2 heifers 2 yrs. old; 2 sheer 1 yr: old; 1 calf 43 months old, (Pigs. -=2 saws supposed' to be i pig,,111 chunks about 100 lbs. each. (Hens --30 'White Leghorn, lash year's chicks; 30 Barred Rock, laslt. year's chicks; Machinery -1 McCormack 7 ft. bin- der, sheaf •carrier, and truck; 1 MasseyHarris mower, 6 ft, cu't; 1 Colemansteel roller, I combined Massey her row seed drill, 112 holes i cultivator, both wide and narrow teeth, 1 mean ure spreader, d interest turnip sow- er; 4 interestin wire stretcher; 1 El mira side hay rake, 1 steel rake, 10 ft.; 1 Chatham fanning mill with bagger and set of sieves; 1 g wagon, )viagon -box with s'tlock rack attached; 1 'hay rack, 1 gravel box, 1' sleigh, with bunks and flat rack, grinding stone, 1 cutter, 1, buggy, I good robe, 1 plushrug, 1 Delaval cream separator No. 12, 1 root ,pulper,,1 14-+91, ladder, i% sets of double harness, 1 set single harness; 1 spade chains and .a .num lber of other articles.; a quantity ofred clover and timothy seed. 1Hquse'hold Furniture. -2 oak bed- rooitti sets, anaflres'ses and pillolws, 1 couch, 1 walnut sofa, 1 Morris leath- er chair, 3 mahogany rockers, 1 oak rocker, 1 oak hall rack, 1 oak book case, 1 oak ,dining room table and 6 chairs, 3 oak parlor tables, 2 rattanchairs, 1 8 -dray •clock, 2 Wilton rugs, 1 Axminster carpet, 1 Brussels card' runners, 1 linoleum rug, anunners, and a number elf ,stnalI rugs, 3 hanging lamps, 1 Coleman gas lamp, a few bracket lamps, 1 gasoline '3- burner stove, 1 'Moffatt steel range, 1 churn, 3 sets of bedroom dishes, 1 dinner set and a number of pieces of china and glassware' and ,pictures , No reserve as farm is sold. Terms -All suns of. $10 and under, cash; clover and timothy seed, pout= try, cash; over that amount, 6 month's credit will be given on *approved joint notes; 6% per annum .off for cash on credit amounts, Geo. H. Elliott, Auctioneer; ' Wm. Devereaux, Proprietor, ill altes 011 all s, 11 Auction Sale FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Mr. G. 'H. E1l'iott, Auctioneer, Inas received instructions from the under- signed to sell by public auotion at IWest'Half ;Lot 5, Con. 1, 'Twp. not 'Tuckers'm'ith, 1.%.miles: east nal Sea - forth, an TUESDAY, APRIL 12th at 1 o'clock 'sharp, 'the fallowing: Horses -Team bay nares, 10 yrs.; black gelding,, 9 yrs. old. Cows. -2 Brindle heifers, 3 yrs. old, clue :in 'Sept.; jersey :heifer, 3 yrs. old, due time of sale; white heifer, rising 3 years olid, date in Dec.; Holstein heifer, rising 2 years, due in October; 2 Jersey heifers, 1 yr. old; 1 heifer, 6 months old. Pigs. -7 chunks, about 100 lbs.; brood sow due in May. Poultry. -About 50 'White 'Leghorn hens. • Im'p'lements,_ it-i.1H. •blinder, 7 ft. cut; Deering Mower, 5 ft. cut; M.H. 1d hoe seed d'r'ill; cultivator; 4 -section diamond harrows; wagon, set sleighs; 16 ft. hay rack; gravel ,boa; '140. ft. hay f'o'rk rope; 49 ft. trip rope; hay fork,' car and pulleys; No. 12 De •Lava+• .cream separator; set dos ble harness; slumber'forks aanti slhovels.. Furniture. -3 piece walnut bedroom suite; Slituitions coil springs; nniattre.ss, iron bed, springs, and mattress; baby, b'assinette, small dresser, small tilt -tap table, octagon .oc- tasiional table, Vic'trola •wilth records,. desk type 6 -tube, Atwater Rent radio, walnut smoking cabinet, w:ainut,sew- in'g 'calbinet, drop head sewing •m'ach- ine, 2 reed rackets, 'wooden rocker, velotir''('bed) davenport with mat- tress, &% ac i10% Axminster rug, Electric bridge lamp, electric table lamp, walnut dining room suite, -kiit- chen' table with chairs, kitchen cab- inet, l25 -11b, ice box, baiby :high chair, number Of curtain rads, fruit jars, •w•as!h 'boiler, tubs,.wringer, mail box, avid many other' articles too numer-. ons .to mention,' ' 'Festively no reserve as :farm' is rented. Tertms.--IA11 ,sum's of $10 and under, cash; furniture and poultry, 'cash; on other aitnonnits six months' credit will be given an furnishing approved joint notes;; 6% per annum discount for cash on credit amounts. Geo. II. IEllio'tt; 'Auctioneer; Frank IDIU'l, 'Proprietor. Cash Prices Only PASTRY FLOUR het C24 lbs. for ....,' FRESH PORK e c SAUS'AIGE, . per 1''b; 'MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Good Quality ... ,69c 69o MEMS' HEAVY RID)BB'ER, ROOTS. per pr, 3.010 'Sephoy MANITOBA FLOUR 08 pounds•235 RED ROE & LISP_ TOMS TEA, lb.. 49'c Bull • Dog OVER- 4 AILS, per pair.. i A HEAVY WOOL SOCKS' Men's, 4PAIR J. FINNIGAN CROMARTY. Mrs, David Bruce returned last Week from visiting her daughter :' in. IWfndsor. ;Mr. Malcolm Lbmand, who has been in London taking treatment, has returned home, 'Mr. and Mrs, John Bray and lam my of Thames Road visited with Mrs. ;Bray's parenits, on Sunday. ' Mrs. (Rev.) Rogers, who has been is somewhat improved, also Miss Mildred Quante, Mrs. Allen of Exeter ,is visi'tin'g rel- atives here. The monthly uieeting of the W.M. IS. of the Presbyterian Church will meet in the basement of the church on Thursday, April lith. WINTHROP. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnston and children spenit Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Bolger Of 'Walton. Messrs, George Eaton and W. C. Bennett spent T'hursday and. Friday Of last week in London. • Mr, and Mrs. F. 'Bullard and Mx. Percy Little spent a couple of days in London ,last week. • We are sorry to report that Mis's Eliza Betts is under the dootor's care. Don't forget :the euchre 'and dance to be held in the hall this Friday night, 2vIr, and Mrs. Albert Miler and family of ISeaforth sal -led on George and Eliza Betts on Sunday, -Miss Isabel Eaton spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Foster Bennett. MANLEY. The late spring -'like weather h:as Mande the fanners busy getting ready far the rush o8 work. All those Iwiho alttende'd the Spring Fair declare it was a decided success as the day was fine and there was a real exhibit of 'first class horses. GRASS F'A'RM FOR SALE 100 acres, Township of _Tucker - smith, good well, windmill and cem- ent 'water •trough. If not sold wd11 rent, A. D. SUTHERLAND Insurance, Real Estate, Conveyancing Etc, Phone 132, FOR SALE. A number of choice 'Yorkshire pigs, S weeks old. Also a quantity of alfalfa both . first and second cut, well saved. Prices right. Phone 21 on 13'3; T. G. SIHIIILfLJ1INTIGILIAW, Seaforth,' 14 ILLUSTRATED LECTURE "The Life of Christ," from Bethle- hem to the Ascension, by Major Co- lin Campbell, in the Salvation Army Hall, Monday, April 1'l'th at 8 pan. COWS FOR SALE: A couple of good Durham cows for sale. AING'UjS BIRIOiWWN, phone 1'3 on 132, Klippen P10,- • WANTED TO R'E'NT. : A small farm with -buildings, not over ' 50 acres. Apply to The News Office. 14.. FOR SALE I expect to have a number of young calves for sale during the,calf .season. Apply to HAIRIOILUD PIEINIHIAIIJE, Bayifield. Phone 5-78, .Hens-ail TIMOTHY SEED FOR SALE. A quantity of tin et'hy seed' for side. !Phone 12 an 136, JOHN SEAFORTH MARKETS. SHOLDICE, Sea'forth, 16 [Butter, per lb. ... , : i ..• .... 21ic Eggs, per, d'oz, 7c- k, Potatoes, per bag 36 • IIIIags, per colt. 44.004M. TSiE Wawanesa Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Canada's Largest Mutual Insurance Cog. FIRE, WIND and AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Our Classified Fire Rates on Farm Buildings of First Class 'Construction are a- mazingly low. Windstorm Rates will sur- prise you. Special Rates to Farmers for Auto Insurance For full particulars, con- sult our local agent. J. H Scott Box 142 Phone 336 SEAFORTH GRASS FARMS TO RENT '50 acres, Ei5 lot ..4; con. 3, Tuc1F- ersmith, ,Huron Rd. Survey., ,also NO acres, lot 24, on 3rd concession, Hib- bert Twp. Grass farm, A'pp'ly ter !TOIHN J. DALTON, , Dublin, Phone 917, Dublin Central. PAPER HA'NGIN'G All work guaranteed. 'Prices reas- onable. For your neat lob see A. 'CALVIEIRiT, George '51., 2 'blacks east of Library. 14 WORK WANTED James Simmons, Seaforfh RJR- 4 desires work by the day ;or \yeas !Phone ' 6 on 233. IL CLOVER SEED FOR SALE Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover Seed for' sale. Phone 40r14, Dublin, Lot 6; Con, 4, M'oK511op, NIIarfoliArs JI •K'RAUS'KIOIPIF, • Dublin, R.R. i- 18 FORTRENT • 50 acres pasture hand, NO lot 1st, Con, 2, Hibbert, good pasture, with ! never failing 'spring creek Rent r *- 's'onable. Apply to P. DI11LJL, Dublin. 15'. PN MEM'ORIA'M iIn loving memory of our dear iia then who passed' away five years agar April 9th, '1927 (,Mrs, Jane Rognos Hudson). "FIow often there tome's before us, Your dear face, fond and true, IFor death can never take away, IS'weet memories, dear Mother, of yots Sad'Iy missed by your family. IN 1VI'11VDORIAIIVI. - STAPLES. -41 loving memory all our dear moither, Elizabeth Stapes, .' who 'departed this life seven, gems ago, •Alpril 10th, 1925., :She is gone but not forgotten) And as.dla-wns another year RI our lonely hours Of thinking; Thoughts al her are always near, Days of -s'adnes's will come o'er as; 'Friend's may .think ; the . wound le . healed But they 'little know the sorrow' That lies within our hearts corm- ceated, -Sadly hissedby her famii1, to rent Lot No. 27, WV. of S% Lot 26, and S% of N14, Lot,26, Concession 7, McKillop Town-, ship, 224 acres, fall plowing : completed, rental very reason- able. Apply to The British Mortgage and Trust Corporation of On- tario, Stratford, Ont. International Harvester Machines -HORSE SHOEING AND GEINIRRIAIL BJLAICKSIND'•b°I`HIN'G Now is the time to order any; new'machinery, repairs or parts for the Spring work. See us for Fertilizer Drill; 'Soil ° Puiverisers and 'Cultivator•,, ''Cream 'Separators and complete F. line of Farm Machinery. . T. Shewielt Agent for International 'Hanvester'rix, North 'Bain ,St, 'Sealforth_